
Apply for the World House programme, Italy

photos of young people discussing

The World House program is a training and civic engagement experience for young leaders, promoted by the ALF member Rondine Cittadella della Pace (Italy). The program focuses on social impact, peace education and leadership, includes an academic course, and offers participants a 2-year experience in a vibrant and challenging international campus. The deadline to apply is January 10, 2023.

Are you ready to learn how to transform the conflict into an opportunity and generate social change?
The World House program is the experience that you are looking for!

More information:

APS - Comitato Don Peppe Diana

National Network

Corso Umberto, 153
Casal di Principe

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
General Information
L'associazione ha lo scopo di promuovere e diffondere la cultura anti camorra e ricostruire la figura di Don Peppe Diana. Nata nel 2012 si adopera al fine di incrementare i contatti tra i vari soggetti, individuali e associativi, impegnati nella lotta alla criminalità organizzata. Al fine di sostenere le proprie attività e autofinanziarsi, organizza manifestazioni culturali e sportive.
Mission and Objectives

Gli scopi dell'associazione sono ricostruire la memoria di Don Peppe Diana, promuovere i diritti dell'indiivduo e la solidarietà tra le generazioni e i gruppi sociali, bloccare e prevenire i processi di esclusione sociale e contrastare le situazioni di vecchie e nuove povertà, promuovere la cultura della cittadinanza, legalità, solidarietà e ambiente, nella valorizzazione della memoria storica per le persone che hanno operato contro le mafie.
L'associazione mira anche a una maggiore cooperazione tra tutte le associazioni, enti e soggetti collettivi impegnati per la legalità, la cittadinanza e la lotta a tutte le mafie. Intende inoltre promuovere l'elaborazione di strategie di lotta non violenta contro il dominio camorrista del territorio e favorire il riutilizzo sociale di beni confiscati dalla criminalità organizzata oltre che ridurre fenomeni quale estorsione e racket.

Main Projects / Activities

A) Organizzare iniziative sulla conoscenza del fenomeno camorristico e strategie di risposta ad esso.
B) Organizzare attività di formazione destinata ad insegnanti, studenti, operatori sociali e coloro i quali intendono impegnarsi per la crescita della cultura della cittadinanza, della legalità, della solidarietà, della non violenza e della tutela dell'ambiente.
C) Redigere report sull'evoluzione del fenomeno camorristico.
D) Attivare una rete informatica interattiva tra gli associati

Contact (1) Full Name
Mauro Baldascino
Head of the organisation
Mauro Baldascino

Archeoclub Sez. Comprensoriale Jonico-Etnea "Etty Interdonato"

National Network

Via Carroti 40 - 95010 Santa Venerina, (CT) Italy

0039 095 7704163
Telephone (other)
0039 095 7792472
0039 095 7792472
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3408316705
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3476137724
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization: Our organization is a no profit foundation, composed by the president and his vice, an economist and 30 members. Every year we have a budget of about 3000 euros, this amount come from entrance fee, donations, contributes of public administrations. We organise seminars about archaeology, historical, cultural and artistic events. Main our partners are some local public administrations, other associations that collaborate with us.
Mission and Objectives

"Archeoclub d'Italia" is a national no profit and volontary organization, that was born in 1971. Its main target is to promote culture, protection and valorization of the places that are important for their history, culture and art.

Main Projects / Activities

Scholarships, archaeological Workcamps, conferences, other actions to promote the culture and the history of the Mediterranean area

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo Cozzubbo
Head of the organisation
Carlo Di Bella
Contact (2) Full Name
Ines Torrisi

ARCI - Associazione Ricreativa e Culturale Italiana

National Network

Direction National
Via dei Monti di Pietralata 16


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
Arci est une organisation avec 140 siege territorial, independant du point de vous economique, qui coordonne ses 5000 cèrcle/club culturelles. Arci a 1.000.000 de personnes associès. La Direction National a une equipe de 50 personnes. Au niveau national compte plus de 400 personnes. Le bilan economique 2007 de Arci Direction National a ètè de 6 millions d'euros. Les sources de financement national sont repartie en 1/3 ressources adhesion des associès, 1/3 ressorces de sponsoring, 1/3 ressources de projets avec amministrations publiques. Toutes modalitès d'action sont utilisèes. Le partnaires principaux sont: amministrations publiques, acteurs de l'economie solidaire, EU, resaux mediterranèens, resaux europèen.
Mission and Objectives

L’Arci est une association indépendante de promotion sociale et civile. Grâce au nombre de ses cercles culturels (5 400) et au nombre de ses membres, qui sont maintenant plus d'un million, elle constitue un vaste réseau de participation démocratique. Elle est profondément engagée dans la promotion et le développement du monde associatif, en tant que facteur de cohésion sociale, et occasion d'engagement civil et démocratique, en tant d'affirmation de la paix, des droits de citoyenneté et de lutte contre quelque forme d'exclusion et de discrimination que ce soit.

Main Projects / Activities

voir le site

Contact (1) Full Name
Carlo Testini
Head of the organisation
Paolo Beni

ARCI Comitato Provinciale di Savona

National Network

Via Giacchero, 22.2 - 17100 Savona
xxsxs sx

+39 019/804433
Telephone (other)
+39 019/825744
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Durante


National Network


+39 071 203045
+39 071 203050
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Il Comitato Territoriale di Ancona opera da oltre 15 anni nel territorio delle Marche, sia capillarmente attraverso i circoli della città e della provincia, sia globalmente attraverso iniziative che riguardano l’ambito culturale, sociale, ambientale attraverso le linee guida del pacifismo, della lotta ad ogni tipo di razzismo culturale o sessuale e delle pari opportunità tra uomini e donne. L'associazione è composta da 3 persone impiegate stabilmente e dagli operatori del Servizio Civile Nazionale che annualmente sono ospitati presso l'ente. A livello finanziario, Arci Ancona è sostenuta dalle quote associative, dai proventi derivanti dagli eventi a pagamento organizzati lungo tutto l'anno e da contributi pubblici eventualmente erogati a sostegno delle proprie attività. Arci Ancona opera durante tutto l’anno lungo direttrici che investono la musica, il cinema, la poesia, la letteratura e le arti visive (pittura, scultura, video, etc..). Questo si è tradotto in una miriade di iniziative, piccole e grandi, estemporanee o articolate: rassegne musicali e cinematografiche, concerti, mostre, incontri culturali, rassegne di poesie, dibatti, etc. Nella realizzazione di attività e progetti, Arci Ancona persegue l'obiettivo di fare sistema con l'associazionismo marchigiano esistente, al fine di mettere in rete risorse e competenze e creare occasioni di confronto e di collaborazione. Per questo motivo, molti degli appuntamenti targati Arci spesso sono presentati in sinergia con altre associazioni, o fanno parte di programmazioni artistiche e culturali condivise.
Mission and Objectives

Uno degli obiettivi prioritari di ARCI Ancona è quello di inserire le tematiche culturali nella prospettiva di crescita e di formazione dei nuovi cittadini, per la costruzione di nuovi modelli di vita e per la qualità dell’esistenza delle comunità locali, ancor di più oggi nel tempo della comunicazione e della produzione globale. Una scelta che, senza escludere l’ambito professionale della cultura, privilegia in primis la scelta di promozione sociale, di liberazione degli individui, di responsabilità rispetto all’impatto delle scelte, di difesa dei luoghi della socialità reale, di rifiuto della monocultura imperante e di ogni tentativo di omologazione.
L'inserimento in un network internazionale di operatori che si occupano di cooperazione internazionale rappresenta attualmente uno degli obiettivi prioritari che l'associazione persegue.

Main Projects / Activities

A livello nazionale, tra le attività ed i progetti ideati e realizzati nel corso degli anni da Arci Ancona ricordiamo in questa sede:
> rassegna musicale itinerante "Controcanto", organizzata in collaborazione con la Provincia di Ancona che vede come protagonista la canzone d'autore;
> gestione dell'Arena Cinematografica Estiva nel Comune di Ancona e Chiaravalle;
> festival "Sconcerti", che evidenzia lo stretto legame che unisce la musica alle altre discipline artistiche - in particolare cinema e letteratura;
> gestione della stagione estiva dell'Anfiteatro del Consorzio Parco del Conero a Sirolo(AN);
> festival di musica e cultura elettronica "Acusmatiq".
A livello internazionale, ARCI Ancona è stata partner di diversi progetti internazionali di cooperazione culturale:
> progetto "Adriatico Mediterraneo - Klezmer", che dal 2005 promuove scambi culturali ed artistici con i Balcani
> progetto "European Adriatic Cultural Network" volto a favorire gli scambi di risorse umane, di idee, di conoscenze nel settore artistico-culturale e della pianificazione culturale nell’area Euroadriatica

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Arciragazzi Portici "Utopia Attanasio"

National Network

Via Libertà III trav dx n.3 - Palazzo Portolano
80055 Portici NA

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Volunteer Organization, The staff is composed by 3 stable members, the president, Vice President and responsible at secretary.
Budgetary resources available in a year: Our budget is completely based on the approval of our projects so it depends from the request of funding done year by year. The 2018 annual turnover in EURO: € 54.216,64. The 2019 is not yet available.
Sources of funding: Erasmus+, European Social Funds, Never Alon-EPIM.
Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): Youth Exchange, KA2,Training, ESC, Study Visit...
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Shannara Cooperativa Sociale, UDI - Unione Donne in Italia, Forum dei Giovani di Portici, Mamme Vulcaniche, Radio Siani, Casba Coop. Sociale, Associazione Senegalesi Napoli, One Billion Rising, No Hate Speech Network, Let's do it Mediterranean!, Gruppi scoutistici CNGEI (laico) ed AGESCI (cattolico), Arcigay Napoli, Famiglie Arcobaleno, Associazione Trans Napoli (ATN),Centro interculturale Nanà, Cooperativa Dedalus,Arcipelago della Solidarietà (Progetto SPRAR Rifugiati) and many more!

Mission and Objectives

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a key document in all our local and international activities for disseminating knowledge of children's rights among minors, young people and adults. The core objective pursued by Arciragazzi is the social inclusion by shaping access to resources and opportunities for all young people (14/30 aged) including youth with few opportunities, minors in care system, youth with migrant background, LGBT young people.
From 2011,due to the constant and deep cooperation with Shannara Social Cooperative dealing with minors at risk, unaccompanied foreign minors and trafficked girls, we started working in deep on topics related to migration and intercultural dialogue by keeping always an eye to the route of youth immigration with a geopolitical approach - first with partners from Balkans and Oriental neighbouring Countries and then with Euro-Mediterranean countries and Africa - for promoting HRE by empowering and enhancing youth social inclusion path. The know-how acquired in the design activities and projects within the Euro-Mediterranean framework allowed us to go through different topics and to encourage young people to be the protagonist and motivate them to be agents of social change. Arciragazzi has developed good practice in the promotion of a cohesive society, allowing to broaden knowledge, providing opportunities for minors and young people (autochtones and migrants) to gain experience outside the local context; to allow adults professional updating dealing with youth; building strategic partnerships for the implementation and study of good practices of interventions in the migration area, in particular unaccompanied foreign minors and young migrants, and the services necessary to achieve a good reception to the local context of the newly. Then, this spectrum of actions has allowed us to build a specific identity at National level (Arciragazzi counts about 50 youth centres located in different Italian region/cities)and from different private and public bodies.
"Our Gold" Youth Exchange has been selected as "best practice" for the BpE (Becoming a part of Europe) by the Italian ANG for international activities with impact on young migrants, asylum seekers and refugees inside the local community, using the principles and approaches of non-formal learning and representing youth work experiences and practices as a tool for social inclusion.
Arciragazzi Portici is the territorial antenna for No Hate Speech Network, it's a member at ENAR (European anti-racism network) and it's a representative at Municipality of Portici for the Equal Opportunities Territorial Commission.

Main Projects / Activities

2019.28 March/still ongoing: “Le Rotte del Gusto” (The Route of Taste)
The project focuses on the achievement of Unaccompanied Foreign minors’ autonomy through the integrated temporary guardianship. relational and social inclusion processes will give these young people the tools to play a more and more active role in the host community, enabling them to enter the labor market and live an autonomous life. Arciragazzi follows the inclusion path and the activities related to the communication for facilitating their integration
Web Site:
2020, 16/24 February: PRIDE (Serbia)
Project funded by the European Commission Erasmus + Directorate of General Education and Culture
This project is designed as a training for trainers, and therefore focused on further dissemination and impact youth workers can/will have on their target group, by equipping them with the set of skills needed to transfer gained knowledge and skills further onto other beneficiaries. The project will consist of 2 mobilities, training for trainers and evaluation meeting, which will include 4 different phases – preparation and research, residential training for trainers, development and implementation of the follow up activities and finally residential evaluation meeting. Countries: Serbia, Romania, North Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Portugal,France.
2020, 11 January: “Immigration and reception: Orientation & Gender Identity”(Portici, Napoli)
Presentation of the book “Immigration and reception: sexual orientation & Gender Identity” by Carmela Ferrara to discuss about the LGBT Immigration flow. The aim was to make visible the LGBT immigrants and LGBT inmates to show the lack of integration policy at National, European and worldwide level. The event was organized by Cooperativa Shannara and Arciragazzi Portici and, supported by representative at Thinktank GenPol: Gender & Policy Insights (University of Cambridge), Alfi Napoli Le Maree, Avvocatura per i Diritti LGBTI - Rete Lenford, European Network Against Racism - ENAR, Municipality of Portici, Assessorato Politiche Giovanili e Pari Opportunità, Consulta Comunale P.O, Un posto occupato.
2019, 20-30 November : XI Festival del Cinema dei Diritti Umani Napoli The XI Edition presents, for the first time, the Youth section open to works created by authors under 25 years or addressed to an audience of children and/or young people up to 25 years of age. Arciragazzi, in June, started to promote the Festival through its National and International network and a youth group of 8 people with different background, took place as jury along with other young people of different NGOs to evaluate the short movies participating to the call.
2019, 25 November: International Day for the eradication of violence against women The day was characterized by two meetings. The first meeting was that of with a group of young people from different countries who discussed about the analysis of the words hurting them when comes to discrimination, gender equality and gender-based violence.
The second one was structured within a simulation activity scheduled for the XI HUMAN RIGHTS FESTIVAL IN NAPLES - YOUTH session. The vision of three videos gave us the opportunity to "read" the hidden messages and of which we are the bearers (sometimes involuntarily) on discrimination, gender inequality and gender violence.
2019, 15 Novembre-15 June 2020: ESC – European Solidarity Corps: CROSSING VIEW IV
«Crossing views» is based on the values of mutual learning and on the idea that we are more creative and innovative in intercultural environments. In this sens, this project will give intercultural learning opportunities to volunteers so they can improve their work as youth workers but it will also focus on the learning benefits that the hosting organisation can get of this cooperation.
Countries: Spain, Italy.
2019, 23/29 September: Engagement of Women in Politics and Entrepreneurship (Beirut, Lebanon)
Organized by Italian National Agency of Erasmus + Youth in cooperation with SALTO-YOUTH EuroMed, French National Agency of Erasmus +, UK National Agency and GIZ Lebanon (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH) and local NGOs and Institutions
The meaningful participation of women in national, local, and community leadership roles has become an important focus on global development policy. Still, some may ask why it matters if women become political leaders, elected policymakers, or civil society activists. Why does the world need more women involved in all aspects of the political process? Women's political participation results in tangible gains for democracy, including greater responsiveness to citizen needs, increased cooperation across party and ethnic lines, and a more sustainable future.
Countries: Youth in Action Programme countries, Southern Mediterranean countries
Presentation of the book “Un’altra vita” (Another life) by Filomena Lamberti, victim of domestic violence.
This public event is part of a series of meetings that Shannara Cooperative and Arciragazzi has planned at territorial level to promote information, sensitization
and training in the field of gender and in particular focusing on the phenomenon of violence against women and addressed to young people.
2018, September to 2020 February: KA2 - UpGrad_ME
Project funded by the European Commission Erasmus + Directorate of General Education and Culture
UpGrad_Me is a project whose aim was to develop contents capable to enhance migrant youth employability by building their capacity. The motto “self-branding through a Video CV using your mobile phone" was the acknowledgement by the partners involved of the fact that migrant youths at risk of social exclusion and poverty do not possess a computer, but have all a smart phone, whose potentials are ignored for low awareness in digital literacy. So, included in the learning outcome of the training is the capacity to harness the power of their mobile phone, an element which was also one of the objectives of the project.
Countries: Malta, Italy, Spain

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our association is ran by autochtones and young people with different background, religion, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation and identity.
We can put at disposal our know how especially for the intercultural competences and partecipative youth process.
Then the contribution can be "translated" in new local projects so to get large our ray of action and to be more effective at local level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It's a great opportunity for my association and for my community to have new resources not only in term of founds but also in terms of new partners join ALF Network for implement and sharing best practice, to exchange competences, skills and experiences.
Then some NGOs, already ALF members, suggested us to be in this network because of great opportunity to go in deep on long terms activities more than other founds.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Schettini
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Paola Schettini

Arcoss - Agenzia Regionale Confcooperative per lo Sviluppo in Sardegna

National Network

Piazza Salento, 5

070 485074
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
General Information
L’Agenzia Regionale Confcooperative per lo Sviluppo in Sardegna è lo strumento tecnico operativo di Confcooperative in Sardegna per la ideazione, progettazione e realizzazione di servizi altamente specialistici e progetti complessi, con cui vengono date le risposte alle esigenze delle cooperative associate in vista della loro crescita nei mercati economici e finanziari. L’Agenzia mette in campo le migliori professionalità interne al sistema Confcooperative in Sardegna e i migliori professionisti convenzionati: manager di settore, legali, commercialisti, tributaristi, esperti di business & marketing planning, formatori e team builder, coach, esperti di finanza, esperti di processi di informatizzazione.  
Mission and Objectives

A.R.CO.S.S. è stata appositamente istituita per raggiungere alcuni precisi obiettivi, tra i quali in particolare:

la realizzazione e gestione dei progetti finalizzati a supportare lo sviluppo economico e finanziario delle imprese cooperative;

l'ideazione di piani di marketing per la promozione dell'immagine delle imprese cooperative e l'acquisizione di nuovi mercati locali ed esterni (internalizzazione)

la progettazione e realizzazione di servizi formativi e di affinacamento manageriale per aumentare le capacitaà professionali e migliorare l'efficienza organizzativa delle imprese cooperative associate.

Main Projects / Activities

L’Agenzia Regionale Confcooperative per lo Sviluppo in Sardegna è lo strumento tecnico operativo di Confcooperative in Sardegna per la ideazione, progettazione e realizzazione di servizi altamente specialistici e progetti complessi, con cui vengono date le risposte alle esigenze delle cooperative associate in vista della loro crescita nei mercati economici e finanziari.
L’Agenzia mette in campo le migliori professionalità interne al sistema Confcooperative in Sardegna e i migliori professionisti convenzionati: manager di settore, legali, commercialisti, tributaristi, esperti di business & marketing planning, formatori e team builder, coach, esperti di finanza, esperti di processi di informatizzazione.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gavino Soggia
Head of the organisation
Gavino Soggia

ARCS Arci Culture Solidali

National Network

Via dei Monti di Pietralata 16 00157 Rome
00157 Rome

0039 06 41609500
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Arcs – Arci Cultura e Sviluppo is the Ngo of the system Arci and was founded to carry out activities in the field of international cooperation and solidarity. Being the Ngo of a national association implies an organizational model which is quite peculiar, in the sense that, also in its structure, ARCS is the expression of the associative dimension that characterizes Arci. The staff is composed as follows: 7 headquarters,5 expats, 7 local The budgetary resources available in a year totals around € 1.500.000 coming from private donors(through fund raising campaign), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Organizations Italian Regions and Local Bodies. Our main partners are: ARDI, Multikultivator, NSHC in the Balkans; Reneé Moawad Foundation and Mada in Lebanon; WLSA, Forum Mulher Cruz Vermelha and Nafeza in Mozambique; ECRC, YDD in the West Bank and East Jerusalem; the Sem terra movement and IBASE in Brazil
Mission and Objectives

The institutional aims of ARCS are related to realize interchange, training and international cooperation projects in accordance with the values and principles of its mother association: -to realize programmes aimed at social promotion and active participation of citizens to the creation and reinforcement of democracy in their own countries; -to realize sensitizing campaigns aimed at the protection and defence of human rights, with a particular care to minorities, children and women; -to promote projects related to institutional and capacity building and interchange activities between local communities, with a particular attention to the social and cultural sectors The methodology, the context, the partners and contents of the action refer to the promotion of relationships between communities, groups of affinity and/or gender. The added value to the relations between the communities of “recipient” countries and the Italian ones is an important guarantee of sustainability of any intervention we undertake.

Main Projects / Activities

The main axes of ARCS international activity are: the commitment to childhood youths and to social promotion of women; the promotion of local democratically-oriented development and active citizenship; the support to the Third Sector and more generally to the associative movement; the intervention in emergency situations and the diffusion of youth international voluntary work. Arci is the promoter of Attivarci, a fund raising campaign to support eight projects fostering childhood in several areas of the world and carried out by ARCS. Arcs main activities are: information and development education campaigns both in Italy and in developing countries; community level training in developing countries; short and medium term programmes of international cooperation; in developing countries; selection, training and employment of volunteers and professionals in developing countries in support of programmes and activities.; decentralized cooperation programmes; emergency programmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Stilli
Head of the organisation
Filippo Miraglia


National Network

Via L. B. Alberti 7
41012 Carpi

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Arcus is a not-for-profit organisation, based in the town of Carpi - in Emilia Romagna region. Arcus was founded in 2006 by a group of 6 people with years-long experience in community social activities. Today Arcus counts 22 active members, volunteering at the association throughout the implementation of its activities. Its members include youngsters, students, people interested in culture and sensitive to social issues. Arcus works as a network for creative production, reflection and cultural exchange, establishing a cross-subject position.  Arcus develops an attitude for intervention in social issues. The main fields of action for Arcus are: civil society, social inclusion, youth, women’s rights equal opportunity, art and culture as effectiveness tools to promote social cohesion and training through art. Among its main activities and productions: editorial projects, magazines, contemporary art and photo exhibitions; lectures, seminars, symposium and research on social topics, talk and walk tours; urban interventions; international project, courses.
Mission and Objectives

The common thread which connects all of our developed and implemented activities and projects, and which is also our mission, is the support and special concern we have for women and their world, therefore everything that involves them:  rights, work, training, motherhood, children, schools, nurseries, family, business and management, entrepreneurship, art, culture, domestic management, marriage, domestic violence, sexual harassment, equal rights, fashion, cooking, cleaning, gardening and money management.
The experience that Arcus wants to bring in the project is related to the participation at the European project called “4WOMEN”.
This project is carried out by a Liyakat Association - project leader from Turkey - with three Turkish partners Konak Municipality, Dokuz Eylul University Graduate School of Social Science - the Department of European Union Studies and two Italian partners ARCUS Association and WORK IN PROGRESS.  The Municipality of Polpenazze also took part to some activities, without budget.
4WOMEN originates from the need to disclose the problem of violence against women in Turkey and in Italy in terms of its prevalence, incidence, rate and nature. This is an important topic that still needs further investigation. Women rarely disclose what has happened to them and even more rarely report to the police or seek help in the crisis centers or other social services. Both, citizens at individual level and organized Civil Society at political and general level, should ensure that society implements the necessary changes. The role of Civil Society is crucial in this respect, offering the opportunity to better meet the needs of the involved regions by providing support to Civil Society development and dialogue. 4WOMEN focuses on the areas of intervention of capacity building to fight VAW, leading to a transfer of knowledge and the set-up of a new trans-national network, supporting socio-economic CSOs playing the crucial role in the uptake, implementation and monitoring of the socio-economic acquits.
4WOMEN is foreseen as a tool to support social services to contrast VAW and improve their social inclusion. This phenomenon is recognized and considered by international organizations such as the UN and the EU as violence in general and it represents one of the most common violations of human rights; as a matter of fact it threatens the individual freedom and psycho-physical integrity of women and it is a worldwide spread problem, not yet properly acknowledged and reported.  Arcus is now also involved in the project 4WOMEN2 which addresses training needs for social workers dealing with women victims of violence.

Main Projects / Activities

The common thread which connects all of our developed and implemented activities and projects, and which is also our mission, is the support and special concern we have for women and their world, therefore everything that involves them:  rights, work, training, motherhood, children, schools, nurseries, family, business and management, entrepreneurship, art, culture, domestic management, marriage, domestic violence, sexual harassment, equal rights, fashion, cooking, cleaning, gardening and money management.
The experience that Arcus wants to bring in the project is related to the participation at the European project called “4WOMEN”.
This project is carried out by a Liyakat Association - project leader from Turkey - with three Turkish partners Konak Municipality, Dokuz Eylul University Graduate School of Social Science - the Department of European Union Studies and two Italian partners ARCUS Association and WORK IN PROGRESS.  The Municipality of Polpenazze also took part to some activities, without budget.
4WOMEN originates from the need to disclose the problem of violence against women in Turkey and in Italy in terms of its prevalence, incidence, rate and nature. This is an important topic that still needs further investigation. Women rarely disclose what has happened to them and even more rarely report to the police or seek help in the crisis centers or other social services. Both, citizens at individual level and organized Civil Society at political and general level, should ensure that society implements the necessary changes. The role of Civil Society is crucial in this respect, offering the opportunity to better meet the needs of the involved regions by providing support to Civil Society development and dialogue. 4WOMEN focuses on the areas of intervention of capacity building to fight VAW, leading to a transfer of knowledge and the set-up of a new trans-national network, supporting socio-economic CSOs playing the crucial role in the uptake, implementation and monitoring of the socio-economic acquits.
4WOMEN is foreseen as a tool to support social services to contrast VAW and improve their social inclusion. This phenomenon is recognized and considered by international organizations such as the UN and the EU as violence in general and it represents one of the most common violations of human rights; as a matter of fact it threatens the individual freedom and psycho-physical integrity of women and it is a worldwide spread problem, not yet properly acknowledged and reported.  Arcus is now also involved in the project 4WOMEN2 which addresses training needs for social workers dealing with women victims of violence.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a wide expertise in the implementation of trans-national projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the network in order to meet other organizations to enlarge to possibilities of  trans-national exchange of best practice

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Calzolari
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Carla Braghini
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca Verna
Job Title (2)
Project manager