
MOm/The Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal

National Network

18 Solomou Str.
106 82


0030 210 5222888
0030 210 5222450
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
•Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: MOm is administered by the Board of Directors, which according to Law and the Memorandum of the Association manages the affairs and the financial resources of the Society and implements the decisions of the General Assembly that meets regularly once a year. The Board of Directors administers the Director of MOm who is responsible for the implementation and evaluation of the organisation’s strategy appointed by the Board. MOm’s main departments are responsible for the following activities: a)Research The collection of primary scientific data for the biology and behaviour of the species, the implementation of innovative technological methods and of MOm’s rescue and rehabilitation program. a)Conservation and Policy The creation and management of protected areas. b)Finance and Project management The efficient management of institutional projects as well as the auditing of MOm’s financial obligations. c)Development and Communication The implementation of educational and awareness campaigns and the fundraising from individual donors and corporations. The number of MOm’s full staff is 16. In addition MOm employs 6 part time seasonal staff and utilizes approximately 100 volunteers per year. •Budgetary resources available in 2009: The estimated amount of available resources is 1,000,000€. •Sources of funding: a)Membership fees and donations, b) sponsorships, c) institutional programs. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): a) Research and monitoring actions, b) awareness raising campaigns, c) rescue and rehabilitation actions, d) management of protected areas, e) educational activities, f) participation in international scientific conferences. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: • University of Athens • WWF • Hellenic Ornithological Society • Fisheries Research Institute • International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) • Madera Natural Park (PNM) • Underwater Research Society-Mediterranean Seal Research Group (SAD-AFAG) • Fundacion para la Conservacion de la Biodiversidad y su Habitat (CBD)-Spain • University of Aberdeen • Erasmus University of Rotterdam • Veterinary School of Thessaloniki
Mission and Objectives

MOm’s mission is the conservation of the marine and coastal environment, through the protection of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal. Tools to accomplish the latter include design and activation of an institutional framework as well as information and public awareness campaigns. MOm’s objectives are:
•The conservation of the marine and coastal environment through research projects to help gaining further knowledge for the appropriate measures for its protection.
•The protection of the monk seal which is an indicator of a healthy marine environment.
•The raise of public awareness concerning ways of protecting and maintaining the marine and coastal environment as well as ways of being friendlier toward wild animals in need such as the monk seal.
•The effective operations of educational programmes in the effort το inform and teach young children regarding the protection of the environment and the importance of rare species.

Main Projects / Activities

MOm operates different kind of projects in the fields of its activities. Indicative current projects are mentioned below:
•The operation of the Rescue & Information Network (RINT).
•Necropsies of dead seals so as to collect data and information for the behavior of the species.
•In-situ research in species habitats.
•In-situ research with fishermen for the mitigation of the conflict between fisheries’ activities and the protection of the monk seal.
•The rehabilitation of Artemis, an orphaned pup founded injured, in the Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre of Alonissos.
Conservation and Policy
•Participation in the Management Bodies of Marine Protected Areas of Alonissos and Karpathos.
Development & Communication
•Educational programs through presentations and special interactive activities.
•Awareness raising campaigns.
•Design of informative and educational materials such as CD-Rom, books, brochures, websites.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Xrisafi, Financial and Funding Manager
Head of the organisation
Evagelos Paravas, President of the Board of Directors
Contact (2) Full Name
Valia Savvidou, Project Management

Movement of active citizens of Kalamaria

National Network

Poliviou 45
55132 Thessaloniki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Structure of the organization:structure of direct democracy
Νumber of partners:45
Sources of funding: from members
Our actions:
2. “ KOI . NO ”
(transactions with social units, no money)
(direct distribution of products from producers to consumers)
( for assistance to those facing emergencies )
(for all students)
(we support creativity , cultural-intellectual cultivation and self-education, for ourselves but also for our fellow citizens)

Mission and Objectives

Who we are:
We are an independent citizens' movement, which in our foundation (2006), we were concerned with improving the quality of life of residents, respect for the environment, social welfare, control of the operation of the municipality, and gave culture the importance it deserves.
Since the beginning of the most serious post-war crisis that Greece is experiencing, we are developing actions at local and supra-local level, with the aim of supporting citizens and society as a whole, as well as organizing resistance to war declared by the international financial system.
The basic principles of national independence, popular sovereignty, and social justice are once again in demand.
It is now imperative that the productive reconstruction of the country on a new basis and the replacement of all the structures of the state that are collapsing today, with institutions that will support participation, self-organization, transparency and decentralization.
In this struggle, the we with all our strength.

Main Projects / Activities


2. “ KOI . NO ”
(transactions with social units, no money)
(direct distribution of products from producers to consumers)
( for assistance to those facing emergencies )
(for all students)
(we support creativity , cultural-intellectual cultivation and self-education, for ourselves but also for our fellow citizens)

Contact (1) Full Name
Panagiotidis Michail
Job Title
Professor of humangeography
Head of the organisation
Panagiotidis Michail


National Network

14, D. Vernardaki str.
81100 Mitilini

+46 7 61 11 18 15
Telephone (other)
+30 6984983197
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Dråpen i Havet is a voluntary humanitarian organization established in 2015 and runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons. Its headquarters are situated in Oslo and in Greece it has 15 employees, 20 International Volunteers and 60 resident volunteers, who are for most young adults residing in refugee camps, whom we support with specific capacity building projects preparing them for integrating in European society. Our mission would not be achieved without the financial contribution of private donors, sponsors and support from individuals. Dråpen i Havet Stagona collaborates with volunteer field workers, with established aid organisations in each location such as UN agencies, international organisations, local NGOs and with the Greek authorities.

Mission and Objectives

Dråpen i Havet Stagona runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons.  The organisations’s vision is a world that respects the human rights and dignity of displaced people and its values are respect, loyalty, understanding and vigilance for these people. Our main objective is to support and promote the integration of the asylum seekers in Greece.

Main Projects / Activities

We have four programmes directing all our activities: 1. Community Empowerment Mobilisation: Our various activities are directed at children, youth, women, and men, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups such as women, children, and unaccompanied minors. We use a community-based approach, involving beneficiaries in our programmes as much as possible in the planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of activities. This helps us to better develop activities according to needs and increase ownership of activities and strengthen community networks. 2.Integration: Our aim is to support displaced persons’ integration in Greek society and improve their professional development. With increased knowledge about Greek society, more people can access resources and training, and find work and housing. We organise employability workshops and coordinate with relevant actors, connecting beneficiaries to already existing employment-related programmes. Our activities are: Info Hub, Interview Preparation and Employability Support 3.Non-formal Education: We aim to support displaced persons in accessing formal education and to promote their employability and integration in their host society. Our activities are: English classes, Greek classes and Computer classes 4.Humanitarian Aid: We work to ensure that displaced persons’ needs are met in a dignified manner. We assess the situation on each site and act according to demand. Our teams distribute and improve access to food, clothing, winter equipment, and hygiene items, and contribute to better health and well-being through activities both inside and outside refugee camps. Our activities are: Baby pack distribution, Diaper distribution, Food distribution, Open access to hygiene and sexual and reproductive health items, Seasonal clothes distribution, Emergency response distributions, Laundry services.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The objectives of the organization align with the objectives of Anna Lindh Foundation. As a member, we want to promote the voluntareer oriented activities of our organisation to an increased amount of young people from our local community in order to raise awareness about asylum seekers and promote participation and solidarity among the local people. Our long term goal is to encourage ethnic diversity, solidarity, tolerance for asylum seekers, equality and cultural understanding. As a member of the Foundation, we would like to share information and experiences and strengthen the intercultural dialogue and the foundations of the civil society while serving core European values of unity and diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of an international network like Anna Lindh Foundation, will give us the opportunity to broaden our collaborations and take common action with other participating members in joint activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Job Title
Head of Operation / Programs Greece
Head of the organisation
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Contact (2) Full Name
Fania Zouni
Job Title (2)
Head of Finance

Municipal Cultural Center of Thermi

National Network

K.Hapsa & Karaoli-Dimitriou, 57001 Thermi

0030 2310 463423
Telephone (other)
0030 2310 464166
0030 2310 464423
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6977 702889
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Municipal Cultural Centre of Thermi is the public organisation that realise the cultural policy of the Municipality of Thermi in cooperation with the Municipal Enterprise of Cultural Development. The main activities are the operation of the art schools in all the villages of the municipality and the organisation of cultural events and festivals. The main financial source of the organisation is the Municipality of Thermi with an annual income close to 1.400.000 euros while the annual financial balance for the Municipal Enterprise arises close to 2.000.000 euros. 20 employees support the administrative structure of the Cultural Enterprise while the art schools cooperate with 120 teachers in annual basis.
Mission and Objectives

Main mission of the Cultural Centre of Thermi is the support of the cultural policy in all the villages of the Municipality (Thermi, Triadi, Risio, Raidestos, Tagarades) and specially
1. the operation of the art schools for close to 2.500 students in 5 cultural municipal buildings and
2. the organisation of the cultural and art events in all the sectors of culture.
Events and festival are organised in annual basis such as: “Thermis Dromena” festival in August and September, Festival of choirs in June, Festival of Youth folklore dancing groups in May, Grapes Festival of Risio in September, Environmental and Culture festival of Tagarades in June, Students Theatre festival in May, Synthermia – International Contest of music conductors in April, Street Happenings “Stars in Streets” in December with the dancing schools, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

- Municipal Conservatoire of Thermi (Youth Orchestra “Con Fuoco”, Saxophone Orchestra “KuKluxSax”, ensemble “Idee Fix”, Classic youth orchestra “Thermosimfono”, etc.)
- Municipal Dance School of Thermi
- Theatre School and Laboratory
- School of Modern Art, Painting and Photography
- Choirs of Thermi, Raidestos, Risio & Tagarades
- Municipal Libraries of Thermi, Raidestos, Risio & Tagarades
- Folklore dancing groups of Triadi, Raidestos, Risio and Tagarades
- Philharmonic Orchestra of Thermi

Contact (1) Full Name
Platia Georgia, vice President
Head of the organisation
Famellos Sokratis, President of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Konstantinidou Vasiliki, Director

Municipal Organization for Culture , youth and Sports KILKIS

National Network


Telephone (other)
+302341039160, +302341023530
+302341039159, +302341023530
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation is a legal person of public right. The board of council consists of 3 city counsellors and 4 citizens. It has 2 persons as permanent staff and 15 as temporary personnel (according to the project). Sources of funding are the annual budget that the Municipality of Kilkis used to give and the income from the activities. Main partners of the organisation are local, national and international associations, foundations and authorities. Concrete activities are the leisure time activities, information of youth, International Puppet and Mime Festival etc
Mission and Objectives

Mission of our organisation is: 1) the cultural development of events and activities in the town of Kilkis 2) to organise and develop an art (visual, musical etc) department 3) the protection of the environment 4) the occupation of the inhabitants with sports 5) the co-operation with the local associations and other authorities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our organization developed:
1. Leisure time artistic activities with support from Ministry of Culture ( During the year, 600 people learn:
• Painting
• Iconography
• Pottery
• Guitar lessons.
• Photography
• Theater
• Percussion instruments.
• Chess lessons
2. International Puppet and Mime Festival: Member of Domain of Culture and with support of foreign institutions. (
3.Youth: A youth center (member of Eurodesk ( network) for generalist information and Youth Council support the activities of youngsters.
4.Athletic Department. Activities such scratch race and classes for gym in cooperation with the Ministry of Sports. There is cooperation with athletic teams.
A Film Festival, Musical and Theatrical Festival, events in cooperation with local associations, youth exchanges, Grundvig projects etc are some of our activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Municipal Organization for Culture and Sports of Rhodes (DOPAR) – International Writers and Translators’ Center of Rhodes (IWTCR)

National Network


0030 22410 32510
Telephone (other)
0030 22410 32520
0030 22410 32455
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The IWTCR is headed by a President and governed by a Board of Trustees. There are nine employees working in the Center. The Center is financed by the Municipality of Rhodes. The IWTCR is structured at three levels: a) accommodation of writers and translators from all over the world at the guesthouse of the Center, b) educational programmes for schoolchildren and c) it organizes different events, such as public readings, translation and creative writing workshops, tributes to writers, publications, literary and translation meetings, school contests etc. The IWTCR has partners at local level (other Municipalities, Medieval Town, Municipal and Regional Theatre, House of Europe in Rhodes etc), at national level (National Book Centre, Hellenic Authors' Society, Museum of Cycladic Art, Benaki Museum, Ministry of Culture etc) and at European level (HALMA-European network of literary centres, University of Granada, University of Pisa, Municipality of Akanthous-Cyprus etc).
Mission and Objectives

The IWTCR intends to sensitize the citizens in cultural matters, to give them incentives to come near other cultures and to contribute to the dissemination of multiculturalism.
The objective of the IWTCR is the actual interactive contact between writers,translators and civilians and the fertile cultural feedback among them.
Besides, the Center lays stress on the cultural education of children and young people through educational activities: acquaintance of children with literature, with environmentally friendly attitude, with other religions, with foreign customs and manners etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The IWTCR intends to fill the gap in the area of the intercultural contact and communication. Taking literature, translation and education as the main pillars, the Center is organizing a wide range of events and its ongoing project is a festival where people and intellectuals will have a creative communication. This can be achieved through:
- literary events (e.g. presentation of writers, readings)
- theatrical events (e.g. dramatized performances based on theatrical plays)
- musical events (e.g. poetry set to music)
- educational events (e.g. visits of writers to schools, literary and translation contests)
- scientific events (e.g. meetings, seminars, workshops)
- book fairs and painting events

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Savvas Diakostamatiou
Head of the organisation
Mr. Savvas Diakostamatiou


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Municipality of Lokrous is located in Central Greece-Region of Sterea Ellada, and it has been consituted in 2011, under the greek administrative reform of local and regional administration, with the merging of four former municipalities: Municipality of Atalanti, Dafnousion, Opountion and Malesina. As local authority, its main aim is the local development thought a range of activities foresseen by the legislation. In particular, it has, by law, the competency of developing local policies in terms of culture, sports, protection of social solidarity and welfare, protection of the environment etc towards the wider population, as well as disadvantaged groups of people, such as immigrants, people with disablities, unemployed etc. Τhe finances of the municipality is autonomous central resources of the country and his own financial services revenue, We participate in European programs and the other developmental (NSRF) Our partners, in the organization's projects/activities, are other European countries.
Mission and Objectives

The competency of developing local policies in terms of culture, sports, protection of social solidarity and welfare, protection of the environment etc towards the wider population, as well as disadvantaged groups of people, such as immigrants, people with disablities, unemployed.
Οur goal is the broader cooperation with the Euro-Mediterranean family.

Main Projects / Activities

Europe for Cittizens ( 4forEU-Town Twinning
Building solidarity in Communities ( meeting of Citizens)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

First of all, the local culture will give information for the function of the local society and about the possibilities of a positive development.The National Networks reflect the diversity of their own civil society and work across fields including intercultural relations, heritage, religion, research, human rights, democracy and community development, arts, youth and education, gender, environment and sustainable development, and media.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ιt is important for us to exchange views and to implement the best practices that will become a product of dialogue and cooperation because this will help to develop the relationship between citizens and the social benefit will be promoted.

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name

Municipality of Nigrita

National Network

Iroon 2, 62200
Nigrita, Prefecture of Serres

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Anta Tsaira
Head of the organisation
Mayoress Aggeliki Mika
Contact (2) Full Name
Aggeliki Mika


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Μunicipality of Tripolis was formed at the 2011 local government reform. It has 350 employees and a year budget in between 35 and 60 million euros depending the incomes and the financial situation. The sources of funding of the Municipality are coming from the central government, from applications to EU and other international organisations and from own resources ( local taxation and incomes). The Municipality of Tripolis is also the official body of cultural policy in local area. It supervises a number of museums and cultural centers, libraries, galleries and the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Municipality. Partners of the Municipality are the local civil society organisations and a network of international partners all around Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Its   mission is  the governance of local affairs and the provision of public goods and services to meet the needs of residents and local agencies with a view to sustainable social and economic development.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities for the support and promotion of young local artists - Tripolis Festival. Documentary film festival on human rigths - Arcadia Screenings. Theatre Festival. Choir festival. The city has a long tradtion on music and there are a lot of music bands and artists in any kind of music.  The Menalon Trail is a long mountain trail in Arcadia, its a certified trail linked both mountain areas and important historical sites. At the area of tripolis Municipality we have a number of very importand archeological places and the most of the international archeological schools ( like the Swedish Institute of Athens) are present in the excavations. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tripolis is active on cultural topics and this will be our main contribution to the ALF national network. We have a very active civil society sector and we believe that its a great oportunity to train people and to link them with similar initiatives from the countries of the ALF network.  The Municipality is leading the Network of the "Arcadia in Europe" an active network of places, institutions and people who are studing the history, the myths and the traditions of the Arcadian "philosophy" and movement. That includes very important and historical Foundations and Institutes having as a main topic the discussion about the role of the human today and its connection with nature.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are sharing the same principales, priorities and ideas. We believe that culture, democracy, human rigths and education are the keys to develop a healthy society. We are working on that in local level and we believe tha our participation in the family of the ALF Network will help us to connect local initiatives, institutions, the employees of the Municipality and the civil society actors with simiral organisations and activities around Europe and the Med area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Siampou
Job Title
Director of Planning
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Theodoros Tsamis
Job Title (2)
Department of Tourism

Museum of Modern Greek Art - Municipality of Rhodes

National Network

Koundouriotou 8 square,
Rhodes 85100


0030 22410 43086
Telephone (other)
0030 22410 43080
0030 22410 43081
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Museum of Modern Greek Art is a non-profitable foundation at the service of the society, open to all people independently of nationality, origin or religion. Its aims are the research, acquisition, study, preservation, exhibition and promotion of works of art that have been created in the Greek cultural area or that relate to the Greek culture, during modern times mostly, namely 15th century and onwards, and more specifically from the foundation of the modern Greek nation (1832) and onwards. The final goals of its activities are the promotion of the above-mentioned to the local, national and international public, and especially from a cultural, educational, national and social aspect.
Mission and Objectives

The Modern Greek Art Museum presents a wide range of painting and engraving collections not to mention numerous sculptures, drawings and documents of historical value. The collections represent efficiently the Modern Greek art of the 20th century. One of the Museum's fundamental concerns apart from the exhibitions and the publications is to set the foundations for the communication between the public and the world of art. The Museum, having this objective and following the contemporary and international philosophy of converting the museums into educational spaces - has created in 2000 the department of Educational programs.
The basic goals of the department
To familiarize the public with the world of art
To have constant contact with schools and groups of every age
To publish books of art and other educational material
To maintain good relations with the local community
To communicate through art with the Greeks that live abroad

Main Projects / Activities

The Museum of Modern Greek Art exhibits, upkeeps and renews collections of painting, engraving and sculpture of Modern Greek Art and aims at informing and educating the public on issues of art and culture. During the last 5 years the Museum has created the Department of Educational Programmes, which is creatively cooperating with the Primary and Secondary Education Offices, the University of the Aegean, as well as many other organizations. The specialized personnel organizes educational programmes and offers a wide variety of workshops and educational material to the children and adolescents of Rhodes, Dodecanese and the rest of Greece. At the same time, the Museum, according to the international museum practice, publishes books and catalogues of Art, educational books and CD Rom for children, produces museum objects and gifts that expand modern Greek art and promote the creators to the everyday life of the public and the young generation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karagianni Christina
Head of the organisation
Kampouropoulou Mary