De Amicitia

National Network

Las Huelgas s/n. Urb El Tomilla
28739 Gargantilla del Lozoya Madrid

(+34) 91 8695445
(+34) 91 8695445
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
(+34) 655254709
Mobile Phone (other)
(+34) 616564048
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

De Amicitia is an NGO and not for profit or any political ties. We have a team composed by active members, volunteers and 4 permanent workers. Our modalities of action include international volunteer camps, but also activities in local areas such as reforestation. In addition, De Amicitia participates in international exchanges and seminars for young people, both as a host and a sending organization. These focus mainly on social activities and the promotion of development, peace and human rights.
Regarding the sources of funding, De Amicitia mainly has membership fees, grants for Erasmus + projects and some specific grants from city councils or organizations such as the Madrid Community Youth Council. The partners of our projects are town councils and associations, as well as foreign organizations that are part of the Alliance network. The approximate annual budget is 90.000€, of which 70% comes from Erasmus +, 25% from the membership fee and 5% from municipalities and small donors.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is based on rural development and non formal education through volunteering activities and workcamps. All of our volunteer projects have a solidarity objective that seeks to improve the quality of life of a specific locality or community. At the same time, we seek to develop social and organizational capacities of young people and adults who, as volunteers, can improve values such as interculturality, tolerance, environmental protection, and the importance of peace. We mostly develop activities for youth and education, especially promoting the inclusion of those with fewer opportunities.
De Amicitia is also active in the WWOOF network for organic farming and leads other local projects. In this way, one of the main objectives of De Amicitia is to promote the development of rural areas, promoting agriculture, organic livestock and beekeeping.

Main Projects / Activities

De Amicitia offers its volunteers (both adults and young people) the opportunity to participate in local and international volunteering activities, mainly based in environmental protection and sustainable development, through international volunteer fields and activities in national and regional projects.
In addition, it also participates in international youth seminars and exchanges as a host organization and sending volunteers, mainly in matters of social action and promotion of development, democracy and human rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would love to collaborate with Anna Lindh Foundation in the empowerment of young voices, which have a lot to say nowadays. Our projects allow young people of different nationalities to be in contact and, at the same time, to work in the construction of more open and inclusive communities that can confront extremist discourses that endanger the values of democracy. In this way, De Amicitia's volunteer projects encourage the exchange of ideas and dialogues between people of different nationalities, while helping to improve community development, environmental protection and sustainable development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a member of ALF Network would allow us to stay in contact with other youth associations in the Mediterranean, with the aim of being able to improve and strengthen the dialogue between us. Likewise, belonging to ALF would allow us to participate in the different calls for grants and activities promoted by the Foundation. Finally, membership in this foundation allows us to be more informed of all the initiatives and actions carried out by the Foundation itself that contribute to the fulfilment of common objectives.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ignacio González Martínez
Job Title
President of De Amicitia
Head of the organisation
Ignacio González Martínez
Contact (2) Full Name
Fernando Antúnez García
Job Title (2)
Head of Cooperation

Sekli: Yardimlasma, Kultur, Turizm ve Spor Kulubu Denergi

National Network

Sekli Mah. Sekli Sk No.61
06730 Beypazari/Ankara

+90 05363553606
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

Sekli: Yardimlasma, Kultur, turizm ve Spor Kulubu Denergi is a non-profit organization established in 2015. The main domains of life that our organization aims to contribute are: social help to elderly youth and people with fewer opportunities, environmental preservation, encouraging inclusion through sport, promoting the local culture and tourism and empowering active citizenship.
We are aiming in developing the areas around Beypazari and trying to give a new definition to life of the locals. We want to involve more youngsters into activities, get them integrated into social life, to support their creativity and help them to turn their ideas into action.
We are aiming to improve the life of elderly people, people with disabilities by offering them the young and fresh spirit of the new generation. This, to make them still feel active, helpful by sharing their life experience with young people and building bridges of communications between generations.
In addition, our aim goes toward contributing in the environment, green areas, landscapes and promoting natural beauties which can be a great attraction for tourist, but have been under shadow so far.
Improving the life in the village and vitalizing the agricultural activities with locals, by giving them courage and assuring a trade to sell their products.
By giving support to these domains of life, we believe we can contribute in sustainable development of Beypazari, Turkish society and cross country in the future.

Mission and Objectives

Our organization is new according to the years of establishment. But, since that time, we have organized several activities on local level. The character of these activities has been mostly supporting the locals and gathering them on events that rely on their traditions and beliefs.
We have organized every year, on 1st of May a big festival similar to ‘thanksgiving day’. Almost 2000 people has attended the festival. They give their thanks for the good things in their life and share time with each-other. The message we want to bring among them with this activity is to keep and work together for the common good and contributing in the development of the city.
During the Ramadan time we organize dinners for elderly people. We support policies related to improving the life and their well-being. We encourage those activities that are centralized in keeping them integrated and active in the society.

Main Projects / Activities

We have supported a campaign for protecting environment and nature. The activity was organized as ‘long walking in nature’ and giving the message of the importance of environment in our life and how it determines our conditions of living if we are careless when using the resources of nature. The purpose was to raise the level of sensibilisation among the locals to be careful in environmental issues and promote a harmonious relationship ‘human-nature’

Regarding to sport activities we have created a professional volleyball team and have organized several matches in local level. The purposes of these matches has been for entertainment and involvement. Indicators which encourage integration and social inclusion locals, mostly young generation.

In addition, we have been hosting volunteers from System and Generation Association and involving them in agricultural activities and teaching English to the locals. The feedback from young locals is positive.
We are planning also to organize summer school for young people. Organizing several activities to keep them active and socialized.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are committed to:

- Promote and implement environment protection campaigns;
- To promote formal and non-formal education;
- To raise awareness of cultural heritage;
- To foster the dialogue between generations;

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our association is engaged mostly in the field of nature and environment protection, dialogue between generations and heritage preservation.
In this regard, we would like to expand our network, widen our collaboration both at national and international level. We believe that the Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation will further support our involvement for the better.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zafer Poyraz
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Serafettin Koksal

Fundacja "Zielony Słoń"

National Network

Andrzeja Struga 63
20-709 Lublin

+48 792 573 548
Telephone (other)
+48 601814019
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

We are small NGO with up to 15 people involved in our actions. We are active in European projects and national programes aimed to non-formal or vocational development of youths or adults. These groups include people unemployed, people with disabilities or people with fewer opportunities. These projects usually are about personal development or professional/vocational development, social/civic activation, or raising awareness on issues such as protection of environment, sustainable development, youth entrepreneurship and the need to prevent social exclusion of people with fewer opportunities.
We have usually around 100-200 thousand euro of a yearly turnover. There are examples of our projects given in the attached file.
We involve partners in our international projects from all over Europe and the Mediterranean.

Mission and Objectives

Green Elephant Foundation is a non-governmental organization established with an aim of providing lifelong learning to the youths and adults. We focus in particular on educational activities aimed to face social problems like violence, discrimination, racism, hate speech, problem of inadequate level of education, or problems the youths encounter while starting their adventure on the labor market, raising entrepreneurial and civic awareness, ecological awareness, projects focused on sustainable development. We implement also projects to set work placements abroad, support vocational education of young people, create online educational products and solutions. We are also implementing projects embracing individual career development, vocational courses and traineeships on national level, aimed at adult unemployed or disabled people.
Thank to our experience in the youth sector, we are one of the authors of Polish National Agency publication about youth projects…
We care for the values expressed in European Programes like Erasmus+ and for Human Rights, what was the reason to submit a petition in this subject to European Parliament in October 2020 which is going to be evaluated
We cooperate in the field of social activities and infrastructure with the city of Lublin on basis of agreement no. 24/IPS/21.
We are officially registered as a publishing institution in Poland no. PL/e-ISBN/12513 with an own publications and we are also officially registered training institution no. 2.06/00062/2019.
We are also granted Quality Label enabling us to provide sending and hosting opportunities for European Volunteers under European Solidarity Corps 2020-1-PL01-ESC52-083032.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are aimed at target groups in need of support, adults who activation on the labor market, students who need vocational development, youths in the need of non-formal support, people at the risk of social exclusion etc. For the needs of this application, we would focus in the youth sector. Our youth activities are often aimed at youth workers or youths to prevent racism, radicalizm and hate speech, including online hate speech.

Our youth target group with fewer opportunities are graduated youths of local highschool in Wisznice town, in eastern Poland. That is a remote rural area. The participants often are facing economical and geographical fewer opportunities as they come from remote rural areas and poor families. There are around 50 graduates each year and many of them with sufficient English skills and motivation to participate in a youth project. They are aged around 19. The youths are involved often in our initiatives which we undertake in that region and they are aware of our presence there, thus we believe there wouldn't be needed open recruitment, but only selection of present candidates. Five of them have already submitted their own application under ESC Solidarity Projects Call. We have worked with them within our Youth exchange located in that town and KA3 projects also located there and involving local young people, entrepreneurs and politicians. We are also sending these youths abroad within KA105 projects where we are partners in. We have also experience in working with a similar target group in the town of Krasnystaw in eastern Poland. Those participants were students of vocational school and we organized for them vocational placements in Italy and Spain under VET projects.

In the same time we are a cultural organization which is proud of supporting literacy and reading. We have a number of old books under our care including unique printouts which dates back to XIX and XVIII century. We promote the culture of reading and preserving the books. We also promote other traditional activities like local handcrafts - often organize workshops with people who make homemade foodstuffs.
We use our networks of social media contacts, mailing lists and cooperating institutions and media which include: association "Stowarzyszenie Aktywne Pogranicze", vocational schools in Krasnystaw (ZS no. 1) and "Lider" in Lublin, mayor of the Wisznice commune, Piotr Dragan, the mayor of the Sławatycze commune Arkadiusz Misztal, the head of the Piszczac commune, Kamil Kożuchowski or even lower ranks, such as the mayor of Żeszczynka, Krystyna Karpiuk. We work as a social partner on the basis of an agreement also with the Department of Social Initiatives and Programs of the City of Lublin. We have contacts within regional networks of social and civic organizations. We cooperate with Słowo Podlasia or RadioBiper in Biała Podlaska.

We have organized several week-long training events in our resorts in Poland for almost 400 youth workers and young people from all over EU and the partner countries.
We cooperate with schools in remote rural areas and in the city if Lublin. Our aim of cooperation is to involve young people in the process of self development to make them more open-minded, more critical thinking, more communicative and more active members of society. We have supported them in the field of vocational development by sending them to traineeships abroad and in non formal education by organizing foreign mobilities with our youth workers. We have involved so far over 250 people into foreign mobilities to international projects under Erasmus+KA1 youth and adult sector, so they were able to develop themselves in multicultural environment.

We organized foreign vocational mobilities for almost 50 Polish students Italy and Spain. We implemented VET project in 2016-17 with workplacements in Sicily for students of vocational school in Krasnystaw, POWERVET-2016-1-PL01-KA102- 024895). Currently we are providing career consultancy, vocational courses and workplacements unemployed people in the region of Lubelskie (RPLU.10.04.00-06-0029/18) and the disabled (national range, „(Od)Ważni na starcie!” ABS/000004/03/D). and in 2018-19 VET project with workplacements in Spain or students of the vocational school in Krasnystaw and "Lider" in Lublin (2018-1-PL01- KA102-048055). Regarding this field of work, within our projects we address our support to students of vocational schools in Lubelskie region, particularly to students of the Vocational school in Krasnystaw (ZS nr 1) because their students are often people with fewer opportunities due to living in remote rural areas, poor living standard or other obstacles. Due to location of their homes and the school, there is huge need for this sort of support. We also cooperate with the private vocational school "Lider" in Lublin. We involve there also people with fewer opportunities due to migrant/refugee background. They are often Ukrainians forced to move from Ukraine due to the recent war. Apart from that their learners are often also with fewer opportunities due to economical reasons.

With our capital of know-how we also belong to the authors of the Polish National Agency publication about youth projects…

We have implemented 2 international Erasmus+ Key Action 2 strategic partnership project aimed to share good practices to create educational guide and toolpack for youth workers in the field of preventing hate speech and discrimination online and aimed to work with youths on their start-ups in rural areas. Now we are implementing Erasmus+ Key action 2 strategic partnerships: one aimed for women empowerment and equal rights and 2nd one for sustainable development and reduction of plastic in the environment. We are also implementing Visegrad+ strategic partnership to empower young people to set social enterprises using modern technology and intangible cultural heritage to support rural areas.
We have implemented local projects in Erasmus+ KA3, projects of structural dialogue. These projects embraced over 70 schoolkids and were aimed to increase heir social, civic awareness and make them more active members oft he democratic society of the European Union.
We have also organized youth projects for local youths in eastern Poland meant to raise awareness of the youths in area of entrepreneurship and new opportunities given by social media, internet journalism, European programmes and its reference to the youth policy in the region. We have involved local politicians, journalists and other specialists to share their experience, knowledge and create new products, new quality in the dialogue with the youths.
Within Erasmus Adult Education sector we implement project aimed to send adult educations staf for courses abroad to institutions sharing good practises in the field of folk universities and 3rd Age Universities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe we could contribute with our experience and knowledge to work of the Network in general and to support less experienced members. With our actions implemented among young people in the subject of preventing racism, radicalizm, prejudices etc. we could have something to add to the Network potential.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have learned about this opportunity recently and we believe it works in similar field as we do. We thought earlier that ALF Network refers only to Mediterranean countries as we noticed it among our Turkish or Tunisian partners.
We could contribute to the Network's works while at the same time we would benefit from its know-how and opportunities it gives.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Adam Rębacz
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adam Rębacz

Alarde Asociación de Arte y Design en Entorno Rural

National Network

La Rosina Ecovillage, Poblado Camino de Los Arroyos 3
Las Huertas de Cansa - Valencia de Alcántara
10514 Cáceres Cáceres

0034 643 853 863
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information


We are a non profit association composed of glocal artists. At our website you can see some videos and interviews.
We are not on social media yet, only our ecovillage : @larosinaecovillage on facebook and instagram #la_rosina_de_las_huertas .
We have 3 members and a volunteer, we work on a volunteer basis, even though we are hunting sponsors for our next event.
Our main funding targets are big companies related with arts, photography and telecomunications.
Presently we are co-beneficiaries of an Erasmus programme and we organize an Art Tour next May 13th 2021. We have an open Call for artists from the 3rd of May to the 13th, including the visit to the Tour on the 14th.
Our main partners are the Superior School of Management from Portalegre, Portugal, The Association Happiness Everywhere , the Diputación de Cáceres and Universidad Popular de Extremadura.

Mission and Objectives

To support the work of local and global artists in a rural territory.

Main Projects / Activities

Raia Art Tour 2021
Neo Rural Photographic Exposition
Dancing Between Bridges Erasmus Program
Volume Up Erasmus Program (volunteer leader)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can host events and artists at our private space:

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we love to be in networks

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Henriques Delgado
Job Title
Superior Technitian of Arts and Cultural Dynamics
Head of the organisation
Ana henriques Delgado
Contact (2) Full Name
Diana Silva
Job Title (2)
Plastic Artist

Institut für Mediengestaltung - img

National Network

55122 Mainz

+49 17648283010
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+49 17648283010
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Mainz Institute for Mediadesign is part of the School of Design of the Mainz University of Applied Sciences. The img is specialized on the field of moving image, sound and interactive devices with partners in Portugal, Italy, Spain, Jordan, Mexico and Macao. Modalities of action are i.e. interactive projects"The Sound of Lisbon", "Porto Cartography", exchanges with intl. partnes and blended/present seminars.

Mission and Objectives

The Mainz Institute for Mediadesign is part of the School of Design of the Mainz University of Applied Sciences. The img is specialized on the field of moving image, sound and interactive devices with partners in Portugal, Italy, Spain, Jordan, Mexico and Macao. Modalities of action are i.e. interactive projects"The Sound of Lisbon", "Porto Cartography", exchanges with intl. partnes and blended/present seminars.

Main Projects / Activities

The Mainz Institute for Mediadesign is part of the School of Design of the Mainz University of Applied Sciences. The img is specialized on the field of moving image, sound and interactive devices with partners in Portugal, Italy, Spain, Jordan, Mexico and Macao. Modalities of action are i.e. interactive projects"The Sound of Lisbon", "Porto Cartography", exchanges with intl. partnes and blended/present seminars.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our expertise reaches from moving images, storytelling, sound, interactive tools, mixed reality to gamification.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

First, even a vivid network has to be refreshed. Second: a network should grow.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Hartmut Jahn
Head of the organisation
Prof. David Scherr
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Paulo Ferreira-Lopes

The Sultan

National Network

Grosser Burstah 45
The Sultan, c/o Cube Media GmbH
20457 Hamburg

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Sultan is the common denominator for pop fans from all cultures. Eastern and Western influences are combined through the artist's diverse music and entertainment projects.

The turban-wearing entertainer is represented in the main pop culture media channels: As a singer and influencer, comic figure and producer, “The Sultan” is turning into an established star with international cult potential.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to become the global leader in diversity & positive representation of modern-Oriental culture in music, media, live performance and film / cartoon.

The Sultan is a magic carpet ride to all cultures. It's a unique and independent pop music entertainment project with a
positive and humorous twist to build bridges and integrate eastern cultures with others.

The Sultan aims to be an ambassador of Oriental cultures in western media by blending Western trends within his music and visual content. By removing the misunderstandings and fear of cultures stigmatized by Western media, the Sultan project aims to create experiences that integrate Eastern values for positive representation and inspire more inclusivity.

Building a bridge between cultures via entertainment and solving diversity problems in the western media:
• Few media role models with oriental charm
• Image problem and poor positive representation of the Orient
• Little inclusion of oriental & Asian artists

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Sultan can represent Anna Lindh Foundation's interests in an entertaining way and interact as a media ambassador with continuous creative content creations, press releases and marketing. This is a unique way to reach a fresh and young audience of todays time!

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Sultan's mission matches with the mission of the Anna Lindh Foundation. We are looking for a strong strategic and financial partner to pull together so we can reach our mission targets.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arash Ekhlasi
Job Title
CEO & Artist
Head of the organisation
Arash Ekhlasi

Tiro Association for Arts

National Network

Cinema Rivoli Street
Tyre 1601

00961 81 870 124
Mobile Phone
00961 81 870 124
Mobile Phone (other)
00961 70 903 846
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

TAA organizational structure consists of the administrative board (composed of 6 members), 12 staff members (both full- and part-timers) and 146 persons engaged in the general assembly. The staffs are responsible for the projects’ management and day-to-day work. The board monitors the progress of work and takes the final decision. TAA sources of fund comes from the government (Municipality of Tyre, Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Tourism ) as well as International Donors. However it implements its activities in partner with the municipality and PAX for Peace.

Mission and Objectives

TAA MISSION To mobilize youth people to create new generation able to contribute in changing cultural and artistic policies through cancelling the political dependency, encouraging youth to freely express and be a change makers. TAA OBJECTIVES 1- To spread and establish the artistic and cultural consciousness inside the society. 2- To spread the spirit of sincere perseverance and forgiveness. 3- To develop the artistic young talents. 4- To activate the purposeful theatrical movement. 5- To organize theatrical, cinematic, and poetical festivals in collaboration with official authorities and competent national bodies.

Main Projects / Activities

TAA activities focuses on rehabilitating old cinemas that will serve as a free open cultural space. Moreover, TAA implements cultural activities and events for children and youth especially, such as: artistic workshops (fine arts, theater, music, cinema and photography, etc..), local and international festivals regarding social issues (Women Mono-drama Festival, Tyre Cultural Days Festival. etc..), weekly film screenings, as well as artistic evenings/events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In 2020, TAA had established and online network entitled "Culture and Art Network" that serves to help associations marginalized in marginalized areas in order to let them raise their voices, build new active connections, organize new collaboration. So TAA is able to activate connection between "Culture and Art Network" and "ALF Network".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

TAA aims to know and build connections with associations involved in ALF Network, in addition to establishing collaborations with these associations.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Kassem Istanbouli
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ibrahim Ibrahim

Justice House For Legal Studies and Research

National Network

Salah Al-Din
Gaza Strip
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

1. Board of Directors consist of six member ( chairman- vice chairman- Treasurer- trustee and two other members) 2. Staff : 3 full time employers 3. volunteers: 4 - Last year budget was 10000 $ from local charity - Source of funding: local institutions charity - Modalities of action ( projects- training- legal consultation- legal and commercial contracts- researches- advocacy- awareness) - Main Partners ( Palestinian Bar Association- Al Neelain University Sudan- AISHA Association for Woman and Child Protection Palestine- Nuseirat Rehabilitation and social Training Association Palestine- Women Program Center Palestine)

Mission and Objectives

Justice House vision: A Palestinian state embodying the values and principles of human rights and the rule of law, and a society that believes in scientific research and is committed to the values of justice. Justice House identity: It is an independent, neutral and non-partisan civil society organization, headquartered in Gaza - Palestine, it was established in 2018 by lawyers, academics and human rights activists. The House of Justice specializes in spreading a culture of human rights and promoting access to justice and the rule of law. Justice Housemessage: According to intitutions vision, justice house realizes that supporting national development in Palestine requires opening new horizons and deepening understanding on issues related to spreading a culture of human rights, establishing justice requirements and strengthening the rule of law, where these issues must be examined for the purpose of providing specific and precise recommendations that we rely on in our work. We share it through our programs in capacity building, advocacy and awareness raising, and promoting justice and the rule of law. Justice House values: Independence, integrity and transparency are our core values, and we strive for excellence in all our work. We carry out our activities with sympathy and understanding, and we look at victims of human rights violations as human beings rather than as issues. We also take it upon ourselves to give full consideration to the rights and interests of all the individuals with whom we work

Main Projects / Activities

Justice House programs: First: Research and Capacity Building Program Through our efforts in the field of capacity building, we acknowledge that the competent stakeholders who possess the resources and skills will improve the possibilities of transforming Palestine into a state committed to respecting human rights, the rule of law and justice Second: Advocacy and Awareness Program Advocacy activities are carried out within the advocacy and awareness program by engaging the relevant authorities at the local, regional and international levels in order to build a broader understanding of human rights and spreading a culture that respects these rights by educating the public about the fundamental issues affecting human rights in Palestine and the priorities that must be taken into consideration in order to facilitate building a Palestinian society embodying the values and principles of human rights, justice and the rule of law. Third: Justice and rule of law promotion programme. Respect for justice and the rule of law are an integral part of human rights. In the context of deprivation of peaceful and legal remedies, lack of justice and the rule of law, some groups of society may resort to violence, thereby achieving access to strengthening justice and the rule of law and ensuring commitment to work in the human rights system become more necessary. Sections of the House: 1- Scientific Research Department: to follow up the various research projects carried out by the Center, and to prepare studies, research and preparation for the scientific journal issued by the Center and its implementation 2-The Department of International Relations: to follow up the various conferences and seminars abroad and arrange the participation of researchers, as well as networking with different research institutions and join the research groups. 3- Training Section: its tasks to prepare and implement the training courses projects implemented by the Center. 4-The Commercial Arbitration Section: its functions is to manage and resolve accordance with the law all disputes concerning contracts, engineering, commercial and financial works presented to it, and work to resolve and end these disputes through arbitration. 5-Law and Legal Consultancy Department: Its mission is to provide legal services in accordance with the best international standards for defending the rights and interests of all citizens before all courts and entities within the state, and includes a group of the best lawyers and legal advisers in all branches of law.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

According to the institution vision, Justice House realizes that supporting national development in Palestine requires opening new horizons and deepening understanding on issues related to spreading a culture of human rights, establishing justice requirements and strengthening the rule of law, where these issues must be examined for the purpose of providing specific and precise recommendations that we rely on in our work. we both meet in the main goals to strengthen human rights and spread peace culture we can raise the awareness to fight extremist discourses and radicalizations as you aim through the implementation of training courses, as well we both aim to build a culture based on dialogue and exchange and to empower youth in our society and pressure on the decision makers to promote the rights of marginalized groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

According to our institution vision we aim to make cooperation agreements with international, national and local organizations that support human rights in order to exchange experiences and plans to work together and help people who need support. The House of Justice specializes in spreading a culture of human rights and promoting access to justice and the rule of law and we need other partners to work with and to implement activities that promote the rule of law and the culture of dialogue and understanding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nael Shalat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nael Shalat
Contact (2) Full Name
Rola Abu Yousef
Job Title (2)

Acua Foundation

National Network

Hotel Dieu Street , Mathaf center, 2nd Floor

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Integrity and ethics:
We are uncompromising in our commitment to transparency and our responsibility towards the Lebanese society.

Neutrality and independence:

We are all united in our aim to empower people, regardless of our backgrounds and affiliations.

Community & Network Building:
We operate within a network of like minded stakeholders to compliment and promote existing resources.

Diversity & Respect:

We are determined to maintain a standard of diversity and inclusivity in all of our initiatives, as well as to approach every individual with the utmost level of respect.

Mission and Objectives

At ACUA, our core mission is to embark on
collaborations to achieve common goals of
establishing a better, just democracy.
We aim to foster a feeling of belonging and to build
a strong nation by helping individuals reach their full
potential as active citizens.
We hope to build a bridge and mediate between
public and private entities to seek new endeavors,
bolster already existing frameworks and establish
an efficient network of researchers, policy-makers,
non-governmental organizations and governments
to efficiently target the issues in need of help.

Main Projects / Activities

Bricks Of Hope For Futures Full Of Opportunities
In the aftermath of the blast that rocked Beirut on August 4th, hundreds lost their lives, thousands were injured, and hundreds of thousands of people found themselves on the streets, stripped from their safe haven, and one of the hardest hit areas was Karantina. That’s why, at ACUA, we decided to team with leading Lebanese architects and contractors to give back to the community and help by taking on an entire street in Medawar. Our initiative involves transforming the neighborhood into an “exemplary” street by rehabilitating and beautifying it while maintaining its cultural heritage, and supporting its residents with mental health care to optimize their quality of life. This is the first step to achieving our vision of a developed, sustainable and beautiful Lebanon.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel El Masri
Job Title
Vice President
Head of the organisation
Lebanon, Beirut

Undisabled Health Workers Union

National Network

Cevizlidere Mh. Ceyhun Atuf Kansu Cd. No: 143/9 Çankaya/ANKARA
06520 Çankaya /

0 541 336 68 93
Telephone (other)
0533 495 89 83
Mobile Phone
0506 815 84 84
Mobile Phone (other)
0533 495 89 83
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Undisabled Health Workers Union carries out activities to make the problems that disabled individuals encountered in working life and to make disabled individuals more visible. The main aim of this union is to defend the rights of people with disabilities. In this context, the union provides several trainings such as advocacy for persons with disabilities. Organized throughout the country, the union desires to overcome the prejudices and reservations against disabled individuals by collaborating with many stakeholders and non-governmental organizations. This union continues its activities with project finances donated by international organizations and domestic donations and membership fees

Mission and Objectives

Making constitutional and legal regulations that will ensure that disabled public employees, especially their members, receive wages worthy of human dignity,
It demands to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy their rights in line with the spirit of fundamental rights and freedoms, and to put into practice the practices and rules that will pave the way for second-class decisions of this right,
For the disabled working in the public sector; that they can work in dignity, peace and happiness; ensuring a free, fair, participatory, planning and quality working environment,
To end contract personnel legislation and practices that do not overlap with the concept of job security and public service.

Main Projects / Activities

Advocacy training (Rights-based advocacy training)
Awareness raising and advocacy training on the legal rights of persons with disabilities
Online Psychological Therapy: Union members performing therapy with expert psychologists through online channels
Carrying out sports activities in cooperation with federations
Cultural and social activities (trips, picnics, etc.)
Legal support and consultancy

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to cooperate with non-governmental organizations in our country and to raise awareness about disabled individuals. In addition, we desire to support many non-governmental organizations in terms of capacity building and personal support. Our primary goal is to support and strengthen organizations that operate for disabled individuals. We assume that effective collaboration and governance make the use of resources more efficient.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We do not want our activities to be limited only with our country. We want to experience activities for disabled individuals abroad and to establish the International Disability Federation. In addition, we believe that the formations we will work with abroad will complete our development. We want to be a member of AFL to ensure that AFL's work and principles are in line with our corporate culture. We adopt the idea that new collaborations will positively affect the awareness of disadvantaged individuals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kenan Önalan
Job Title
President/Minister Advisor
Head of the organisation
Kenan Önalan
Contact (2) Full Name
Dursun Ali Dalgıç
Job Title (2)
Vice President/Government Official