
d'Orfeu Associação Cultural

National Network

Rua Engº. Júlio Portela, 6, 3750-158 Águeda

+351 234 603 164
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
d'Orfeu has a staff consisting of around 10 persons, has a 450.000€/year budget coming from the official supporters (Ministry of Culture, Águeda's Town Hall and other organisations) and also from the activities' revenue. We have an unstoppable flow of cultural events (musical, theatrical...), a traditional music school, constant workshops, festivals for children, and so on. There are also many SVE volunteers coming to work with us. Our main partners are the State, the townships, promoters and sponsors and also the local community.
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to give a cultural boost to the local community, contributing to a social enrichment, a most civic interaction between the people and uniting everyone through art.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are:
"festim" - an inter-municipal world-music festival that brings artists from all over the world to our little country.
"OuTonalidades" - a music festival that unites both Portugal and Spain, merging artists and venues.
"O gestO Orelhudo" - a musical/theatric event full of comedy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luís Fernandes


National Network

Rua Palmia, 1. r/chão
1170-285 Lisboa

+351 915482086
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+351 915482086
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Demonstra is an online research platform that aims to map, stimulate and disseminate the artistic production of people with disabilities. The project was conceived with the objective of bringing the public closer to studies and artistic practices related to the discussion of the non-normative body in contemporaneity. This approach will be made through initiatives that enable the sharing of knowledge regarding the following artistic areas: painting, drawing, performance, video, photography, sculpture, new media and/or interdisciplinary intersections.
This project arose from the investigation that the artist Daniel Moraes has been developing in the Master's Degree in Painting, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. Emphasizing the poetic experience of artists with disabilities, his research starts from the personal experience with their own physical deformity and extends to the symptoms and symbols of contemporary artistic "decorporeity".
In this same sense, Demonstra comes to claim the importance of an artistic event idealized, produced and inhabited, for the most part, by people with disabilities. This event will seek, above all, to dignify artistic practices around accessibility, in order to place these professionals as protagonists of their production.

Mission and Objectives

01. PROMOTE the cultural accessibility of artwork and other disability-related research;
02. MAPPING the production of artists with disabilities;
03. STIMULATE artistic projects that discuss issues about dissident corporeality;
04. CREATE inclusive communication networks that generate opportunities for artists with disabilities;
05. EXPAND knowledge about these artists in order to level opportunities in the artistic field.

Main Projects / Activities

In its first edition, Demonstra proposes an online artistic residency with the theme Poéticas Informes, which seeks artists from Portuguese-speaking countries who deal with the experience of the non-normative body in contemporary times. The project focuses on the development of each artist's research, offering resources so that everyone can develop their ideas. The residency program aims to stimulate conversations, promoting exchanges between artists, curators, mentors and the general public.
Demonstra artistic residency will take place between January 27th and April 9th, 2022. It will consist of ten virtual collective meetings, with weekly periodicity, on Thursdays, from 19:30 to 21:30 (Portugal time zone). These dates may change due to an unforeseen event, being rescheduled on a date to be agreed with the residents.

January 27, 2022 (Thursday): Start of activities at the residence.
April 7, 2022 (Thursday): Last collective meeting of the residence.
April 9, 2022 (Saturday): Online Seminar and Exhibition

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Demonstra comes to claim the importance of an artistic event idealized, produced and inhabited, for the most part, by people with disabilities. This event will seek, above all, to dignify artistic practices around accessibility, in order to place these professionals as protagonists of their production. This initiative is one of the selected projects of the Artes Sem Limites Support Program, promoted in 2020 by the Directorate General of Arts (DGArtes), which seeks to encourage physical, social and intellectual accessibility to culture in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are looking for more partners and supporters of the Demonstra project in order to strengthen our network of contacts and activities in the field of visual arts aimed at artists with disabilities in Portugal, Brazil and Europe.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Moraes
Job Title
Director and Founder
Head of the organisation
Daniel Moraes Siqueira Souza
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Diaspora - Awareness about Migrations in the Mediterranean

Both Jordan and Portugal face and deal with the reality of migration – a phenomenon historically rooted in the Euro-Mediterranean region. With these observations in mind, the organisers of Diaspora - Awareness about Migration in the Mediterranean set out to...

Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Diaspora - Sensibilisation aux migrations en Méditerranée

La Jordanie et le Portugal sont confrontés à la réalité de la migration et font face à un phénomène historiquement enraciné dans la région euro-méditerranéenne. Gardant ces observations à l'esprit, les organisateurs de « Diaspora - Sensibilisation à la migration...

Dínamo - Associação de Dinamização Sócio-Cultural

National Network

Rua das Ameixoeiras, 3
2635-465 Rio de Mouro - Sintra


+351 96 98 22 442
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Dínamo is composed of 150 young people aged 16-25 (mostly), including migrants and youth at risk. Dínamo’s office is composed by 3 staff members plus several punctual local volunteers. Dínamo works in several fields like training, exchanges, youth policy lobbying, community development, social inclusion, intercultural dialogue and Human Rights education. Dínamo promotes youth participation and democracy projects at local level through the cooperation with its local partners like Associação A Comunidade Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem-Martins and promotes also international activities with an extensive network of internacional partners. Dínamo counts with a budget of 221.000€ for 2012 coming from international institutions like the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the European Youth Foundation, private foundation like the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and local partners.
Mission and Objectives

Dínamo is a local/regional youth NGO born in Sintra aimed at raising and facilitating youth participation in civil society.
Since 2011 Dínamo works in a long term strategy called “Sintra is Also Yours!” based in three main aims linked to specific objectives:
Empowerment of young people and local community development. To develop activities and support the empowerment of young people, through youth exchanges, communities initiatives and other educational activities.
Promotion of mechanisms and necessary conditions for youth participation: to create and support mechanisms of youth participation in the district of Sintra and to raise the public opinion for the importance of youth participation in the civil society.
Youth work empowerment: to qualify youth workers, through training courses with Non-Formal Education principles, to improve the youth work and the social responses at local level, mostly in the field of youth participation and the Human Right education.

Main Projects / Activities

Following the “Sintra is Also Yours!” long term strategy Dínamo develops several projects in cooperation with its local and international partners.
The main projects in the strategy are the creation of the first Local Network for Youth Participation (2011-2012) and the following Local Needs Assessment for Youth Participation (2012-2013).
Beyond this, Dínamo is working in the development of a Non-Formal Education Training Center and in other local and international youth projects.
At local level Dínamo is member of the working group “(I)Nova Tapada”, in strict cooperation with the Associação A Comunidade Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem-Martins, that aims to build an intercultural dialogue and respect in the community of Tapada das Mercês promoting intercultural activities and creating occasions of mutual learning and cultural diversity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Dínamo works since 2008 in the youth field and has developed since then several local and international projects. During this period it has improved its experience in the youth work and in Non-Formal Education and now is ready to share these competences in the ALF network in a local, national and international level.
With the long term strategy “Sintra Also is Yours!”, officially recommended by the Council of Europe, Dínamo focus on the youth participation field, becoming a national reference in term of training courses and good practice about youth participation and Non-Formal Education.
We can offer to the National Network and to all the ALF members our experiences in these fields, such as our practice in the Euro Med cooperation with the Associação A Comunidade Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem-Martins in the district of Sintra. We will realize also all the effort to be an active member of ALF, sharing our project and activities, applying for the ALF grants and collaborating with the other members in order to realize meaningful project about Euro Med cooperation, intercultural dialogue and citizenship.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the Long Term Training Course for Euro-Arab Cooperation in Youth Project promoted by the Council of Europe and the League of Arab States, Dínamo took contact with a person of ALF and understood immediately the importance of being part of the Portuguese National Network with its main local partner, the Associação A Comunidade Islâmica da Tapada das Mercês e Mem-Martins (AACITMM) to increase their cooperation at local level and to improve the action for the promotion of pluralism and cultural diversity.
Dínamo and AACITMM work together in different projects in a complementary way. AACITMM has developed a great social work in the multicultural community of Tapada das Mercês giving support in different ways to the migrant people, fighting against the social exclusion and promoting a culture of respect and mutual understanding. Dínamo adds to this cooperation its experience in youth work, also with young migrants and youth at risk, mainly, but not only, in the field of youth participation and Non-Formal Education. Nowadays Dínamo and AACITMM share the same space in the Tapada das Mercês neighborhood giving to the community a daily support.
Dínamo and AACITMM work together, with other public institutions and NGOs, in the community development working group “(I)Nova Tapada” promoting intercultural activities and sharing experiences since 2009. However this group is aware of its limits in term of budget and possibilities. Is exactly for this reason that Dínamo has decided to present this expression of interest to be a member of the Portuguese National Network of ALF. We decided to apply this expression of interest also because ALF offers one of the few possibilities for grants for Euro Med cooperation from an international independent organization.
We strongly believe that, through the support of ALF, we can increase and improve the local cooperation and the community development in order to provide to the local community, in which are represented more than 28 nationalities, the necessary social support in the field of intercultural dialogue, civic participation and democracy.
We want also to join the ALF network to learn more with the other members about Euro-Arab cooperation, sharing experiences and good practices. ALF is a recognized international network in Euro Med cooperation and being a part of it can introduce us and put us in contact with important organizations and NGOs to develop more and better actions and projects. We consider that the cooperation with the ALF and its members will show quickly its results at local level, among the working group and the local community, improving our action and our work for the mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society working for a common future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matia Losego
Head of the organisation
Sérgio Xavier

DOCC: Debate On, Change Communities


On the 6th and 7th of March 2024, Agora Aveiro, along with partner organizations CET Platform Italy, Hrvatsko Debatno Društvo, and Ungdomsfronten, convened to discuss the organization of deliberative events as part of the "DOCC: Debate On, Change Community" project.

During the meeting, they reached agreements on the process for organizing a deliberative event in Aveiro and other partner cities, as well as clarified the distinction between such events and dialogues between young people and municipal representatives. Additionally, they finalized plans for the activities scheduled for the remainder of the year and successfully mapped out future steps within the project. Drawing on their collective experience from previous projects, they anticipate amplifying their impact through new collaborations and initiatives.

Within the framework of DOCC, the objective is to develop a model for youth debate clubs that offer continuous, long-term programs for youth participation and active citizenship, employing debate and deliberation methodologies. The outcomes of these efforts will aid youth workers and organizations in effectively engaging young people of migrant backgrounds and enhancing their capacity to work with individuals with diverse needs, including those with refugee experiences or second-generation migrants. The project's outcomes will directly benefit 50 youth workers and 120 young people.

To ensure the production of high-quality results, partners will establish youth debate clubs consisting of at least 10 young people and a minimum of 3 youth workers per organization, who will collaborate on developing project materials. Their ongoing involvement will help ensure that project outcomes align with the needs of both youth workers and participants. To field-test the toolkit at deliberative events, the project plans to host 4 national-level deliberative events and 1 international online deliberative event.

The project is being implemented by the Swedish organization Ungdomsfronten, in partnership with the Croatian Debate Society from Croatia, CET Platform Italy from Italy, Agora Aveiro from Portugal, and Citizens Foundation from Iceland. The project received co-financing under Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ program.

Agora Aveiro is a recent addition to the Portuguese Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Established in 2010, it is a youth association dedicated to promoting active and participatory citizenship. The organization focuses on projects that contribute to societal improvement and have the potential to foster transformation within their communities. They provide spaces where community members can exchange ideas and opinions, while fostering the development of a critical, proactive, and constructive mindset.

Click here for more info

DYPALL Network – Developing Youth Participation at Local Level

National Network

Urbanização Jardins de Bemposta. Lote 80 1B
8500-371 Portimão

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
DYPALL is a European network composed by over 30 municipalities and civil society organisations from more than 20 countries that aims to involve young people in decision-making processes at local level. In terms of activities, we organize Study Sessions and Study Visits to explore local practices with regards to youth participation and we hold training courses on the participation of young people, in general, and/or of specific themes (e.g. development of local youth councils, or participation of migrant youth, etc.). Around 3 times per year we apply for funding for new projects at the Erasmus + Programme of the EU (mainly KA1 – trainings and study visits, and KA2 capacity building and dissemination of good practices),at the Europe for Citizens Programme of the EU, and at the European Youth Foundation (e.g. long term training courses and research).
Mission and Objectives

DYPALL Network stands for the creation of effective and sustainable involvement of Youth in decision-making, in cooperation with local authorities, through the development of strategies and the building of structures and relations of mutual trust. We believe that, by creating an effective and sustainable Youth involvement in decision-making and by improving the relationship between Local Authorities and Youth Organisations, we can contribute to implement more sustainable youth policies at local level.
In this sense, DYPALL Network aims at the creation of partnerships and at building a network composed by local municipalities and civil society organisations active in the youth field, to jointly achieve the following main objectives:
(1) Developing youth participation structures and mechanisms in decision-making at local level;
(2) Identify best practices and introduce innovative approaches to public governance;
(3) Foster youth engagement and inclusiveness in representative and participatory democracy processes;
(4) Build capacity and provide technical assistance on various areas and processes like policy making, advocacy, structured dialogue, co-management and more;
(5) Mainstream youth policies at local and regional levels (e.g. youth guarantee schemes) to develop cohesive and engaged societies.

Main Projects / Activities

We have developed expertise on the field of capacity building where we have a team of international trainers, working on several international pools of trainers, such as SALTO (Support Advance learning and Training Opportunities), Council of Europe among others, supporting our educational programme development and implementation. Research is also one of our pillars.
During the last years we have also organized many international conferences, for academics, practitioners, policy makers and youth workers. Main activities implemented so far include: International Conference “Youth Policy at Local and Regional Level:
(1) “Developing our Territories through Youth Participation in Decision-Making” 12-15 April 2016, Portimão (Portugal) - This Conference brought together 22 partners from local youth councils and other organizations, from 17 European countries, to share best practices that may contribute for better local youth policies on youth participation, employment and inclusion. It was an exercise grounded in group-learning, sharing of different practices around Europe that inspired action, critical and liberating dialogue;
(2) Study Session “Transferring positive practices of Democratic Youth Participation Models from the European to the Local Level”, 9-15 October 2016, Strasbourg (France) - This study session offered the space for 35 youth workers, representatives of institutions and decision makers to gather and research the positive practices of meaningful participation implemented on European Level. The main idea was to go into depth discussion of these processes, and have practitioners sharing their experiences, including difficulties and obstacles faced, as well as effective methods and systems of democratic youth participation models on European and local level;
(3) Training Course “Young Migrants Voices: a training course for boosting participation of young migrants in decision-making processes at local level”, 15-21 November 2016, Odiliapeel (the Netherlands) and 3-9 December 2017, Lisbon (Portugal). This 6-day training courses were the space for development of competences, dialogue and sharing of experiences among 26 youth workers, local authorities/municipal officers and youth leaders working with young migrants and youth with migrant background, to see together how local institutions can better respond to the need of young migrants and concretely encourage their participation;
(4) Training Course “Youth actors in decision-making”, 7-13 January 2017, Rezekne (Latvia). Sharing of experiences among the 30 youth workers, local authorities/municipal officers on the areas of youth participation, with specific focus given to the structures and mechanism for participation in decision-making.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

DYPALL Network, being an international network based in Portugal that counts on the membership of 10 Portuguese Municipalities, can contribute to involve these Local Authorities in the EuroMed cooperation. The Municipalities that are Members of DYPALL Network are particularly interested in establishing contacts and in creating partnerships with South-Mediterranean countries and DYPALL Network is the ideal platform to create these bridges and allow these first contacts.
Within the strategic priorities for 2018-2020, DYPALL Network has identified the cooperation with the South-Mediterranean Countries, particularly on the topic of youth participation in policy decision-making, has a major priority. The reason has to do with the democratic context in the post-Arab Spring, and the current process of decentralization of competences in favor of local authorities, that many countries in this region are going through. DYPALL Network can play here a valuable role in enhancing democracy and building capacity of Local Authorities in involving youth in democratic decision-making processes.
Therefore, DYPALL Network will bring to the Anna Lindh Network an undeniable value in enhancing democracy in the South-Mediterranean region by creating opportunities for the exchange of good practices and knowledge between the Portuguese Muncipalities that are Members of DYPALL Network (e.g. Municipality of Cascais, Municipality of Portimão, Municipality of Lagos, Municipality of Fundão, etc.) and the Local Authorities from the South-Mediterranean Countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the Anna Lindh Foundation’s Network, we aim at bringing our knowledge and practical experience on the topic of youth participation in decision making and, by this means, we aim also at contributing to enhance quality to democracy as the ideal of system of governance.
As members of the Anna Lindh Network, we will look to enlarge our scope of partners for future projects to be developed in the concerned topics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno António Miguel Cavaco
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Bruno António Miguel Cavaco


National Network

Rua Senhora do Monte 38, 2DT
1170-361 LISBON

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
  The main staff is composed of 3 people, but we generally involve several other partners in our projects. Our budget depends on projects - as an avarage our yearly budget is arount 30.000€ Our projects have been funded by the Lisbon Municipality, Gulbenkian Foundation, FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation), CNpQ (Brazilian Science Foundation). We work as artistic and curatorial collective: we organise participatory and community based public art projects and interventions, as well as workshops and public art events.  Our main partners have been: The Lisbon Municipality; Junta de Freguesia da Graça; Junta de Freguesia de Santa MAria Maior; Plano Lisboa; Universidade de Rio grande do Norte (Brazil); Ethnographica Terminalia; Universidade de Sergipe (Brazil); Paratissima (Torino, Italy); Associação Renovar a Mouraria (Lisbon); GAU - Galeria de Arte Urbana (Lisbon), among others.
Mission and Objectives

EBANOCollective is an artistic and curatorial collective that proposes to carry out site-specific projects and urban interventions through art supported by ethnographic research. Through the collaboration of artists and social scientists, EBANO develops participatory projects of public art tackling local community issues and larger social and urban questions.

Main Projects / Activities

2015. Nova LIberdade III. (Aracaju, Brazil). Funding CNPq.
2014. Passeio Literário da Graça/ Graça Literary walk. Funding: Programa BIP/ZIP 2013 from Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. Partners: Galeria de Arte Urbana; Junta de Freguesia de São Vincente. 
2014. Da casa para o beco. Supported by Associação Renovar a Mouraria and funded by Programa BIP/ZIP 2013 of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. Support: Fab Lab Lisboa.
2013. Shrines of Citizenship. Funded by: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Group ex. "Exhibition as Residency—Art, Anthropology, Collaboration" for Ethnographic Terminalia 2013, 18-22 November 2013, Arts Incubator at Washington Park, Chicago.
2013. Rua do Pecado. Funding: Lisbon Municipality
2012-2013. Casa das Chaves. Funding: Renovar a Mouraria. 
2013. A Mouraria imaginada pelas crianças. Funding CML. 
2013. NOOR – Mouraria Light Walk (18,19,20/07). Funding CML. 
2013. Woundscapes. Diálogos entre Antropologia e Arte. Centro Universitário Maria Antónia (São Paulo) (13/6 - 25/8 2013). Funding USP and Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros de Portugal (Programa Portugal Brasil Agora). 
2012. Woundscapes. Suffering, Creativity and bare life. Museu da Cidade (Lisboa) (18/4 – 8/7 2012). Funding: FCT e CML. 
2012-2014. Ghetto Six. Funding: FCT. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With a very specific notion of art and art intervention influenced by anthropology and ethnography, the EBANCollective will add a new and we hope original element to the national network, promoting and sharing our view of art as a working force in society at large and as a powerful tool to tackle social issues and to improve intercultural dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As anthropologists we strongly believe in the possibility and necessity of intercultural dialogue, especially at a time of growing conflict. The ALF offers a chance to build a working network between Europe and countries of the South Mediterranean, one of the present day major zone of conflict and of contact. We are eager to contribute with our practical knowledge to this conversation. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Bordonaro
Contact (2) Full Name
Chiara Pussetti
Job Title (2)
Member of Board of Directiion

ECOS Cooperativa de Educação, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, CRL

National Network

Passeio "Este livro que vos deixo" Lote 18 R/C Esq.
Campus de Gambelas, Pavilhão A5
8000-536 Faro

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ECOS is cooperative working on the field of Education and social inclusion that was officially established at the beginning of 2010 by a group of experienced educators and youth workers ative on the European and international level. Our activity differs from consultation to public bodies such as local municipalities to intergovernmental institutions, to programme and project development with local, national and international youth associations and institutions to the development of international cooperation projects. We are supporting the implementation and development of the local youth councils and provide consultancy to design youth policies. ECOS is also developing and supports research on the youth field. Our main expertise is on the development of participatory-based projects that involves young people and decision makers, such as local and regional authorities and other stakeholders. ECOS due to the staff expensive experience on youth training field is also an expert organisation on training and capacity building of youth organisation and public and private institutions working with and for youth. ECOS nowadays employs in the office 5 persons and is supported by a board of 3 directors. The organization is structured: General Assembly members; Board of directors; Financial Committee; General Assembly Committee; Staff: Executive team composed by Executive director and collaborators. Budget for the 2014 year: 176.570,00 € Main Activities: - International cooperation projects in the field of education and training; - Training Programmes (International, national and local) - Mobility Centre - Consultation
Mission and Objectives

ECOS - Cooperativa de Educação Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, CRL, have has it main goal of action the promotion of non-formal education for social inclusion. Through our activities, we try to contribute to the development of a more human, sustainable, fair, inclusive, participative, democratic, equitable, solidaire, cooperative, dialogical, diverse and integrated society.
Our main areas of Intervention are:
- Creation of spaces for structured dialogue, cooperation and collective construction among different actors, such as, social, business and institutional actors;
- Promotion, design, implementation and evaluation of playful, educational, social, cultural and sustainable development projects, in formal and non-formal spaces, through non-formal education, always in a way that it complements formal education and contributes to life long learning;
- Development of organizations capacity to do a more efficient management of their resources and projects through training and new technologies of information and communication;
- Monitoring, support, assessment and consultancy to individuals, organizations, institutions and respective educational programmes and social intervention projects;
- Promotion, recognition and validation of non-formal education and other alternative pedagogical methodologies that contribute to social transformation.

Main Projects / Activities

1. DYPALL - Developing Youth Participation at Local Level: https://www.facebook.com/groups/405769159433681/?fref=ts;
2. ALGARVE 2020 “A youth proposal” https://www.facebook.com/Algarve2020?fref=ts
3. AYECO - Africa-Europe Youth Cooperation Online Resource Centre
4. Activating Youthhttps://www.facebook.com/activatingyouthfaro
5. AGORA: Bringing Quality and Innovation into Youth participationhttps://www.facebook.com/youthparticipationinagora?fref=ts
6. Talk About it
7. Youth Takes the Floorhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/youthtakesthefloorfaro/?fref=tshttp://y…

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ECOS has a significant experience in networking and gathering different stakeholders in participatory-based projects promoting the development of civil society, the cooperation and dialogue.
We believe that we can contribute with our expertise for the network development in Portugal. We also believe that working in the south of Portugal, with the regional network of municipalities and youth organisations we will be able to bring new partners and new cooperation possibilities for this network. Our trainers, educators and project managers can also support the development of new projects within the network. We also expect to make this network closer to the current young people needs and priorities, and to develop tools to cooperate with others to approach this common challenges.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ECOS is a pioneer in enhancing, promoting and developing Euromed cooperation in the south region of Portugal. Our motivation is based on knowledge, experiences and feelings, which gives us a certainty that due to the historical background of the region we should promote more cooperation and opportunities for young people and other atores to cooperation within the Mediterranean region. Some of projects already contain cooperation with Arab and Mediterranean partners nevertheless we would like to enhance and to construct new cooperation opportunities.
Some of our team members have worked on the Euromed region providing training and workshops. We believe that within Anna Lindh Foundation Network we will not be only able to create new projects and partnerships but to also open new possibilities to cooperate and to support the development of the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno Miguel Cavaco António
Job Title
President of ECOS, Executive director and legar representative
Head of the organisation
Bruno Antonio, President of ECOS
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Martins
Job Title (2)
Project Manager