

National Network


+39 3425805156
Telephone (other)
+39 3475706169
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Anton Stadler Association works in the field of music and art. Its story starts in 1998, more than 20 years ago. The Association has strong relations at National and Regional level, within public and private institutions (mainly with the Sardinia Region, Municipality of Iglesias, Calasetta, Gonnesa, Fondazione di Sardegna, etc.) as well as with foundations and theaters, thus becoming an important strategic manifold between local entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations and other cultural organizations. In fact, it can easily involve other bodies to implement and promote all its projects and activities. Two people are permanently employed with permanent contracts. Seven other people work as collaborators for all the activities. The budgetary resources available in a year are about € 200,00 and the sources of funding are private and public institutions. the modality of action of Anton Stadler are concrete projects: music festivals, concerts and artistic seasons. The main partners involved in the organization's activities are  municipalities, Sardinia Region and tha bank foundation Fondazione di Sardegna. Are also involved local enterpreneurs, no-profit organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The mission and objectives of Anton Stadler Association are the promotion and development of "art music", as classical music, chamber music, tango, jazz. This aim is reached in different ways: 1. through the organization of festival and musical events for adults and for students; 2. through the organization of formative activities dedicated do learn and listen to music (both for adults and for students)

Main Projects / Activities

Anton Stadler every years works to many projects.
The most important is "International Festival of Chamber Music", which takes place in Iglesias during the autumn and this year reaches the XXI edition. During the festival are held concerts with superstar of classical music, seminars, tastings, etc.
"I tramonti di Porto Flavia" (Sunsets in Porto Flavia), this year 3rd edition: it is a musical Festival which takes place in an old and beautiful mine site in front of the sea (Masua), a harbour suspended between land and sea. It is a jazz and classical music festival.
"ARTango&jazz Festival" (10th edition), is dedicated to tango music and jazz. It usually take place in Calasetta, a small town on the South West Coast of Sardinia. During the festival are held concerts, masterclasses and tango stages.
"Colori & Note" - Colours and Notes (10th edition), is a festival which takes place in a Contemporary Art Museum in Calasetta. 
LEBSARD Festival, a music festival born thanks to the collaboration with a Lebaneese organization, which took place in 2017. A cultural exchange based on music where youth and women were protagonists. The project was funded by Anna Lind Foundation and we are workink to a second edition.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Music represent an universal language that can help the dialogue between people over the worlk, especially between Mediterranean Countries, so similar for position, history and tradition.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Anton Stadler would like to join to ALF Network in order to propose news project focused on music and intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Artistic Director

Associazione Artemide

National Network

Loc. San Faustino, 22
05018 Orvieto (TR)


+39 0758709290
+39 0758709290
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3384655987
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Association Artemide is composed by 7 member. The executive committee of the association is composed by the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Budgetary resources avilabe in a year:40.000euro Source of funding:European commission,Local Autorithy,Membersheep fee,Private. Modalities of actions: • International Youth exchanges • Social Theatre workshops addressed to:Secondary school,Drug addicted rehabilitation community • Peace conflict resolution training addressed to:Secondary school groups (students, teachers, staff and families)Primary school teachers • Seminar and training for trainers held in our House Laboratory “The Cerquosino” regarding:Peace conflict resolutions,Social theatre,theatre of the oppressed,living theatre techniques,Aikido,Tango,Self made solar panel construction,Clown,Japanese drum,African dance and drum. • Local Environmental project:Ecomuseum of the landscape,EuroMed,Agenda 21 We work with more than 20 national partner and 50 european partner. In the Middle east area we collaborate with partner in Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza and Syria
Mission and Objectives

Association Artemide for years proposes itself as crossroad of experiences in the educational field in order to promote peace and tolerance among young people through active citizenship and participatory democracy project.
• Education to independence of young people asking them to be active part in the process of theoretical construction and practice of the activities. In this way they appreciate the responsibility of an assignment to acquit, the knowledge is assimilated in the best way when it is combined to artistic practical activity, ecological, handicraft. The responsibility towards the whole world becomes an obvious consequence. Idea is to connect experiences and different knowledge.
• Increase the value of disadvantaged rural area that has been constantly abandoned from the local population
• Practice the ideology of Ecology
• Invent new solutions related to traditional practice and creativity
• Struggle against social exclusion of young people coming from situation of uneasiness

Main Projects / Activities

1991 Summer camp for children
1996 - 2000 International work camps
1999 – 2000 International meetings Palestine – Lebanon – Italy on active citizenships and intercultural dialogue
1999 – 2009 International Youth exchange (Youth in Action) for disadvantaged youth.
2002 – 2009 Social theatre workshops with communities of recovery addicts and students of secondary schools
2004 Took part in the:
• “Ecomuseum of the landscape”, European project promoted by the District of Terni
• RuralMed in partnership with Mediterranean rural area.
• Agenda 21 of the district of Terni.
2007 – 2009 Peace conflict resolution workshops and training for primary school teachers and secondary school students
2009 Training for trainers (Youth in Action) focused on theatre of the oppressed and peace conflict resolution.
Since 1999 Workshops on non formal education, peace conflict resolution, social theatre, theatre of the oppressed, Living theatre, Aikido, Tango, African dance and drum, Clown, Taiko Japanese drum, constructions of solar panel, environmet

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Dojmi di Delupis
Head of the organisation
Barbara Colombo
Contact (2) Full Name
Serena Sweinfurth

Associazione Artistica Culturale A Rocca

National Network

via T.C.P. Arcodaci 48
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

+39 0902130696
+39 090 2404988
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The ”A Rocca” Artistic and Cultural Organization is an NGO with huge experience in the field of the Youth in Action and Leonardo da Vinci Programs. The projects coordinated so far were mainly set in Italy, more specifically in the northern part of the Sicilian region. The staff of the NGO is composed from the director, Nino Pietrini, which is also the Marketing manager; 1 Japanese secretary, 1 accountant. The International relations of A Rocca are managed from the EU International consultancy office of Eprojectconsult. Main source of funding comes from the Youth in Action and Leonardo da Vinci National Agencies, the Sicilian Region, Private donors. The main actions coordinated are: youth exchanges, training courses, partnership building activities, training placement programs, monitoring and dissemination of project results, flash mob, local awareness campaigns, etc. Main partners are: public bodies, Municipalities, public and private Schools from all over Europe, European Universities, European NGO’s and non-formal groups of people.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission consist on showing to our partners, local society and participants a different view! While it may look very obvious, it is very appropriate mission for A Rocca. Through our cultural and human resources skills we organize, host and participate in international projects that bring together people from around the world. In this way, involved people and society can share their ideas and culture, which is an experience that may leave them with a different opinion than they started out with!
Be recognized as a high quality international partner. The people working and collaborating with A Rocca are constantly improving themselves, their vision is to continue learning without pause. We already have a professional staff which we hope will be expanded in the future, making us one of the best and most reliable partner organization there is to find for any type of cooperation. This being a cooperation, partnership, or just a training period is of no importance, every person or partner is treated by the same high standards.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Exchanges, Partnership Building activities,Training Courses, Training Program through the Leonardo and Erasmusm Placement programs, European Citizenship events, promotion of human rights, Italian Courses, Evaluation and DIssemination activiites, Promotion of the Sicilian and Mediterranean cultures are the most important activities we organise during the year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The A Rocca Association could give its contribution with promotion of the projects activities and its results, transferring of knowledge and know how, implementation of local projects, dissemination and involvement of policy makers of the province of Messina and Palermo, implementation of a larger number of events in order to increade the impact and the goald of ALF at local level, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The A Rocca Association is actively dealing from 2009 with the Youth in Action and Leonardo da Vinci European Programs, with the main purpose of bringing people together from across Europe to improve mutual understanding among young generation in order to increase the respect between cultures. The Association members aims to be part of the ALF Network in order to have the opposibility to extend its range of action and multiplying the effect of the activities organized. Moreover, the area where A Rocca operates hosts many young people and older generations from the Mediterranean countries which are still not integrated into the society as they should.

Contact (1) Full Name
Federica Sottile
Head of the organisation
Pietrini Antonino

Associazione Carlo Rendano

National Network

Piazza Enrico De Nicola 46

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Il lanificio 25 vive in uno stratificato complesso architettonico, pertinente all'Insula 400centesca di Santa Caterina a Formiello, chiostro della omonima chiesa, trasformata nel corso del XVIII secolo in fabbrica di lana. Oggi si impone quale storico reperto di archeologia industriale, in uno dei quartieri di Napoli più ricco di monumenti e tradizioni. Adiacente la storica Porta Capuana e sede della Carlo Rendano Association si occupa di promuovere ed organizzare eventi innovativi, d'intrattenimento sia artistico che culturale.
Mission and Objectives

L'associazione si fa portavoce libera delle persone, degli artisti e degli intellettuali che interpretano grazie ai mezzi più inaspettati e diversi, il rapporto di Napoli con il mondo contemporaneo e la sua storia.
Le persone impegnate in questa impresa lavorano ad un progetto singolare alla scoperta dei movimenti culturali emergenti attraverso musica, mostre, eventi, proiezioni, incontri, conferenze, pubblicazioni.

Main Projects / Activities

Nella stagione 2015/2016 l'associazione ospita nei suoi locali concerti di artisti della scena musicale indipendente napoletana, mostre d'arte, conferenze e collabora con l'associazione "I Love Porta Capuana" per il recupero della zona in cui il Lanificio è ubicato

Contact (1) Full Name
Franco Rendano
Head of the organisation
Franco Rendano/Giulia Diana
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulia Diana

Associazione CeNASS - Center for Near Abroad Strategic Studies

National Network

Corso Trieste 67

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
  3. Research
General Information
L'associazione ha lo scopo di promuovere la conoscenza delle relazioni internazionali politiche, economiche e di sicurezza ed in particolare il concetto geopolitico di Estero Vicino e la promozione di relazioni istituzionali e di ricerca con i paesi che fanno parte di quest'aera.
Mission and Objectives

Le aree di riferimento principali delle attività di ricerca e analisi del Center for Near Abroad Strategic Studies. Il Mediterraneo Orientale; la Mitteleuropa e l'Europa Sud Orientale e Balcanica; l'area del Mar Rosso e del sistema fluviale del Nilo e la Penisola Arabica; il Corno d'Africa. L'insieme di questi quattro quadranti costituisce un'area geopolitica di interesse per la politica estera e di sicurezza dell'Unione Europea e rappresenta la direttrice Sud Orientale del suo Estero Vicino.

Main Projects / Activities

Per il raggiungimento dei propri fini l'associazione si propone di:

Realizzare rapporti di ricerca, di analisi e previsionali

Organizzare convegni e seminari

Organizzare attività di formazione

Attività editoriali

Fornire supporto strategico al processo decisionale del governo italiano e delle istituzioni europee

Fornire assistenza tecnica ai governi centrali o istituzioni locali della regione di oggetto di studio

Relazionarsi con gli organismi internazionali o regionali

Comunicare sui media e al pubblico i risultati delle proprie attività

Partecipare a bandi nazionali europei e internazionali

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Quercia
Head of the organisation
Paolo Quercia

Associazione Children of the World Onlus - Bambini del Mondo Onlus

National Network

Via Giglioli, 69

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
L'associazione nasce nel 2010 allo scopo di tutelare e salvaguardare i diritti dei bambini e delle fasce più giovani della popolazione globale che vivono in territori devastati e zone afflitte da guerre. Si sostiene grazie a finanziamenti privati e al 5X100.
Mission and Objectives

L'associazione tutela i diritti dei bambini e delle fasce più giovani della popolazione globale che vivono in territori devastati e zone afflitte da guerre.

Main Projects / Activities

L'associazione sensibilizza nelle scuole le tematiche infantili.

Contact (1) Full Name
Urbano Stenta
Head of the organisation
Urbano Stenta

Associazione Cinefabrica

National Network

Via E. De Martino 25

+ 39 328 5764054
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Cinefabrica is a cultural association that promotes and at the same time tries to enhance the value of the film culture in Italy and Europe.Established in 2002, it offers services and audiovisual productions in a novel way: through journeys and investigation, movement and observation and the continuous change of locations. Staff: 5 Co-workers: 10 Members of Association: 130 Budget (year): 50.000,00€ Funds: Public Projects - Private Sponsors
Mission and Objectives

Aims of Cinefabrica:
To collect, protect and share memories
To stimulate comparison, exchanges and dialogue among cultures and different lives
To improve and facilitate everyone’s access to culture through free film projections for all kinds of audiences
To encourage social aggregation
To promote locations and identities
To allow communities to actively participate
To provide tools for communication techniques(audiovisual, theatre and multimedia languages)
To stimulate creativity

Main Projects / Activities

Project name: Cinema Ambulante - memorie in viaggio
Cinefabrica is an itinerant reality.
For three years it has travelled around with its ‘movie-van’ projecting movie master pieces, films by the great masters of the seventh art together with reportages, created in the host reality.
Reportages, documentaries, short movies and interviews with members of the community, represent the storyboard for the construction of a historical memory of places and their social and cultural life.
The point of the ‘moving-cinema’ is bartering: great stories told through film in exchange for short stories told by people and places. Cinefabrica investigates realities, collecting and documenting them in order to recount its journeys through a logbook made of pictures, videos, music and texts. A trip through cultures and people. A trip in the present and across memory.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luca Acito
Head of the organisation
Cultural project (cinema, media, theatre)

Associazione Colli di San Miniato

National Network

56028 San Miniato (PI), Via Conti, 35.
San Miniato

+39 3476683273
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Association structure consist in: Partners' meeting; Board of Directors; President. At present, Colli di San Miniato employs one staff member; Partners are in number of 16. Budgetary resources available in a year are about 25.000 euro; main sources of funding are: public funding, private non profit organizations funding, own funding. Modalities of action are: organization and participation in information and dissemination events on sustainable agriculture and development; scholarship and training; collaborative project with others non profit association, public authorities, stakeholders, in order to promote sustainable development and in particular eco-turism, short distribution chain, conscious consumption.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Colli di San Miniato is protect and promote local agriculture for a sustainable development.
In particular, the aim of Colli di San Miniato is informing stakeholders and general public on issues such as: traditional products, quality in agriculture, organic agriculture, nutritional education, role of agriculture in protecting the environment, conscious consumption.

Main Projects / Activities

Implementation of products' traceability system; quality control system and brand; promotion of short distribution chain; dissemination of information about traditional agricultural products and working methods, organic production, nutritional education, sustainable development and environmental issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serse Dainelli
Head of the organisation
Serse Dainelli

Associazione Compagnia delle Opere Campania

National Network

via Duomo 266 Napoli

+39 081/284071
+39 081/284057
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Felice Siciliano

Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII

National Network

Via Mameli, 1

+39 0541909630
Telephone (other)
+39 0541909631
+39 0541909637
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The ‘Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII’ Association is an International Association of the Faithful of Pontifical Right, with Juridical Personality. The directing body of the Association is the Council of Leaders, composed of the President and the Area Leaders. The Association is present in 26 countries, and it has 138 staff employed and 2174 members. The budgetary resources available each year is around 19 milion of euro. Worldwide, the Association has opened 520 different centres, of which 298 are family homes, and runs several projects, which aim to address the different needs of vulnerable people. For more information see the statute and report attached.
Mission and Objectives

The ‘Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII’ Association is committed to promoting the so called ‘Society of Gratuitousness’, based on being, sharing and relating, where the least, the disabled and the marginalised set the pace of humanity’s march. Hence, the Association advocates for the recognition of the right to International Solidarity, which it defines as, ‘The union of interests or purposes among countries, and social cohesion between them, based upon the dependence of States and other international actors on each other, in order to preserve the order and very survival of international society, and in order to achieve collective goals, which require international cooperation and joint action’.

Main Projects / Activities

Areas of Intervention:
social care and Assistance; Rights of the Child; Combating Drug Abuse; Peace and Nonviolence (Nonviolent peace Corp of Association:; Support of Formal and Non-Formal Education; Vocational Education and Training; Food security and Poverty; Rights of Migrants and Combating Human Trafficking. For more information see the report attached.
Currently we are implementing an european funded project in Palestine (EU Partnership for Peace Programme).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will promote the network's initiatives in our website, we will participate to Anna Lindh Forum.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Association is present in different countries of Mediterranean Area: Italy; Spain; Albania; Croatia, Israel/Palestine. In particular, we are present in the West Bank since 2002 to promote peace building among Palestinian and Israeli civil society. Our action aims to transform the violent conflict between ultra-orthodox settlers and local palestinians in the South Hebron Hills area. We want to join the ALF Network to improve public opinion and media awareness of the South Hebron Hills situation, and to spread the nonviolent conflict resolution method. We are interested also in meeting other associations who work to promote intercultural dialogue and peace building activities in Mediterranean Area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara Zanni
Head of the organisation
Giovanni Ramonda
Contact (2) Full Name
Giorgia Stefani