

National Network

iroon elateia
35004 Elateia

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
local private school of foreign languages and ICT 3 teachers teaching English,French, computer skills
Mission and Objectives

Our company is a private school of foreign languages in Central Greece and our aim and dream for our students is to learn English and French language not only by using books and webtools but also by participating in a community promoting the interaction in a multicultural environment. We seek other schools or educational groups which are interested in exchanging of ideas.  In this way, our students will perceive languages as a really useful tool of conveying their ideas to other people of different culture.   

Main Projects / Activities

Educating our students in order to have language competency and computers skills and prepare them for the needs of the future workplace.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anestopoulou Maria
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anestopoulou Maria
Contact (2) Full Name
Anestopoulou Fillio
Job Title (2)

Stroll Walking in the City

On the 30th of March the Artemisszió Foundation launched an extraordinary experiment, together with the University of Thessaly, the Complutense University of Madrid and Interkulturális Pszichológiai és Pedagógiai Intézet. Inspired by the recent migration of higher education to the online...

Sun and Shadow

National Network

Kisavou 13
62100 Serres

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
My studies are: Bachelor in Business Administration, MBA Hospitality and Tourism, graduate of Higher School of Pedagogical Technological Adequacy of Thessaloniki, graduate of Private Security Academy and Chef's Academy of Army’s General Headquarters, Supply – Transfers Managemen. During my professional experience, I was given the power to develop organizational and administrative skills alongside improving my personal distinctive characteristics (patience, decency, respect to colleagues and costumers, initiative developing, logical judgment, leadership goals and team management, adaptability, diplomacy). I fill my free time with freehand drawing, music, working out and reading books. Also, I have been awarded with poetry commendations by Municipality of Kalavrita, Municipality of Salamina, Municipality of Petroupolis (Athens), Municipality of Fthiotis, by UNESCO of Zakynthos and Ionian Islands and by UNESCO of Piraeus and Islands.
Mission and Objectives

Local development of cultural tourism and other sustainable tourism forms.

Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Via management of cultural tourism and other sustainable tourism forms.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because I like to find allies and friends in a society that reduces unnecessarily the art of war to art of life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Emmanouilidou
Job Title
Serres Club for UNESCO
Head of the organisation
Stavros K. Teneketzis
Contact (2) Full Name
Dimitrios Pashaloudis
Job Title (2)
President of TEI Central Macedonia

Sustainable Development Goals Democritus University of Thrace Hub

National Network

Tsimiski 58, Ksanthi, Greece
67100 Xanthi

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The SDG DUTH Hub creates spaces in universities where students with no prior
experience or engagements with the SDGs can come together to learn about, engage with,
and take action on the SDGs. The hub aims to groom the average student into a supporter
of the SDGs, such that they will carry the importance of sustainability into their future work upon
graduation. The semi-physical, semi-virtual space will be hosted at local universities and
Facebook Workplace, where Hub Members can connect and interact with others from around
the world, as well as with SDSN Youth stakeholders from different programs.

Mission and Objectives

The SDG DUTH Hub educates young people about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
and the Paris Agreement, and provides opportunities for them to pioneer innovative
solutions to achieve the goals. Furthermore, create platforms for young people to connect and
contribute to regional and national pathways for the implementation of the SDGs and the
Paris Agreement.

Main Projects / Activities

Thrace Negotiation Tournament --> TNT is based on the principles of negotiation, where participants in groups of three will learn the basic principles of negotiation from experts and then test their skills in a simulated case. The teams will be asked to negotiate with each other to reach the desired outcome.

Webinars about SDG topics, spreading awearness

Social activities. cleaning cities from trashes, donating blood, donating food & clothes, etc

Academic courses on different topics. like climate change, circle economy, etc

Blogging, we write articles regarding different matters like gender equality, human rights, etc

Training sessions, we organize various training sessions regarding soft and hard skills ( leadership, project management, crisis management, empathy etc)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

If you want to achieve anything all you need is yourself and at least one more person to share your idea and passion, therefore we strongly believe that our organization can contribute and support ALF's mission and vision. Our organization is based in the region of Thrace where we operate and organize most of our events, however, our impact and interaction is all over Greece as we bridge young people building more residence communities and establishing plans to support the #agenda2030 by joining our forces and co-organizing various events, interacting and bringing up our voices and ideas, leveraging our knowledge and skills by training sessions that we provide to our members in order for them when this journey is going to end to be ready for any challenge that they may face and be active citizens. To end, we do have an influence in our community therefore we believe that we could be a valuable asset by joining ALF's community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The sound of the voice can be spread longer as higher you are in a mountain, our willingness is to support ALF to reach the top of that mountain. We strongly believe that ALF can bring a significant value to our purpose and reciprocally we can bring value to you. SDSN Youth which we are part of is a global organization with a huge network that can be utilized for any common purpose and actions that ALF may need. Frankly, we believe that we share the same values which can bond us and create a huger impact on our goals. Searching and reading your history so far I strongly believe that this is a unique opportunity for us which we don't want to lose.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonio Prifti
Job Title
Founder & President
Head of the organisation
Antonio Prifti
Sustainable Small-scale Boating in the Black Sea

Sustainable Small-scale Boating in the Black Sea

Small-scale boating is a promising approach to boost sustainable cruising, yachting and sailing across the Black Sea region. As an alternative to traditional large-scale practices, smaller sized solutions bring greater socio-economic returns for the local community, including local heritage. They...


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information

1) Structure: Non profit society with 12 members and 5 Friends, all volunteers. No employed staff. 2) Budged in a year: 5,000.00 Euros. 3) Sources of funding: Municipality of Thessaloniki, Embassies in Athens. Ticket of the annual film festival. 4) Modalities of action: The annual competitive «Thessaloniki International LGBTQ Film Festival», Discussions, painting and photograph exhibitions. 5) Main partners involved in the organization’s projects/activities: Thessaloniki Film Festival, Goethe Institut in Thessaloniki, Municipality of Neapoli – Sykies.

Mission and Objectives

Our long term goal is to contribute to the effort to end all discrimination against LGBTΙQ people.

Main Projects / Activities

An annual competition “Thessaloniki International LGBTΙQ Film Festival” is organized since 1999. We organize also discussions, art exhibitions, cooperation with the municipality and other organization, and we are part of the Council of Social Control of the Public Television - Radio in Central Macedonia ERT3 / Greece. The film festival,  aims to    ✓ Get us in touch with the international LGBTΙQ cinema and the ideas and subjects on which each film focuses.    ✓ To bring together all the parts that are concerned with the LGBTΙQ cinema and issues. Thus more contact and communication can be achieved. This coexisting and diffusion takes place successfully every year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We provide the opportunity to film directors, producers and actors from Greece and other countries to visit Thessloniki during the annual "Thessaloniki International LGBTQ Film Festival", to speak with Greek people and come into contact with film makers from other countries.We have the target to invide volunteers from other countries, especially from Mediteranean ones.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we want to join ALF Network to enforce our contact with people from other countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Legal representative - Chairman
Head of the organisation


National Network

Vas. Olgas 8a

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Steering team: Despina Syrri (President), Ljubisa Vrencev (Director) and 3 members Efi Voutira, Kleopatra Yousef and Thanos Maroukis Media team: Sikandar Khan, Tayna Diniz, Jorida Demba, Jelena Vujanovic, Hristina Koutsoumbina,Tamara Elidou, Vahagh Karapetyan and Bedri Hoxha Budgetary resources: 30000 Euro Sources of funding: donations and voluntary work Modalities of action: Projects, Trainings, Research, Publications, Seminars, Conferences, Radio show and Documentary films
Mission and Objectives

Drawing upon collaborations in education, rights and non-discrimination in the Balkans and Greece since 2003, Symβiosis was founded in May 2011 in Thessaloniki. Aiming to bridge theory, practice and policy, Symβiosis focuses on information and education, freedom of expression, public debate and active civic participation, so that people and communities voice their needs and ideas; while it supports intercultural and interfaith dialogue and political education to strengthen social cohesion, understanding between different cultures and acceptance of diversity.
In the current climate of crisis, reasserting the importance of fundamental rights for all, and developing vibrant civic institutions has become a pressing priority. Symβiosis works towards establishing partnerships among civil society organisations, collectivities and networks focusing on equality, participatory democracy and social justice, and on combatting discrimination based on ethnic and religious affiliation, gender and social conditions. Symβiosis advocates for the political, social, and economic participation of migrants and vulnerable communities at the local, national and European levels, and for the inclusion of marginalised groups and the young in the public sphere.

Main Projects / Activities

Diversity and Migration:
-Towards an Inclusive City
-Migration and Intercultural Education in Thessaloniki
-Crossing the Dividing Line
-Registering racist violence
Education, Research,Public Dialogue and Media:
-Roundtable on racism, social cohesion and the media
-Learning the Other
-Migrant Voices
-Symβiosis weekly Radio Show on 100.6 FM

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our main motivation to join ALF Network comes from the fact that the ALF and Symβiosis fields of action coincide and we feel that we can contribute to the ALF Network in many ways especially through our Media and Diversity and Migration Programmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Despina Syrri
Head of the organisation
Despina Syrri
Contact (2) Full Name
Ljubisa Vrencev

Syn-koino Cooperative Social

National Network

T. Papageorgiou,6

0030 2310 525888
0030 2310 525888
Mobile Phone
0030 6977635606
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Syn-koino coop est une coopérative sociale enregistrée auprès du ministère grec du Travail, de la Sécurité sociale et de la Solidarité depuis 2016. Son ligne de travail s'organise autour de trois axes principaux: Société, Environnement et Culture. Elle est composée de 12 personnes, toutes issues de milieux professionnels dans les domaines de l'éducation, de la culture et des arts. Tous liés en quelque sorte au secteur de l'éducation et possédant une longue expérience dans les secteurs du théâtre et des arts plastiques:
Mission and Objectives

Notre principal projet pendant ces années est de concevoir et de mettre en œuvre des programmes de sensibilisation des citoyens sur divers sujets et problèmes sociaux. 
Nous réalisons principalement nos interventions dans les centres éducatifs pour enfants et adolescents pendant leurs heures de classe et en pleine coordination avec les directeurs du centre. 
Nous réalisons ces projets pour des organismes publics et des Municipalites. Nous collaborons également avec des associations et d'autres agents socioculturels.
Nos méthodologies de travail sont basées sur l'application des disciplines artistiques, comme outils d'intervention pédagogique. Fondamentalement, le théâtre pédagogique et social et les arts plastiques appliqués à la résolution et à l'intégration des problèmes sociaux.
Nos interventions sont ponctuelles et prennent la forme d'ateliers interactifs sur des sujets très spécifiques. Nous travaillons au même temps, avec les élèves, dans le développement de l'activité, et avec les enseignants pour les informer de la méthodologie utilisée pour pouvoir poursuivre le sujet après la fin de notre intervention.

Main Projects / Activities

• Projet d'ateliers pour les élèves du primaire sur les thèmes de:
• La collecte différenciée des déchets urbains (Réduire, réutiliser et recycler)
• Ateliers de sensibilisation du public à la collecte différenciée des déchets organiques.
• L'éducation des jeunes consommateurs (consommation responsable)
• Le cycle de l'eau (traitement de l'eau à usage humain)
• Education à la santé (programme de habitudes saines: alimentation, hygiène et prévention / information sur le tabac et l'alcool)
• Ateliers sur la mémoire historique et la culture de la paix (habitudes sociales de collaboration, respect et solidarité contre le racisme, la violence et l'intolérance)
• Atelier sur l'égalité des sexes.
Quelques projets culturels également:
• "Thesspuppet festival", Festival International de Marionnettes et Pantomime Grecque.
• Résidences d'artistes du theatre de marionnettes.
• Journées pédagogiques sur les marionnettes dans l’éducation et dans la thérapie sociale.
• Cours sur le théâtre pédagogique et le théâtre social
• Cours sur la formation du doctor clown
• Cours sur la technique du clown (La clé de l'humour dans l'éducation)
• Diverses productions théâtrales.
• Organisation d'expositions d'art plastique (Installations)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Avec notre expérience et activités coordines avec des autres agents sociaux et culturels. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour augmenter nos connaissances et notre expérience et trouver des collaborations et des moyens pour mettre nos projets en pratique ou participer avec notre expérience aux projets proposés par d'autres organisations de ce réseau.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juanjo Corrales
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Juanjo Corrales
Contact (2) Full Name
Pavlos Nikoglou
Job Title (2)
Responsable de programmes


National Network

Verolinou 6

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"Synergy" is a recently established social enterprise which has a flexible structure mainly depending on the project implemented each time. It develops each project with the collaboration of various local, national and international agents having one full-time leader since its establishment in August 2009. Sources of funding include self-funding (initial capital), New Business Fund by the Greek Human Resource Organisation (OAED), participation fee per learning programmes, other relevant funding programmes (i.e. social innovation, EU women enterpreneurs etc., as well as partnership agreement participation per project on stakeholders.)Modalities of action include counseling and empowerment programmes for youth, families and parents, active citizenship & participatory leadership courses, social change programmes involving arts, highly interactive social activities on various social issues, research projects on topics of interest(i.e.action research on learning, peace fostering and conflict transformation), open air, city-wide actions, partnership with cultural and social projects, youth work projects and local and international life long learning workshops. Main partners involve local educational and social associations & networks, such as parents and teachers associations, cultural organisations active in the social field, festival organisers, adult education and life-long learning, professional associations, employers and employees, media and local authorities structures. Affiliation of practice with the international networked spaces "THE HUB" and other networks of social innovation practitioners worldwide (i.e. The Art of Hosting Practitioners).
Mission and Objectives

"Synergy" is a social enterprise offering learning learning programmes and opportunities to young people, parents & families, as well as adults who are invited to expand their potential and capacity at developing a sustainable and constructive way of living, empowering self and relationships, collaboration, leadership,collective action, team working and engage more actively and consciously in civic life, enhance dialogue and participatory processes of decision making, foster peace.

Main Projects / Activities

In brief our main activities span from parents group-sessions aiming at self-awareness & empowerment to individual and collective leadership development, enhancing participation and active citizenship, events & conferences organisation and facilitation, fostering dialogue and synergy in the community. Titles of summing up such projects are: Parenthood and Empowerment in the Family and School, Youth Vocational Orientation Workshops, Arts for Social Change in the Community, Participatory Leadership & Conversations that Matter, Change in Organisations, Growing Leaders at the Workplace, Hospitality, Tourism and Extra-ordinary Experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Bakari
Head of the organisation
Maria Bakari
Contact (2) Full Name
Sharon Moreham


National Network


+30 2410 531778
+30 2410 531778
Mobile Phone
+30 6945 902061
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6944 910584
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Synergy of Music Theatre [S.Mou.Th.] is a non profit association, created in 2001, by young professional artists in the areas of Theatre, Music, Dance and Media. In its initial stage it was an initiative supported by the Municipality of Larissa and later established its independent legal entity in 2004. "S.Mou.Th" functions mostly through volunteers and external partners that are employed on a need basis. The organization funds its projects through donations and grants. The organization collaborates with various private and public NGO's in order to realize projects and activities.
Mission and Objectives

The primary objectives of S.Mou.Th. are to provide youth and adults opportunities of initiation, training, education, creation, research and professional issues, in the arts that combine the Music Theatre, and by this process, to reinvent the means of artistic expression.

Main Projects / Activities

S.Mou.Th. has realized workshops and several large scale productions ("Romeo and Juliet", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "Rubbish's Rubsody", "Amongst Genders", "Carmen" and the "Magic Flute". Within the framework of its activities, several events have been open to audiences with the form of "On stage" and "Off stage" performances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name