
United Societies of Balkans

National Network

Al. Delmouzou 8,
54635 Thessaloniki

0030 231 0 215 629
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The “United Societies of Balkans” is a Non Governamental Non Profit Organisation, founded in Thessaloniki in 2008 by a team of active young people, socially sensitized, and with rich experience around voluntary programs. The vision was the promotion of youth mobility, youth involvement in volunteering and their further sensitizing around social issues.

Mission and Objectives

To promote the values of non formal learning, volunteering, active citizenship and democracy for the creation of a better future for European youth. To promote human rights, solidarity and respect for diversity To involve with minorities and immigrants To build healthy cooperation bridges between countries of the Balkan area and that of Eastern Europe with the rest of Europe. To locate and multiply the special cultural attributes of our societies The break down of prejudices and stereotypes between Balkan countries

Main Projects / Activities

European Voluntary Service (Youth in Action Programme),Directorate General for Education and Culture from European Commission Project, Media Platform (web site, e-radio, web-TV). Also, a series of local seminars and workshops for the local community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Aristodimos Paraschou
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mr. Aristodimos Paraschou


National Network

Egnatias 156
54636 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Univation is a dynamic nonprofit startup with a lean organizational structure comprising three co-founders and a dedicated team of 15 volunteers. Operating with an annual budget of around €40,000, primarily sourced from consultancy projects with various European universities, Univation is just beginning its fundraising efforts. The organization specializes in providing a comprehensive platform for incubators and accelerators, offered for free to universities. This platform includes features like an Idea Canvas, mentor lists, course creation tools, and more, inspired by leading startup accelerators like Y Combinator and Startup School. Looking forward, Univation is excited about launching a new platform designed to connect professors at over 100 universities with a diverse range of mentors, including entrepreneurs, Y Combinator founders, AI researchers, and even Nobel laureates. This initiative aims to enrich the academic experience by bringing real-world expertise into the classroom. Univation's main partners are prestigious institutions, collaborating with over 35 universities across Europe and renowned colleges like Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia.

Mission and Objectives

Univation's mission is to empower student entrepreneurs and facilitate innovation in the academic sector globally. The primary objective is to bridge the gap between academia and the entrepreneurial world, providing students and faculty with the tools and connections necessary to transform ideas into viable businesses. By offering its platform free of charge to universities, Univation aims to democratize access to high-quality entrepreneurial resources and mentorship.

Main Projects / Activities

Univation's main projects and activities focus on fostering entrepreneurship in academia. Key initiatives include:

Free Platform for Universities: Offering a comprehensive digital platform to universities, which includes tools for idea development, course creation, and mentorship programs.

Mentorship Program: Launching a new platform connecting students and faculty with a diverse network of mentors from various fields, including successful entrepreneurs and Nobel laureates.

Workshops and Hackathons: Organizing interactive events that encourage entrepreneurial thinking and practical skill development among students.

Consultancy Projects: Engaging in consultancy for European universities, assisting them in developing and enhancing their own entrepreneurial programs and incubators.

These activities are aimed at bridging the academic-entrepreneurial divide and equipping the next generation of innovators with the necessary tools and knowledge.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Greece, Univation can contribute significantly to the educational and entrepreneurial ecosystem through the following strategies:

-Partnerships with Greek Universities and Institutions: Collaborating with Greek universities and educational non-profits to offer our digital platform, which includes mentorship opportunities and tools for idea development and course creation.

-Tailored Support for Local Communities: Providing customized support to local educational communities in Greece, helping them develop their entrepreneurial initiatives and adapt to the unique challenges and opportunities in the Greek context.

-Promoting Innovation and Idea Realization: Encouraging Greek students and educators to bring their innovative ideas to fruition, supported by our network of global mentors, including successful entrepreneurs and industry experts.

-Organizing Local Events: Hosting workshops, hackathons, and seminars in Greece to inspire entrepreneurial thinking, practical skill development, and networking among students and educators.

-Enhancing Connectivity and Exchange: Facilitating connections between the Greek educational sector and our extensive international network, thereby promoting cross-cultural exchanges and collaboration.

Univation's engagement in Greece aims to empower the local academic community, fostering a robust environment where innovative ideas can thrive and transform into successful ventures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Univation is eager to join the ALF Network primarily to apply for the mobility partnership program, recognizing the immense potential in engaging with other network partners. This collaboration aligns with our mission to develop youth entrepreneurship across the Mediterranean and Europe. By joining ALF, we anticipate fostering meaningful partnerships, sharing knowledge, and gaining insights that will enhance our ability to empower young entrepreneurs. This network presents a valuable opportunity for us to expand our reach, collaborate on innovative projects, and contribute to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Mediterranean region and beyond.

Contact (1) Full Name
Minas Marios Kontis
Job Title
Founder & CEO
Head of the organisation
Minas Marios Kontis

University of Ioannina/Greece

National Network

University of Ioannina/Dorouti/Ioannina
45110 Ioannina

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The University of Ioannina is one of the 21 Higher Education Institutions through the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs.

The University currently has formal exchange agreements with a large number of Universities in mainland Europe through the well established Europe Erasmus Programme.
It has the largest library and Information Centre in Greece .Also, there is a significant collection in braille that can be used by visually impaired people, The University of Ioannina has an International Centre of Greek language and Culture.

Mission and Objectives

The misssion of the International Centre of Greek Languge and Civilization is to teach the greek language , to prerare students for the attainment of the greek language,

Moreover, its purpose is the production of teaching material, which contributes to the promotion and dissemination of Greek language and culture.Also , theCentre supports in the field of language of returning emigrants and Greeks abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

The research on language strategy and policy.

The research on Greek language.

The support in the field of language of returning emigrants.
The support of the Greek Culture and Civilization,
The partication in Europe Programs asErasmus in order to exchange good practices with our European collegues and to promote the intercultural relations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I could contribute to the Network in Greece with a research on the fields of language, .

Also I could contribute with the support of emigrants to participate in an intercultural labatory in order to promote social cohesion , sustainable development and social cohesion.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I could exchange good practices in the fields of education, arts,intercultural and cultural relations

Finally ,I could build together with the ALF N etwork a scheme for intercultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fotini Efthymiou
Head of the organisation
Professor Albanis, Rector of the University

Vakxikon Publications

National Network

Veranzerou 13
10677 Athens

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Vakxikon Publications is a leading publishing company in Greece who promote the literature of Young authors and of the contemporary authors around Europe and the world. 
Mission and Objectives

To promote the young European voices in Greek language. 

Main Projects / Activities

Publishing company 

Contact (1) Full Name
Nestoras Poulakos
Head of the organisation
Nestoras Poulakos

Varkiza Primary School

National Network

Titanon 14street

+30-210-8971 511
+30-210-8971 511
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30-6936 631 348
Mobile Phone (other)
+30- 6944 955 429
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Varkiza Primary School is a public school with 250 pupils aging from 6 to 12 years old. In the school work 20 teachers. The school is being funded by the national budget and its budgetary resources available in a year amount to approx. 31.000 €. Teacher exchanges have been taken place in the framework of the “Comenius” project to schools of the partner countries and the faculty has been attending several educational courses and seminar through the years.
Mission and Objectives

The basic mission and objective of the school is
the provision of the basic educational/cultural background
to children (age 6-12 years old) living in the wider Varkiza area.
On every day basis when the compulsory courses are completed evening courses, free to the attendants, take place in the school, aiming at enhancing children’s and adults’ talents in the fields of theatre, arts, dancing.
Occasionally seminars targeting to parental advisory and support take place in the school area.

Main Projects / Activities

During the last years Varkiza primary school has been very active in managing and organizing several projects and activities, some of which follow:
? Coordinators of the European project “Comenius” with the title: “Under the European Rainbow” concerning the role of the social prejudices in the educational success. The project was realized with partners from Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom and France.
? Environmental projects, such as: recycling, marine environment and others.
? Health educational projects as well as cultural heritage programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Passari
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Efi Kakava
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Apostolidou


National Network

Conference Centre “Thessalia”,
P.O Box 1308
38001 Volos

+30 24210 93 550
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Academy of Demetrias is a non governmental, non profitable organization with five partners and four staff members and an annual budget of 80.000 €, which comes mainly from donations and sponsorships. It organizes seminars, conferences, workshops and projects in collaboration with numerous other institutions, like universities and institutes from Greece and abroad, research centres, dioceses, publication houses and journals.

Mission and Objectives

The Academy of Demetrias functions as an open forum of thought and dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the broader scholarly community of intellectuals worldwide. In its effort to foster interdisciplinary and inter-religious understanding, the Academy has been organizing a series of studies, international seminars, congresses, round tables and publications.

Main Projects / Activities

The Academy has been organizing a series of studies, international seminars, congresses, round tables and publications on the following topics: “Orthodoxy and Modernity”, “Islam and Fundamentalism-Orthodox Christianity and Globalization”, “Orthodox Christianity and Otherness”, “Gender and Religion. The place of women in the Church”, “Women and religions: the Problem of Violence and Fundamentalism”, “Theology and Literature”, “Theology and Modern Church Architecture”, “Orthodox Christianity and Education. Religious Instruction as an Inquiry in Identity and Culture”, “Orthodox Christianity and Multiculturalism”, “The participation of laity in Church life” , “State and Church”, “Orthodoxy and Islam. Islam in Europe”, “Ecumenical Theological Education in Central and Eastern Europe”, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pantelis Kalaitzidis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pantelis Kalaitzidis

Volunteer Team Of Kimolos "KIMOLISTES" AMKE

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Kimolistes ngo is compised by three members and many volunteers from all over Greece as members. Our budget the last five years has differentiated because of local businesses on Kimolos island supporting us. They are our main source, companies and volunteers to cover our expenses. We encompass our events with open-air cinema CineKalisperitis, theatrical performances, seminars,traditional celebrations workshops in Kimolos Experience Festival.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to organize and produce whatsoever related to culture, arts, sciences, and environment. Implement conferences, film/theater festivals, traditional celebrations, and revival of customs, their dissemination and promotion worldwide, and volunteer for environmental cleanings of beaches/coastal areas. Trekking / Hiking in the direct motivation of environmental issues, marine life, highlighting Kimolos nature and its protection.
Create magazines, books/printed material for "Philanagnosia" Literacy, as we have done with the open libraries & boat libraries around Kimolos, being awarded by the Greek Ibby for the initiative.

Our objectives.
The projection of films in the presence of well-known producers (CINEKALISPERITIS screenings) and participants in conjunction with workshops, seminars, lectures, and tailored events related to the films' message. Production of studies and collaborations with NGOs national/international level, private bodies/institutions charitable organizations with the view to collect, classify exchange, and disseminate info, with the use of storytelling in terms of tracking down Kimolian customs and traditions.
Collaborate with museums, universities, realizing seminars, study groups, trainings, and workshops; produce and explain written or oral works as well as cinematographic ones, using visual and audio aids.

Main Projects / Activities

Being the Ambassadors of Sea Change Greek Islands initiative we collaborate with the Athanasios Laskarides Foundation in terms of cleaning the beach, inform on the reduction of plastic use. We run the Erasmus project for Greece: Small Islands: One Community, with other 4 organisations from Malta, Esthonia island Muhu, Terceira island Azores, and Sweden, based on our idea for safeguarding cultural heritage (Kimolian tradition) through storytelling and cinema with screenings related to environmental protection.
Open air cinema Screenings around Kimolos remoted beaches, Polyaigos Natura island, Milos, Sikinos, and Serifos.
Workshops on sustainability. Creative writing courses will start in 4 Cycladic islands, after the funding of Costopoulos Foundation of our member's book :A young Kimolistas" with the view to offer it for free; empower the bonds among the islands and primary school students, creating a book of stories written by them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe effective communication with diverse channels will benefit us and those involved in the Network, since we share the same values of keeping the cultural heritage and its specific elements alive, in the Aegean islands as well as we seek ways to promote awareness for the environmental protection, something we do 13 consecutive years now, cleaning the beaches while using the open air cinema as the medium, to succeed in sensibilizing the viewers and visitors in Kimolos. We can offer our expertise and share our goals with other successful networkers who will be an inspiration for us and the guide to offer more and bring substantial changes. We hope we have contribute to shaping ideas and courses of action that will enable young to activate and take action regarding the future of their own countries and places of origin, by keeping their identity alive.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There is an immediate need for the young adults of small islands like Kimolos to be connected with other youngs of the Cyclades and formulate the basis of exchanging ideas and finding the ways to not abandon their places of origin but work towards the safety of the rare ecosystem they have. The European countries and the Mediterranean islands face similar issues. Thanks to the ALF network there is the ample opportunity of tracing new networking and cooperation models. We as a volunteer ngo can be the liaisons in the process of helping young people to become members of the network and adopt the good practices that guarantee a prosperous future and quality of life. Engaging in advocacy efforts, utilizing communication to shed light on social issues, mobilize public support, and influence the local communities, are some of the benefits we are sure we will receive from other fellow members of the ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agatha Rodi
Job Title
Project manager/ public relations
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Legal Representative

Vote #WelcommonHostel for "The Community Champion" award 2023!

Welcommon Hostel

Our innovative and inclusive hostel, the Welcommon Hostel, is on the honorary shortlist for the EXTRAORDINARY HOSCARs award 2023 for "The Community Champion". Our hostel has been nominated for a HOSCARs award.

The WELCOMMON Hostel is an innovative hostel in Athens - open to all different kinds of travelers (tourists, volunteers, refugees, migrants, Erasmus, nomads) with social and green impact, as well as a center for #sustainabletourism#socialinnovation and #greeneconomy#climateaction, training on #greenjobs, non-formal #education4all#empowerment, and #socialinclusion.

The hostel was created in 2018 and is run by the social cooperative #AnemosAnaneosis / Wind of Renewal. The WELCOMMON Hostel highlights the positive impact that cooperatives and social enterprises have on communities, revitalizing neighborhoods, making bridges between communities, social groups, newcomers and local people. Our model is based on the idea of “empowerment through creating an inclusive community”. Welcommon Hostel is a #specialplace#people#values.

The competition is organized at the global level by the leading global Online Travel Agent Hostelworld

Voting kickstarted and remains open until Friday, March 10th!

We ask for your vote

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Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Women!- Daphne, Echo, Io and the others

As conflicts ravage the Mediterranean, Women!- Daphne, Echo, Io and the others focused on the need to overcome prejudices through cultural actions and mutual knowledge. The project organisers approached these aims by enhancing the work of artists from 4 countries...

Women's Cultural Association of Tholaria - Aegiali - Amorgos

National Network

Tholaria - Aegiali - Amorgos
Amorgos - Cyclades - 84008

+30 22850 73393
Telephone (other)
+30 22850 73107
+30 22850 73395
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6936608678
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6950501083
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
This Women's Cultural Association has 98 members and the Board of Trustee consists of 7 members, who are elected every two years. Most of the work done for every activity, is on volunteerly basis, and there are two secretaries, to carry out the office work. The annual income consists of memberships, private donations, and sponsorships. Depending on the yearly activities, and the sums needed, there is financial support by Greek Ministry of Culture, and European Funds for Culture for Music & Film Festivals, Exchibitions, Conventions and other events organized in co operation with the Municipality.
Mission and Objectives

International culture dialogue, promotion of cultural exchange between EUROPE and the third country, program promoted by EU culture department.

Main Projects / Activities

Annual Convention "YPERIA" for Culture and Tourism with journalists and producers from around the world for the exchange of culture of European and third counties.
Production of documentary Films about cultural heritage, Publishing of Books, organization of activities for the local people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Nikitas Giannakopoulos
Head of the organisation
President - Mrs. Irene Giannakopoulos
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Alpstranden