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- خريطة متعددة الثقافات لمدينتك

هدفت مبادرة خريطة متعددة الثقافات لمدينتك إلى معالجة التعصب والقوالب النمطية وغيرها من المشاغل الاجتماعية والثقافية الرئيسية من خلال تعزيز الاحترام المتبادل داخل المجتمعات المحلية في جنوب إيطاليا وفيما بينها. من أجل تحقيق هذه الأهداف، خلُص المنظمون إلى ضرورة تعزيز...

26cc space for contemporary art

National Network

via castruccio castracane 28a

+39069818 2991
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organization: 26cc is a non profit association. The staff is composed by 8 members, each member is responsible of an area (video, exhibition and performance, residency, press, archive, web, lectures and workshops, public relations) Budgetary resources available in a year: € 40.000 26cc organizes and hosts workshops, seminars, lectures, exhibitions, screenings and events and in late 2009 26cc will start a residency program for foreign artists and curators. Sources of funding: private sponsors, public institutions Main partners: municipality of Rome; Platform Garanti, Istanbul; Sparwasser, Berlin; press to exit,Skopje;Tranzit,Prague
Mission and Objectives

26cc is an independent space born by initiative and reflections of a group of young artists and curators, with the will to propose and promote contemporary culture on the basis of sharing, discussion of ideas and paths and active collaborations with other similar institutions throughout Europe.
26cc poses itself as a focal point, at the same time a physical space and a place for ideas from where to start paths, links, confrontations and relationships with the most actual contemporary researches in Italy and, above all, abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

2007 - "pay attention please" exhibition
2008 - "sensitive timelines" A project about narration and time - lectures, workshop and exhibition
- "Politiche – thinking through art" a two-days meeting with eight invited European no-profit organizations
- "STUDIOVISIT" ia project that aims to embrace, in a widest view, the emerging scene of contemporary
arts, with the purpose of favouring information and knowledge in various contexts, through public
presentation events.

Contact (1) Full Name
cecilia casorati
Head of the organisation
cecilia casorati
Contact (2) Full Name
gabriele gaspari

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National Network

Viale Machiavelli 31/33

Tel.+39 055 220281
Telephone (other)
Tel.+39 055 390065
+39 055 2298147
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
It is an SRL company which includes a staff of 50 employeds. The annual budget of the society is of euro 1.000.000. The sources of funding are private projects and public funds. The actions include projects, educational courses, international exchanges and scholarships.
Mission and Objectives

It has been operating for defence of world cultural legacy, through promotion and management of enterprises aimed at study, preservation, education and promotion of the historical-artistic heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

The main aim of the projects is to stimulate the students of the “sezione paritaria of Institute of Geometri” by means of collective exhibition based on the theme of friendly environmental and sustainable projects. The exhibition will take place in the premises of the school and it will involve many other secondary schools of the Province of Florence.

Contact (1) Full Name
Furferi Giuseppe
Head of the organisation
Furferi Giuseppe

A.M. - “Adriatico Mediterraneo” Association

National Network

Via Vittorio Veneto 11 - 60122

+39 071 8046 325
+39 071 8046 325
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Association A.M. “Adriatico Mediterraneo” was born in Ancona in 2007, from the previous experience of the Association “Musica Klezmer”, active since 1996. Right from the very first moment the Association revealed its strong vocation to cultural exchange. In 2007 “Klezmer festival” changed its name into “International Adriatic Mediterranean festival”, widening its attention to the manifold creative expressions in the Adriatic Mediterranean basin, and promote, also on an institutional level, the vocation to interregional cooperation through a complex cultural project with an international dimension.
Mission and Objectives

The first aim is to legitimate the cultural identity of the territory of the Marches and its county town, Ancona, a millenary town which has always been considered the door to the East.
The Association wants to contribute to the depiction of new scenery of integration and cohesion by establishing a dialogue between the countries of the Adriatic- Mediterranean basin and the Balkan area. The idea is to create a widespread confrontation and cultural exchange to represent the manifold artistic expressions, but most of all to realize and strengthen territorial networks of cultural cooperation. The Mediterranean can be thought of as a “big space”, a strategic resource and a privileged place for cooperation. A sea that in it history has made the meeting, not always easy, between different cultures possible: Catholic and Orthodox Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Many are the Italian and International artist involved in the past editions of the event, amongst them: Emir Kusturica, Pedrag Matvejevic, Noa, Goran Bregovic, Ute Lemper, Diamanda Galas, Moni Ovadia, Giovanni Allevi, Eugenio Bennato, Nicola Piovani, Neri Marcorè, Dario Fo.
The Association's main aims are:
• creation of an “Adriatic Mediterranean” brand, as the symbol of cultural cooperation in the areas joining the initiative, but also in the areas which are near and close by;
• consolidation of the bonds existing among the Adriatic and the Mediterranean partners involved in the previous editions of the program and the search of new partners;
• development of a stable network of cultural cooperation involving all the local operators and the authorities of the Countries interested, with the aim to strengthen the connections established through the several events and to create pluriannual programs of cooperation and intercultural dialogue;
• strengthening the link between international cooperation, both in the classic meaning of cooperation for development and in the sense of decentralized and territorial cooperation, and culture, in order to reach a complete cultural cooperation;
• diversification of funding sources, at local, national, European level, both public and private.

Main Projects / Activities

The Festival is promoted with the support of the Marches Region, the Province, the Chamber of Commerce, and Ancona Town Hall in the role of co-organizer. However, it is an “open space” to all those institutions, both public and private, and to those realities that share its aims.
The partner Institutions abroad are identified through the national and regional representatives, but also with the assistance of the operators from the areas involved.
The cultural operators and the artists to create the network with are identified on the basis of the aims shared by the Association through a preliminary monitoring activity and confrontation conducted by the project promoters themselves.
“Adriatic Mediterranean festival” has different stages, each one with its own specific segments in the different geographical areas interested, as to reproduce the cultural plurality of the Mediterranean. Occasions are promoted, both in new and in pre-existent contests, for the production, the set up and the presentation of cultural events, with the involvement of local artists and residents. The productions are then circulated in the geographic area of the project by inserting them in the different segments: the aim is to create a sort of International circuit where a permanent cultural exchange can be established.
A brief overview of the last activities carried out:
- 2007: 38 cultural events in Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina.
- 2008: 52 events in Italy, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania.
- 2009: 62 events in Italy, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Turkey.
- 2010: aAs for the previous editions, the 2010 Festival developed through different steps. A first step has been characterized by several events abroad, which express the authentic spirit of the initiative, with the aim to develop occasions for cooperation and cultural confrontation. Contacts have been established with Jerusalem in Israel, Hammamet in Tunisia, Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt and Sarajevo in Bosnia. A further step takes place on the regional territory and comprises a series of appointments in the region, including “2010 Adriatic Mediterranean festival” (Ancona, 28 August – 5 September 2010), in which Ancona acted as the real cultural capital of the Adriatic, hosting important artists, writers, journalists and cultural operators from Italy, but also from the Countries of the Adriatic Mediterranean basin (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Serbia, Tunisia, Turley). For the Ancona festival, besides of the local Administration, the Adriatic Mediterranean Association avails itself of the technical and organizational collaboration also of “Fondazione Teatro delle Muse”, “Teatro Stabile delle Marche”, and “FORM”. During the festival, concerts, exhibitions, meetings, projections have been organised in collaboration with Ancona local authority culture and commerce department to involve the cultural realities on the territory. The restaurants in the town centre will offer tastings and special theme menus. Moreover, gastronomic stands with ethnic food will be set up.
Our Festival represents many different artistic expressions: visual arts, music, theatre, dance, cinema and literature but our international projects have been focused, so far, especially on music.
Our international activity started in 2007 with our participation in international Festivals presenting our concerts or creating a real cooperation projects in which musicians from different countries performed together presenting a modern and classical repertoire. Here some of the most important projects:
September 2008
Concert: Italian composer and musician Giovanni Allevi played and conducted the concert “Sinfonia Evolution” with the Symphonic Orchestra of Young People from South Eastern Europe of Sarajevo; Orchestra of Academic Arts of Tirana
Venue: National Theatre, Sarajevo and Theatre of Academic Arts Tirana
Repertoire: Giovanni Allevi compositions
July 2009
Concert: Giovanni Seneca quintet; Federico Paolinelli (piano solo)
Venue: Festival The Nights of Bascarsija 2009
Repertoire: Giovanni Seneca and Federico Paolinelli compositions
Concert: Giovanni Seneca and Filarmonica Marchigiana String Orchestra
Venue: International Izmir Festival
Repertoire: Seneca, Rodrigo,Boccherini
May 2010
Concert: Filarmonica Marchigiana String Orchestra and Magnificat choir
Venue: Music School Magnificat in Jerusalem (Israel)
Repertoire: GiovanBattista Pergolesi
Concert funded by Marche Region in occasion of the construction of a new building for the Magnificat School. Marches Region, together with the Association Adriatic –Mediterranean, aims at promoting communication and peaceful cohabitation for children and families coming from different cultural and religious backgrounds, by offering better study opportunities to a growing number of students and teachers through the construction of the new school for Magnificat Institute.
The Institute, in fact, promotes the study of music and carries out a twofold function: it is a place for communication and for professional training both in the concert and didactic fields. Two hundred students, Muslims, Catholics and Jews, attend the Institute and its nine different educational programs (piano, violin, flute, cello, choir, singing, organ).
July 2010
Concert: Students and Teachers of the Music Academy of Sarajevo and Music Institute G.B. Pergolesi from Ancona
Venue: Festival The Nights of Bascarsija (Sarajevo)
Concert funded by Marche Region, Provincia di Ancona, Comune di Ancona and festival The Nights of Bascarsija in order to increase the cultural cooperation between our region and Bosnia Herzegovina. This concert promotes the intercultural dialogue and the cultural exchanges among students and teachers of music schools.
Concert: Filarmonica Marchigiana String Orchestra and Giovanni Seneca
Venue: Festival of Hammamet (Tunisia)
Repertoire: Seneca, Rodrigo, Boccherini
Concert funded by Marche Region, Provincia di Ancona and Comune di Ancona within a project of internationalization and dissemination of the Italian culture in the world and in order to create new opportunities of cultural exchange among Mediterranean countries.
October 2010:
concert: Giovanni Seneca and Bibliotheca Alexandrina Orchestra.
Conductor: Mohie el Din Sherif
Venue: Bibliotecha Alexandrina, Alexandria (Egypt)
Repertoire: Mohie el Din Sherif, G.Seneca
Concert funded by Marche Region, Provincia di Ancona and Comune di Ancona within a project of internationalization and dissemination of the Italian culture in the world and in order to create new opportunities of cultural exchange among Mediterranean countries.
European Project:
Associazione Adriatico Mediterraneo with Bogazici Arts and Culture Association (Istanbul) received a grant from the European Union within the programme “Civil Society Dialogue- Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture”. The project is ongoing.
The project will be implemented in the next months and it foresees the organization of some artistic events both in Italy and in Istanbul.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulia Sbano


National Network

Via Garibaldi 13
10122 Turin TO

011 18953232
Mobile Phone
+39 3479593825
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Intercultural Mediator Multiethnic Association (A.M.M.I.) has 15 employees, approximately 45 collaborators and 61 associates. The executive board consists of six members: the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and two councilors. The team consists of the general manager, the head of the administration office, the project office manager, the international programme manager, an intercultural mediation project manager and two migrants welcoming project managers.
The association has annual assets of 280,000 € and its main sources of funding are public tenders (national and international), bank foundations, services rendered on behalf of third parties, membership fees and voluntary contributions from members.
The main areas of intervention are linguistic and cultural mediation, migrants welcoming, divided into emergency housing (CAS) and specific projects for vulnerable women and mother-child families, and training of intercultural mediators.
A.M.M.I. collaborates in various projects with the following main partners: CIFA, CIES, Slowfood, Amnesty International, UNHCR, Ufficio Pio, Comune di Torino, IRES Piemonte, ASGI, Ideadonna Onlus.

Mission and Objectives

A.M.M.I. key objective is the generation and strengthening of advocacy actions with the territorial and national network concerning the professional figure of the intercultural mediator and the opening of new employment spaces for intercultural mediation. The Association aims to encourage, facilitate and promote the interaction and integration of migrants in the territory through the intercultural mediation service and acknowledge the irreplaceable role of this figure (understood as accompaniment, interpretation, facilitation in the relationships that the migrant has with public and private subjects and native citizens), training and welcoming of migrants.
The objectives are pursued through two main lines of action, which coincide with the association's mission:
-the provision of the intercultural mediation service for the territory, which includes training and professional development for intercultural mediators and social workers, also extended to the international level;
-reception of applicants for international protection at the C.A.S. and migrants at emergency housing structures in Turin and the metropolitan city, reception projects and support for socio-economic inclusion for vulnerable women and mother-child families.

Main Projects / Activities

April - December 2018. "Intercultural Mediation in support of unaccompanied and asylum-seeking children" (UASC), activated by A.M.M.I. and funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to create a model of intervention aimed at strengthening and validating the need for a continuous presence of the figure of the intercultural mediator during the entire process of accompaniment of unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA) received in Piedmont, with a view to empowering the figure in all aspects: from the host community, to the relationship with the guardian, up to the contact with the various territorial services.
From April 2018. "PINSEC - Youth, women and migrants: paths of social and economic inclusion in Tunisia", co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. In partnership with CIES of Rome, A.M.M.I. provides thematic expertise and training for trainers in intercultural mediation - 20 social workers of CSOs active in the field of reception, protection of rights and prevention of irregular migration in Tunisia.
As of July 2018. A.M.M.I. realizes, with the support of the Piedmont Regional Council, the photographic exhibition "MigrEye - an open eye on migration" on the migration phenomenon in Piedmont, in the last 50 years. "MigrEye" has become an itinerant project on various territories in Piedmont and outside (Università Degli Studi di Torino, Ufficio Pastorale Migranti, Museo dell'Emigrazione dei Piemontesi del Mondo etc.).
From November 2018. "PONTI Project: Social and economic inclusion, young people and women, innovation and diasporas". Co-financed by the Ministry of the Interior, A.M.M.I. provides in this project thematic expertise and training for a group of CSOs active in the accompaniment and reception of migrants returning to Ethiopia and Senegal.
From 2019. Project Municipalities-Care. A.M.M.I. provides the service of intercultural mediation with the social workers of UEPE (Interdistrict Office for External Criminal Execution) and coaching of operators for paths activated by external organisations with a need for linguistic and/or intercultural mediation.
From January 2019. FAMI project "InCome", in partnership with CIES Onlus - financial education paths for intercultural mediators.
Since March 2019. A.M.M.I. manages, in collaboration with the Foreigners Office of the City of Turin, people and families in serious housing hardship, from the buildings of the ex-MOI area, as part of the emergency housing project - "Migrazione Opportunità e Inclusione" (Migration, Opportunity and Inclusion) through the provision of reception facilities and accompaniment to social inclusion.
From November 2019. Awareness-raising day "Immigration and LGBT+" for operators of territorial services on LGBT+ issues, in collaboration with Turin City Council, LGBT+ Service and LGBT+ associations in the area.
January - November 2019. "Io Rispetto", in partnership with Amnesty International and CIFA - second phase of training and workshops on "hate language" addressed to intercultural mediators working in schools all over Italy.
January - December 2019. In collaboration with the Office of the Prisoners' Guarantor of the City of Turin and the UEPE Office, A.M.M.I. provides intercultural mediation services in prisons and jails in Turin, Novara and Biella.

From September 2019. Intercultural mediation at the counters of the Anti-Violence Centre and Relationships and Families Centre of the City of Turin, with the presence of two Arabic, Spanish and Bangla mother-tongue mediators, who conduct interviews with users, women victims of domestic violence.
From January 2020. "Design Your Impact" by Social Fare - Centre for Social Innovation. A.M.M.I. is selected by the Compagnia di San Paolo for a modular training course to develop and perfect design skills provided by the Centro per L'Innovazione Sociale - Social Fare.
From January 2020. In collaboration with the Associazione Banco Alimentare del Piemonte - Onlus (OBAP), A.M.M.I. activated the distribution of food aid to the needy from the European FEAD programme and the national programme (National Fund) of fruit and vegetables (fresh and processed) from EU-funded market withdrawals, surpluses or donations from the processing industry.
From April 2020. A.M.I. is a partner in "Avanti tutta, Avanti tutti", together with CIFA Ong, in a project funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo, for the digital inclusion of pupils during the Covid-19 health emergency.
April - June 2020. Together with CCM and World Friends, A.M.M.I. mediators were involved in "R-Esisto in strada: socio-healthcare outreach for the homeless in Turin" to combat Covid-19 through socio-healthcare activities, listening and distribution of over-the-counter medicines and hygiene kits to the homeless. There is also a telephone support line managed by medical personnel, aimed at the operators of day and night shelters, canteens, food and clothing distribution.
April - August 2020. In partnership with the Danish Refugee Council and Rainbow for Africa, A.M.M.I. mediators participated in the "Torino Street CARE" project, financed by the Compagnia di San Paolo, activating a mobile health unit with mediators and health workers who provide general medical advice, psychological support, medicines, alongside the network of fixed clinics and public facilities.
From September 2020. "Families in change and elements of interculturality" - training on child-rearing and corrective methods in different cultures, by A.M.M.I. mediators from the Maghreb area, Asia (Bangladesh), Eastern Europe, Latin America. Initiative part of the collaboration agreement with the Centre for Relationships and Families of the City of Turin;
From September 2020. "S.T.A.R.C.I.". A project to welcome and accompany vulnerable women and mother-child families to socio-economic inclusion, through the creation of innovative paths to personal and social autonomy and non-stereotypical daily empowerment activities. Project conceived by A.M.M.I. and financed by the Municipality of Turin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As stated in point 5 (Intercultural Cities and Learning) of the ALF corporate plan, " The Foundation enhances and embeds intercultural dialogue skills and capabilities of different actors at local, national and cross-national level"; A.M.M.I. pursues the same aims, as stated in Article 4 "Aims and objectives" of its Statute. As future cities are intercultural, joining your Network means expanding our city, regional and national network. A.M.M.I. is an association created and constituted by mediators from all nationalities and ethnicities present in our territory, on which it has been working for 15 years. The mediator plays a dual role: on the one hand, he acts as a reference figure for the foreign community in our territory, and on the other, he acts as a transnational "bridge" between the territory in which he lives and the region to which he belongs.
Becoming part of the ALF Network, would allow us to include our territory in the international dynamics and to promote internationalisation even more intensively, to involve other partners already present in our networks, to share and strengthen our experience and professionalism through the exchange of good practices and the comparison with all the Network partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network means strengthening the impact of our initiatives, receiving the right impulses to enhance A.M.M.I.'s activities and skills. In order to operate in a functional way and adapt the intercultural language to new needs, it is essential to work in synergy: as an association of linguistic and cultural mediation, we believe that the ALF network represents the perfect dimension within which to operate, confront each other and exchange good practices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Associazione Multietnica dei Mediatori Interculturali


National Network

Via Garibaldi 13
10122 Turin TO

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Intercultural Mediator Multiethnic Association (A.M.M.I.) has 15 employees, approximately 45 collaborators and 61 associates. The executive board consists of six members: the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and two councilors. The team consists of the general manager, the head of the administration office, the project office manager, the international programme manager, an intercultural mediation project manager and two migrants welcoming project manager.
The association has annual assets of 280,000 € and its main sources of funding are public tenders (national and international), bank foundations, services rendered on behalf of third parties, membership fees and voluntary contributions from members.
The main areas of intervention are linguistic and cultural mediation, migrants welcoming, divided into emergency housing (CAS) and specific projects for vulnerable women and mother-child families, and training of intercultural mediators.
A.M.M.I. collaborates in various projects with the following main partners: CIFA, CIES, Slowfood, Amnesty International, UNHCR, Ufficio Pio, Comune di Torino, IRES Piemonte, ASGI, Ideadonna Onlus.

Mission and Objectives

A.M.M.I. key objective is the generation and strengthening of advocacy actions with the territorial and national network concerning the professional figure of the intercultural mediator and the opening of new employment spaces for intercultural mediation. The Association aims to encourage, facilitate and promote the interaction and integration of migrants in the territory through the intercultural mediation service and acknowledge the irreplaceable role of this figure (understood as accompaniment, interpretation, facilitation in the relationships that the migrant has with public and private subjects and native citizens), training and welcoming of migrants.
The objectives are pursued through two main lines of action, which coincide with the association's mission:
-the provision of the intercultural mediation service for the territory, which includes training and professional development for intercultural mediators and social workers, also extended to the international level;
-reception of applicants for international protection at the C.A.S. and migrants at emergency housing structures in Turin and the metropolitan city, reception projects and support for socio-economic inclusion for vulnerable women and mother-child families.

Main Projects / Activities

April - December 2018. "Intercultural Mediation in support of unaccompanied and asylum-seeking children" (UASC), activated by A.M.M.I. and funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to create a model of intervention aimed at strengthening and validating the need for a continuous presence of the figure of the intercultural mediator during the entire process of accompaniment of unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA) received in Piedmont, with a view to empowering the figure in all aspects: from the host community, to the relationship with the guardian, up to the contact with the various territorial services.
From April 2018. "PINSEC - Youth, women and migrants: paths of social and economic inclusion in Tunisia", co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. In partnership with CIES of Rome, A.M.M.I. provides thematic expertise and training for trainers in intercultural mediation - 20 social workers of CSOs active in the field of reception, protection of rights and prevention of irregular migration in Tunisia.
From November 2018. "PONTI Project: Social and economic inclusion, young people and women, innovation and diasporas". Co-financed by the Ministry of the Interior, A.M.M.I. provides in this project thematic expertise and training for a group of CSOs active in the accompaniment and reception of migrants returning to Ethiopia and Senegal.
From 2019. Project Municipalities-Care. A.M.M.I. provides the service of intercultural mediation with the social workers of UEPE (Interdistrict Office for External Criminal Execution) and coaching of operators for paths activated by external organisations with a need for linguistic and/or intercultural mediation.
From January 2019. FAMI project "InCome", in partnership with CIES Onlus - financial education paths for intercultural mediators.
Since March 2019. A.M.M.I. manages, in collaboration with the Foreigners Office of the City of Turin, people and families in serious housing hardship, from the buildings of the ex-MOI area, as part of the emergency housing project - "Migrazione Opportunità e Inclusione" (Migration, Opportunity and Inclusion) through the provision of reception facilities and accompaniment to social inclusion.
From November 2019. Awareness-raising day "Immigration and LGBT+" for operators of territorial services on LGBT+ issues, in collaboration with Turin City Council, LGBT+ Service and LGBT+ associations in the area.
January - November 2019. "Io Rispetto", in partnership with Amnesty International and CIFA - second phase of training and workshops on "hate language" addressed to intercultural mediators working in schools all over Italy.
January - December 2019. In collaboration with the Office of the Prisoners' Guarantor of the City of Turin and the UEPE Office, A.M.M.I. provides intercultural mediation services in prisons and jails in Turin, Novara and Biella.
From September 2019. Intercultural mediation at the counters of the Anti-Violence Centre and Relationships and Families Centre of the City of Turin, with the presence of two Arabic, Spanish and Bangla mother-tongue mediators, who conduct interviews with users, women victims of domestic violence.
From January 2020. In collaboration with the Associazione Banco Alimentare del Piemonte - Onlus (OBAP), A.M.M.I. activated the distribution of food aid to the needy from the European FEAD programme and the national programme (National Fund) of fruit and vegetables (fresh and processed) from EU-funded market withdrawals, surpluses or donations from the processing industry.
From April 2020. A.M.I. is a partner in "Avanti tutta, Avanti tutti", together with CIFA Ong, in a project funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo, for the digital inclusion of pupils during the Covid-19 health emergency.
April - June 2020. Together with CCM and World Friends, A.M.M.I. mediators were involved in "R-Esisto in strada: socio-healthcare outreach for the homeless in Turin" to combat Covid-19 through socio-healthcare activities, listening and distribution of over-the-counter medicines and hygiene kits to the homeless. There is also a telephone support line managed by medical personnel, aimed at the operators of day and night shelters, canteens, food and clothing distribution.
April - August 2020. In partnership with the Danish Refugee Council and Rainbow for Africa, A.M.M.I. mediators participated in the "Torino Street CARE" project, financed by the Compagnia di San Paolo, activating a mobile health unit with mediators and health workers who provide general medical advice, psychological support, medicines, alongside the network of fixed clinics and public facilities.
From September 2020. "Families in change and elements of interculturality" - training on child rearing and corrective methods in different cultures, by A.M.M.I. mediators from the Maghreb area, Asia (Bangladesh), Eastern Europe, Latin America. Initiative part of the collaboration agreement with the Centre for Relationships and Families of the City of Turin;
From September 2020. "S.T.A.R.C.I.". A project to welcome and accompany vulnerable women and mother-child families to socio-economic inclusion, through the creation of innovative paths to personal and social autonomy and non-stereotypical daily empowerment activities. Project conceived by A.M.M.I. and financed by the Municipality of Turin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As stated in point 5 (Intercultural Cities and Learning) of the ALF corporate plan, " The Foundation enhances and embeds intercultural dialogue skills and capabilities of different actors at local, national and cross-national level"; A.M.M.I. pursues the same aims, as stated in Article 4 "Aims and objectives" of its Statute. As future cities are intercultural, joining your Network means expanding our city, regional and national network. A.M.M.I. is an association created and constituted by mediators from all nationalities and ethnicities present in our territory, on which it has been working for 15 years. The mediator plays a dual role: on the one hand, he acts as a reference figure for the foreign community in our territory, and on the other, he acts as a transnational "bridge" between the territory in which he lives and the region to which he belongs.
Becoming part of the ALF Network, would allow us to include our territory in the international dynamics and to promote internationalisation even more intensively, to involve other partners already present in our networks, to share and strengthen our experience and professionalism through the exchange of good practices and the comparison with all the Network partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network means strengthening the impact of our initiatives, receiving the right impulses to enhance A.M.M.I.'s activities and skills. In order to operate in a functional way and adapt the intercultural language to new needs, it is essential to work in synergy: as an association of linguistic and cultural mediation, we believe that the ALF network represents the perfect dimension within which to operate, confront each other and exchange good practices.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Blenti Shehaj

A.p.s Le Ragunanze

National Network

via Fabiola 1

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association of Social Promotion "Le Ragunanze" is made up of people who want to promote and engage in the dissemination of culture and art in all its expressions. The Association is inspired by the principles of free associationism, is non-political and does not pursue profit-making
Mission and Objectives

The association has the fundamental task of promoting and managing activities of social and territorial utility in favor of associates or third parties in full respect of the freedom and dignity of the members themselves, encouraging above all initiatives aimed at Culture. "Ragunanza" was a daily word from the Baroque era and meant "meeting", gathering more people, mainly individuals of any artistic expression.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year the association organizes the literary contest "Le Ragunanze", which involves writers from every region of Italy. Among the activities there are poetry readings, cultural meetings in collaboration with other associations, all with the aim of encouraging the meeting and enhancement of creativity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Head of the organisation
Michela Zanarella

A.P.S. GEA Onlus

National Network

Via xx Aprile 1944, 27 35100

0039 049 8278497
0039 049 8278451
Mobile Phone
0039 340 7889355
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
A.p.s. Gea Onlus is an international association for the study and conservation of eco-systems counting 3 full-time consultants, 1 half-time collaborator, 7 volunteers and 35 members. GEA works through projects and seminars. GEA main partners are Laboratory of Applied Psychology to Cooperation and Ecology (Lab PACE)-Department of Psychology- Padova University, Institut Scentifique de Rabat and Universitè Mohammed V, Association des Ensegnantes Scienses Vie et Terre (AESVT), Perilmondo Onlus association, Comune di Padova, Dipartimento di Psicologia ed Antropologia Culturale - Università di Verona, Faculty of Environmental Management - Prince of Songkla University, Chao Lay Culture and Environment International Association –(Thailand CCEIA). Budgetary resources available in a year are in average 100.000,00 euros. The main founding sources are private foundations, funds and prizes, italian regional funds for development cooperation, liberal and private donations, University of Padova, sponsorship (Rotary Club, Lyons Club, Charles Magne Fondation, Fondation Assistance International CH, CARITAS, WWF Med, etc.)
Mission and Objectives

GEA’s mission is to develop research and action project is to restore environment and improve conditions of marginalized and discriminated communities reducing their impact to the environment and fighting poverty. Training programs, capacity building and awareness are actions where GEA explores new research avenues to give sustainable opportunities and means to the communities. Research studies and research methods are integrated in GEA interventions to achieve sustainable development. We follow five leading key words: 1) Community participation, 2) Shared goals, 3) Self-implementing project, 4) Education-awareness, 5) Low cost to frame our intervention. Our projects are preceded by detailed context analysis and are constantly monitored to adhere to our five leading keywords. We focus on nomadic communities, the least addressed in sustainable development projects, on the impact of tourism in tribal communities, desertification process and human causes, biological indicators to monitor environmental degradation, pilot project for alternative low impact generating income activities.

Main Projects / Activities

2005-2006 project: “Chao Lay after the Tsunami: formation for the sustainable development of an ostracized tribal community”.
Monitoring with the employment of biological indicators of the cedar forests in the Moroccan Middle Atlas.
“Desertification and human impact: Formation for the sustainable development of the last Amazigh tribes of the Moroccan Middle Atlas”
Socio-ecology of the Small Italian Islands
Census and monitoring, Casentino Forests National Park
Rattan Celebes Island project (Sulawesi-Indonesia)
Evaluation of the impact of tourism on Zanzibar
Pemba's Red Colobus survival and natural forest conditions
Monitoring of the forest, the coral reef and Veddah project: an applied socio-eco-ethology project, Sri Lanka.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea Sigfrido Camperio Ciani
Head of the organisation
Andrea Sigfrido Camperio Ciani
Contact (2) Full Name
Nicolò Serena