
Center for Studies "Segnali Mediterranei"

National Network

Via Marconi 257, I
Lamezia Terme

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
The Center for Studies Segnali Mediterranei is a non-profit cultural association, founded in 2007 and supported by a scientific and technical committee. Till today all the activities of the association where based on private self financing. The Centre for Studies foresees partnerships with public bodies such as the European Community and Ministry of culture, training bodies such as Universities, and private parties. The association is applying for many different programs at regional and national level, mainly within the issue of the preservation of linguistic minorities.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Association is to promote and preserve Mediterranean Traditions. It is committed to investing in human and social capital for the benefit of all Mediterranean communnities. It works to fund innovative social research with practical implications, to develop and fund new scholarships that promote the preservation of heritage and tradition, and to promote the collaborative and inclusive involvement of citizens in decision-making and community building. Thematic focuses are incentered on Linguistic Minorities, Press Editing, Immigration, Television broadcasting, Training.

Main Projects / Activities

Social activities are aimed at the dissemination of Mediterranean traditions and heritage with a particular focus on Calabrian Arbresche communities. The activities of the association have mainly concerned until today the production of documentaries, short films and DVDs on the traditions and customs of the Albanian community in Calabria. On quarterly basis the association publishes a cultural magazine supporting the SM TV channel, which promotes the activities of the Centre of Studies within the hinterland of Lamezia Terme. Attention is also placed on issues of social relevance (violence to children, integration of disadvantaged people and ethnic minorities, etc.), in the aim to raise public awareness through an intensive educational work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egidio Chiarella
Head of the organisation
Egidio Chiarella
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonella Cauteruccio


National Network

Via Domenico Scina' , 6
96100 Siracusa

+39 0931463897
Mobile Phone
+39 3394016978
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Il Centro di Ricerca e Azione Giuridica "Luigi Basile" è un ente di ricerca privato specializzato nella promozione di una cultura europea ed euromediterranea tra i cittadini, le imprese e le istituzioni pubbliche.   The "Luigi Basile" Research and Action Center is a private research organization specializing in the promotion of a European and Euro-Mediterranean culture among citizens, businesses and public institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Il Centro di Ricerca e Azione Giuridica "Luigi Basile" è diretto dal Prof. Avv. Daniel Amato, Professore universitario di Diritto dell'Unione Europea quale Segretario Generale dell'ente.
I finanziamenti sono privati.
Le modalità di azione sono la realizzazione di incontri di dibattito, convegni, focus groups, master e percorsi di ricerca.
The "Luigi Basile" Research and Action Center is directed by Prof. Avv. Daniel Amato, University Professor of European Union Law as General Secretary of the institution.
The loans are private.
The modalities of action are the realization of debate meetings, conferences, focus groups, masters and research paths.

Main Projects / Activities

Training path about welfare system in Europe

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Centre could organize seminars and focus groups with partners about euromediterranean problems like environmental protection, youth education, intercultural dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network is an important occasion to develop international relationships

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Amato
Job Title
Prof. Avv.
Head of the organisation
Prof. Avv. Daniel AMATO

Centro Culturale San Martino - Regione Puglia

National Network

Vincenzo Scategni

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
At this moment the association has 5 members and many volunteers and partners. Budgetary resources available, Sources of funding: public funds, membership fees, municipal contributions. Modalities of action: projects,  seminars and concert concerning PEACE AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA. Migrants, Refugees, and asylum seekers Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Apulia Region, Municipality of Taviano, Istituto Compensivo Statale di Racale, GAL Capo di Leuca, Comunità Emmanuel, Progetto Agapolis in Gallipoli, Caritas, Azione Cattolica
Mission and Objectives

The association "Cultural Center Saint Martin –  Apulia Region" promotes the humanities and integral human development through education and training activities. In particular, the Association promotes
1) European cultural route of Saint. Martin of Tours, recognized by Council of Europe, and his cultural tradition (music, religion, art);
2) humanities:  philosophy, considered  as pedagogy of the human spirit and expression of charity and peace; the history  and the shared European memory, the history of the Salento and Puglia in order to contribute for a new awareness of European cultural identity; literature and art (painting, sculpture, music, photography, etc.), as an expression of creativity, and as evidence of a common tradition to preserve; Bioethics and Medical Humanities as expression of solidarity, love and unconditional respect for human life; human and social sciences to spread the culture of inclusion;
3) the cultural heritage (tangible and intangible);
4) European and global citizenship, the democratic participation of citizens, education for peace, education for sustainable human development, mutual acceptance of differences, intercultural and interreligious dialogue;
5) cooperation between cultural institutions, Italian and foreign organizations to share strategies, best practices andcultural projects;
6) communion between the intelligence and the sharing of knowledge

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars projects,  seminars concerning CULTURE OF SOLIDARITY 
PEACE AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA. Migrants, Refugees, and asylum seekers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I could promote new partnerships throughout a permanent FORUM for peace and human rights in the Mediterranean sea.
We are a member of  RIDE-APS/ALF Italian network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would contribute to build peace and promote human rights in the Euro-Mediterranean area throughout international cooperation and cultural diplomacy.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
PhD in philosophy and teacher
Head of the organisation
Centro Culturale San Martino - Regione Puglia

centro danza royal

National Network

Via San Marino 89/14 - 10137 Torino - Italy

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
we are a Dance School in which we have a part that is dedicated to a project called "La dimora coreografica". Inside this project we collaborate with Michel Hallet Eghayan (Lyon) with who we do the "Festival Intermed":La Compagnie de Danse Hallet Eghayan a choisi avec ses différents partenaires de fédérer leurs actions de coopération dans le cadre d’un réseau euro-méditerranéen intitulé InterMed, impliquant équipes artistiques et centres de formation, structures associatives et culturelles des pays représentés, avec le soutien de leurs collectivités territoriales : > Mariachiara Raviola, chorégraphe et co-directrice avec Alessandra Bentley et Elena Delmastro de la Dimora Coreografica / Centro Danza Royal pour Turin, > le Ness El Fen dirigé par Syhem Belkhodja à Tunis et le Ballet de Monastir, > la Compagnie Anania de Saïd Ait El Moumen, Taoufiq Izeddiou et Bouchra Ouizguen pour Marrakech, ainsi que Nadia Bouamoud, Inspectrice de la Danse au Ministère de la Culture, le Théâtre Mohammed V et l’AMESIP pour la Région de Rabat-Salé (Maroc).
Mission and Objectives

Pendant 3 ans, les chorégraphes d’InterMed travaillent à une création commune autour du dialogue des cultures, réalisée avec un pool de jeunes danseurs en formation professionnelle choisis au sein des pays partenaires. Chaque année, une nouvelle étape de cette création est présentée dans tous les pays du réseau pour des soirées hautes en couleurs au cours desquelles sont également donnés des extraits des dernières pièces des compagnies impliquées, comme c’est le cas ce soir.
Le Réseau InterMed participe au rayonnement de chacun de ses pays partenaires au travers des différents champs couverts par ses actions :
> la formation professionnelle, qui permet aux jeunes danseurs de ces différents pays de la Méditerranée de s'ouvrir aux techniques de la danse contemporaine et de découvrir de nouveaux espaces de pratique professionnelle et de création; > la création d’œuvres collectives par les artistes de Méditerranée membres du Réseau autour de thèmes universels leur permettant de travailler ensemble ; > la diffusion de ces œuvres en Méditerranée dans le cadre d’un réseau franco-méditerranéen permettant aux populations de se réapproprier ensemble cet espace commun et de mieux se comprendre ; > l’éducation artistique des publics dans les pays partenaires au travers d’un faisceau d'initiatives, pour permettre de développer de nouvelles pédagogies et pratiques autour de l'art et de la danse, ferments et ciments de la vie sociale au cœur la Cité.

Main Projects / Activities

Programmazione didattica Centro Danza Royal:
Danza Classica: Elena Delmastro, Renata Justino, Elena Angeli, Fabiana Paganini, Elisa Virando, Daniele Trastu
Danza Contemporanea: Alessandra Bentley, Fabio Bellitti, Daniele Trastu, Raffaele Irace
Danza Modern: Elena Angeli
Danza Jazz: Daniela Camisassi, Elisa Virando
Danza Hip Hop: Paolo Giordana, Ilardi Nicoletta
Teatro per bimbi: Federica Berruti
Laboratorio Coreografico: Alessandra Bentley e Mariachiara Raviola

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandra Bentley
Head of the organisation
Elena Delmastro
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Delmastro

Centro Estero Internazionalizzazione – CEIPIEMONTE S.c.p.a. - Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism

National Network

Corso Regio Parco 27/29

+39 011 6700 511 - 639
Telephone (other)
+39 011 6700 511 - 634
+39 011 696 54 56
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 345 2622761
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
CEIPIEMONTE was created in 2006 by Piemonte Region and Unioncamere Piemonte, in agreement with business associations and the academic world. It gathers projects and competences of several bodies that played roles in inward and outward internationalisation: Centro Estero Camere Commercio Piemontesi (founded in 1976 to support the international business relations of local SMEs); ITP, Invest in Torino and Piemonte (the first Italian regional agency dedicated to inward investment); Consorzio Piemontese di Formazione (created in 1982 to organize managerial training programmes on international trade for both Italians and foreigners); MKTP (planning and implementing location marketing strategies since 2001); all international activities run by IMA (Agroalimentary Marketing Institute) and by ATR (Regional Agency for Tourist Promotion). Permanent staff: 65. Collaborators: 28. External experts: 150.Turnover 2009: 9.620.000. Sources of finding: Shareholders’ contribution
Mission and Objectives

On behalf of its members CEIPIEMONTE: provides free, responsive and tailored assistance to all foreign companies than want to locate in the region, in all stages of the investment project (Invest in Torino Piemonte); matches the regional production offer with the needs expressed by international markets and proposes targeted activities to connect highly qualified local companies with foreign partners (Business Promotion; promotes abroad the fine wine and agrifood tradition, appreciated by buyers from all over the world and one of the symbols of Italian excellence (Agrifood Marketing); promotes the region tourist resources, natural beauties, history, culture and exquisite cuisine as the perfect host for leisure and business travel (Tourism Promotion); trains local and foreign entrepreneurs, executives, officers and the future managerial generation on international trade subjects and the most advanced commercial strategies (Foreign Trade Training).

Main Projects / Activities

Inward investment: assistance at every stage of an investment project of a foreign company, from the assessment and information phase to the start up.
Business Promotion: planning and management of visits in Piemonte of foreign delegations and businesses, participation of Piedmontese enterprises to international fairs, organization of b2b meetings, business missions, promotional operations, industrial cooperation projects, partners research, international events in Piemonte.
Fundraising & International Cooperation Projects: expertise in designing and implementing (whole project cycle) projects financed by national and international donors (Ministries, European Commission etc…).Specific attention paid also to CIS countries and Central Asia.
International training: programmes to increase skills and knowledge on the key aspects related to international trade and on the most advanced commercial strategies by offering tailor-made programmes.
Tourism promotion: promotion of the region’s tourist resources by attending international fairs, organizing events and workshops, educational tours for media and trade representatives, b2c meetings.
Long term projects: Automotive (, Ict (, Aerospace (, Contract (

Contact (1) Full Name
Annalisa Gamba, Fundraising and International Network Manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Ciarlo, Fundraising and International Network

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo ‘Danilo Dolci”

National Network

Via Gorizia n. 22 - 90133 Palermo, Italy

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Amico Dolci

Centro Solidarietà Terzo Settore

National Network

Piazza Alessandro Manzoni, 16
71043 Manfredonia (FG)


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Solidarity Center Third Sector is a volunteer association established under Law No. 266, 1991 and the Regional Law (Puglia) No 11, 1994. The Solidarity Center Third Sector is entered: •at no 953 of the Regional Registry of Volunteers Puglia •at no 164 of the Municipal Register of Associations of Manfredonia. The Solidarity Center has 5 volunteers. The 2008 budget had total receipts 415 Euro, total payments 412.48 euros. The funds come from public istitutions and by members.The Solidarity Center organizes an annual conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and this year developed 2 projects under the Programme "Youth in Action 2007 to 2013".Partners involved: public authorities (Municipality of Manfredonia) and other non-profit organizations (TDM 2000)
Mission and Objectives

The Solidarity Center of Third Sector promotes the participation and active citizenship at local, national and European level, especially among young people, with a particular interest in the Social Responsibility of the Territory.

Main Projects / Activities

2 Projects in Youth in Action Programme: IT-12-24-2009-R1, IT-31-64-2009-R3, and sending organization for EVS 2009-IT-104
The main activities of the Solidarity Center of Third Sector include:
•the organization of Study Days on Corporate Social Responsibility;
•the desk on the Social Responsibility of the Territory;
•participation in the constitution and implement the programming committee of the Youth Center of the City of Manfredonia;
•participation in the actions of the Youth in Action Programme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annibale Morsillo
Head of the organisation
Annibale Morsillo
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Zullo

Centro Sperimentale MEDIARS

National Network

via Sangallo, 22, Rieti

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Based in a small town in the center if Italy, MEDIARS was funded in 2006 with a initial public award and we run an international workshop on interactive media in collaboration with a number of international universities and the local institutions. We use technology as a glue for the many disciplines and fields represented by the people involved in each project.
Mission and Objectives

MEDIARS ( runs programs on research, education and production focused on public places, multimedia installations, museum exhibits, performing arts with a multidisciplinary and multicultural team and work process.
Our goal is always to work across cultural differences and identities.

Main Projects / Activities

We use the yearly workshop and symposium as playground to create international partnerships and look to host associations/groups from the Euro/Med area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Marianantoni

Centro Sportivo Italiano Comitato Provinciale di Modena

National Network

Via del Caravaggio 71

+39 340 8436385
Telephone (other)
+39 059 395357
+39 059 391665
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 340 8436385
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
C.S.I. Comitato provinciale di Modena has three full time employees and many external helpers and volunteers who work together in order to implement all the different activities. The own budgetary resources available in a year are always around 100.000,00€ and the rest of the needed funds are collected through external sources such as grants, bank foundations and sponsors. C.S.I. Comitato provinciale di modena does not only work in the field of sports but carries out many different educational projects in the fields of environment, schools, social work and integration, international and intercultural dialogue, support to women groups, support to immigrants, exchanges with Israel and Brasil, training for trainers. The main partners involved in the organization activities are Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna, Municipality of Modena, Province of Modena.
Mission and Objectives

C.S.I Comitato Provinciale di Modena is a sports association with a long experience in working with youth. It's main objective is not only the fostering of sport practice but also sport education in general as far as the true pure values of sport are concerned such as fair play, dialogue, team work, communication, with a transfer in real life.

Main Projects / Activities

Villaggio dello Sport: a week of sport festival in the city of Modena addressed to youth from the age of 6 to the age 14.
La Maratona della Pace: peace marathon that takes place every year in Israel
Youth Centre in Ain Arik: collaboration and support to a youth centre in Ain Arik (Palestine)
This are only a few big projects that are run yearly besides the regular activity of the association as describes in the first box

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Verna
Head of the organisation
Stefano Gobbi
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefano Gobbi