


تضم الشبكة اللبنانية، التي ترأسها اللجنة الوطنية اللبنانية لليونسكو منذ عام 2005، حوالي 150 منظمة من منظمات المجتمع المدني المتنوّعة للغاية في أشكالها (منظمات غير حكومية وجامعات ومدارس وبلديات)، وفي ديموغرافياتها (من جميع المناطق اللبنانية) وفي مجالات عملها (الثقافة والتعليم والبيئة والفنون والحوار واللاجئين، إلخ.). تتميّز الشبكة اللبنانية بتنوّع أعضائها، وهي ملتزمة جداً بنشر قيم مؤسسة آنا ليند وأهدافها من خلال مجالات الأنشطة المنفذة، فضلاً عن مجالات الخبرة. وفي بلد مثل لبنان يواجه أزمة سياسية واجتماعية واقتصادية مستمرة، تواصل الشبكة اللبنانية التحلي بالمرونة، وغالباً ما تتحمل المسؤوليات وتبرهن عن قدرة قيادية، مما يحدث فرقاً في حياة الناس والمجتمعات المهمشة. أحد الإنجازات الجديرة بالملاحظة كان في أعقاب انفجار بيروت المروّع في آب/أغسطس 2020. فبينما كانت البلاد تتخبّط في التعامل مع هذه الكارثة، لم يكتفِ العديد من أعضاء الشبكة بالانخراط في أعمال الإغاثة الفورية، لا بل أطلقوا أيضاً مشاريع مخصّصة للاستجابة لاحتياجات الأشخاص المتضرّرين، وتوفير جميع أنواع الدعم المادي والنفسي. وفي المراحل القادمة، تهدف الشبكة اللبنانية إلى أن تكون أكثر نشاطاً، فتعمل على تعبئة أكبر عدد ممكن من الأعضاء لخلق التآزر والشراكات سواء بين أعضاء الشبكة أو مع الشبكات الأخرى.

النوع الاجتماعي
Publication Illustration

مفهوم الرجولة

الت حقوق النساء والفتيات وظروفهن في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا اهتمامًا بالغًا من قِبل السياسات والمجتمع المدني خلال السنوات الأخيرة. وعلى الرغم من هذا التركيز، هناك أبحاث محدودة بشأن سلوكيات الرجال وممارساتهم من ناحية علاقاتهم مع شركائهم ووجهات نظرهم...

Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

منزلي الجديد

تواجه المجتمعات في المنطقة الأورومتوسطية تحديات بسبب تدفّق الفارين من الحرب والعنف، من جنوب البحر الأبيض المتوسط إلى شماله. وأدى ذلك بدوره إلى إثارة المخاوف والتحيّزات وسوء الفهم بين مختلف فئات المجتمع. ومع ذلك، لا يتأثر الشباب على القدر نفسه...

Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

مهرجان بيروت وسردينيا

سردينيا من أفقر المناطق في إيطاليا على الرغم من إمكاناتها الكبيرة المتجذرة في التاريخ والثقافة والإرث البيئي. وفي الوقت نفسه، ثمّة أماكن كثيرة في بيروت تحتاج إلى تعزيز من المنظور الثقافي والاقتصادي. ومن هنا، أطلق منظمو مهرجان لبنان وسردينيا LEB-SARD...

Nayla Tabbara

نايلة طبارة

نائبة رئيس وكبيرة الخبراء في مؤسسة أديان - لبنان. المديرة السابقة لمعهد المواطنة وإدارة التنوع - مؤسسة أديان (2015 - 2020). تحمل طبارة شهادة دكتوراه في علوم الأديان من المدرسة التطبيقية للدراسات العليا (السوربون - باريس) وجامعة القديس يوسف (بيروت)،...

النوع الاجتماعي
يوسف كرباج

يوسف كرباج

مدير بحوث في المعهد الوطني للدراسات الديمغرافية (INED) في باريس. يوسف كرباج خبير في مجال العلاقة بين الديموغرافيا والسياسة، خاصة في البلدان العربية والإسلامية. كان كرباج المدير العلمي للمعهد الفرنسي للشرق الأدنى في بيروت، وهو مؤلف حوالي ثلاثمائة وخمسين منشوراً...

‎Amel Association

National Network

Amel Bldg., Abou-Chakra street, Mousseitbeh, Beirut ‎

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

STRUCTURE: Amel Association has its head quarter in Beirut and 16 center in rural area to implment project and develop services. The overall staff number is 96 excluded the consultants that provide services in the centers. FINANCES: 2011 budget of the NGO is 2,127,223 US$ coming from: - 38,51% from external assistance (HELP; BONPARTNERS; Domestic Megrant Workers (Jordan); Anera; Save the children; Mercy Corp; Africa 70; OSI; UNDP; Canadian embassyr and other embassies) - 5,04% form internal assistance - 56,45% from internal revenues MODALITIES of ACTION: Direct implementation of development project in a participatory way through seminars, and trainings. Youth activities such as Peer to Peer trainings, International exchanges, workshop and voluntary activities. House of Human Rights established by Amel youth groups For more details information and description, please check our web site

Mission and Objectives

Amel's objectives are: * Promoting social, economic, civil and cultural rights for the underprivileged in Lebanon. * Contributing to building a strong and mobilized Civil Society in order to strengthen national unity and promote democratic values. * Advocating and lobbying for the principles of human rights in the aim of ensuring Social Justice. * Assisting and providing quality services for everyone (medical activities, rural development, trainings…) * Promoting equal rights and equal opportunities Principles: The Programs of Amel Association are implemented on three different levels: - Programs of services: All the medical, social and educational services are offered in a permanent manner to the population for symbolic fees, based on a participatory approach. Amel describes these services as "better and cheaper.” - Development Programs: This relates to the continuation of an evolution from emergency action to development activities in the most deprived areas in Lebanon, by working with the population and for the population. Though this is a complex and challenging process, Amel is loyal to it. - Sensitization Programs on Civic Rights: This takes place through holding sensitization sessions about the importance of national unity and promoting democratic values. - Educational Program on Human rights: Organizing courses on human rights and International Humanitarian Law and Refugees Law.

Main Projects / Activities

Ongoing Projects: Anna Lindh Foundation: Video Advocacy Action Open Society Institute: Summer school on law and conflict 2012 European Commission: gender equality DRC : Life Skills Education for Iraqi Refugee Women & Youth French Embassy :Promotion of Women and Children’s Rights to Education, Leisure and Health The follow-up committee: Solidarity with Gaza UNHCR: Social support to Iraqi refugees Euromed: Youth exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Kamel Mohanna
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kamel Mohanna
Contact (2) Full Name
Virginie Lefevre

‎Naba'a - Developmental Action without Borders

National Network

Abed Al-Majid Bazzi Bldg., 1st floor, Al-Saray street
Saida 1600

‎+961-7-732601 ‎
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Naba'a has been a registered independent NGO (License number 104/AD) since 2001, before when we were part of the program of Save the Children UK in Lebanon targeting Palestinian refugees. However, SC-UK is still today one important and valued program funder and partner of ours. Contributing to our 2009 income up to 1 127 544 USD, these furthermore include: AECID, ECHO, Netherlands Embassy, Karim Rida Said Foundation, MAP, Movement for Peace, Palestinian Group Solidarity, Save the Children Sweden, Terre des Hommes Italy or UNICEF. Our projects take place throughout all Lebanon within several communities within the Palestinian refugee camps and unregistered gatherings. Such an implantation requires a solid organization among our 74 employees, 12 of whom are actually local volunteers. Internal management structures and capacities are always being reviewed to be sure we properly meet our scope of actions and efficiently manage our integrated community approach.
Mission and Objectives

Following our vision of a society built on the respect of human rights, our mission is to empower local communities so as to uphold the rights of children living in Lebanon, for them to play an active role within their society and grow up in a safe environment. Following our core values of neutrality, participation, and transparency, we work on helping Palestinian refugees as well as Lebanese community to take control over the decisions affecting their lives while addressing collective needs. We aim to support children and youth who are the most at risk of dropping out from school and being neglected or mistreated in their community. We particularly focus on marginalized girls, who have restricted mobility and are being denied education, when they are not confronted with early marriages. We also try to increase women’s role in the community decision-making processes, regarding gender equality and children’s rights issues mostly.

Main Projects / Activities

Relying on our complementary Child Rights, Community Development, Advocacy, Inclusive Education, Capacity-Building and Emergency programs, we do this by: - Providing skills trainings, recreational activities, and after-school support - Working with teachers and parents to strengthen their understanding of children’s needs - Providing awareness-building workshops - Involving community agencies (e.g. vocational training centers, health centers, NGOs) to improve the services addressing children and youth. - Participating in local networks of NGOS, popular committees, and active groups involving local decision makers. - Using our experience to provide key service providers (such as UNRWA) with relevant advice. - Promoting women rights through national advocacy campaigns and regional initiatives. Our work is based on an integrated and participatory approach. Our management team regularly meets with field workers and project coordinators to discuss strengths and weaknesses of our running projects. We closely monitor our activities and regularly produce reports to our donors and partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Yasser Dawoud
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Qassem Saad (Chairman)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Hiba Hamzi
Job Title (2)
Program Coordinator

‎Union of Jezzine Municipalities

National Network

Jezzine Serail, Jezzine, South Lebanon

‎+961-7-781333 ‎
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
the Union includes 28 municipalities, President, vice president, 26 other members (HEAD OF MUNICIPALITIES), Mayor and Attorney Fouad El Haj political Referent to an ENPI CBC MED program called T-NET, PARTNERS: TOSCUNY REGION- ITALY, PACA REGION - FRANCE, UNDP, OTHER NGO AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES, Staff: 13 persons plus outsourcing,budgetary resources about 1500000$, Governmental subventions, local taxes,public services, donations, Modalities of action is to develope the various sectors in Jezzine region while preserving the natural and cultural heritage by adhering to high environmental quality standards to organize urban expansion and to protect green spaces, to provide conditions that allow economic growth, invite visitors, attract investors and contribute to the creation of job opportunities for the locals, execute concrete project defined in the Unions Strategic Plan, • Develop common vision and mission statements for Jezzine region, to set general objectives for the strategy plan and specific objectives for each sector to Identify and elaborate strategic intervention (potential projects) for each sector. All within an institutional framework operating with passion and credibility and by which the Union is the leading reference in this united process of integrated sustainable development.
Mission and Objectives

To work on the development of the various sectors in Jezzine Region while preserving the natural and cultural heritage by adherence to high quality environmental norms; organization of urban expansion and the protection of green spaces; and provision of conditions that support economic growth and result in the initiation of projects that attract visitors and investors alike and contribute to the creation of job opportunities for the locals; all within a systematic institutional framework that is based on working with passion and credibility and that constitutes a leading reference in the integrated sustainable development of the region.

Main Projects / Activities

Solid Waste Management, Waste-water Management,Potable water sources,Road Networks,Basic Services, renewable energy,Public and private schools support,Vocational and Training Institutions, Inter-connectivity between villages, eco-tourism activities, Equipping a Pine nuts Processing Center (crushing, packaging and marketing), Revival of Apple Production and Introduction of New Added Value Varieties, Establishment of an Extension Center for Support and Guidance to Farmers (introduction of new crops, use of fertilizers, promotion of organic farming and products, Construction of Eco-lodges , Initiation of a "Natural Reserve Zone " pilot project within the Jezzine area, Establishment of a Booth for Selling Local Agricultural Products with Specific Branding for Jezzine Region, Construction of Agricultural Roads to provide access to arable land,Construction and operation of a solid waste Sorting and Composting Facility, Implementation of the Waste-water Management Plan, Construction of a Power Station, Electricity Generation through Wind and Solar Energy, industry and education sector support...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by exchanging support, knowledge and values,by helping in establishing a solid framework for cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to access and exchange ideas and skills and enhance cooperation among local and international network partners through cross border collaboration, to acquire help and support for implementing cultural and humanistic values, to improve the way of living of the community by building infrastructure and social development...

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Khalil Harfouche
Head of the organisation
Mr. Khalil Harfouche
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Fouad El Haj