
Stowarzyszenie Artystów Polskich

National Network

18/14 Berka Joselewicza Street
31-051 Kraków

+48 794 752 127
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+48 792 674 711
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 790 757 282
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Stowarzyszenie Artystów Polskich (SAP, Piolish Artists Associacion) is a non-profit organisation which promotes creativeness of young artists in different fields such as music, literature and art. All people involved in Association’s actions work on volunteer basis. The head of the SAP is Jacek Ajdanović - young cellist and composer. In Association Board there are also Marta Ciesielska, Weronika Krówka, Roman Czura and Bogusława Hubisz-Sielska. To achieve objectives SAP is organizing artistic events, festivals, concerts, conferences, lectures and exhibitions. Every year SAP organizes music festival “New Music New Faces”. Because of a small budget, which consist of an individual donations, we cooperate with sponsors to make the festival a successful event.
Mission and Objectives

- development of music, literature and art
- promotion of young artists
- promotion of national culture abroad
- promotion of Kraków
- development of civil society
- actions for European integration and cooperation between cultures

Main Projects / Activities

- organization of a music festiwal "New Music New Faces” which is an only independent festival of contemporary music in Poland. Idea of the festival is to present and promote creation of young artists but also remind forgotten composers of the 20th century. During the festival audience could hear works not only Polish but also Belarusian, Chinese, Croatian and Ukrainian artist.
- participation in Sarajevo Winter Festival 2012 in which Polish music will be promoted
- participation in 12th International Triennale of Architecture, Kraków
- organization, in cooperation with Polish Institute in Minsk, a concert “On the centenary of birth of Karol Szymanowski”
- civil society actions – consultations on the new philharmonic building, actions for giving the street name of Marek Stachowski

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network in order to promote our festival “New Music New Faces”. We have already been able to establish contacts with organizations in Balkans countries but we would like to inform more countries about our initiative. We would like to invite young musicians from Euro-Mediterranean countries to take part in our Festival and present their creativeness during the festival.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacek Ajdinović
Head of the organisation
Jacek Ajdinović
Contact (2) Full Name
Michalina Miedzianowska

Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Kulturalnej Widok

National Network

ul. Mazowiecka 37f m.13 15-301 Białystok, Poland

+48 662 476 834
Telephone (other)
+48 512 757 506
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+48 662 476 834
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 512 757 506
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Widok Association is a non-governmental organization established in 2000. Currently it has 20 members. It has a yearly budget of around 100000 PLN. The main sources of funding are: individual donors, 1% income tax deduction, Stefan Batory Foundation, grants from governmental and other non-governmental organizations. The main modalities of action include: scholarship programme (main activity since 2003), concrete art and education projects, publishing activity. Association's main partners are Stefan Batory Foundation, Kurier Poranny (local newspaper), Arsenal Gallery (Bialystok), Slendzinski Gallery (Bialystok), University of Bialystok, Stanislaw Staszic Colledge of Public Administration in Bialystok.
Mission and Objectives

Widok Association's mission is to develop and promote activities supporting cultural education within society and propagate information about culture, as well as to support individuals and organizations undertaking such actions.
Association's activity is in particular aimed at children and adolescents from poor urban and rural areas, disabled people, people in danger of social exclusion and all people whit difficult access to culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Artistic and education workshops, plein-air workshops, exhibitions, publications, organizing cultural events, scholarships for poor and artistically gifted children and teenagers, scholarships for art students and young artists, cooperation with individuals and institutions for the purpose of gathering information and exchanging experience regarding cultural education, organization-economic consultancy and aid for association members as well as other subjects interested in the association's activity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Widok Association is a well established non-governmental organization operating in Bialystok and eastern podlasie region. We can contribute over 12 years of experience as well as a tight group of energetic and devoted members. Our contacts with other oragnizations, public institutions and private companies can also prove valuable in future projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because the ALF Network will allow Widok Association to spread its activity to the whole world. It will also enable us to participate and contribute to international projects. The worldwide network of contacts within other organizations and institutions will also help us to widen our activity and create better and more attractive projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarzyna Siwerska
Head of the organisation
Magdalena Godlewska
Contact (2) Full Name
Konrad Pormańczuk


National Network

UL. HAGERA 41, 41-800 ZABRZE

+48 32 271 24 49 ext. 14
+48 32 271 24 49 ext. 12
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Art Mine Association staff consists of 3 employees, and 10 co-operators on average. Its average annual turnover is ca. 120 thousand EUR. It acquires funds for projects realization within regional, national and international programmes as well as from private sponsors. It carries out cultural, educational and training projects, both national and international (Grundtvig programme among others). It’s currently the leader of a regional project called “Cluster of culture and industrial tourism” aiming at the promotion of industrial heritage and mutual co-operation in this domain. It co-operates with city halls of various Upper- Silesian cities, Silesian Voivodeship, institutions of higher education as well as numerous cultural and educational institutions, both national and foreign, and particularly members of the Industrial Monuments Route of the Silesian Voivodeship.
Mission and Objectives

The Art Mine Association was established with an aim to promote cultural and industrial heritage of Zabrze and the whole region of Upper Silesia as well as to activate their inhabitants. Furthermore, it undertakes the activities regarding:
- revitalization of historical post-industrial premises
- cultural, education, tourist and recreational aspects of the city and the region
It supports the development of the education, culture and entrepreneurship as well as other institutions’ activities promoting cultural and industrial heritage, tourism and culture development both in national and world-wide dimension. It also puts focus on lifelong learning aspects as well as professional qualifications improvement.

Main Projects / Activities

Art Mine Association realizes its objectives by the following actions:
- organization of cultural events such as: theatrical and musical performances, art workshops and exhibitions
- organization of seminars, conferences, lectures and contests
- counselling, promotion, research and publishing activities
- complex support in the domain of financial sources procurement
It organises and co-organises cultural events (theatrical performances, music festivals, artistic exhibitions and workshopsetc.), ot co-organises the Zabrze JAZ Festival of Improvised Music among others. It also houses “Fortepianarium” – the Centre of Keybord Instruments Heritage, the only such one in Poland. Since 2012 it’s been the leader of the project entitled “The claster of culture and Industrial Tourism” realised within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme of the Silesia Voivodeship for the years 2007-2013. Moreover, it runs education and training projects, including those related to lifelong learning programme. Art Mine Association also offers counseling in the domain of financial sources procurement, both from national and international bodies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Art Mine Association can contribute to the national network development by bringing its present experience as well as eagerness to enrich the Netowork’s current activities both with content-related issues and their scope.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would welcome the chance of joining the ALF Network and thus contribute to the worldwide promotion of cultural and social diversity. Participation in the ALF Network would allow us to extend the geographical dimension of our activities, both in cultural and social aspects, and launch new partnerships across the region aiming at supporting mutual understanding and tolerance. ALF Network is an excellent platform for those wishing to exchange ideas and experience in numerous fields of actions intended for bringing together the citizens of the region and encouraging them to active participation in this region-wide dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Stowarzyszenie Kulturalne LADO

National Network

ul. Wiolinowa 2 m 41
02-785 Warszawa


605 050 485
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Lado consists of 25 members - all actively involved in cultural activity, mainly related to music. Annual budget of various project is usually above 50 000 EUR. Main sources of funding: Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Adam Mickiewicz Institute and City of Warsaw, also smaller contributions from various sponsors. Main activities: Organization of concerts and festivals, international exchange between musicians, promotion of Polish alternative music scene, Record Label - over 40 albums released, ranging from experimental music, through jazz and classical. The Association and its members were granted many nominations and prizes like Wdechy (Gazeta Wyborcza prize), Paszport Polityki , Fenomen Przekroju (for the Association leader Maciej Morus), Nocne Marki (Mitch and Mitch band) etc.
Mission and Objectives

Established in 2007, the LADO association sets out to nurture and promote any manifestation of independent art in Poland, and to animate cultural life by publishing music and graphic design (both artistic and functional), organising art events (concerts, festivals, workshops, exhibitions etc.), and facilitating contacts between artists, in Poland as well as internationally.
In the most general of terms, LADO’s mission is to change the art environment by supporting and representing independent artists of all persuasions and personal philosophies. LADO is a private, non-profit association.
New as it is, LADO is in fact an assembly of highly experienced artists and cultural animators, with years of expertise ranging from performing and composing music, through organising festivals, to journalism and critical work. Its members have worked with and partcipated in prestigious cultural events throughout Europe, collaborated with some of the world’s most prominent contemporary artists, and themselves produced important work over the years.
The LADO association has been established to embrace their collective knowledge and creative energy so that it can be implemented with greater efficiency and thus have a more profound impact on the cultural environment in Poland and across its borders. Under a common label, LADO’s members and beneficiaries will also have a chance to promote their work more easily on foreign soil, thereby contributing to a cultural exchange so vital to the European identity.

Main Projects / Activities

"Lado w miescie" - recurring summer festival organized in Warsaw in cooperation with other partners presenting Polish young bands.
International tours and collaboration with foreign musicians of SzaZa, Mitch and Mitch, Paristetris, LXMP, Cukunft, Marcin Masecki, Raphael Roginski etc. In 2010-2011 they visited and collaborated with musicians from: USA, Hungary, Lithuania, Island, Italy, UK, Egypt, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Norway and Japan.
Over 40 published music albums including the latest: Profesjonalizm, Levity, Hubert Zemler,
Paula and Karol, etc.
All listed on www.ladoabc.com

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to intensify cultural exchange and get to know similar organizations from the Mediterranean countries with which we haven't had many interactions so far.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kamila Bondar
Head of the organisation
Maciej Moruś
Contact (2) Full Name
Mariusz Nowicki

Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Inicjatyw Kulturalnych Kraków-Norymberga-Frankfurt/M.(Association for Cultural Initiatives Kraków- Nurnberg- Frankfurt/M. )

National Network

Ul. Sebastiana 22/14, 31-049 Kraków,

0048 12 429 5228
Telephone (other)
0048 12 631 2540
0048 12 429 5228
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Religion
General Information
1)non-profit, non government organisation, established in 1995 with three partner cities: CRACOW-NUREMBERG-FRANKFURT/M. Since 1996 we act under the honorary auspicious of the City Halls of Cracow, Nuremberg and Frankfurt/M. 3)international projects implemented by the association and voluntary work of its members. 5/6) Permanent partners of our projects are the MEDIENWERKSTATT Franken TV Studio Stadt Nürnberg; Religion Fernsehen of Austrian Broadcasting Public Television ORF (Vienna); City Hall of Cracow, the City Hall of Nuremberg, the Judaic Foundation - Centre for the Jewish Culture, the Institute of Modern Art in Nuremberg, the German-Polish Association in Frankfurt/M, the Historical Museum of Cracow, the Goethe Institute in Cracow, the Nuremberg House in Krakow, the Jesuits’ Centre for Dialogue, the Polish-German Foundation, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Berlin); Simon Dubnow Institute in Leipzig; Diozese Innsbruck; Institut für Systematishe Theologie Innsbruck University, Department of Jewish History at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
Mission and Objectives

The Association’s policy is to aim at a harmonious development of Polish live style and education system within Europe. It is also the Association’s goal to initiate and implement projects in the field of culture, which can unite European cities. The Association arranges and implements artistic and educational projects with the application of audio-visual techniques in co-operation with the national television stations of Poland, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Slovakia, Belgium and 3SAT.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association for Cultural Initiatives is co-ordinator and partner in the following projects:
a) From December 2000: Co-ordination of the E.U.project “The Legend of Ritual Murder” in the E.U. programme “CULTURE 2000
b) June 1999-June 2002: the Association co-ordinated the E.U. SOCRATES (COMENIUS action 2) project “Others are also us”
2. DIMPLE PROJECT 2000 – 2003 The Association established in its office the National Helpdesk for Intercultural Study Educational Materials.
3. CLIM Project 2002 – 2005. Co-operative learning Project that included production of digital video education materials.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrzej Bialko
Head of the organisation
Andrzej Bialko
Contact (2) Full Name
Halina Pawlik

Stowarzyszenie na rzecz integracji społeczeństwa wielokulturowego "Nomada"

National Network

Paulińska 4/8
50-247 Wrocław

0048 71 307 03 35
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Surces of founding: Batory foundation, OSCE/ODIHR, EEA Grants, croudfundifng     
Mission and Objectives

The NOMADA Association in Wroclaw is a NGO concerned with the popularization and protection of human rights. We work especially with marginalized groups that have been excluded from society such as immigrants, foreigners, and ethnic and religious minorities.
We are working toward the comprehensive development of an open and civil society.
We are committed to building solidarity between people with different backgrounds and social status.
We want to break down stereotypes and prejudices.
Through our actions, projects and cooperation with outside groups, we want to create relationships based on mutual understanding and good communication.
We all have the right to migrate.
The main methods of our activities include: development projects, education, monitoring, advocacy, intervention, legal support, training, conferences, debates, publications and literary journalism.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Agata Ferenc
Head of the organisation
Agata Ferenc


National Network

ul. Smolki 22/11, 37-700 Przemyśl

+48 501295500
Telephone (other)
+48 516938443
Mobile Phone
+48 501295500
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 516938443
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
I don't have budget. We are new organisation
Mission and Objectives

say the promotion of idea of civil society, propagating and man's freedom, working on thing of stately life, popularizing prospołecznych attitudes, charitable and charitable, support aiming to levelling all men's chances activity, and particularly the handicapped persons in area of science of, culture, sport and the recreation as well as professional, popularizing and the promoting in society of protective attitudes

Main Projects / Activities

Help before year new school 2011/2012 (children and parents)

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarzyna Maria Golańska
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleksander H Kędzior

Stowarzyszenie Orientarium

National Network

Oleandry 2

+48 604600524
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has been established in 2011, it is funded mainly by the membership gees, all members of organization work voluntarily. Stowarzyszenie Orientarium starts the activity, however it has already organized few local initiative, like film festivals or Arabic game - tawla - tournament. The organization was found in order to work in the fields of cultural relations and multiculturalism. Organization would like to specialize in cultural and social actions, research activities and scientific events. It would like to initiate international cooperation with similar organizations at Middle East.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of Stowarzyszenie Orientarium according to its statute are:
- Conducting and supporting educational activities in the field of culture, economy, politics,religion, philosophy and social issues, the Middle East.
- popularize knowledge about the European Union countries, in particular Poland, the Middle Eastern countries among the citizens
- work towards a better understanding of distinct cultures, suggesting the idea of multiculturalism,
- initiating, expanding scientific interests,
- build an environment conducive to scientific work and research
- work for the development of information society and market economy based on knowledge
- promoting the development of intercultural communication
collaboration with individuals / organizations, educational, governmental and public institutions in Poland and abroad ..
- supporting its members in their own initiatives, consistent with the statutory objectives of the association.
- promotion of culture, art

Main Projects / Activities

Stowarzyszenie is new organization, which did not implement any projects, however its members were individually active in scientific organizations and other institutions.
Organization has plans for the future projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Gabriel
Head of the organisation
Natalia Bahlawan

Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wielokulturowości INTERKULTURALNI PL

National Network

ul. Praska 58/1
address of the office: ul. Piłsudskiego 7/5


+48 12 376 50 27
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
INTERKULTURALNI PL was founded by a group of psychologists, lawyers and cultural theorists in the Fall of 2010. We have 3 people working for the organization on a regular basis and a network of collaborators and volunteers who join us for a specific projects. Sources of founding are national and international grants, donors and voluntary work. We co-organized Krakow's edition of "AfryKamera 2010. African Film Festival Poland" and since January 2011 has been carrying out a project designed to identify the problems that foreigners face while legalizing their stay in Poland (financed by The Stefan Batory Foundation).
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to create space for cultural diversity and to encourage attitudes of openness among people in Poland.

Main Projects / Activities

We carry our mission through:
- Acting towards changes in legal system (advocacy, awareness-raising actions, surveillance and solutions' development)
- Cultural education (kindergartens, schools, universities, public institutions, companies)
- Promoting different cultures
- Integration programs (empowerment- providing legal assistance during the procedure for legalization of stay; career counseling; providing psychological support to deal with the process of acculturation)

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Kostecka
Head of the organisation
Anna Kostecka
Contact (2) Full Name
Iga Machalewska

Stowarzyszenie Twórczego Dialogu

National Network

os. Przyjaźń 118, 01-355 Warszawa, Polska

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association of Creative Dialogue is a young organisation, created in October 2011. We consist of experienced people full of commitment to our mission which is creating, supporting and promoting culture, art and dialogue in every dimension. Our goals are: promotion and forming of creative dialogue between cultures and nations on the basis of art; promoting integration and social dialogue with cultural animation; education and educational action to promote tolerance and intercultural encounters, including the operation of the disability and support and integration of young artists; maintenance and dissemination of national tradition, cultivating Polish culture and development of national, civic and cultural awareness; promoting European integration, developing contacts and cooperation; enhancement and development of interdisciplinary knowledge about the cultures of the world.
Mission and Objectives

Association is taking initiatives to support the work of professional and amateur artists, including children and youth. Its mission is to promote artists; organise intercultural exchanges and support of travel, particularly by organizing trips, creative workshops, lectures, exhibitions, performances, competitions and other cultural events; organise training courses, conferences, scientific sessions, lectures within the scope of the Association's activities in the country and abroad; cooperation with state institutions, local governments and NGOs, business sector, mass media and other cultural institutions in the country and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Association currently is organising three artistic projects. One of which will be held this week (21st April). The project is an artistic meeting to support organising of artistic workshops for the Kurdistan children. During event there will be public fund-raising, concerts, auction, fair and games for children.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution will be new, fresh and full of commitment ideas for the interesting projects that we would like to organize with partners from the ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Association of Creative Dialogue wants to join the ALF Network because we would like to start the international cooperation with the artists, people of culture and other organizations.
Using the experience of the ALF Network organizations we wish to promote the most efficiently Polish culture in Europe and European culture in Poland .

Contact (1) Full Name
Grzegorz Mirowski
Head of the organisation
Izabela Pajdała-Kusińska
Contact (2) Full Name
Paulina Calińska