
C.I.D.E.S Centro Internazionale per l'Economia Sociale

National Network

via Lame, 118- 40122- Bologna - Italia

+39-051-55 2876
+39-051-55 5421
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Structure of the organization: Number of staff employed: 4 professionals. 5 cooperatives. Sources of funding: italian pubblic and private. Modalities of action: concrete projects. Seminars and research. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: social organization, cooperatives and ONG.
Mission and Objectives

Missione and objectives:
to promote the social economy.
to promote the human development,
the social integration and cooperation.
to study the social's territory needs.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Activities:
to give assistance in the process of cooperative creation, formation to the socials operators about the social economy, to do social studies and research, project, coordinate activities.
Main projects:
Boomerang - programme address to the young italian people resident abroad
and others international cooperation projects in Argentina ( Il Bastimento, Retexport, etc.)

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott. Pierpaolo Bergamini
Contact (2) Full Name
Dott. Nicola Busi

C.I.S.Me.- Cooperativa per l'Innovazione e lo Sviluppo del Meridione

National Network

viale A. Moro, 52/C
Reggio Calabria

+39 0965 53922
+ 39 0965 53922
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 3939462730
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
CISMe is a cooperative, has 2 permanent employees, 15 effective members (experts in European project management, vocational guidance and training, social and economic research, in immigration issues) and several external experts. It is a company certified UNI-EN-ISO 9001:2008 with regard to the following services: planning and management of professional and educational guidance, information services, professional training course and teaching related services, social and economic studies and research services, planning and implementation of e-learning courses. It is accredited as a training agency in the region of Calabria and it has obtained the authorization to manage activities in favour of immigrants, thanks to the registration in the specific section of Italian Ministry of Interior. Sources of founding are European, National, Regional, local founds, as well as private founds. It realizes several projects and events at local and European level. Partners are public bodies and private associations and enterprises. Budgetary resources in a year about € 200.000,00.
Mission and Objectives

According to the Statute, its objective are the promotion of local development, the improvement of quality of human capital, the promotion of actions of information and communication addressed to citizens, the realization of studies and analysis of the social environment.
In the pursuing of the above mentioned objectives CISMe cooperates in partnership of local, national and international public bodies and private associations.
It promotes the active citizenship, the intercultural dialogue and the principle of gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

CISMe staff is high-skilled and specialized in managing and promoting innovative projects whose objective is to plan and test new methods, tools and instruments in several field, to promote the exchange of best practices and the creation of local, national and trans-national network, in order to develop the local territory.
It is specialized in the field of active policies for employment and youth policy as well as in multicultural issue. It manages several projects whose aims were the promotion of young people active citizenship, the developing of solidarity and tolerance, the promotion of intercultural dialogue and the immigrant inclusion into the social and professional life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Francesca Ruggeri
Head of the organisation
Mr. Marco Onofrio Garganese
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Angela Princi

C.S.C. di Carbonia Iglesias della Società Umanitaria

National Network

Salone Velio Spano
via Della Vittoria 96 - 09013


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
La Società Umanitaria è un'istituzione nata oltre cento anni fa, nel 1893, grazie al lascito di Prospero Moisé Loria, mecenate mantovano, che le assegnò molteplici beni finanziari ed un'intera area edilizia situata nel pieno centro di Milano. Lo scopo dell'istituzione, riconosciuta presto come ente morale senza fini di lucro, risiede nel suo statuto, ancora oggi praticamente identico a quello originario del 1893: "mettere i diseredati, senza distinzione, in condizione di rilevarsi da se medesimi, e di operare per l'elevazione professionale, intellettuale e morale dei lavoratori". Non solo a Milano, ma in tutta Italia, sorsero sedi e centri limitrofi: come quelli di Cagliari, Alghero e Carbonia, in Sardegna, uniche superstiti di una rete capillare (anche in Europa), tuttora attive con corsi e attività formative rivolte in particolare al mondo della scuola e al bacino degli anziani. UMANITARIA IN SARDEGNA I Centri di Servizi Culturali (CSC) Sardi, la cui costituzione risale alla metà degli anni '50, rappresentano un'importante continuità (nonché ampliamento) dell'attività culturale promossa dall'Ente a livello nazionale. Il C.S.C. di Carbonia della Società Umanitaria rappresenta uno dei principali riferimenti per il panorama culturale del territorio da oltre 45 anni. I corsi di formazione per gli operatori culturali, accanto alla creazione di una rete di circoli del cinema, permisero un proficuo scambio di esperienze e di competenze. Accanto al cinema, sorse un'intensa attività con gli audiovisivi. Negli Anni ‘80, mediante l'acquisto di una prima unità di produzione video, diede il via a una sperimentazione per "fare film" a scuola con i ragazzi.
Mission and Objectives

La nostra mission principale, ad oggi, è la realizzazione della Fabbrica del Cinema, progetto che offrirà al pubblico, sia individuale che collettivo (associazioni, scuole, enti locali, ecc.), servizi quali:
•una biblioteca tematica sui linguaggi cinematografico e multimediale;
•un archivio specializzato sul cinema del lavoro e di migrazione, che comprende un’ampia selezione di titoli inerenti i principali generi cinematografici e i maestri del cinema;
•una sala di proiezione multimediale, attrezzata per le proiezioni cinematografiche, audiovisive e per la piccola convegnistica;
•laboratori per la digitalizzazione tramite film scanner dei materiali in pellicola sia nei formati privati/familiari (8mm; super8 mm; 9.5 mm pathé baby) sia nei formati professionali (16/super16 mm; 35/super35 mm), trattamento degli stessi per la produzione e post-produzione audiovisiva e per la digitalizzazione e il riversamento nei diversi formati conosciuti.
•Laboratori per la didattica ai linguaggi cinematografici, audiovisivi e multimediali.
Quanto sopra esposto non nascerà ex-novo, ma poggia su una base consolidata negli anni, che ha portato alla realizzazione d’iniziative ed eventi di forte interesse nazionale e internazionale di cui precedentemente si è fatta menzione

Main Projects / Activities

Eventi di forte interesse nazionale e internazionale:
•5 edizioni della "Biennale Cineragazzi";
•La rassegna itinerante “Mare e Miniere”, in 4 ricche edizioni;
•“Nuvole Parlanti”, 5 edizioni, dal 1995 al 2000, manifestazione-evento dedicata alla “Nona Arte”;
•Dal 1984, Convegni internazionali finalizzati dal tema Ecomuseo del Sulcis;
•6 edizioni del Mediterraneo Film Festival e 4 edizioni del Concorso CINEMA / LAVORO / MIGRAZIONE.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

potremmo diventare, sia per posizione geografica (il sud ovest sardo) che per mission del nostro Centro, un satellite del progetto per quanto concerne, in particolare, la diffusione del coinema del Mediterraneo e dell'audiovisivo in generale.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Riteniamo importante poter far parte della più grande rete di organizzazioni della società civile nella promozione del dialogo interculturale in Europa e nel Mediterraneo, di cui condividiamo i valori e principi fondanti.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo serra
Head of the organisation
Paolo Serra
Contact (2) Full Name
Moreno Pilloni

Cabinet of Cultural Projects

National Network

Via Dradi 18

0033 1 58 88 3234 (president)
0033 1 58 88 32 30
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Lazzarino 0033 6 74003189
Mobile Phone (other)
0033 6 78475503 president
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The organization is composed of 10 members and it has 8 partners between France and Italy. The annual available resources are approximately 10.000 euros The gained funds each year are approximately 30.000 euros . -Organization of cultural events, workshops for adults and children, exchanges dedicated to the Culture of Orality Principal partners: Company IMD of Paris (Issy-les-Moulineaux, Mayor of Paris, Ministero per I Blessed Culturali Italiano, Ministero per Attività Produttive E Internazionalizzazione Italiano, Comuni, Province and other Italian Institutions .
Mission and Objectives

Diffusion of the Culture and research on popular traditions in the Mediterranean.
Organization of events on the interaction of arts.

Main Projects / Activities

-Salon of Italia in Paris.
-Messages of the Myth in Paris .
-Museum of Orality in Rome.
- Itinerant Festival ANIMATTAZIONE .
-Holidays Turismo Emotivo .
-Workshops In all the directions

Contact (1) Full Name
Morena Campani
Head of the organisation
Morena Campani
Contact (2) Full Name
Josephine Lazzarino

Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Karaliaus krėslas, Lituania – 27/06 – 03/07 – 2024

Call Erasmus+ Youth Exchange a Karaliaus krėslas, Lituania – 27/06 – 03/07 – 2024

Association Beyond Borders offers an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange titled "Story of My Life," inviting 6 participants aged 18-22 and 1 Group Leader. The project, promoting intercultural understanding and personal growth, takes place from 27 June to 03 July 2024 in Karaliaus krėslas, Lithuania. A preparatory meeting is scheduled from 3 June to 5 June 2024 in Marijampolė, Lithuania. Interested individuals can apply online, meeting age and project requirements. Economic conditions include full room and board coverage, with travel ticket costs reimbursed up to €275 per person. A €40 annual donation is requested. Selected applicants will be contacted via email. Contact for more information.


Camera Work

National Network

Via Salvemini, 1 Jesi

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Camera Work Group is a network of companies and professionals, which provide consultancy, services and tools in the fields of communication, information and marketing. Camera Work was founded in 1987. Thanks to its flexible organization Camera Work Group is able to respond efficiently and promptly to a wide and diversified range of client needs, both public and private organizations. Camera Work Group works according to the concept of network abilities: each project starts through teamwork made up of different professional skills, who are always able to find new solutions.
Mission and Objectives

The Camera Work Group is a network of companies and professionals, which provide consultancy, services and tools in the fields of communication, information and marketing. Camera Work was founded in 1987. Thanks to its flexible organization Camera Work Group is able to respond efficiently and promptly to a wide and diversified range of client needs, both public and private organizations. Camera Work Group works according to the concept of network abilities: each project starts through teamwork made up of different professional skills, who are always able to find new solutions.

Main Projects / Activities

The Camera Work Group is a network of companies and professionals, which provide consultancy, services and tools in the fields of communication, information and marketing. Camera Work was founded in 1987. Thanks to its flexible organization Camera Work Group is able to respond efficiently and promptly to a wide and diversified range of client needs, both public and private organizations. Camera Work Group works according to the concept of network abilities: each project starts through teamwork made up of different professional skills, who are always able to find new solutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serena Cappannini
Head of the organisation
Ferdinando Blefari
Contact (2) Full Name
Ferdinando Blefari

Campagna Italiana contro le mine - onlus

National Network

Via Nizza 154 00198 Roma

+39 06 85800693
+ 39 06 85304326
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3404759230
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3481049619
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The structure of the Italian Campaign to ban landmines (ItCBL) is the following: an advisory board, a member assembly, a president, an auditor board and the executive staff composed by the Director, the person in charge for the Education on Development and Cooperation Program, the Coordinator for external relations, various external consulting, 4 intern and about 30 volunteers. The budgetary resources available in a year are round about 240.000,00€. The main sources of funding are the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) and the Fund for Humanitarian Deming created by law 58/2001.Other sources are Local Authorities, Foundations and Private donors. The ItCBL is committed in political lobby activities on landmines, in research activities for publications on the issue of Humanitarian Disarmament, organized conference and awareness activities for civil society, workshops on peace, development and cooperation for schools and training for trainers at University level. The main partners involved in the association projects are the Ministry of Foreign Affaires, UNMAS, and various private company.
Mission and Objectives

The ItCBL promotes and safeguards Human rights and support Humanitarian Disarmament. The ItCBL has the purpose of remove the impact of landmines, cluster bombs and unexploded ordnance in general on civil population. It also support culture of peace, encourage national and international agreement on landmines banning, humanitarian action against landmines, and it is committed on social and economic reintegration of victims.
Moreover it verify the implementation of national and international rules on the issue. Organize Meeting, conference and seminars, workshops and trainings.

Main Projects / Activities

On political level the main activities regarding the Oslo Process to ban cluster bombs and the ItCBL participation in it that ended with the sign of the Convention on Cluster Munition by Italy in Oslo in December 2008. Now the ItCBL is working to obtain the ratification of the Convention. The association is also working to defend the Humanitarian Demining Fund.
Another important ItCBL activity is the workshop “There is no peace with landmines” a program of Education on Development, Cooperation and Peace for Primary, Junior High and High Schools. The program is based on a creative approach to encourage students participation and their activation.
The ItCBL organizes training for trainers at University level for people that will act in ItCBL workshop for schools.
The association pay attention to the training of young people and organizes training project to give the possibility to assist to international meeting or to participate to national meeting at high level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe Schiavello (Director)
Head of the organisation
Annalisa Formiconi (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Tibisay Ambrosini

Cantiere Giovani

National Network

Via Siepe Nuova 59
80027 Frattamaggiore (NA)

Frattamaggiore (NA)

0039 081 8328076
Telephone (other)
0039 081 3187550
0039 081 3187550
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3201945122
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3200408060
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Cantiere Giovani is a cooperativa sociale, with 7 members and 10 person that co-operate in the projects, the activities and the servicies. Our last balance sheet (2008): 104.183,00 €. Sources of funding: Municipalities, Campania Region, Italian Government, EACEA, private Foundations. Modalities of action: intercultural projects, italian school for migrants, Youth Centers, Centers for kids, workcamps, EVS, communication servicies for no profit organisations. The organization collaborates with Campania Region, the Municipality of Frattamaggiore (Na),the Local Health Authority (Asl Na3), the Center of Juvenile Justice of the Municipality of Naples, secondary and primary schools and other Italian and European non governmental organizations. Furthermore, Cantiere Giovani is member of the National Register of Associations and Authorities which work for Immigrants, the Register of organizations working for peace and human rights of the Campania Region, and the Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service - CCIVS.
Mission and Objectives

Cantiere Giovani is a non confessional, non governmental and non profit organization which believes in the individual’s skills of growing and changing in full autonomy and freedom, respecting and recognizing the individual complexity and diversity.
CG aims at spreading the concept of peace and solidarity, the promotion of an active citizenship society and of the youth as a central resource, intercultural training and the promotion of diversity as a positive force. Its intent is to pull down cultural obstacles, which are linked to prejudices and stereotypes, and to stimulate social attitudes towards each person through non formal and informal educational methods and actions to make each one conscious of the diversity of the other, to encourage the integration of immigrant communities in society, to set them at their ease.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2003 CG runs intercultural youth and child centers. Among the services for the immigrant communities, there is a counter for legal counseling, a help desk for jobs and house research as well as Italian language courses, structured in three levels to face the different learning difficulties. CG collaborates with schools to organize and manage audiovisual courses. CG promotes International Voluntary Service through the organization and the management of international work camps, EVS projects and other youth exchanges within European and International programs. Cantiere Giovani gives special attention to communication as a tool to let services get closer to citizens and as democratic participation principle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lupoli Mario
Head of the organisation
D'Errico Giovanni
Contact (2) Full Name
Costanzo Pasqualino

Casa del Cuculo

National Network

Via Ceppareto 14
Meldola (FC)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1. The association has 1 President, 1 Vice-President, 1 Secretary, 1 Account Manager, and 8 Project Managers who are responsible for several projects. The staff includes 18 active people but they all work as volunteers, so there is no employed staff. Many more people are collaborating to the various activities and events, our network is really widespread. Partners: 3 local governments and about 15 private organizations of the territory. 2. About € 2000 3. Fund-raising activities and events, projects and collaborations with local governments. 4. Concrete projects, performances, workshops in schools and other environments… 5. Municipality of Bertinoro, Municipality of Meldola, Municipality of Forlì; Cultural Associations: Area Sismica, TILT – Uongai, Khatawat, Associazione Oltre…
Mission and Objectives

Our activities aim at promoting the artistic and cultural development of the territory, and increase the value of art and culture as means of union, socializing, social intervention and multicultural integration.
We intend to reach those objectives through the creation and promotion of educational and artistic activities and workshops, the design and circulation of research activities, and the conception and production of situations of mass hilarity.
The association is also a house that has always hosted many people of several origins and backgrounds, who have developed their cultural and artistic projects in its inspiring rooms. Therefore, since the establishment of the association, we have always tried to make a benchmark and a union place of the house, with the idea of developing it into an environment- and nature-friendly, energetically self-sufficient educational and multi-purpose centre.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Workshops and courses of WESTERN AFRICAN DANCE AND MUSIC, with a related ensemble performing shows and gigs.
2) Open group of people who hop in outdoor spaces and organize URBAN DANCE workshops.
3) Workshops, didactic activities, performances and events in order to promote a deeper ENVIRONMENTAL RESPECT AND AWARENESS.
4) Multiethnic and intercultural workshop of BALKAN MUSIC, in particular from Shkoder, collected 40 years ago by two Albanian musicologists. It has developed into a folk orchestra representing a special space for knowing a different culture and living an ensemble experience.
5) EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES in arts, theatre, dance, music, writing, aiming at developing human and natural resources, and promoting culture as a means of social action.
6) We support several activities linked to VISUAL ARTS, like painting exhibitions inside private houses.
7) We promote OSSÀNEMA, a band that blends odd eastern tempos, Mediterranean grooves and suburban ballads.

Contact (1) Full Name
Debora Teresa Stenta
Head of the organisation
Elena Salvucci
Contact (2) Full Name
Marcello Di Camillo