


The CirculART-e project revolves around visual art education as well as digital and circular skills with the aim of boosting social entrepreneurship of youth with migratory and minority background across Europe. To achieve this goal, CirculART-e includes different activities: development...

Publication Illustration

Cities as sites of refuge and resistance

The article identifies some of the patterns and dynamics that have emerged in the uneven landscape and shifting constellations of local immigration regimes in the wake of the 2015 ‘summer of welcome’. Using the German case, it explores key players...

Citizens of Europe e.V.

National Network

Kiefholzstraße 2

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 1704 121411
Mobile Phone (other)
+49 1525 1759257
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Citizens of Europe is a registered non-profit association in Germany and works from an office in Berlin (staffed with an executive officer and two volunteers). Highest bodies of the association are the council and the board. We have about 65 registered members from more than 15 countries. Citizens runs four main programmes (see below) and additional projects in 3 fields of cooperation (Beyond the Union, Volunteering, European debate). We finance our projects through support from various donors (among them European Commission, Bosch foundation, Aktion Mensch). Citizens has a wide network of partners (e.g. Hungarian Europe Society, Maison de l'Europe Paris, Kulturaktiv e.V. Dresden) based on the respective project.
Mission and Objectives

Citizens of Europe is a group of individuals who feel responsible for the future of Europe. We work together through interdisciplinary debate, practical training and engaged art. We aim to promote active citizenship. Vitalizing a European public sphere open to everyone is, for us, a matter of mental and cultural change. It requires innovative action based on mutual respect and passion.

Main Projects / Activities

“OpenFora” gather people from all over Europe at different European locations to create a lively political debate by similarly well-informed, not essentially like-minded people who are willing to get involved in the present and future of society. “MyEurope” is an annual film contest that invites active Europeans, artists and filmmakers to reflect and create their views on Europe. Selected films are shown during a Europe-wide film festival at several places across the continent. “Art Interventions” is an interdisciplinary programme convening local, national and European artists and scholars at disadvantaged communities to identify socio-economical-political processes that are taboo in the community and find, through community participation, innovative ways to deal with them. “Training for Europe” is a series of training seminars. They either combine elements of project conception with work on intercultural and team leading skills or train people in non formal methods of citizenship education in a European context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Livia Pelyhes
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Tobias Kunow
Contact (2) Full Name
Maaret Jokela
Job Title (2)
Vice President

City of Chemnitz (Stadt Chemnitz – Bürgermeisterarmt)

National Network

Stadt Chemnitz, Bereich Oberbürgermeister, Abt. Europäische und Internationale Beziehungen, Protokoll, Markt 1
09111 Chemnitz

0049 371 1526
0049 371 1596
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

The Chemnitz City Council administrates a city with about 250,000 inhabitants located in the former East Germany. The city is an important industrial and cultural centre and the capital of the region. It has links to 12 twin cities in Europe, Asia, Africa and America and is member of the Euro cities Network. The city has been implementing several trans-national projects in the fields of city planning, environment, youth work, culture, equal opportunities, education and others. Some of the projects have been carried out in cooperation with NGO’s. The projects are financed with funds of the city council, the EU and foundations.

Mission and Objectives

Main Projects/Activities: The city has experiences in several EU-Programmes like Interreg, Horizon, Erasmus+, Creative Europe and works also with foundations. Projects are carried out in all fields of integrated urban development including cooperation with communities in the region. Chemnitz will be the European Capital of Culture in 2025.

Main Projects / Activities

The city of Chemnitz has experiences in several EU-Programmes like Interreg, Sokrates, Youth for Europe, City Twinning and works also with foundations (e.g. Robert Bosch). The projects are carried out in almost all areas of urban life. The city cooperates also with the rural areas around the city.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pia Sachs
Job Title
City of Chemnitz - EU-Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Sven Schulze (Mayor)

City of Cologne –Department. for Family, Children and Youth Affairs - Stadt Köln - Amt für Kinder, Jugend und Familie

National Network

Ottmar- Pohl Platz 1
51103 Köln

0049 221 221 25423
0049 221 221 23377
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Local Authority. The Youth Welfare Office is a part of the Dptm. Of Youth, Education and Sport. The Youth Welfare Office is responsible for a wide variety of tasks that are laid down in § 1 of the Child and Youth services Act. International youth work belongs to it. In total around € 180.000.000, 00. Budget for international activities € 50.000,00. Funding by national and European programs. Different kinds of activities in the field of youth welfare system and social work with groups of young people in the age of 16-22 and Professionals. Normally within the European -Mediterranean zone. But also be involved in development aid activities with South Africa, Uganda and Latin America.
Mission and Objectives

An international or globalised world required a coordinated Co-operation. For that it is necessary that the civil society Has to get in a mutual contact. The public services like the NGO’s are the multipliers for its.

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing of exchange programs for young people and professionals in youth and social work within Europe, between Europe and the Mediterranean countries and developing Projects within the co-operation with developing countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Norbert Münnich
Head of the organisation
Stephan Glaremin

Civil Forum for Asset Recovery (CiFAR)

National Network

Lausitzer Strasse 21
10999 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
CiFAR has an international board of experienced project managers, networkers and campaigners with a background in anti-corruption and asset recovery, who are committed to and passionate about fighting the theft of state assets. Through previous work on asset recovery, our board members have a network of contacts already in place in civil society, government and international organisations, alongside a solid understanding of the challenges for civil society in working on asset recovery and the ways civil society can be empowered to work more effectively in this field. At CiFAR we work collaboratively with civil society from across the globe against the systems that allow stolen assets to be moved internationally and the individuals that profit from these systems. Civil society often needs support when a new case of asset theft is identified in their jurisdiction - both in international asset recovery processes and in building connections to other organisations and actors to campaign for a return of assets that is fair, transparent and participatory. CiFAR's projects span both sides of this equation - we campaign as an organisation to close loopholes allowing asset theft and for justice for those who steal public goods, and we provide training, education and network building for civil society groups and activists to become better at fighting asset theft in their jurisdiction.
Mission and Objectives

The Civil Forum on Asset Recovery (CiFAR) will aim to act as the voice for civil society worldwide on stolen assets and close the gap missing in global civil society asset recovery work. We want to be a civil society resource, with the skills, knowledge and network to help civil society new to the topic to understand how they can be active nationally and internationally to fight public asset theft and help to return stolen assets. We want to convene and support civil society in transnational campaigning, advocacy to institutions and in bringing those responsible for asset theft to account. Our idea is to become a network without formal organisational membership, but bringing together civil society with academic experts, journalists, and officials, to understand, address, investigate and prevent asset theft and campaign for its return.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are to:
- Develop the expertise of civil society organizations across the globe to be strong voices on the theft of state assets and to play their role effectively in the asset recovery process
- Enable stronger cross-border civil society cooperation through identifying, building and sustaining connections between civil society organizations in multiple jurisdictions
- Build multi-country civil society campaigns to challenge the impunity individuals and the structures that enable asset theft
Our activities:
1.Training for civil society to advocate to and support governments on asset recovery
2.Training on investigative journalism. It could be directed to civil society, journalists,...
3.Assessment on the capacity of civil society to work with governments on asset recovery (with recommendations)
4.Assessment on the current efforts of the government on asset recovery (with recommendations)
5.Public awareness campaigns by providing brochures, radio programs, special web pages and informative videos in order to promote international cooperation on preventing the theft of state funds and returning stolen assets
6 Facilitating learning between civil society organisations around the globe on asset recovery through networking and meetings

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The theft of public assets and their removal from the country of origin is a global phenomenon – both occurring in every country of the world and global in terms of the systems used to illicitly remove and hide state wealth. It a phenomenon that often is carried out by those whose populations are in a situation of relative or extreme poverty and with the explicit or tacit complicity of legal and financial service professionals and public officials in a number of jurisdictions.
Civil society is a vital player in ending the theft of public assets and securing the return and proper use of stolen assets. Across the globe, civil society has been increasingly playing their role, from bringing cases to court, to campaigning to close the legal loopholes that allow assets to be removed, to overseeing funds of returned assets.
Despite this, civil society is not being as effective as it has the potential to be. Currently lacking is coordinated, peer-to-peer, innovative and multi-jurisdiction civil society action on the theft of state assets and support for civil society to play its role in the asset recovery process. Too often civil society organisations work separately or through informal contacts, on what is a by nature a transnational and global issue. Frequently civil society is new to the topic of asset recovery and does not have the experience or contacts to play its part in the process. This leaves organisations fragmented, too often unaware of work happening or developments in other jurisdictions, weak in technical expertise and failing to work on campaigns which really address the transnational aspect of this issue.We have worked in civil society networks and are ideally placed to build a strong and effective civil society coalitions.
For this reason, we believe that it is necessary to empower civil society to work more effectively in this field. CiFAR aims to fill these gaps. Our idea is to become a network without formal organisational membership, but bringing together civil society with academic experts, journalists, and officials, to understand, address, investigate and prevent asset theft and campaign for its return.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The theft of state assets and their recovery is a complex process. However, beyond this process it is also one with little citizen oversight.
Despite the need for civil society to push for greater accountability and to work across borders, to date there has been no space for civil society to cooperate transnationally on asset recovery and no way to amplify their voice to the international level.
With the support of ALF Network we aim to remedy this situation by providing support to civil society to be effective and powerful at fighting the theft of state assets, challenging the systems that allow for them to be moved and campaigning for their accountable and transparent return.
Additionally, we could benefit from ALF large community (helping us build conversation and community); links (sharing news and info from their networks); introductions (connecting us to people you would like to meet or other organisations).

Contact (1) Full Name
Laila Martin
Job Title
People Engagement and Campaigning
Head of the organisation
Jackson Oldfield
Contact (2) Full Name
Jackson Oldfield
Job Title (2)
Global Advocacy and Policy

Claudia Kutscha- If I was young-

National Network

12459 Berlin

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Hi, my name is Claudia Kutscha, and I make short films. In 2017, I finished 4th in the South Asia Short Film Compition. In 2018 I was  made the reports about the fight of the Berlin fire department. As we move from progress to regression, and the cold war becomes warmer rather than colder, we should remember how much dreams war can destroy about the war. How destructive is regression instead of progress? How many dreams can we destroy by arms race and war? Can you say that about? Rember what you do in peacefull times and not into a war... So we would made the movie "IF I WAS YOUNG" including Syrian refugees and other members of army from around the world.
Mission and Objectives

The film will be screened at film festivals around the world. The film's goal is not worth the war and shows the devastated and their lives afterwards. We have already shot with the former actor Jürgen Draeger, who has written history as "German" James Dean. He survived World War II and today works as a painter.

Main Projects / Activities

We have already created the promo movie and start selling the movie tickets, because we want to present the movie in April 2020. We therefore need every support we can get. The next step will  shoots and recordings with Syrian children both here as refugees and in Aleppo/syria. Most of the support goes into the cut, because only a well-cut film can be viewed well. We always work in a small team and try to keep the costs as small as possible, but the quality so high that the film is successful at festivals. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Your network is unknown here, only after many searches on the Internet I came to your site by chance. Through my work and my network I can make you public, both as a journalist and as a filmmaker. Of course, you will be named in the film as a sponsor of this project and you will get public at all film festivals worldwide. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am a team player and only community makes everyone strong

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Kutscha
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Claudia Kutscha
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Common Purpose Deutschland

National Network

Max-Brauer-Allee 40
22765 Hamburg

+49 (0)40 380 38 699
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Common Purpose bietet seit 25 Jahren Leadership-Programme an, die den Teilnehmenden die Inspiration, die Fähigkeiten und Kontakte vermitteln, um effektiver komplexe Veränderungen anzuleiten - am Arbeitsplatz und in der Gesellschaft. Wir bieten Programme für Führungskräfte an (ob etabliert, aufstrebend oder im angehenden Ruhestand), ebenso wie für Studierende und für Schüler. Das besondere daran: wir bringen Menschen mit den verschiedensten Hintergründen und aus dem privaten, öffentlichen und gemeinnützigen Sektor zusammen und helfen ihnen zu verstehen, wie andere Menschen "ticken". Unsere hoch strukturierten Programme erstrecken sich über einen oder mehrere Tage und finden an ungewöhnlichen Orten statt, wie Gefängnissen, Börsen, Schulen, Fabriken u.s.w. Mittels Methoden des Erfahrungslernens bringen wir die meist rund 30 Teilnehmer in einen direkten, offenen Austausch untereinander und mit externen Impulsgebern, alle Entscheider aus der Praxis, die mit ihren echten Führungsthemen und Erfahrungen inspirieren. Dadurch unterstützen wir die Teilnehmer darin besser und schneller Silos oder kulturelle Grenzen zu überwinden auch außerhalb ihrer Komfortzone effektiv zu führen noch besser komplexe Veränderungen zu bewirken

Mission and Objectives

Unsere Vision ist es, den "Raum", der zwischen den unmittelbaren Verantwortlichkeiten jedes Einzelnen und auch des Staates liegt, zu füllen... mit Menschen aus allen Berufen und Bereichen, mit Unternehmen und Organisationen, die das Gemeinwesen heute und in der Zukunft im Blick halten. Unser Ziel ist es, bei Führungskräften ebenso wie bei jungen Menschen das Bewusstsein für die Gesamtzusammenhänge von Führung und Gesellschaft zu wecken sowie für die gesellschaftliche Relevanz ihrer Entscheidungen. Der Soziologe Sir Ralf Dahrendorf erklärt in einem Artikel für das britische 'Common Purpose Journal', warum zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in den westlichen Industrienationen seit 1989 zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. Er nennt Common Purpose ein exzellentes Beispiel für Zivilgesellschaft "in Aktion".

Main Projects / Activities

Die Idee hat ihren Ursprung 1989 in England. Als unabhängige, überparteiliche, gemeinnützige Organisation führt Common Purpose mittlerweile lokale Programme in 35 Städten weltweit durch, sowie globale Projekte für Führungskräfte aus über 100 Ländern. Jährlich nehmen rund 4.000 Leader an unseren Trainings teil. In Deutschland haben in den letzten zehn Jahren über 1.000 Organisationen Führungskräfte, Studierende oder Schüler in unsere Kurse entsendet. Der gemeinnützige Common Purpose Deutschland e.V. wurde 2003 ins Leben gerufen.  2010 etablierte der Verein eine gemeinnützige GmbH, deren einziger Gesellschafter der Verein bis heute ist. Verein und GmbH sind beim Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main unter HRB 86898 registriert und beim Finanzamt Frankfurt am Main III unter der Steuernummer 45 250 7351 9 als gemeinnützig anerkannt. Beide sind durch eine Lizenzvereinbarung an den Common Purpose Charitable Trust gebunden, der von der Tochtergesellschaft, der Common Purpose Global Customised Ltd., gemanagt wird. Ziel und Gegenstand von Common Purpose Deutschland werden in der Satzung wie folgt beschrieben: "[...] die Förderung von Bildung und Erziehung für das Gemeinwohl und im Besonderen von Personen mit unterschiedlicher geographischer, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft sowie politischem und wirtschaftlichem Hintergrund durch die Behandlung von institutionellen, gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen unter Betonung von Gemeinsinn und sozialer Verantwortung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, insbesondere in deutschen Großstädten und den sie umgebenden Regionen."

Contact (1) Full Name
Riekje Linnewedel
Head of the organisation
Katharina Rahne & Lena Meyer