

National Network
+ 38614330464
+386 14349462
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
non-for profit art magazine, established as an artists iniciative in 1985.
Mission and Objectives

Artwords magazine is the main periodic publication in the field of visual art and art theory in Slovenia. The publication is published in a form of two double issues a year, containing the Theoretical Supplement as well. The magazine reflects on the current discourse of art as well as an interdisciplinary approach to art history and visual art in general Each issue is arranged around a thematically determined core, containing studies analysisand discussing essential questions, as well as reviews of actual related exhibitions. The average size of the issue is 240 pages.

Main Projects / Activities

The issues are thematically designed: Between the Sky and Earth; Arte-fact?, Women in Art; Microutopias; Views on Contemporary Slovenian Art; Art and Time; Dreams, Psychoanalysis and Art; Travelling … In regular rubriques Round Table and Interview we are publishing the conversations with domestic and foreign visual artists, curators, theoreticians … We are publishing fine art reviews, essays, interpretations, theory, and also artists notes (diaries, reflections) and exclusive artist author pages, designed especially for our magazine. In this way we are establishing the inspiring field for the creative practice. In the Theoretical Supplement we are translating key texts in the field of art theory and art history, in line with the thematics of a particular issue. The rubrique Contributions to the Slovenian Dictionary of Art Terms is regular as well.
The magazine is designed to serve the visual artists, art theorists, art historians, fine art teachers, collectors and art lovers. We want to bring the content closer to the broader reading public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mojca Zlokarnik
Head of the organisation
Mojca Zlokarnik, editor-in-chief


National Network



E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
We have 3 employee, and around 20 volunteers. Our budget: 31.12.2010: 194.954,58 EUR 21.12.2011: 99.635,76 EUR We are financed from: TRUST funds (2007-2009) EU funds (European social fund 2008-2014, European fund for regional development 2012) national funds 2008-2014 Modalities of action: - projects - grant-making We cooperate with Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs (national level), regional hubs from other slovenian regions, with national NGOs networks from defferent fields, local NGOs, local communities, local medias, regional development agencies, volunteers etc. We established a regional network of NGOs in which there are more than 370 NGOs from oru region.
Mission and Objectives

Local development foundation for Pomurje region (Slovenia) is founded to stimulate legal and other conditions for development of philanthropy, voluntary work and fundings of public useful non-profit activities, which ensolve social, financial and other existing problems, contribute to welfare and development of local communities of Pomurje region.
Local deveoplment foundation for Pomurje region objectives are:
• to support NGO sector in Pomurje region (education and trainings, civil dialogue, counseling, ICT solutions, promotion of NGO's);
• to serve as independent and intermediate mechanism between economic sector, which want to contribute financial means and between civil society that wish to take voluntary actions with the aim to improve regional / local development and solve existing problems in local community /region;
• to encourage individuals and civil society organizations to actively participate in solving local communities problems with the aim to improve local communities welfare.

Main Projects / Activities

Two priorities of our work:
1. grant-making 2007-2009
2. Regional hub for NGO's in Pomurje region, Slovenia (2008, 2009-2010, 2010-2012, 2012-2014)
Elementary goal of this projects was establishment and continuation of the Regional hub for NGOs in Pomurje region, which provide system of cost-free services for NGOs in the region (consulting, trainings, preparation of the project proposals, ICT solutions). Objectives are to encourage civil dialogue, to educate the members of NGO’s, common iniciatives with the goal to promote NGO sector and to increase the visibility of the sector in the media and to rase awerness of it’s role in the society.
We were project partners also in projects with Center of slovenian NGO's.
The emphasis is on civil dialogue, cooperation of NGO's on regional level and on strenghtening of NGOs voice in the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our human respources:
- we can promote Network among NGOs in our region (we etsablished regional network in which there are mre than 370 NGOs from our region) through our website, local medias, social medias;
- we can participate on ALF events;
- we can offer project ideas and partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking for new oppurtunities for the development of our organization and for the development of NGO sector in Pomurje region (Slovenia). We are also looking for potential project partners or invitations to project implementation.
We also want to promote ALF network in our region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Looking for volunteers to teach Slovenian language to migrants


Slovenian Philanthropy is looking for volunteers to teach Slovenian language to migrants.

Is Slovenian language close to you so much that with the help of Slovenian Philanthropy and quality materials, you would help others to master it too?

You don't need to be a linguist or Slovene scholar to teach Slovenian, it is enough to show a good amount of patience, understanding and goodwill, and to learn new words and phrases step by step with your student. Previous experience is not necessary, the joy of working with people and a good knowledge of the Slovenian language are important.

Read more

Maribor Art Gallery

National Network

Strossmayerjeva ulica 6 – 2000, Maribor

+386 22510494
+386 2 252 7784
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
With its collection of more than 3,000 art works by Slovenian authors from the end of the 19th century up to present, UGM is one of the main museums for modern and contemporary art in Slovenia. Painting, sculpture and prints are joined by photographs, video art, multimedia installations and interactive art projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to:
* collect, preserve, present, interpret, research, document and protect Slovenian cultural heritage in the area of visual art from the beginning of the 20th century to present time;
* present, promote and interpret contemporary Slovenian and international visual art;
* educate the public about modern and contemporary visual art.

Main Projects / Activities

With its collection and programme of 20 special exhibitions a year – ranging from retrospective reviews of works by Slovenian authors to international festivals of contemporary art as well as architecture and design exhibitions – UGM importantly shapes both the art scene in Slovenia and internationally. Well structured education programme joins different generations, ethnic groups and educational institutions. UGM is the place for every one!

Contact (1) Full Name
Meta Kordiš, Curator

Matafir, Association for Intercultural Relations

National Network

Zaveti?ka ulica 5

+386 40 425 618
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 40 425 618
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 40 557 635
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Matafir, Assotiation for Intercultural Relations, is a non-profitable organisation established by students of the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and assistant lecturers at the same department. Matafir does not employ any staff, and is based on predominantly voluntary activities. The Association gains budgetary resources by applying to Slovenian and European projects. Its main partners include several Slovenian NGOs working in the area of migration and human rights, and the Progress DP, Equal Initiative. Its main projects realised since 2005 include organisation of events marking the International day of refugees in 2005 and 2006, a youth summer exchange "Intercultural Dialogue", a research on asylum seekers' employment possibilities in Slovenian companies, and cooperation in the "Power of older refugees - a European project for awareness, activation, empowerment, cooperation" project headed by the Stichting Bevordering Maatschappelijke Participatie organisation from The Netherlands.
Mission and Objectives

Main purposes and goals of the Matafir Association are intercultural education and counselling, representation of interests of immigrants and other underprivileged groups in Slovenia, and encouraging integration as a two-way process.
Since its members predominantly consist of graduate and post-graduate students, as well as of young researchers, Matafir is also striving to stimulate students in gaining invaluable experiences by taking part in activities within the non-governmental sphere and by promoting equality and human rights.
Matafir enjoys strong confidence and support of the Department for Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Main Projects / Activities

• Participation in the European “Truck of diversity”, May 2005.
• Organisation of events marking the international refugee day - public debate, lectures and video screenings discussing migration and other minority groups in Slovenia and beyond, and art performances; 20 June 2005.
• Partner of the Progress DP, EQUAL Initiative funded through the European Social Fund.
• Organisation of events marking the world refugee day; 20 June 2006.
• Organisation of a 10-day youth international summer exchange “Intercultural Dialogue”, founded by NA MOVIT; August 2006.
• Research on migrants' employment possibilities, entitled “Multicultural diversity at work: Employment prospects of asylum seekers in Slovenia”; published in Anthropological Notebooks, year XIII, no. 1.
• Partner of “The Power of Older Refugees, A European project for awareness, activation, empowerment, cooperation" project, organised through the European Refugee Fund by the Stichting Bevordering Maatschappelijke Participatie organisation.
• Four radio editions broadcasted by Radio Student, discussing issues concerning asylum seekers and refugees in Slovenia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ur?ka ?libar
Head of the organisation
Ur?ka ?libar
Contact (2) Full Name
Helena Dembsky

Matafir, društvo za medkulturne povezave

National Network

Zavetiska 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Matafir is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. Most of its members are volunteers and/or work on contract basis. It was founded in 2005 by students, young researchers and assistants at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana). Our annual turnover varies annually and depends on funding by national and/or international agencies (e.g. Youth in Action, Slovene Ministry of Foreign Affairs, American Embassy in Slovenia). First our aim was to continue with the research and projects done with migrants and other marginalised groups in Slovenia. Later on we started to work in the fields of intercultural dialogue, global education, development cooperation, human rights, gender equality etc. We cooperate with other NGOs from Slovenia and abroad (Europe, Africa).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to empower marginalized groups in Slovenia and elsewhere, and to promote intercultural dialogue and global solidarity.
Our main goals are: promotion of intercultural dialogue and cooperation, empowerment of marginalized groups in Slovenia and elsewhere (especially women, migrants and youth), fight against all kinds of discrimination on local and global level, and raising awareness on global interdependency.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects/activities aimed at raising awareness on intercultural dialogue, human rights, gender equality, social justice and other relevant global issues among different target groups by using creative tools (photography, video, “theatre of the oppressed”);
Development projects aimed at empowerment of marginalized groups (women, minorities, indigenous groups, youth), implemented together with local partners (Uganda, Sierra Leone)-practical and creative workshops, trainings, advocacy, raising awareness activities;
Projects/activities aimed at promotion of global education among youth, educational workers and general public (workshops, trainings, seminars);
Projects aimed at empowerment and better integration of migrants (research, workshops, round tables, public awareness activities).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the national ALF network with sharing experiences and examples of good practices, and information about relevant activities, contacts and information about capacity-building and funding possibilities for NGOs and individuals working in relevant fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to re-confirm our membership because of opportunities which ALF offers to its members, especially networking and partnership-making with other NGOs, funding opportunities, capacity-building trainings and other relevant activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alma Rogina
Head of the organisation
Alma Rogina
Contact (2) Full Name
Urska Furlan