
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean

National Network

Palazzo Spinola, St Julians, STJ 3207, Malta
St Julians

+ 356 2248 42 00
Telephone (other)
+ 356 2248 42 27
+ 356 224842 15
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 356 998 66 368
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
International interstate intergovernmental organization of 28 member states from the Euro-Mediterranean region. PAM enjoys the permanent observer status at the General Assembly of the United Nations. Annual budget 2 Million Euro contributed by member states, with 12 permanent staff. Main partners are United Nations System, European Institutions and Arab League. PAM operates though field missions and reports and resolutions.
Mission and Objectives

Key mission is to ensure peace, security and stability in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with key instruments dedicated to support socio-economic development and integration, human rights, dialogue of cultures and religions.

Main Projects / Activities

Assistance to countries in transition after the Arab Spring. Facilitate the Middle East Peace Process. Facilitate constitutional reform in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Support gender equality and education throughout the region. Facilitate investments, support to SMEs and job creation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PAM will contribute to all ALF networks in its member countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from the experience acquired by ALF and further promote its achievements in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadine Abu Sway
Head of the organisation
Ambassador Sergio Piazzi

Pembroke Local Council

National Network

Triq Alamein

+356 2137 2111
Telephone (other)
+356 2137 2468
+356 2137 2555
Mobile Phone
+356 7937 2155
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Local Government with 5 staff members. The total budget for the year amounts to 330,000 EUR which is totally transferred to us by the Central Government. The Government departments, public companies and parastatal organizations are sometimes involved with us.
Mission and Objectives

To cater for the benefit of the community to manage and carry out any devolution of powers from the Central Government to us.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Kevin Borg
Head of the organisation
Dr. Dean Hili

Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta (PHROM)

National Network

Old Mint Street
Valletta VLT 1513

+ 356 2010 6295
+ 356 2010 6296
Mobile Phone
+ 356 79252098
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta (PHROM) is Malta's first and only national network of human rights NGOs. The Platform is made up of 25 Member Organisations, out of which 5 are part of the Executive Committee. The Member Organisation's field of expertise vary from the environment  and culture to disability, migration and LGBTIQ.  aditus foundation is the Secretariat of PHROM and is responsible for the daily administrative duties of the platform. Two employees of aditus, dedicate a percentage of their working hours to PHROM. For the first two years, the Executive Committee of PHROM is made up of: aditus foundation, Din l-Art Helwa, MGRM, Richmond Foundation and Victim Support Malta.  PHROM was established under the first call of the EEA Grants and has since been applying with various funding programmes to ensure its sustainability.  Taking on a more generic and broader approach to human rights, partners include PHROM's Member Organisations and other International Human Rights Networks. 
Mission and Objectives

PHROM’s mission shall be to provide a national forum for human rights organisations in Malta to develop, promote and advocate for the values of human dignity and equality more effectively.
PHROM is grounded in the values cited in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. PHROM believes that effective human rights recognition and enjoyment by all persons in Malta strengthens and empowers the whole of Maltese society. PHROM holds that the multitude of human rights can only be fully realised if they are endorsed as interrelated and interdependent, embracing all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
PHROM understands that active citizenship and civic participation based on democratic principles of inclusivity and mutual understanding are central to national, regional and international efforts at combating inequalities and human rights violations and improving community empowerment.

Main Projects / Activities

Its mission is to provide a national forum for human rights NGOs. We provide capacity-building activities on the advocacy tools & skills needed to undertake target-oriented human rights activities.
We also are working on giving Malta a strong & united voice when it comes to promoting human rights!
Besides this, we will also be publishing Malta’s first ever truly comprehensive & inclusive Annual Human Rights Report. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PHROM is made up of NGOs working in different fields, therefore bringing together a high level of intersectional competencies. All members of the Executive Committe, including the Secretariat are well-established NGOs in Malta. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PHROM believes in networking. We would like to join to find our further about intitiaves and funds which we could in turn pass on to our Member Organisations. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Neil Falzon
Job Title
Head of Secretariat
Head of the organisation
Dr Neil Falzon
Contact (2) Full Name
Erika Borg
Job Title (2)
Secretariat Officer

Prisms Malta

National Network

39,Alexander street
Hamrun Malta HMR 1524

+356 77375525
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Prisms is a group of experienced youth workers/leaders that came together with the aim of creating an NGO that caters for the requirements of young people. Prisms aims to empower young people with the skills, tools, information and values necessary for personal growth and to be an active participant within society. PRISMS provides to the necessities of young people through informal and non-formal methods of education so as to reach their needs in a holistic manner. We are made up of a core of volunteers and also 2 people that are working in our offices on full time basis. This varies by time depending on the different project funding’s that we have. We have both local and international funding’s, with the local funding’s coming for the Maltese VO and the international funding’s coming from the EU through different funds. We organize various projects including youth exchanges, training courses and seminars. We have various partners both local and international ones that take part as partners in our projects. We have also been partners with some NGOs that are ALF members like Povod Slovenia.
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statment:
PRISMS aims to empower young people, youth workers, youth leaders and all those interested in their own personal development, with the skills, tools, information and values necessary for personal growth and to be active participants within society.
The objectives of Prisms are the following:
- To Empower young people with the skills, tools, information and values necessary for personal growth and to be active participants within society.

- To  Provide to the necessities of the young people trough informal and non formal methods of education.

- To Create a synergy with other agencies, both national and international, involved in youth work.
-To  Encourage youth work through networking with other stakeholders.

- To Update and communicate with its counterparts and the young people it comes in contact with on a regular basis through a website which is to be created for this purpose and other interactive resources.
-To  Promote activities that might be relevant to youth.

Main Projects / Activities

As written in the general information we have various activities going on all year round. Our youth workers are working on a regular basis with various young people from different areas of Malta and with different backgrounds. We are making use of different local and international funds like Erasmus+ and Europe for citizens

Currently we are implementing two long term projects with the main target group being the young people. These projects are Islanders and Explore More.
Islanders: Project Islanders is a youth project funded by the Erasmus+ programme aimed to help young people gain added confidence in themselves by learning numerous skills in communication, leadership, teamwork, social entrepreneurship, marketing, IT and presentation skills so as to be able to either get back into education or the workforce.
Explore More: This training focuses more on the time when the young people come to choose their future career. We are working closely with schools, Universities and other educational institutions to create a one for all platform that the young people can make use of to get information on their future career.

We are also working to promote volunteering locally by promoting EVS that is European voluntary service.

These are few of the many activities that we are implementing as an organisation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have been active in locally since 2008. We have been working with various people especially youth. Locally we can share our experience with the local ALF partners and work together so as to create a bigger network that can have a bigger input and thus achieve greater results with the Maltese community apart from making the ALF network more known locally.  By this the Maltese will also get to know more about the opportunities that exist in the ALF.

We will be also sharing our experience with the local network so that we have experience sharing to create a learning envoirment for all.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of our members took part in one of the training for trainers that was organised by the ALF network in Malta in March 2017. Thanks to this training opportunity he got to know more on the work of the ALF network and how it works. Apart from this our member also brought a good workbook that is full of tools that we are making use of in our various training courses. Furthermore thanks to this training course we have a new list of reliable partners that we could implement projects with. Infact one of the partners from Palestine that was in this training course, is already a partner in one of our projects. Thus we want to join this network to gain from the various experiences and different working tools that the various members in this network have. We also want to get more contact with different partners around the Mediterranean especially from the Middle East and North African coast.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Marie Claire Testa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marie Claire Testa
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Clive Bonnici
Job Title (2)

Renaissance Cultural Foundation - Malta

National Network


(356) 2122 8836
Telephone (other)
(356) 7953 7925
(356) 2122 8836
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(356) 7953 7925
Mobile Phone (other)
(356) 9945 5052
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. Board of Trustees includes Chairman, Artistic Director, International Relations Executive, Coordinator and a Member – all on voluntary basis 2. Started functioning in March 2006 – will be financed through private sponsorships and members’ annual subscriptions 3. Private sponsorships and members’ annual subscriptions 4. Launching a bi-annual Fest (first to be held in October 2006, among other activities during the year, including concerts, seminars, exhibitions and educational projects. 5. Renaissance Productions Limited and Euro Academy of Music & Arts – Malta 6. For further infos – see Statute attached.
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement:
RCF – Malta has been established with the primary objective of promoting innovative cultural programs and projects in an international context.
RCF - Malta Foundation will strive to promote the understanding of art and culture amongst all peoples.
RCF – Malta firmly believes that a better appreciation of art and culture enriches our society and assists the creative potential of our youths.
RCF – Malta will be promoting co-productions and cultural exchanges between local institutions and institutions abroad.
RCF – Malta will be active in the field of cultural planning and cultural management.
RCF – Malta will do its utmost to lure the most distinct and internationally-acclaimed professionals in the various fields of art and culture to share their knowledge and expertise with culture enthusiasts of all ages, races and creeds.

Main Projects / Activities

Bi-annual Projects
2006 – Mozart Fest

Contact (1) Full Name
DR. HANS JURGEN NAGEL – International Relations Executive
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
MRO. ALAN CHIRCOP – Artistic Director

Renaissance Cultural Foundation

National Network

25, St. Christopher Street

(356) 7953 7925
Telephone (other)
(356) 2122 8836
(356) 2122 8836
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Hans Jurgen Nagel (International Relations Executive)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Anton Tabone – Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Mro. Alan Chircop (Artistic Director)

Social Vision for Malta 2035

Social Vision for Malta 2035 The Social vision 2035 document aimed at addressing the new realities that are thrusting Maltese society towards being more diversified and meeting changing needs. Malta has faced growing and new challenges in recent years, most...

Society of Contemporary Arts

National Network

135, Old Bakery Street Valleta

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
SOCA was set up in December of 2011 and currently operates through volunteers that help and support the organisation. SOCA's sources of funding are mainly through sponsorships as well as EU Funds and National grants which the organisation taps into so as to enable to carry out its planned projects.
Mission and Objectives

SOCA emphasizes on promoting contemporary artistic development for which its aims are:
a) To promote participation in all forms and discipline of the arts and culture sector in Malta especially with respect to the experimental arts
b) To establish artistic networks locally as well as overseas
c) To organise educational platforms in the artistic and cultural sectors both locally and overseas
d) To enable a cultural educational path among locals and promote social inclusion through artistic mediums
e) To collaborate with European and international artists thus enabling and fostering intercultural and transnational cooperation
f) To Identify areas within aspects of the arts that have the potential to be incorporated into a cultural tourism product that can be actively promoted by the tourist industry
g) To promote best practice and transfer of knowledge in the artistic and cultural sector
h) To undertake any activity or research which could promote the broader development of the above-mentioned objectives and to promote the realisation of pilot research programmes favouring the development of the cultural and artistic profession;

Main Projects / Activities

SOCA is an NGO that focuses on engaging youths within the artistic contemporary field. Our target audience are youths and under represented minorities and our objectives are to initiate and implement, independently or in partnership with other NGO’s, activities targeted to enhance the opportunities of young people to fully explore and utilize their creative powers in various cultural artistic fields as well as raise awareness among audiences for the fundamental role that culture plays in.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution would primarily entail the exchange and mobility of cultural individuals to partake in artistic projects thus enhancing the cultural and creative experience that would be shared amongst such participants with the ultimate result of exhibiting/showcasing cultural/artistic expressions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SOCA would like to enhance its networks so as to implement projects that involve a trans-national approach thus involving artists, musicians, dancers as well as individuals in the cultural field the opportunity to participate in collaborative projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simon Sultana Harkins
Head of the organisation
Simon Sultana Harkins

Solidarity Overseas Service Malta (SOS Malta)

National Network

10 Triq il Ward
Santa Venera

00356 21244123
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
SOS Malta is governed by a Statute and has a Board of Directors. The organisation has eight employees led by a CEO and a Financial Manager. SOS Malta presently requires an operating budget of approx 200,000 Euros. Our main sources of funding are the EU, National Funds and Fund Raising.
Mission and Objectives

SOS Malta is a Maltese-registered Voluntary Organisation set up in 1991, which aims to aid people experiencing times of crisis and to empower them by providing support services and opportunities to implement development and change in their country. SOS Malta works with local and international organisations to assist socially disadvantaged groups in improving their quality of life. It encourages advocacy on behalf of social causes as well as promotes models of good care and practice. SOS Malta initially started working in overseas development, emergency relief and livelihood programmes. While maintaining these overseas areas of activity, the organisation over time developed other areas of activities, having more of a local dimension.

Main Projects / Activities

SOS Malta operates on four pillars:
Overseas Development
Social Solidarity
Research and Training
Project Managers head each pillar and work towards the implementation of projects within their areas of competence. SOS Malta has vast experience in the implementation of EU projects and has been successful with EuropeAid, European Refugee Fund, European Integration Fund, Community Action Programmes and National Government Funding contracts. SOS Malta has now been appointed the Fund Operator for the EEA Grants and will manage the NGO Malta Programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SOS Malta feels that they can contribute towards the development of the National Network because of its expertise in various areas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network will enhance our networking and will also give added value to the work we carry out.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Taylor-East
Head of the organisation
Claudia Taylor-East
Contact (2) Full Name
Graziella Schiavone


National Network

23, Qrempuc Street,

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The main objective of SOUNDSCAPES is promotion of contemporary expression and Maltese cultural heritage. To achieve this aim SOUNDSCAPES: 1. organises concerts and performances 2. publishes books 3. produces audio-visual material (including CDs and DVDs) 4. develops products related to culture 5. organises courses, workshops and seminars 6. organises exhibitions 7. collaborates with other institutions SOUNDSCAPES incomes are: 1. profits from events 2. profits from dissemination of cultural products (books, CDs etc) 3. subsidies of corporate bodies 4. donations 5. grants 6. state funding 7. EU funding
Mission and Objectives

SOUNDSCAPES is a cultural organisation committed to Maltese music heritage and contemporary expression. SOUNDSCAPES operates within three particular areas:
Performance-arts: concerts and productions ranging from cultural heritage to contemporary expression.
Product development: the design concept and high production value of our products transpose Maltese heritage to an international platform.
Education: developing educational programmes for schools to foster the awareness of Maltese heritage amongst the younger generation.

Main Projects / Activities

SOUNDSCAPES is a cultural organisation committed to Maltese music heritage and contemporary expression. SOUNDSCAPES operates within three particular areas:
Performance-arts: concerts and productions ranging from cultural heritage to contemporary expression.
Product development: the design concept and high production value of our products transpose Maltese heritage to an international platform.
Education: developing educational programmes for schools to foster the awareness of Maltese heritage amongst the younger generation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ruben Zahra
Head of the organisation
Ruben Zahra
Contact (2) Full Name
Deborah Gelly