
Associação Sons da Lusofonia

National Network

Rua da Rosa, 145
1200-383 Lisboa

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

A non-profit cultural association created in 1996 by a group of people with the same ambition: to give visibility to the richness of the Portuguese language spread throughout the world. Today, while maintaining the same ambition, we don't limit ourselves only to the Portuguese language, but also to the various influences that Portugal has suffered over the centuries, which in our time can be felt through migratory processes and the various communities living specifically in Lisbon. We're a small institution with a working group of six people, funded by the Lisbon City Council, the Ministry of Culture and, occasionally, by project, we have various funders and partners. We have several projects that take place every year, which we present in the annex, and we have other occasional activities such as co-organising the "We Insist!" seminar in partnership with the European Jazz Network. Or the creation of a series of documentaries addressing various themes such as creativity, innovation, diversity, crossroads arising from emigration and travelling the world in counterpoint with information societies and new technologies, for a private Tv channel.

Mission and Objectives

The ASL's mission includes research in the field of music and expressive behaviour; the strengthening of Lusophony among Portuguese-speaking peoples; the creation and development of artistic groups; the production and dissemination of artistic works; pedagogy and training; the promotion of cultural events; and the promotion of networks and itinerancy between artists, researchers, trainers and other cultural agents from different backgrounds. Since its foundation, one of ASL's main objectives has been to contribute to co-operation between geo-culturally diverse countries, promoting the development of an identity based on traditions, common or not, oriented towards the future - creating a platform for communication between generations and groups with different habits and cultural heritages.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently, the most visible aspect of the Association is the annual conception and organisation of the following events: Festa do Jazz - Jazz Festival OPA (Portable Arts Workshop) JazzOPA Lisboa Mistura D'Improviso

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association believes that it is through common endeavour that the best results are achieved. It is part of our DNA to create networks, whether formal or informal, in order to realise its objectives, such as the impetus given to the creation of Portugal Jazz - a national network of musicians, producers and other structures linked to jazz. As in all networks or partnerships in which we are involved, we seek to contribute with our greatest effort to obtain results, local, national or international impact, dissemination of good practices that result from this joint work. Joining the Anna Lindh Foundation would be an opportunity to expand and integrate other realities and partnerships into our activities, and always with a view to create new projects.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Carlos Manuel Agostinho Martins
Job Title
Artistic Director and General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Carlos Martins
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristiana Maria da Silva Morais
Job Title (2)
Production Coordinator

Associação Sons da Lusofonia

National Network

Rua da Rosa 145
1200-383 Lisboa

(00351) 213463244
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
A Associação Sons da Lusofonia, é uma Associação de carácter cultural sem fins lucrativos, criada em 1996. A ideia da criação desta Associação partiu da experiência musical do saxofonista português, Carlos Martins, juntando inicialmente artistas de diversas origens, nomeadamente Africanos, Brasileiros e Portugueses, em diversos agrupamentos, com destaque para a Orquestra Sons da Lusofonia.
Mission and Objectives

A Associação promove intervenções abrangentes que aliam a intervenção social e a educação global à música e à interacção entre comunidades pessoas e artes, desenvolvendo actividades nas seguintes áreas:
Investigação em Etnomusicologia;
Pedagogia / Educação Global através da música;
Cooperação cultural e técnica;
Concepção e produção de suportes de comunicação (livros, discos, vídeos);
Promoção de espectáculos
Concepção de Grandes Eventos e Festivais

Main Projects / Activities

Actualmente, a face mais visível da Associação traduz-se na concepção e organização, com periodicidade anual das seguintes intervenções:
Festa do Jazz do São Luiz/ Festa do Jazz Português
OPA (Oficina Portátil de Artes)
Lisboa Mistura

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have years of experience producing events that criate bridges for intercultural exchanges between the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the european cultural visions of our world. We can contribute also integrating ALF cultural and comunitary policies in our event LISBOA MISTURA.  Please see our website for more info.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We can contribute to the Mediterranean network already formed by ALF bringing more events and people with a Portuguese/ Mediterranean feeling to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society projects for a better world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaíde Costa
Job Title
Assistente Direcção
Head of the organisation
Carlos Martins


National Network

1200-383 LISBON

+351 213463244
+351 213463244
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+351 913117057
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Associação Sons da Lusofonia (ASL) is a non‐profit cultural organization based in Lisbon, Portugal, founded in 1996. ASL works on artistic innovation and cultural projects, dedicated to social and community work, based on music and performing arts. The association is acting in different fields of cultural work: ethnomusicology, music education, interdisciplinary cooperations, publishing and production of cultural events and festivals. Its activities comprise the education project "OPA", that is integrating adolescents from the outskirts of Lisbon in the cultural scene of the capital, the national jazz festival "Festa do Jazz" and "Lisboa Mistura", a worldmusic festival with focus on new cultural tendencies and innovative intercultural music projects. Currently there are 4 employees working with ASL on a permanent basis and 20 people project-related. The annual budget is around 350.000€, of which 70% come from public funds and 30% from sponsorship. One main partner is the municipality of Lisbon.
Mission and Objectives

Associação Sons da Lusofonia (ASL) is a non‐profit cultural organization working on the intersections of culture, urban life and social communities in Lisbon, Portugal.
With its attitude towards innovative artistic approaches, social issues and cultural work, ASL reflects and challenges the surrounding society.
ASL is a boundary-pushing cultural organization that is working in close cooperation with the municipality of Lisbon to create a better cultural environment for citizens in Lisbon, Portugal and Europe. In all of its activities, ASL is focusing on the interaction between communities, people and arts to promote mutual understanding and collective creation.
ASL works on cultural projects that are dedicated to social and educational community work, based on music and other performing arts like dance or theatre performances. ASL aims at promoting cultural and artistic exchanges between artists from different cultural and genre backgrounds – focussing on the lusophone world that is interconnecting three continents, but also working on innovative influences from other geo-cultural areas.
The association is interested in and dedicated to different aspects of cultural work: ethnomusicology, music education, cultural and technical cooperation, conception and production of books/ CDs/ videos, concert promotion, conception of major cultural events and festivals. With its projects ASL aspires to establish Lisbon as one of the most innovative cultural and artistic hubs where the encounter of different cultural fields creates a unique landscape.

Main Projects / Activities

ASL has different fields of action, like research and education, interdisciplinary cooperations, publishing, promoting and production of major cultural events and festivals. Currently there ASL is running three main projects, covering the association’s core activities throughout the year.

Lisboa Mistura – Músicas do Mundo (festival)
Lisboa Mistura is an annual intercultural event. The main music program “Músicas do Mundo” is based on world music and focuses mainly on the exchange between Europe and Africa, perceiving the Mediterranean area as an important bridge between the continents. Lisboa Mistura brings international acts to Lisbon during its two-weeks duration.
Additionally to the main concert program, there are various sub-programmes: “Electrónicas do Mundo” is a new concept including electronic music/ worldtronica in collaboration with local clubs, aiming at including projects that are working on the boarders of traditional rhythms and electronic music from different parts of the world.
The festival’s sub-programme “Festa Intercultural” (engl. intercultural festival) takes place during one day of Lisboa Mistura and is dedicated to the variety of sub-cultures and communities with different cultural backgrounds that live in Lisbon. For the “Festa Intercultural” amateur and semi-professional groups are invited to present their specific cultural traditions in music and dance to the audience. This sub-programme is an example of how Lisboa Mistura is joining and involving several local communities and subcultures with international roots to promote this variety of world cultures that live specifically in the area of Greater Lisbon. By inviting them, Lisboa Mistura is emphazising Lisbon’s unique intercultural spirit of a “cidade-mundo” and is promoting its beauty and rich cultural variety not only to tourists, but also to Lisbon’s own citizens.
The new sub-programme “Cozinhas do Mundo” (engl. Cuisines of the world) is organized in cooperation with a local soup kitchen – during the festival chefs from different parts of the world present their specific culinary preferences to the festival audience.
Lisboa Mistura 2014 included 7 concerts in the main program “Músicas do Mundo” in different venues, 3 club nights in the “Electronicas do Mundo” program, 6 culinary evenings in the “Cozinhas do Mundo” program, the “Festa Intercultural”, 16 presentations with adolescentes from 6 neighborhoods as part of the educational OPA program as well as round table discussions and a 6 weeks artist residency program.
According to the goals of its organizer ASL, the festival Lisboa Mistura is always aiming at pushing awareness of the influence of cultural events and institutions within the local community and wants to establish strong local connections and interactions between Lisboa Mistura and the local urban community. The virtue of cultural work lies not only in presenting innovative artistic work, but also in linking arts with everyday public life through strategies for commitment that emphasizes art's role in urban life and politics. To do so it is crucial to find ways to integrate the festival in the urban communities and adress their specific needs with socially responsive cultural practices.

Festa do Jazz (festival)
The Portuguese national jazz festival Festa do Jazz was established in 2003 and has been dedicated to the Portuguese jazz scene ever since. The festival aims to present a selection of the best established Portuguese jazz musicians on the one hand and wants to support and present Portuguese rising jazz talents on the other – for this purpose Festa do Jazz is organizing a nationwide contest of jazz music schools. Each jazz school is invited to send their best students to the contest to compete in two categories: best jazz ensemble and best instrumentalist. The winners will be chosen by a jury consisting out of jazz professionals (artistic directors, musicians, professors, producers etc.). The best jazz ensemble will be invited to perform again at the next year’s festival edition as part of the main program. This national jazz school contest is the only one of its kind in the world of jazz and it is a unique way of fostering the Portuguese jazz scene, developing its future and create sustainable conditions.
Since the last edition, Festa do Jazz has made further steps towards advanced educational training and developing an international network for Portuguese jazz musicians by establishing international artist residency programs. Two musicians of international reputation were invited to work with Portuguese jazz students. The main goal is to internationalize the Portuguese jazz scene and to bring new energies and influences to the Portuguese jazz. The international residencies has been developed out of the rising awareness to the fact that it is increasingly important to invest in people and artistic exchanges in order to stimulate the growth of the Portuguese art scene.
Festa do Jazz takes place at the São Luiz Theatre in Lisbon in 4 venues of this theatre. During 3 days (Friday to Sunday) there are more than 25 concerts, 2 masterclasses and also a national contest, which includes around 17 bands representing music schools, invited to participate with their best jazz combos. A late night jam-session (00h00 to 02h00) completes the program at the end of each day.

OPA - Oficína Portátil de Artes (education project)
The project OPA - Oficína Portátil de Artes (engl. Mobile Art Workshops) is an education project working on social integration and artistic creation throughout the year. With innovative pedagogical methods, OPA wants to work with young people from neighborhoods in Lisbon’s outskirts and periphery to develop their artistic skills and finally present the results of the artistic process to a big audience in the capital as part of the Lisboa Mistura program.
The main idea is to work on the creation and enhencement of conditions for the integration of young  people with entrepreneurial and artistic potencial that are living in neighborhoods at the margins of urban society and are therefore often excluded from opportunities. OPA intends to integrate young people with skills and ambitions in arts and culture by building and promoting a professional network that gives them access to creation and artistic practices that are usually often sealed. By working with adolescents from the outskirts of Lisbon the project aims at encouraging young people to deepen their artistic expertise as well as offering them the opportunity to perform at a big stage in the city centre as part of the festival program. Besides giving them visibility and recognition for their artistic work, OPA is working on providing professional qualification (artistic and management skills) to prepare young artists to work in the cultural sector. OPA is constantly expanding its local actions and promotes training and creation work sessions carried for young artists, together with professional and well known national guest artists. This project growth will culminate with the artistic professional qualification and the biggest possible development of the local potential.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

One of the main objectives of ASL is to support exchanges between artists and organizations specially located in the Mediterranean area and to promote the intercultural dialogue in Portugal.
We develop our projects with partners from the local community, local municipality and international organizations based in Lisbon - this creates a strong local network of knowledge that can be an advantage. Being one the most influential music institutions in Portugal, that organizes important events such as Festa do Jazz or Lisboa Mistura, but also educational programs like OPA – Oficina Portátil de Artes, ASL has a strong connection with national and international musicians and other artists that can expand the ALF Network recognition in Portugal. Also our projects aim to create solid links with artists and organization from the Mediterranean area, which is fundamental for the intercultural dialogue and the understanding of different cultures and artistic manifestations.
As a way to develop a strong jazz network ASL is working on the internationalization of the Portuguese jazz scene and intends to strengthen the national jazz scene by giving it new input through internationally successful resident artists and by inviting international jazz critics to the jazz festival Festa do Jazz. Like this the festival wants to address Portuguese, European and international communities.
Festa do Jazz is a member of the European Jazz Network. As such, promoting discussion groups and jazz values on an international level is an important goal of the festival and it aims at establishing networks and encourage the mobility of national jazz musicians. The festival wants to be present in the most important international events of jazz, promoting the Portuguese musicians and work in profitable exchanges trough jazz musicians all over the world.

With the future editions, Festa do Jazz is aiming at establishing the festival as one of Portugal’s biggest international jazz encounters and keep on working on establishing the unique national jazz school contest. One future goal concerning the school contest is to expand it to be an international music school forum by initiating and international music school exchange program (like Erasmus). One main goal will be to keep on internationalizing Festa do Jazz to open up to a global jazz scene and promote Portuguese Jazz as well as bringing international established jazz musicians to Portugal´s capital. Besides being a promotion platform for Portuguese jazz musicians and an initiator for international exchange, Festa do Jazz wants to make a difference by including innovative projects in its program that are unique in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a Lisbon-based organization ASL has a strong awareness of its Mediterranean roots and aims at increasing its Mediterranean network. Being part of the ALF Network will allow us to increase our artistic and cultural connections specifically in the Mediterranean area by getting in touch with other ALF members.
ASL’s activities have always been dedicated to the Mediterranean area as a bridge between Europe and Africa. ASL is working on topics that are relevant to the lusophone world, which is connecting three continents, but also in projects that involve artists from the Maghreb region.
Integrating groups from the Mediterranean area has been a constant to the programmation of different events organized by ASL, a tendency that has been deepend and reinforced by the intercultural event Lisboa Mistura.
We also think that the Mediterranean community will continue to play an important role in the future process of harmonization of this large and diverse cultural region by approaching and uniting different tendencies in culture and society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaíde Costa
Job Title
Administrative Assistant
Head of the organisation

Associação Yehudi Menuhin Portugal

National Network

R. António Maria Cardoso, n.º 68
1249-101 Lisboa

+351 213 428 250
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Association Yehudi Menuhin Portugal (AYMP) is a non-profit cultural Association, was founded on January 27, 2000 and is affiliated to the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation.
The AYMP works with socially disadvantaged population groups and in which the presence of a population from minority cultures is significantly noted.
AYMP has been developing, since its foundation, various activities and projects, namely, the MUS-E Portugal. AYMP has also been developing several training activities for adults: teachers, other education professionals, artists and students' families and others.
The Association was founded under the impulse of Helena Vaz de Silva, at the time president of the Centro Nacional de Cultura, and since its constitution, AYMP has its headquarter at the CNC. The other main partners involved in the AYMP's projects/activities, in addition to the Portuguese education ministry, have been the Schools (Agrupamentos de Escolas) and the Municipalities of the different cities where MUS-E Portugal has been developed: Évora, Leiria, Lisbon, Matosinhos, Porto, Odemira, Oeiras and Vila Nova de Gaia.
In addition to the quotas of individual, collective and benefactors’ associates of AYMP, the Association was financed by the Ministry of Education and has been financed by the municipalities in which the MUS-E project/ program is present. Also has received the sponsorship of several institutions.

Mission and Objectives

The Association Yehudi Menuhin Portugal (AYMP) aims to pursue objectives of artistic character, formatives and of social integration, promoting the arts as a means of preventing violence, development of tolerance and sense of citizenship, according to the ideals of Yehudi Menuhin and the principles of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation.
AYMP promotes, among other activities, the MUS-E Portugal.

Main Projects / Activities

The main project / program of AYMP is MUS-E. The MUS-E initiative was created by Yehudi Menuhin in 1993, together with Werner Schmitt, IYMF Vice-President, and Marianne Poncelet, IYMF Executive Vice-President. It is based on a concept of music education developed by the Hungarian composer, ethnomusicologist and teacher Zoltan Kodály (1882 - 1967). Kodály believed that music should be part and parcel of daily education and accessible to all. Yehudi Menuhin broadened Kodály’s concept to incorporate all creative arts spanning all cultures. Since 1993, MUS-E Associations in various countries have built up a wealth of experience in implementing the use of creative arts in traditional primary school curriculums, working particularly with children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
In its present form, the program MUS-E is targeted at primary schools, mainly in Europe, which are facing the challenge of educating a growing multicultural group of children, many of whom come from migrant or disadvantaged families and are at risk of social exclusion or other societal problems. In the presence of classroom teachers, professional artists actively engaged in MUS-E introduce and share various forms of art (singing, dance, music, movement, drama, visual and multimedia arts,...).
Thanks to this collective work, the MUS-E programme encourages dialogue and togetherness, while awakening children’s sense of creativity, empathy and resilience.
Three fields of activity are interconnected in the MUS-E programme:
- Artistic
Art is all too often given minimum attention in the school curriculum, but it is a powerful tool to awaken and stimulate children’s curiosity for learning.
The MUS-E programme is a meaningful, effective and unique addition to existing music and art classes offered by schools.
- Pedagogical
MUS-E’s artistic approach to school education helps children to enjoy school as a place to learn and socialize. lt also helps teachers to discover an additional teaching strategy focussed on every child’s needs, abilities, leveI of development and cultural background. MUS-E activities are based on the premise that children have their own way of processing knowledge and culture, 50 that if schools are able to leverage this, they become key social agents. The partnership between teachers and visiting artists enables the teacher’s function of helping children in their quest for knowledge, overcoming the idea that the teacher is the only gatekeeper of knowledge. Moreover, teachers can use the MUS-E experience and practice to support teaching other subjects on the school curriculum.
- Social
The schools benefitting from the MUS-E programme are mainly located in lower income districts with few cultural stimuli and /or high concentration of diverse backgrounds. By triggering children’s creativity, their capacity for resilience to adverse social circumstances is strengthened. MUSE optimizes the creative resources of the children and families, and the wealth of their cultural diversity.

Over the years, MUS-E Portugal has been recognized as a Cultural Interest Project by the Ministry of Culture / Portuguese Secretary of State for Culture.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As the AYMP has the objective, non-profit, to pursue exclusively artistic, educational, cultural, training and social integration purposes, with a view to promoting the arts as a means of preventing violence, developing tolerance and the sense of citizenship, AYMP could contribute to the Network, according to AYMP statutes, namely:

a) The carrying out of artistic, educational, cultural, training and social integration activities, with a view to promoting music and other arts as a means of preventing violence and as a means of developing tolerance and a sense of citizenship, according to the teachings of Yehudi Menuhin and the programs of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation.
b) The development of artistic education in the educational system and in Portuguese society, namely through the implementation and development of the MUS-E project of the International Foundation Yehudi Menuhin, in order to provide children and young people with the knowledge and mutual respect of different cultures;
c) Cultural promotion, in collaboration with public and private entities and bodies that pursue the same aim;
d) The development of music and other arts in the broader sectors of the population, through public events;
e) The promotion of activities aimed at promoting the educational, social and cultural integration of disadvantaged children and young people;
f) The creation of educational, artistic and cultural cooperation networks that help to achieve the association's objectives, at regional, national and international level;
g) The organization of seminars and conferences to study and expand the activities and initiatives of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, always on the basis of a human climate of trust and goodwill and intercultural solidarity;
h) The adoption and promotion of initiatives in favor of tolerance, dialogue and solidarity between different peoples and social groups, for the improvement of the interior environment - spiritual, moral and conceptual - and exterior, in order to elicit a global response to dehumanization of current societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To contribute to the Network of Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation promoting the Dialogue between Cultures.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Leonor C. C. Cambournac
Job Title
Coordenadora Nacional do MUS-E Portugal
Head of the organisation
Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins (President of the board)

Atelier Gourmed

National Network

Tv. Trindade, 16 - 2º B

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
5 associates. Degrees in sociology, enology, marketing, international commerce and history. 200.000 euros in 2009. Barclays bank. Cultural events and food cultural and arts and crafts interchange. Isabel Menano; Sérgio Vaz; Luís Cancella Abreu; José Manuel Seruya and Nuno Cancella Abreu.
Mission and Objectives

Develop the trade and the culture of the Mediterranean countries through the organization of events, goods, institutional gifts, conferences, audiovisual work/presentation and cultural traveling.

Main Projects / Activities

Enhance the cultural trade and develop international trend and preference of the Mediterranean diet. As a goal we wish that Mediterranean culture should be looked and protected as a real patrimony of human kind in order to create peace and economical development. Moreover, we are already activists of nature sustainability with the constant plantation of young trees, in our country, with a percentage of our profit.

Contact (1) Full Name
Isabel Menano
Contact (2) Full Name
Sérgio Vaz

Aventura Marão Clube

National Network

Casa da Juventude de Amarante
Av.ª General Silveira, 193, Cepelos
4600-017 Amarante


00351 255 420 234
Telephone (other)
00351 255 420 223
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00351 913051999
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Aventura Marão Clube (AMC) is a non-profit organisation created in 1993 by a group of young people from Amarante. Currently we have more than 350 local members. Our board has 7 directors and is organised in 3 sections: mountain biking, canoeing and fair trade. We have 9 paid staff and also volunteers(local and international. For 2013 we run a budget of 250.000 euros. Our sources of funding for this budget are: - european fundings (YiA, LLLP) - own resources (quotations, incomes from youth center facilities and bar/restaurant) - sponsors (publicity for our main events) - local/national fundings (public administration and local authorities) We run a youth center where we devepo concrete projects at local level and also under YIA and LLLP. Our main partners are NGOs from Mediterranean Partner Countries and from Europe (mainly, NGOs and public sector running similar youth centers or developing similar projects).
Mission and Objectives

The mission of AMC is to promote healthy lifestyles among young people from the region of Amarante and also approach them, especially those with fewer opportunities, to youth policies, encouraging their active participation. Besides, we intend to instill the values of European citizenship, democracy and sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

Since November 2008, AMC manages and coordinates the Youth Centre of Amarante. AMC promotes activities in the field of Non-Formal Education (NFE) and Human Rights Education (HRE) in order to develop personal and social skills of young people and stimulate national and international mobility. Examples of projects we have done/participated with EUROMED countries:
- YE "Food and Biological Consumption" (2009);
- YE "From local legends to global challenges" (2010);
- YE "Euromed Challenge 1: be a volunteer!" (2011);
- YE "Euromed Challenge 2: be an entrepreneur!" (2012);
- TC "PEACE BAG Training of Multipliers" (2012)
Besides this we are running since 2008 several youth activities (youth exchanges, youth and democracy, EVS, training courses, partnership building activities, study visits, job shadowing, Grundtvig workshop, etc.), some of them also involving partners from mediterranean partner countries

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to this Network by:
- sharing our experience in non-formal education and intercultural learning methods;
- using our contacts and knowledge about Euromed area;
- providing good quality facilities for international meetings/activities;
- assuring our commitment as reliable and enthusiastic partners for future cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main reasons to join ALF Network are:
- mediterranean cooperation is a priority for our organisation;
- we have been working since 2006 within the frame of Euromed projects that allowed us to accummulate experience;
- we want to establish a reliable network of partners within Euromed area;
- we believe ALF Network can offer new opportunities of cooperation with other Euromed partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miguel Pinto
Head of the organisation
Alfredo Manuel Branco de Carvalho
Contact (2) Full Name
Catarina Duarte

Babel - Cultural Association

National Network

Rua Doutor José Nascimento e Sousa
no. 35-37
2460-042 Alcobaça

+351 918080412
Telephone (other)
+853 63091950
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+351 918080412
Mobile Phone (other)
+853 63091950
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

BABEL is non for profit cultural organization with permanent and part-time collaborators working on-site and remotely. Until now, BABEL has worked with more than a hundred partners locally, regionally and internationally. BABEL was initially funded in Macau (2013) and is now established in Portugal (2022). BABEL relies on its own resources and counts on the regular support of the Macau Government and private companies. BABEL generates research, knowledge production and learning opportunities in art, architecture and the environment through artistic residences, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, workshops, activities, screenings and performances. BABEL partners with various organizations, including Governments, Municipalities, Universities, and other not-for-profit organizations, like the Artist at Risk (Finland) and Orient Foundation (both in Macau and Lisbon).

Mission and Objectives

BABEL’s mission is to generate research and learning opportunities in the fields of contemporary art, architecture and environment. BABEL is conceived as a museum without walls and aims to work between cultures and across disciplines. To achieve its goals, BABEL establishes regional and international partnerships with institutions of recognized educational and cultural merit. Therefore a spirit of collaboration, and the creation of fruitful synergies, is essential to the fulfillment of BABEL mission.

Main Projects / Activities

New Visions - a project for new artistic talents Stolen Objects Stories - a regular conference and online archive about contested heritage. Education Activities - for local community and schools, in partnership with the municipal council Network of Portuguese-Speaking Art Worlds - under development Artistic Residencies - for the artist at risk (war/oppression)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

BABEL can partner with any event within the fields defined in our mission art, architecture and environment (both in Macau and Portugal) or host artists/writes/academics in residence (7 simultaneously), exhibitions (2000 sqm exhibition area), seminars, conferences, workshops activities, screenings and performances in BABEL's new facilities in Portugal with a marvelous 1000 sqm garden for cultural activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To support and promote the Euro-Mediterranean partnerships, intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity, to contribute to bringing the peoples of the region closer together and to a better common understanding.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Margarida Battaglia Abre
Job Title
Production Director
Head of the organisation
Margarida Saraiva
Contact (2) Full Name
Margarida Saraiva
Job Title (2)

Bacalhoeiro Colectivo Cultural

National Network

Rua dos Bacalhoeiros 125, 1º-2º 1100-068

00351 218864891
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1 - Non-Profit Youth Cultural Association Board's Members:Francesco Russo, Inês Brito, Martina Maña, Núria Zaragoza, Pedro Fidalgo. 8.500 members. 2 - 80.000 € 3 - Youht Portugues Institution, European Youth Project 4 - EVS, workshops, Performing Arts Events 5 - Lisbon Municipality, IPJ.
Mission and Objectives

Bacalhoeiro is a non-profit cultural organisation with about 8.000 members, mainly related to the artistic and cultural area of Lisbon. This association was created aiming to promote an alternative artistic expression place, covering a need in the cultural Portuguese tissue. Therefore, we focus our work in two main directions: developing projects inside and outside our head-quarter. On the one hand, we develop pedagogical activities in the neighbouring area and we work hand in hand with the Town Council, in order to increase the artistic knowledge of the young population through leisure activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Bacalhoeiro offers a daily programme of activities and dedicates every day of the week to a different artistic discipline: Tuesdays, films and cooking; Wednesdays, dancing; Thursdays, performances, Friday DJ sets, Saturday concerts, and Sunday experimental acoustic jazz. Every three weeks, there is a new plastic art exhibition.
Moreover, Bacalhoeiro offers a wide range of workshops and develops punctual projects with the involving area and with other organisations.
It receives young people through European Voluntary Service Project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sérgio Alves

boa CRIAÇÃO - cooperativa cultural

National Network

Largo da Igreja, Mértola, Portugal
Corte da Velha
7750-354 Mértola

+ 351 966434317
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

boa CRIAÇÃO is a non profit cooperative, created in 2022, following the project ‘De Boca em Boca - histórias a nutrir comunidades (Word of Mouth – Stories to Nurture Communities), developed in Mértola, Portugal, since 2020.

Mission and Objectives

The cooperative is dedicated to the development of cultural activities, in the various artistic areas, that stimulate and promote contemporary creation and foster creativity, artistic education and training. It offers the community services in the fields of education and training; consultancy, mentoring and curatorship; cultural and creative tourism; and, sustainable, environmental and local development. Likewise, it is dedicated to the concept, implementation and support of programs and projects in the framework of the Cooperation for Development and of the Education for Development, organizing initiatives to foster active and global citizenship that promote people’s participation in social transformation.
The activities of boa CRIAÇÃO: contribute to facilitate the access to culture and education, with special emphasis to vulnerable people and groups, with less opportunities or in situations of social exclusion; safeguard and promote the material and immaterial heritage; produce and execute artistic work and cultural events in the interior of Portugal; and, promote solidarity and the reinforcement of people’s feeling of belonging in communities, to deepen the exercise of Social Rights, Human and Fundamental Rights, Global Citizenship and the Goals for Sustainable Development.

Main Projects / Activities

Storytelling Sessions
Storytelling sessions in village squares and hills, with Rita Sales and Pedro Bravo, where people are encouraged to tell and thus share their memory of oral tradition and life stories. It is also intended to contribute to the county's cultural dynamism and to the creation of positive collective memories.

Digital Resource Center
Online platform for disseminating the project, which provides the collection of the oral tradition carried out, as well as an area to receive contributions from the community.

Short Story Writing
Original stories by Pedro Faria Bravo based on listening to the life stories of the population of Mértola, based on previous visits and sessions of Tales in Largo.

Paper Photography
At each meeting we take photographs of people and places, always taking care to respect each one's spaces. When we return to the same place, we look for people to give them their photograph on paper. We realize how important physical contact with their photographed image is for many people, in times when so much of the world becomes virtual and impalpable, therefore, inaccessible to those who do not use digital media.

Path, Landscapes and People - a journey through the Boca em Boca project
This is at the same time a presentation of the work carried out, a storytelling session and a conversation where the participants will have the opportunity to get to know the route, actors and places of the De Boca em Boca project - stories to nurture communities. Whoever joins us will be able to experience and reflect on the power of stories in communities and groups, be they neighborhoods, villages, schools, families, and so on. And because oral narration contributes to promoting and reinforcing collective memory, this gigantic tale that, over time, spreads from mouth to mouth, will also be able to taste a little of its flavor in this session. By sharing the work process carried out within the framework of the De Boca em Boca project, we believe we can contribute to increasing the number of people telling and listening, expanding the place given to imagination, creation and communion, in societies and in life.

Gatherers and Gatherers of Stories
The creation of the Clube dos Gleaners and Gleaners of Stories arises from the desire to expand the movement of telling and listening to different parts of the community, namely families, schools and other institutions and organizations.
Inspired by Agnès Varda and her documentary Os Gleaners and Gleaners, we claim to be story collectors with the intention of keeping alive the tradition of storytellers, thus reinforcing the life and culture of our community. For 2022/23, we propose the implementation of the project in schools within the scope of the National Arts Plan.

Today there are tales again
From Boca to Boca, he returns to the places he has already been to listen to people already identified as connoisseurs of stories. The objective is to continue the cultural dynamism in the villages and hills, counting and collecting, listening better and making recordings and photographs. Contact will be at the door and on the street. From the experience of Contos ao Largo, we plan to visit 15 locations where there are people we can listen to again.

Terra que Conta - the stories of Mértola on Radio and Podcast
It is a celebration of listening to stories from Mértola, its people and territory, based on collections carried out within the scope of the De Boca em Boca project - stories nourishing communities, which started in 2020; as well as a way of keeping alive the storytelling movement that is at the genesis of this project. Each program presents a listening path of a place, giving voice to the landscape, reinforcing its richness and value. We address the local listeners, whose voices we hear in the programs, making the importance of this culture audible, through the exercise of building narratives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with ideas and projects and with the will to know other organisation's experiences. We are available to participate in meetings and initiatives carried out by the network, but also participating in partnerships, projects and joint actions, as well as organising and promoting network actions in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a cultural cooperative, we are committed to the community and intend to contribute to a society with more social justice, more democratic and plural, free from radicalisation and intolerance.We develop intangible heritage projects and, being based in the south of Portugal, we believe that our Mediterranean culture should be valued. Within the scope of contemporary artistic creation projects, we are interested in the possibilities offered by the network in promoting encounters and dialogues between peoples and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Sales
Job Title
Artistic Director & Community Facilitator
Head of the organisation
Largo da Igreja, Mértola

boa CRIAÇÃO - cooperativa cultural

National Network

Largo da Igreja, Mértola, Portugal
Corte da Velha
7750-354 Mértola

+ 351 966434317
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

boa CRIAÇÃO is a non profit cooperative, created in 2022, following the project ‘De Boca em Boca - histórias a nutrir comunidades (Word of Mouth – Stories to Nurture Communities), developed in Mértola, Portugal, since 2020.

Mission and Objectives

The cooperative is dedicated to the development of cultural activities, in the various artistic areas, that stimulate and promote contemporary creation and foster creativity, artistic education and training. It offers the community services in the fields of education and training; consultancy, mentoring and curatorship; cultural and creative tourism; and, sustainable, environmental and local development. Likewise, it is dedicated to the concept, implementation and support of programs and projects in the framework of the Cooperation for Development and of the Education for Development, organizing initiatives to foster active and global citizenship that promote people’s participation in social transformation. The activities of boa CRIAÇÃO: contribute to facilitate the access to culture and education, with special emphasis to vulnerable people and groups, with less opportunities or in situations of social exclusion; safeguard and promote the material and immaterial heritage; produce and execute artistic work and cultural events in the interior of Portugal; and, promote solidarity and the reinforcement of people’s feeling of belonging in communities, to deepen the exercise of Social Rights, Human and Fundamental Rights, Global Citizenship and the Goals for Sustainable Development.

Main Projects / Activities

Storytelling Sessions Storytelling sessions in village squares and hills, with Rita Sales and Pedro Bravo, where people are encouraged to tell and thus share their memory of oral tradition and life stories. It is also intended to contribute to the county's cultural dynamism and to the creation of positive collective memories. Digital Resource Center Online platform for disseminating the project, which provides the collection of the oral tradition carried out, as well as an area to receive contributions from the community. Short Story Writing Original stories by Pedro Faria Bravo based on listening to the life stories of the population of Mértola, based on previous visits and sessions of Tales in Largo. Paper Photography At each meeting we take photographs of people and places, always taking care to respect each one's spaces. When we return to the same place, we look for people to give them their photograph on paper. We realize how important physical contact with their photographed image is for many people, in times when so much of the world becomes virtual and impalpable, therefore, inaccessible to those who do not use digital media. Path, Landscapes and People - a journey through the Boca em Boca project This is at the same time a presentation of the work carried out, a storytelling session and a conversation where the participants will have the opportunity to get to know the route, actors and places of the De Boca em Boca project - stories to nurture communities. Whoever joins us will be able to experience and reflect on the power of stories in communities and groups, be they neighborhoods, villages, schools, families, and so on. And because oral narration contributes to promoting and reinforcing collective memory, this gigantic tale that, over time, spreads from mouth to mouth, will also be able to taste a little of its flavor in this session. By sharing the work process carried out within the framework of the De Boca em Boca project, we believe we can contribute to increasing the number of people telling and listening, expanding the place given to imagination, creation and communion, in societies and in life. Gatherers and Gatherers of Stories The creation of the Clube dos Gleaners and Gleaners of Stories arises from the desire to expand the movement of telling and listening to different parts of the community, namely families, schools and other institutions and organizations. Inspired by Agnès Varda and her documentary Os Gleaners and Gleaners, we claim to be story collectors with the intention of keeping alive the tradition of storytellers, thus reinforcing the life and culture of our community. For 2022/23, we propose the implementation of the project in schools within the scope of the National Arts Plan. Today there are tales again From Boca to Boca, he returns to the places he has already been to listen to people already identified as connoisseurs of stories. The objective is to continue the cultural dynamism in the villages and hills, counting and collecting, listening better and making recordings and photographs. Contact will be at the door and on the street. From the experience of Contos ao Largo, we plan to visit 15 locations where there are people we can listen to again. Terra que Conta - the stories of Mértola on Radio and Podcast It is a celebration of listening to stories from Mértola, its people and territory, based on collections carried out within the scope of the De Boca em Boca project - stories nourishing communities, which started in 2020; as well as a way of keeping alive the storytelling movement that is at the genesis of this project. Each program presents a listening path of a place, giving voice to the landscape, reinforcing its richness and value. We address the local listeners, whose voices we hear in the programs, making the importance of this culture audible, through the exercise of building narratives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with ideas and projects and with the will to know other organisation's experiences. We are available to participate in meetings and initiatives carried out by the network, but also participating in partnerships, projects and joint actions, as well as organising and promoting network actions in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a cultural cooperative, we are committed to the community and intend to contribute to a society with more social justice, more democratic and plural, free from radicalisation and intolerance.We develop intangible heritage projects and, being based in the south of Portugal, we believe that our Mediterranean culture should be valued. Within the scope of contemporary artistic creation projects, we are interested in the possibilities offered by the network in promoting encounters and dialogues between peoples and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Sales
Job Title
Artistic Director & Community Facilitator
Head of the organisation
Pedro Faria Bravo