
Allianz Foundation Grants Program 2024: Fixing what's broken. Together.

last call

With its grants program for 2024, the Allianz Foundation is supporting projects from the fields of arts and culture, European civil society and climate and the environment, which are taking a stand against social divisions and ecological crises. We are looking for cooperative initiatives from Europe and the Mediterranean region that stand for solidarity, a sense of community, and respect.

The Allianz Foundation’s grants program focuses on projects in the areas of climate & environment, European civil society and arts & culture. Three independent juries select the projects for their respective field. In order to strengthen the impact of its funding and be transparent regarding what the Allianz Foundation is looking for, applicants may find additional information about what the focus will be in the respective areas.

Find more information here.




National Network

Alsharq, Simon Welte, Uferstraße 10 a, 35037 Marburg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Alsharq is a non-profit association based in Berlin that serves as a platform for independent journalism and thorough analyses about the Middle East. As a team of young professionals, we also offer political study trips to the region, including to Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Israel, and Palestine. By means of political education, our aim is to promote intercultural dialogue between Germany and the Middle East. Founded in 2005 by a student initiative, Alsharq consists of eleven permanent members. While we are all working on a voluntary basis, most of us live or have lived in different places all over the Middle East. This means that we are well connected to promote the local perspectives that are integral for an understanding of the current events in the Middle East. We are currently finalizing the official registration of our association as a non-profit-organisation in order to apply for and secure permanent funds.
Mission and Objectives

As a non-profit association, Alsharq promotes the exchange of balanced, comprehensive and sound information about the Middle East in order to further public and political education and contribute to a culture of tolerance and reciprocity between Germany and the Middle East.
Through its public blog, Alsharq reports on recent events and developments in the Middle East. By promoting nuanced perspectives, we seek to refine common perceptions in Germany about the Middle East. To this end, Alsharq picks up local voices and reflects socio-political discourses from the region to make them accessible for the German public. The main focus is on processes and challenges of democratization in the context of the so-called Arab spring.
With its participatory work, Alsharq supports the exchange between researchers, journalists and civil society actors from Germany working in and on the Middle East and promotes their cooperation with young professionals, bloggers, and activists from the MENA-region.

Main Projects / Activities

Our work comprises three pillars:
First, Alsharq offers a critically acclaimed blog ( Founded in 2005, the blog is Germany’s most read news-outlet on the Middle East. A final nominee in the 2013 “Grim-me-Online Awards”, the Alsharq-team provides nuanced information from and about the Middle East. To this end, we write articles, conduct interviews and compile regular news-reviews to capture current debates. With the blog, we also offer a platform for young journalists and academics from both the MENA-region and Germany to contribute.
Second, Alsharq offers substantial analyses on selected topics. This is contractual work for political organizations (e.g. Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Goethe-Institute) and news-channels (Deutsche Welle, Detector FM) that hire Alsharq for its expertise.
Third, Alsharq offers political study trips to the MENA-region, including to countries such as Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Palestine. For this, Alsharq cooperates with local partner and German educational institutes (e.g. Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we have been working in the MENA-region for several years, our team is very well connected in countries such as Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Morocco, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt and Iran. We thus want to share with the ALF Network the personal contacts and professional networks we have established with individuals and political, civil society and academic organizations in those countries. Likewise, as we are engaged with the political, journalistic and academic spheres, we want to incentivize German institutions and organizations to contribute to a fruitful exchange between Germany and the Middle East. Finally, for our blog is the most read German news-website on the Middle East, we can publish and promote projects and cooperation in line with the values and aims of ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we believe in and seek to promote the virtue of shared civic action. The ALF Network is a great opportunity to connect with the political, social and cultural actors who are involved across the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Moreover, we believe in and want to fulfill the equal and dialogue-oriented approach between “Europe” and the “Arab world” that the ALF Network promotes.
As a major blog on the Middle East, we are especially interested in the media activities that the ALF Network helps to support and facilitate. In order to reach a broader public through our shared endeavors, we hope the ALF Network helps us enhance the cooperation with and between German universities, political foundations and journalists that work on the Middle East through joint workshops, conferences and publications.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amina Nolte
Head of the organisation
Robert Chatterjee
Contact (2) Full Name
Johannes Gunesch

Alsharq e.V.

National Network

Paul-Lincke-Ufer 41, c/o Wildcorn GmbH
10999 Berlin

+49 (0)157 78337361
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information
Alsharq is the leading independent German platform for alternative information about the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Besides up-to-date reporting on, we provide socio-political analyses and organize political study trips to the region. Founded in 2005 by a group of young researchers and journalists, we are working to promote dialogue and political education about the MENA-region in Germany. As a public non-profit association, Alsharq is based in Berlin. The board comprises five people, but we are all working on a voluntary basis. We currently have 50 members that pay monthly fees through which we finance our ongoing activities. Altogether, we have around 6000 EUR at our disposal/year, but as we were just recently registered as a non-profit association we are currently applying for support through political foundations and third-party funds for our projects. For this, we cooperate closely with many civil society actors from Germany and the MENA-region.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is to promote political education about the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in Germany. We seek to cultivate a common ethos and sense of tolerance in the exchanges across the MENA-region and Germany that we support through journalism, research, and civil society cooperation.
Towards this end, we provide comprehensive, multi-perspectival and in-depth information about the MENA-region. This, we do in a participatory manner, where everybody can contribute, always in collaboration, where we learn from each other, and always motivated to capture the personal dimension of the political developments we cover. We have all lived or are living in different countries across the region, speak Arabic, Hebrew, or Farsi, and are well connected with our friends and partner in the different countries.
As part of our mission, we support the ensuing democratic transformation across the MENA-region. We want to inform about the possibilities and difficulties of those processes, drawing primarily on the role of civil society. In particular, we work to capture different perspectives from across the region and make them accessible to a wider audience in Germany. We thereby enhance the understanding for the recent developments in the MENA-region and contribute to the civic dialogue across the (equally real and fabricated) boundaries between Germany and the Middle East and North Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and activities are based on journalism and research about the MENA-region, as well as political study trips to different countries.
Our blog is the heart of Alsharq. On it, we publish a new article every two or three days for the past ten years already, which makes for almost 2000 contributions altogether. With the blog, we promote independent reporting as well as profound commentary about the MENA-region to contribute to the public debate about the region in Germany. As we have all lived or are currently still living in various places across the region, our comprehensive first-hand insights into the different facets of the region help to elucidate the personal, social and political dimensions of the topics we discuss.
In this way, we help to give voice to many different actors that otherwise struggle to be heard. And we pick up and reflect a variety of issues, topics and perspectives from the region – through our own reporting, feature articles from local personalities and frequent press-reviews from regional papers. Profound analyses, book-reviews and numerous interviews continue to qualify our blog as one of the most important sources of information and debate about the MENA-region in Germany. For our work, we enjoy both an ever-growing audience and critical acclaim. The Deutsche Welle user-award “Best of Blogs” in 2008 and the nomination for the “Grimme-Online-Award” in 2013 for example testify the high quality of our reporting.
As part of our political education, we also offer regular public seminars and workshops on political, economic and cultural events and developments in the Middle East and North Africa. For this, we regularly cooperate with universities, where we hold presentations or conduct seminars, and other institutions and organizations. Previous partner include for example the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, the “Studienstiftung Villigst” or the “Staatspolitische Gesellschaft Hamburg”. In the past year alone, the panel-discussions we have initiated and led spanned from cross-border cooperation in Israel and Palestine, to life under the “Islamic State” in Syria, political re-conciliation in Yemen, and story-telling in Morocco. Moreover, we founded a network for young journalists working on the MENA-region, which serves as a forum of exchange of expertise. We also have published already a number of research series, for example on the possibilities and difficulties of reporting about the Middle East and North Africa and about the Oslo-process in Israel/Palestine. Furthermore, members of Alsharq regularly provide expert media-commentary, including for example at N-TV, Deutschland Radio Wissen, the Deutsche Welle or Detektor FM.
Finally, to better understand the Middle East and North Africa, we feel it is necessary to personally experience it. For many years, Alsharq has therefore been independently organizing and conducting political study trips to the region (Palestine/Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Morocco). Our trips combine political education with cultural encounters in the most remarkable countryside. In this way, we provide for a unique opportunity to realize and actively engage with what it means to be living on either side of the wall between Israel and Palestine, explore Beirut along the scars from the Lebanese Civil War, or gaze at the beauty of Petra, the ancient city of rocks in Jordan. To grasp what the abstract news about the Middle East actually mean, our well experienced and locally acquainted team especially values personal meetings and conversations with many different locals. This not only helps local organizations and initiatives, but also serves to build bridges across the MENA-region and Germany.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe the participation in the ALF-network offers great opportunities for Alsharq. In the same time, we are highly committed to contribute to the network in Germany. As we have been doing in the past years, we value collaborative work, when different sets of experience are brought together in an inclusive and participatory manner to the mutual benefit of all participants. We believe that we can do more when we work together.
Towards this end, the members of Alsharq not only have different academic qualifications that we can all contribute to the network, ranging from Middle Eastern studies to political science, international relations, sociology and anthropology. We also have many different practical skills and experiences that we can add, which pertain to journalism, editorial processes, the organization of events, seminars, and political study trips, as well as the application for funding. Moreover, we are already very well connected not only with many different civil society actors in Germany, but also across the MENA-region. We consider it therefore a particularly important contribution to link different actors and organizations, facilitate exchange and foster constructive dialogue across Germany and the Middle East and North Africa.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As much as we believe we can contribute to the ALF-network, we also believe that we have a lot to gain from it. We have already come some way in the work we do, especially since it is voluntary and we started Alsharq from scratch. This makes for a great learning-opportunity for all of us as we make the transition from our university studies to the first career-steps. That is why we want to connect even more with other initiatives, actors and organizations to learn with and from them. We are only at the beginning and the ALF-network provides a unique opportunity to get together and work on our common goals, especially as it pertains to the many strong linkages we want to cultivate across national borders. This aspiration is not only important for us individually. We consider it especially pertinent with regard to the precedent for people-driven that was set by the popular uprisings that have captivated so many people in the MENA-region and beyond. We accordingly believe that the ALF-network can help us realize our collective responsibility in the democratic transitions, not only “there”, but also “here” – because, after all, that we are in it together. Towards this end, we would in particular hope for our membership in the ALF-network to provide us with information on how to better strategize our work, more successfully acquire funding, involve more actors and thereby contribute to sustainable civil society engagement and cooperation across Germany and the MENA-region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johannes Gunesch
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Laura Overmeyer

Anthropology and Philosophy of the Mediterranean

National Network

Freie Universität, Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin

+49 (0) 39 83853998
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Euro Mediterranean Research Network (PAER) Philosophies and anthropologies of Euro Mediterranean Region organised by Jacques Poulain (Paris), Fathi Triki (Tunis) and Christoph Wulf (Berlin), Moustapha Larissa, (Marrakech), Reyes Maté (Madrid), Mourad Wahba (Cairo)

Mission and Objectives

The basic principle of this network is that research focused on the acquisition and application of shared European and Mediterranean knowledge is the fundamental driving force of social and economic development in the Euro Mediterranean region, and that the intercultural dialogue issue is the most critical one for the consolidation of this geographical region. On such grounds, this network intends to set out the theoretical and practical bases for constructing an area of mutual recognition of the different European and Mediterranean cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

6 Conferences will be organised about the following topics. Enthusiasm, violence and rationalities around Mediterranean Region Artistic creativity and its insertion in the world Intercultural dialogue in the horizon of the enchantment of religions Exploring a citizenship of culture in the Euro Mediterranean region Gender and social issues in Euro Mediterranean cultural dialogue Ethical, philosophical and anthropological issues of Euromeditterranean transcultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, Freie Universität Berlin
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, Freie Universität Berlin
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Jacques Poulain, University of Paris 8


National Network

Blücherstraße 56
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg

+49 (0) 30 68 05 32 99
+49 (0) 30 68 80 92 37
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Non-Profit Foundation and Ltd., partly volunteer staff, engaged in projects of art, international relations, academic conferences, publications.
Mission and Objectives

The foundation and the connected Non-Profit Ltd. intends to support developments in societies towards international solidarity and critical rationality, based on the respect of the individual rights and responsibilities, protection of the creation and gender equality. Its roots are based in the tradition of the European early socialists and the workers movement, as well as in a Christian humanism.

Main Projects / Activities

Publication projects (e.g. Martin Buber in Arabic; illustrated German-Arabic fairy tales; Bio-Bibliography of the Protestant poet Albrecht Goes; Quarterly ‘Israel & Palästina – Zeitschrift für Dialog’; German edition of Hebrew novel by Orna Akad, and more);
Art postcards, silk printings et al.;
Inter-religious dialogue conferences and encounters (‘Religion in (the) Public sphere’); study tours to the ‘Middle East’
Research and Catalogue raisonné of the Eastern European Jewish artist Arthur Kolnik (1890-1972)

Contact (1) Full Name
Simon Duncker
Head of the organisation
Rainer Zimmer-Winkel (Generalbevollmächtigter)
Contact (2) Full Name
Rainer Zimmer-Winkel

Arabisch Deutsches Center für Dialog - WASLA e. V.

National Network

Atzpodienstrasse 3
10365 Berlin

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information

WASLA is a non-profit organization based in Berlin, Germany, seeking to promote dialogue and peace via cooperation between Arab and German civil society organizations; established by Arab-German youth initiatives, NGOs, workers and activists who are working in the field of youth empowerment and sustainable development. Through our activities we promote gender equality, women's rights, empowerment and security. At the level of the organization we are encouraging women to get actively involved in local, national and international activities. For all trainings, we take into account to ensure gender balance of participants. We have run workshops and roundtables focused on empowering women to enhance women and girls leadership and participation. We organize weekly sessions for women, led by Nora Amin She is also the coordinator of a non-formal activity that encourages women's creativity, supports team spirit and life skills. In terms of women's depression, the MENA region is ranked higher than any other region in the world. Depression is the leading cause of illness for women in MENA. Another problem that these women face is early marriage. Parents have the power to decide who they marry to and inform them about the arrangements without considering their opinion. We have a group of women volunteers who come from the MENA regions. This is why is very important for us to organize activities that can increase physical confidence, improve general and psychological wellbeing, boost women's self-confidence and self-esteem and develop social skills. Number of paid staff 5; unpaid staff 9; learners 5; members 55; volunteers +40 Our organization organized Berlin Days for Arabian Culture in Alexander Platz for 3 days, in April 2019. The event was organized in partnership with local organizations, German stakeholders and Arab communities in Germany. There were music concerts, music workshops, book fair, handicrafts workshops, traditional dances, poetry sessions, movies presentations, children art activities and round table. The diversity of the activities aimed to address to a wide audience and to reunite people of different ages. The competencies of our permanent members helped in running the activities in such a way that the communication between generations was encouraged. Some of the issues on which we focused were related to Arab women, social justice and women rights. Targeting parents we presented the suffering of Arab women; the first movie is about early marriage in Yemen "I'm Najoud 10 years old and divorced". Furthermore, people were encouraged to share their personal experience related to the topic. We launched a campaign to raise awareness of parents about the negative aspects of early marriages. We used the storytelling technique to encourage our audience, especially older people, to share their life stories which contributed to develop empathy and a closer connection among people. The Festival's program included several activities translated into Arabic, German and English languages. Participants and audience were people of both genders aged between 6 and 65 We organized Erasmus+ projects getting fund from the EU Commission, we had bilateral projects with German-Turkish youth bridge and a series of local activities (Berlin Integration Club; Dance and Music workshop; Cinema workshops).

Mission and Objectives

Our philosophy encourages the achievement of a balanced flow of cultural goods and services, increasing the international exchanges, integrating culture into sustainable development, promoting freedom and human rights. We strongly consider that supporting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue will open up new perspecties for sustainable growth and innovation. The key factors that act as the internal motor for sustainable development are creativity and culture. Bringing together people with different educational and cultural backgrounds, encouraging them to communicate and share visions will increase understanding different points of view and practices, strengthening active citizenship, peace and the feeling of belonging to the same community. Objectives: 1. Foster international understanding, non-formal education and youth empowerment. 2. Promote dialogue between cultures. 3. Faceing racism within societies. 4. Spread the culture of tolerance and acceptance others. Fields of work: -Non-formal education -Dialogue between cultures -Arts -Culture and Heritage -Youth Empowerment -Independent media/ Social media -Civil participation, Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights -Culture of Peace WASLA is the head of the German National Network of the Euro-Med Youth Federation, each National Network is coordinated by focal point institution called Head of Network that works to: 1. Facilitate consultation and mobilization inside the National Network 2. Contribute to the development and implementation of Common Actions among member organizations and across Networks 3. Involve its members in the Federation’s programs and projects 4. Ensure coordination 5. Strengthen the cooperation between the Heads of Network and the EMYF secretariat The German National Network offers a wide range of benefits, from broadening knowledge, to be inspired from others experience, to attain new achievements and to share success with others. Also, WASLA is a member of other several networks as following: • Network of Arab Societies in Europe (NAS) Arab Diaspora Young People in Europe (ADYPE)

Main Projects / Activities

REFUGEES WELCOME: A PLATFORM FOR SUCCESSFUL INTEGRATION, project number 2018-3-PT02-KA205-005513 gathers basic and preliminar information about the situation of refugees within the partner countries. It facilitates access to information (online and offline), up-to-date and reliable contacts of the services and advantages available to refugees in the following areas: education, health, housing, employment, leisure and others. Within this project we organized orientative sessions and workshops to offer information about renting houses, enrolling children in schools, finding jobs, legal advices and integration. - Activities in partnership with Jerusalem Cultural Forum: Reading Club. The aim of this club is to promote culture and literature. People came together to read books, exchange opinions on several topics and share their views on different topics. This initiative promotes social inclusion and encourages cross cultural communication. The club is open to any person who likes reading and the members are aged between 15 and 65 years old. - Activities coordinated by our trainers. Art and Crafts Club - reunites women and children to work together, creating handmade products (i.e. Christmas cards, jewellery, souvenirs). We strongly encourage and offer the necessary support to our members and volunteers in implementing their project ideas. The idea of this club was started by Mostafa Abbas who suggested to ask to our young volunteers to invite their grandparents to our center and create handmade products by working together. It helped in decreasing the gap generation and in developing social empathy. - Cinema workshops run by Fares Mohamed, former director at the Public Cinema Center in Damascus, Syria; - Dance and Music workshop runs by former musician Abeer Ali and former dancer and director Nora Amin, of the Ministry of Culture in Egypt. "Infiltration" A dance performance “The body is touched, the body is being looked at, the body is insulted [...] it is an infiltration of the self.” (Weiblichkeit im Aufbruch, Nora Amin, MSB Matthes&Seitz) Farina and Nora are creating a duo dealing with the diverse aspects of infiltration. Both artists are interested in the themes of personal space, autonomy, freedom, intimacy and the potential revolt against abusive practices and authoritarian powers. INfiltration examines what it means for each of us to be transgressed, infiltrated, and dislocated from one’s own ownership of oneself. The spectators form an active part of the experience, they are scattered in the performance space, witnessing, participating by their energies, and moving around and among the two dancers. - Berlin Integration Club: Persons who wish to teach German language in Germany – or who wish to teach Arabic language to German speakers in Berlin – can choose to specialize in teaching the language to non native speakers. - In the framework of the CIN Innovation Days, we launched a music album – Music for Peace - created by underground musical bands, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office as one of the programmes of Goethe Institute. For more information please check SinCRoMinD project 2019-1-EL01-KA204-062518, The target group of this project, people 55+, increase in all European countries. Due to this project citizens from different countries, cultures and traditions through cultural activities (dances, arts, theatre, photography, cooking, etc), ICT and foreign languages intend to develop intercultural consciousness, limit the prejudices and highlight the commons. This is of high relevance, because the engagement with Arts, ICT, Language and Culture is for many elder people the opening for new opportunities in participation and higher quality of life. Fostering Youth Initiatives through Social Enterprise Education project 2019-1-UK01-KA205-061356, The main objective of the project is to equip youth workers from the participating organisations with the tools and knowledge to be able to train other youth workers and support young people in the development of new and innovative social entrepreneurial activities. WASLA hosted KA105 training course 2018-2-DE04-KA105-016811 CONFLICT: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR LEARNING!. Also, WASLA participated in different KA105 training courses as co-benficary such as Innovators' coaching training course 2018-1-IT03-KA105-013361 in Rome, training course 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016285 Creativators! In Paris. Moreover, WASLA organized non-formal education activities in the framework of other youth programmes, such as the German-Turkish youth bridge; the project "Korfball for Social inclusion" AA-0018-III.8_1. - CONFLICT: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR LEARNING! In various parts of Europe and neighbouring countries young people face challenges related to globalisation, multicultural societies, social exclusion and transition to adulthood. These challenges often result in tension, misunderstanding, conflict and even violence. At the same time, many live in regions or communities going through or recovering from conflict. In youth work conflict is an inevitable topic, both as a transversal theme and as a specific area of work. Youth workers have to adapt to changing realities, issues and concerns faced by young people. What kind of activities should we offer in volatile communities? What are the basic principles of non-formal learning in such contexts? - Innovators' coaching project The project helped participants to reflect on issues which are common to all countries coming from the EU and Mediterranean regions and in particular it focused on the issues of inclusion and give tools to the participants to increase the level of participation of young people through a more inclusive approach in their work. Innovators' coaching used hands on approach and non-formal methods of education to assist the participants to understand the different types of inclusion and methods of how to deal with them. This helped the participants to understand what the role of a coach within the area of inclusion should be and give them tools to work with when working with young people. - Regarding our activity in dialouge between cultures field, The project "Civilization Ambassadors Winter Camp", - Mobile App: In the near future we are going to develop a mobile application targeting high schools. The central idea is to offer to the teenagers hands on experience on how news are produced. To be more precise, this application will connect media, schools and students. Students, are the main target group, they will be given the possibility to make the difference between real and fake news as due to the social media they are exposed to a wide pool of information. Teenagers represent a vulnerable group easy to be manipulated via social media, this is why we consider necessary to make them aware of power of media. We are also going to organize workshops to encourage discussions between reporters and high school students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation can help to promote the values and aims of Anna Lindh Foundation, increase the number of people involved in local activities, promote intercultural and civil society dialogue in the Euro-Mediterannea Area and to share our practical knowledge related to promoting social empathy and social inclusion.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested to join the ALF Network to expand our network of contacts, to organize local and international activities , to better integrate intercultural resource centre for civil society, education institutions in our activities, to learn from experts how to empower young people for acting as active citizens and get actively involved in the life of their communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Abbas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mostafa Abbas
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Mansour

Arbeitsbereich Interkulturelle Germanistik, Fachbereich Angewandte Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Mainz

National Network

An der Hochschule 2
76726 Germersheim

0049 727450835325
Telephone (other)
0049 727450835534
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
University department hosting around 1200 students from about 90 countries. Specialized in translation, interpreting and intercultural mediation in general. Numerous research projects, with a focus on continous tranining-programs and intercultural cooperation for staff and student exchange. Partners include universities all over the world, the department has strong relations with and interest in the new member stated of the EU, especially the Baltic Republics (for example a partnership agreement with the Univesity of Kaunas), as well as Turkey, Greece and other mediterranean countries.
Mission and Objectives

Academic training and research in the field of translation, interpreting and intercultural communication in general. For the mission statement of the faculty see:

Main Projects / Activities

For main projects of the department see:

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Dilek Dizdar
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kelletat
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Sebnem Bahadir

Arbeitsgruppe Zukunft Energie und Umwelt - ARENUM e.V.

National Network

Gut Schwarzbach,
Lindenplatz 3/1

01945 Schwarzbach

+49 (0)35752 329130
Telephone (other)
+49 (0)35752 15374
+49 (0)35752 96337
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+43 (0)699 19019548
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
ARENUM e.V. - Working Group on Future Energy and Environment was 2011 established as non-profit association under German law. It is organised by its status. The structure implies the general assembly open for all members, the board elected by the GA, two independent revisors and the scientific advisory Committee, which provides support and guidance in substantial decisions and quality assurance and approval. ARENUM e.V. started in 2011 and is developing effective its activities, network and projects in environmental and energy issues, sustainable development in technical and societal dimension. Research and education project proposals are applied in the Brandenburg Structural Development Fund (EU-ILE), the region (energy award OSL-2012) and on German level (FONA-programme, BMBF). ARENUM has about 30 members from 6 European countries, projects and activities are developed together with partners from different sectors and countries like Universities, schools, children gardens, R&D-partners, companies, public administration and other NGO.
Mission and Objectives

ARENUM mission is the support of technical and socio-economic transformation of society to fulfill future requirements in sustainable energy systems and management of natural ressources. This transformation is demanding and touches the entire society, it can not be solved by simple adaptation or substitution of technological systems.
ARENUM beliefes, that sustainable development is a global issue and requires engagement on different levels to build up and exchange best practice examples. Improvement of life conditions is possible only with peaceful and intensive cooperation between people and regions, development and application of innovative and eco-efficient technologies and share of resulting benefits.
ARENUM intends to improve also the general and specific frame conditions for eco-innovative technologies fitting into society and to enhance the level of awareness with target group specific activities in energy education programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects are currently focused on:
- Municipal energy concepts including public and private stakeholders,
- Energy related education programmes for different target groups,
- Harmonisation of regional development objectives with European and global requirements (climate change, safety and security of supply, technology gaps, perception...),
- Research contrbutions to selected energy technologies also with specific relevance for developing countries,
- Support platform for integrative implementation of large wind power parks/participation of private, public and stakeholders.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Different network contributions are possible:
- Events and publications in regional (Brandenburg) and national (German) frame and media
- Links to specific activities (website, projectwebsites and database)
- Cross connection to existing and future projects and activities like the "Competence Pool Municiapl Energy", "focus group Model Energy Region Lusatia", climate change impact and climate change regional actions
- Energy days (within EU-ILE programme) for children and classes
- further activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network offers the possibility to exchange experience and best practice with other institutions and set up consortia for cooperation activities and projects with relevant impact. It is intended also to participate at ALF project calls or to identify partners for participation in EU-FP7 or IEE.
ARENUM beliefes it may sufficiently contribute with its work and network to connect regional experiences and needs with an European and even international scope in environmental and energy issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Giersch
Head of the organisation
Martin Giersch
Contact (2) Full Name
Reiner Hoffmann

Arbeitsstelle Politik im Maghreb, Mashreq, Golf

National Network

Ihnestr. 22
14195 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
University, Research Centre: The staff consists of a director (Friedemann Büttner), one associate non-tenured professor (Ferhad Ibrahim), one research associate (Isabel Schäfer), and three externally financed researchers. Depending on projects. University funds; EU, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German Research Society (DFG), Volkswagen Foundation, Political foundations. 4. RAMSES 2 Network of Excellence, German-Egyptian Seminars, German-Turkish Seminars, TEMPUS-MEDA Programme. 5. Deutsches Orient-Institut, Hamburg; University of Cairo; The American University in Cairo; CEDEJ, Cairo; The American University of Beirut; Institute of the German Oriental Society (OIB), Beirut; CERMOC Beirut; University of Jordan, Amman; Bir Zeit University; University of Tel Aviv; Bar Ilan University; METU, Ankara; IEP Paris, CERI Paris; MMSH, Aix-en-Provence; SOAS.
Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Middle Eastern Politics is a working unit of the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Freie Universität Berlin. The main fields of research, teaching and publication focus on political, social and cultural developments in the region: transformation processes; the role of the state in the development process, problems of democratisation and civil society; ethno-religious conflicts; religion and politics. A second main focus is on the international relations of the region, especially the Middle East conflict as well as German and European Middle East policies and Euro-Mediterranean relations.

Main Projects / Activities

Member of the RAMSES 2 Network of Excellence of research centres in Human Sciences on the Mediterranean Area (EU), Coordinator of the project “Mediterranean Politics from Above and from Below”; Euromed Masters Program at the University of Cairo, in cooperation with IEP, Paris, Universities of Amsterdam and Barcelona (TEMPUS MEDA); Joint German-Egyptian Seminars with the University of Cairo (DAAD); Joint German-Turkish Seminars with the METU, Ankara (Heinrich Böll Foundation, Körber Foundation). Collections edited by the Center: „Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft des Vorderen Orients“ (co-ed. with the DOI); „Nahost-Studien“; „Konfrontation und Kooperation im Vorderen Orient“.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Lelli Masah

Archaeological State Collection

National Network

Himbselstr. 1
80538 Munich

0049 89 12599691-0
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Research
General Information

The Archaeological State Collection in Munich has a collection of artefacts representing central European and Mediterranean Arts and Archaeology. We have about 60 employees responsible for the main collection and 8 daughter museums in Bavaria. The budgetary provided by the state is fixed to different sectors of our work (conservation, research, museum work etc.). At the moment our museum is closed due to renovation, but will reopen in 2023/24. Our main partners are Archaeological Museums and Institutions in Germany and Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Presentation of the cultural relationships between the Mediterraneum and Central Europe in prehistoric and protohistoric times.

Main Projects / Activities

Research and exhibitions, e.g. 2011/2012 “In southern light - Encountering of antique cultures between the Mediterranean Sea and Central Europe”. “Alexander the Great” (2013). “Art of the Cyklades” (2014).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exchange of exhibitions, exchange of researchers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Staying in contact with international museums and research communities working in the same field.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Rupert Gebhard
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Rupert Gebhard
Contact (2) Full Name
Julia Landgrebe (public relations)