
National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training (NISCVT)

National Network

Tarik al jdide, Al Danaa street, Al Tiba Bldg., 2nd floor, facing Sabra Coop

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The National Institution of Social Care and Vocational training (NISCVT) known as Beit Atfal Assumoud (BAS) is a humanitarian, non-secular, non-sectarian and non-governmental organization, and it is not related to any political group. It was established in 1976 after Tal Al Zaatar massacre to provide assistance and accommodation for the orphaned children who lost their parents during the massacre (license no. 135/AD).  NISCVT is well established among the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, a marginalized and poor community deprived from the most essential aspects of human rights and who suffer from discriminatory civil policies, which affect their socio-economic conditions. Today NISCVT has services available to Palestinian refugees and other disadvantaged nationalities living inside the camps or close to them. NISCVT runs ten social/cultural centers inside different camps in which diverse gender sensitive projects and programs are implemented addressing the needs of the most disadvantaged groups of children, youth and women, who usually are the sole providers of their orphaned children. Our centers are a haven for them to escape from these societal pressures and a space for them to express themselves freely through art, dance, poetry, and other creative and non-violent expressions. number of staff emplyed : 260  number of volunteers: 30 structure of organization, please visit our website: PARTNERS 1. Germany a. Fluchtlingskinder 2. Italy a. Cooperazione Odontiatrice b. Un Ponte Per.. c. ULAIA ArteSud Onlus 3. Malaysia a. Malaysia Sociological Research Institue (MSRI) b. Beni Ismail 4. Norway a. Beit Atfal Assumoud b. Forum for Culture and International Cooperation c. Norwegian People’s Aid d. NORWAC 5. Finland a. Finnish Psychologists for Social Responsibilities (FiPRS) b. Finnish Arab Friendship Society (FAFS) 6. Japan a. Campaign for the Children of Palestine (CCP) b. Committee for the Children of Palestine (JCCP) c. Rissho Kosei-Kai, Lay-Buddhist (RKK) 7. USA a. ANERA b. United Palestinian Appeal (UPA) 8. France a. Association Franco PalestinienneSolidarite (AFPS) b. Handicap International 9. Spain RESCAT 10. Canada Human Concern International 11. United Kingdom MAP 12. Belgium Action Development ParrainagesMondiaux (ASBL) 13. Switzerland VereinFuer Die Unterst (PalCH) 14. Lebanon Welfare UNICEF Royal Norwegian Finnish Embassy Embassy of Japan
Mission and Objectives

NISCVT aims to contribute to the development of the Palestinian community in Lebanon through services addressing the needs of the families, and through various gender-balanced projects empowering the potentials and skills of the children, youth and their parents or guardians.

Empowering sponsored families, by supporting them to be able to improve their Socio-economic conditions.

Provide the youth with a platform for self-expression and opportunities to open dialogues with youth from other countries.

Develop economic and professional opportunities for youth through gender-balanced programs.

Preserve the Palestinian identity by preserving its cultural heritage and transmitting it to the new generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Family Happiness Program
This program addresses the families which are most needy through:

Sponsorship program for 1350 orphaned children, whereby families and individuals support children financially.

Social and educational services for sponsored families and children.
Education Programs
These programs are both formal (schools) and informal (support), they provide:
• Vocational training programs for young men and women offering a certificate.
• Scholarships for vocational training and university students.
• Remedial classes for primary school children, to support children attending UNRWA schools.
• Literacy classes for school drop-outs and three classes for girls with special needs.
• 8 kindergartens with three classes each inside the camps serving around 600 children at the end of which they are able to enroll in UNRWA elementary schools.
• Co-ed computer training programs offering a certificate.
Mothers’ Empowerment Programs
These programs address women, especially mothers by providing:

Embroidery training and production project.

Literacy programs.

Cultural, social and recreational activities.
Health programs
NISCVT health programs address all family members in the camps:

A Mental Health program for children and youth (Family Guidance Center) operates through five clinics for assessment, therapy and rehabilitation for all family members.

Specialized dental clinics for children in six camps which also carry awareness campaigns for dental health care.

Five Reproductive Health centers, provide treatment and counseling for the youth.
Varied Empowerment Programs
These programs aim at developing the capacities of individuals on one hand and awareness about their rights especially enjoying their own heritage on the other, this is done through: 

Training workshops on human rights, living values, health education and environmental issues for youth.

Special art and music programs for children and youth.

Educational, sports, scouts, recreational and cultural activities, and summer activities for children and youth.

“Youth Friendship Volunteer Project” and a cultural exchange project with participation of youth from different countries.

Relief operations during crisis and situations of war and disasters.

Palestinian heritage projects encompassing children youth and older family members.

In-service training, workshops, and seminars for NISCVT staff and other NGO staff.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Joining this network can assist us in implementing some beneficial projects for the Palestinian refugees living in all the camps in Lebanon; most of the population lives under the poverty line and in very bad environmental conditions. This would be achieved through collaboration with other regional and international NGOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joing ALF Network allows us to connect with various institutions. Thus its very important to have a strong connection with different regional and international parties because such connection would help us to collaborate  in a better way and improve our funding for the projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Kassem Aina
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Kassem Aina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Hanan Masri
Job Title (2)
Public Relations
Nayla Tabbara

Nayla Tabbara

Vice Chairperson and senior Expert at Adyan Foundation- Lebanon. Former Director of the Institute of Citizenship and Diversity Management - Adyan Foundation (2015-2020). Tabbara holds a PhD in Science of Religions from Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Sorbonne-Paris) and Saint...

Nayla Tabbara

Nayla Tabbara

Vice-présidente et experte à la Fondation Adyan - Liban. Nayla Tabbara est ancienne directrice de l'Institut de gestion de la citoyenneté et de la diversité - Fondation Adyan (2015-2020). Elle est titulaire d'un doctorat en sciences des religions de l'Ecole...


National Network

Beyrouth – Rue Clemenceau- Ecole des Filles de la Charité

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1- N.G.O registered in the official journal of Lebanon no 212 AD. Committee members : 5 members . Members in charge : 10. Active members : 267. Number of partners : 100 schools / 21 local associations /4 internationals . 2- USD 60.000 3- Donations: ( 60.000 usd) and nature donations (40 companies , 200.000 USD) value). 4-Development of misery centre: a- Prisons b- Juvenile delinquency c- Renovated districts . d- Vacation camps E- Rebuilding site 5 - Offre joie France, ASMAE, local municipalities, scouts
Mission and Objectives

- To help to create oasis of meetings between Lebanese youth and children, without any discrimination of regions or religions .
- To promote the value of the citizenship by direct engagement for the most disadvantaged people of the society through sustainable development projects.
- Summer camps.
- Reconstruction site (Prisons , Schools )
- Sustainable development (districts of misery )
- Seminars.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mohamad HAMADE
Contact (2) Full Name

Online Networking Session between Albania, Denmark and Lebanon (21/12/23)

Online Networking Session between Albania, Denmark and Lebanon

Members of the ALF Lebanese Network participated in an online networking session on 21 December 2023 with Albanian and Danish members to discuss the joint challenges they face and to generate ideas for cooperation in addressing those challenges.

This session facilitated by the Coordinator of the Lebanese Network, was part of a series initiated by the Albanian Media Institute (HoN Albania) in collaboration with Our Common Future (HoN Luxembourg), Agir Ensemble (HoN Morocco) and the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (HoN Lebanon. This initiative gathered approximately 50 network members, fostering collaboration between ALF network members across the North and South of the Mediterranean.

Discussions revealed that challenges faced by all countries were remarkably similar, marking a crucial step towards fostering synergies and joint actions. The thematic focus encompassed youth engagement, gender equality/gender-based violence, diversity and human rights, polarization and hate speech, along with media and information literacy.

Post-sessions, HoN in Albania initiated a call for proposals, encouraging participating members to apply and address the shared challenges identified during the discussions.

Participation of Members of the Lebanese Network in the BAU NGO Fair 2024

bau ngo fair

The 8th NGO Fair organized by the Human Rights Center at Beirut Arab University in collaboration with the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (Head of the ALF Lebanese Network) took place on Monday 29 April 2024, from 10 am to 3 pm at Beirut campus. It served as a crucial platform for students to explore various forms of activism in Lebanon. This year’s theme “Bridging Gaps, Celebrating Human Rights, and Advancing the SDGs” aimed to highlight the importance of human rights and sustainable development goals, with the participation of 20 NGOs along with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – Lebanon (UNODC), as well as the BAU UNESCO Club, DSC Club and Red Cross Club.

Among the participants were members of the Lebanese Network: Adyan Foundation, Amel Association International, Makhzoumi Foundation, NAHNOO, Dawaer Foundation, Lebanese Spotlight, Haqi-Awrath and Unity Up.

And as part of the collaboration with the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO, secondary cycle students from 3 UNESCO ASPnet schools attended the Fair: Heritage College, Hariri High School 3, and Makassed Omar bin Al-Khattab College.

Partners We Are in Lebanon (PartnersLebanon)

National Network

Mar Elias Street - Tallet el Khayat Building - 2nd floor
Beirut 1105

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

PartnersLebanon, a member of the Partners Global network, was established in 2017 as registered nongovernmental organization. We infuse arts programming with conflict mediation tools to bridge cultural divides, re-inject the historical memory of heritage, and cultivate a sense of unity and belonging in Lebanese communities. By using arts as a tool for grassroots conflict management, PartnersLebanon promotes sustainable peace, especially among youth, so they may pass this sense of cohesion on to future generations.

Mission and Objectives


PartnersLebanon has a vision for a Lebanon where its diverse communities coexist in harmony and dignity with a shared sense of identity and belonging above all ideologies and beliefs; collaborating towards achieving and sustaining peace, prosperity and inclusion.


PartnersLebanon uses creativity to bridge divides; empower women and youth; and, promote sustainable development. Through our programming, we bring together different actors and diverse perspectives to connect on a deeper level through the transformative power of the arts for social change.

Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With Arts and Culture as our priority reinforcement approach, we recognize that our focus on individual relationships through music and personal well-being (such as mindfulness practices) is only part of a process of lasting social change. PartnersLebanon is committed to linking our programs with broader societal change initiatives that are focused on improving good governance and responsiveness to the needs of marginalized populations. We will connect with advocacy networks, such as the ALF Network in Lebanon, to ensure access to the stories and needs of our community constituents. We will also use the creative content and channels we develop in collaboration with like-minded peers to promote advocacy messages for long-term positive change in Lebanon.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PartnersLebanon's aims and objectives are in full agreement and alignment with those of the ALF Network members.

We constantly seek to collaborate with impactful change-makers, exchange knowledge and expertise promoting successful forms of narratives for peace; empowering and guiding youth towards creating positive change in our societies; mitigating social conflicts, bridging social divides created by the past decades of civil war in our country; and strengthening resiliency and determination against all levels of discrimination and social injustice.

We eagerly look forward to mutual productive engagements in the near future.

Contact (1) Full Name
May Farid Nasr
Job Title
Founding/Executive Director
Head of the organisation
May Nasr
Contact (2) Full Name
Carole Hawa Charro
Job Title (2)
Administrative Officer

Peace Initiatives

National Network

L'Usine Alita
Byblos 1401

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Peace Initiatives is headed by an an administrative council composed of 9 members elected for 3 years. Our last elections took place in February 2011. Our organization is entirely volunteer based and we have no paid staff. From 2006 to 2008, we relied on private funding (philanthropists). Since 2008, our activities were co-financed by our partners (peace education). Since the beginning of 2011, two of our activities were financed through grants, and we have applied for two new grants for our next projects. Peace Initiatives is developing an innovative program in "Peace and diversity" education that it delivers to youth through specific trainings and workshops. These workshops also include the production of a culture artifact, such as cartoon-making (in 2006 and 2007), acting/theater (2006-2009), documentary (2008, 20101). Our partners have included international NGOs (nhaual , local NGOS, Municipalities (Haret Hreik Deir el Qamar), informal organizations (Mafpa, Private commodies 2009
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote and expand a culture of peace and diversity throughout Lebanon, through recreational, cultural, educational and artistic activities. We believe that Lebanon has hardly tapped into its cultural and religious diversity because of its fragmentation. People boast about the country's diversity but do not know much about it. Through our activities, we encourage people to discover and explore cultural and religious differences, by becoming more mobile, curious and engaging. We aim at developing projects that expand and develop cross-communal, interfaith and intercultural dialogue and reconciliation. Peace Initiatives engages in activities that diffuse a peace culture and uphold and advance cultural and religious diversity. Our actions are mostly youth oriented. We believe that youth play a special role in the struggle against mistrust, prejudice, resentment and ignorance. We find it crucial to enable them to become irreplaceable actors in the maintenance and advancement of peace.

Main Projects / Activities

Education workshops and training for peace - Sawa 1, "Together for Peace in Time of War" (summer 2006). - Sawa 2, "Introduction to Peace and Diversity" (summer 2007). - Liqa'at lil-Tawasol (summer 2008), follow up activity to Sawa 2. - Peace Workouts (September 2010) - Training for Peace in collaboration with Aie Serve (winter 2010). - Lobbying for environmental projects, improvisational theatre, promoting self-confidence. - Theatre of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal. - Conflict resolution. Cultural events - Introduction to theatrical improvisation on the theme of otherness. - Cineclub on the theme of “encounters”. - Exhibition on the theme "flowers and peace" Psychological support: - Support for a group of young volunteers engaged in relief operations (compassion / fatigue management). Advocacy: - Celebration of World Peace Day, film screening followed by an Iftar (September 21, 2007). - Commemoration of the outbreak of the Civil War: organizing the "Carrefour des associations - 33 years of commitment to peace" (April 13, 2008). - Participation in the International Fair for Peace Initiatives, Paris (spring 2008). Partnerships, collaboration, civic engagement: - With the library association Assabil for running a film club and a theatre workshop. - With the House of Franco-Palestinian Friendship (MAFPA) and the Jinishian Memorial Program for Sawa 2. - With Sustainable Democracy Center (SDC) as part of its project "Bridging National Solidarity". - Active participation in the campaign “Ou3a"(2007). - Participation in the march "Our unity is our salvation" organized by 50 Lebanese NGOs (April 13, 2008). - Active participation in the movement Khalass! (2007-2008) - Participated in the founding of the Arab Network for Non-Violence in Amman. - Organization of the World Social Forum with Lebanon’s Permanent Peace Movement and the support of Nova (Spain). - Partnership with the Permanent Peace Movement on their proposed Youth Council.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jihad Nammour
Head of the organisation
Dr. Jihad Nammour

Peace of Art

National Network

Jdaideh-Fakeha, near Mar Jerjes Church, Al-Ain Main Road

+961 76625076
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+961 70737223
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

We are a local youth NGO that uses art and culture in place of conflict and violence as tools to promote Peace. Currently, we have two paid staff members, and 15 volunteers. Budgetary resource in a year: About 30,000 Euros Sources of previous funding: Euromed Feminist Initiative – E.U. Madad, U.S. Embassy Beirut, U.N. Youth Solidarity Fund, and we also receive a small amount of funds from art and music classes. Modalities of action: There are too many to list. I have attached a summary of our activities for the last two years. Main partners: United Nations Network of Young Peacebuilders, E.U., U.N., U.S. Embassy Beirut

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Positive Young Changemakers Peace of Art is a local organization that uses Art and culture in place of conflict and violence as tools to promote Peace. We create groups of young changemakers to be the future leaders in Art and to transform a culture of violence, discrimination, extremism and ignorance into tolerance, acceptance, development, and freedom. We break barriers and create an alternative culture that promotes peaceful coexistence and reduces the negative impact of conflict and armed violence in villages of different ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds in North Bekaa through art, education, and culture. Objectives: Build a youth-led community where art and other nonviolent means of communication are employed for the betterment of society. We do this through designed programs that focus on fine art training (music, theater, photography, film making, drawing), and civil training (citizenship, acceptance toward others, leadership skills, conflict mediation and resolution).

Main Projects / Activities

Peace of Art’s Activities: Art trainings (music, theater, photography, video art production, robotics); civil trainings (conflict resolution, peace building thought art and education, leadership skills, tolerance, acceptance toward others); capacity building for youth & women (preserving cultural heritage, carpet weaving, musical instruments, local handmade crafts, and language courses); and organizing youth training programs, and art events (music festivals, photography and drawing exhibitions, film screenings).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We build youth-led community dialogues though the fine arts which are building alternative narratives to extremist beliefs and ideologies. So we can contribute by being a voice for the North Bekaa region and a representative of youth-led intercultural dialogue and relations in the area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are in a very rural area and we are the only activity center within a two-hour drive for 400,000+ Lebanese and Syrian refugees. Additionally, we are the only activity center that works on intercultural dialogue within an even greater distance. We rely on our participation in the global community to enhance and support our work and connect with partners to strengthen our skills, outreach, and policy advocacy, as art is often the last priority in places of conflict; and Lebanon has seen/is seeing its share of conflict. We would also like a greater opportunity to partner with local organizations that we may not normally connect with due to our ruralness. ALF is the perfect way to connect globally with organizations that promote dialogue between cultures. We would also be excited to offer the opportunity for our youth to participate in dialogues at the "Young Mediterranean Voices"

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahdi Yahya
Head of the organisation
Mahdi Yahya
Contact (2) Full Name
Vera Mawla

Pen Lebanon

National Network

Hazmieh Baabda Bassil Building

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information

Pen Lebanon was founded in 2012 by prominent Lebanese writers and journalists. Among these names Iman Humaydan, Hassan Daoud, Abbass Beydoun, Yussef Bazzi, Chaza Charafeddine, Hala Kawsarani; Hazem Saghieh, Mohammad Abi Samra, Alawiyah Sobh, Marie Tawk,  and many others. Pen Lebanon focused mainly on the youth through its activities in schools and cultural clubs. It aimed at narrowing the gap between the youth and literature by encouraging them to read and to express themselves. Encounters that bring writers and secondary students together took place in many places in Lebanon mainly in public schools in remote areas of the country. Our partner in this project was the American University in Beirut, Writers Unlimited in Netherlands,  and Pen International.  In order to achieve and implement its projects Pen Lebanon depends upon the membership fees and on its partners as well as on the volonteer work of its members. There are no staff members in Pen Lebanon and no office base. Our archives are on our Facebook page and our mails. WE organoze meetings in cafes and in our homes. However, in 1948 Camille Aboussouan, writer and ambassador has founded Pen Liban , then a member in pen International, which was a Francophone Pen center. During the civil wars in Lebanon ( 1975-1990) Pen Liban was not active and later it was put into dormant.   In 2012, one of the members of the old Pen Liban, Hyam Yared, poet and novelist, made contacts with many Lebanese writers and journalists to found a new Pen.  A new Pen center was founded with a new registration number and a new legal identity. It includes Lebanese writers who write Arabic, French as well as English. Pen Lebanon is a reflection of the cultural and linguistic diversity of the country. Since its establishment, Pen Lebanon became an active member of  Pen International.  The center has been presided by Hyam Yared (poet and novelist) from 2012 till 2015. At present it is presided by Iman Humaydan (novelist and researcher). Elections for a new board will take place in January 2020.  

Mission and Objectives

Pen Lebanon is  an affiliated and active member in Pen International based in London. Thus it follows the general chart of Pen International that calls for freedom of expression of thinking of imagination and fights against repression and censorship. WE chose to work with public schools mainly in the remote areas inorder to support the new generation and to encourage it to love reading and love writing literary texts.

Main Projects / Activities

Since two years and beside readings in public schools, Pen Lebanon expanded its activities and became a founding member in Salon de Livre in France maghreb de Livres. IN February 2019, Pen Lebanon invited 2 Lebanese writers to participate in the book fair: Tracy Chahwan and Dr. Ahmad Beydoun. Pen Lebanon covered the financial and logistic expenses of both writers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By many ways, mainly exchange in experience ,. ideas and openness

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be an active part of the whole and to give and take experiences and ideas on cultural developemnt.

Contact (1) Full Name
Akram Rayyess
Head of the organisation
Hassan Daoud