
Polish Youth Council (PRM)

National Network

M. Konopnickiej Str. 6

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48 601 309 329
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The highest authority in PRM is the General Assembly which gathers twice a year. The GA elects a President, a Board and an Audit Commission. The Board has decision-making and executive power in between the General Assemblies. The Board establishes administrative support and plenipotentiaries. Membership in PRM is based on 2 philars: ? Polish-wide youth NGOs, ? Regional Youth Councils. PRM doesn’t have any permanent source of funding, beside small membership fees. Funds for projects are acquired from grants. Main partners: Ministry of Education and Science, regional, national and international institutions and authorities, (I)NGOs, media, universities.
Mission and Objectives

PRM is a forum of cooperation between a majority of the biggest all-Polish NGYOs. It aims to develop into a national youth representation in Poland.
The main purpose of the Polish Youth Council is a protection of right and interests of young people in Poland and generalization of presence of young people in the public life through its promotion of social, cultural and political engagement, at the local, regional, national and international level. We want to promote ideas of democracy, human rights and duties and oppose every aspects of discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

The main past activities of PRM:
- Youth, Europe, Future - The Role of Europe in the World Arena, and new variants of globalisation – International Conference in October 2003 in Warsaw,
- Civil Society and Youth Work Today – Towards a global understanding – International Conference in October 2004 in Kraków,
- Youth Participation in Local and Regional Life – International Training Course in April 2005 in Gda?sk,
- Get Up, Stand Up, Don't Give Up the Fight – International Training Course for youth leaders/workers on active citizenship in Euro-Med context (based on intercultural learning) in August 2005 in Wroc?aw.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnieszka Tatera (Board Member)
Head of the organisation
Sebastian Meitz
Contact (2) Full Name
Karolina Wysocka, Chairwoman of the Polish Youth Council

Polish-Lithuanian Association of Tourism and Recreation

National Network

E.Plater 8
16-515 Punsk

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Association was established in 2004. There is about 20 partners from Lithuania and Poland. Organization cowork with local gowerment, partners from Lithuania and Poland, make cross-border projects.
Mission and Objectives

The main goals of Association:
- support development of rural tourism
- support and promote the various forms of recreation
- support and assistance in the organization of active recreation in rural areas by social – cultural and economical activities
- Supporting and organizing activities in the field of amateur sport and unifying the integration of efficient and disabled people
- cultivate the cultural heritage of local environments
- promote youth mobility

Main Projects / Activities

During the twelve years of activity, Polish – Lithuanian Association of Tourism and Recreation ,,Neighbors” took part in many activities on local and international environment:
- Take part in Youth in Action projects and send young people to the projects abroad
- Organize local event (Tourism season opening, sport events, concerts)
- Organize Trainings, Exchanges and Camps for youth

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Will now we worked just with Polish - Lithuanian partners. Becouse organization has a lot of experience and new ideas, we want to join ALF Network and make important international projects with partners from other countries, especially from Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dalicja Szuszczewicz
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Dalicja Szuszczewicz


Le Centre Culturel international et la Fondation du Centre Culturel international assurent ensemble la coordination du réseau polonais. La Fondation a été désignée par le Ministère des Affaires étrangères et le Ministre polonais de la Culture et du Patrimoine national, et bénéficie aussi du soutien de ses membres.

Le réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh en Pologne a déjà mené ou participé à plusieurs programmes de dialogue interculturel. La coordination du réseau est assurée par Centre Culturel international et la Fondation du Centre culturel international située à Cracovie.

Le réseau polonais a joué un rôle majeur dans la campagne « 1001 Actions pour le Dialogue » menée par la FAL en 2008. En outre, le réseau a lancé une série d’événements, dont « Poland for Dialogue », qui a provoqué un débat public à Cracovie sur l’influence récente des cultures étrangères et des minorités ethniques, ainsi qu’une initiative intergénérationnelle dans la région d’Orla, où des citoyens seniors ont été invités à partager les souvenirs de leur quotidien avant la guerre, marqués par la coexistence de différentes communautés. Le réseau a également publié un document spécial sur la campagne organisée en Pologne, qui abordait des sujets tels que des événements, des discussions et des interviews d’experts au sujet des relations interculturelles.

L’année suivante, en 2009, le réseau a lancé une campagne intitulée « À la recherche du Commonwealth perdu : pour une Pologne mono- ou multiculturelle ? ». Celle-ci a pu bénéficier du soutien de la fondation Anna Lindh, par le biais d’une série de séminaires et une nouvelle publication qui présente la Pologne d’aujourd’hui du point de vue d’un « étranger ». Au cours des années 2010 et 2011, le réseau a poursuivi son « Education au dialogue ». Les membres ont pu participer au développement de contenu éducatif, dans de nouveaux formats multimédias, sur l’ethnicité, la religion et la diversité sociale et culturelle en Pologne. En 2010, le Président du réseau polonais a organisé une présentation en compagnie d’anciens lauréats du Prix du Dialogue euro-méditerranéen, notamment « Friends for Environmental Peace in the Middle East » et « Fighters for Peace » du mouvement social israélo-palestinien. En 2011, le Président du réseau a participé pour la première fois à l’organisation de la réunion annuelle des chefs de file des 43 réseaux nationaux qui a eu lieu en Pologne.

Polski Związek Bibliotek - Association of Polish Libraries

National Network

Ul. Toruńska 1. 87-140 Chełmża

56 654 52 14
56 654 52 14
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48 695 022 628
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 665 886 222
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
In brief, on 31st December 2010 the association had 105 members - public libraries of Poland; One worker. Sources of funding: -membership fees, -grants.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the association is the consolidation of Polish libraries and representing them with regard to parliamentary, governmental, self-governmental authorities, aiming to improve functioning of Polish libraries, especially by:
•taking action aiming at deepening the knowledge of needs and conditions of functioning libraries in Poland in public consciousness and opinion,
•working out projects and doing research in librarianship,
•referring law, organisational and financial proposals to authorities establishing library law and organizers of cultural institutions,
•supporting initiatives promoting books and reading,
•supporting introduction of modern information technologies,
•initiating cooperation of libraries and other institutions and organizations connected with books,

Main Projects / Activities

The Association of Polish Libraries organised 5 international conferences:
•2001 - Przysiek - "Public Libraries in regards to European Union" (on the basis of which a book was written),
•2002 - Ciechocinek - "Children's Library in the educational and information system",
•2004 - Ostrów Wielkopolski - "Role of the Libraries and Creating and Strengthening of local identity. Cultural regionalism,
•2005 - Zakopane - "Directions of the Development of Public Libraries in the Cities and Districts. Looking for Model Activities",
•2008 - Toruń - "Development of Public Libraries and European Standards".
•2009 r - Mąchocice k/Kielc -"Management of cultural institution"

Contact (1) Full Name
Jan Krajewski
Head of the organisation
Jan Krajewski
Contact (2) Full Name
Izabela Strączyńska

Pomorski Oddział Ligi muzułmańskiej w RP

National Network

Partyzantów 14/5
80-254 Gdańsk

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Religion
General Information
Oddział Pomorski Ligi Muzułmańskiej jest częścią Ligi Muzułmańskiej w RP, która działa w Polsce od 2004 roku. Głównym celem jej działalności jest między innymi integracja muzułmanów z polskim społeczeństwem przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu tożsamości muzułmańskiej. *Pomorski Oddział LM w RP został reaktywowany w 2015
Mission and Objectives

Oddział Pomorski Ligi Muzułmańskiej jest częścią Ligi Muzułmańskiej w RP, która działa w Polsce od 2004 roku.
Głównym celem jej działalności jest między innymi integracja muzułmanów z polskim społeczeństwem przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu tożsamości muzułmańskiej.
Liga swoje działania koncentruje przede wszystkim na krzewieniu wiedzy o Islamie na podstawie wiarygodnych źródeł, przełamywaniu stereotypów, edukacji antydyskryminacyjnej oraz promowaniu idei wielokulturowości i różnorodności. Prowadzi dialog międzykulturowy i międzywyznaniowy.
Istotnym elementem działalności Ligi Muzułmańskiej jest działalność charytatywna na rzecz ubogich i uchodźców.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Liga Muzułmańska grała z WOŚP: Kto ratuje jedno życie...
Zupę z soczewicy dla zmarzniętych gdańszczan rozdawali przez trzy godziny na Targu Węglowym członkowie Ligi Muzułmańskiej w ramach działań Orkiestry. Smakowała!
2- Katolicka młodzież karmi głodnych. Muzułmanie pomagają
3-  Poznaj swojego muzułmańskiego sąsiada
4- Wieczór Ramadanowy z muzułmanami
5- Wywiad
6-Muzułmanka – kobieta wyzwolona czy zniewolona? (relacja)
7- Spotkania z Islamem
8- współpraca z Towarzystwem sw. Brata Alberta 
i wiele inne wydarzenia :)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Atoun
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Atoun
Contact (2) Full Name
Rawan Basit
Job Title (2)
English Teacher

Poznaję Foundation

National Network

pl. Solidarności 1/3/5, 53-661 Wrocław

733 311 300
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The foundation acts since 2013but its members have been working in 'Cognosco' foundation before. During that time, we participated and organized many projects. We created project called 'Krakowski Oxford' which was financially supported by 'Youth in Action' agency. It was addressed to young people who wanted to improve their language skills and also enrich their knowledge about diverse fields of living in contemporary Europe (like democracy, environmental protection, human rights etc.). Many youths participated in that project which positively affects their knowledge and increased their chaces on the labour market. Our foundation created also legal advice center, where the lawyers (volunteers) advised in legal matters to imprecunious people. We also organized graphic workshops for children in difficult life situation and many other initiatives. We are interested in projects connected with sustainable development and ecology, education of youths, democratic' attitude dissemination, cultural integration and exchange. We currently have many partners in Europe, for example from Croatia, Hungary or Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have gained much experience since we worked. We have essential knowledge to run projects and to join other organizations in their initiatives. We have a headquarter in one of the biggest cities in Poland - Wrocław. We are planning to develop our activity next year by organizing some projects. One among the others will be bikes' travel across Europe in July which aim is to connect people with passion for bicycle' riding. In the meanwhile, we would like to organize some projects and participate in others (like non-formal education project in Thessaloniki). We are inviting for cooperation partners interested in organization projects connected with: -EU promotion and EU citizenship promotion -sustainable development and ecology -culture -language education -democracydissemination -non-formal education suport -out-school activietes -NGO support
Mission and Objectives

Main aim of the Foundation activity is non-formal education of the youths in different fields. We organize projects connected with: ecology and sustainable development, democracy dissemination, intercultural integration and youth exchange. Our activity is wider and has more interdisciplinary character than traditional school education. Knowledge is gained by experience which is implemented into normal life. Therefore, young people broaden the range not only of practical and theoretical knowledge but also increase their chances on the labour market.

Main Projects / Activities

Planned Projects:
May 2014
Europarliament election promotion
July 2014
Integration of the youths coming from the countries being in conflict and also tribesmen with immigrants e.g. Flemings and Walloons, Germans and Turks, Slovaks and Gypsies, Poles and Silesians on the grounds of good practices from the same countries e.g. Dutch and Germans, Poles and Kashubs. Project will be executed in a form of bike’s backpacking camp.
September 2014
Development of pro-ecological attitudes among youths across the Europe by the development of geoparks.
Partnership in other activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can participate in projects connected with the fields underlined above. We can also be a partner in executing other projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Maciej Lipiec
Head of the organisation
Stanisław Lipiec
Contact (2) Full Name
Łukasz Lechowicz

Poznań School of Banking (Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu)

National Network

al. Niepodległości 2
61-771 Poznań


+48 61 655 32 45
Telephone (other)
+48 61 655 32 44
+48 61 655 32 46
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Poznań School of Banking (WSB) is a non-public school of higher education. The School offers 3-year Bachelor courses and Post-graduate 2-year Master of Science program. WSB jointly with Helsinki School of Economic provide also 2-year Executive MBA program. In 2006 WSB opened University of Every Age which provides courses for adults. WSB’s staff comprises around 500 university teachers, including
Mission and Objectives

The school’s objective is to educate modern human resources that will satisfy the requirements of today’s economy. WSB in Pozna? desires to become the best higher education school of business, i.e. a higher education institution:
• focused on developing knowledge, skills and attitudes;
• teaching economics, management, and related areas in broad sense;
• offering the education at the level of bachelor, master and PhD degrees;
• performing the Lifelong learning, particularly in the form of courses, training sessions, and postgraduate courses;
• focused on complete preparation of students for professional work;
• basing its education on extensive own research;
• employing for the most part its own research and teaching staff;
• applying modern and active teaching methods and techniques;
• providing adequate studying conditions for its students.

Main Projects / Activities

Poznań School of Banking is a school of economics, specializing in applied finance.
Our primary research areas include:
•corporate finance
•public finance
•international business
•marketing, particularly in the context of higher education institutions
•EU integration
•economics of transition
•regional studies
•the social role of chambers of commerce and business associations
•social policy and social insurance
Poznan School of Banking runs its own publishing house where handbooks, textbooks, and scientific studies in economy, business and finance are published.
Poznan School of Banking publishes an annual scientific journal (Zeszyty Naukowe WSB).
WSB researchers present their research results at country-wide and international conference.
WSB organizes conferences and scientific seminars at which both our own faculty and external researchers present and discuss research findings.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnieszka Wierzbicka
Head of the organisation
Rafał Kaszta
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleksandra Martyna

PRO-MED spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

National Network

Śląska 35/49

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
PRO-MED sp. z o. o. was established in 1989 as a private company with the following structure: Three owners, secretary and staff employed for committed work. Budgetary resources are based partly on committed work done in the following areas: • Installation, repair and maintenance of medical equipment • Translations and verifications of technical and medical literature and documentation • Adaptation and localization of Web pages • E-learning, blended learning courses development and delivery • Translation and localization of Polish Language Pack for Learning Management System (BSCW, WebCT, Moodle) Partly the budget is based on EU educational projects (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates, EQUAL, Interreg, Lifelong Learning Programmes Grundtvig Partnership and Multilateral). The latest ongoing project is "Learn with Grandma" under Active Citizens program conducted by British Council. PRO-MED sp. z o. o. co-operates with Seniors' Club at Gdańsk University of Technology.
Mission and Objectives

Our objectives are following:
• Promote the vision for Lifelong Learning (LLL)
• Educate the staff about LLL aims and outcomes
• Promote access and increase participation in LLL for the staff and clients
• Broaden access to LLL opportunities
• Promote flexible education and training methods and approaches to create a culture of learning
• Create learning opportunities, seminars, and workshops for the employees and clients
• Facilitate personal growth and as result of it the social cohesion
• Create a multinational and intercultural environment and promote intercultural dialogue
• Provide motivation and foster language learning

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects are located at http://blanka.moodle.pl/
The projects realised in the latest 5 years are following:
• Leonardo da Vinci - Rural-eGov, 2006-2008
• Socrates Grundtvig - Adult Blended Learning, 2005-2007
• EQUAL - Let's build together, 2005-2008
• INTERREG - Castles of tomorrow, 2005-2006
• Leonardo da Vinci - E2engineering, 2004-2007
• European Social Funds, KNOW, 2005-2007
• Lifelong Learning Grundtvig Partnership Programme, EuBiA, Connecting +55, IMPROGE, 2008-2011
• Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Multilateral Project, MindWellness), 2008-2010
• Polish American Freedom Foundation, e-senior in action, 2009-2010
• Lifelong Learning Grundtvig Partnership Programme, LLLab, 2009-2011
• Active Citizens, Learn with Grandma, 2010-2011

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Grabowska
Head of the organisation
Wojciech Grabowski

Regional Environmental Centre - Poland Country Office

National Network

ul. Grójecka 22/24, 02-301 Warszawa

48 228238459
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
REC Poland supports policies related to environmental protection and civil society development, including support to NGOs, biodiversity protection, climate protection, eco-education and the promotion of sustainable development. Initially, the work of REC Poland focused mainly on supporting the development of NGOs in Poland. Over 300 grants were awarded, contributing significantly to the creation of a robust environmental movement in the country. In 1996, REC Poland was awarded the title “best grant donor” by Polish NGOs. Another important area of activity is biodiversity protection, including public communication and nature conservation. REC Poland supports the implementation of the Natura 2000 network: it has organised communications workshops for hundreds of nature protection staff; produced several publications promoting nature protection among local communities; and elaborated a national strategy for public communication for Natura 2000. REC Poland also coordinates direct nature protection activities, which in recent years have covered more than 400 habitats of rare plant and animal species. In the field of climate change, REC Poland focuses its activities on changing attitudes and behaviour by developing educational programmes for the general public, as well as knowledge exchange between experts and decision makers. As a result, more than 10,000 schoolchildren have been involved in climate protection activities, and local government officials have been given the opportunity to learn about recent technological developments aimed at climate change prevention. REC Poland supports sustainable development through experience exchange and the promotion of concrete policies and technical and organisational solutions. It is active in a range of areas, including environmental impact assessment, transportation and agriculture. REC Poland's sustainable development activities have an impact on nearly all municipalities in Poland. REC Poland strives to influence the habits and attitudes of the younger generation and to encourage them to participate in environmental activities. More than 300 workshops for around 6,000 teachers have been organised and handbooks published by the REC are available for use in nearly all secondary schools and many elementary schools in the country. No less than 300,000 children and teenagers have taken part in educational activities organised by REC Poland.
Mission and Objectives

REC Poland supports sustainable development in Poland by improving ecological awareness, initiating pro-environmental changes in society and the economy, and coordinating the international exchange of experience in various fields of sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

•Communication on nature protection
•Ecological education
•Nature conservation
•Climate change and energy
•Environmental assesments

Contact (1) Full Name
Michał Miazga
Head of the organisation
Michał Miazga

REVERS Foundation for the Open Society and Intercultural Dialogue

National Network

Legnicka 65, 54-206 Wroclaw, Poland

+48 71 359 75 00
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
General Information
Between 2009 and 2011 REVERS Foundation for the Open Society and Intercultural Dialogue organised a series of SocialCamps, meetings about social use of Internet. We are engaged in international exchange programs promoting open society values in Europe and Central-Eastern Europe. We were a sending organisation in 2011 to Georgia for the project "Culture expression – Let’s find something in common" about intercultural non-formal education. Also in 2011 we were organisers of the exchange of Belarus and Polish journalists. Through our activities REVERS Foundation is promoting and educating on use of ICT, building information and network society, equalising the gaps in development of Eastern and Western Europe, multicultural society challenges.
Mission and Objectives

REVERS Foundation for the Open Society and Intercultural Dialogue, based in Poland, was founded in 2009 in Krakow. The foundation’s mission is to support and promote the enhancement of Central and Eastern European culture, civil and open society.
REVERS Foundation is establishing a network of cultural and academic contacts representing the people who share support for individualism, freedom and democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

Advocacy Skills Training for youth. Education in lobbing for youth. Art exchanges between Poland and Belarus. Eco work camps for youth from Ukraine and Belarus.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can organise work camps and exchanges for young people from Eastern Europe and EuroMed countries in Poland.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in building partnerships and starting projects with NGOs from EuroMed countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wojciech Zaluski
Head of the organisation
Wojciech Zaluski
Contact (2) Full Name
Weronika Burman