

Robert Kusek

Assistant Professor in the section of Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies at the Institute of English Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków. Kusek's research interests include life writing genres, poetics of memory and loss and intercultural communication. He has co-edited several volumes...


Robert Kusek

Professeur assistant au département de littérature comparée et d’études culturelles à l'Institute of English Studies de l’Université Jagellonne à Cracovie. Les sujets de recherche de Robert Kusek incluent les genres d'écriture de la vie, la poétique de la mémoire et...


National Network

Legnicka 65

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
SIETAR Polska, the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, is the Polish part of the worldwide SIETAR network - affiliated with the Council of Europe. SIETAR Polska is established as a non-profit, non-governmental organisation. The Society has juridical personality. It acts in line with the law of Republic of Poland, especially to the Polish Law of Societies (Prawo o Stowarzyszeniach) and its Charter. The highest governing authority of the Society is General Assembly. The Society SIETAR Polska is governed by the Board. The Board consists 5 members. The budget of SIETAR Polska contains the member contributions as well as resources from various meetings with an intercultural character – such as training programs, intercultural workshops and multinational meetings.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of SIETAR Poland is to promote and facilitate intercultural education, training and research through professional interchange. SIETAR Polska pursues the following goals: • To enhance the awareness of intercultural issues in policy-making, business and education • To contribute to the solution of societal problems by facilitating communication between peoples of different cultures, • To provide multi-disciplinary, professional expertise in intercultural issues in practice and research by establishing a network of intercultural specialists, • To contribute to the development of standards for intercultural work, • To support publications, personal and professional exchanges, research, projects as well as regional, national and international conferences and other events.

Main Projects / Activities

SIETAR Polska achieves the goals through: a. cooperating with academic and other centers concerned with intercultural subjects; b. establishing a forum for an exchange of experiences among interculturalists; c. writing publications in the intercultural field and exchange of experience by participating in local and global meetings and conferences; d. cooperating with other national and international organizations concerned with intercultural communication through education, exchange of experience, travel, common projects, etc; e. organizing workshops, trainings, seminars and editing publications for the Society members; f. establishing a knowledge platform for the members of the Society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kinga Białek
Job Title
Member of the Board of SIETAR Polska
Head of the organisation
Ewa Geresz

Silesian Dance Theatre (Śląski Teatr Tańca)

National Network

Zeromskiego str. 27

+48 32 281 82 53
Telephone (other)
+48 32 281 82 55
+48 32 281 82 52
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
600 031 190
Mobile Phone (other)
609 159 245
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Silesian Dance Theatre (SDT) is a municipal theatre found by the City of Bytom in 1992. The organization includes both artistist and administration staff in number of 23 employees. The SDT received general support from the city of Bytom. The SDT is a very experienced organization in fundraising. SDT was a beneficent of European programs: Culture 2000, Leonardo da Vinci and Culture Exchange Program. The projects are realized on the base of the support from Marshall of the Region, Ministry of Culture of Poland, international foundations, commercial sponsors, Embassies and Culture Institutes. The year budget of SDT is around million Euro. Poland’s first professional contemporary dance company, established in 1991 in the city of Bytom by Director/Choreographer Jacek Łuminski, has developed a new dance form and style based on the rich cultural traditions of Poland. Łumiński’s choreography and movement vocabulary is a split from the traditional and contemporary dance forms which flourish in Poland. It is considered to be incomparable and innovatory wherever abroad the company performs and teaches. The Silesian Dance Theatre has performed, taught and realize artistic projects throughout Poland and all over the Europe, USA and Asia. Because of the activity in the field of education, community and artistic projects of contemporary dance, received the name of the Contemporary Dance Centre in Poland The Silesian Dance Theatre, since 1991, has organized monthly national and international workshop and seminars open to dancers, choreographers and administrators. Has formed the Silesian Dance Theatre Foundation which supports many activities of the SDT organization with educational programs and community outreach programs especially. Since 1994 organizes Annual International Contemporary Dance Conference and Performance Festival -   one of the biggest and unique in its structure dance event in Europe. Presents the most interesting dance productions all over the world. Its program consists also of practical and theoretical workshop: dance techniques, stage lighting, dance writing, management in the art, and many others led by the professionals from USA and Europe. Silesian Dance Theatre opened the first higher school for contemporary dance artists – Acting for Dance Theatre Program at the Ludwik Solski State Theatre School in Cracow. Students receive extensive education in Contemporary Dance, Theatre and the relative areas. Graduates of the program are versatile performers through a balanced study of various dance techniques and styles as well as through other systems inherent to related areas such as theatre, film and music. Although the main focus of the training is practical experience the graduates are well educated in the arts and academic subjects which all in all entitles them to lead successful artistic professional life including with independent, original and creative work.
Mission and Objectives

The objective of the Theatre is to produce and disseminate culture goods and especially:
1. to prepare and to perform original artistic productions in the area of contemporary dance according to its own plan
2. to support development of infrastructure for development of contemporary dance including training of new generation of dancers, choreographers and activating artistic and youth communities according to the spirit of democratic changes
3. to propagate contemporary dance in Poland and abroad including such forms as artistic presentations, educational workshop, creative programs and projects
4. to form polish style of contemporary dance
The objectives above are realized through:
1. preparation and public presentation of artistic production in contemporary dance, especially in the form of stage performances
2. co-operation with institutions financing and arranging cultural life and especially with municipalitie4s, association, foundations and others
3. organization of educational workshop for teachers and leaders of dance communities, conferences and festivals
4. running educational activities within the Contemporary Dance School, workshop on contemporary dance and other initiatives based on and organized in co-operation with schools and other educational institutions
5. advisory services, organization and co-operation with amateur dance groups
6. realization of other tasks connected with various forms of cultural activities and participation in culture

Main Projects / Activities

1. own art productions
2. presentation of own art. productions in Bytom, country and abroad
3. contemporary dance companies and movement theatres presentations
1. national and international tournee
2. cooperation with international art and educational organizations in the country and abroad
3. cooperation with diplomatic agencies in the country and Polish diplomatic agencies abroad
4. formation of international and national network of art presenters and artist
5. formal artistic visits of political and administrative elite representants from West and Poland, in Bytom
6. formal visits of media representants
1. National Contemporary Dance Workshops
2. New Series of Educational Workshops for Dance Teachers and Leaders of Dance Environment in Poland
3. evening dance classes for youth
1. classes at orphanages, for old and disabled people, people on wheelchairs
1. creative projects for Polish Contemporary Dance Environment led by international fame artists
2. the centre of creative work for young people from Poland
1. formal visits of international business elites in Bytom
2. visits of potential investors
1. Art Administration Seminar
2. Art Critics’ Serminar
3. Journalists Seminar
4. Costume Design Seminar
1. Dance Critics’ Workshops for Young Journalists
2. Photographical Workshops
3. Choreotherapy Workshops
1. Community projects led by international artists specialized at work with various community groups
2. Art and Health care - project at hospitals
3. National workshops for future community programs leaders

Contact (1) Full Name
Roman Kuśnierz
Head of the organisation
Jacek Łumiński
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarzyna Furmaniuk

Society for Non-formal Education MERITUM

National Network

ul. Cha?ubi?skiego 11a

0048 664438833
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0048 664438833
Mobile Phone (other)
0048 692355625
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. 24 members - president, two vice presidents 2. 10 000 zlotych 3. Coordinating Wolontariat Studencki project for KLANZA society, external grants 4. concrete projects, seminars, scholarships, workshops 5. Ewa Soltys psychological workshop, Student society for comparative culture studies, KLANZA Society, STRIM society, International Cultural Centre
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to develope and provide psychological help for people in need so they can live good and healthy lives. Work with people with fewer chances. In order to achieve those goals there are many conferences, courses and workshops organised. Our main goals in years 2008 - 2012 are: fight against intolerance, racism, xenophobia,...

Main Projects / Activities

Main project: "Ten Obcy" campaign against Racism, Xenophobia, Anti-semitism and Intolerance (2008-2012). For mroe information go to: www.tenobcy.pl - Project is part of Council of Europe campaign "All Different - All Equal"

Contact (1) Full Name
Bartosz Kosi?ski
Head of the organisation
Bartosz Kosi?ski
Contact (2) Full Name
Helena Kotula

Society of Friends of the Orla Region (Societe des Amis de la Region d'Orla, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Ziemi Orlańskiej)

National Network

ul. Spółdzielcza 1
17-106 Orla, woj. Podlaskie, Polska
contact: ul.Zamenhofa 15/7
15-435 Białystok – Poland

Orla (and Białystok for contact)

0048 - 85 7392 059
Telephone (other)
0048-85 7417177 (for contact)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0048-501389371 (for contact)
Mobile Phone (other)
0048 516328299
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Towarzystwo Przyjació? Ziemi Oral?skiej (TPZO) is a NGO founded by a groupe of inhabitants and some "external" friends of the region. At the moment, it counts 20 members. The executive comitee (president, secretary and treasurer) are chosen for terme. The Society colaborates with other NGO, local and regional governments and regional medias. The budget is based on the members' fees and public and private dotations. To fund concrete actions TPZO applies for subventions to Polish and international Founds, Polish Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Adminbistration (responsible for national minorities). These actions, undertaken with partners and local youth, are mainly conferences and exhibitions which require a search for materials from diffrent sources and thus exchanges between diffrent cultures and diffrent generations.
Mission and Objectives

The general objectives of the Society are:
- developing social and cultural potential of the region and of the Eastern Polish province;
- revealing and promoting the multicultural (Polish/Belarussian/Ukrainian/Russian/Jewish) tradition of the region
- working on a better understanding between diffrent cultures still living in the region

Main Projects / Activities

In 2007 TPZO organized an exposition in the old synagogue of Orla on the Jewish presence in the region and a conference on its multi-cultural history. In 2008 the Society with its partners will organize a multi-media presentation based on old documents and photographs and shoot a film presenting the multicultural tradition of the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wioletta Kowalska
Head of the organisation
Sergiusz Martynowicz
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomasz Wiśniewski

Socio-Cultural Association of Palestnians in Poland (Stowarzyszenie Społeczno – Kulturalne Palestyńczyków Polskich)

National Network

Ulica Miłkowskiego 6/42
30-349 Kraków


+48 604 235 964
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1 Structure of the organization: Chairman - Kayali Samir, vice-chairman - Faris Omar, secretary - El-Hossein Jasser, treasurer - Matar Abed Alqader. All the people are volunteers. 2 Sources of funding: Fees and grants 3. Modalities of action: Movie screenings (e.g Cinema Palestine festiwal), exhibitions (e.g exhibition organised in February 2010 in Polish Parlament in cooperation with Polish-Palestine Parlamentary Group), public discussions (e.g with israeli peace and human rights activists and organisations, e.g in June 2010 we organised public meeting with Yonatan Shapira from Combatants from Peace, in march 2011 we organised a tour in Poland with Jeff Halper - director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) who was nominated to the Nobel Peace Price in 2006, October 1 we organised meeting with Sahar Francis, Director of Addameer, a Palestinian human rights organization in Ramallah. 4. Partners we cooperate with: International Film Festiwal "Globale", Le Monde Diplomatique - polish edition, Cinema 18 in Kraków, Falanster - bookstore and gallery, "Nomada" - Association in favor of integration of multicultural society,
Mission and Objectives

1. To integrate a community of Palestinians living in Poland
2 Promoting the Palestine culture and heritage in Poland and for Europe, as well as promoting Poland and the European Union in the Palestine and Arab countries
3. Popularizing of history, culture, customs and the Arabic civilization in polish society , with particular reference to the Palestinian nation
4.Dissemination of knowledge from the scope of the Arabic culture in Poland and in Europe, as well as of the European culture in the Palestine and Arab countries
One of our aim is to show people in Poland that we are sharing a common values with them, that there is no borders between us and there is no clash of civilisations, that we can cooperate on every field to promote culture, and united fight against rasim and injustice all over the world.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organising movie screenings (e.g Cinema Palestine Film Festival in Poland,
- public discussions (e.g with participation with memebers from israeli peace and human rights organisations as Combatants from Peace, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, as well as with Palestinians)
- exhibitions (e.g presenting palestinian culture and heritage in Polish Parlament)
- workshops in schools
- publishing books

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Polish Network our experiences in participating in global justice and human rights movement,educating people in Poland about palestine culture and disseminate polish culture and heritage among palestinian community in Poland.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network to cooperate with organisations from the Mediterranean on the field of improving mutual respect between cultures, to actively resist all forms of racism, sexism and religious oppression and discrimination, wherever and by whomever they may be practised, to exchange the experiance and to learn fom other groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aneta Jerska
Head of the organisation
Samir Kayali
Contact (2) Full Name
Jasser El-Hossein

Song of the Goat Theatre (Teatr Pieśń Kozła)

National Network

ul. Purkyniego 1

+48 71 344 18 16
Telephone (other)
+48 71 341 88 78
+48 71 344 18 16
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48 509 058 204
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Song of the Goat Theatre is an association pro publico bono. There are 15 founder –members. The executive power is the board, which counts 3 people. The association employs 10 fulltime workers. Budgetary resources: There is a different budget for each year. It is about 900 000 zloty for 2006 (225 000 Euro). Source of founding: Piesn Kozla is self-supported theatre company, receiving support from the Wroclaw City Council, the Polish National Department of Culture and private sponsorship. Modalites of action: Brave Festival- an annual international festival Performances given in Poland and abroad Conferences Workshops – national and international Artistc research trips Partners: - Manchester Metropolitan University, Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford Upon-Avon, England, President of the City of Wroclaw, UNESCO. http://www.piesnkozla.pl, http://www.bravefestival.pl
Mission and Objectives

Song of the Goat Theatre continues the long tradition of Polish ensemble theatre work and, through its dedication to ongoing research in the actors craft and its vocal and movement techniques has created a unique performance style. Moreover by running projects such as Brave Festival and Brave Kids the Association tries to promote cultural diversity, tolerance and non-formal education.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association has a couple main activities just like various performances, workshops for professional performers both national and international (ex. Manchester Metropolitan University, Drama Box Theatre in Singapore, Tainan Theatre Troupe in Taiwan, Dublin, Belgrade, La MaMa Theatre in New York, Cichuachua, Meksyk, conferences. Since 2005 the Association also runs Brave Festival – Against Cultural Exile which presents vanishing, marginalized and displaced artistic traditions from all around the world, and is open to genuine models of living and creating. The program includes performances, concerts, movies, workshops. conferences, project for seniors and handicapped people, etc. Other activity of the Association is project Brave Kids which brings together children from all over the world in an atmosphere of friendship and respect for each other’s cultures by joining children together in artistic experiences aimed to inspire them to imagine a better future for themselves and their communities, and provide them with tools to help realize their aspirations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina Anna Galanciak
Head of the organisation
Grzegorz Bral

STEP Association for Education and Progress (Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Postępu STEP)

National Network

Radziłowska 5 m. 1
03-943 Warsaw, Poland


48 22 617 68 06
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+48 517 36 06 26
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 608 48 63 47
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The organization has a four-Member Board, elected by the General Assembly. The Association is project-based and has no full-time employees. The year budget varies from. ca. 100,000 – 300.000 Euro. The sources of funding are grants and services. The activities include art and educational projects. The partners are other organizations, art institutions, local government.
Mission and Objectives

The STEP Association is active in the field of art animation, education through arts, revitalization of the city space through social participation in the arts. Since 2003 we’ve been organizing various art events, exhibitions, workshops, open meetings etc., mainly in postindustrial spaces and on river banks. Between 2003 and 2007 our independent Gallery 2b hosted over 200 artists, presenting their works in a modern, dynamic way in various locations, mainly in Warsaw and Łódź. Beginning of 2004 we’ve been publishing a bimonthly magazine „tytuł roboczy – otwarty magazyn sztuki” [working title – open art magazine] devoted to modern art, and various participatory projects. We focus on making the city a better place to live and on developing citizen's creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

a project of creating by the Vistula river in Warsaw a space, where artists and residents, interested and not necessarily interested in art—can explore the area together, work together, create or simply have fun. Modern art is the basis for those encounters. It is a socio-artistic laboratory where experiment, discovery, creativity are in the centre of interest.
Icons of Victory:
an attempt to present various records of transformations - those undergone by whole nations and societies as well as those which change ourselves personally. Over 100 artists of different age and nationalities participate.
a project including competitions, meetings, exhibitions, raising the issue of abandoned spaces and the search for new uses for them. Three editions so far.

Contact (1) Full Name
Klara Kopcińska
Head of the organisation
Klara Kopcińska, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Sylwia Federico

Stowarzyszenie Arteria / Arteria Association

National Network

ul. Mireckiego 16/2
81-229 Gdynia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
General Information
Arteria Association was created in 2009 in Gdynia, Poland. There are four persons in the management board, two of which can submit statements of intent. We employ persons while carrying out projects, there are no permanent employees. Every year we get grants ranging from 50 000 PLN to 150 000 PLN. They are received in competitions for non-governmental organizations that are launched by municipalities and foundations and from resources of Youth in Action Programme. We make our own projects and projects in Polish and international partnerships such as the project United Colors that was carried out in Romania in September 2013. By the participation of association's members we take part in international trainings and seminars, e.g. European Cultural Parliament Youth Network (ECP YN). Our main partners are organizations that work in Anna Lindh Foundation Polish Network: City Culture Institute and The Baltic Sea Culture Centre.
Mission and Objectives

We act in the field of culture and art as well as cultural and art education in both Poland and abroad. By organizing and supporting cultural, artistic, educational and social initiatives we want to contribute to greater involvement of people from different social groups in cultural activities. Most of all, our actions contribute to strenghtening the voice of women in public space, both by supporting them in skills development and presenting their experiences and stories.
In and by our actions we also support young artists and draw attention to gender inequality.

Main Projects / Activities

„Women for Democratic (R)evolution” is an Egyptian-Polish comic project carried out by The Baltic Sea Culture Centre with the partnership of Arteria Association (Poland) and Comtemporary Art and Culture Centre Darb 1718 (Egypt) with the financial support of Anna Lindh Foundation. The project consists of comic workshops (November 2013), an exhibition presented in Gdańsk, Cracow, Poznan, Wroclaw and Kair (November – May 2014) and a booklet summarizing the workshops. The subject of the project is the role of women in socio-economic transformation in Poland and Egypt.
"The Shipyard is a Woman. Stories of Women of the Gdansk Shipyard" (January 2013 – January 2014) was an educational herstoric project carried out by Arteria Association in co-operation  with City Culture Institute. We collected stories of women that by work, family relationships as well as social, political and artistic activities  were connected with Gdansk Shipyard and people working there. The stories became a basis for a free audioguide which enables one to an independent tour around the former shipyard.
The project's aims were enhancing the knowledge and understanding of women's role in the democratic transformations as well as the public and professional life, appreciation of social history  contribution to the development of intergenerational dialogue and rescue of the stories about the Gdansk Shipyard.
„Neighbours-Nachbarinnen” was a project carried out with the co-operation of the National Museum in Gdansk. The project aimed at promoting women in the area of culture and was a form of dialogue between artists, institutions and all the people interested in contemporary German and Polish art. Pictures, graphics and sculptures were a starting point for reflections, discussions and an attempt to answer the question  whether it has been differently to be both a woman and an artist in Berlin and in Gdańsk. Have life and creating in different social, economic and political conditions determined what are the predominant themes in artists work and way the themes have been developed?
The exhibition was accompanied by a catalogue and an educational program prepared by Arteria Association. The program consisted of screening films about the female artists, workshops and museum lessons. The exhibition was presented in September and October 2013 in Inselgalerie in Berlin, which is a gallery owned by Berliner Fraueninitiative Xanthippe e. V., a partner of the project.
Girls are drawing comics, too
The two editions of the project were held in response to small number of girls drawing comics. The  participants took part in practical and theoretical workshops, screen printing classes and creating comic zines. The emphasis was placed on acquiring practical skills in comic art, showing  publication possibilities and promoting comic made by women.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Arteria Association is already involved in the Network's actions through co-operation with The Baltic Sea Culture Centre (the Network's member) in carrying out the project „Women for Democratic (R)evolution”. In our actions we  put emphasis on increasing the representation of women in the art world and in the public space. „Women for Democratic (R)evolution” is one of two projects concerning this question and implemented in co-operation with organisations from abroad. Another one is „Sąsiadki-Nachbarinnen”. We also co-operate with another Network's member – City Culture Institute, e.g. in carrying out the project „Metropolitanka” that aims at making knowledge about women's meaning in social, political and historic development  popular. In the Network we would like to continue our activities, such as initiating and joinig activities concerning gender equality, human rights and equal access to culture on a national and international scale. We can contribute to the Network by sharing our knowledge – as two PhD candidates at the University of Gdansk, we are dealing with the subjects of participation of women in art and the role of culture in social transformations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the Network we would like to extend the reach of our actions to national and international scale. We want to be a part of international platform, which will give us a deeper insight into changes taking place in the world today, especially in the field of culture and democratic transformations in Europe and in the Mediterranean region. It will let us continue and expand our actions. We are looking forward to the new possibilities of action and co-operation, which  are offered by participation in the ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Miler
Job Title
Member of a Board
Head of the organisation
Kinga Kuczyńska
Contact (2) Full Name
Kinga Kuczyńska
Job Title (2)
Head of the organisation