
Associazione interculturale Grammelot

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Contact (1) Full Name
Glauco Lemano (contact person Sara De Angelis)

Associazione Interculturale Griot

National Network

viale Vasco de Gama 84
00121 roma

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Non profit association with about 30 members About 10.000 euro Membership fees; small donations; European and national projects Concrete projects, exchanges at the Eu level; seminars, cultural conferences, foreign communities meetings IOM, Ospedale San Camillo, Roma, Regione Lazio, COESO of Grosseto, Speha Fresia Coop. 
Mission and Objectives

The Intercultural Association Griot (A.I.G.) is a non-profit organization founded in Rome in 1999 by foreign and Italian nationals from different continents. Griot works with the world of immigration. The Association is also involved in the areas of cooperation and development with some sub-Saharan African countries, in particular by helping women organize self-employment and self-employment projects.
The Griot Intercultural Association is in the Register of Associations that carry out activities in favor of the immigrants of the Ministry of Labor and in the Register of Immigrants Associations of the Region of Lazio.

Main Projects / Activities

“Ospedale culturalmente competente” led by with San Camillo Hospital in Rome (2013-2014)
“SAFE, better information, better health”,  led by the International Organization for Migrants (2015)
“REALIZE- Transcultural learning techniques” together with other European organizations in the context of the European project Grundtvig II ( 2010-12)
PRILS, Italian language for migrants , Regione Lazio
FAMI, ESCAPES, Educatori Salute di comunità

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Network builing on projects
Involvement of foreign mgrant communites
DIssemination of information of activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be part of an international networks of association that share the same objectives
Exchange of methodologies and orientations in common projects
To Build together a stronger body to promote human rights and social values

Contact (1) Full Name
paolo raimondi
Head of the organisation
Welly Marguerite LOTTIN

Associazione Intercultutale Narramondi onlus

National Network

Via M.Rapisardi 68/A
90100 Palermo


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
2employés Volontaires,stagiaires et 12 personnes à contact LAP(emploi par projet) En utilasant l'approche méthodologique de la narration l'association prose et réalise periodiquement des ateliers interculturels de narration,dance,chant et theatre afin de promouvoir la confrontation parmi les différentes cultures présentes dans le territoire et de soutenir l'integration des immigrés et de leurs familles dns celui-ci.
Mission and Objectives

Apres avoir vu le travail effectué par l'association A.dreams nous avons décidé de participer à l'ètape concernant le documentaire (" A la Prochaine" )afin de connaitre tous les enfants et personnes impliqués dans ce projet.A ce propos l'association Narramondi a décidé d'entamer une relation de partenariat avec A.Dreams afin de le soutinir dans son projet "atelier retour 2007" en vu aussi d'une cooperation au cours des anneée prochaines en Sicile comme la mise en oeuvre d'actions artistiques dans le domaine du théatre,du chant,de la musique et de la narration pour les enfantes en cooperation avec l'association A.Dreams

Main Projects / Activities

A l'intérieur du projet "atelier reour 2007" l'association Narramondi soutiendra les enfantes d'israel et de Palestine en les mettant en contact avec les enfantes proches de leur domaine de ces deux centres Interculturels de formation et d'intégration éducative(Centro Mowgly e Projet Zisa-Noce).Nous leurs permettrons de se connaitre dans un premier temps par correspondance(lettres,image vidéo,photos, internet)en vu d'un jumelage dans les années à venir.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zalteni Refka
Head of the organisation
Concetta Oliveri
Contact (2) Full Name
Concetta Ilveri

Associazione Irene – Initiatives, Researches, Experiences for a New Europe

National Network

Piazza San Giorgio, 2 20123

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
IRENE’s board is composed by three members. Irene’s staff is composed by four people (project managers, researchers and administrative staff). IRENE’s activities are co-financed by the European Union, Lombardy Region, Private and Public Foundation. One of Irene’s main goal is to link public and private organisations in achieving the same issue. The budgetary resources available: around 300.000,00 euro in a year IRENE operates in accordance with the provisions and guidelines of the European Union, developing and creating: •projects and researches, training and information activities, targeted for women and young people; •studies and researches about the condition of women and young people; •studies, seminars and conferences; •publications and informative pamphlets; •web pages. Irene implements its project in network with public and private organisations in Italy and with other European organisation (see.
Mission and Objectives

Since 1991, IRENE is a no-profit organisation committed to the promotion of human rights and to the democratisation, in particular of equal opportunities between men and women.
IRENE promotes equal opportunities by carrying out activities of research, study, training and information within the directions and recommendations of the European Union in cooperation with institutional partners and other no-profits organisations.
Our scopes of intervention focus on four areas:
Fundamental human rights and social inclusion;
Equal opportunities and equal representation;
Access to the information/knowledge society;
Cooperation in the process of adhesion to the European Union and integration of the member and candidate states.

Main Projects / Activities

EU Projects implemented in the past years:
ENATW “The European Network Against Trafficking in Women for sexual exploitation” –DG Employment and Social Affairs
G3E: Gender Equality in an Enlarged Europe – Small Phare project
Project IWI “Immigrated Women Integration. The European network against social exclusion” - DG Employment and Social Affairs;
Police and trafficking in human beings. System of controls and victims protection- STOP Programme – DG Justice and Home Affairs
IWS-NET: International Women Shield network - DG Justice and Home Affairs
EU policies and best practices for public administration in Lombardy region
Kites' web - network for young equal opportunities - DG Employment and Social Affairs

Contact (1) Full Name
Marcello D’Amico
Head of the organisation
Elena Garavaglia
Contact (2) Full Name
Michela Allievi

Associazione ItaliaMulticulturale

National Network

Via Zara 10
Reggio Calabria

+39 3932428313
+39 0965 9995319
Mobile Phone
+39 3932428313
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349 2306088
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
General Information
The association is a voluntary organization and realizes activities for the integration and multiculturalism in all the sector of the society. It promotes initiatives of solidarity, cultural activities and awareness programs about social inclusion, non-violence, international cooperation and friendship between peoples. It consists on an executive board, a technical group and a team of volunteers. Available financial resources come from membership fees, grants and contributions. Annual amount is approximately € 25,000. Association carries out the following activities: planning, training programs and information, technical assistance to individuals and businesses on the rules on immigration, initiatives about equal opportunities for all. Università per stranieri Dante Alighieri, Comune di Reggio Calabria, Provincia di Reggio Calabria.
Mission and Objectives

The association faces in its different aspects, multiculturalism and promotes initiatives of solidarity, cultural activities and awareness programs on issues of intercultural, non-violence, international cooperation and friendship between peoples.
The goal is to achieve an improvement in quality of life, individual and collective, of the local community promoting values such as interculture nonviolence, international cooperation and friendship between peoples.
Association acts as a development agent combining the culture of participation and collaboration between individuals, groups and entities, the need for competitiveness and local development, the principles of solidarity, improving living conditions of disadvantaged groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars "International Migration: Between Integration and Cooperation" in collaboration with CRIC NGO and University for Foreigners Dante Alighieri of Reggio Calabria;
Seminars on "Multicultural Lawyer" in collaboration with the National Observatory on Family Law Section of Reggio Calabria about "The multi-ethnic family", "The right to family reunification between law and praxis"; "Conflict resolution in multi-ethnic family";
In collaboration with CRIC Ngo promotion of culture activities and awareness initiatives within the project "The time is work. " The aim of the project was to promote a better integration of immigrants in the local social context through:
- contrasting undeclared and underpaid work implementing a support for the business model of the third sector.
- Activation of the TimeBank to promote social relations between immigrants and local population based on solidarity to raise the awareness of the value of giving time and inspire a new generation of volunteers
Project N.O.D.I. D.A. New Opportunities for Inclusion for the Women of Arghillà - to experience and propose models of own business and self employment by unemployed women, immigrant and other disadvantaged
Gennaio 2011 Intervention to support work life balance "The Multicultural Afternoons" in collaboration with the International English Center of Reggio Calabria

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Grazia Mallone


National Network

via Ucciardello, n° 5

Telephone (other)
095 934894
095 931585
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 347 2486121
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 347 9470652
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
n° 1 national president; 1 national council; n° 1 president per each Italian region; n° 1 council per each Italian region n° 700 member region Sicilia Budgetary resources: individual tex of € 35.00 per year Sources of Funding: Italian and European projects Modalities of action: concrete projects in the schools - seminars vocational training - programme for teachers ,adults , teenagers , parents Main partners involved - other organizationc - o.n.l.u.s. associations cultural - school and university in Algeria, Morocco, Italy, France...
Mission and Objectives

introduce teachers end learners new knowledge about education and pedagogy
provide intellectual tools for interpreting the reality of the schools
promote dialogue between cultures and respect of diversity to develop a sense of critical and independent thinking and discernfact with rationality and tolerance
AIMC will also be of interest to teachers and learners and anyone involved in teaching of in management of teaching/ inspectors,director of school etc) in aspect of inter-cultural pedagogy of human rights.
AIMC also help teachers to formulate his of her own view of what the process of educating is all about

Main Projects / Activities

IL VIAGGIO DI GIUFA' Through the character of Giufà or Johà knowwed in the stories of manj mediterraneam country like Italia, Tunisia, Morocco,Algeria,Italy,France,teach meaning of inter-cultural dialogue to new generation.The students of each school in the four countries read drama play stories of Giufà and at the and of the projects will be construct a book with the stories of all children involved in to the projects.There are many partners : schools association cantastorie( like a singer)writer. The objective is support children in acuring attitudes and competencies in multicultural dialogue and democratic citizenship

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

associazione Jerry Essan Masslo

National Network

corso Umberto I°, 153
81033 Casal di Principe

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Jerry Essan Masslo is a voluntary association founded in 1989 by a small group of young doctors. Since 25 years the Association has been carrying many activities of health-care and social integration to immigrant populations in Domitiana area (Castel Volturno), a Municipality with high concentration of immigrants. The association has about 40 members, included 9 members of management committee, 2 staff employed, 5 staff collaborators and many volunteers. It is enrolled in the Regional Register of Campania-Italy of voluntary associations, Italian National Register of Italy for Immigration, UNAR Register – Dipartimento Pari Opportunità (UNAR – Equal Opportunities department -Register of institutions carrying activities against discrimination). The association collaborate with Public and Private Local Institutions, first reception Canters, Hospitals, participate in LaRes Project (network of 30 partners  that deal with social economy), carries out projects with public  and private funding (Institutions and Foundations).
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is the HUMAN BEING ‘S PROMOTION and all his rights as citizen; JerryMaslo persued his purpose through the followiong activities:
a) medical- social assistance(basic and specialized) to all people in need, regardless of race, religion or sex;
b)  assistance, listening, rehabilitation of drug addicted with possibility  of g  residential and / or semi-residential treatment for drug addicted;
c) unaccompanied services
d)  information and training aimed at the growth of a new culture of solidarity and citizenship, without any form of exclusion, cultural, economic, employment-based, or racial, fostering new jobs and integration;
e) children's assistance, especially to those in risk of marginalization and deviance, through recreational and sporting activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities ongoing are:
- First-aid for the immigrant population in the Caserta’s area, is open three times a week;
- Field Unit for immigrants drugs addicted, damage limitation in the Domitiana area in Castel Volturno (CE);
- Orientation for girls forced into prostitution;
- Accompanying public-health services, with the mediation of cultural mediators;
- Home care for immigrants with HIV, in collaboration with the “Cotugno” hospital in Naples;
- Assistance and aid to young mothers (often with experiences of sexual exploitation);
- hospitality low-threshold for drug addicted immigrants, in collaboration with Caritas of Capua;
- local animation on immigration issues, through the theater group composed of immigrants and Italians (Nero di tutti I colori). This theater group performs his activities in the schools of the area.
- Laboratory of social tailoring.
the association realized  many projects on intercultural dialogue and multiculturalism issues; It has also published  many books and texts, taking part in scientific research on health screening and also involved in many events finalized to investigation on immigration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we may contribute to the network  carrying on with the association's activities and pursuing our mission. We would like to give our contribution at National level. We bring our best practices and experiences and how we facing them in all of national area.  It is important transform our local experience in national experience to share and relate with the others, growing and improving, and to program common actions with other organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we join the network because  in this way we have the possibility to facilitate  the development and implementation of common actions among members of the Network. Being part of an international network as ALF, would enhance our daily efforts, be part of a great group that shares our dreams. It is important  that we relate with the others, bringing our experience, searching points of contact and difference, trying to reproduce it in other contexts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Renato Franco Natale
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Renato Franco Natale
Contact (2) Full Name
Chiara Caterino
Job Title (2)

Associazione Kymbala

National Network

via Gambini, 40
64100 Teramo

+39 (0)861 1886108 (only answering machine)
Mobile Phone
+39 392 6609712
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
General Information
Associazione Kymbala currently employs 5 people and about 10 volunteers. Its work is supported by public and private sponsors and partners, such as Regione Sicilia, Regione Abruzzo, Comune di Campli, Comune di Favignana, Fondazione Tercas, Toyota, Tonno Castiglione ad others for a total annual budget of €80,000.  It also works with other Italian organisations to realise its activities, such as Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese just to mention one. The projects include different art forms and cultural aspects, such as jazz and classic music, cinema, theatre and literature, food which are showcased with vary techniques: performance, concerts, classes, talks, etc… The organisation is also keen on promoting the local heritage and contributing to the local communities' development. The organisation realises an arts festival, an international summer class, music events and promote the touristic potential of its action’s areas, working with local authorities, business and organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Associazione Kymbala’s mission is based on principles of solidarity, ecology and non-violence. It aims to improve the life of the communities in which it operates through cultural and touristic initiatives. In its work it combines the respect and enhancement of the local environment and heritage with cultural initiatives which are innovative and traditional at the same time.
It also promotes the dialogue among different cutures and communities.

Main Projects / Activities

The organisation is currently working on four main projects:
- Pomeriggi Musicali, a showcase of talents from national conservatories to put the local population and students of the schools in contact with classical music;
- Festival Florio, a EFFE (Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe) labelled festival which brings classical and jazz concerts, theatre and dance performances in the enchanting Egadi islands (Sicily);
- Progetto IMC, a summer international master class for young musicians;
- Campli Turismo, the tourist info point of the town of Campli
They result in reocurring events and activities planned annually, each time with different and specific peculiarities.The organisations works with known and emerging artists to bring the people closer to music and art and their cultural meanings.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Associazione Kymbala is constantly looking for peer organisations to work with.
The aim is to promote the same values: the respect and enhancement of different cultures and the non-violent dialogue between them. It is particularly looking for partners in the Mediterranean area to share the common history and cultural heritage and develop new projects which could combine different points of view and experiences.

It also has a specific expertise in the sector of classical music and composition which would like to use as a tool for mediation and exchange. We feel that only joining and working together with and withing a larger community we can truly achieve our objectives and after 5 years spent consolidating our work, we believe that we are now ready to share and exchange ideas and resources in a wider way.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that thanks to the ALF network our organisation will be able to multiple the effects of our work and learn from the experience of the community. This would give us the opportunity to create even greater projects and contribute to the dialogue between Mediterranean countries.
For instance we are working on a theme that involves directly the Mediterranean Sea, Homer’s epic “Odyssey”, investigating through this theme the concept of journey and the exploration of different “worlds” and cultures. The 3-year long project takes place in the peculiar space of the Egadi islands, in the heart of the Mediterranean sea. We think that our work can be completed by the involvement of the key players of today “odyssey” (journey), as a story that travels across countries and time.

Contact (1) Full Name
M° Giuseppe Scorzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
M° Giuseppe Scorzelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Federica Petronilli
Job Title (2)
Projects consultant

Associazione Leucosia

National Network

Via S .Andres n.102 84072 Santa Maria di Castellabate (NA)

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Evelina Farace


National Network

Via Provinciale nord, 129
Novellara (RE)

+39 522 654290
+39 522 292497
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 338 3848989
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 347 2368536
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
LO SCHIACCIANOCI is an APS (social promotion association), as previewed by Italian law n° 383/2000; the Board is instituted by seven members. The associates are about 700. The budgetary resources are about € 250.000 The sources come from public administrations and private contributions. LO SCHIACCIANOCI institutes music and theatre schools, carries out many projects in partnership with nursery and primary schools; moreover runs a music therapy centre, organizes artistic events and summer master classes, in partnership with public administrations, other no-profit organizations and individual persons.
Mission and Objectives

Our missions are the growth of artistic education and the rehabilitation through music and arts.
We believe it could be possible through the instruction (development of scholastic courses), the professional formation, the scientific search and the promotion and organisation of artistic events and experiences.

Main Projects / Activities

Innovation in the didactics of the arts
Search for producing musical materials for the new generations
Exchanges and comparison of experiences artistic - didactic Publishing plans for handicapped persons

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name