
Hadatha Association

National Network

Akkar 3316

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Al Hadatha Association was founded through a national initiative led by youth. The main objective of this initiative was to 1) strengthen the role of various social groups; 2) provide opportunities that enable marginalized communities enjoy their social, humanitarian and developmental rights; 3) Develop the capacities of vulnerable groups and activate their potential in order to serve the Lebanese community on a national level.  
Mission and Objectives

We endeavor for a developed society with no gender and belief discrimination and where individuals and groups are aware of their rights and responsibilities. A society where justice and equal opportunities for all citizens prevail and the dream of better tomorrow is possible.

Al Hdatha works on achieving social and cultural development and on combatting poverty and marginalization in Akkar region and other parts of Lebanon, through the work with youth, women and children.

Main Projects / Activities

Project 1:
Activity title: Nasseej
Start and end date: From April 16,2013 to August 15, 2013
Location(s) of activity: Berkayel, Bebnine, Masheha, El Bireh, Tal Hayat,, Bhannine, Fnaydek, Mesmesh, Rahbi, Tekrit, Halba, Mhammara and Tal Abbas Gharbi
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To contribute in providing the Syrians and the Lebanese community with social well on healthy, social, cultural and economic levels.
- Establishing 13 mixed Lebanese and Syrian committees in every village.
- Developing the capacity of 80 participants (6 committees members) and enhancing their role in proposing projects alleviating the problem of Syrian refugees.
- Implementation 6 local initiatives aiming at improving the quality of life for the Syrian refugees.
- Issuing the Syrian refugee directory.
- Issuing reports on the needs of local communities affected.
Project 2
Activity title: Local Development Advocates
Start and end date: From May 20,2013 to May 20, 2014
Location(s) of activity: Berkayel, Jdedet El Qayte’e, Bzal, Hmayra and Tal Hayat village
Short summary, including results: Objective:
The project will promote youth participation in local decision-making in 5 villages in Akkar, and will mobilize open discussion and activism with municipalities to improve the quality of public services in the area.
- To build the capacity of 75 youth in mapping community needs.
- To sensitize municipalities on developmental needs from youth perspectives
- To enhance exchange and public discussion between local authorities, youth and citizens on real local needs
- To advocate concerns considered as a priority for local community and that will contribute in the advancement of the quality of their lives in their areas
Project 3
Activity title: Go Youth
Start and end date: 2 February A-2 July 2009
Location(s) of activity: 9 villages in Akkar, north Lebanon
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To provide youth with skills those enable them to create jobs and invest their capacities in the service of their future and their society away from intolerance and disputes.
Accelerated vocational trainings on photography, video editing, make-up and computer programing.
Project 4
Activity title: Our Municipalities “Baladiyatouna”
Start and end date: From 2/5/2010 until 13/6/2011
Location(s) of activity: 9 villages in Akkar, north Lebanon
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To activate the role of youth in the local governance and to enhance participation, exchange of knowledge and experience between many youth groups in different villages in north Lebanon
Creating youth groups in many villages, training them on municipal laws, selecting effective Municipal Council, preparing electoral campaigns and forming pressure groups to advocate local concerns, implementing youth related projects.
Project 5
Activity title: We are all partners
Start and end date: From 1/2/2012 till 15/9/2012
Location(s) of activity: In  17 villages in Akkar: Berkayel, Bzal, Safinat Al Kayte’e, Jedidat Al Kayte’e, Bebnine, Al Mohamara, Borj Al Arab, Wadi Al Rihan, Majdla Mar Touma, Al Homayra, ZoukHaddara, Al Abdeh, Karkaf, Mashha, Kabiit and Habshit
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To activate the role of the youth in the decision making process, to build their capacities in order to develop their communities and enjoy their rights.
Project 6
Activity title: Assessment and distribution for Akkar IT’s
Start and end date: From 16/11/2013 till 16/12/2013
Location(s) of activity: Akkar Region
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To make assessment for Akkar IT’s and distribute winterization clothes for children

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Zaher Obeid
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Zaher Obeid


National Network

Wadi Chahrour Main Road, Happinest
Wadi Chahrour 0000

+961 3 989820
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

- Current number of staff employed: 0 . We employ staff as per availability of projects and funding. The organization is currently managed by the co-founders.
- Previous source of funding from a partner: GIZ

Mission and Objectives

Our mission:
Happinest is a non-profit creative home committed to promoting storytelling as a catalyst for individual development and social cohesion.
We offer programs in visual and performance arts to help individuals build creative skills and attain economic independence.

Our Objectives:
- Economic independence for creatives
- Social cohesion
- Art as a therapeutic practice

Main Projects / Activities

1. The programs

> Happinest programs
The art programs offered by Happinest are divided into two main categories: visual arts and performance arts.

- Visual Arts Programs:
1. Art programs (trainings and workshops in painting, illustration, sculpting, mixed media, etc.)
2. Ceramics & pottery

- Performance Arts Programs:
1. Comedy program
2. Music programs (singing, songwriting, and composition)
3. Musical theater program

> Partner programs
The nest is happy to open its doors to any potential partnership and/or collaboration with entities and organizations that promote or conduct artistic programs or activities aligned with our mission. In May 2023, we had the pleasure of offering a residency to 5 artists as part of Goethe’s ArtEvolution Program.

2. Activities

> Regular

- Training modules:
Regular classes will be offered periodically. Participants will have the option to choose one or more disciplines to explore.

- Art therapy:
In parallel to the art classes, an art therapy program will be in process. This program accompanies participants on a long-term basis, following the progress of their journey. Certified therapists and psychologists will be consulted in the design and will monitor in detail the implementation of the program.

- Guesthouse/Residency:
The upper two floors, containing a living room and five bedrooms, will be open to accommodate creatives for residencies, guest speakers/teachers, or any individuals looking to retreat into a wholesome and transformative artistic experience.

- Co-working space & library café
Originally a kitchen, a dining room, and two living rooms, these functions will jointly operate as a co-working space and library café. The facility will be open for individuals seeking a workspace to focus on their academic, cultural, or artistic projects.

>. Sporadic

- Workshops
Complementary to the classes, workshops covering a variety of artistic disciplines will be carried out frequently. Through these intensive short-term workshops, participants will have the opportunity to learn extensively from local and international artists and professionals.

- Exhibitions
Happinest will be organizing occasional art exhibitions (across numerous disciplines) that will allow participants as well as professional artists to display, and eventually sell, their artwork.

- Events & live performances
Our capacious indoor and outdoor spaces enable us to organize and host a broad and eclectic assortment of communal and live events that range from musical performances to standup comedy, slam poetry and spoken word, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rabih Saadeh
Job Title
President, Co-founder
Head of the organisation
Rabih Saadeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Myriam Tawk
Job Title (2)
Vice President, Co-founder

Haqi Awrath

National Network

Haidar Building/Nokta 4/Baalbek-Rayak Road

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
General Information

Haqi Awrath NGO is in the start-up stage, consisting of 7 board members and a 6-member staff. Since its founding in 2021, the association has received about 370,000 dollars over three years (about 120,000$ per year) to implement 6 concrete projects on the right of women to inheritance, gender discrimination, and women’s economic empowerment. The first and second projects were funded by The Zovighian Partenership, with the partenariat of two local associations (Lebanese Youth Network and Women Now) the third one was funded by OCHA with the partenariat of ACTED and LOST organisations, the fourth project was funded by the Embassy of Canada to Lebanon (CFLI) and there are one ongoing and one upcoming project funded by WPHF with UN Women partenariat. The activities are awareness sessions on inheritance distribution laws, how to claim inheritance, and prevent deprivation of it... Young people are raised on this issue through theater and social media. We carry out advocacy campaigns and conduct research on the issue of inheritance through statistics and interviews...

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Working towards the eradication of all forms of violence against women and girls, particularly economic violence, through collaboration with civil society, legal actors, social influencers, and authorities, aiming to eliminate all forms of discrimination and achieve gender social justice.
1. Achieving women's economic empowerment to eliminate all forms of dependency, especially through their right to inheritance.
2. Achieving legal empowerment for women and increasing awareness of women's rights, particularly their right to inheritance.
3. Ensuring women's access to power and decision-making positions to achieve gender social justice and enhance laws.
4. Achieving self-sufficiency and financial sustainability for the organization to continue supporting women and the community.

Main Projects / Activities

Sheghel Dayati project: The "Sheghel Dayati" project includes several activities aimed to economically empowering women to achieve financial independence. These activities involve capacity building courses in the food industry and handicrafts. Alongside these trainings, the association conducts separate awareness sessions to educate women about their rights and how to ensure their economic rights and manage them effectively.

Haqi-Aaraf project: During this project, the association provided model legal training on inheritance laws and the ways in which women are deprived of their rights. The implementation of the project included media campaigns on social media and traditional means. The project also included interviews and a conference with influencers and community leaders to gather information about the reasons for women's deprivation of inheritance, and we came up with recommendations and proposals for solutions.

Sahha and Afieh project: This project was about food security, it served 90 families that in dire need. Haqi-Awrath supported the most vulnerable families with meal kits and food parcels during two months. In addition, Haqi-Awrath created short-term employment opportunities for 18 local cooks and 24 young. A community kitchen was established in the center of Haqi-Awrath.
Project funded by the Canada Embassy: it started on August 2023, its end will be on 28 February 2024, it is about ”Enhancing women’s knowledge and claiming of their right to inheritance in Lebanon’s Baalbeck-Hermel governorate through research, training, legal advice and advocacy”.
Ongoing project funded by WPHF and UN Women: this project is complementary to that funded by the Canada Embassy, it will be implemented in Baalbeck-Hermel governorate but with different villages and city. A piece of theater will be realized during this project and then several plays will be conducted in the schools of this region. This project started on December 2023 and it will last 12 months.
Upcoming project funded by WPHF and UN Women: this project is related to an award assigned to Dr Ouloum AUDI, founder and president of Haqi Awrath Women's Peace & Humanitarian Fund WPHF and Women Have Wings in coordination with UN Women. In the context of this award, peer exchange experiences will be covered by $8,000. Ouloum Audi from Haqi-Awrath Association, together with Maryam Al-Dirani from the Naba Association, will exchange experiences on women’s rights and empowerment. Ouloum will provide trainings on economic violence against women and protection for the Naba team, while Maryam will lead trainings on advocacy and campaigning.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association's presence within the network will increase the reputation of its activity in Lebanon and expand it by inviting more Lebanese associations to join it. Publicizing the network’s activities through social media related to Haqi Awrath will strengthen the Network and Haqi Awrath together, as this will further enhance trust in both parties.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the Anna Lindh Foundation network to be informed of all the new projects and activities of the network’s members and partners because we believe that the issue of depriving women of their right to inheritance is a problem that most Arab countries suffer from. We hope to communicate with other Arab associations through the ALF Foundation in order to expand our work. Because Haqi Awrath is perhaps the first NGO in the Arab country working on this issue, we receive a lot of messages from women in the Arab country asking for awareness about this issue in their countries. We hope that women in Arab countries will benefit from our accumulated experiences and expertise to spread awareness about this topic in their countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Founder and President
Head of the organisation
Dr Ouloum AUDI
Contact (2) Full Name
Narimane MEKDADE
Job Title (2)

Hariri Canadian Academy-HCA

National Network

Mechref P.O Box: 10 Damour-Chouf 2010

05/ 601386 / 90
05/ 601379 - 80
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
HCA is a non-profit institution for higher education. Schools and Programs: I- School of Business Administration II- School of Engineering Planned New Schools and Programs for 2006-2007 III- School of Science and Information Systems IV- Freshman Program V- Graduate Studies Modalities of Action - Business & Engineering Seminars - Scholarships Program: consists of Merit, Achievement, and Competition Scholarships. - Financial Aid Work-Study Program: aims to help financially strapped students to pay their tuition fees. Main Partners HCA was established in collaboration with Canadian academic institutions such as Capilano College and Memorial University, and is also collaborating with Deggendorf University in Germany and INSA University in France.
Mission and Objectives

The Hariri Canadian Academy was established with the vision of offering Quality Affordable Higher Education. Our mission is to foster personal and professional excellence and the development of leadership expressed in service to others for the common benefits of humankind.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hisham Kobrosly
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Abdul-Rahman A. Arkadan
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Zahi Ramadan Chairperson of the School of Business Administration

Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development

National Network

Beirut, Emir Bechir road, Solidere building 1301, 5th floor

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

The Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development is a Lebanese Non- Governmental Organization that was established in 1979 by HE Premier Rafik Hariri. In its early days of inception, the foundation focused primarily on the educational sector, reaching out and providing financial support for nearly 34,000 students; thus, rendering investing in people synonymous with investing in Lebanon’s future. Whilst such a focus constituted a direct response to the needs of the war-afflicted population, the foundation has since expanded its scope of coverage, shifting towards a more diversified portfolio of interventions aimed at attaining a sustainable state of human development. To-date, the foundation has  implemented over 450 projects that are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in partnership with more than 110 local, regional and international partners. The foundation currently works across eight fields of intervention, including Education & Information Technology, Civic Engagement & Good Governance, Cultural Heritage & Tourism, Women Empowerment, Agriculture, Environment, Crisis Management & Relief Services and Urban Development. Working within a Public-Private-Civil Society partnership framework, the foundation believes in the correlation between adopting a participatory approach to development and the sustainability of initiatives undertaken, as such a methodology is best suited for aggregating, reconciling and creating synergies amongst various interventions that tackle the challenges imposed by the rising trend of urbanization.

Mission and Objectives

our mission: “We lead on functions that reinforce nationalism and strengthen the sense of responsible citizenship. We undertake research, form partnerships, build people’s capacities, lead, fund and support innovative developmental projects”.  

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects: Outreach and leadership academy- Vocational Training Center- Promoting Active Citizenship through Coaching &Training (PACCT)- Lebanon 2020- Arab Women Observatory- BALADI

Contact (1) Full Name
Rubina Abu Zeinab
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
MP Bahia Hariri
Contact (2) Full Name
Nisrine Itani
Job Title (2)
Acting manager for capacity building

Haven for Artists

National Network

Sassine, Achrafieh

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Established in 2011, Haven for Artists is composed of six team members, with three full-time (Executive Director, Creative Director, Project Coordinator) and three part-time (Designer, House Manager, Researcher) staff members. Staff and advisory board are all part of the community we serve.

Funding from 2011 to 2020 was out of pocket, and in the past four years we have had funding from various donors, among them Global Fund for Women, Doria Feminist Fund, Foundation for Arts Initiatives, Arab Foundation for Arts and Culture, All Around Culture, Mediterranean Human Rights Fund, and many more (detailed in our annual reports attached). Our budget for our 2024 financial year is around 119,000 USD.

We are a cultural feminist organization based in Beirut, Lebanon. Working at the intersection of art and activism, Haven is a physical and digital platform supporting activists, artistic expression, and production rooted in intersectional feminist thinking and decolonial practices.

Mission and Objectives

Haven aims to empower women, LGBTQIA+, and other marginalized communities by offering a free cultural and political learning and training program, a free and accessible feminist library and community-led publications, and through the publication of our queer art archive book. We envision a society where women and LGBTQIA+ folk can express themselves freely and have full participation in the political and public sphere.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2022, Haven opened its 3rd cultural center that has thus far hosted 144 free and accessible cultural workshops, panels, and events reaching over 2000 women and marginalized community members focusing on decolonial knowledge production, intersectional feminism, racial justice, and gender equality. Haven also publishes cultural publications and a community-led zine titled Manbouzine. The Haven House hosts a bilingual public library, with over 330 books ranging from fiction and non-fiction, theory, poetry, essays, zines, and comics.

We host and produce:
- Clubs, Workshops, and Panels
- Cultural Publications
- Exhibitions, Festivals & Cultural events
- Creative Campaigns
- Artist studios
- Feminist Public Library

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our community space as a meeting place for the network itself or its member organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We heard about the network from the Challenging Inequalities Program's call for proposals, and are always looking to expand our networks with like-minded organizations in the region and worldwide. We would like to hear more about other partner organizations working on similar topics, as well as have a network of groups we can reach out to to collaborate on larger projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dayna Ash
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dayna Ash
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Home New Home

Societies in the Euro-Mediterranean region are experiencing challenges due to an influx of people fleeing war and violence from the South to the North of the Mediterranean. This, in turn, has instigated fears, prejudices and misunderstandings among different groups in...

Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Home New Home

Les sociétés de la région euro-méditerranéenne font face à de nombreux défis en raison d'un afflux de personnes fuyant la guerre et la violence du sud vers le nord de la Méditerranée. Cela a, à son tour, suscité des craintes...

Horizon Center

National Network

Zaarour center- airport highway

+961 1 452484
+961 1 452484
Mobile Phone
+961 3 977041
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
There are seven employees & more than 20 researches, our budget in a year approximately 50000$, our finance from products & publishing, our modalities are researches, seminars, workshops & studies in the development, human rights, technology, education, computer science, economics, social & health science, our partners are local & Arab NGO's & universities.
Mission and Objectives

The center's strategy and policies adopted:
- the cultivation and development of the obtainable human capabilities
- Revealing and recognizing human potentials of both the individuals and groups and make it rise.
- a better position for the Arabic society, determining to make it rise to escort progress and advancement , and prepare it to penetrate the 21st century with the positive indications and data that fit its culture, tradition and nature.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Carrying out the necessary specialized researches that concerned our societies by the help of expert researchers and scientists in our nations and others.
2. Translating and publishing these researches through available media and press to deliver it to Arab reader.
3. Forming and establishing communication and contact channels between researchers and those who are interested in the Arab society’s affairs to proliferate the best studies and researches of our center.
4. Issuing periodical and specific brochures (reports) and put it at the Arabic reader reach.
5. Making opinion polls among different sections of societies to set up an idea about the trends and views toward the current and expected events in the society where they live.
Thus, the fields and majors that we are interested within our center are: practical, economic, social, educational, computer science, human rights and health sciences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Hikmat chamseddine
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ahmad AbdulAmir Chamsuddin
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Hussein Al Rihani

Hounna for empowerment

National Network

Avenue de l'Eternité, 6
1070 Bruxelles

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

La structure a été fondée par Noura Amer, militante féministe depuis 2004 en Belgique et issue de cette région. Elle a investi des fonds propres pour son lancement et continue à financer certaines de ses activités ( location du local, achat des meubles et des matériels, rémunération des bénévoles,..). En 2023, la structure a bénéficié d'un soutien financier de Mediterranean Women’s Fund ( 3000 euros) pour le projet "Pas à pas vers l'indépendance économique et sociale des femmes". Dans ce cadre, nous avons engagé une coordinatrice du projet qui se clôture en décembre. Dans ce cadre, un groupe de femmes a été formé autour du marketing pour les aider à commercialiser leurs produits. Elles ont mis en place des stands lors des festivals et appris à s'organiser en groupe pour poursuivre après le projet. Une exposition de peinture est également en cours de préparation pour promouvoir des femmes peintres rurales ( région de Hasbaya) à Beyrouth. Nos activités s'inscrivent dans l'approche intersectionnelle et visent à sortir les femmes rurales de la marge et à leur donner une place entière sur le marché de l'emploi et sur la scène culturelle. Nous visons la création de réseaux et l’organisation collective pour augmenter la capacité d'agir des femmes aussi diverses qu'elles soient ( jeunes, âgées, religieuses, non-croyantes, etc). Nous accordons une grande importance au bien-être des femmes et à l'augmentation de leur estime d'elles-mêmes et leur confiance en elles-mêmes à travers des rencontres avec des spécialistes.

Mission and Objectives

Mission(s) & domaines d’activités principaux - Création d’une dynamique féministe dans un milieu rural conservateur - Empowerment social et économique • Promotion des talents • Développement des compétences • Acquisition de l'expérience • Revitalisation du mouvement culturel et artistique • Réseautage et solidarité - Développement rural

Main Projects / Activities

- "Le festival Hounna" en 2022: une soirée artistique et culturelle en la présence de la chanteuse Oumayma Al Khalil et l'écrivaine Fatima Charafeddine - La bibliothèque Hounna: au sein du local loué dans la place du village. Des petits et des grands viennent lire ou emprunter des livres surtout durant l'été. La structure ne dispose pas de moyens lui permettant d'engager du personnel ou de défrayer des bénévoles tout au long de l'année. - "Pas à pas vers l'indépendance économique et sociale" qui vise la formation des femmes au marketing et les aider à commercialiser leurs productions ( création de réseaux, les mettre en contact avec des structures spécialisées, les aider pour participer à des expositions, etc) - Les rencontres thématiques: estime de soi, Yoga, créer son association, etc - Les ateliers de peinture -La promotion des talents des femmes sur la page Facebook - ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous sommes situées dans une région reculée, à majorité druze. C'est une communauté qui a ses caractéristiques et ses expériences propres qui influencent la vie des femmes et leur émancipation. Les grandes structures et ONGs libanaises ne sont pas présentes et actives dans notre région d'une manière régulière. De plus, elles passent souvent par des structures partisanes qui diffusent l'information au sein de ses propres réseaux. Nous pouvons être un très bon relais et un interlocuteur communautaire fiable pour le réseau et pour les grandes structures libanaises. Nous pouvons aussi, et surtout, amener des expériences différentes, celles des femmes de la marge et partager notre savoir-faire et notre expertise avec d'autres groupes du Liban et d'ailleurs. Les femmes issues des communautés minoritaires ont des difficultés particulières liées à leur condition de femmes mais aussi à la position de leur communauté et "les risques" réels ou imaginaires que la communauté encoure et tout ce que cela représente comme poids supplémentaire sur les épaules des femmes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La fondatrice et directrice du groupe est par ailleurs la fondatrice et présidente d'AWSA-Belgium, membre active depuis longtemps au sein du réseau. Rejoindre le réseau apportera une richesse énorme à la structure. L'objectif de Hounna for empowerment est d'augmenter la capacité d'agir des femmes rurales. Le réseau Anna Lindh, à travers le soutien aux projets, les différent‧e‧s membres et les possibilités d'échange de savoirs et de partenariat en termes de projets, représente une opportunité très importante pour la jeune structure. C'est également une volonté de faire entendre la voix des femmes druzes, très peu représentées dans le mouvement féministe en général et libanais en particulier. Leur expérience, en tant que femmes appartenant à une minorité, peut rejoindre la réalité d'autres femmes vivant dans d'autres contextes comme le contexte migratoire par exemple.

Contact (1) Full Name
Noura AMER
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Noura Amer
Contact (2) Full Name
Nisrine Wehbi
Job Title (2)
Directrice adjointe