

National Network

بور فؤاد - بور سعيد

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

The “Hayaah” initiative was founded in 2021 by a group of students. It is an initiative to raise awareness and educate young people, university students, individuals preparing for marriage, and newlyweds about the importance of choosing a life partner, reproductive health, family planning, and children’s mental health.
The "Hayaah" initiative aims to empower young people to make healthy and informed decisions in their emotional and family lives.

Mission and Objectives

The “Hayaah” initiative was founded in 2021 by a group of students. It is an initiative to raise awareness and educate young people, university students, individuals preparing for marriage, and newlyweds about the importance of choosing a life partner, reproductive health, family planning, and children’s mental health.
The "Hayaah" initiative aims to empower young people to make healthy and informed decisions in their emotional and family lives.

Main Projects / Activities

- The initiative works to spread awareness and knowledge through workshops, lectures, and interactive discussions in universities and youth gathering places.
- The initiative provides innovative and engaging content to ensure that young people interact with and absorb information effectively.
- It also provides an intensive training course called “Hayaah Course" that extends for five days, including interactive activities and group discussions.
- The “Hayaah” application is available to facilitate access to information and services, including educational articles and direct booking of private sessions with experts and psychiatrists to provide individual support and professional counseling.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Elsaid Radwan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Radwan

Hayat Foundation

National Network

El Hay El awal El tagamoa El Khames new cairo

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation consists of a board of trustees from where it gets all is funding resources which is 2000000 EGP per year. The foundation doesn't accept any external funding. the total number of employees is about 7 persons as the foundation depends mainly of youth volunteerism. The foundation has many projects in the area of helping poor like providing food, illiteracy eradication programs, summer activities for the school children, in addition to cultur change programs.
Mission and Objectives

Hayat foundation has contributed to various sustainable development fields in an effort to create an economically and socially independent community to ensure improving community members’ standard of living.
Hayat foundation believes in the importance of volunteerism and the role of youth. To this end, Hayat Foundation aims at enhancing and consolidating youth participation in sustainable community development through some frames that were especially tailored to meet the prime goal of the foundation, which is building a balanced community at all levels; economic, health, cultural, intellectual, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Hayat foundation made many projects supporting people like food bags in Ramadan, illiteracy eradication programs, summer activates for the children, cross culture events, orphans sponsorship programs, group marriage, micro credit projects, supporting disabled persons, clothing program for poor, vocational training for youth and medical help for poor.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can started our work in the field not from long time yet we gain a quit sound experience from our direct contact with the beneficiaries. we want to share our knowledge with other NGOs in the network in addition to gaining experience and knowledge to our foundation.
Spreading the value of volunteerism is one of our tasks that we want to share with other NGOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the newt work of ALF we will be able to have the opportunity of sharing knowledge and experience with other organizations and also we will be able to share our experience of the importance of volunteerism to all the network members. we are sure that our membership in the foundation will add to our foundation and to our knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Randa Rizk

Heliopolies Center For Political Development And Human Rights Researches

National Network

133 St. El-Nozha , Saint Fatima Square , Masr El-Gedida ,
Masr El-Gidida

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Seek to form the nucleus of a generation of global citizens well aware of the concepts of citizenship, tolerance and acceptance of the other and call for tolerance and peace among the members of the community . Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners : Bored ( Adminsitrive Manger , Programs Manger , Excutive Director And Legal unit support Manger ) / part-time accountant / 2 part-time researchers / translator / 5 voulenters . Budgetary resources available in a year : 2014-2015 21000$  Sources of funding : Grants  Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) : Don't Hate Me project - foucsing traning and rise awerness of hate speech and discrimmination to Youth and univiristy studnets (still on process)  Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities :National Endowment for Democracy Aka NED  Esraa Abd El-Fatah egyptian Actvisit  Hussam Bahgat Egyptain Journalist and founder of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights .
Mission and Objectives

1.Preventing & stopping  hate speech and incitement to violence in the Arab community
2.Legal Support  for prisoners of conscience
3.Strengthen support and political education for university students and youth political parties
4.Develop the mechanism of action of punitive institutions and staff development

Main Projects / Activities

1.Hate speech
Despite it is a famous word in all European countries and it was killed by the search, and even there
are many laws are enacted for it in most of the countries of the world, but we are so far in Egypt we
don't have a single law to stand up against this unguided violence.
Hatred is the first enemy of humanity; we are in Egypt so far we cannot differentiate between
freedom of objection and incitement to the other and even confuse them .Therefore, we believe that
we have a great responsibility to change this concept in Egyptian society, and even the government
and the Legislature to reduce this discourse.
That hate speech is one of the harmful viruses that spread quickly in an environment such as the
Egyptian environment,  where the customs and traditions and norms and  religious extremism  are
making it easier to promote.
Let's start with the definition of hate speech from our point of view:
"This term is used commonly to refer to the call for national, racial, religious or other hatred. In
addition, the issue is, in essence, what is the extent appropriate or acceptable limit to limit the right
to freedom of expression, when the views that are expressed in favor of determining the rights of
others or infringed upon.
Types of hate speech:
1. Religious discourses in mosques that urges to murder and preparing what we can to fight . in
addition to  mosque  and churches speeches  that incite others
2.  Incitement and violence against women, given as a weak creature that  does not rise to the
rank of men
3. Moral decadence in dealing with gay and lesbians  and consider patients and  not humans in
addition to   incitement to lethality and a degradation of them
4. Incitement  against children and their exploitation due to their homelessness or inability to
live a dignified life.
Political disadvantages for those types of speech :
1. Politicians take advantage from this kind of speeches  to affect the major groups in the
community and earn their voices
2. spread panic among the people and there is a recent example of this and is incident Abu
Nomros where four people was killed who belong to the Shiite sect in the village of Abu
Nomros Giza Governorate due to the permanent induction of  salafism mosques to  kill these
godless people losing  all the meanings of humanity, freedom acquired by the world during
the previous  periods and crises
3. Incitement by the state by charging any of its demonstrators with psychological charges, led
to the growth of hate speech by the ordinary citizen against any demonstrator against
Conclusion and solution:
We urgently need the solidarity of all state agencies and civil society organizations and the people and
all the honorable men of the country to reduce this crime, we must:
1. Use all media Tartuffe to reduce these hate campaigns & it should be adopted by the state or
political parties or human rights organizations to stop such speeches
2. Speed ​​of the enactment of a law that states that anyone who incites to hurt citizen whether
physical or verbal or undercut or work must get punished with a deterrent punishment  to be
example to stop such behavior
3.  Training for individuals and college students to  Establish the concepts of love and humanity.
In adittion, their rehabilitation toward a future refuses to hate and respect the humanity in
collaboration with civil society organizations in the countries that have preceded us in
establishing these concepts to learn ways to solve the problem, and find ways to fit the
Egyptian society from our side as an organization.
1a.Hate speech against sexual minorities
Main goal:
Limiting the hate speech against sexual minorities in the Egyptian society
Project brief:
Under the slogan of "Dignity – Freedom – Social justice" all the masses of the Egyptian
people participated in the revolution that took place in January 25th including sexual
minorities as they thought that their freedom is coming soon but that actually led the
society to clash with them in a bigger clash than before therefore the hate speech against
them got increased in media & social networks which led minorities to incur verbal ,
psychological & physical violence & that’s what the project aim to stop.
1. Pressure on the Egyptian government and the Egyptian House of Representatives to pass
a law criminalizing hate speech against sexual minorities.
2 - Create a network to monitor hate speech in the media and various social networks
3 - Create workshops for sexual minorities to teach them how to defend themselves if any
kind of hate speech.
4 - Create seminars and awareness campaigns to define minorities and their rights and
duties to the community

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rising the Awerness of coexistence and citizenship also fighting the intolerance at the egyptian filed by tranning youth about how to live together and accept each other , Also we have made a good experienence at ( Dont Hate Me ) project on stopping hate speech and discrimmination , by formation a new youth group between 17-22 years old fighting and monitoring hate speech and rise the awerness by coexistence and citizenship . 
Publishing a manual on hate speech book by arabic , and 2 researchers about hate speech and discrimmination . 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to increase the number of the youth actvists who are looking to be a part of a campien for peaceful coexistence .
Networking with civil society organizations inside and outside Egypt .

Contact (1) Full Name
Aly Adel Hamed
Job Title
Programs Manger
Head of the organisation
Tamer El-Shrief
Contact (2) Full Name
Mostafa Fouad Ahmed
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Hellenic Foundation for Culture - Annex of Alexandria

National Network



00203 4861598
00203 4840765
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Stuff Employed: Administrative stuff :5 Teachers:3 Assistants:7 Sources of Funding: Govermental contribution through the Greek MInistry of Culture Scholarships to greek Language students through greek Universities Projects main partners : Biblioteca Alexandrina, Cairo Opera House, Egyptian Ministry of Culture, greek and egyptian Universities,Local cultural and youth NGOs
Mission and Objectives

Established in 1994, the branch is housed in the neoclassical building of the former Averof School for Girls. It has a lending library which is open to the public, as well as areas for exhibitions, lectures and Greek language lessons.

Main Projects / Activities

The idea is being considered of creating a 'Constantine Cavafy Hall', whose aim would be the study and documentation of the great poet's work. A Cinema Club operates on a permanent basis, where Greek films are screened with Arabic subtitles. The branch organises lectures, exhibitions, concerts and has developed fruitful co-operation with the University of Alexandria, the Greek community and diplomatic authorities, the cultural foundations of other countries and various institutions with similar goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Helwa Ya Balady Association

National Network

P.O.Box 88, Borg Al-Arab New City, Alexandria Postal code: 23121

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
• Structure of the organization: o Staff employed: 3 o Volunteers: +100 • Budgetary resources: o Private Sector o Member's fees o Individual Donations o Social Activities • Main partners: o Bibliotheca Alexandrina o International Friends of BA • Values: o Democracy o Freedom of Thought o Freedom of expression o Freedom of knowledge o Transparency o Honesty o Justice o Tolerance o Equality o Human Brotherhood
Mission and Objectives

As indicated in the name of the organization, our vision is to establish a modern developed country enlightening the world by the production of its citizens and reviving the heritage and the civilization of its ancestors.
Spreading in the community the values and the skills upon which a developed country can be built and flourish through the Active Citizenship of the community. This should lead to a wide-base change of the community taking a step towards Sustainable Development.
• Active Citizenship:
o Informing
o Training
o Activating/Enabling
• Sustainable Development:
o Environmental Sustainability
o Economic Sustainability
o Social Sustainability

Main Projects / Activities

• Active Citizenship:
o Raising Awareness Campaigns
o Social Caravans
o Workshops
o Models of International Organizations
o Lectures and Seminars
• Sustainable Development:
o Environmental Projects
o Social Activities
o Entrepreneurship orientation

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Elawady
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Elawady

Hemaiaa Centre for Supporting the defenders for human rights

National Network

11 Buildings young Belqas, Dakahlia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
يتكون مركز حمايه من رئيس مجلس اداره واربعة اعضاء مجلس اداره ومدير تنفيذى وعدد 3 باحثين و سكرتاريه ومحاسب المركز منظمة عضو بالمركز العربي الاوربي لحقوق الانسان والقانون الدولي .بالنرويج والذى هو ايضآ عضو بمؤسسة اناليندا وكذلك المركز هو عضو مؤسس لشبكة المنظمات الشابه فى مصر مصادر التمويل: تبرعات الاعضاء وهناك مشروع ممول من قبل مؤسسة ميبى بعنوان (صالون الشباب الفنى لحقوق الانسان
Mission and Objectives

hemaia Center works to raise awareness among young people the importance of human rights Center works to promote a culture of human rights

Main Projects / Activities

The launch of the first Artistic competition for human rights in Egypt Talented youth participate in the presentation of the Art Youth Saloon for human rights in Tanta Egyptian and international condemnation of the events of the Council of Ministers “Participate and express yourself” is a legal campaign from Delta to Upper Egypt. Inaugurating the first artistic youth salon for human rights in Egypt.

Contact (1) Full Name
بركات الضمراني
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
بركات الضمراني

Hewar for independent theater and performing arts

National Network

Sidi Kamal

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Research
General Information

Hewar Company for Independent Theater and Performing Arts Hewar is an independent non-profit theater and performing arts company based in Alexandria Egypt. ‘Hewar’ is the transliteration of the Arabic word for dialogue "حوار"; dialogue is the main value around which our artistic practice revolves. Through our work, both locally and internationally, we are always working towards opening and facilitating Dialogue. Hewar Theater group has been working since 2005. In 2012, after the Arab Spring and the momentum of the political and social movement in the region, a need arose to establish the company and expand our projects beyond producing theater pieces to Theater Is A Must Independent International Theater forum, and international collaboration projects. This transformation was also provoked by our emerging desire to be able to change cultural policies and have a say in the operation of our cultural context.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission To create spaces and forums for - and sometimes provoke - dialogue on different humanitarian and social issues among and between cultures, artists, performers and people in general. Objectives Create and present contemporary theater productions. Reinforce the position of independent theater and performing arts in the Arab region. Create a link and a network between young Arab theater makers and their European counterpart. Advocate new forms of theater and performing arts aesthetics. Create, document, and archive works of contemporary political theater and performing arts in the Arab region and Europe. Create an open and uncensored space for young artists and critics to discuss theater and performing arts today in the aftermath of the Arab Spring and all the drastic global political transformations that followed. Assert the necessity of theater as an interactive entity capable of initiating change, breaking taboos, and providing societies with a much needed reflection.

Main Projects / Activities

Theater Is A Must International Independent Theater Forum/Festival Platform for political and contemporary theater Theater Is A Must International Theater forum/festival in Alexandria, Egypt is an annual forum/festival presenting contemporary political and socio-political global, regional, local theater and performing arts productions created in the wake of the Arab Spring. Since we may be considered the only festival in the Arab Region focusing on political theater as an emerging genre, the performances that make it through the selection process are mainly politically engaging, aesthetically challenging, and/or relatively experimental. In our curatorial approach, our selection is guided by each edition’s theme. Recognizing that theater is the most naturally embracing and fertile ground for conceptual and practical Interdisciplinarity, the forum is often including film screenings, concerts, panels, readings, and dance pieces into the programming of each edition. Every edition, Theater Is A Must offers a variety of workshops for young theater and performing arts practitioners across different specialties, topics, and needs. Thus far we have organized 7 successful editions of Theater Is A Must Forum/Festival and within the framework of these editions we have organized: 31 Performances and 9 Public events (Readings, public discussions, presentations) with artists from Egypt, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, The Netherlands, Kenya, South Africa, USA, Palestine, Syria, the UK and Lebanon. 18 workshops with local and international trainers (Egypt, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Syria, Kenya, the UK). 9 film screenings. 4 music concerts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Mohammad abdelwahab
Job Title
Artistic director
Head of the organisation
Adel abdelwahab

High care organization for special needs

National Network

البيطاش – شهر العسل ش كافيتريا السلام اخر سور مدرسة سعد بن ابى وقاص

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
number of staff: 13 our budget in ayear almost : from 45,000 to 55,000 Egyption pound sources of funding : Parents payments for children
Mission and Objectives

helpping children with disabilities and families. Our Aims: • To develop children skills. • To support the parents and to train them, how to deal with their disabled children at home. • To plan and to do training courses to prepare a good staff to work in this field.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Day care center from age 3 to age 12 for children with disability 2- Sessions (Speech therapy session- Developing Skills and mental disability session- Early intervention session- Academic session for the slow learning children or for learning difficulty children-

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

becuase we had Experience with anther organizations and it was very useful for us like ( interact the swedish organization -jaica the japanes organization- the option institution american center for autism)

Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Mouriss
Job Title
The director
Head of the organisation
Afefa Ramzy Zaky
Contact (2) Full Name
Afefa Ramzy
Job Title (2)

Homma Group

National Network

84 Elkaser elaeny st Tahrer Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are a group of young people develop original choreography and preserve our heritage We support ourselves from self-effort And participate in international festivals Our message Advancement of popular art, preserved from extinction and oblivion Experience We participated in many international festivals in Argentina, Greece, Brazil, Italy, Jordan, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Korea
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
amer ali
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Shafik

Hope - طاقة أمل

National Network

19Al Thawra street , Maṣr Al Gedīda

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Hope foundation, is a non-governmental non for profit Egyptian foundation. it was founded in 2014. we support the child's world through; Resilience School-based program, Anti-bullying interventions, school-based and Teachers' resilience and well-being program. till March 2021, Hope empowered approximately 4000 (direct beneficiaries) in 8 governorates. we are targeting 12 schools annually for each facilitator working with us, to empower 500 direct beneficiaries annually (360 parents, 120 teachers, and 20 social workers and psychologists).
our partners main are (1. Ashoka, 2. Nahdet El Mahrousa , 3. Episco care, 4. The Association of Upper Egypt for Education and Development, 5. The Secretariat of Catholic Schools in Egypt, 6. Saint Marc Alexandria, 7. Basmet Amal, 8. Al Shehab, 9. Asmae, 10. Jesuit Minya, 11. Institut des Frères).

Mission and Objectives

By instilling and promoting resilience in children from a young age, "Hope" is affording high-risk, underserved communities the essential tools to recover from or positively adapt to change manifested in adverse experiences. "Hope" is building protections into child development at multiple levels by focusing on all the adults in a child’s life: parents, teachers, social workers and psychologists. Hope’s solution transcends conventional approaches of solely focusing on the child to integrating all parties in a child’s life in one setting. Furthermore, "Hope" is not only spreading effective preventive and protective interventions, but also educating and enabling the community to identify and support disadvantaged children suffering from mental health issues

Main Projects / Activities

1- Resilience School-based program
2- Anti-bullying interventions, school-based
3- Teachers' resilience and well-being

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we will exchange our experiences and offer technical support for the young changemakers, brainstorm around the challenges we face in our community for creating, piloting, and implementing culturally sensitive solutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

our foundation applying for this membership, because Anna Lindh Foundation brings over 4000 diverse civil society organizations from across the region that works across many fields for the promotion of dialogue between cultures so it will add value for Hope's job.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Elnemais Fawzy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michael Elnemais Fawzy