
Gwana For Arts

National Network

103 ahmad abo soliman st - Alexandria - Egypt

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
يتكون الهيكل التنظيمي من ثلاث اعضاء مؤسسين للمنظمة ويشكلون الهيكل الإداري الهرمي و يأتي بعد ذلك اعضاء المنظمة وعددهم 20 فرد
Mission and Objectives

الرساله هي : التوعية من خلال الفن كأبسط الطرق واسهلها انتشارا في نشر التوعية
الأهدف : 1 - جعل الفن وسيلة اساسية في التوعية ,, 2 - كسر الحدود في الحوار بين الثقافات من مختلف انحاء العالم عن طريق الفن ,, 3 - تشجيع ودمج المواهب الشابة في العمل الفني وتطوير المواهب والمهارات

Main Projects / Activities

UNFPA التوعية بمرض الإيدز عن طريق عدة عروض مسرحية بالتعاون مع منظمة -
المشاركة في ملتقى تبادل الثقافات للفنانين الهواة في دول حوض المتوسط بفرنسا تحت شعار كسر الحدود-
حملات توعية ميدانية وعروض مسرحية للتوعية بحقوق المواطنة وحوق الإنسان -

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق دعم النشاطات القائمة بفرع الشبكة في بلدي والمشاركة في كافة الفعاليات و المساهمة بها فنيا و إبداء الرغبة في وجود كافة سبل التعاون في المستقبل

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نظرا لإتفاق رؤيتها واهدافها مع اهداف ورؤى المنظمة وسعيا من المنظمة للمساهمة دوما في دعم ومساعدة المنظمات المتفقة مع الرؤى والأهداف للمنظمة

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed el-swefy
Head of the organisation
Mostafa fatoh

Habiba Community

National Network

Habiba Bay, Nuweiba, South Sinai, Egypt
South Sinai

+20 122 217 6624
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Habiba Organic Farm, in South Sinai in Egypt, is considered the first social entrepreneurship in Egypt. Habiaba came to stand as a model of organic desert farming that aims to achieve sustainable development through social change. Habiba invests in 25yrs trust that Founder, Maged ElSaid has established with Bedouin tribes in South Sinai, through his career in Tourism. Habiba serves as guide model for Bedouins to manage their natural resources, and improvise healthy means of self-farmed food supplies. In addition to introducing new perspectives of tourism which is based on Bedouins acting as facilitators of their resources. Habiba has attracted educational tourism agro-tourism and voluntourism, which has levelled up the exposure of the community to tourists as learners and researchers, building new values of empathetic learning & sharing. Habiba has founded Sinai Palm Foundation, acts as a commodity stock market, by which dividends payout ratio will contribute to household income of community, level up socio-economic status and sustain social cohesion. Further, it will place Nuweiba on the map of extensive palm species producers in the region Also, Habiba Learning Center, was established to provide children of the community with Montessori and mindful non formal education, introducing them to values of humanity and compassion, and having pride in their authentic cultural heritage
Mission and Objectives

Habiba Aims to Acheive Sustainable Communities by Securing Food Resources
Empowering Bedouins to facilitate non-formal education based on their nomadic lifestyle, cultural heritage, holistic energy, environmental lodging and educational tourism

Main Projects / Activities

Organic Desert Cultivation of Nutrient Crops to count for malnutrient

Social Coehison through collaborative participatory decision making amongst community members on farming schedules and plans

Non-formal education on marine, environment, desert research, cultural heritage and camel riding

Sustaining paradigm shift from consumerism to cultivation & education

Streaming edutoursim - voluntourism - agritourism to other regions in Egypts

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Best Practice Exchange based on intercultural dialogue with neighbouring countries and host community

Provide a mindful space for networks meetings and activities

Research links on socio-economic status of Bedouin communities

Strategies of inclusive education for Bedouins

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking with Experts on non-formal education, esp inclusion of disabled and ethnic minorities

Networking with diversified expertise

Outreach to academic professionals on responsible leadership and sustainable communities

Contact (1) Full Name
Maged ElSaid
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maged ElSaid

Hampikian-Ibrashy: Architecture and Heritage Management

National Network

29 Maydan Salah al-Din, al-Qal’a

++ 202 514 5827
++ 202 290 8248
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
++ 2 010 137 8351
Mobile Phone (other)
++ 2 010 544 2013
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure of Organization: Private architecture and heritage management firm, partnership between two conservation architects. Sources of funding: Fundraising from intergovernmental organizations that sponsor conservation and heritage management, consultancy work with governmental and inter-governmental organizations, Private commissions. Modalities of action: Concrete projects, seminars, training courses. Main partners: Governmental and intergovernmental agencies working in heritage management and conservation.
Mission and Objectives

Established in January 2005, our heritage management firm specializes in heritage management. The location of our studio in the heart of Islamic Cairo in a 19th century building at the foot of the Citadel is no coincidence. It reflects a hands-on approach that involves a spectrum of initiatives varying from practical conservation, to training, to public awareness and fundraising.
Scope of work: Architectural conservation - mostly in Islamic Cairo, Training of conservation professionals; Public awareness - programs especially oriented towards children and youth; Research activities - specialized publications - workshops and seminars; Adaptive re-use and rehabilitation of old buildings - on public and private historic buildings; Architectural design.

Main Projects / Activities

Examples of Activities:
- Training course: Overseeing a conservation project. 3 month full-time course in conservation for archaeologists employed by the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt. Sponsored by and held in ARCE.
- Ruqayya Dudu Conservation Project. Phase I of the Cairo Cemetery Salvage Project. Funded by the Barakat Trust, UK.
- Armenian Orthodox Church Conservation Project.
- Consultancy: Reconstruction of the temple of Snofru, Dahshur. German Institute of Archaeology.
- Architectural Consultancy: with Aswan Contracting Company. Preparation of architectural study and study for adaptive reuse for the buildings of Group 6 of Phase III of the Historic Cairo Project.
- Consultancy: CULTNAT. Responsible for the preparation of a report on the current state of Historic Cairo, to be posted on the website of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC).
-Exhibition: ‘Conservation and its role in the development of traditional building crafts’, UNESCO exhibition and semi

Contact (1) Full Name
May al-Ibrashy
Head of the organisation
Nairy Hampikian & May al-Ibrashy
Contact (2) Full Name
Nairy Hampikian

Hand in Hand for Egypt

National Network

20 El-Ebur Building - Salah Salem floor 10 ap#2

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Background Information Hand in Hand for Egypt (HHE) Foundation is a newly established Egyptian NGO advocating greater political participation and better social, political and economic life for Egypt’s historically disadvantaged groups. Hands in Hands for Egypt aims at mobilizing and empowering the disenfranchised communities of Egypt. These groups include but not limited to all unrepresented or underrepresented groups of the Egyptian society in the Egyptian parliament and political life, including Egyptian youth, Egyptian women, religious and ethnic minorities, such as the Copts and the Nubians, as well as the disabled persons. HHE was founded by virtue of the Egyptian NGOs Law. HHE has on its board Egypt’s elites and well respected members of society. The Board enjoys great connections with policy makers, political parties and the media. In addition, having such high figures and well respected members of the Egyptian society serves the credibility of the association greatly. HHE Staff Members  Ms. Marian Shawki, Board Member and Secretary (0101600772)  Ms. Madline Boktor, Executive Director (0105107328)  Ms. Amal Samir, Program Director (0125087657)  Mr. Rimon Edward, Researcher (0125766898)  Mr. Emad Khalil, Researcher (012139185)  Mr. Marco Youssef, Accountant (0117706623)  Ms. Douaa Ahmed, Office Manager (0176607136) Founding Group 1. Dr. Ossama Al-Ghazali Hareb 2. Dr. Roshdy Said 3. Dr. Samia Al-Motayam 4. Dr. Sherief Douss 5. Engineer. Salah Diab 6. Dr. Tareq Heggi 7. Engineer. Michael Meuneir 8. Mr. Mohsen Khaled 9. Dr. Negad Al-Bouraei 10. Engineer. Naguib Sawereiss 11. Dr. Hala Moustafa 12. Engineer. Youssef Sidhom Sources of funding :Voluntary contributions, membership fees and subscriptions
Mission and Objectives

HHE Vision and Mission Statement
HHE Foundation seeks to promote a free and fair society, where all the Egyptians will have the right to a decent and honorable life, and where they can actively engage in the decision making process, in a manner that influences decisions that bear on their lives. To serve this purpose, HHE pursues a wide array of approaches, including offering training and capacity building programs, enhancing cross-fertilization of experiences and efforts, fostering community dialogues, etc, to increase engagement by all the Egyptian citizenry, in general, and the male and female youth, in particular.
Why Do We Exist and Function?
We exist and continue to function for the welfare of Egypt and the wellbeing of Egypt's highbred and honorable people … We continue to function for the voice of the youth, who are the future leaders, to be heard … We continue to function to ensure fair and full engagement in the decision making process … We continue to function to give voice for all who feel excluded or left out … We continue to function to create future cadres of leadership … We continue to function because we believe there is now an unprecedented latitude of freedom in Egypt… We continue to function because we are the children of Egypt … We continue to function because we are part of Egypt's civil society.
These are our slogans, and such are the values we embrace in HHE. HHE is an Egyptian nonprofit and nonpartisan NGO, with no particular developmental orientation or political affiliation. HHE is established from the premises that Egypt is for all Egyptian citizens. HHE is launched to empower the youth, give rise to the voice of citizenship, expand and reinforce equality among all, enhance social equity, and give voice to the Egyptian voters.
Overall Goals
 Empower the patriotic Egyptian youth and enable them to assume effective roles in the developmental and/ or political decision making process;
 Realize cross-sectoral social justice and equity, across the different segments and brackets of the Egyptian Society;
 Sensitize the community members at the grassroots level to become more involved in developmental, civic and public action, and engage more steadily in the voting process;
 Create a platform of ongoing dialoguing and cross-fertilization of experiences among the young leaders, nationally and internationally, to enhance learning and dissemination of successful models; and,
 Participate in constructing a more informed civil society and enhance CSO involvement in delineating Egypt's future.

Main Projects / Activities

In pursuit of these common goals, HHE will be committed to delivering and facilitating a whole spectrum of activities, including:
1. Facilitating and organizing intellectual, political and economic symposia
2. Organizing public and civic events
3. Designing and delivering training modules and packages
4. Organizing local and international cross-visits
5. Producing and disseminating newsletters
6. Designing and launching working papers and political documents
7. Setting up talk shows and discussions between senior civil servants and the youth
8. Organizing induction and orientation programs for political, civil and developmental leadership

Contact (1) Full Name
Madline Boktor Amin
Head of the organisation
Michael Gerom Minue


National Network

1 Ahmed Shokry, Tahrir Square

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Established in 2006 in Cairo, HaRaKa is a project that aims at supporting, developing and researching dance and performance in Egypt and the Arabic Speaking Region. It is a non-governmental structure that works from Cairo on local, regional and international partnerships, and operates within research, production and dissemination. HaRaKa invests in an open understanding of contemporary dance and body-based artistic projects and processes, from pluri-focal and complex standpoints, informed by the history of art in the Arabic speaking region in relation to its neighbouring geo-realities
Mission and Objectives

HaRaKa operates on a democratic structure, that invites all its members to shape its artistic and research planning. It values the power of the voice of women in the Arab world, and the youth, and hence the majority of the members invited to steer it are women and are Arab.
The funding is based on project basis, and international partnerships and regional Arab partnerships, and is diverse.
The projects generate their own income as well, sometimes, in the case of workshops, and pedagogic partenrships with universities 
The modalities of action differ between workshops, screenings, exhibitions, research, public work, performances, installations, commissions of texts and translations
Main partners involve locally: CIC, Townhouse Gallery, Modern Dance School, American University in Cairo, Jesuites Theatre Alexandria, and others
Main partners internationally involved: Lincoln Centre (US), Friche Belle de Mai (France), Sarma (Belgium), TanzFabrik (Germany), Skoon (Lebanon), and others

Main Projects / Activities

TransDance International festival for performance and choreography
ARC.HIVE of Contemporary Arab Performing Arts
HADS: HaRaKa Advanced Dance Studies
Cairography: Arabic English publication on performance studies
Arab Dance Caravan: Arab performance and dance program for the Dusseldorf Tanzmesse
Arab Works: Performance, lectures, research and pedagogic project in partnership with New York Live Arts
Cairo Dance Community: Research and photographic investigation in partnership with Sarma (Belgium)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By providing acess to the artistic scene that is vibrant and energetic
By engaging in cross-institutional projects that operate on different levels and concerns: civic, artistic, pedagogic, and environmental
By actively using the arts as a tool for social understanding, development and change
By bringing the arts into the limelight of organizations working on development and education

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to collaborate with peers who are concerned with democracy, equality, and public work
To find partners with whom larger impact projects are possible to develop
To develop a larger dialogue within the civic work sector, between culture, education and human rights
To build projects that are multifaceted and hence bring different groups, audiences and demographics

Contact (1) Full Name
Seif Abdelsalam Shehata
Job Title
Productions Manager
Head of the organisation
Adham Hafez

Hassan El-Meligy

National Network

5a El-Hassan Sheraton Heliopolis
5a sheratoon ElHassan
Sheraton Heliopolis Cairo
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Strategy and BPR/OD Consultant

Mission and Objectives

Strategy Consultant and Volunteer Mentor

Main Projects / Activities

Strategy Consultant and Volunteer Mentor

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Strategy Consultant and Volunteer Mentor

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Strategy Consultant and Volunteer Mentor

Contact (1) Full Name
Hassan El-Meligy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hassan El-Meligy
Contact (2) Full Name
Hassan El-Meligy

Hatshepsut Foundation for Development and Human Rights

National Network

3, Ibrahim el Zayat, Taqsim Ard el Gameiya,adjacent to Fostat Park, first floor flat 1, Masr el Qadima

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
hatshepsut has 3 employed staff and 10 volunteers. we have partnership with European NGO (CESTAS Italy) and local NGOs in Menya, fayoum, Suhag and Munifia governorates. our annual budgeting is 50,000 LE. sources of funding are donations, partnership and donors' funding. modalities are concrete projects, conferences and seminars
Mission and Objectives

To work on integrating excluded and marginalized groups especially women into the community through addressing factors of exclusion and enabling them to realize their potentials, practice their right to choose and fulfill their rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Local governance and human rights
 Education and learning programs
 Health awareness and services
 Economic empowerment program
 Legal aid
Build a platform of knowledge and information about their rights;
 Help them analyze their own problems
 Provide a skill training package that is geared towards improve leadership, communication, advocacy, planning, designing and monitoring initiatives, public hearing, developing election program and drawing policy framework
 Coaching and mentoring program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

to support the network with our unique approaches in integrating women in the democratic practices.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- to exchange experience with local and international NGOs and to widen our exposure to new skills and knowledge
2-to consolidate the dialogue with youth, human rights approaches, inter-cultural interactions and democratic practices

Contact (1) Full Name
Douaa Hussein
Head of the organisation
Douaa Hussein

Have A Dream

National Network

27B Mohamed Saqr Khafaga Street, behind Geniena Mall, Abbas El Akkad,
Mujadedon NGO Office
Nasr City

Telephone (other)
0020114 253 5654
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
General Information
 We bring youth from different cultures together to celebrate our diversity, learn to coexist and live in harmony. Long Description Inspired by the famous speech of Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have A Dream”, where he spoke about diversity and living together despite our appearances or differences, we had a dream as well of getting the youth together from all over the world out of their comfort zones where they could discover the world and get to know each other’s while breaking all the stereotypes.   We organize cultural, voluntary and training opportunities to provide youth the chance to travel and volunteer in different countries all over the world. Our programs are designed to not only be introduced to different cultures, but we also make sure you share your experiences with others as well as adopt new skills to help you improve and rediscover yourself.  
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to become the leading youth traveling organization in the Middle East through giving the chance to youth to discover the world via well-organized programs inside and outside Egypt.
Have A Dream is an organization that was initiated in 2014 by a group of young Egyptians who were inspired by the rich experiences they had while traveling and dreamed of giving the chance to the Egyptian youth in particular and youth from all over the world to get out of their cocoon and be introduced to different cultures as well. Moreover, we aim to strengthen the relationship between the youth from the Middle East through our different programs.

Main Projects / Activities

 Current Running Project ( Bread and Salt in Romania ) : 
Volunteering work in the field of non formal education for kids of 7-15 years old.
The program is going to be held in Buckhurst in Romania for 6 weeks.
Date : 
From 20 June - 31 July
Or from 1 Aug - 12 Sep
-Good command of English
-Age between 18-30
-Flexibility and the acceptance of cultural diversity
Accommodation and daily meals are fully provide
Also every participating volunteer will be paid 150 Euro in the program as a contribution in the airline tickets by "Happy Faces Organization" in Romania
Kindly Check the Attached Sheet for our profile and Former Projects in Asia with Internatiional Non Profit Organizations like UNESCO , .. etc 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have been working for one year supporting various  Egyptian volunteers to enhance their skills and the International non profit organizations that we cooperate with to fullfill its needs for the projects with high staisfaction and very good testomnials we get from both parties 
Kindly check the attached sheet for our profile for the testmonials and our facebook page within a year we made over 5,000 fans applying for our international projects 
We have Succesfully Organized Our First Event in Ain Shams University which is attended by over 500 Egyptian Students giving them awareness about the importance of volunteering in International Projects to enhance their Skills and the effects of Have Dream  International Projects have Reached to the media
Kindly check Below Media Links :  
1) El Watan Private Egyptian Newspaper Article : 
(2) El Ain Private Egyptian Newspaper article :  http://bit.ly/Media-3een ( Article Headline :  travel with Hagger Huggag ) 
(3) Barakabits  Blog
Here’s How Arab Youngsters Can Travel and Volunteerhttp://bit.ly/Media-Barakabits
(4) Journal Misr Private Egyptain Newspaper Article :http://bit.ly/Media-JournalMisr
(5) El Youm El Gedeed Program with TV Presenter Samia Qased http://bit.ly/Media-YoumGeded

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF will give Have A Dream Organization the chance to cooperate with ALF international partners and Useful projects that will give the  large number  of qualified volunteers who are interested to apply in our projects wider varieties and scope of projects which will enhance their skills and it will give us the chance to host Other Volunteers from the Other countries to cooperate with us in projects to enhance our community and egyptian youth skills 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mai Mostafa Ali
Job Title
Programs Research Team Member
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Abdel Mageed
Contact (2) Full Name
Waleed Adel
Job Title (2)
Programs Research team leader

Have A Dream

National Network

28 Mahmoud Hassan
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Have A Dream organizes voluntary and cultural travel programs in plenty of fields ( Non-formal education , farming, building, sports, gender equality, sustainable development and cultural exchange ) . it has organized more than 35 programs with more than 1000 volunteers in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Mission and Objectives

The Mission: Explore the world, involve with nations & Have A Dream. Volunteering for a worthwhile cause or helping people in need naturally benefits the local community but it can have even greater benefits for the volunteer him/herself. When volunteering in an activity that is right for you, you can new friends with like-minded people, indulge in the local culture and community, learn new skills and even advance your career.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Cultural and voluntary projects 2- Tourism projects 3- School camp 4- African Ambassadors 5- Erasmus programs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are hosting various project along the year in different fields, we have a wide network with the underprivileged communities like the south, women and etc. We believe through our participation with ALF, we will have a great potential to create several projects on topics strengthening the women, breaking the stereotypes through cultural events, and give an opportunity to more people to participate in such events

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It will be a great opportunity to participate with other organizations in the network , to implement several projects with them, apply for grant to build our projects from scratch, we believe that ALF will give us a great opportunity to engage with organizations with the same focus of ours, and have similar objective, which will help us to matchmake with them and implement partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Abd el Megeed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Abd el Megeed
Contact (2) Full Name
Raghda Medhat
Job Title (2)
Program manager

Hawaa Future Development

National Network

Headquarter: El matar street next to Khalid Bin Al Waleed school- El Monira- Imbaba

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
• The Board structure: the society board composed of 7 members (4 women and 3 men). • The general assembly composed of 60members (27 males and 33 females). • The beneficiaries of the society activities: Females (73 %) - Males (27 %) • The society team work: the females represent 60% and males are 40 %. The most important agencies, which Eve association deals with:  National Agencies 1) National Council for Women. 2) National Council for Childhood and Motherhood. 3) Social Fund for Development. 4) Giza Governorate. 5) General Federation of Private associations. 6) Alliance for Arab Women  International Agencies 1. Egyptian Swiss Fund. 2. Save the Children. 3. UNICEF. 4. The John Snow International. 5. Service Center non-governmental organizations. 6. Canadian International Development Agency. 7. Organization Internews International. 8. The Suzanne Mubarak International Women for Peace. 9. The European Union. 10. United Nations Development Program.
Mission and Objectives

mission: Family and environment development, in order to make a positive change in society and improve the quality of women and children life through implementing social, cultural, educational, environmental, and health programs and projects. These programs based on self-reliance on the society and social capital powers in facing the community problems. hawaa association working with principle of volunteerism and community participation of all society segments, and investing the available resources to achieve a comprehensive development for Egypt. objectives: 1) The association programs based on the scientific approach and research studies. 2) Promote the culture of the volunteerism among youth. 3) Support rights approach in dealing with women and child issues. 4) Raise the awareness of community participation and self-reliance on community resources. 5) Help in capacity building and provide with technical support. 6) Encourage networking and experiences exchange between several organizations and association. 7) Women empowerment. 8) Education development.

Main Projects / Activities

main activities on 2010-2013 : 1. Draft of Adolescent Health 2009-20100 of the National Council for Childhood 2. and Motherhood The status of learning community Beirut from 2009 to now, the UNESCO 3. Regional Office German exchange experiences The Egyptian administration Small Projects League of Arab States Draft Anti-Violence against Child societal responsibility 2009 General Union Associations 4. towards a better tomorrow for youth in cooperation with the National Foundation for Development 5. to provide job opportunities for low-income youth in cooperation with the Sawiris Foundation for Development 6. trafficking in women societal responsibility in collaboration with the National Council for Women 7. future leaders in collaboration with the Organization of Internews International 8. young people make the difference in cooperation with the Near East Foundation 9. safe cities in collaboration with the United Nations Fund for Women and the CARE

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Ekbal Amir El Samalouty
Head of the organisation
Prof. Ekbal Amir El Samalouty
Contact (2) Full Name
soad hussien