
Field of Global Learning at schools in Slovenia


The Humanitas association will hold in the 2023-2024 school year workshops for male and female students and training for teachers in the field of global learning at schools. Global learning is an educational approach aimed at raising awareness of the interconnectedness and interdependence of people and the environment and promoting responsible and active global citizenship.

They invite you to view their offer of free workshops and trainings as well as regular offers of workshops and trainings!

Global learning is an educational approach designed to raise awareness about the interconnection and interdependence of people and the environment and to promote responsible and active global citizenship. With Global Learning, the Humanitas association explore topics such as global (in)justice, consumerism, intercultural dialogue, migration, climate change, evolution, global food market and much more.

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Fundacija za pomoč otrokom/ Foundation 4 help 2 children

National Network

Ilirska cesta 2
2211 Jesenice

00386 2 653 7000
Telephone (other)
00386 (0)599 59 000
00386 2 653 7010
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00386 51 480 535
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 40 702 209
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation's main purpose is to help longterm ill, very ill or damaged children and their families on national level by every meaning of the wprd in different situations, circumstances, to bring ill child the best care, diagnostic procedure, treatement ( also abroad), the best possible edication conditiones, to achieve the equality among children, offer the family pro bono legal aid, to fight for their rights to get quality and equal care, good educational conditions, everything that they need to go on with their life in the best way possible independent of the problems the dissease causes, to get all the help possible from the side of the national institutiones and state departments. We help the families with ill children to avoid the powerty as a consequences of the illness. We are contributin to e learning developement, to help ill children get appropriat educational possibilities also in the time of treatement, not to lag behind their peers and to help them fulfil the gaps in their knowledge if they have learning problems.   In short, we are a silent angels of ill children. We are also fighting against public presentation of pesonal data of individual ill child. Every child have a right that its personal data are publicly protected and we are struggeling to achieve that no one could decide till it's age of adult by 18 years old to present the child's individual personal information to public, not eaven with the purpose of foundraising, and not eaven it's parents. Why? because it comes to abuse of ill children for the benefit of or the parents, or the nongovernmental organisationes or other third and second parties.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation is private, we have four members board and the supervosory board. Foundation is having more thousand members and mostely supporters, there is no conditions or membershep fees to become one. Our partners are our donors and sponzors. The last years is not so easy, but in previous years we were very sucssesfoul, made more 100.000,00 resources every years plus material donations. We also was supported by outside foundation such as Charity AID Foundation, the foundation of C&A,...but we newer gave the request to be supported by EU calls jet. There were more prohjects we had on national level, where also foreigne sport stars supported them. you can see them on ur internet side here: - VEČJI PROJEKTI. Our main partner, supporter is company Peugeot Slovenia, McDonalds, Amway's charity One by One.

Main Projects / Activities

I have already explained, helping ill children and families.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Very much, only in Facebook, we have as a charity almost 36.000 members involved. We work good woth different mediums and we also Twit and I have as well Linkedin.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To get involved internationaly and possible get your support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olga Bahun Jakelj
Job Title
President of the main board
Head of the organisation
Olga Bahun Jakelj
Contact (2) Full Name
Dianno Andrej Jakelj
Job Title (2)

Gallery Simulaker

National Network

Gallery Simulaker, Vrhovčeva 1a
8000 Novo mesto

00 386 7 33 74 371
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 386 31 384 966
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The gallery Simulaker is operating within association LokalPatriot which is nongoverment organisation established by local student organisation of Novo mesto. The gallery has one contract employee, the curator, assisted by one staff member, while the technical support is given by the staff of Multimedia centre of Dolenjska (also operating within association LokalPatriot). The gallery is financed from Ministry of culture of republic of Slovenia and local municipality with budget resources at around 45000 euros per year. The gallery program mostly consists of exhibitions of contemporary art, domestic and international, various intermedia projects and exhibitions. The gallery is also used for other cultural events, such as contemporary dance shows, presentations, performances, music events, conferences, etc. The gallery works with different domestic associations and producers such as Aksioma, Zavod Atol and others.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the gallery is to present and promote various creative positions within the field of contemporary art and photography in the local and national context. We are interested in young emerging artists as well in the established ones, giving them all support and know-how for presentation of their work. Annually we organise 10-12 solo and group exhibitions and a number of other artistic projects/events.

Main Projects / Activities

Within the corpus of the exhibitions every year is organised a group show of art students of a national education institution, while one exhibition term is given to the guest curator. One of the main project of the gallery Simulaker/Association LokalPatriot is international festival of documentary photography (workshops, presentations and exhibitions) which is running from the year 2000. The rest of the program consists of the solo and group exhibition of the selected artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matjaž Brulc
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrej Krštinc
Cover photo of handbook with written text in Slovene language "handbook for educators on gender-responsive inclusion of migrant children in the educational process"

Gender-sensitive inclusion of migrant children in the educational process

The Gender Equality Research Institute (IPES) developed this handbook for educators on gender-sensitive inclusion of migrant children in the educational process. Following the International Organization for Migration, IOM Slovenia’s participation in the conference on gender-responsive inclusion of migrant children in...


National Network

PTUJ 2250

00386 2 748 28 10
Telephone (other)
00386 2 748 28 30
00386 2 748 28 28
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00386 40 900 728
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Gimnazija Ptuj is a secundary Grammar School, with nearly 860 students. It's a public school, with 75 teachers and 12 employes on tehnical services. We take special care in providing programmes for student, that cover large variaty of action and give them possibilities to spoznati, in de. We caried out many international exchange programmes, to promote intercultural diversty (Comenius, E-twining,Mondialogo), we are active member of Unesco ASPnet Slovenia, and ACES (Wiena, Austria), ASEF and are involved in many others projects that encoruage students to discover other cultures and promote respect for others. The main partners schools in other countries and institutions that are listed above.
Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Gledališče Laboratorij

National Network

Cesta 4.julija 62, 8270 Krško - Slovenia

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are non profit organization with major goal for future to produce big,important documentary-historial action film, own published book of drama plays and other art stuff. One one person is employed, the other are just members who have interest cooperated because of pure love for art express. The major member will study at New York academy AMDA for Studio programm of Acting. Main partners are most professional like individualist, the other organization's are government and nongovernmental.
Mission and Objectives

Mission is base like i said upper note -produce one day own film, book with quality texts, own screenscripts, made theater performing with musical note and other stuff underground line.

Main Projects / Activities

At this moment, it is education including working with step by step with small projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pavlina Keše Hratson
Contact (2) Full Name
Oleg Hratson

Guide for Intercultural Mediation in Health Care

The Guide for Intercultural Mediation in Health Care provides guidelines for cultural mediation in healthcare settings. It emphasises the role of cultural mediators in addressing health issues and promoting cultural understanding. The guide highlights the importance of culturally sensitive and...

HER Voice, an in-contact seminar series in Ravenna

Reka SI's lecture

In the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls, Reka Si research and art institute and member of Anna Lindh Foundation in Slovenia delivered a lecture at Alma Matter stadium of the University of Bologna on “Patriarchy, Colonization and State Repression against sexuality in the Arabic-speaking region, the case of Egypt”. This lecture was part of an in-contact series seminar organised by the students of the Bologna University. On 23 rd of November, the following lecturer presented the following topics with some key messages as follow:

- Karolina Rak, from the Jagiellonian University presented the “Now is the Time” tackling patriarchal narratives through online campaigns, Lebanon as a case study.

- Pia Schlechter from the University of Oldenburg presented the topic of body shaming and difference forms of violence against women online.

- Samar Zughool from Reka Si research and Art institute presented a holistic and intersectional approach to resistance for gender equality and sexual rights by addressing the legacies of colonization, patriarchy, Islamism and state sexual repression against gender equality and sexual rights.

Reka’s Si research and presentation started with presenting the gender mainstreamed report by the United Nation women where in the period between 7 th of October to 22 of November during the bombardment of Gaza 10,000 women and children have been killed and 838,100 women and girls have been displaced from their homes. The lecturer addressed the importance of moving beyond numbers and adding to the already existing research were women, girls and other gender groups who face vulnerability are often the most affected by humanitarian crises.
Further the research addressed the legacies of colonization in the discourse of gender and sexuality and the fictious of “clash of civilization” as both tools and outcomes of orientalism. 

You may listen to three lectures by three presenters via audio here.

Humanitas, Society for Human Rights and Supportive Action

National Network

Resljeva 48

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Humanitas is non-profit and non-governmental organization. The organization is structured in the following way: president, general meeting (highest body), executive committee, supervisory committee and honorary arbitration board. Membership in the organization is voluntary and the organization has regular and honorary members. From 2011 it employs 7 people, 5 full time and 2 part time. The average annual turnover is 250.000 EUR. The organization is funded by variety of national and international actors: EU (European Commission), Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, and Municipality of Ljubljana. It also obtains financial resources from membership fees and donations. The organization implements project on national and international level in the field of development cooperation, global education and intercultural dialogue.
Mission and Objectives

Humanitas strives to assert the rights of less privileged social groups in Slovenia and around the world. Through global education, intercultural dialogue and development projects it raises awareness of our mutual dependence and the importance of realising human rights, while encouraging respect for diversity. Our mission is to raise awareness of global problems such as poverty and the gap between the developed and the "underdeveloped" world and, through education and awareness raising, to encourage social inclusion and responsibility.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization is based on two pillars: international development cooperation and global education. Within the pillar of development cooperation organization works in the field of children' sponsorship, fair trade and responsible tourism. The projects take place in Slovenia and Africa (Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya). Humanitas is one of the founders of the first fair trade shop in Slovenia. It work
In Slovenia, the organization also works extensively on global education, therefore raising awareness on global interdependence, global inequalities, intercultural dialogue, discrimination etc. It is involved in formal and non-formal education and works with youth as well as multipliers. It is also a member of Slovenian national platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid and is currently coordinating platform's working group for global education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Lazar, general secretary
Head of the organisation
David Limon, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Vodopivec, project coordinator and PR

Individual Member: Ivanka Apostolova Baskar

National Network

Gosarjeva 9
1000 Ljubljana


00 386 31 540 124
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 386 31 540 124
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Individual person. Structure: Self employed in culture and humanities. Budgetary resources:10,000,00/15.000,00 euros Sources of funding: Ministry of Culture in Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana, Hesp-Budapest ... Modalities of action: Research and practical projects - Projects in Theatre: Oresteia-SNG Drama,Ljubljana Project: My World-Turkish Drama Skopje ...; Project at ISH: Contemporary Anthropology of Theater via Set and Costume Design in Slovenia; Project at Stuart Famul: Visual Deconstruction - teaching and researching... Main partners/collaborators: National Theaters in Slovenia: SNG Drama,SMG,LGL,MGL; ISH - Educational Institution, AGRFT - Drama Faculty, Stuart Famul - Applied School of Art, Ljubljana
Mission and Objectives

To Discover, To Research, To Create, To Share Knowledge, To Educate, To Collaborate, To Develop New Networks for Sharing All The Jewels of Meaning, of Existence and Productivity of Human Kind.

Main Projects / Activities

Project at ISH (2009/2008): Contemporary Anthropology of Theater via Set and Costume Design in Slovenia.
Project at Stuart Famul (...2009/2005): Visual Deconstruction - teaching and researching...
Projects in Theatre (2009/2004): Oresteia-SNG Drama, Ljubljana; My World-Turkish Drama, Skopje; Love Unto Death - SMG, Ljubljana; Girl with Violine, LGL, Ljubljana ...

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivanka Apostolova Baskar
Head of the organisation