
Associazione Culturale Libera Informazione

National Network

Via Toledo 106

00 39 081 4201262
00 39 081 2141774
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 39 335 7625310
Mobile Phone (other)
00 39 329 3454734
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1)structure: 10 Persons 2)Budgetary Resources: about 50.000,00 euros 3)Sources of Funding: Italian Regions, Province of Naples and other Institutional Partners 4)Modalities of Action: Concrete projects, seminar, exchanges, production of documentaries, Film festivals 5) Partners: Region Campania, Region Lazio, Italian and Foreign Associations
Mission and Objectives

To promote intercultural dialogue through artistic expressions, through meetings, youth exchanges, and telematic networks. To make Italian and global common feeling sensitive and conscious about the very duty of giving a contribute for the affirmation of peace and human rights. Promoting the intercultural exchange by emphasising themes such as the understanding of ethic, cultural and religious values shared by both Arabian and European societies, as a contribute to comprehend common values in making new peace paths in Mediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

? Concert “United Posse against the War” at the Palestinian National Theater of Jerusalem;
? Realization of the documentary “Observations of Peace - Palestine 02” on the social condition of the israelo-palestinian conflict during the occupation of Bethlehem and Ramallah in March 2002;
? Organization, at the University of Mosul, of the debate “The other face of the West: the movements”;
? Institution of the International Award “Mediterranean Sensibilities”. - International Award to the Palestinian director Mai Masri for her documentary “Children of Shatila”, 2003 - Jean Chaumon for the film “Hostage of Time”, 2004 - Mohamed Asli for the film “Al Malaika la tuhaliq fi al-dar albayda”, 2005 – Azza El Hassan for the film “Kings and Extras”, 2006.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diego Magnetta
Head of the organisation
Diego Magnetta
Contact (2) Full Name
Ihssan Tssouli

Associazione Culturale LINK

National Network

Via Silvio Pellico, 10

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Link is a cultural association without any lucrative scope and open to any citizen without distinction of religion or cultural background. It has one person employed full time and one part-time. All the members act on a voluntary basis. Members in 2007 are 50. The annual budget (average) 100.000 euro. The main source of funding is the European Commission (Youth in Action Program and other programs). Other sources are local authorities, donors, other european insitutions (Council of Europe). Main action carried out since 2003 are youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service, Training courses and seminars for youth workers, information campaigns for better understanding in the society of intercultural dialogue e tolerance. Our main partners are other European and Mediterranean NGOs, members of our local network (NGOs, local Authorities, schools).
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of Link is to favour dialogue and solidarity among young people, disseminate a culture of mutual respect and acceptance of differences, promoting European values and intercultural dialogue.
As our main target group is youth, we aim to reach our oblyecties by promoting international youth mobility, disseminating information about other cultures and fighting racism and intolerance.

Main Projects / Activities

2003 - Youth Exchange with Euromed countries on the topic of Human Rights Education by using light theatre as a tool of expression. Participating countries: Italy, France, Sweden, Tunisia, Palestine.
2004 - Project "10+" about the Enlargement of the European Union. Conferences, educational programs in schools and film making activities, film reviews and meetings with film makers from the new member countries.
2005-6. Leonardo da Vinci project. Sending 30 trainees in 5 European countries to gain experience in the field of social animation.
2003-6 European Voluntary Service (sending and hosting) involving many Program Countries and also Tunisia and Morocco.
2003-7 Several youth exchanges involging youth with less opportunities, especially young migrants living in our region from Albania, Kosovo, Tunisia and Morocco.
2007. Cooperation project with India and Morocco about information Technologies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mino Vicenti
Contact (2) Full Name
Lucia Creanza


National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Malik is a non profit association based in Sardinia (Italy). The organization is composed by 5 Board members and 30 ordinary members. The staff consists in 2 part-time employees and about 20 external collaborators. Malik's volunteers and collaborators have previous experiences in the design and implementation of European Projects, as well as dissemination of results. They also have language and communication skills, team building  and organization expertises,   problem solving and risk management competences. Malik's activities are funded by local, regional and European private and public organizations: Municipalities, Banks, Foundations, Region, Government, European Union, Council of Europe, etc. The annual budget  (Incomes and Expenses) is about 150.000 euros. The main association's activities are studies, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, youth exchanges, readings and other innovative cultural activities.
Mission and Objectives

Malik promotes intercultural dialogue and social inclusion  through non formal education.
The association aims also to:
-  foster cultural, artistic, social, environmental, ideological and civil development of citizens and youngsters;
– promote awareness on universal issues;
– spread  democracy and solidarity in human relationships for sustainable development;
– promote active citizenship and sense of ownership to the EU.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2010 Malik implements once a year the project “Books help to read the world”, aimed to promote reading and literature: the initiative involves several municipalities, schools, associations and NPOs all over Sardinia. In 2010 and 2011 Malik has been implementing educational workshops and exhibition for primary and secondary school's students of Cagliari. Furthermore since 2008 Malik has been coordinating the project “Youth of Barbagia for Europe”, aimed to connect young people with fewer opportunities (geographical barriers) and  to create a youth center as place of social gathering for teenagers and young people of the area of Barbagia.
In the framework of the old Youth in Action Programme, We cooperated in the implementation of training courses, Youth exchanges and Youth initiative in Spain, Romania, Turkey and Ireland.
In the Framework of Erasmus+ We implemented strategic partnerships, study visits, training courses and youth exchanges with several associations based in Ireland, Portugal, Croatia, Spain, Poland, Chzec Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Turkey and Slovenia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to share our experiences in our daily work with young people, immigrants, adults, children and elderly people to promote intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding.
Our main fields are:
*Culture and creativity
*Education and intercultural learning

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We live and operate in a very disadvantaged area (Sardinia's rural areas), where people have geographical barriers and are not used to meet different cultures/religions/points of views. Joining the ALF Network We hope to develop intercultural projects with European and Mediterranean Countries, exchange ideas and experiences, enrich each other.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Associazione Culturale Musica e Arte

National Network

via Cosimo Giustini n. 9 – 00151 Roma - Italy

+39 06 58209051
Telephone (other)
+39 06 58209051
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Emanuela Petitti


National Network

piazza Galatea 27

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Association was founded by three people and now counts many people working and cooperating in the projects that manages. The source of funding is mainly made of donations and public contributions from Regional and Local Governments as a support for specific projects/events. The main field of activity is organizing events in the field of culture, fashion, internationalization, economic and cultural exchange between companies and associations from many Countries in the world.
Mission and Objectives

Associazione's mission is mainly to promote and organize cultural shows, fashion shows, concerts and every kind of cultural activity (including seminars, exhibitions, fairs, expositions, conferences) with the objective to support and promote the culture of fashion, arts, exchange and artcrafts from Sicily and the connection between that and the same fields from other countries in the world.

Main Projects / Activities in the last years worked organizing events and other activities (including seminars, exhibitions, fairs, expositions, conferences), for example: "Sicilian Delights" (tasting and promotion of typical Sicilian wines and artcrafts in Lettonia and Estonia); "Etna Delights" (taking part in the international exhibition of italian goods "La Dolce Vita" in London); "Sicilia di moda" ("Sicily in fashion": is a collection of 30 clothes inspired to Sicily, its landscapes, its sea, its traditions, its heritage; it was organized many times in different parts of the world, it'sa new way to advertise Sicily in the world, through a cultural and virtual pattern made magic by the emotions that fashion only can give. ); "Il Mondo delle Donne" (expo meeting show about women and their rule in social/cultural/business/arttic fields in Sicily).

Contact (1) Full Name
Marcello Motta
Contact (2) Full Name
Virginia Tagliareni


National Network

via ildebrando Pizzetti

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Associazione Culturale Raizes is a cultural association that promotes human rights, equality and brotherhood through the arts.
Raizes organizes and directs Human Freedom, a year long program which promotes human rights through artistic and performative activities, photographic exhibitions, video installations and conferences.
The Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice is a stable partner. In the last two years Raizes has also collaborated with Columbia University, the University of Palermo, the University of Roma Tre, the Council of Europe, the Sicilian Region, the EU Human Rights Agency in Wien.

In the USA, Raizes won the International Human Rights Art Festival of New York, and cooperates with Breaking Walls, NGO of Manhattan and is a member of CIPA New York.

The main sources of funding are Italian regional public funds, the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the Erasmus Program by the European Commission.

Mission and Objectives

Raizes Teatro, promotes human rights through artistic and creative activities. Raizes' activities are divided into three categories:

- Production of original creative and artistic contents inspired by true stories of deprivation of Fundamental Rights or success cases
- Non-formal education activities through the arts on democratic participation and civil rights
- Creation of international awareness campaigns on: LGBTQ rights, Climate Justice, Freedom of Expression, Gender Equality, Disabilities, Democracy, Migration

Main Projects / Activities

Raizes annually directs Human Freedom, a program structured in 6 thematic campaigns that vary according to partners and objectives.

Each campaign includes a play, a short film, a conference, an educational activity, a photographic or video campaign, on each topic.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Raizes Teatro has an innovative and original approach to artistic production and rights, which Raizes consider to be part of the daily life of citizens, for this reason the company often makes use of non-theatrical or non-cultural, therefore unconventional, places, thus contributing to the redevelopment of living spaces, online and live, shared by citizens. Furthermore, many of the activities are established in collaboration with the partners in order to also strengthen their communication and advocacy activities.
Raizes believes in networking and collaboration, as well as the complementarity of activities. Being part of the Network can strengthen the production and distribution capacity of Raizes and also enrich the activities of the other partners with the pursuit of shared objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF is a leading foundation promoting civil rights and creating change around the world. For us it would be very important to be able to stay in contact with ALF and with the members of the foundation and the participants of the Network in order to increase our work capacity and to produce change especially with the youngest who today more than ever need the support of society civilization in order to better manage this era of change.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Program Director
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesco Campolo
Job Title (2)
External Relations

associazione culturale Studiolab International, Impresa Sociale . ETS

National Network

Strada Vicinale Il Poggio, 5
06062 Città della Pieve PG

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Studiolab International is a cultural-social enterprise association created in Umbria, Italy, by three founding members in September 2021, on the basis of the multi-year experience and the net of international relations built by its members in the field of music and live entertainment in Italy and abroad.

Mission and Objectives

Studiolab intends to promote the creation of new theater-concert shows referring to the Italian cultural background through musical practice and enjoyment based on two essential points:
1) focus on artistic value
2) employment of adequately trained young people
Studiolab also intends to include the use of its shows in the context of a communication aimed at promoting the tourist-cultural offer of the territory in which these shows are produced and represented, in order to favor experiential and conscious cultural tourism practices.

Main Projects / Activities

To pursue its objectives, Studiolab has created the ViVas! project, intended for the live performing arts and experiential cultural tourism sectors.
Vivas is the third person singular of the exhortative conjunctive of the Latin verb "to live" and represents a playful invitation to each person to live their existence with fullness and awareness.
The initiatives of ViVas! are in fact aimed at each single person from any part of the world who intends to dedicate a small part of his time to the practice of Otium, intended as a physical and metaphysical place in which to regenerate spirit, mind and body.
The project consists in the creation in Campania, Lazio and Umbria of workshop activities aimed at the production of new theater-concert performances to be represented in hybrid form, with audience in presence together with people from remote through a worldwide live streaming and a dedicated website ( + associated social channels) which carries out a permanent activity of information, communication and debate on cultural tourism and live performing arts, in order to create a participatory and sharing international community over time.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The ViVas project! it is currently focused on the Italian artistic, cultural and tourist heritage.
But Italy extends into the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, crossed by travelers and sailors who, with their thousands of cultures and traditions, have built the Italian multicultural identity over the centuries.
Ex pluribus unum, the ancient Romans said.
And in a world that seriously risks confusing the positive conquest of the sense of belonging to a single planetary human community with cultural homogenization and standardization, it is a firm intention of ViVas! to promote and contribute to reworking the concept of the Mediterranean as a source of wealth based on cultural diversity.
For this reason, Studiolab is and will be increasingly available to support in any way and by any means the promotion in Italy of cultural, artistic and entertainment events referring to the cultural background of the countries of the Mediterranean basin.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mainly to enter into relations with other cultural and artistic expressions and experiences of countries, peoples and traditions from the Mediterranean basin, with specific interest for the countries of Mediterranean Europe, in order to contribute to the elaboration and construction of a paneuropean cultural model - able to infect social, economic and political choices - based on the centrality of multiculturalism and (bio) diversity as a condition for a global (glocal), open, welcoming, responsible and sustainable coexistence.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luigi Caiola
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Caiola

Associazione Culturale T.I.R.TeatroInRivolta

National Network
+ 39 0122 647656/
Telephone (other)
+39 011 9561782
+39 0122 647656
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3383189085
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3336324783
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
General Information
-STAFF:PRESIDENT LUCIA FALCO: theatre and artistic director, scenographer, actress, dramatist, events organizer VICE-PRESIDENT FEDERICO GHIRONI: sound and lights engineer OTHER MEMBERS MARCELLO SERAFINO: actor, dramatist, videomaker,composser, webmaster GIOVANNA DUCCO: actress, dramatist, translater PAOLO CIABERTA: photography and graphic ANITA TORNOUR-VIRON:plannings and international relations ANNA MUSSA: accountancy secretary FLAVIO MONTI: sound and lights engineer PAOLO LUCA’ : counselor LUCA BARALDO: lights engineer CHIARA VALLINI: actress LADISLAO HAJAGOS:videomaker -Budgetary resources available in a year euro 50.000,00 -Sources of funding: Regione Piemonte,Compagnia di San Paolo,Istituto Paralleli,Istituto di Cultura Italiano di Rabat,Pro-Elvetia,Maison Musique,Comune di Garessio -Modalities of action:Theatrical Seasons,Theatre Productions,International Theatre Festivals,Workshops-exchanges. -Main partners involved:Regione Piemonte,Istituto Paralleli
Mission and Objectives

Three letters followed by three dots, acronym of Teatro In Rivolta, the name of our association. A name that seemed us strong and convincing when, in 2002, we decided to liven up a new reality. Women and Men with different abilities, both artisticals and technicals, bound by the same need of conjugating theatre with social life.

Main Projects / Activities

New productions,
Theatrical Season"LA CITTA' DELL'UOMO" V edition,
Mediterranean theatre festival organisation

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucia Falco
Head of the organisation
Lucia Falco
Contact (2) Full Name
Giovanna Ducco

Associazione Culturale TEATRO OLTRE

National Network

Via Casilina Vecchia, 27

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: Chairman: Pierfrancesco Ambrogio Didactic Music Projects: Marco Turriziani Drama Seminars in English c/o Irish Institute Rome: Loredana Lattanzi Artistic Director of : L'archivio Veste Classico Music Festival BUDGETARY RESOURCES: 15-20,000 € public funds mainly for didactic activities SOURCES OF FUNDING: mainly from the Rome Municipality MODALITIES OF ACTION: Performing Arts Festivals Music Festivals and competitions Music Seminars in public schools English Drama Seminars MAIN PARTNERS: Rome Municipality Rome Provincial Board Lazio Region Irish Institute Teather L.E.O. Wien
Mission and Objectives

Fostering Drama Culture and new Drama Authors both Italians and Foreigners.
Promoting the spread of Italian and foreign media works (short movies and documentaries).
Organizing festivals and event aimed at the production of performing arts.
Organizing educational seminars for both Italians and multiethinc groups living in Rome, in the fields of Music and performing arts in general, so as to use arts for social change and integration.

Main Projects / Activities

Festival del Teatro Visibile (Rome)
L'Archivio Veste Classico Music Festival (Rome)
Multiethnic Music Seminars in public schools (Rome)
English Drama Seminars at the Irish Institute of Rome

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We still have to understand how the Italian network effectively works. It is our intention to participate and be pro-active. For sure, we will try and echo the ALF foundation activities and create synergies of action.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We intend to increase and expand our artistic activities and projects into the southern shore of the Mediterranean, especially now, in the wake of the changes brought about by the Arab Spring; and also as a tribute to our mutualand common origins.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilaria Carmen Restifo
Head of the organisation
Pierfrancesco Ambrogio

Associazione Culturale “INCONTRANDO”

National Network

Via Delle Quattro Fontane 21c-d

+39 06 4827287
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
L’Associazione si propone come luogo di aggregazione dove si apprendono, rielaborano ed esprimono le proprie esperienze in modo che le persone di ogni età, genere ed origine si possano incontrare e reciprocamente scambiare interessi culturali ed  insieme fare progetti ed elaborare idee. Usi, costumi, lingue, etnie devono rientrare nel concetto di globalità e delle conoscenza comune. Una crescita culturale che si può sviluppare in modo leggero divertente in un ambiente confortevole ma non superficiale. In particolare, l’Associazione potrà svolgere le seguenti attività: a) interscambio culturale dalla lingua, alla musica, alle arti, alla gastronomia anche attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi a tema ; b) discipline di meditazione; c) di danza, di movimento e di relax; d) brevi seminari di scambio di opinioni, confronto e apprendimento
Mission and Objectives

In particolare, l’Associazione potrà svolgere le seguenti attività:
a) interscambio culturale dalla lingua, alla musica, alle arti, alla gastronomia anche attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi a tema ;
b) discipline di meditazione;
c) di danza, di movimento e di relax;
d) brevi seminari di scambio di opinioni, confronto e apprendimento

Main Projects / Activities

In particolare, l’Associazione potrà svolgere le seguenti attività:
a) interscambio culturale dalla lingua, alla musica, alle arti, alla gastronomia anche attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi a tema ;
b) discipline di meditazione;
c) di danza, di movimento e di relax;
d) brevi seminari di scambio di opinioni, confronto e apprendimento

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Teresa Marascia
Head of the organisation
Maria Teresa Marascia