


Le réseau libanais de la FAL, dont le Chef de file est la Commission nationale libanaise pour l’Unesco depuis 2005, réunit près de 150 organisations de la société civile, très diverses tant dans leur forme (ONG, universités, écoles, municipalités), leur localisation (dans toutes les régions du Liban) et leurs domaines d’action (culture, éducation, environnement, art, dialogue, réfugiés, etc.). Caractérisé par la variété de ses membres, le Réseau libanais est très engagé dans la diffusion des valeurs et des objectifs de la FAL par l’intermédiaire des lignes d’activités mises en place, ainsi que des domaines d’expertise. Dans un pays comme le Liban qui fait actuellement face à une crise politique, sociale et économique, le Réseau libanais continue de faire preuve de résilience. Il prend souvent des responsabilités, montre ses qualités de leadership et agit dans l’intérêt des personnes et des communautés marginalisées. L’une de ses réalisations notables a eu lieu après la terrible explosion au port de Beyrouth en août 2020. Alors que le pays luttait contre ce désastre, de nombreux membres se sont impliqués dans l’aide humanitaire immédiate, mais ont également lancé des projets visant à répondre aux besoins des personnes touchées par cette catastrophe, en fournissant toutes sortes de soutiens matériels et psychologiques. À l’avenir, le Réseau libanais vise à être plus actif et à mobiliser autant de membres que possible pour créer des synergies et des partenariats entre eux ou avec d’autres réseaux.

Libanaises pour l’Egalité (LPE)

National Network

Rue Principale
Joun - chouf

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

We are an NGO non - profit - Organization , consists of 7 Women who have the same vision to empower women and save their rights. Funded by IEMED , we have completed the second phase of the project prostitution and women' trafficking project in 2018-2019 the fund was 10,000 Euro, we introducing during a several meeting with community in multiple regions in Lebanon, the Palermo Protocol. The partners involved in the project was LWRC, Wardeh Botros - Moussawat, Finassol and the gender committee in the ministry of Education.

Mission and Objectives

The Lebanese Women's Equality Group aims to educate women and empower them economically as well as make them productive in society by meeting their needs, especially in terms of training, empowerment and self-realization.

Main Projects / Activities

A Study of the Prostitution A Study of Women Trafficking in Lebanon

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We often seek to contribute, to help others, to make a difference in the world. Trying to make a difference to women in our society and help them to be productive. Helping Women succeed.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I was a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Network against of the trafficking of Women therefore I participated in many conferences With AL F in Marroco, Belgium & Marseille about Women empowerment . Today, as a president of the Lebaneses Association for Equality, I would like to contribute to spreading the culture and the principles of ALF especially in the field of empowerment.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Hiba Chreim
Job Title
Directrice de l'association
Head of the organisation
Hiba Chreim
Contact (2) Full Name
Lama Ghosn
Job Title (2)

L’ Orient Le jour

National Network

Kantari- Imm. Kantari Corner

00 961 1 365365
00 961 1 360390
Mobile Phone
00 961 3 777105
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
- General company of Press and Edition: - Staff Members : 120 - Sources of financing: sales, subscriptions, publicities
Mission and Objectives

Press and edition

Main Projects / Activities

L’ Orient-Le jour is an independent daily newspaper which appears in Lebanon in French language. It was born from the fusion of two newspapers: L'orient(founded in 1923) and le jour (founded in 1935)

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Chakhtoura
Head of the organisation
M. Michel Eddé


National Network

Zahrani Street, Tarazi Bldg, 5th floor, Sioufi

+961 3 294028
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information

Madanyat has a president, a general secretary, and a treasurer Employees are hired and paid, based on project assignments  50 000 USD International donors and cost-share Concrete projects, workshops, round tables, focus groups Being a co-founder of Women in Front, an NGO founded in 2012, Nada Anid, Madanyat’s founder has been coordinating with 30 international and national partners and with more than 25 programs have been implemented all over the country, including all regions, communities and major political parties. She and Madanyat are still connected with 600 women who took part in Women in Font’s activities and who are still actively engaged and regularly involved in various activities in addition to strong ties with journalists and TV anchors UNDP, ONDES, WYCA, member of Women in Parliament coalition, Women in Politics Coalition

Mission and Objectives

Madanyat’s mission is to achieve balanced participation of women and men in politics and in the public sphere, believing that a diversity of voices will lead to a fairer, more inclusive and democratic society. The NGO's objectives are: Actively contribute to reaching gender equality in all designated and elected bodies; Bring together women, youth and men from around the country willing to work for political, economic, cultural and social justice for all; Advocate a new vision where politics is accessible to women and youth by working with all political parties, promoting electoral and other changes and raising awareness about the impact of women’s under-representation; Spread art and culture as a vector of social cohesion, diversity and human rights.  

Main Projects / Activities

Launching a national survey in collaboration with Ipsos and UNDP LEAP to understand why the lack of interest in politics is so widespread among women and what is the public perception about their role in public life; Gathering women leaders from different backgrounds to initiate public discussions, around conflicting or unifying subjects by using solid communication tools: mediation, non-violent speech, respect, political knowledge, etc. This initiative will reinforce the role of women in the consolidation of civil peace and their presence in negotiations and conflict resolution; Encouraging women and youth to take part in the next municipal and parliamentary elections; Elaborating tool kits to act against sexism (harassment, defamation, discrimination, political violence) and establishing a charter of good practices to measure the commitment of public and private institutions toward equality; Conferences about gender stereotypes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can strengthen our network lobby groups to influence Policy Makers, Organize art and cultural events that promote intercultural dialogue and fight stereotypes and extremism Create awards in line with Anna Lindh Foundation core values, Provide women and youth with debate and negotiation skills

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since 2012, when I took part in the Euro-Mediterranean forum in Brussel and got to know about Anna Lindh foundation through its representative, I was hoping to collaborate in a way or another with the Foundation. Because ALF mission is very much in line with the values and the objectives of Madanyat, I am convinced that being part of a network that promotes dialogue and civil peace while respecting the specificities of all partners is very enriching and will allow us to exchange good practices in our respective field of work My country, Lebanon has been long struggling with sectarian and political divides and is currently facing new challenges, I believe that we have many things to pass on to others and also a lot to learn from other organizations’ experience, successes and failures included. Moreover, based on a previous and successful experience, my NGO believes that art and culture, one of the strongest pillars of ALF, are very powerful means to promote equality social, cohesion, diversity and human rights.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Saleh Anid
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nada Saleh Anid

Maharat Foundation

National Network

center Azure-block B-5th floor-new jdaydeh-el maten-mont lebanon-lebanon
New jdaydeh

00 961 3 612413
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Maharat Foundation has of a board of directors with a mandate of 3 years; maharat is managed by an executive director and has four full time staff with other staff being hired on contract basis depending on the projects at hand. Maharat has a wide experience of running projects and managing funds where it has so far successfully managed funds worth $600,000 from a variety of international and national donors such as CIDA, Sida, EU, OSI, Unesco and FFF. Through its projects Maharat aim at building the capacity of young journalists (trainings and resident workshops) in the field of human rights, peace building and media coverage, and build the consensus among different stakeholders in order to modify the legal framework in the field of media and freedom of expression in Lebanon (drafting alternative laws ,press conference, working group, lobbying and advocacy activities)
Mission and Objectives

Maharat is a specialized organization endeavouring to defend the freedom of opinion and expression. This is achieved by developing the media sector, advocating for legal reforms, building knowledge and awareness, disseminating information and building capacities of diverse social, media, culture and civic actors.

Main Projects / Activities

Maharat Foundation is an NGO founded in 2004 to monitor freedom of expression and its practices in Lebanon. Maharat acts as a watch dog to submit reports, indicators and alerts and lobby for the change in laws that limit freedom of expression.
MAHARAT is a member of IFEX.
Based on its strategic plan for 2012-1015, Maharat foundation will be working on the following:
Advocacy: to amplify and intensify advocacy actions for the freedom of expression and the organization of the media sector in Lebanon trough intensifying the media law reform campaign, Advocating for the abolition of prior censorship on cinema and theatre productions.
Training: to build the capacity of young journalists on human rights, peace building and media coverage.
Research and Resource Production: aim at: Creating knowledge, contributing in policy making, supporting the training program of Maharat

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Maharat can share with the network its experience on the field of media,and offer its professional experience to serve the national network goal and activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the network will help us to exchange knowledge, information and experiences with its members

Contact (1) Full Name
Roula Mikhael
Head of the organisation
Aline Farah

Maison d'Antioche

National Network

P.O.Box 29, Zouk Mikaël, Lebanon

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
La Maison d'Antioche est une sarl dont le siège principale est au Liban. Elle a été fondée en 1996 par Mère Agnès-Mariam de la Croix avant qu'elle ne fonde le monastère Saint Jacques-le-Mutilé. Les ressources annuelles viennent de mécènes qui sont intéressés à sauvegarder le patrimoine. Ainsi une famille de Banquiers a versé 20000 $ en 2009 pour la restauration d'une collection d'icônes. La Maison d'Antioche travaille à la mise sur pied de projets globaux où elle s'occupe à la fois de trouver le financement et les experts et leurs collaborateurs aptes à mener à bien l'action. Les partenaires de la Maison d'Antioche sont le CCL d'Arles (Centre de Conservation du Livre), le monastère de Valamo en Finlande, l'Institut Royal pour le Patrimoine Artistique (IRPA) à Bruxelles, le C2RMF (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches des Musées de France), le réseau Icon Networking, etcLLL
Mission and Objectives

La Maison d'Antioche veut contribuer, dans la mesure de ses moyens, à la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel. et par là aider l'Orient à retrouver ses racines et favoriser les liens d'entente et d'estime entre les diverses communautés grâce à la connaissance d'un patrimoine prestigieux qui leur est commun.
Notre ligne d'action est triple:
- Faire connaître notre patrimoine pour mieux le conserver
- Former à la conservation préventive des oeuvres d'art et autres éléments du patrimoine moyen-oriental;
- Servir de plate-forme opérationnelle pour des initiatives visant à la connaissance et à la conservation du patrimoine.
Pour contribuer à ce but la Maison d’Antioche s’occupe actuellement des domaines suivants :
- patrimoine écrit
- patrimoine pictural

Main Projects / Activities

1- Constitution d'un réseau international d'experts dans les divers domaines relatifs à la conservation du patrimoine.
2- Formation à la préservation du patrimoine écrit à travers diverses initiatives (sessions- stages - séminaires).
3- Séminaires à thème sur la restauration des peintures mobiles.
4- Organisation de Colloques Internationaux sur la préservation du patrimoine.
5- Organisation d’expositions à thèmes au Liban et en Europe.
6- Sessions d'iconographie orientale
7- Diverses restaurations d'icônes, de tableaux votifs appartenant à des institutions religieuses ou à des privés.
8- Service conseil pour l'aménagement et la réhabilitation des sanctuaires.
9- Projet d'inventaire et de restauration des icônes au Liban et en Syrie, en collaboration avec un Comité d'experts internationaux.
10- Atelier d'art sacré (icônes-peintures murales- fresques- mosaïques-vitraux).
11- Coordination pour la réalisation de catalogues des manuscrits non catalogués.
12- Numérisation de divers ouvrages sur le patrimoine manuscrit et constitution d'une base de données.
13- Confection de boites de conservation

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmel Dawalibi

Maison du Livre (MDL)

National Network

Quartier jésuite Rue de l'Université Saint-Joseph BP 16-6775
Achrafieh 1100

+961-1-421000 ext. 5310
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
La MDL est une association à but non lucratif avec un permanent et des responsables de projets. L'association n'ayant pas de soutien permanent, elle fonctionne à partir de projets qui, quand ils sont financés permettent de faire travailler plus d'une personne. Le financement des projets est assuré par le Ministère de la culture du Liban, la Mission culturelle française, l'Université Saint Joseph, l'AILF et d'autres partenaires concernés par le livre et par les perspectives que les projets de la MDL ouvrent.
Mission and Objectives

La MDL se propose de diffuser et promouvoir le livre et la lecture, de favoriser les animations et les rencontres entre le public et les professionnels, de faciliter la communication entre les professionnels et mettre à leur doisposition des formations qualifiantes. La MDL travaille sur 3 axes: la diffusion de l'information l'animation autour du livre et la formation professionnelle

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation et participation à des expositions locales et internationales dont le Festival itinérant du livre de jeunesse, le Salon de Paris et la Foire du livre jeunesse de Bologne, Participation à plusieurs projets et colloques professionnels et interprofessionnels, Organisation de formations professionnelles aux métiers du livre et participation à plusieurs sessions de formations internationales Création, dans le cadre de l'Université Saint Joseph, du Master professionnel des métiers du livre Publication sémestrielle de Qiraat saghira, revue critique sur la littérature jeunesse libanaise et arabe et de brochures sur les auteurs, illustrateurs et editeurs jeunesse au Liban pour le Ministère de la culture. Projets en route: La Madrasa du conte pour la réhabilitation des traditions orales au Liban et dans le bassin méditerranéen Un Festival de la nouvelle Bande dessinée avec l'ambassade de france, d'italie et la Wallonie internationale Un site internet sur la littérature et l'édition jeunesse qui, à terme, sera un site pour la littérature générale au Liban et dans les pays arabes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Nadim Tarazi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Nadim Tarazi

Maison Internationale des Écrivains à Beyrouth

National Network

28 Elias Baaqlini Alley, Adib Ishac, Achrafieh
Beirut 1100

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
La Maison Internationale des Écrivains à Beyrouth est une association dont le but est d’organiser des rencontres entre le public libanais et les écrivains du monde. Dans une cité comme Beyrouth, carrefour de plusieurs univers culturels, et port d’où sont partis tant de migrants, ville multiple et multilingue et capitale de nombreuses minorités, la Maison Internationale des Écrivains cherche à favoriser et à développer la réflexion et les débats autour des littératures qui vivent et prospèrent entre deux cultures. Elle se consacre essentiellement mais pas exclusivement à faire découvrir : 1- Les littératures du « nouveau monde » dans leur dialogue avec les littératures du « vieux monde ». 2- Les littératures prospérant dans des cultures multilingues. 3- Les littératures des minorités. 4- Les littératures des migrations et des diasporas et le rapport entre écrivains migrants et littérature de leur pays d’accueil. The International Writers’ House in Beirut is an association working to bring together the Lebanese public and international writers. In Beirut, the multifaceted and multilingual capital at the crossroads of cultures and civilizations, from which many Lebanese embarked on lifelong journeys to different parts of the world, the International Writers’ House organizes meetings with international writers to encourage debate around the forms of literature that exist and thrive between two cultures. The International Writers’ House will focus mainly, but not exclusively, on: 1- The Literature of the New World and the literature of the Old World. 2- Literary work in multilingual cultures. 3- Literary work of immigrants. 4- Literary work of minorities and the relationship between immigrant writers and literature in their host country. بيت الكتّاب الدولي في بيروت جمعية تعمل لتنظيم لقاءات بين الجمهور اللبناني وأدباء عالميين. في مدينة بيروت طالما كانت ملتقى للثقفات، وعاصمة متعددة الأوجه واللغات، ومرفأ انطلق منه العديد من اللبنانيين إلى بلدان الإغتراب، يعمل بيت الكتّاب الدولي على تشجيع النقاش والحوار  حول الأعمال الأدبية التي تجمع بين ثقافتين. وينصب اهتمام بيت الكتّاب الدولي، وإن لم يكن حصرا"، على المحاور التالية: 1- أدب "العالم الجديد" في حواره مع أدب "العالم القديم". 2- الأعمال الأدبية المزدهرة في الثقافات المتعددة اللغات. 3- الأعمال الأدبية للأقليات. 4- الأعمال الأدبية للمهاجرين والأدب في البلد الذي احتضنهم.
Mission and Objectives

La Maison Internationale des Ecrivains à Beyrouth a pour mission de promouvoir la culture et de contribuer au rayonnement de Beyrouth et à sa renommée comme place littéraire de choix dans la région. Cette Maison s’est fixé pour but d’organiser un événement annuel réunissant des écrivains internationaux autour d’une thématique spécifique. Elle permettra au public libanais de rencontrer des écrivains du monde entier, de mettre les écrivains libanais en présence d’écrivains internationaux et de faire de Beyrouth un lieu où se croisent les littératures du monde dans la diversité de leurs langues, de leurs thèmes et de leurs préoccupations. Elle se destine également à encourager directement la création littéraire grâce à une publication propre, virtuelle et sur papier. Cette Maison s’inscrit au cœur d’un réseau de Maisons Internationales du même genre et permet d’établir des relations avec le monde entier.

Main Projects / Activities

La Maison Internationale des Ecrivains à Beyrouth organise des rencontres littéraires annuelles autour d’un thème précis. Les quinze écrivains invités viendront de toutes les aires culturelles et linguistiques (Europe, Asie, Monde arabe, Extrême-Orient, Amériques du Nord et du Sud, Océanie) en fonction des thèmes choisis. Les deux journées se dérouleront au printemps. Elles s’organiseront autour d’une série de dix séances consacrées chacune à un ou deux écrivains et animées par des modérateurs. Les modérateurs seront des professeurs ou des journalistes littéraires. Une traduction simultanée en trois langues (arabe, français, anglais) sera assurée à chaque séance. Le dialogue avec l’écrivain sera accompagné d’une projection ou d’une brève lecture par des comédiens. La revue contenant des textes inédits des auteurs conviés, dans leur langue originale suivis de leur traduction en arabe, français et anglais, sera vendue dans l’espace librairie qui proposera également les ouvrages des invités.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En rejoignant le réseau de la FAL, La Maison Internationale des Ecrivains à Beyrouth prolonge l’action des partenaires locaux travaillant autour du livre et de la littérature tels que Assabil et la Maison du livre. Par ailleurs la Maison Internationale des Ecrivains à Beyrouth envisage dans un deuxième temps de développer, dans le cadre de ses rencontres, des activités en collaboration avec d’autres membres du réseau. De plus, en organisant un évènement littéraire équivalent aux autres festivals culturels et artistiques (« Bipod » festival de danse organisé par Maqamat, les festivals de cinéma de Métropolis, les évènements autour des théâtre de Shams et du théâtre al Madina, ou les rencontres autour des arts plastiques et contemporains de Ashkal Alwan), la Maison complète et enrichit le réseau national de la FAL implanté au Liban.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La Maison Internationale des Ecrivains à Beyrouth souhaite rejoindre le réseau de la FAL car elle partage les mêmes valeurs, celles de promouvoir le dialogue culturel et le développement des échanges avec l'ensemble de la Méditerranée et du monde. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, l'association souhaite intégrer le réseau de la FAL pour bénéficier de son aide financière et technique, et s'ouvrir à d'éventuelles collaborations avec des partenaires basés dans d'autres pays Euro-méditerranéens. Par la même occasion, la Maison Internationale des Ecrivains à Beyrouth, grâce à ces rencontres littéraires encore inédites au Liban, renforcera la rôle actif de la FAL dans la région et proposera un point de rencontre entre la Méditerranée et le reste du monde.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Charif Majdalani
Head of the organisation
Prof. Charif Majdalani


National Network

Kingsfordweg 151
1043 GR Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Founded in Bahrain in 2006, Majal began as Mideast Youth to serve marginalized populations in the Middle East and North Africa. Majal is a network of digital platforms with two complementary goals: freedom of expression and access to information. 
Mission and Objectives

With courage and innovation, Majal addresses issues that receive little or no attention: the rights of the invisible lower income migrant workers, the ‘stigmatized’ LGBTQ community, and those seeking to express dissent through music. Our mission is to amplify underrepresented voices to help build informed communities that celebrate and protect diversity and promote social justice.

Main Projects / Activities

Below is an overview of our work:
Ahwaa: Serving the Arab LGBT community
Ahwaa is a bilingual discussion platform for the LGBT community in the Arab world that leverages game mechanics to facilitate high-quality interaction. Its unique functionality provides a fun and easy way to share stories, request advice, and seek solidarity. Harnessing the power of crowdsourced media to contextualize social movements throughout the world. Advocating and promoting awareness on migrant issues across the GCC and wider Middle East. (MR) is the Middle East's foremost platform dedicated to advancing rights of migrant workers. Currently focusing primarily on the GCC countries and their corridors of migration, MR bridges the spectrum of the region’s otherwise self-contained stakeholders by producing resources for citizens, academics, media, local civil society organizations, as well as migrants.
Mideast Tunes: A web and mobile app showcasing underground musicians in the Middle East and North Africa who use music as a tool for social change. (
The mission of Mideast Tunes is to unite people across social, political, and religious barriers by creating constructive discourse through music. Mideast Tunes has reinforced the value of music as more than just a creative outlet, but as a social tool that amplifies the voices of marginalized communities, especially youth, in a way that transforms the entire narrative around the Middle East and North Africa.
The platform is a microcosm of what the region has to offer. Many of our artists are women who perform across a wide variety of genres, or artists from minority communities who face multiple barriers in their search for expression. With over 1,500 bands registered, and over 250,000 mobile app users, the demand for the platform continues to rise. In these times of political turmoil, music and art serves an important purpose, challenging its audience to reconnect with truth and beauty despite the world’s destructive forces.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Leading and participating in workshops on the use of digital media and technology for advocacy, assisting other organizations in the ALF Network, making other regional organizations aware of ALF's ongoing projects and iinitiatives for potential participation. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share a lot of the core values at ALF and find ourselves to be a good fit aligned with ALF's vision in the target areas and countries it focuses on. We also want to be made aware of ALF's work in the field and to assist wherever possible, as well as working with its regional partners to help advance, solidify and protect other civil society organizations in our field.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Esra'a Al Shafei
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Esra'a Al Shafei
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Abir Ghattas
Job Title (2)
Outreach Director

Makassed Charitable Institution - Houssam Eddine Hariri High School

National Network

Saida 1600

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 961-3-037990
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Houssam Eddine Hariri High School (H.H.H.S.) was established in 1995 by the Makassed Charitable Islamic Association of Saida employs nearly 320 employees. The School is a day, co-educational, non-profit K-12 institution, where modern and updated educational theories and practices are implemented.It offers national and international educational programs in three languages,English,Arabic and French. The school's educational, financial and administrative policies are set by the Makassed Association’s Board of Directors. The School is registered with the Ministry of Education in Lebanon and is currently an associate member in NESA,and an IB world school authorized by IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) to teach the PYP. It is located in the south of Lebanon in Saida city. H.H.H.S is recognized in its local area as a “Pioneer School”; it was the first school to integrate students with special needs and the first to be authorized to teach the PYP and continue to do so.  Tuition is the major source of funding and it is supplemented by the Makassed Association who relies mainly on donations sources.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Houssam Eddine Hariri High School is to raise open-minded individuals who are capable of adapting to changes, assuming responsibility at the personal, national, and international levels, and showing respect to different learning abilities and cultural backgrounds. The school seeks to equip students with knowledge, education, as well as Arabic and foreign language skills. It also works on enhancing their ability to reason logically and think critically, appreciate and use art, use technology, and understand the relationship between learning at school and its practical application in life, exhibiting positive attitudes and values to influence their local and wider global communities.

Main Projects / Activities

1-War and Conflict: This project has been done with grade 10 students for three consecutive years and this year it was done in partnership with a school in Palestine. Through it, students get the chance to read about wars that have taken place in the world, overview its causes and effects and reflect on it. Then, they get the chance to read a lot of valuable diverse primary resources about the 15-year Lebanese civil war, review the “TAEf” Treaty, and propose amendments to it and solutions the current conflicting state.
2- Culture and Identity: Is another project that student work on across various subjects to answer the following question:”How can geographic location shape people’s cultural identity?” Through this project, which was done this year with a partner school in the USA, students develop an in-depth understanding of themselves and learn to interact with people around the world through the partnership they are exposed to with schools from other cultural backgrounds.
3- Women’s Rights: is a project that was done twice. It tackles the changing role of women in the country and the challenges that Arab women face. Students had the chance to meet the female Lebanese activist Linda Mattar and discuss her path of struggle and her dreams for the future to come.
4-Rights of People with special needs: being a school that cherishes inclusion and believes it is a cornerstone for community building, the rights of people with special needs has been a very successful project implemented with grade eight students. Through the project students learn how to respect and interact with people with various physical or mental impairments.
5- MUN program: The Model United Nation is a program that allows students to role-play diplomats or delegates in a conference similar to the United Nations where they research and formulate political positions based on the actual policies of the countries they represent.
6- MAL program: The Modern Arab League program helps engage students from various religious and political backgrounds in Lebanon to discuss various social, political, and economic subjects that are affecting and shaping the Arab World.
7- Adyan/Alwan club: Alwan, the non-formal education club within Adyan, fosters the role of youth as active citizens for peace building in the framework of a comprehensive national belonging and inclusive citizenship.
8-The Big Dance: it is an activity organized annually by the British Council. It is a common chirography that takes place at the same time in Britain and all over the world. It aims at spreading cultural and artistic awareness, tolerance, and acceptance through dancing.
9- Road safety program: it is a non-formal educational club that aims at developing students’ awareness to the dangers of speed, texting and careless driving. It works with students on resolving current nearby modifications to guarantee better road safety standards in our local community and making them responsible drivers in the years to come.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I believe that our school, being an IB school, can be the first piloting school that has all what is needed to be a leading academic institution that would offer training opportunities and facilities to all surrounding schools in formal education themes that correspond to the current challenges. Moreover, our school has an innovative and flexible human resource who is easily capable of receiving necessary relevant training to be a future leading team in implementing multi-cultural themes within the school itself and training other schools to join the practices and the innovation to build a better citizen in a fragmented society. Finally, our school has also been a very active member in various non-formal youth programs that work on developing the youth’s personal, social, and global profile such as MUN, MAL, ADYAN, and ISA program, thus being a leading school in building shared values despite diversification to build a better society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having one of our teachers participate in the third Anna lindh convention held in Alexandria last week, has opened our eyes to the common vision that both our school and the ALF have for the years to come. We found out that our major concern as an institution is to raise multicultural students who are capable of building a fixed identity yet capable of interacting with diverse cultures .Thus, empowering them with knowledge, competences, tolerance, communicative skills, problem-solving skills, and most importantly, a high level of responsibility to enhance social, cultural, and economic development is a necessity. Therefore, this vision we adopt is very similar to that of the ALF which can be our means towards achieving our goals, training our teachers, and implementing diverse topics in our school whether in formal academic programs or within non-formal clubs or social networks and training the Lebanese community as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Lutfieh Mazloum
Job Title
School Principal
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Lutfieh Mazloum
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Zeina Dbouk
Job Title (2)
Teacher and trainer