Center for Studies "Segnali Mediterranei"

National Network

Via Marconi 257, I
Lamezia Terme

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
The Center for Studies Segnali Mediterranei is a non-profit cultural association, founded in 2007 and supported by a scientific and technical committee. Till today all the activities of the association where based on private self financing. The Centre for Studies foresees partnerships with public bodies such as the European Community and Ministry of culture, training bodies such as Universities, and private parties. The association is applying for many different programs at regional and national level, mainly within the issue of the preservation of linguistic minorities.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Association is to promote and preserve Mediterranean Traditions. It is committed to investing in human and social capital for the benefit of all Mediterranean communnities. It works to fund innovative social research with practical implications, to develop and fund new scholarships that promote the preservation of heritage and tradition, and to promote the collaborative and inclusive involvement of citizens in decision-making and community building. Thematic focuses are incentered on Linguistic Minorities, Press Editing, Immigration, Television broadcasting, Training.

Main Projects / Activities

Social activities are aimed at the dissemination of Mediterranean traditions and heritage with a particular focus on Calabrian Arbresche communities. The activities of the association have mainly concerned until today the production of documentaries, short films and DVDs on the traditions and customs of the Albanian community in Calabria. On quarterly basis the association publishes a cultural magazine supporting the SM TV channel, which promotes the activities of the Centre of Studies within the hinterland of Lamezia Terme. Attention is also placed on issues of social relevance (violence to children, integration of disadvantaged people and ethnic minorities, etc.), in the aim to raise public awareness through an intensive educational work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egidio Chiarella
Head of the organisation
Egidio Chiarella
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonella Cauteruccio