
KilmiOnline & The 100 Arab Readers Initiative

National Network

Rwuis District
Khalifeh Bldg. 1st Floor

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The 100 Readers Initiative, established in 2019 by a sole founder (myself), and has recently expanded its team by employing two new members: 1- Firas Khalifeh, a media presenter specializing in media and currently having his TV program (شارع الحمرا) focusing on cultural and reading content, and 2- Nancy Hussein, she’s an engineer with expertise in technical development and three additional majors necessary to our project.

The initiative was initially funded by personal savings after I returned from the Gulf where I worked as a teacher for around seven years. It prioritizes fostering a culture of reading and facilitating cross-cultural dialogue among youth in the Arab region. Operating as a community-focused endeavor, the online bookstore offers affordable books to incentivize reading.

Due to funding challenges in parallel with the current situation in Lebanon, the initiative temporarily halted its activities. However, with a growing demand from readers and recognition of its significance in bridging cultural divides, the initiative is seeking urgent funding to revitalize its operations and expand its impact.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the 100 Readers Initiative is to cultivate a vibrant reading culture and promote intercultural understanding among youth in the Arab region. Our primary objective is to empower individuals to embrace the enriching world of literature, fostering dialogue, empathy, and critical thinking skills essential for personal and societal growth.

Through our online bookstore, we aim to make quality literature accessible to readers at affordable prices, thereby removing barriers to entry and encouraging widespread engagement with books. We seek to spark a passion for reading and lifelong learning, recognizing the transformative power of literature in shaping minds and shaping societies.

Furthermore, we strive to bridge cultural divides by facilitating exchanges and conversations around literature, promoting mutual respect and appreciation for diverse perspectives. By leveraging technology and partnerships, we aim to expand our reach and impact, connecting readers across borders and fostering a sense of community united by a shared love for reading and learning.

To gain a deeper understanding of our objectives and our roadmap to reach a million readers in Arab countries, we invite you to visit our Facebook post announcing the launch of the initiative in 2019 by visiting the following link:…

Main Projects / Activities

Our flagship project, the 100 Arab Readers Initiative, serves as a catalyst for fostering a love for literature and cross-cultural dialogue among youth in the Arab region. To learn more about the mechanisms and impact of our initiative, we invite you to visit the following link:

Additionally, our current activity can be explored through this link:

To access the platform for our previous activity, please visit the following link: Use reader's name: (ALF) and code: (0123456789), then click on the yellow link that appears upon entering the correct credentials.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The 100 Readers Initiative can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Lebanon by actively participating in and supporting initiatives aimed at promoting literacy, cultural exchange, and dialogue among youth. Through our established platform, we can collaborate with local organizations and institutions aligned with the Foundation's goals to organize reading events, book clubs, and educational workshops. Additionally, we can share our expertise in leveraging technology to enhance access to literature and foster cross-cultural understanding, thereby enriching the Network's efforts to promote intercultural dialogue and cooperation in our community.

By engaging with the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, we aim to amplify our impact and contribute to building a more inclusive and interconnected society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am eager to join the ALF Network for several reasons. Firstly, I recognize the immense value of networking and connecting with like-minded organizations dedicated to fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding. By becoming a part of the ALF Network, I aim to collaborate with other passionate individuals and organizations to amplify our collective impact and exchange valuable insights and resources.

Moreover, the opportunity to access funding through the ALF Network is crucial for the sustainability and growth of our initiative, especially given the challenging economic situation in Lebanon. Securing additional resources will enable us to expand our reach, develop innovative programs, and better serve our community of readers.

Additionally, I am keen to participate in the professional development opportunities offered by ALF. Engaging in training, workshops, and conferences organized by ALF will enhance our team's skills and expertise, allowing us to effectively address the evolving needs of our audience and maximize our impact.

Furthermore, joining the ALF Network aligns with our commitment to promoting literacy, cultural exchange, and dialogue, values that are central to the mission of the foundation.

By collaborating with ALF and its diverse network of stakeholders, we can contribute to building a more inclusive and interconnected society where the transformative power of reading is accessible to all.

In summary, I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining the ALF Network to access funding, engage in professional development opportunities, and connect with like-minded organizations. Together, we can work towards our shared goal of fostering intercultural understanding and promoting a culture of reading in the Arab world and beyond.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Khalifeh
Job Title
Founder & CEO
Head of the organisation
Mohammad Khalifeh


National Network

Gemmayzeh, Gouraud street
Gouraud street
Beirut 1100

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Koun, meaning "be" in Arabic, is a Lebanese non-governmental organization whose mission is to promote mental health, empowerment and peace in marginalized communities in Lebanon through yoga and mindfulness.

Koun works with refugees, migrant workers, economically marginalized Lebanese, LGBTQI+ community, visually impaired individuals and other vulnerable communities from different ages starting the age of 6.

The NGO was legally registered on January 16, 2020, has 12 board members and is women-led. It doesn't have full-time employees, only project-based consultants and volunteers.
In 2022, Koun decided to be as self-sustainable as possible so right now we only have two core fundings from "Global Fund for Women" and "Women Win" that cover the rent of our safe space in Beirut and other running cost. In parallel, we run paid yoga classes, workshops and courses in the space and use their revenue to fund our free community programs.

To ensure sustainability, we train women from marginalized communities in teaching trauma-informed yoga and help them run their own classes in their community.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission

Making yoga accessible as a tool for mental health and total wellbeing for marginalized and vulnerable groups by adopting a “community-to-community” approach.

Our Vision

A world where yoga is accessible to everyone and where vulnerable individuals reach a state of self-awareness that empowers and transforms them and improves their lives.

Strategic goals:
- Vulnerable women and children have developed self-awareness and gained the necessary tools for empowerment, mental health and total wellbeing.
- Marginalized communities and vulnerable groups have access to yoga regardless of any geographical, political or social barrier.
- Koun has become a catalyst organization in promoting yoga with a holistic approach to marginalized groups.

Our Values

- Inclusion: Koun believes in a diverse organization that includes and integrates marginalized and vulnerable communities from different cohorts, without any type of discrimination.
- Equity: We want to promote the access to yoga and well-being to marginalized groups with a focus on gender equality and women empowerment, in order to positively influence the whole community.
- Integrity: Koun aims at remaining devoted and true to its core work and final purpose, regardless of the circumstances and challenges.
- Compassion: Koun is determined to understand other people’s feelings and needs, in order to inspire and get into action to minimize their challenges and improve their well-being.

Main Projects / Activities

Koun's mission is very one-pointed and the project is one: "making yoga accessible to those who need it"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Enhancing the mental health of vulnerable communities who have no access to tools for well-being through trauma-informed yoga and mindfulness.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

why not! :)

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandy Boutros
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation
Sandy Boutros

Laban "Live Lactic Culture"

National Network

Hamra, Spears- Yamout Building.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Laban operates with a unique structure, integrating both an internal troupe and an administrative body. The troupe consists of over 25 members from diverse backgrounds, including actors, musicians, therapists, and specialists. This team is versatile, capable of fulfilling various roles such as actors, directors, designers, and technicians. In contrast, the administrative body consists of 10 employees strategies and organizes project implementation. Funding is primarily obtained through project-based proposals submitted to partners such as Choose Love, UNDP, and local NGOs like Kafa and Abaad. Laban's yearly budget averages 150.000 to 200.000 USD, supporting concrete projects ranging from art-based activities interventions. Key partners include Choose Love, UNDP, FZFD, Abaad, Kafa, Amel, MCC, and Basmeh & Zeitouni, contributing to the success and impact of Laban's initiatives.

Instagram Page:

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission
Laban is a non-profit civil organisation that was legally established in 2009. We specialise in cultural, artistic, and theater interventions. We believe that these interventions are a social need. This belief has driven us to create space for communication, discussion, and expression that allows members to express their reality without judgment or restriction.

We practice this belief through:
Improvised Theater and its various forms
Playback Theater
Puppet Playback Theater
Theater of the Oppressed
Drama therapy
Expressive Arts
Art-based Creative Thinking

We also often explore and use other interactive theatrical and artistic tools to create safe spaces for dialogue, storytelling, and improvisation. We aim to contribute to advancing civic engagement, promoting freedom of expression, and increasing empathic bonds within and between different communities in Lebanon.

The different forms of theater are used in local communities, schools, universities, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, prisons, and many other settings. The topics can vary from social, political, psychological, or any other emerging themes, with high flexibility in using our formats to cater to the topics and the hosting community.

Our Vision
We strive to build a society that encompasses hope, acceptance, and social justice while guiding our community to freely elevate their imagination and self-expression and criticise their reality with no restriction or fear.

Main Projects / Activities

Choose Love: Laban implemented 24 playback theatre performances in Palestinian and Syrian refugee camps, targeting Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese, working on social cohesion between refugees and hosting communities. ( 1 year project 2022)

UNDP- VFC-South of Lebanon: Laban implemented 40 activities ( World Cafe, Playback performances, Forum Theater performances, NVC and image theatre workshops and film screening) in 8 different areas in south Lebanon, reaching 1600 beneficiaries. The main objective of this project was to introduce alternative ways of communication between students, teachers and parents. (6 months project 2023)

UNDP-Living of Al Quarantina: Our partnership with UNDP after the Beirut Blast, working with 250 children from Al-Quarantina neighbourhood, with a series of expressive art workshops for self-expression, collective trauma healing. Using art therapy and drama therapy techniques. (1 year project, 2021)

Forum ZFD-OUBOUR project: we have successfully conducted a series of puppet playback theatre performances with 650 children in different schools with a series of expressive art workshops in collaboration with Forum ZFD. This experience has enriched our understanding of how artistic and theatrical techniques can be effectively utilised as tools for engagement, empowerment, and self-expression. (5 years project, 2019-2023)

Basmeh&Zeitooneh: Collaborations with Basmeh&Zeitooneh have involved a diverse range of activities designed for 400 children, including competitive activities, storytelling, music creation, storytelling, dance, and more. These engagements have equipped us with a versatile set of tools and approaches for engaging and nurturing the growth of children in various contexts. (2 days event 2023)

MCC: Collaborations with MCC (Mennonite Central Committee), have involved a diverse range of activities designed for 200 refugee and hosting communities’ children, including theatre, storytelling, music, dance and art plastic. (3 years project, 2023-2025)

Amel Association: Laban had many collaborations with Amel association in many projects,
Laban in 2023 implemented 6 programs of creative thinking, the main objective was to work with humanitarians and teachers to create a new tool (Mobile application, Book…) that can be used to raise awareness on Gender-Based Violence.

Fighters for peace: the collaboration started with series of playback performances “War stories” than developed to implementation of X-games (a demonstrative activity that tackles the extremism and its effects) and an exploratory scripted play “Safe not Sound” that looks at the concept of accountability in the light of the Lebanese civil war. (2016 till 2024).

University of Brunel “Narratives from the margins: motherhood in refuge” :The project initiated with a playback theater training and later expanded into conducting drama therapy sessions at the Chatila camp in Beirut. Initially targeting 20 Syrian refugee women, the program delved into themes such as motherhood in the midst of war and life in refugee camps, as well as the journey of women navigating the refugee experience. Subsequent to the drama therapy program, a scripted play was developed, inspired by the personal narratives of these women. To enhance empowerment, the women underwent training to individually present their stories on stage before an audience, signifying the culmination of their drama therapy journey. The script was already translated into english and is in the process of being disseminated across universities worldwide, for the project to reach its objectives wider, debunking mass media narratives on refugees and women.

Amel Association: Name of the project “Heroes of Change” Across various regions in Lebanon, including Beka'a, South, and Beirut, our initiative has successfully implemented six drama therapy programs. These programs specifically catered to marginalized women and girls who are refugees, as well as members of the hosting communities. Despite diverse backgrounds, these individuals share common experiences of being marginalized women, each grappling with unique challenges evolving around discrimination, abuse and GBV, some of the participants were at protection shelters, others resided at home. Through these programs, participants openly shared their stories, expressing their struggles, pain, dreams, and moments of happiness. The transformative impact of the drama therapy sessions is evident as these individuals not only learned to articulate their experiences but also gained awareness of their rights and discovered avenues for empowerment. The outcome of these sessions were short plays, readings, short movies and a booklet documenting these stories and sharing them within the local community to raise sensitivity and awareness on women's mental health.

Abaad: “Jina Al Dar” project : Over the past three years, our community-driven project has successfully executed a series of 100 playback theater performances, reaching out to over 3,600 Syrian refugees and marginalized Lebanese women in various camps and villages across Lebanon. Our initiative involves actively listening to their narratives and skillfully reenacting them on stage, with a particular emphasis on addressing issues related to gender-based violence and promoting women's empowerment. Our intervention happens as part of a holistic approach led by Abaad team on awareness sessions and workshops targeting the same groups. the Playback performance allows the team of Abaad to assess the needs of the group and create comfort in addressing topics such as SRHR and GBV.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In contributing to the Network in our country, we offer a unique approach centred around empowering young voices and marginalised communities through narrative-based tools, particularly theatre. Our mission aligns closely with the Network's goals, as we aim to combat extremist discourses and radicalization by fostering open, inclusive, and resilient communities. By providing platforms for young people to share their stories and perspectives, we contribute to building a culture based on dialogue and exchange, which is essential for creating more empathetic and inclusive societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We seek to join the ALF Network because of our shared commitment to fostering inclusive and empathetic societies through dialogue, understanding, and cultural exchange. Our organisation's mission, centred around empowering marginalised voices and combating extremist narratives, resonates deeply with the objectives of the ALF Network.
Through our work using narrative-based tools, particularly theatre, we have witnessed the transformative power of storytelling in promoting understanding and tolerance. Joining the ALF Network would provide us with valuable opportunities to collaborate with like-minded organisations and individuals across the region, exchange best practices, and amplify our impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Farah Wardani
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Farah Wardani
Contact (2) Full Name
Magida El Hachem
Job Title (2)
Programs Manager

Leadership for Sustainable Development - LSD

National Network

Bauchrieh , Metn

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Leadership for Sustainable Development (LSD) is a Lebanese Non Government Organization was founded in 2013 to respond to the needs of marginalized people in Lebanon. When we say LSD, our sub conscience will highlight the drug but here, in the same concept of the name which follow the same addiction concept for a good social work towards a better society. If sustainable development means the insurance of the future generations on progress and evolution. The relationship between leadership and sustainable development is very important, because there is no development without leadership especially in the social, human and cultural dimension. LSD adopted a new three year strategic plan that will position its team to build on its past successes and address new issues. However, many people find themselves marginalized from public life, without the human rights provisions that are accorded to every human being.

Mission and Objectives

An integrated relation between leadership and sustainable development supports the different social, humanitarian and cultural aspects for individuals and the society as a whole. Thus, we at LSD work on developing leadership skills at the personal level in order to achieve a sustainable development between its three dimensions: environmental, social and economical. And taking into account the present needs without compromising the needs of the future generation. This development is based on advancement and building leadership abilities within individuals, in order to elevate their influence in their societies on the political and social level. Therefore these are our objectives: 1. Conducting leadership building trainings and workshops. 2. Social rehabilitation, encouraging youth and empowering women. 3. Facilitating conflict resolution within communities and organizations.  4. Encouraging intellectual and cultural exchange and spreading awareness in society.  5. Increase awareness between Lebanese to claim their rights. 6. Exchange expertise with relevant non-Lebanese organizations on    sustainable development issues. 7. Training of trainers. 8. Assisting the health and service fields. 9. Execute research studies on leadership and sustainable development and publishing them. 10. Providing consultancy in political, social and economic topics. 11. Organize and support projects related to improving the environment and preserving nature.

Main Projects / Activities

Our new strategic plan focuses our resources in several areas:  Changing the world! One leader at a time. Under this concept, LSD is providing the capacity building program for developing grassroots leaders, especially women and youth, who will mobilize their communities and civil society organizations to play an active role in building a culture of peace and dialogue.  Promoting Human Rights and Equal Citizenship for marginalized people in Lebanon, specially the youth in cooperation with local governments.  Creating spaces of dialogue and understanding for people of different religions, ethnicity and sects to break down barriers of mistrust and create bridges of peace. LSD focus our human resources for deeper impact that will create new alliances and networks as the power of civil society grows in Lebanon and the region to share our success stories and exchange best practices and experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Michel El Daccache
Job Title
President and Trainer
Head of the organisation
Michel El Daccache

Leading Hands

National Network

North Governorate, Tripoli District, Tripoli, Banks Street, Mini City Center, 5th Floor.
Property No: 218, division No: 23 from Tall District in Tripoli.
tripoli 1300

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

هي منظمة غير حكومية ناشئة تأسست في طرابلس، شمال لبنان. منذ نشأتها، انطلقنا في فكرتنا الفريدة والرائدة بسبب المعاناة والظروف الصعبة والأزمات التي تواجهها مجتمعاتنا. لقد سعينا جاهدين إلى تعزيز دورنا الفاعل ومساهمتنا في مساعدة المجتمعات والأسر ذات الدخل المنخفض على التغلب على الفقر والبطالة. ومن خلال تمكين ودعم النساء في المشاريع الإنسانية الحيوية، نهدف إلى تعزيز مهاراتهم وتوفير الفرص الاقتصادية المناسبة لهم، وتمكينهم من الاعتماد على أنفسهم، ومساعدتهم في بناء دورهم الفعال في المجتمع.

إثر الظروف الصعبة والمعاناة التي يعيشها الشعب اللبناني، تم تأسيس هذه المنظمة على يد مجموعة من الفتيات اللبنانين عام 2019، وتم تسجيلها رسمياً عام 2020 تحت رقم 1153. ومن خلال الجهود والمبادرات الإنسانية، عملنا بلا كلل على تخفيف المعاناة من خلال تقديم المساعدات الفعالة والمباشرة، وتحسين حياة الفئات المهمشة، وتنفيذ المشاريع الإنسانية والتنموية للنساء ، لتمكينهم وتعزيز دورهم الفاعل في المجتمع.

Mission and Objectives

أهداف ومجالات العمل الرئيسية نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لدعم وتمكين النساء ، وتعزيز قدراتهم النمو والقدرات، من خلال توفير برامج شاملة، وموارد الدعم المتنوعة، والتدريب والتوجيه. مهمتنا هي مساعدتهم في تحقيق الاستقلال الاقتصادي والمهني النجاح، والمهارات القيادية التي تمكنهم من إحداث تغييرات إيجابية في مجتمعاتهم. الهدف الرئيسي من إنشاء "الأيادي الرائدة " هو السعي للحد من البطالة بين النساء ومعدلات الفقر مع تعزيز مهاراتهم في التوظيف. وسيتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال تنفيذ مشاريع تساهم في تعزيز التعاون والمساواة والعدالة في المجتمعات في مختلف المجالات، بما في ذلك التعليم والعمل الخيري والتنمية الاقتصادية، وغيرها من المبادرات الاجتماعية.(Women development, women empowerment and livelihoods)

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع " إختلاف وليس خلاف " 2023: نظمت المنظمة مشروع تحت عنوان " إختلاف وليس خلاف " يركز على الحوار بين أتباع الأديان والثقافات، والتأكيد على أهمية المرأة ومساهمتها الفعالة في تحقيق السلام. الحفاظ على مجتمعنا وتحقيق التعايش
والقبول والانسجام في وجهات النظر والحقائق والهويات. وفي تفسير آخر، تضمنت الورشة التدريبية ضمن مشروع «اختلاف لا خلاف» التمثيل المسرحي من خلال التدريب على التمثيل ولعب الأدوار. دورة "فيد لتستفيد " 2022: نظمت منظمة leading Hands بالتعاون مع alert international بتمويل من الممول للبرنامج الأوروبي للتنمية والحماية الإقليمية (RDPP)، هي مبادرة أوروبية مشتركة تدعمها جمهورية التشيك والدنمارك والاتحاد الأوروبي. دورة تدريبية ضمت 25 مشاركة غطت الدورة العمل التطوعي، وأهمية المنظمات الدولية في تعزيز التماسك في المجتمعات المهمشة، وأهمية تقييم وتلبية الاحتياجات المحلية لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع على الصمود. وكان الهدف هو تزويد المشاركين بالمهارات الحياتية والاجتماعية الأساسية لإدارة الوقت والإنتاجية والعمل الجماعي الفعال. مخيم بحنين - للإغاثة من الحرائق 2020: بالتعاون مع بلدية بحنين
بتاريخ 30 كانون الأول 2020، وبالتعاون مع جمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، قامت المنظمة بمساعدة المهاجرين السوريين، المتضررين من حادث حريق في بلدة المنية. وشمل الدعم المقدم الملابس والمواد الغذائية. "حملة "معاً للخير"، امتد هذا المشروع على ست جولات من عام 2020 إلى عام 2022، حيث تم توزيع الملابس والحلويات على العائلات المحتاجة، وتنظيم ألعاب للأطفال، وعروض الطبول والرقص، واستضافة العديد من الأنشطة الجذابة الأخرى، وهي من أبرز فعالياتنا. ونظرًا للنجاح الملحوظ الذي حققه البرنامج، فقد أجرينا بالفعل ست حملات معا للخير (أي "معًا من أجل الصالح العام"). تم تنفيذ هذا المشروع بالتعاون مع فريق عمل الجامعة اللبنانية، وبلدية طرابلس، وجمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، وشركاء آخرين.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
bilal el namel
Job Title
Founder of the organization
Head of the organisation
leading hands
Contact (2) Full Name
Hafaf Al Khabbaz
Job Title (2)
Leader of the organization

Leading Hands Organization

National Network

شارع المصارف بناية سيتي سنتر طابق الخامس
طرابلس 1300

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

هي منظمة غير حكومية ناشئة تأسست في طرابلس، شمال لبنان. منذ نشأتها، انطلقنا في فكرتنا الفريدة والرائدة بسبب المعاناة والظروف الصعبة والأزمات التي تواجهها مجتمعاتنا. لقد سعينا جاهدين إلى تعزيز دورنا الفاعل ومساهمتنا في مساعدة المجتمعات والأسر ذات الدخل المنخفض على التغلب على الفقر والبطالة. ومن خلال تمكين ودعم النساء في المشاريع الإنسانية الحيوية، نهدف إلى تعزيز مهاراتهم وتوفير الفرص الاقتصادية المناسبة لهم، وتمكينهم من الاعتماد على أنفسهم، ومساعدتهم في بناء دورهم الفعال في المجتمع.
إثر الظروف الصعبة والمعاناة التي يعيشها الشعب اللبناني، تم تأسيس هذه المنظمة على يد مجموعة من الفتيات اللبنانين عام 2019، وتم تسجيلها رسمياً عام 2020 تحت رقم 1153. ومن خلال الجهود والمبادرات الإنسانية، عملنا بلا كلل على تخفيف المعاناة من خلال تقديم المساعدات الفعالة والمباشرة، وتحسين حياة الفئات المهمشة، وتنفيذ المشاريع الإنسانية والتنموية للنساء ، لتمكينهم وتعزيز دورهم الفاعل في المجتمع.
في منظمة الأيدي الرائدة، لدينا حاليًا ما مجموعه 16 نساء متفانيات وموهوبات المساهمة بمهاراتهم وخبراتهم في مهمتنا. بالإضافة إلى هؤلاء النساء الرائعات، هناك 2 رجال يتمتعون بنفس القدر من الكفاءة والالتزام، ويشكلون معًا جزءًا لا يتجزأ من فريقنا ، - علاوة على ذلك، نحن فخورون بالاعتراف بالمساهمات القيمة التي قدمها 33 شخصًا المتطوعات اللاتي يقدمن وقتهن وطاقتهن بسخاء لدعم مبادراتنا. هُم يلعب التفاني والعاطفة دورًا حاسمًا في نجاح مشاريعنا. أحد الجوانب البارزة في ثقافة منظمتنا هو أن جميع النساء العاملات في Leading Hands كذلك تشارك بنشاط في عملية صنع القرار.

Mission and Objectives

أهداف ومجالات العمل الرئيسية نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لدعم وتمكين النساء ، وتعزيز قدراتهم النمو والقدرات، من خلال توفير برامج شاملة، وموارد الدعم المتنوعة، والتدريب والتوجيه. مهمتنا هي مساعدتهم في تحقيق الاستقلال الاقتصادي والمهني النجاح، والمهارات القيادية التي تمكنهم من إحداث تغييرات إيجابية في مجتمعاتهم. الهدف الرئيسي من إنشاء "الأيادي الرائدة " هو السعي للحد من البطالة بين النساء ومعدلات الفقر مع تعزيز مهاراتهم في التوظيف. وسيتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال تنفيذ مشاريع تساهم في تعزيز التعاون والمساواة والعدالة في المجتمعات في مختلف المجالات، بما في ذلك التعليم والعمل الخيري والتنمية الاقتصادية، وغيرها من المبادرات الاجتماعية.
Women empowerment , women development , livelihoods

Main Projects / Activities

ملخص الأنشطة
مشروع " إختلاف وليس خلاف " 2023: نظمت المنظمة مشروع تحت عنوان " إختلاف وليس خلاف " يركز على الحوار بين أتباع الأديان والثقافات، والتأكيد على أهمية المرأة ومساهمتها الفعالة في تحقيق السلام. الحفاظ على مجتمعنا وتحقيق التعايش
والقبول والانسجام في وجهات النظر والحقائق والهويات. وفي تفسير آخر، تضمنت الورشة التدريبية ضمن مشروع «اختلاف لا خلاف» التمثيل المسرحي من خلال التدريب على التمثيل ولعب الأدوار. دورة "فيد لتستفيد " 2022: نظمت منظمة leading Hands بالتعاون مع alert international بتمويل من الممول للبرنامج الأوروبي للتنمية والحماية الإقليمية (RDPP)، هي مبادرة أوروبية مشتركة تدعمها جمهورية التشيك والدنمارك والاتحاد الأوروبي. دورة تدريبية ضمت 25 مشاركة غطت الدورة العمل التطوعي، وأهمية المنظمات الدولية في تعزيز التماسك في المجتمعات المهمشة، وأهمية تقييم وتلبية الاحتياجات المحلية لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع على الصمود. وكان الهدف هو تزويد المشاركين بالمهارات الحياتية والاجتماعية الأساسية لإدارة الوقت والإنتاجية والعمل الجماعي الفعال. مخيم بحنين - للإغاثة من الحرائق 2020: بالتعاون مع بلدية بحنين
بتاريخ 30 كانون الأول 2020، وبالتعاون مع جمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، قامت المنظمة بمساعدة المهاجرين السوريين، المتضررين من حادث حريق في بلدة المنية. وشمل الدعم المقدم الملابس والمواد الغذائية. "حملة "معاً للخير"، امتد هذا المشروع على ست جولات من عام 2020 إلى عام 2022، حيث تم توزيع الملابس والحلويات على العائلات المحتاجة، وتنظيم ألعاب للأطفال، وعروض الطبول والرقص، واستضافة العديد من الأنشطة الجذابة الأخرى، وهي من أبرز فعالياتنا. ونظرًا للنجاح الملحوظ الذي حققه البرنامج، فقد أجرينا بالفعل ست حملات معا للخير (أي "معًا من أجل الصالح العام"). تم تنفيذ هذا المشروع بالتعاون مع فريق عمل الجامعة اللبنانية، وبلدية طرابلس، وجمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، وشركاء اخرين ، إفتتاح معهد كومبيوتر بالتعاون مع بلدية طرابلس ، مهرجانات بل تعاون مع بلدية طرابلس ، عرس جماعي تزويج ١٤ شخص وغيره من المشاريع

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
بلال النمل
Job Title
مؤسس و رئيس
Head of the organisation
بلال النمل
Contact (2) Full Name
هفاف خباز
Job Title (2)
نائبة رئيس

Leading Hands Organization

National Network

شارع المصارف بناية سيتي سنتر طابق الخامس
طرابلس 1300

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

هي منظمة غير حكومية ناشئة تأسست في طرابلس، شمال لبنان. منذ نشأتها، انطلقنا في فكرتنا الفريدة والرائدة بسبب المعاناة والظروف الصعبة والأزمات التي تواجهها مجتمعاتنا. لقد سعينا جاهدين إلى تعزيز دورنا الفاعل ومساهمتنا في مساعدة المجتمعات والأسر ذات الدخل المنخفض على التغلب على الفقر والبطالة. ومن خلال تمكين ودعم النساء في المشاريع الإنسانية الحيوية، نهدف إلى تعزيز مهاراتهم وتوفير الفرص الاقتصادية المناسبة لهم، وتمكينهم من الاعتماد على أنفسهم، ومساعدتهم في بناء دورهم الفعال في المجتمع.
إثر الظروف الصعبة والمعاناة التي يعيشها الشعب اللبناني، تم تأسيس هذه المنظمة على يد مجموعة من الفتيات اللبنانين عام 2019، وتم تسجيلها رسمياً عام 2020 تحت رقم 1153. ومن خلال الجهود والمبادرات الإنسانية، عملنا بلا كلل على تخفيف المعاناة من خلال تقديم المساعدات الفعالة والمباشرة، وتحسين حياة الفئات المهمشة، وتنفيذ المشاريع الإنسانية والتنموية للنساء ، لتمكينهم وتعزيز دورهم الفاعل في المجتمع.
في منظمة الأيدي الرائدة، لدينا حاليًا ما مجموعه 16 نساء متفانيات وموهوبات المساهمة بمهاراتهم وخبراتهم في مهمتنا. بالإضافة إلى هؤلاء النساء الرائعات، هناك 2 رجال يتمتعون بنفس القدر من الكفاءة والالتزام، ويشكلون معًا جزءًا لا يتجزأ من فريقنا ، - علاوة على ذلك، نحن فخورون بالاعتراف بالمساهمات القيمة التي قدمها 33 شخصًا المتطوعات اللاتي يقدمن وقتهن وطاقتهن بسخاء لدعم مبادراتنا. هُم يلعب التفاني والعاطفة دورًا حاسمًا في نجاح مشاريعنا. أحد الجوانب البارزة في ثقافة منظمتنا هو أن جميع النساء العاملات في Leading Hands كذلك تشارك بنشاط في عملية صنع القرار.

Mission and Objectives

أهداف ومجالات العمل الرئيسية نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لدعم وتمكين النساء ، وتعزيز قدراتهم النمو والقدرات، من خلال توفير برامج شاملة، وموارد الدعم المتنوعة، والتدريب والتوجيه. مهمتنا هي مساعدتهم في تحقيق الاستقلال الاقتصادي والمهني النجاح، والمهارات القيادية التي تمكنهم من إحداث تغييرات إيجابية في مجتمعاتهم. الهدف الرئيسي من إنشاء "الأيادي الرائدة " هو السعي للحد من البطالة بين النساء ومعدلات الفقر مع تعزيز مهاراتهم في التوظيف. وسيتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال تنفيذ مشاريع تساهم في تعزيز التعاون والمساواة والعدالة في المجتمعات في مختلف المجالات، بما في ذلك التعليم والعمل الخيري والتنمية الاقتصادية، وغيرها من المبادرات الاجتماعية.
Women empowerment , women development , livelihoods

Main Projects / Activities

ملخص الأنشطة
مشروع " إختلاف وليس خلاف " 2023: نظمت المنظمة مشروع تحت عنوان " إختلاف وليس خلاف " يركز على الحوار بين أتباع الأديان والثقافات، والتأكيد على أهمية المرأة ومساهمتها الفعالة في تحقيق السلام. الحفاظ على مجتمعنا وتحقيق التعايش
والقبول والانسجام في وجهات النظر والحقائق والهويات. وفي تفسير آخر، تضمنت الورشة التدريبية ضمن مشروع «اختلاف لا خلاف» التمثيل المسرحي من خلال التدريب على التمثيل ولعب الأدوار. دورة "فيد لتستفيد " 2022: نظمت منظمة leading Hands بالتعاون مع alert international بتمويل من الممول للبرنامج الأوروبي للتنمية والحماية الإقليمية (RDPP)، هي مبادرة أوروبية مشتركة تدعمها جمهورية التشيك والدنمارك والاتحاد الأوروبي. دورة تدريبية ضمت 25 مشاركة غطت الدورة العمل التطوعي، وأهمية المنظمات الدولية في تعزيز التماسك في المجتمعات المهمشة، وأهمية تقييم وتلبية الاحتياجات المحلية لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع على الصمود. وكان الهدف هو تزويد المشاركين بالمهارات الحياتية والاجتماعية الأساسية لإدارة الوقت والإنتاجية والعمل الجماعي الفعال. مخيم بحنين - للإغاثة من الحرائق 2020: بالتعاون مع بلدية بحنين
بتاريخ 30 كانون الأول 2020، وبالتعاون مع جمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، قامت المنظمة بمساعدة المهاجرين السوريين، المتضررين من حادث حريق في بلدة المنية. وشمل الدعم المقدم الملابس والمواد الغذائية. "حملة "معاً للخير"، امتد هذا المشروع على ست جولات من عام 2020 إلى عام 2022، حيث تم توزيع الملابس والحلويات على العائلات المحتاجة، وتنظيم ألعاب للأطفال، وعروض الطبول والرقص، واستضافة العديد من الأنشطة الجذابة الأخرى، وهي من أبرز فعالياتنا. ونظرًا للنجاح الملحوظ الذي حققه البرنامج، فقد أجرينا بالفعل ست حملات معا للخير (أي "معًا من أجل الصالح العام"). تم تنفيذ هذا المشروع بالتعاون مع فريق عمل الجامعة اللبنانية، وبلدية طرابلس، وجمعية نساء كفريا الكورة، وشركاء اخرين ، إفتتاح معهد كومبيوتر بالتعاون مع بلدية طرابلس ، مهرجانات بل تعاون مع بلدية طرابلس ، عرس جماعي تزويج ١٤ شخص وغيره من المشاريع

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال المساهمة في تعزيز الحوار والتبادل و التعاون بين اعضاء الشبكة و إقتراح الافكار و المشاريع و لتنظيم مبادرات تعمل على تعاون و تضامن و تحقيق الاهداف الانسانية إتباعاً لي اهداف الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

إريد الانضمام إلى الاهداف الرائعة الذي تقمون بهم . إريد الانضمام لان هذه الشلكة معروفة عالمياً بل اهداف التي تنشئها ، لقد اثار اهتمامتنا لتطوير منظمتنا و اكتساب الخبرات. و لبناء مجتمع افضل و منتج و متعاون ، إيماننا بالعمل الجماعي و الخدمة المجتمعية ، رغبتنا المستمرة في التطور و التواجد يشبكة تتطور العاملين معهم ، في الحقيقة نؤمن بشدة باتباع نهج تعاوني من اجل تحقيق هدف مشترك ،
لذالك تقدمنا بطلب تقديم العضوية

Contact (1) Full Name
بلال النمل
Job Title
مؤسس و رئيس
Head of the organisation
بلال النمل
Contact (2) Full Name
هفاف خباز
Job Title (2)
نائبة رئيس

Learning through action- lTA

National Network

Al Souk

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Youth and education
General Information

LTA was established by a group of young and energetic women who
were highly motivated and committed for contributing their time, skills and energies for the development and empowerment of socially disadvantaged and vulnerable communities in Middle Bekaa area and addressing poverty issues and gender based discriminations.
LTA association was established in 2015, as the requested need of the local community, Palestinian refugees and the new Syrian crises, to reflect the belief that peace can be accomplished only if it is based on social justice. The driving forces for LTA creation arose from humanitarian, social, educational and economic considerations.
LTA association is a private non-political, non-profitable organization created to respond current need for people in order to sustained and strengthen and promote human right culture, peace building, good governance initiatives and tackle humanitarian crisis of the Syrian refugees in Bekaa area.

Mission and Objectives

08. Vision:
Develop, support and enrich youth experience for a better future, overflow with
equality and democratic.

09. Mission Statement:
"Promoting Community development, managing natural and human resources through
comprehensive community initiative, to improve people's lives and, enforcing the
permanent positive change in the lives of young people."

10. Goal and Objectives:
Developmental is our main goal, in its wide aspects of social and humanitarian sectors, which they seek to accomplish all that contributes to the achievement of development in all areas and fields through civilized development projects that responds to the call of community and human development and to contribute to the implementation of educational policies through extracurricular education and training programs, and through the two pillars following:
First, socially on the community level:
We aim to share the community development and deactivation of the social, educational, cultural and economic activities, and the enhancement and empowerment of human capabilities to support development and transfer knowledge to the sake of all active partners of the society especially, youth through:
1. Encourage development in the community through the training and education of young people. Working on the developing, understanding and applying of community and humanitarian skills and apply them. Training young people on life skills: communication, teamwork, leadership, training on democracy, active participation and decision-making skills.
2. Empowering youth and children and enhancing their abilities to define their own visions and future orientations for future, building social concepts and deepen their community participation.
3. Rehabilitation of young people for the labor market and help them find work and employment opportunities.
4. Improving the conditions of women and children and people with special needs through inclusion, remove all forms of discrimination, and neglect ion, marginalization, exclusion, and poverty reduction.
5-.Increase awareness in order to protect natural resources and the preservation of the environment, fight desertification and increase environmental awareness
Second, on the educational level:
1. Create and develop a specialized center for children and youth, which enhance and empower them and develop their technical skills, intellectual, creative and emotional abilities, and increase their academic achievement and contribute in building of society leaderships.
2. Assist the school and educational institutions in carrying out its mission in community development by providing educational, psychological and social services for children and young people and protect them from physical and psychological neglect and prevent them from being exposed to delinquency.
3. Provide guidance and educational services to parents in the field of ordinary or special needs children.
4. The production of teaching aids and materials necessary for the care and development of children's capabilities.
5. Upbringing of children socially, educationally and culturally by filling their leisure time.
7. Support children with learning difficulties to complete their education and establish system to fight school dropout and illiteracy.

Main Projects / Activities

01. Community Dev. Project funded by LTA.
02. Women economic empowerment through rural food production funded by BUM (Bekaa union of municipalities).
03. Embroidery funded by Palestinian Business men committee
04. Youth entrepreneur skills training. Funded by Injaz
05. Sport project -funded by Kab-Elias municipality.
06. Livelihood training project- funded by Persue
07.ICDL(IT) training funded by MPDL
08. Schools dropout summer academy funded by ARK.
09. Kids summer camp- Self funded.
10.Women rural food products exhibits
11.Secondary schools academic orientation
12.Litercay and live skills for Syrian refugees-Funded by MPDL
13. Sawa, to promote gender equality-CFLI, Canadian fund for local initiatives.
14. Winterization assistance (Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinians) funded by Life.
15.Health community , healthy family - Mediar
16.Livelihood training for Syrian refugees youth- Institut européen de coopération et de développement (IECD)
16.Health education for developed and healthy community- Mediar
17.Digital literacy of persons with disabilities -DOT
18. Grow my business training with Enterprise forum PAN Arab region

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can organizes and conducts a lot of cultural activities and programs including: conferences, seminars and workshops in the field of education, art, culture, community development, human rights and information.

We aim to achieve cultural and intercultural objectives and cooperation for development of the community members especially young people through:

- social, economic, educational, cultural, artistic activities and any activity related to sustainable development, human development and solidarity.

- Promote cultural and intercultural exchanges and the exchange of experiences, And establish cooperation and partnership relations. To establish a dialogue of civilizations likely to favor the opening towards new horizons with a view to a plural, diversified community and positively open to the international environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe one hand can perform nothing, two hands can perform something, many hands can perform everything. LTA is in a continous search for local, national an international partners to build local, national and international networks seeking common understanding, that strengthen peaceful coexistence. We believe that Intercultural dialogue is valuable in maintaining social cohesion, peace and security, and for that reason, it was essential to treat cultures with equal respect, strengthen intercultural dialogue in an inclusive spirit, and settle conflicts by peaceful means.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yasser Faraj
Job Title
Programs Manager
Head of the organisation
Sanaa Khaled
Contact (2) Full Name
Sanaa Khaled
Job Title (2)
Executive Director
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

LEB-SARD Festival

Sardinia is one of the poorest areas of Italy, despite a great potential rooted in history, culture and environmental heritage. Meanwhile, Beirut has a lot of places that need to be enhanced from a cultural and economic point of view...