
Lietuvos romų bendruomenė

National Network

Vivulskio g. 7

+370 637 21575
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Lithuanian Roma community - defends and protects the rights of Roma people, to help them integrate into society, and expanding people's attitudes towards the minority
Mission and Objectives

Head of the organization - pirmkininkas. The organization has many international partners not only in Europe but also outside Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

looking forward to the project approval

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

It takes a lot of work, desire and understanding

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are still small, but we want to grow and improve, and prove to people that we trying to achieve their goals faster.

Contact (1) Full Name
Išvanas Kvik
Job Title
Head of the organisation



The aims of the ALF Lithuanian Network, gathering 45 civil society organisations, are: 

  • To strengthen networking capacities, trust and cooperation between members by increasing involvement, participation and institutional support of/to members;
  • To become an institutionally recognised platform for those who would like to build cooperation with partners around the Mediterranean;
  • To work for an open and tolerant society based on the principles of democracy.

Through ALF initiatives, the Network has joined international projects with partners from Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Denmark, Latvia and Czech Republic.

NGO Youth Centre Babilonas has been the Head of the ALF Lithuanian Network since 2021, and Rolanda Sliazene-West has been its coordinator since 2017 (re-elected in 2021).

The ALF Lithuanian Network members represented Lithuania at the ALF Forum in Barcelona and Malta, in the Conference for Women Kimiyya in Naples, in EuroMed Women for Dialogue Forum in Jordan in 2019, and in the ALF ToT in Cyprus in 2019.

The Network priorities are tacking the problems of civil society by looking for ways to solve them; funding opportunities for member organisations; and communication and cooperation inside and outside the ALF Lithuanian Network.

Historical Background of your Network

The Lithuanian Network of the ALF was established in 2010.

19 civil society organisations were either leaders or partners in transnational intercultural projects supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Previous Heads of networks organisations were:

  • In Actio from 2010 till 2014.

  • Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK) from 2014 till Nov., 2017

  • NGO Diversity Development Group 2017 - 2021

  • NGO Youth Centre Babilonas - since 2021 - now

Rolanda Sliazene-West - coordinator for the Network since 2017  (elected every 3 years).

Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and the Czech Republic are the countries that the Lithuanian civil society organisations most partnered with through the Anna Lindh Grant Programme.

Five additional projects were mobilised by the ALF through the ‘1001 Actions for Dialogue’ campaign.

In 2009, the Lithuanian Head of Network organised a training seminar entitled ‘Lithuania in the Euro-Med Context’ in the framework of the Network Strategic Development Scheme common operations.

Five civil society organisations represented Lithuania at the Anna Lindh Forum 2010 held in Barcelona and 3 civil society organisations represented at the Anna Lindh Forum 2016 in Malta.

We had three participants from smaller cities for the project ‘Sea of Words’ initiated by the ALF. They created texts against stereotypes, radicalism and cruelty in the world.

In the summer of 2017, our members participated in the cross network project ‘Be Effective! Enhancing Intercultural Dialogue Media Skills in Central and Eastern Europe’. It was a very successful intercultural experience developing media skills and positive understanding through creativity.

Two participants from our Network organisations have participated in the conference for women Kimiyya in Naples in July 2017 (the coordinator of the Lithuanian network had been invited to become a board member of this conference and also participated in a preparation meeting of the event).

The Arabs Culture Days event in September 2017 in Vilnius was as a result of very concrete cooperation of network members: There were eight Lithuanian Network organisations who were arranging this five-days event. This event has become an example of good communication and visibility for the ALF in Lithuania.

Two participants of the network organizations participated in the EuroMed Women for Dialogue Forum in Amman, Jordan in 2019.

In November of 2019, two participants of the network participated in ALF Training for Trainers in Cyprus. After this training - joint project (2020) of networks from Lithuania, Portugal, Greece, Ireland and Tunisia creating the methodology of Intercultural learning for vulnerable groups of societies.

Lithuania and Iceland: Social business is opening up new opportunities for cooperation

The group

Members of the Lithuanian Social Business Association (LiSBA) delegation had the opportunity to get acquainted with all of them when they spent several weeks visiting them and looking for new contacts.

According to Viktorija Bražiūnaitė, the head of the association, the association took part in the „Bilateral Practical Learning Mobility for the Development of Social Business Ecosystems: Lithuania and Iceland“ programme in Iceland. „Participation in this programme will provide us with long-term opportunities not only to deepen our knowledge, but also to build new partnerships and strengthen existing ones with organisations dedicated to social entrepreneurship. I am delighted with this opportunity to gain experience, improve competencies and learn from best practice,“ says Ms Bražiūnaitė.

The international programme that LiSBA representatives are participating in consists of three parts: visiting local social businesses, followed by the strengthening of personal and professional competencies and the institutional capacity of the organisation, and finally, generating joint project ideas together with a partner from Iceland.

Partner – Step by Step, the well-known Icelandic organisation

The partner for this activity is the internationally renowned Icelandic organisation Step by Step (SbS) – a small, robust and innovative adult non-formal education organisation founded in 1987. SbS is a leader in developing innovative teaching methods in the field of adult education.

„Our main strength is our long-term and productive involvement in projects, using our expertise in adult learning, equality and social inclusion. We participate in research, development and training activities at the international level. Our organisation has a strong professional network and extensive experience, and has been working with adults and social businesses (small and medium-sized enterprises, NGOs) for a decade to find the right approach to success in the ever-changing market,“ said mentor Hansina Bjarnfridur Einarsdottir, who is also a project partner and the head of SbS.

Lithuanian College of Democracy

National Network

Studentu str. 39, Vilnius LT08106

+370 65541414
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+370 65541414
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Lithuanian College of Democracy (LDUK), founded in 1997, a voluntary non-governmental organization seeking to promote the ideas of democracy in society. The College organizes seminars, develops projects and programs for the promotion of democracy, civic education and development to carry out the program of public education, public debates, publication of material, and promotion of researches.
Mission and Objectives

The main activities are the following:
Initiation of a change in society. Civic education curriculum development and non-governmental organizations;
Development of civic leadership training projects for teachers, class teachers, social educators, child welfare professionals and non-governmental organizations as well as usage of interactive methodologies;
Integration of the project “Citizen” into university civic education programs, network collaboration fostering of children and the youth, education of capacity building to solve problems;
Lithuanian NGO working in the interest of the child, building a coalition and development of the “NGO Confederation for Children”;
Active participation in the protection and implementation of the child rights and ensuring the participation of children, drawing government attention to child and youth issues;
Publishing methodological material;
Development of national and international conferences on civic education of democracy issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Lithuanian College of Democracy has been organizing the project “Citizen” in Lithuania since 1997, which was recalled as the “Future Citizen” in 2007. The project methodology is based on the Center for Civic Education (Kalabasas, USA).
The U.S. teacher project “Citizen” was taken by Eastern and Central European countries and successfully implemented in more than 48 countries all over the world. The College in association with the Institute of Social Communication integrated the “Citizen” module to the teachers of social study bachelor’s and master’s programs and prepared the social pedagogical training for teachers and lecturers coordinating this project.
2007 Lithuanian College of Democracy has successfully performed the project “Education of Citizenship and Democratic Values Applying Innovative Methods” under the European Structural Funds of the Single Programming Document for 2004-2006 Priority 2 “Human Resources Development” in the measure 4 ” Development of Conditions for Lifelong Learning”.
Also Lithuanian College of Democracy organizes annual summer academies or camps for children and young people and runs on social projects or initiatives each year, for example – “Youth and Media”, “Do not leave the child aside,” “Orange Star” and etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lithuania College of Democracy could contribute by promoting a comparative approach to the analysis of social work, civic society and intercultural communication (mutual understanding between cultures);
enhancing the development of knowledge, skills and experience;
shaping society changes and policies;
reflecting on best practice and encouraging the international dissemination and exchange of information on significant developments.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It will give us a chance to learn from other organizations and people by sharing best-practice knowledge and practices and will support the intercultural communication (mutual understanding between cultures) development on national and international levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egle Kvieskaite
Head of the organisation
Egle Kvieskaite
Contact (2) Full Name
Migle Matuzaite

Lithuanian Cultural Centres Association

National Network

Barboros Radvilaitės str. 8
01124 Vilnius

+370 448 51981
+370 448 55743
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+370 687 30484
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
Association is non profit organization, uniting 140 cultural centers at Lithuania, managed by president, vice-president and a council of 10 it's members. Main recourses are: membership fee, projects funds. Main activities: projects (as "Enhancing the competitiveness of  cultural centers"), meetings of members, conferences, seminars, courses, learning activities for the employees of cultural centers, also it contains the work on preparing legislation for cultural centres, in cooperation with government institutions. Our local partners: The Ministry of Culture, Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre, universities, association of Lithuanian Museums, Lithuanian Librarians Association, The Union of Cultural workers; international: ENCC.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to unite Lithuanian cultural centres for seeking common aims in implementing cultural policy. The purposes of association - to unite the cultural centers and to represent them in order to seek common objectives and mutual cooperation;

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities: projects (as "Enhancing the competitiveness of  cultural centers"), meetings of members, conferences, seminars, courses, learning activities for the employees of cultural centers, also it contains the work on preparing legislation for cultural centres, in cooperation with government institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To spread ALF Network information to Lithuania cultural centres, to share best practice.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand a network of partners, to gain new experience, to find new financing sourses for association activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Romas Matulis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Romas Matulis
Contact (2) Full Name
Jurgita Aleknaviciene
Job Title (2)

Lithuanian Designers' Society

National Network

Didzioji str. 10A-9

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Lithuanian Designers‘ Society (“The Society“) is a limited liability public entity - an association of  professional designers, who have been granted a special national Art Creator Status. It unites 138 members and approximately 50 candidates. The organization operates on voluntary grounds only and its budget is comprised solely of sponsorships and members’ contributions.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Lithuanian Designers' Society is to develop organizational structure in industrial design sector, which would allow this industrial branch to dynamically and successfully react to challenges and development opportunities arising on regional, national or international level, as well as to satisfy other public interests pertaining to industrial design.
The Society also contributes to the benefit of the Lithuania's civil society by means of acting in the areas of international cooperation, education and vocational training, information and other areas which are recognized as beneficial to the society, the most important whereof is cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign organizations of industrialists, regional and local government institutions, design graduate schools etc.
The Society pays special attention to cooperation among its members and scientific and educational institutions in the area of scientific research and experimental development pertaining to implementation of new research methods, commercialization of scientific inventions’ and technology transfer to businesses, creation of competence and knowledge nucleus, which would improve the system of preparation of specialists and qualification enhancement in the Society, scientific and educational institutions and business sectors.

Main Projects / Activities

At the ICIF the Lithuanian Designers' Society pursues the goal of establishing valuable links with respective associations  and organizations operating in the field of cultural and creative industries, especially design, in China and other parts of the world, find out more about design clusters operating in China and other forms of economic cooperation and organization. Close connections with design-related business entities from China and other countries would help designers and their businesses to implement their aspirations and start beneficial partnerships, thus contributing to economic development of Lithuania in the long-term perspective, because even now the sector of cultural and creative industries creates almost 7 percent of Lithuania’s GDP, which it‘s one of the highest indicators in the European Union.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tautvydas Kaltenis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tautvydas Kaltenis

Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO

National Network

Šv.Jono 11, LT-01123, Vilnius

(+370 5) 210 73 41
Telephone (other)
(+370 5) 210 73 40
(+370 5) 210 73 43
Mobile Phone
+370 698 48413
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
. The Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO has 25 members with approved period if 4 years (maximum of two terms). Members of the National Commission have no remuneration for their work. The Secretariat of the National Commission is a budgetary institution, assisting to the National Commission. It consists from 6 employees: Secretary-General, 3 Programme managers, administrator and the financial specialist; 2. Budgetary resources for 2006 – appr. 150 thousand EUR; 3. UNESCO financed projects, - appr. 60 thousand USD per year; 4. Concrete projects, seminars, everyday activities in drafting, evaluating and implementing programmes in compliance with the UNESCO mission; 5. State and municipal institutions and agencies, scientific, study, cultural establishments, NGOs, interested in education, science ,culture, human rights, environment protection, development of communication and information, etc.
Mission and Objectives

National Commission:
- ensure active participation of the Republic in UNESCO activities in drafting, evaluating and implementing programmes in compliance with the UNESCO mission;
- promotes the UNESCO mission, associate intelligentsia and scientific research fellows to draft and implement UNESCO programmes;
- drafting, planning and implementing important programmes and projects;
- develop cooperation with National Commissions of foreign states; etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Main areas of activities:
- education;
- science;
- culture;
- social and human sciences;
- information and communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Gintarė Tamašauskaitė (Secretary General)
Head of the organisation
Ms. Gintarė Tamašauskaitė (Secretary General)

Lithuanian Red Cross

National Network

A.Juozapavičiaus st. 10A
11203 Vilnius

+3705 2628947
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and partners: 68 staff employed, 2200 members, 1260 volunteers. Sources of funding: National and regional public funds, EU funds, private donations, first aid courses income. Modalities of action: Concrete projects. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry Of Social Scurity and Labour, State Border Guard Service, UNHCR, Caritas, Akropolis,,

Mission and Objectives

Lithuanian Red Cross is a humanitarian organization guided by its congressional charter and the fundamental principal of the International Red Cross Movement, will help people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies.

Main Projects / Activities

Lithuanian Red Cross activities:  Refugee program; Humanitarian aid program; Nursing program for elderly people; First aid training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Belickiene
Job Title
PR Account Manager
Head of the organisation
Gintare Guzevičiūtė, Secretary General

Lithuanian restorers union

National Network

Klaipedos 5

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Lithuanian Restorers Union is a public professional, scientific and creative organization, unifying restorers of cultural heritage, others working in the field of heritage protection or indirectly involved in this activity professionals. Legal form: association Union bodies: General Congress of Union and the sole governing body - the Chairman of the Union. An executive Union body - Union Board (13 members) Sourse of funding - annual membership fee, other funds Organization of the annual competition in Lithuania "The best restoration project of the year". Participation of non-formal adult education program in 2013.
Mission and Objectives

To consolidate and to develop professional, scientifically-based preservation and restoration of movable and immovable cultural properties, to shape scientific-methodological and technological trends of restoration activities. To unite restorers on a professional basis, to develop their professional skills, to protect the rights and professional interests of union members.

Main Projects / Activities

Involved in addressing important issues protection of heritage. Participates in drafting heritage-related laws and other administrative acts. Delegates their representatives to the restauration councils, expert commissions in Department of Cultural Heritage and in other cultural heritage institutions. Organizes and hosts exhibitions, competitions, conferences. Presents candidates for national and other awards to get.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arunas Boruta
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Lithuanian Social Business Association

National Network

Smolensko Str. 37-1
03201 Vilnius Lithuania

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Lithuanian Social Business Association (LiSVA) is a national umbrella organization uniting social enterprise organizations. It was established in 2018 to create an environment favorable for social business, increase the awareness of social business and promote the implementation of international best practices. This is achieved through advocacy, capacity building and ecosystem development activities. Organization structure: 2 employees (director and project manager), 2 contractors (communications and administration) and a board of trustees. Annual budget: 86 000 Eur Sources of funding: National and European funds, annual membership fee. Projects: national project funded by Ministry of Social Security and Labour and Lithuanian village network “Courage to Change”, European Social Fund project “Involvement of NGOs in public administration in the field of social entrepreneurship”, Nordic Council of Ministers project “Nordic-Baltic Cooperation for Green and Inclusive Societies” Main partners: Enterprise Lithuania, Geri Norai, Latvian Social Enterprise Association, Estonian Social Enterprise Network, SE Forum.

Mission and Objectives

1) Advocacy activities: LiSVA represents the interests of social enterprises in state and municipal institutions, evaluates programs and measures implemented by state institutions, contributes to the formulation of public policy and makes specific proposals to municipal institutions regarding the involvement in the decision-making processes. 2) Communication activities: promotion of social entrepreneurship with the goal to raise awareness and inform stakeholders and the general public of this sector and the impact it creates. 3) Capacity building activities: events organized for social entrepreneurs and the social entrepreneurship community (workshops, seminars, conferences), creation of tools and networks.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities: - actively participate in the formation and implementation of social business development policy in Lithuania, - strengthen the capacity and competencies of organizations working in the field of social business, - represent its members in public institutions, - form public opinion about social business by organizing public information and education campaigns, - establish and maintain international cooperation in sharing best practices.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Social entrepreneurship is a subject that is attractive to young people in Lithuania as a way to address societal problems. LiSVA makes efforts to include and engage young people in this field directly and through it’s partners. We aim to empower young people that enter this sector and contribute to a stronger and more resilient civil society, which is in line with the ALF mission.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation is an institution shared by the forty-three countries of the Union for the Mediterranean with a mandate to promote intercultural dialogue and cross-cultural understanding. Since its launch in 2005, the Foundation has led and supported activities and projects across fields impacting on mutual perceptions among people of different cultures and beliefs, as well as developing a region-wide Network of over three thousand civil society organizations. We wish to join Lithuanian network of Anna Lindh foundation, because we believe we could bring added value to the network in the form of unique expertise, contacts, and ideas. Secondly, we believe that intercultural dialogue and cross-cultural understanding is the key in promoting democracy, therefore we do not take democracy for granted and are ready to commit with our everyday actions together with like-minded people. And finally, we wish to strengthen cooperation with countries from Mediterranean region to strengthen mutual understanding of an open and tolerant society, as well as to promote social entrepreneurship.

Contact (1) Full Name
Viktorija Braziunaite
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Viktorija Braziuinaite