
Aditus Foundation

National Network

149 Old Mint Street

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The board of Aditus consists of the 3 founding members, including the chairman. Dr. Neil Falzon is one of the founding members and Director of Aditus. Besides the director Aditus at the moment consists of one intern and a number of volunteers (10 persons at present). Budgetary resources available last year of 2011: income: 8480.56, expenditures: 6208.99. Regarding sources of funding these include: eu funding, private funding, state (via tenders). The modalities of action include organising seminars, carry out training, research, integration projects, pro bono legal assistance, monitoring of reception centres, awareness raising. Aditus work closely with several other organisations, primarily UNHCR Malta, Jesuit Refugee Service, Integra, and MGRM (Malta Gay Rights Movement).
Mission and Objectives

aditus believes in the universality, interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights and strives to promote our rights-based understanding and application. Whereas aditus’ focus is Malta, we work towards highlighting the regional and international dimensions of human rights in Malta.
aditus is an independent, voluntary and non-profit organisation established with a view to monitor, act and report on access to fundamental human rights by individuals and groups.

Main Projects / Activities

We are ongoing carrying out a number of activities and at the moment concentrated primarily on the following:
Meet the other (integration project in collaboration with UNHCR)
Legal advise and assistance (preparing case for European Court of Human Rights, pro bono assistance mainly migration and LGBT cases)
Publish informational leaflet on migration (distributed by the Times of Malta)
Running blog on European Asylum Support Office (
Planning of events for World Refugee Day
Research and report on the level of integration of third country nationals in Maltese schools (FES tender)
Consultation for Children's Policy
Stakeholder seminars (training of e.g. Apogg Agency (social welfare) in legal issues relating to asylum seekers and beneficiaries of protection)
Theatrical performance and photo exhibition: 9 Parts of Desire (in collaboration with theatre group Troupe 18:45).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that our expertise in the field of migration and LBGT issues may be of interest to other organisations both in Malta and beyond.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through the ALF Network we expect to expand our network, apply for the funds that we eligible for, and hopefully find partners (nationally and transnationally).

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Neil Falzon
Head of the organisation
Dr. Neil Falzon
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Carla Camilleri


National Network

Students’ House, University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq

(+356) 79702452
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
AEGEE-Valletta is an antenna of AEGEE-Europe; one of the biggest interdisciplinary student associations in Europe; it is represented by 15000 students, active in 241 cities in 40 countries around Europe, presenting an amazing culture variety. AEGEE is a secular, non-profit, non-political organization. All projects and activities are based on the voluntarily action of its members, numbering around 200, 40 being active. AEGEE works towards a European ideal by organizing and participating in Seminars, Action Weeks and Leisure Events, Summer Universities and youth exchanges. Funding is through European programmes, sponsorships, government grants and membership fees, the budget varying annually according to the amount/type of projects held.
Mission and Objectives

The general aims of AEGEE are: to promote a unified Europe without prejudices, to strive for creating an open and tolerant society of today and tomorrow, to foster democracy, human rights, tolerance, cross-boarder co-operation, mobility and European dimension in education.
The main fields of action are Cultural Exchange, Active Citizenship, Higher Education and Peace & Stability.

Main Projects / Activities

Action Days - a day of focusing on a particular topic in all AEGEE locals providing a great and composition of results, e.g. European Day of Languages
Case Study Trips -research trips aiming to increase the knowledge on a specific topic in a particular country.
Summer Universities Every year, in around 100 cities, multicultural groups of 20-50 young people, enjoy together the wonders of cultural variety.
Trainings – AEGEE offers a professional Internal Education System with about 8 international trainings and many Local Training Courses per year. Trainings - a combination between theory and practice - are a tool of knowledge transfer within the organization, help members to develop their personal skills and complement education with lifetime experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bernice Saliba (SecGen)
Head of the organisation
Chris Frendo (President AEGEE-Valletta)


African Media Association Malta

NGOs Collaborate to Train Young People from Disadvantaged Backgrounds as Citizen Journalists

In a groundbreaking collaboration spanning two years, three media non-governmental organisations (NGOs) based in France, Italy, and Malta joined forces to empower and train 30 young individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The focus of the initiative was to cultivate a new generation of citizen journalists and content creators through the dynamic medium of podcasting. The culmination of this project was marked by final conferences held in each of the participating countries.

The NGOs, collectively committed to fostering social change and amplifying underrepresented voices, conducted training sessions in Italian, French, English, and Arabic. The comprehensive program equipped participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to craft compelling narratives, using tools used by professional journalists, bringing attention to pressing human rights issues.

Key Achievements of the Project:

Over 30 Podcasts Addressing Human Rights Issues: The 30 participants successfully created a diverse array of podcasts, each dedicated to exploring and addressing human rights concerns. Drawing inspiration from the 30 articles of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, these podcasts serve as a powerful platform for raising awareness and fostering dialogue.

Multilingual Training Courses: The project has produced four versions of a training course, available in English, Arabic, French, and Italian. These courses, designed with inclusivity in mind, are now accessible for free to professionals and migrants alike. This initiative seeks to democratize knowledge in the realms of citizen journalism and content creation.

Podcasts Accessible on MixCloud: The podcasts created during the program are hosted on MixCloud, a popular podcast platform. This means that anyone interested in engaging with these thought-provoking discussions on human rights can access them for free, further extending the reach of the project's impact.

Commenting on the Success of the Project, Antoine Jouillie, form Radio Kalon Stated:

We are immensely proud of the accomplishments achieved through this collaborative effort. The transformation of these 30 young individuals into proficient citizen journalists and content creators is a testament to the power of education and mentorship. By addressing human rights issues through the universal language of podcasting, we hope to inspire change and promote inclusivity.

Where to Access the Podcasts and Training Courses:

The podcasts are available for free on MixCloud at podcastinc's Shows | Mixcloud.

The training courses, catering to both professionals and migrants, can be accessed here.


African Media Association Malta

National Network

212, Old Bakery Street
Valletta VLT 1451

00356 99069363
Telephone (other)
00356 79097824
Mobile Phone
00356 99069363
Mobile Phone (other)
00356 79097824
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
General Information

AFRICAN MEDIA ASSOCIATION MALTA is a media  NGO registered in 2014 that promotes the positive contribution of African migration in Malta with News, Empowerment and Advocacy. ​

Mission and Objectives

Our mission  is to support African migrants through communication with  broadcast news, stories and information relating to living in Malta and in Europe through our  online community radio, web magazine, video clips and podcasts. We  empower immigrants with capacity building activities through our integration projects ( local and EU funded)  that impart life and soft skills, media and digital literacy. In terms of advocacy, we identify special challenges of the African immigrants in Malta and lobby for positive changes by bringing them to the attention of Governments and other relevant authorities, and to achieve that, we belong to, and work with numerous advocacy groups active in Malta and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects of  AMAM are related to raising awareness of the challenges faced by African Migrants in Malta and working for their integration into society.
- “Empowering Communities” is an ongoing video project giving voice to successful immigrants in Malta. Additionally, the RadioLit project funded by the US Embassy, the PodcastInc project, funded by the Erasmus + are all aimed at imparting medical literacy skills to migrants and create a pool of citizen journalists.  The IDEAL-M project co-funded by the European Commission and the Maltese government is about raising awareness on the danger of irregular migration. Other projects such as UpGrad_Me, UpGrad_Me.20, A Part of EU 2030, INCLUDE-CE, all Erasmus + projects, and many others are aimed at  empowering immigrants with digital skills, literacy skills, the Agenda 2030, Circular economy and other important concepts and useful skills for a good integration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Regine Nguini Dang, Director of African Media Association Malta is a Steering Committee member of the Malta Network. We take part in activities related to the extension and better knowledge of the usefulness and mission of the Anna Lindh network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To meet Partner organisations in different countries. To join a global network of more than 40 countries and be part of the conversation for a better world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Regine Nguini Dang
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Regine Nguini Dang
Contact (2) Full Name
Natalia Padron
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ

National Network

Agenzija Zghazagh, Annex to Casa Leoni, St Joseph High Road
St Venera

00356 23886230
Telephone (other)
00356 23886182
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00356 79373118
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The structure of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ (AŻ) consists of one Chief Executive Officer, two Youth Officers, one Youth Information Officer, Support Teacher, Administrative Officer and two activity centres coordinators and four minor staff. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is a government run Agency and its funded through public funds and through various funding programmes. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ strives to provide young people with opportunities, activities and initiatives that help them develop their potential in a non-formal and informal setting. Through the year Aġenzija Żgħażagħ organises a number of trainings designed to encourage young people to be actively involved in their administration of their localities and become active participants. Young people are also provided with the opportunity to travel and participate in training courses that provide them with experiences and skills in different aspects that will help them through life. Besides AZ is currently organising a number of non-formal trainings that help young people develop their skills in various fields such as leadership, creativity and project development etc. AZ is also runs the only youth information portal available in Malta, whereby young people can find or ask for information related to any service available for them. AZ works with a number of government departments and entities, local and international organisations, groups, councils, as well as independent individuals that might request our support.
Mission and Objectives

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is all about mainstreaming the policy regarding young people in areas such as employment, health, education and all the others fields in which young people are involved. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ works on three main pillars: youth empowerment, policy mainstreaming and research. One of the main aims is to coordinate the work of various ministries where young people are concerned.
The Policy Mainstreaming and Research Unit strives to ensure that young people and their aspirations are reflected in policy and projects within the various sectors pertaining to youth. The Youth Empowerment Unit works with other key stakeholders to develop, strengthen and facilitate empowerment programmes. Since its official launch, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ has already organized a number of activities which included training seminars for young people who are currently participating in the Youth Local Councils empowerment programme.
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ launched its web portal called Youth Information Malta on the 26th February 2011. The web portal includes general information for young people. Youth Information Malta provides also a showcase of news, events and activities pertaining to the youth field and aims to be a common meeting place for young people, institutions, organisations, youth workers and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ. Youth Information Malta became member of ERYICA in February 2011, and is continuously working with other countries to form a network, and to further improve the Youth Information Service in Malta.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Provide Youth Information.
2.Support Youth Organisations.
3.Provide Informal/Non-formal Trainings.
4.Provide Space for Youth Projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AŻ the national body that is the main source of youth information and is undergoing an exercise whereby youth organisations and groups that are set up in Malta are becoming registered members. Therefore AŻ is in a position to promote the work that is being done by the Anna Lindh Foundation through all its registered members and users. Furthermore AŻ is already involved in the activities of the EuroMed Youth platform that is hosted in Malta therefore in a position to enhance and facilitate the networking aspect.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To join the flagship initiatives that are being run by the ALF and promote them on a national level especially with the young Maltese population.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miriam Teuma
Head of the organisation
Ms Miriam Teuma
Contact (2) Full Name
Irene Attard

Atelier Culture Projects

National Network

118 St Christopher Street, Valletta, Malta

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Atelier is a cultural organisation composed of two individuals who work on a full time basis within the team. Atelier works on a project basis, therefore collaborates with a number of partners on various projects, and also sub contracts on an ad hoc basis. Budgets are determined on a project by project basis. Sources of funding vary, from the activities carried out within European Union funded projects, from national events and privately sponsored projects. Atelier usually works within concrete projects (planning and execution of tangible projects), organisation of seminars, fundraising, territorial marketing for local communities, project management of cultural events and activities. Our main partners are public bodies, foundations and NGOs involved in cultural activities, artists and individuals within the creative industry.
Mission and Objectives

Generating development and innovation through culture and the arts.
Creating awareness of the value added and potential growth through culture, while establishing a new hub for cultural activity and innovative projects on a local and international level.
To create a synergy between the cultural sector, public and private entities and the community, where culture becomes an effective and viable vehicle for economic growth and social development.
To give impetus to cultural and territorial valorization.
We believe in:
Stimulating dialogue and valuing diversity
Innovation and sustainability
Creativity and vision
Technology and economy working in synergy with culture and human values
Education and effective communication

Main Projects / Activities

Planning and execution of European Union funded projects, mainly Culture 2007 and ESF; national projects, organization of seminars and cultural activities and events. Fundraising activities and projects within the community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasha Borg
Head of the organisation
Natasha Borg (Managing Director)



"From Here We Rise"  Project Releases Findings and Recommendations on Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Vulnerable Groups. The project is funded by the EU under the CERV programme.

"From Here We Rise" project aimed at exploring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on vulnerable groups, has released its comprehensive findings and recommendations. The project, which undertook a gender-based research study, conducted debates and seminars, and actively countered disinformation, has culminated in significant outcomes that shed light on the challenges faced by vulnerable communities during these unprecedented times. Key outcomes of the project include: Research Report: A detailed research report has been compiled, analyzing the social and economic effects of the pandemic on vulnerable groups. This report offers valuable insights into the specific vulnerabilities faced by different genders and provides a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted impact of the pandemic.
Booklet Countering Disinformation: As part of its efforts to combat misinformation, the project has produced a booklet aimed at countering disinformation surrounding the pandemic. This resource equips individuals with accurate information and critical thinking skills to navigate through the abundance of misinformation circulating in the media landscape.

Policy Recommendations: Drawing from the research findings and insights gained through debates and seminars, the project has formulated policy recommendations aimed at addressing the curtailment of fundamental rights among vulnerable groups. These recommendations provide actionable steps for policymakers and stakeholders to implement measures that safeguard the rights and well-being of vulnerable communities.
"From Here We Rise" project underscores the importance of understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by vulnerable groups during times of crisis. By disseminating its
findings and recommendations, the project aims to catalyze meaningful action and support systems to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on these marginalized communities. For more information and to access the project's resources, please visit

Hedwig Bvumburah

Centre for Envrionmental Education and Research (CEER)

National Network

CEER, Room 105, Sports Complex, University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq MSD 2080 MALTA

+356 2340 2558
Telephone (other)
+356 2146 3025
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+356 79809782
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
CEER is a Centre at the University of Malta governed by a board set up according to the University of Malta regulations. It currently employs four full time members of academic staff and one executive officer. A number of part timers contribute to various courses organised through CEER.
Mission and Objectives

CEER’s role is to promote environmental education (and Education for Sustainable Development) and Research in the Euro-Med region by seeking to catalyse change towards a sustainable society. It endeavours to offer opportunities for environmental education to empower citizens to actively participate in environmental decision making fora and in initiatives that promote a good quality of life for all.
CEER offers a hub that co-ordinates environmental education initiatives, increases the opportunity for environmental education research, makes scientific and technological research results more accessible and facilitates resource transfer and capacity building in Malta and the Euro-Med region.

Main Projects / Activities

Initial Teacher Training
In-Service Teacher Training
Capacity Building
Training at community level
Training Prospective Youth Workers
Provision of Under-Graduate and Post Graduate Courses in Education for Sustainable Development.
Participation in various projects, including EC funded, in the fields of Environmental Education, Development Education, Eco-Management for Schools and Global Education.
Support to Civil Society Organisations
Research in the field of Education for Sustainable Development.
Networking with local and regional groups/individuals to initiate joint projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CEER will be exploring, together with other ALF partners, opportunities where group synergies can promote a better quality of life within the Euro-Med region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CEER is the main Environmental Education/Education for Sustainable Development agency in the country. We are willing to share our expertise and collaborate with any entity (governmental, non-governmental, community based, etc.) with whom we share similar aims. The ALF can provide the right platform for CEER to catalyse change towards a sustainable society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincent (Censu) Caruana
Head of the organisation
Prof. Paul Pace