
Link Campus University of Malta

National Network

Via Nomentana, 335
ROMA - 00162

+ 39 06 06 853709209
Telephone (other)
+ 39 06 06 853709201
+ 39 06 853709211
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 39 347 2662681
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 39 340 8077673
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Link Campus is the Italian branch of the internationally-reputed University of Malta and it to receive approval from the Italian Department of Education to operate in Italy. Founded in 1999, it is the first foreign university authorized to operate in Italy by University Ministry decree; 27 November 1999, based on article 2 of law 4, 14 January 1999. Link Campus has 8 million Euro resources available in 3 years (around 3 million Euro/year). 3. It are founding by public and private investment. The Link Campus activities are developing by concrete national and international project of teaching and research activities in cooperation with the most important international educational institutions.
Mission and Objectives

The specific mission is to provide international students with the necessary skills to forge a successful international career and to train professionals capable of facing the new challenges of a world in continuous evolution. This mission in achieved by providing students with an environment rich in external stimuli, both international and innovative, geared to generate excellence. Link Campus works much like an ecosystem fostering creativity and independent thinking. The focus is to develop and prepare the student, ensuring that the education given responds to each individual's career aspirations. This focus on the individual is manifested in the wide use of the tutorial system, where the professor and the student meet regularly on a one-to-one basis or in very small groups, and in the limited number of students admitted to each course.

Main Projects / Activities

Link Campus is responding to a continually evolving job market with innovative programmes designed to shape international professionals. Emphasis is placed on foreign language acquisition, comprehensive knowledge of net systems, cooperative business agreements and industrial internships for post graduates, as essential instruments in forming professionals, managers and business leaders. Steady input from top Business and Public Administration officials in the architecture and parturition of study programmes, creates a unique plus at the Malta University both for young students, and for industry. It is also involved in some EU Tempus project : Meda and Tacis in cooperation with EU partner. Since 2006 is started distance learning in Belgrade.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Alessandro Figus
Head of the organisation
Prof. Vincenzo Scotti
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Marco Ricceri

Magna Żmien

National Network

Valletta Design Cluster
Bull Street

00356 99431420
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information

We are a registered foundation, based in Malta and started following the ECoC Valletta 2018. We are a voluntary organisation with 4 part-time staff. At the moment, we have an Arts Council Malta grant that provides 20,000 euro operational funds per year. Our funding also comes from private digitisation work. Our main activities centre around the digitisation of analogue material held by Maltese communities, restoring access to previously lost images, sounds and narratives. The Magna Żmien digitisation studio can handle a range of legacy analogue audio-visual formats that were common among home consumers throughout the twentieth century. The material in our archive is then made available to artists and researchers. Partners include artists and researchers, as well as other local organisations such as Teatru Malta, the Horizon 2020 project Varcities, and the Valletta Design Cluster.

Mission and Objectives

a) To collect memories about Malta, the Maltese and the Maltese diaspora that are held on legacy analogue and digital audio-visual media formats (including sound, moving images, still images, and other material ephemera) by digitising and migrating this content for long term preservation and open access. b) To record supporting information about this content through documentation and further research. c) To produce artistic and academic interpretations of this content in collaboration with memory stakeholders and creative arts practitioners in Malta and abroad. d) To provide advice, consultation and educational programmes in audio-visual preservation practices to individuals and organisations.

Main Projects / Activities

Magna Żmien digitises analogue material held by Maltese communities, restoring access to previously lost images, sounds and narratives. The organisation was established in 2017 for the European Capital of Culture programme, Valletta 2018. It was recently awarded Arts Council Malta’s three-year Investment in Cultural Organisations Malta fund for the second time. The Magna Żmien digitisation studio can handle a range of legacy analogue audio-visual formats that were common among home consumers throughout the twentieth century. Collections are digitised using the best available equipment, and employing good practice technical standards, following international standards set by IASA and Library of Congress, where possible. This content is shared on our platforms and through our activities, preserving it for future generations, while being careful to credit and respect the wishes of the donor. We make the material that we gather in our archive available to artists and researchers. Our activities include: a) Collecting Malta-related audio-visual ephemeral material, migrating the content from obsolete carriers to more stable and accessible formats, and preserving this content to international archival standards for long term public access. b) Documenting communities in Malta and its diaspora by undertaking primary research via interviews, oral histories and other methods. c) Conducting academic and artistic research upon Malta-related intangible cultural heritage and disseminating our findings by producing installations, exhibitions, performances, and print and digital publications that creatively reuse and reinterpret this material in publicly engaging contexts, in collaboration with creative practitioners and researchers in Malta and abroad. d) Educating individuals and organisations in audio-visual archiving and creative project development through formal and informal training programmes and partnerships. e) Developing working relationships with cultural heritage institutions in Malta and abroad. f) Fundraising, and thereby financing, aiding, supporting and developing selected projects that fall within the Foundation’s remit.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an archival repository, Magna Zmien is keen to reach out to other similar organisations in the Euro-Med region, but is also happy to collaborate with organisations who have different aims and objectives, and with those in Malta. We can contribute to the Network through the preservation of this material through our work of democratising archives, collective memory and historical records and of providing access to personal and home-recorded material.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We feel we share the values of the Anna Lindh Foundation, and can contribute to providing alternative narratives which can work towards a more inclusive and empathic society. Our archival material can show populations in flux, and can demonstrate the universality of the human experience. We feel that being members of the Network can allow us to broaden our collaborations, and reach out to organisations with similar values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Margerita Pulè
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Andrew Alamango
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrew Pace
Job Title (2)



CCIF is dedicated to enhancing cross-cultural communication within  diverse communities living in Malta. We do this through intergenerational, intercultural, interracial and interreligious dialogues.  We work to promote tolerance, inclusiveness and mutual understanding. While not partisan or political aligned institution, the foundation aims to support basic human rights, values and goals of Malta and the European Union that promotes equal opportunities to all people irrespective of colour, creed, social orientation and religious or cultural background.
The foundation builds cultural harmony, understanding and well-being of citizens through cultural and artistic expressions as a means of promoting solidarity and social cohesion.
• Humanitarian aid;
• Spearheading interventions tailored to enhance cross cultural communication and exchange programs in all sectors of the communities we live in;
• Providing training on cultural issues, that is developing intercultural awareness, improving intercultural interactions and fostering cultural partnerships with other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in the same field;
• Encouraging self-sustainability and self-reliability amongst people of diverse cultures living in Malta and other selected countries through empowerment programs and utilizing the services and expertise of third country nationals who are resident in Malta and blending them with Maltese nationals for the purpose of integration and information and knowledge interchange;

We are working on exchanging information,Collaboration Learning from other oraganisations' experience. We believe in using available networks rather forming new groupings. We believe if we are to be more effective we have to be part of a growing team of responsive Organisations whose sole agenda is to make this earth a better place and make a difference in the lives of the needy and make our environment safe and preserve the natural resources.

L’histoire de votre réseau

The Geminarie Group, which was elected Head of Network by members of the national network in June 2013, is a Non-profit, Non-Governmental Voluntary Organization, founded in July 1996. The organization started its activities in July 1996 and since then, it always aimed to promote understanding and appreciation of the global community through exposure to social, political, historical, artistic, and cultural backgrounds.

The Geminarie Group is legally bound by a statute, which sets up a Committee of People who deliberate, plan, reflect and evaluate on the core values, mission statement of the organisation, which sets the framework for the policy-making and service provision for the service-users. Administrative ventures are run by the committee itself.  For a recent period of time, Geminarie took up a phase of inter-professional reflective analysis of the organisational structure both on a policy level, as well as the human resources aspect.

Malta Gay Rights Movement

National Network

32, Parish Street,

+356 21430006
Telephone (other)
+356 21455600
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+356 99250943
Mobile Phone (other)
+356 99255559
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Organisation is currently run by volunteers. A committee is elected every year during the Annual General Meeting were an annual report for the previous year is presented together with a workplan for the current year. The committee is made up of a coordinator, administrator, treasurer and 6 members as established in our statute.

Mission and Objectives

Mission MGRM strives to achieve full equality for LGBT people in Maltese society; a society that enables people to live openly and fully without fear of discrimination based on one’s sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Aims and objectives • To educate society with a view to challenge myths and common misconceptions about different sexual orientations; • To identify, address and prevent acts of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation; • To act as a lobby group promoting legislative changes to achieve equality for gays and lesbians within society; • To provide support services for gays, lesbians, their families and friends; • To provide information on gay and lesbian issues; • To set up and run an information centre for the general public on gay and lesbian issues; • To ensure an active presence in society by networking with government and non-governmental organisations.

Main Projects / Activities

In line with its strategic plan, MGRM is campaigning for a number of legislative and policy changes to be introduced. These include the legal recognition of same-sex couples and their families; a new gender identity act for Malta; the inclusion of sex reassignment under the National Health Service; the widening of the NCPE remit to include sexual orientation and gender identity; the introduction of homophobic and transphobic hate crime legislation; and the introduction of anti-discrimination legislation in the provision of goods and services. MGRM is also advocating for an anti homophobic and transphobic bullying policy in schools primarily through its Think Before You Speak: Making Life Better for LGBT Youth Campaign. MGRM offers support services through its National Gay Helpline and also carries out awareness raising and training activities. The MGRM is also responsible for the organisation of Pride Week.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MGRM is the longest standing LGBT organisation in Malta and a recognised expert in the field of LGBT equality. It has a high visibility and is professional and strategic in its approach.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To network with other similar human rights organisations in the Euro Mediterranean area and to be able to benefit from funding opportunities as part of our capacity building objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabi Calleja
Head of the organisation
Gabi Calleja
Contact (2) Full Name
Ruth Baldacchino

Malta Human Rights Commission

National Network


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
MHRC is a non profit Malta base international NGO MHRC has 7 board of directors and 5 employed. we have budgetary recourse available in year 3000 we have public appeals for source of funding. we have projects relief of poverty human rights free education and health in Pakistan and relief of flood main partners are st lazarus Malta.
Mission and Objectives

1. philanthropy Relief of poverty pain and suffering and other humanitarian needs.
2. The advancement of education.
3. The advancement of religion.
4. social and community advancement.
5. The advancement of culture, arts and national heritage
6. The advancement of environmental protection and improvement,including the protection of animals.
7. The promotion of human rights ,conflict resolution,democracy and reconciliation.
8. public health

Main Projects / Activities

Public health:
1. philanthropy Relief of poverty pain and suffering and other humanitarian needs.
2. The advancement of education.
3. The advancement of religion.
4. social and community advancement.
5. The advancement of culture, arts and national heritage
6. The advancement of environmental protection and improvement,inculiding the protection of animals.
7. The promotion of human rights ,conflict resolution,democracy and reconciliation.

Contact (1) Full Name

Malta Regional Development and Dialogue Foundation

National Network

35/5, Frederick Street

+356 2142 0432
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
MRDDf is a registered non-governmental organisation in Malta focused on sustainable regional development and the promotion of social dialogue. The foundation is completely independent of any political party or organisation.
Mission and Objectives

MRDDf seeks to address these issues in Malta by participating in transnational collaborative development projects, organising multi-stakeholder consultations, conducting research on issues of critical national, regional and social interests, and influencing policy making via active civic participation and dialogue. We strive to ensure that marginalised views and voices are heard and
believe that facilitating discussions across geographical and cultural boundaries is vital to promoting equal opportunities to all.
Our work is guided by the cross-cutting principles of sustainable development, social dialogue and equal opportunities for all.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Stefan Schaa
Head of the organisation
Mr. Stefan Schaa

Malta University History Society

National Network

Malta University History Society
University of Malta
Faculty of Arts
History Department
MSD 2080


+0356 23402295
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The committee members of MUHS consist of voluntary University or Ex-University students who have a knowledge and appreciate our national Heritage. The Committee has the current positions: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer PRO EU & International Events coordinator Social Activities coordinator Our budgetary resources vary according to our calendar of events and we usually raise funds through donations and subscriptions. MUHS regularly holds seminars and is currently working on an exchange event.
Mission and Objectives

* To encourage the teaching and learning of History
* To spread knowledge
* To create focus research groups
* Promote cultural activities with special reference to preserving our heritage
* Promote the study of history outside scholarship area

Main Projects / Activities

We hold the Annual Andrew Vella Memorial Lecture.
We are also holding a movie-a-month activity on campus showing history-related /themed films to the students and hold a discussion afterwards.
We are also working on hosting a public lecture with various themes every 2 months and a cultural walk once a month.
MUHS also caters for the publication of the journal STORJA and a gazette by students called GRAJJIETNA.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mark-Anthony Portelli
Head of the organisation
President of Society - Mr. Mark - Anthony Portelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Samantha Abela

Malta’s Latest Digital Innovations: Revolutionizing Public Services

Malta’s Latest Digital Innovations: Revolutionizing Public Services Malta has always been behind in terms of embracing digital technology. The service delivery across the various Government service departments have been atrocious and full of complaints and bad customer delivery service. Malta’s...



La CCIF a pour mission d’améliorer la communication interculturelle au sein des diverses communautés vivant à Malte. Pour ce faire, nous favorisons la tenue de dialogues intergénérationnels, interculturels, interraciaux ou encore interreligieux.  Nous œuvrons à la promotion de la tolérance, de l’inclusion et de la compréhension mutuelle. Bien qu’elle ne revendique aucune affiliation partisane ou politique, la fondation vise à soutenir les droits humains fondamentaux, ainsi que les valeurs et les objectifs maltais et européens favorisant l’égalité des chances pour tous, indépendamment de la couleur de peau, de la croyance, de l’orientation sociale ou encore de l’origine religieuse ou culturelle.

La fondation contribue à l’harmonie culturelle, à la compréhension et au bien-être des citoyens par le biais d’expressions culturelles et artistiques visant à promouvoir la solidarité et la cohésion sociale.

• Aide humanitaire ;

• Mener des interventions conçues pour améliorer la communication interculturelle et les programmes d’échange dans l’ensemble des secteurs qui composent les communautés dans lesquelles nous vivons ;

• Assurer une formation en matière de questions culturelles, et plus précisément, développer la conscience interculturelle, améliorer les interactions interculturelles et favoriser les partenariats culturels avec d’autres organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) intervenant dans le même domaine ;

• Encourager l’autosuffisance et l’autonomie des personnes issues de cultures différentes vivant à Malte, ou dans d’autres pays sélectionnés par le biais de programmes d’autonomisation, et recourir aux services et à l’expertise des ressortissants de pays tiers résidant à Malte tout en les associant aux citoyens maltais à des fins d’intégration et d’échange d’informations et de connaissances.

Nous œuvrons à l’échange d’informations, et à l’apprentissage collaboratif à partir de l’expérience d’autres organisations. En effet, nous croyons qu’il est préférable d’utiliser les réseaux existants plutôt que d’en créer de nouveaux. Nous sommes convaincus que si notre souhait est de gagner en efficacité, nous devons faire partie d’une équipe en pleine croissance composée d’organisations réactives dont le seul but est de bâtir un monde meilleur, changer la vie des plus démunis, protéger l’environnement ou encore préserver les ressources naturelles.