
Lebanese Association for Civil Rights (LACR)

National Network

‎55 Youssef Al-Hani street, Rizk Bldg., 1st floor, Gemmayze

‎+961-1-445333 ‎
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure of Organization: The organization is composed of 3 founders, 1 executive director, 1 youth executive coordinator, 1 executive coordinator for Arab-nonviolence, 1 executive assistant for funding projects, 1 administrative assistant and number of volunteers. Budgetary resources: around 100,000 USD per year. Sources of funding: • AECI – Spain • PSO – Netherlands • Oxfam – Quebec • IKV Pax Christi • Heinrich Bôll Foundation • Dutch Embassy • German Embassy • Norwegian Embassy • WACC • Local sources:  Benevolent work  Individual grants  Contributions in Kind, etc. Modalities of actions: concrete projects, trainings, lobbying, campaigning, etc. Main Partners: LACR partnership with local partners is achieved through two segments: Train and support others, and organize campaigns with others. Regional and International: we have created a partnership with many Arab and international Organizations working on human rights, non-violence, education, etc. Many international organizations have been in solidarity with our programs and support them financially, such as IKV/PAX Christi Netherlands, the European Union, the Heinrich Boll Foundation, OXFAM Quebec, AECI – Spain, INTERSOS Italy…
Mission and Objectives

The Lebanese Association for Civil Rights (LACR) is an active association involved in disseminating non-violence, non-sectarianism, human rights and democracy values and constructive alternatives, through education, awareness, training as well as defending social, economic, political and ecological causes non-violently. LACR was founded back in August 2003 by Dr Walid Slaybi and Dr Ogarit Younan who are pioneers and initiators in tackling human and civil rights in Lebanon. With the establishment of LACR, they have institutionalized the 20-year experience and projects; they turned the projects into institutions which achieved the continuity and the stability of the work. We look at LACR as being a civil movement with national and regional projects and impact. LACR is known for their innovative grassroots action aiming to change mentalities, attitudes, laws and … from bottom up. Across Lebanon, since 1983 to date, thousands of youth, women, children, students, teachers, NGOs, workers, political activists, journalists, etc. have been trained through LACR co-founders work.

Main Projects / Activities

Three complementary Initiatives LACR is currently working on institutionalizing 3 fundamental projects in Lebanon and for the region with hundreds of activities inside each: “AUNV” “BILAD” “CHAML” “AUNV” The Arab University for Non-Violence (AUNV), which is the first of its kind in the region, is a universal college of a one year academic professional program that secures professionals and specialists in non-violence and human rights culture and non-religious discrimination. The university will be a professional institution linked to the social causes with the objective of achieving change on the social and political level. It will work on the empowerment of the societies through empowerment of the individuals who will work in schools, universities, associations, political campaigns, etc. At the same time, the university will be linked to the work market. The university will secure an intensive program of educational credits with a diploma of Masters Degree. It will graduate about 100 students yearly from Lebanon and the Arab countries, with university diploma accredited locally and internationally. “BILAD” Creation of 100 “Pedagogic Houses”: First of its kind in Lebanon and in the Region, it aims at the institutionalization of the education on non-violence, non-sectarianism and democracy through establishing a kind of “informal schools” in 100 villages and cities overall Lebanon. BILAD is a summary of the Arabic phrase "بيوت اللاعنف اللاطائفية الديمقراطية" that means “Non-violent Non-sectarian Democratic Houses.” The word also means “country” "بلاد" and that is why we choose it to indicate building the country from the bottom up. We have already established 8 initiatives for “houses” in 8 different regions: 3 in the South, 2 in the North, 2 in Mount-Lebanon and 1 in the Bekaa. Three of them, which are the most successful and effective, will be turned into “model” – permanent institutions. “CHAML” Foundation of a National YOUTH Gathering based on non-violent, non-sectarian and justice values under the name of CHAML, hundreds & thousands of youth, men and women from different regions. CHAML is the English spelling for the Arabic term “شَمْل” meaning “gathering” in the Arabic culture and familial tradition. Its Arabic initials were also developed to mean “"شباب مواطنون لبنانيون لاطائفيون لاعنفيون which means “Non-violent Non-sectarian Young Lebanese Citizens”. CHAML was registered in 2007 as an independent association, its first members are young Lebanese citizens, men and women, who have been deeply trained during 2 years with LACR on non-sectarianism and non-violence and on the democratic participation in society, and who are aware of their rights, want to defend them, and have viable alternatives to apply. Arab CHAML The Lebanese CHAML will be the base of Arab and Regional CHAML that was launched in 2008 through LACR support to tens of individuals and civil organizations trained deeply with us on Non-violence since 2004.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Tania Awad Ghorra
Head of the organisation
Mr. Sleiman Younan

Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE)

National Network

Sodeco, Petro Trad street, Sodeco 7 Bldg., 5th floor
Beirut 1100

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
LADE is managed by an Executive Committee comprised of 12 members which are directly elected by a General Assembly every two years. It currently employs 3 full-time and 5 part-time employees. LADE has received funding from various sources, including the European Union, the Belgian Embassy, Netherlands embassy, the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Friedrich Naumman Foundation, International Media Support (IMS), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and others. LADE has carried out and continues to work on various projects concerning all facets of electoral reform, including voter education and public awareness, as well as monitoring all national and local elections.
Mission and Objectives

LADE aims at improving the Lebanese electoral system and reinforcing the fair and democratic practice of parliamentary and municipal elections in Lebanon. Its mail goals are: - To improve the Lebanese electoral laws in compliance with international standards - To increase voter awareness and commitment to their electoral rights and duties - To monitor elections and insure its fair application based on the Lebanese regulations and laws.

Main Projects / Activities

LADE’s main projects include: (1) monitoring the all national and local elections since 1996 and producing evaluation on the electoral process (2) voter awareness and education programs and campaigns, especially with regard to women’s representation and the rights of people with special needs, (3) electoral reform research and campaigns (4) Youth participation projects, (5) civil campaign for a new electoral law, (6) elections media standards, (7) elections media coverage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Yara Nassar
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Makram Ouaiss (Secretary General)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Zeina El Aawar
Job Title (2)
Communication and Networking Manager

Lebanese Association for Educational Studies

National Network

Clemenceau-Amir Omar Street-Coop Building-2nd floor

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
- LAES is composed of general assembly and an executive committee members pay yearly dues. The executive committee is composed of seven members that are elected biannually, the committee consists of a president, a secretary general, an accountant, and the treasurer. Currently LAES employs two full time professionals. - It's budget has been around a quarter of a million dollars annually. - Ford Foundation, UNESCO Arab regional office, UNDP, World bank, CERD and some national banks have been the major providers for grants and studies.
Mission and Objectives

Since its establishment in 1995, the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES) has been very active in achieving its mission which focuses on conducting educational research, dissemination of its research through seminars, conferences and publications of books. LAES has published so far 20 books, organized about a dozen seminars and conferences at the Lebanese of regional level.

Main Projects / Activities

- Seminar on "Reform of General Education in the Arab Countries"
- Seminar on "Educational Administration in the Arab Countries"
- Seminar on "Teacher Preparation in the Arab Countries"
- Annual Yearbook Series (5 titles).
- 15 other major studies and publications including:
- Higher Education and the labour Market in Lebanon
- Quality Assurance in Arab Universities

Contact (1) Full Name
Samir A. Jarrar
Contact (2) Full Name
Amal Bouzeineddine

Lebanese Association for History (LAH)

National Network

Domtex Bldg., 4th floor, Hamra street
Hamra 1103

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
LAH is a group of educationalists, history teachers, and activists who work together to contribute to the development of disciplinary approaches to History education in Lebanon.Sources of funding are project based. Our main sponsor is the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netehrlands.  LAH organizes  throughout the year workshops and seminars offered to history teachers, academics, researchers, and all who are interested in History Education.LAH organizes for History teachers several Pedagogic Days every year. Main Partners are: American University of Beirut, Board for Transitional Justice,Centre for Lebanese Studies, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, Euroclio,Finnish Institute in Middle East, Forum for Civil Peace, the Finnish History Teachers’ Association, Historical Dialogue and Research Agency – Cyprus, Lebanese American University, Notre Dame University-Louaize.
Mission and Objectives

LAH Mission:
LAH promotes the learning and teaching of history as a discipline in Lebanon, raises public awareness about the importance of history and ensures that history teaching becomes more recognized by society and more engaging to learners with a focus on historical concepts. LAH aims at encouraging continuous learning for different age groups as a way to build learners’ critical thinking shape their personalities and develop a sense of individual and collective responsibility.
LAH objectives:
• Facilitate continuous professional development for  History teachers and educators.
• Generate  and  sustain  constructive  and  informed  public  discussion  on  approaches  to  History education. 
• Establish working  relationships  and  partnership  with  the  local  and  international stakeholders, namely educationalists in schools and civil society learners and policy-makers. 
• Produce and disseminate publications and pedagogical material generated through the association’s activities.

Main Projects / Activities

“Developing  History Teachers' Capacity to Foster Historical Thinking” Project: 
A  comprehensive  Professional  Development  project  that  offers  an opportunity  for  a  group  of history  teachers  to  benefit  from  an  exhaustive  training  program. The professional development program consists of a series of training modules accompanied by mentoring.This  professional  development program  is  funded  by  a  grant  from  the  Embassy  of  the  Netherlands,  support  from  Notre-Dame
University  –  Louaize  and  the  Center  for  Lebanese  Studies  and  is  offered  free  of  charge  for participants.- The project offers an opportunity for a group of teachers, from public and private schools in the six governorates, to benefit from an exhaustive training program where they learn about new theories and pedagogies for teaching history.
LAH organizes for History teachers several Pedagogic Days every year. These events offer teachers the opportunity to apply model history lessons and get feedback from their colleagues. Teachers focus in their lesson planning on the use of historical concepts, varying teaching strategies, and the use of multimedia in the history classroom.The aims is  to empower teachers to adopt a modern approach that engages learners in historical thinking, nurtures higher-order thinking skills and links history to real-life situations.The Pedagogic Days are open to all teachers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LAH can contribute to the Network through workshops, conferences and seminars which LAH organises in addition to planning events and projects with other organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

LAH work focuses on dialogue and memory. We hope through this network we are able to learn about other organisation's activities and explore potential collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Maha Shuayb
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Maha Shuayb
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Nayla Hamadeh
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Lebanese Band Association for the promotion of Music ("LeBAM")

National Network

Main Street

00961 4 871311
00961 4 972705
Mobile Phone
00 961 3 775222
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- LeBAM operates through a central Board to organize national and international activities and many quasi autonomous centers operated by their regional committees for regional teaching and activities. - Budget is made possible through various local donations by individuals and institutions. Several activities and instruments purchase and donations were funded by foreign organizations, including the City of Geneva, AMIDEAST, American Voices. - Action is effected through music teaching, exchange of teachers and conductors, training workshops of teachers and conductors, national and community based concerts. - LeBAM has mobilized a broad network of Lebanese and international partners, including the Lebanese National High Music Conservatoire, the Ministry of Education, similar foreign organizations and music experts, dozens of schools and municipalities in the areas of Lebanon where LeBAM operates.
Mission and Objectives

Promote the development and dissemination of music throughout Lebanon, as a tool for educational and social development, through:
(i) The free teaching of music on freely provided wind and percussion instruments to 12 to 18 years old youth in many centers throughout Lebanon, and
(ii) Organizing its music students in community-based harmonic bands and other ensembles, to perform public concerts.
LeBAM also aims to help develop the mandatory teaching of music in schools.
Membership of beneficiaries target the most needy and seeks gender, religious and regional diversity and integration.

Main Projects / Activities

- Music Centers: LeBAM currently has four music centers in various areas of Lebanon (Beit-Mery, Baskinta, Jdeideh, Baakline); it is planning to start three more during 2014 (Tripoli, Southern Beirut, Bequaa). The centers include about 350 students, 24 teachers, 3 conductors and assistant conductors, 3 visiting conductors.
- Community Symphonic Bands: LeBAM currently has five symphonic Bands of various levels of music proficiency. The best musicians are organized in a national youth orchestra (Honor Band)including about 60 musicians.
- International Summer Band Camp ("ISBC"): LeBAM has organized 3 ISBCs in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The last ISBC trained approximately 200 trainee students, 15 trainee music teachers and 8 trainee conductors.
- Concerts: LeBAM has organized dozens of local and national concerts, 2 concerts in Switzerland and a limited edition of a Festival of Bands.
- Music Library and Pedagogy:as part of its ongoing effort to develop music teaching and performing tools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Invite Network members to participate in the many activities of leBAM, both at national and regional levels. Many new joint projects can also be made possible, particularly due to the presence of symphonic bands and other music ensembles.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Develop collaborations and Synergies in Lebanon and throughout the Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ghassan Moukheiber
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ghassan Moukheiber
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Serghei Bolun (Music Director)

Lebanese Board on Books for Young People (LBBY)

National Network

Beirut 1100

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

LBBY Objectives • Promote reading among children and youth. • Alert parents and teachers to the importance of reading. • Encourage and promote quality Arabic children’s books. • Introduce children and youth to quality drama. • Promote international understanding through children’s books.

Mission and Objectives

LBBY Objectives • Promote reading among children and youth. • Alert parents and teachers to the importance of reading. • Encourage and promote quality Arabic children’s books. • Introduce children and youth to quality drama. • Promote international understanding through children’s books.

Main Projects / Activities

- Initiation of reading week - Distribution of portable libraries holding 100-125 books each in Arabic, English and French - Conducting workshops, TV scripts and pupet scripts to writers of children's books, as well as to illustrators, teachers and parents. - A yearly reading competition - Books exhibits - A guide for Setting up and Running a School Library - Bibliotherapy, as a technique to help children cope with trauma, was introduced by LBBY to teachers - Nominating candidates for national and international awards and honor lists - Nomination of an institution, organization for the IBBY-ASAHI award given by IBBY - A guide of selected books - A Book Vending Machine is another innovative project introduced by LBBY - Reading Corners For further and detailed information, please refer to our website

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Lebanese Board on books for Young People (LBBY) is a Local nonprofit organization, founded in 1974, license number 116/ad and affiliated with the International Board on Books for Young People (Ibby) that has 75 member countries with the headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Shereen Kreidieh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Shereen Kreidieh
Contact (2) Full Name
Hoda Hammoud

Lebanese Center for Civic Education

National Network

New Jdaydeh- Australian center- 6th floor
New jdaydeh

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Lebanese Center for Civic Education (LCCE) is a Non-Governmental Organization established in the year 2004 with the aim of spreading the concepts of Democracy and responsible citizenship in the Lebanese society. Our activities are centered within the educational system and the youth in the civil society, thus reaching out to Lebanese teachers, educators and students of all ages and from the public and private sectors of education. In addition, and through it’s strive to create a free public space and to suggest alternatives for a better future, LCCE also works with young journalists in order to promote their skills in the area of civic media. The center is managed by three full time staff with other staff being hired on contract basis depending on the projects at hand. LCCE has a wide experience of running projects and managing funds, whereby it has so far successfully managed funds worth $400,000 from a variety of international and national donors during the last 2 years... LCCE is Member of CIVITAS an International, non-governmental network that aims at strengthen effective education.
Mission and Objectives

The LCCE is a young team with a vision of a more just and democratic society. The members of LCCE have lived the situation of violence, sectarian strife, the absence of law and accountability, in addition to corruption and poverty in Lebanon. LCCE builds on the post-war experiences of finding common grounds, acceptance of the other, conflict resolution in a diverse society, and building coalitions as a foundation for a new democratic experience.
LCCE main fields of activity are:
1) Civil and non-sectarian culture;
2) Strengthening the culture of rights;
3) Strengthening the culture of conflict resolution using democratic and non-violent means;
4) Developing curricula for civic education;
5) Strengthening the internal capacities of civil society;
6) Suggestion of legal and legislative alternatives;
Exchanging experiences in a culture of dialogue

Main Projects / Activities

Projects managed by LCCE:
- “One World in Schools”, a commune project with “People in Need”, consisting of teaching children about human rights through documentary films.Funded by EU.
-“Expanding a Civic Education Model to Promote Active Citizenship, and Civic Spaces among Lebanese School Students”. Funded by Foundation for Future.
- “Building Leadership among the Youth: Shifting Focus from Political Role Models to Individual Capacities”- Funded by Save the children- Naseej program.
-Project “Investigative Journalism as a Tool for Fighting Corruption and Promoting Transparency and Accountability: The Role of the Faculty of Media in the Lebanese University”. Funded by TAG program, Amideast Lebanon.
- Project Citizen. Funded by center for civic education,US.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antoine Bou Chanine
Head of the organisation
Roula Mikhael
Contact (2) Full Name
Tara Micheal

Lebanese Center For Civic Education (LCCE)

National Network

5th floor, Bloc B, Azure Center, Jdeideh
Metn 1202

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
LCCE Structure: LCCE was founded on 2007, and has currently 3 permanent employees and the board. The LCCE offices are in Azure Center fifth floor in Jdeideh-el-metn. Resources and sources of funding:  LCCE has worked on local and regional projects funded by local and international institutions (European Union, USAID, Canadian Fund, Amideast, German fund, MEPI, UNESCO...): Modalities of actions: workshop, training, training modules, best practices, advocacy campaigns, artistic activities, publications, seminars. Main partners: LCCE is a member of Civitas- international network on civic education, and has co-founded Arab-Civitas which is a regional network that regroups NGO in 9 arab countries. LCCE has co-founded also the Wave Alliance that regroups 39 NGOs in MENA and Central Asia Region.  
Mission and Objectives

LCCE is a non governmental organization that produces knowledge on civic education, inform the ongoing debate on youth education and empower youth and children, both males and females, to promote awareness on youth related issues and proactively participate in civic issues and public policy making. LCCE also works with youth and women civil society organizations in Lebanon and the region to build their capacities and empower them to advocate for human and women rights issues.
LCCE Objectives:

Reforming civic education curricula for children and youth

Empowering youth and children to be effective change agents in developing societies

Building the capacity and connecting local and regional youth and women civil society organizations          

Working on male and female youth issues

Main Projects / Activities

Peace and Human Rights 

Participate and Change 

One world in school

Art for unity

Grassroots in action for peace building

Bridging the gaps

Youth for change

Project Citizen
Media and citizenship
Foundation for democracy
Debate in school
Let's our voice be heard
Women for change

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Lebanese Center for Civic Education can contribute to the network by exchanging the best practices on the youth related projects, training mdules, and advocacy campaigns in the fields of democracy and human rights, and through joint projects and initiatives with the network members.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network will enable the Lebanese Center for Civic Education, to benefit from the members experiences through networking and exchanging best practices, and to acheive its goals in youths projects through partnerships with the members who have complementary skills, and know-hows.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Roula Mikhael
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms. Roula Mikhael

Lebanese Centre for Social Research (LCSR)

National Network

Notre Dame University Louaizé
Zouk Mosbeh

Telephone (other)
+961 9218955 (ext.2349)
Mobile Phone
03/754880 (Abdo Kahi)
Mobile Phone (other)
03/336623- 03/089891 (NDU)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1- A Research Centre affiliated to NDU University : 1 researcher, 1 assistant 2- 50.000 US $ 3- NDU University and Various sponsors 4- Concrete research projects and seminars 5- University Research Centres and a committee of researchers
Mission and Objectives

- Developing scientific research in the framework of social, economic and political issues
- Establishing research and documentation that give access to basic data on public concerns issues
- Reinforcing the mechanisms of dialogue and participation in the fields of citizenship, democracy and human rights

Main Projects / Activities

- Conducting researches on societal and value systems matters
- Organizing conferences and seminars related to its research fields (two international conferences per year)
- Establishing a research network that includes academic and social researches
- Publishing researches and seminars

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdo Badih El Kahi
Head of the organisation
Abdo Badih El Kahi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs Eliana Yazbeck Kossaifi

Lebanese Development Network (LDN)

National Network

Jal el Dib, University Bldg.,1st floor
Jal el Dib (Metn)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
General Information
Established in 2008, LDN works in the education, culture, economy, social and health fields through the various strategic levels of Capacity Building, Social Marketing and Networking Practices, and provides Consultancy, Training and Program Development services. We endeavor to promote new paradigms for SMEs and Social Entrepreneurships in collaboration with both the public and private sectors. To date, more than 250 prominent international, regional and local organizations have either partnered or benefited from one or more of our services such as UNDP, USAID, American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA), Danish Refugee Council, International Medical Corps, IREX, Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), Norwegian Refugee Council, Save the Children, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, World Vision, Arab Human Rights Fund (AHRF), Arab Thought Foundation, Jordan River Foundation, Mentor Arabia Foundation, AMIDEAST, Lebanese Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs, Lebanese Red Cross, American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanese American University (LAU)…
Mission and Objectives

To be recognized as a pioneer organization in the creation of a productive social environment.
Mission Statement
“The Lebanese Development Network - LDN” is a national non-profit organization dedicated to assist individuals, communities and institutions build their capacities by conveying knowledge and improving practical performance to enable them manage the changing social requirements, catch opportunities and meet the development challenges.
- To contribute in the implementation of viable projects on the social, economic, educational, cultural and health levels.
- To promote the culture of democracy, human rights, dialogue and citizenship, and help constituencies display a high degree of leadership.
- To increase personal ability through purposeful reflection, planning and action
- To improve organizational proficiency in growing stronger achieving their purpose and mission.
- To help constituents efficiently interact and positively influence their societies.
- To foster better environment for sustainable growth.
- To identify social needs, design solutions, and promote higher livelihood standards.
- To carry out proficient guidance to develop suitable programs and creates job opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

> Euro-MeD Career & Employment Advisor Portal - EU
DAEDALUS aims at addressing the needs of young residents in Lebanon, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Jordan, Tunisia and Palestine who are seeking employment in the labor markets of the Mediterranean Sea Basin by enhancing their career and business opportunities and matching their qualifications and skills with existing needs in neighboring countries as well as to enable the exchange of information and knowledge among stakeholders about potential synergies and collaborative activities. It seeks to provide career advising services to help young people raise their competence level in marketing their skills and searching for employment in the Mediterranean markets as well as to establish a technologically enhanced instrument for stakeholders, to post employment vacancies, seek qualified competitive employees and explore investment opportunities in a collaborative way.
> Rapid assessment of the skills and employability of Syrian refugees in Lebanon - International Labor Organization (ILO)
This Rapid assessment of the skills and employability of Syrian refugees in Akkar and Bekaa, to assess the level of child labour, to identify job market competition by interviewing Lebanese workers where the Syrian refugees are concentrated, and to identify possible job offers through interviewing businesses in the areas where Syrian refugees are more visible.
> Migrant-Friendly Labor Policies through Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue in MENA - The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
This pre-project is to lay the foundation for the multi-stakeholder  dialogue in Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE & Qatar which would enhance the change in the labour market system, the framework conditions for labour migrants and the accountability of duty bearers. Thus, the primary focus of the pre-project, presented here, will be to link an appreciation for labor market policy to a conceptual understanding of the impact of labor migration on the economy and society as a whole. Stated more concretely, the respective national participants in the project will ultimately be able to articulate and disseminate proactive positions on how active labor market policy and the inclusion of labor migration into this equation, is inextricably connected to overall development within a given society. Rule of law, labor market policy, a comprehensive grasp of how labor migration is linked to both and a country’s medium and long term developmental goals thus go hand-in-hand. The key facilitating agent of this process will be a multi-stakeholder dialogue (MSD) process to be developed, designed, and implemented based on the specificities of each unique project country.
> Survey Report on Access to Information in Lebanon - World Bank and Lebanese Transparency Association
The aim of the survey was to assess Lebanese people’s familiarity with the nexus between their rights as citizens and the information they hold to allow the exercise of those rights. The survey was designed to map the impact of the absence of an Access To Information (ATI) law and regulations on three levels: the level of ordinary life, or in other words, the personal and family sphere; the level of professional and business activities; and on the sphere of good governance in the country, or in other words, on the level of the activity of elected officials themselves. To provide a sense of the current state of affairs vis-à-vis information access, the survey generated information about the prevailing difficulties to access information from public bodies, and the methods used by people to acquire needed information. More specifically, the general knowledge of the ATI draft law presented to parliament in 2009 in the population and among policymakers was probed.
> Establishing MEPI Alumni Network Local Chapter - MEPI
The major purpose of this project is to provide the Chapter with a solid base structure through the MEPI – Lebanon Alumni Association where members will enjoy an advanced platform to reunite, act, and achieve on the democratic, the economic and the different social levels. With the membership retention policy adopted and the diversification of committees and activities, MEPI-LAA will ensure a homogenous, vigorous, growing and independent entity in the service of the Alumni Network in specific and the Lebanese civil society at large. Hence, it provides the appropriate linkages between the registered members and the new comers, offers the most practical administrative tools and fosters better exchange opportunities among the various partners and stakeholders.
> Promoting Financial and Economic Education - Islamic Development Bank & Ministry of Finance
By training teachers in economics and finance and by creating a multimedia toolkit, using the EDUTAINMENT methodology for financial education in classroom instruction, the Basil Fuleihan Institute will contribute to improving economics and civic education teaching methods in Lebanese public schools. This will increase Lebanese students’ understanding of public finance and economics, enabling them to better understand the challenges of economic growth and development. This project builds on the results and findings of a 2009 pilot program which enrolled 210 teachers.
> Refugees of the Arab Spring: The Syrian Refugees in Lebanon - The Center for Migration and Refugee Studies (AUC)
The   study   reviews   the   manifestations   of   the   Syrian   refugees’   crisis   in Lebanon during its first year. The paper analyzes the attitudes and policies of the Lebanese state as well as the interaction of these attitudes with those of the Lebanese society in its different components. As such, the paper may be viewed as a study of the impact of the political and social environment on refugee policy-making.
> Capacity Building for Non Profits - Lebanese American University (LAU)
The emphasis of the program is mainly on NGO Management and Development which provides participants with working knowledge of the managerial, financial, and organizational aspects of non-profits in society. Accordingly, two disciplines are adopted, The Organizational Planning for NGOs as a whole and The Personal Dynamics for team members as change agents. Another focus takes place when dealing with the particular issue of the private sector characterized by the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and its relation with NGOs.
> Capacity Building for Youth-Led Organizations - IREX
LDN worked on developing the capacities of a group of six Youth-Led NGOs by providing them training and technical assistance on both, Fundraising and Communication skills.
> Capacity Building for Women in Rural Areas - Relief International
This program aimed at providing technical assistance and training to empower a total of 320 women from Nahr El Bared area through targeted knowledge related to topics on Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution, Leadership and Decision Making. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Amin Nehme
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Amin Nehme