

AI tools for research

The presentation is developed to help to young people to use and understand AI tools for research.

Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives

National Network
+359 2 944 63 89
Telephone (other)
+359 2 944 13 50
+359 2 944 13 50
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 887 692 698
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 889 716 937
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives (ARCI) is a nongovernmental organization, registered in public benefit in the beginning of 2006. The association has established branches in five cities in Bulgaria – Lovech, Blagoevgrad, Vidin, Haskovo and Silistra. Its main office is situated in the Bulgarian capital – Sofia. It has also a vocational centre, established to the NGO, which is licensed to organize trainings for 56 specialties. The association with its branches is registered by the Agency for Social Assistance for 4 types of social services. The NGO structure has 5 people personnel and various partners, including a consultancy company. Its sources of funding consist mainly of project financing and donations.
Mission and Objectives

ARGI supports civil society development in Bulgaria by encouraging participation of people from all social groups in public life and governance of the country in order to enhance socio-economic status and quality of life of the Bulgarian citizens.
We work for local and regional economic development as initiate, advise and assist:
* Local and regional initiatives aimed at more effective local government;
* Activities of local and regional governments, aimed at the dynamic development of the economy;
* The development of programs for economic development and promotion of small and medium enterprises
* The implementation of educational and training courses with a practical orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

The above described structure works mostly in the sphere of regional development. It has also implemented activities for supporting intercultural dialogue, local tourism, vocational training, human resources and cultural heritage. Since the association works with a big number and various types of organizations, one оf its main objectives is to prepare and implement projects, financed by European programmes. It achieves its objectives by participating in national and international initiatives, establishment and participation in partner networks with national and foreign organizations and NGOs and by giving expert consultations to local authorities, small and medium enterprises and nongovernmental organizations.
ARCI has successfully participated in the following projects as applicant, partner, trainer or consultant:
* Two projects for vocational training, financed by Operational Programme Human Resources Development
* “To have a choice”, financed by the Trust for Civil Society in CEE.
* “Development of the cultural heritage of Svilengrad municipality through restoration of the Mezek fortress”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “Tatul – the Orpheus’ Sanctuary”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “The City of Victory near the Mesta River”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “Business without borders”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “Think globally, act locally”, financed by the PHARE programme.
* “Together we can more”, financed by the MATRA/KAP programme.
* Preparation of project proposals for Operational Programme Regional Development (OPRD) for Silistra municipality.
* Preparation of documentation for projects for OPRD, operation 2.1 for fund Republican infrastructure.
* CBC PHARE project management for Blagoevgrad municipality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yordan Milanov
Head of the organisation
Cvetelina Neshkova
Contact (2) Full Name
Cvetelina Neshkova


National Network

1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
167A “Evlogi Georgiev” Blvd.


+359 2 944 63 89
+359 2 944 63 89
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The association has established branches in five cities in Bulgaria – Lovech, Blagoevgrad, Vidin, Haskovo and Silistra. Its main office is situated in the Bulgarian capital – Sofia. It also manages a vocational centre, which is licensed to organize trainings for 56 different jobs in accordance with the National Secondary Education Standards. Last but not least, the Association has been granted a license from the National Agency for Social Assistance to be eligible to provide four types of social services. For the last couple of years the NGO has a turnover of over 200 000 euro per year and employs permanently 5 people.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of ARCI is to support the development of the civil society in Bulgaria by fostering the involvement of people of all social groups in public affairs and the governance of the country in order to enhance the social and economic situation and the quality of life of the Bulgarian citizens

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities in Bulgaria
 Supports the development and implementation of initiatives for economic, social and cultural development of regions in Bulgaria;
 Organization of joint initiatives with bodies of state and local government;
 Works on programs to improve the legislation in Bulgaria;
 Strengthens the public-private partnership in Bulgaria;
 Encourages civil initiatives in the field of environmental protection and improvement of living conditions;
 Assists minority groups, people with disabilities and vulnerable social groups;
 Organizes and conducts trainings and seminars to increase professional qualification of the labor force in the Center for Vocational Training to ARGI;
 Initiates and participates in establishing partner networks with national and international organizations and NGOs;
 Develops and implements programs and projects for application to the national operational programmes
 Encourages and organizes activities for the preservation and introduction of traditional Bulgarian communities events, cultural activities, traditions, crafts and customs, combined with voluntary initiatives to improve the environment or solving local problems.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We intend to contribute to ALF Network in Bulgaria by: firstly, promoting its objectives and initiatives, and secondly, by implementing project activities in fields which are essential for peaceful co-existence among nattions: Intercultural training for youth and adults, Human Rights and Co-existence; Regional development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the last years our NGO has been targeted at working internationally and establishing partnerships with other civil society organizations in EU and non-EU countries, like Romania, Hungary, Macedonia, Turkey and Serbia. Thus by joining the ALF Network we intend to build up cooperation with partners from the MED countries and jointly work on intercultural trainings and competence exchange in order to share common values and live together peacefully.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tsvetelina Neshkova
Head of the organisation
Tsvetelina Neshkova
Contact (2) Full Name
Diana Bebebnova-Nikolova

Altera Foundation

National Network

blvd. "Skobelev" 71

359 2 952 45 64
Telephone (other)
359 2 885 76 18 93
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
359 2 885 76 18 93
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The Foundation's goal is to support, organize and forward activities in relation to scientific, educational, cultural or for human rights protection. Our activities are mainly in the field of culture, social researches and legal protection in interest of the society, ethnic minorities, children and youth.
Mission and Objectives

* Support in the researches for new ways and forms for solving of cultural and social contradictions.
* Organize and participate in projects to support the social awareness development.
* Participation in science projects in Cultural heritage protection.
* Join to activities and researches about the Management of dissonant cultural heritage.
* Help and join in actions for adequate social realization of ethnic minority groups.
* Participation in science projects in the socio-cultural scope.
* Help and join to projects for developing the free access to law resources.
* Help and join to projects for access to technologies for child protection.
* Support for intellectual property rights protection.
* Organize and participate a social initiatives for free access to information and public resources.

Main Projects / Activities

2008, “Gypsy communities in Bulgaria. Current situation – cultural processes and strategies for integration”;
2008, “Ideas for civil initiatives for information access and publicity of important criminal trials and documents”;
2008, “Analysis of the changed culture environment. New factors in the culture after EU membership;
2009, “Construction of the differences – migration and nomadism. Analysis and comments”;
2009, “Places of memories and presence construction. Cultural policy for heritage. Analysis and comments”;
2010, “Memory and cultural heritage”;
2010, “Cultural heritage. Legal frame”

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Simeonova

Amis de l'Europe sans frontieres

National Network


00359 896 322 57
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
. Pour mener à bien ses activités et atteindre ses objectifs, l'Association va recueillir des fonds 1. Cotisations. 2. Dons. 3. Parrainage 4. Fonds et programmes, le financement d'activités conforment aux valeurs et objectifs partagés par l'association. L'Association exercera ses activités commerciales 1. Les activités de conseil comprennent: les projets et programmes de développement liés aux activités de l'association; 2. La médiation de coopération au niveau régional, national et international pour atteindre les objectifs définis dans les statuts; 3. Services d'information - fournir des informations sur les programmes pour les jeunes à la mobilité et la coopération liés à la Société; 4. Chaque permise par la loi, les entreprises, les revenus de cette activité seront utilisés pour atteindre les objectifs énoncés dans la loi. 5. Le traitement des affaires est soumis aux termes et conditions fixés par la loi sur le commerce, la comptabilité et les lois fiscales. 6. La mise en œuvre et le suivi des affaires est la responsabilité du conseil d'administration de l'Association.
Mission and Objectives

Objets de l'Association:
1. Renforcer l'échange, la coopération et la mobilité des jeunes en provenance des pays européens afin d'acquérir une expérience et d'améliorer la qualité de l'éducation;
2. Encourager la créativité, la compétitivité, la faisabilité et l'intégration des jeunes issus de Silistra et la région à la Communauté européenne.
3. Créer des contacts et d'interagir avec d'autres ONG du pays et à l'étranger, avec le gouvernement central et local et des collectivités locales.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Stimuler les activités de coopération avec les organisations européennes de jeunesse;
2. Contribuer à accroître la participation à des activités pour les jeunes ayant des besoins éducatifs spéciaux et handicapées, quel que soit leur statut socio-économique;
3. Promouvoir l'apprentissage des langues;
4. Soutenir le développement d'une citoyenneté européenne fondée sur la compréhension, respecter et promouvoir la tolérance et le respect des autres peuples et cultures;
5. Encourager le libre échange des idées et des informations, des connaissances scientifiques et les valeurs intellectuelles;
6. Contribuer au développement et au renforcement des valeurs spirituelles dans l'éducation, la culture et la société civile;
7. Elaborer, appliquer et coordonner les projets et activités de formation et d'éducation des jeunes de Silistra et de la région.
Art. 4. Moyens pour atteindre les objectifs
L'Association peut effectuer toutes les activités autorisées par la loi, contribuer à la réalisation de ses objectifs en tant que:
1. Élaborer, coordonner et mettre en œuvre des projets et programmes visant à l'éducation et le développement social, financé par les programmes européens et internationaux;
2. Élaborer et mettre en œuvre des projets transfrontaliers et les promouvoir à Silistra et dans la région;
3. Mettre en œuvre des projets et programmes qui favorisent l'intégration et la coopération européenne;
4. L'organisation de séminaires, tables rondes, débats, ateliers de sensibilisation et les compétences des jeunes;
5. Coopération avec les associations et organisations similaires au niveau national et international pour mettre en œuvre les activités prévues;
6. Organisation et participation au niveau régional, des forums nationaux et internationaux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Snezhana Stoycheva

Annual meeting of ALF network heads - Istanbul, December 13-15 2023

Annual meeting of ALF network heads - Istanbul, December 13-15 2023

The Anna Lindh Foundation held its Network Heads' Meeting in Istanbul, Türkiye, hosted by the ALF

Network from Türkiye. The Bulgarian ALF network was represented by Ms. Kostadinka Todorova, ALF coordinator.

The two-day meeting  brought together leaders of civil society networks and representatives from 28 Euro- Mediterranean countries in a space that allows them to share their thoughts and ideas from their countries. It was important the common problems that the members of the networks face to be shared and the new priorities for future joint activities to be set. A new communication strategy was presented. Ideas for common projects between the network members were shared. The final concepts of the ideas will be soon presented to the members.

The meeting was attended by several governmental representatives from Türkiye, the President of the Anna Lindh Foundation, HRH Princess Rym Ali, the Executive Director of the ALF, Josep Ferre, the two Heads of the Civil Society ALF network, Drs. Gurkan Akcaer and Necdet Saglam, as well as Mr. Murat Şen, Deputy Director General for Relations with the EU of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Türkiye.

You can see a short video of the meeting here here.

Approved project for the exchange of experts under "ALF in Motion" program


The association "Youth and Civic Initiatives in the Rose Valley", Karlovo is going to implement a project under the new programs of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Under the "ALF in Motion" program, the association will once again welcome their Egyptian friend - the president of the Agency for Development of Southern Egypt, who will present the topic "Women of Egypt - successes and challenges" during the Women's Forum 2024, which the association will organise for the International Women's Day on March 8, 2024. The association has been a member of the Bulgarian network of the Anna Lindh Foundation since its establishment in 2009 when it implemented a partner project with an organisation from Egypt with the support of the foundation in 2013-2014. The "4D Women Empowerment" project aimed to promote the development of women in all spheres with exchange visits in both countries, training for 20 women from Egypt and 20 from Bulgaria in leadership skills, political and economic empowerment, competitions for children and young people on the topic of getting to know the culture and history of both countries and an organised event "Days of the Arab culture and the role of women in it" under the patronage of the Ambassador of Egypt in Bulgaria. The partnership between the two organisations, established with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation, continues over the years through implemented youth exchanges and a partnership project in the field of sport, also promoting the participation of women in sports.


National Network

Sofia, Bulgaria

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information
ArmenGenocide is the first one of a kind blog project in Bulgaria, dedicated to the Armenian Genocide recognition issue. It is written on several languages, mainly on English and Bulgarian. It develops fast and gains friends on international level. The team is build up by young people, which contribute in all possibly way and grows up as well. Our partners are AGBU, ArminBg, AZTAG Daily, Public Republic, Azg, Hyelog, University of Minnesota, individuals from the blog community and many more.
Mission and Objectives

Support the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, setting up an open discussions on the issue, issuing articles, researches, historical evidences in multimedia stream - both print and audio/video. The blog not only fights for the proving of the historical facts, but also wants to create a public network, where everyone can share opinion without fear and censor. It contains also publications of famous international journalist in the field and has the support from many international medias and organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

Historical evidences, following the international situation, research different thesis, contacting organizations and centers for research of the genocide, putting light on the censor in Turkey over the Genocide issue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucy Setian
Head of the organisation
Lucy Setian
Contact (2) Full Name
Alexander Krastev

Art Affairs and Documents

National Network

Sofia 1111, Geo Milev, ul. Vinitsa 6, bl.204, 12 fl., 45ap.

+359 898260316
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
“Art Affairs & Documents” is a cultural organization founded in December 2008 and based in Sofia, Bulgaria, successfully emerging as an independent art structure. The organization has obtained funding from the Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Sofia and Program "Debuts". The organization develop three main projects: Carry out the local art scene, the new emerging artist and to bring up critical opinion of the public. Since the end of 2010 the organization is working to set permanent residency program. Since 2009 the organization maintain of internet based magazine for critic and culture. For that reasons the activities of organization are mainly in managing and organization of cultural events, exhibitions and international artists exchange.
Mission and Objectives

Our goals are to extend the influence of contemporary art in our country, to present Bulgarian artists and culture in international context and to encourage international collaboration for cultural exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization is the main figure in organizing the following projects; "The temptation of chalga" -2009 City art Gallery, Indefinite Destinations Depo, Istanbul 2010, "Persona" project Ica Gallery Sofia 2010.
Blister magazine, portal for critic and Culture: www.blistermagazine.com

Contact (1) Full Name
Vyara Mlechevska
Contact (2) Full Name
Vessela Nozharova

Art Gallery Ruse, Bulgaria

National Network

39 Borisova Str.

+ 359 82 / 821 735
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 887318701
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 899654243
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Art Gallery of Ruse was founded in 1933. From 1979 onwards the gallery is situated in the Exhibition Hall on 39 “Borisova” Str. There is ample space (covering an area of 2800 square meters) provided for standing exhibitions of painting, sculptures and graphic works from the gallery’s own collection, as well as for visiting exhibitions. Today there are 2 700 art works in the gallery fund. They illustrate the progress and the attainments of the Bulgarian pictorial arts from the end of the 19 century to the present day. Standing exhibitions in the Art Gallery of Ruse are: Founders of the gallery, Bulgarian painting from the 1920s and the 1930s, The Icon in the Past and Today”. During the period 1979-2006 many international art meetings took place at the Gallery. As a result a lot of foreign artists’ works were added to the fund. There are pictures and drawings by authors from Germany, China, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, etc. We should also mention some of the graphic works by foreign artists - Liu Sen Shen, Robert Yanchovich, Sousoumou Endo. In the last years an average of 30 exhibitions per year are hosted by the Gallery. Among them there are exhibitions connected to the March Music Days Festival, which managed to break up with traditionalism and also some unconventional exhibitions like Music-Vision, Music in Material, etc. Apart from the Bulgarian exhibitions, the gallery hosts also international ones. Visiting exhibitions display a variety of trends in pictorial arts in the halls of the gallery. Some of them are organized with the support of foreign cultural establishments, embassies or galleries. In the years of its existence the Art Gallery of Ruse became a significant cultural institute in the town and the region and a place for storing the achievements of the modern plastic culture. The future plans of the Art Gallery include on the one hand improving the dialogue between different generations of artists, and integration of traditional events and unorthodox approaches on the other. The organization has a 7-members staff: a Director, 3 Curators, an Accountant, a Host, and a security guard. The available budgetary resources in a year amount to 39 810 EUR. The Art Gallery of Ruse is being financed by the Ministry of Culture, Ruse Municipality and participations in international projects. In the last years the Art Gallery of Ruse implements joint projects with contemporary Bulgarian and foreign artists from Serbia, Romania, Austria, Germany, Poland and France. Partners - The Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, The Cultural Institutes of Italy, The Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, The Union of Bulgarian Artists and other Bulgarian and foreign galleries and museums.
Mission and Objectives

The Art Gallery of Ruse participates actively in the present and future development of art and culture in Bulgaria. One of our main objectives is the preservation, conservation, safeguarding, research, exhibiting and popularization of visual art from the end on 19th century to the present. The exhibitions include classical painting, graphic arts and sculpture, as well as contemporary art in its unconventional forms, often combined with multimedia. Apart from exhibitions, a great diversity of cultural events take place in the Gallery, such as concerts, literary readings, film screenings and theater performances, which is indicative of the tendencies for interdisciplinarity and synthesis of different kinds of art.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the main activities of the Gallery is the presentation of Bulgarian and foreign art. In the recent years there has been a tendency for expansion of international cultural relations via organization of joint events. Some of the most successful initiatives were the visiting exhibitions from Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania and Italy, and in 2013 – from Israel and Palestine. In 2012 - 2013 collective exhibitions of artists from Ruse were organized in Ukraine, Romania and Israel.
The Gallery participates in international projects:
2013 – 2011 – ABC - The Art of the Book, Culture Programme 2007-2013
2011 - Cross-Border University Network for Intercultural Communication of the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2007-2013
2009 – Аnimaliter – project, funded with support from the European Commission in Strasbourg and in partnership with the Cities of Warsaw, Brno, Debrecen, Košice and Ruse.
2008 – Cross-border Romanian-Bulgarian project Danube Spirit
2007 – Theatre in Passepartout – performance – Bulgarian- Serbian theatre project
2006 – Shrinking Cities – International Exhibition, organized in collaboration with Robert Bosch Foundation, Berlin and The International Association “Elias Canetti
2005/2006 – Der Ohranzeuge – 50 Characters. Art Gallery of Rouse, National Palace of Culture-Sofia, Bulgarian Cultural Centers in Vienna, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava, and Budapest.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Art Gallery of Ruse can participate in joint projects with the other member organizations by using already established relationships with the institutional representatives and individual artists. The joint efforts and activities would contribute to the achievement of our common goals for effective social dialogue between different cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Art Gallery of Ruse shares the principles and objectives of the Anna Lind Foundation in respect of intercultural dialogue as part of the priority sphere of culture and art. The Gallery as an institution strives to raise the awareness of civil society through initiatives in the field of visual arts. It is a place for presenting achievements of different cultures and religions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Todorova
Head of the organisation
Elena Velikova