
MedWet Coordination Unit

National Network

Villa Kazouli, Kifissias & Lambraki 1, 145 61

+30 210 80 89 270
+30 210 80 89 274
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MedWet governance: the Conference of the Contracting Parties of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Close collaboration: 5 Mediterranean wetland centres. These centres are EKBY in Greece, the Portuguese ICN, the Italian ARPAT, the French ‘Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat’, and the Spanish SEHUMED. MedWet staff: Coordinator, Senior Advisor, Policy Advisor, Program Development Officer, Communications Officer, Administrative Assistant. Core funding source: environmental ministries of all 25 Mediterranean countries. Project funding source: includes the EU, Development Collaboration agencies and GEF. Main partners: the 25 countries of the Mediterranean. Activities include international projects, workshops and local dialogues.
Mission and Objectives

MedWet is a non-profit intergovernmental organization, founded under the global Ramsar Convention to encourage international collaboration among Mediterranean countries in protecting water related ecosystems in the entire Mediterranean region. MedWet is a regional initiative of the Ramsar Convention and it provides a forum where 25 Mediterranean countries, specialized wetland centers and international NGOs meet as equals to discuss, identify key issues and take positive action to protect wetlands. It is also a source of information and knowledge, helping Mediterranean countries to evaluate economic, social and biodiversity values of water ecosystems, provide technical tools and ensure good management of wetlands.

Main Projects / Activities

MedWet has concentrated its work in eight areas: a) Inventories of wetlands, b) Socio-economic analysis of wetland values, c) Wetland management, d) Capacity building, e) Culture and wetlands, f) Public Awareness, g) Dissemination of research results, h) Integrated water resource management, and implementation of the Water Framework Directive of the European Union.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Mekeio Foundation - Greek Ladies Sisterhood "Zoodochos Pege"

National Network

Tsakalof 12 street
45444 Ioannina

+30 26510 22326
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

Mekeio Foundation is one of the oldest NGOs in Greece concerning the preservation of traditional crafts and professions including knitting, weaving (loom), as well as modern day textile crafts such as sewing.
Mekeio holds great experience in volunteering and supporting the unprivileged with educational courses on crafts as for the last 110 years it is mainly dedicated to this purpose. The iconic and historical structures of the Foundation are used as a creative space and events venue by several institutions and organizations.
Mekeio is an organization consisting of a 10 members board elected by its 150 members. Its main activities are runned by volunteers and it employs 0-3 stuff members on a temporary basis. Mekeio's budgetary resources reach approximately 15.000-20.000 euro per year collected through courses tuitions, membership fees and donations.
Mekeio Foundation collaborated with the municipality of Ioannina, the University of Ioannina and the Region of Epirus, amongst others.

Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Foundation is the protection and education of female students and workers in order to ensure a profession, to acquire skills in crafts and practices, through the preservation and dissemination of local traditional crafts contributing to cultural and social development.
Its members are also trying to preserve the historical building the foundation is based on, while unraveling its history.

Main Projects / Activities

Mekeio Foundation is currently:
-Offering sewing, knitting and macramé courses
-Conducting arts and crafts workshops Hosting fashion design courses of the Public Vocational School
- Has an approved learning program to TEVA beneficiaries by the Municipality
-Hosts exhibitions & events promoting art
-Performs actions of a charitable nature
- Collaborates with the Municipality of Ioannina, the Region of Epirus & the University of Ioannina
Also hosted:
-Biennale of Western Balkans
-Woman's Day
-European Artistic Craft Days
-Stories from Fabric "Remembering" with the School of Fine Arts of Ioannina & the visual artist Adi Liraz
-Walking performance with DIPETHE Ioannina

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mekeio Foundation can contribute to the Network through the:
-Dissemination of intangible cultural heritage
-Hosting the cooperation of non-profit organizations under the same roof given the great size of its premises ( 1.500m2)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the ALF Network Mekeio Foundation expects to expand its network and participate in a dialogue and exchange with similar organization across the Euromediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natalia Maroufof
Job Title
General Secretary
Head of the organisation
Eufrosini Lappa
Mentor Me manual

Mentor Me manual

This manual on supporting refugees and migrants in Europe has been developed within the framework of Mentor Me project, managed by migration-miteinander and funded by the European Union. The aim of this manual is to offer mentors and youth workers...


National Network

45 Bairaktari street,
11526 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure includes 8 collaborators, several external partners and 50 regional partners.  Primary project is the European Music Day (EMD) events, consisting of engaging partners, organizers, promoters and musicians at national and European level. Activities include live events and VET activities related to the support of Music Makers.  We coordinate and promote hundreds of concerts annually including soloist artists, bands or orchestras simultaneously and we organize national (and European) artistic exchanges, co-productions, seminars, Creativity scholarships etc. Partners and supporters range from governmental bodies and individuals to multinational corporations. During events, we involve up to 2000 volunteers. Budgetary resources varies from 50 to 250 thousand euro per event per year while the financial resources are the result of a balanced budget between state and private donations, sponsoring and funding programs.  In parallel with EMD, we are engaged in several EU projects and are the co-organisers of the Athens Music Week.
Mission and Objectives

Using culture as a tool for local development and specific artistic events as a mean for transnational networking, MESO events aims at combining cultural & entertainment events with Vocational Educational & Training (VET) activities. 
The events are created in such way that they reach very large audiences and the basic objective is to provide equal cultural opportunities and/or incentives to as many as possible citizens from all Europe. 
Though the umbrella of events is promoted as a mainstream and pop event, the overall program always includes most of all young and rising artists (70% young and rising at least) while the music genres includes equally Jazz, trad, classical and hip-hop or electro music (amongst others). 
Vast majority of events, concerts, workshops and seminars that we produce are entrance free. The NPO's Team philosophy is included in its artistic approach, which is to say, to promote unity through diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

We are involved in the coordination of the European Music Day Association (AISBL Fete Europeene de la Musique), we coordinate the Hellenic network (55 cities in 2019) and participate in European consortiums for projects such as the JUMP European Music Market Accelerator or HEMI, the HUB for the Exchange of Music Innovation. We are partners in the European Live Music Association and in the European Research and Innovation Agency for Creative  Clusters.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Including the ALF purposes and aims in all our projects, events and promotional tools. Developing special projects and creating events that will be able to support the general aims and goals of the ALF, and/or direct or indirect events for special ALF project needs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For already 2 decades, we are participating in the development of innovative / sustainable projects that unites creative people from various countries and continents. Besides, being bi-nationals most of us and dreaming about a wider transnational cooperation that could gather and connect people from different countries in order to cooperate as an international community of practice, we wish to be part of the ALF partners

Contact (1) Full Name
Georges Perot
Head of the organisation
Georges Perot
Contact (2) Full Name
Anta Paparapti

Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service at the American College of Thessaloniki

National Network

PO Box 21021


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Dukakis Center provides undergraduate training leading to ACT's BA in International Relations, offers opportunities for experiential learning, and organizes events and public service initiatives. The Center is an administrative unit at the American College of Thessaloniki, a US-accredited (NEASC), private non-profit institution of tertiary learning. The Center is largely self-funded through an Endowment raised to support its activities and to provide discretionary financial aid to degree candidates at ACT. Its operational budget is roughly 20,000 euro per annum. A variable number of staff collaborate with the Center, directly as contract employees and indirectly as ACT faculty.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Dukakis Center is to provide a dynamic contemporary student-centered civic education, with a view toward inspiring young people to become involved in public affairs; train youth for leadership roles in regional and international affairs; and contribute meaningfully through academic instruction, applied research, and professional outreach to cooperation and peaceful co-existence in Greece, Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean, and the larger Euro-Atlantic community.

Main Projects / Activities

Lectures and fellowships, annual diplomatic academy, citizenship education initiatives, and activities in the fields of Holocaust and genocide studies, gender, globalization, and giftedness.
Examples of internally funded research projects within the last four years: Women migrants in Northern Greece, engendering citizenships.
Workshops and seminars organised in the last two years: Political Reform in Greece in Comparative Perspective (2011), First annual ACT NGO Fair (2010)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organisation of seminars, workshops, participation in research projects, dissemination of results in the broader community, cooperation with local and international partners,exchange of ideas, practices and visits.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that the mission and key fields of action of the ALF Network match our own areas of interest and activity and that we can both contribute much to the Network projects and enrich our own experience and benefit from the close contact with other ALF Network Members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. David Wisner
Head of the organisation
Dr. David Wisner
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Maria Kyriakidou

Migrant Food Worlds in Ioannina


Exploring Migrants’ Foods in Ioannina, The Mmm…. multicultural Cooking was held on April 26th, 2023, organised by the Municipality of Ioannina in memory of the late Ioannina Mayor Moises Elisaf. During the event, life stories and flavours from Syria, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Greece, and the Romaniote Jewish community in Ioannina, as well as questions about social inclusion and living together, were explored.

Those enjoying the dishes from countries and locations afar in space and time, yet meeting in Ioannina, from antiquity until today, reflected on the exchanges of recipes and ways of preparing food and on the food-related cultural knowledge they learned and passed along. The event brought together food makers, migrants, refugees and all residents of Ioannina to discuss the role of migration, routes and nodes, culinary history, crossings, and mixings.

In the framework of the EC AMIF EPIC, embark on a culinary journey that celebrates cultural exchange and migration through diverse flavors presented by Symbiosis.

More information:

Milos Educational Womens Collacoration Mewcat

National Network

Fylakopi GR 84800 Milos

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
MEWCAT is a non- profit association of Civil Law, founded in 1991, targeting the support and development of innovative educational material tailored to specific user needs. Mewcat specializes in developing Language material for the less spoken language Modern Greek for specific target groups and adapted to specific needs. Mewcat has mainly been occupied with the development of innovative language learning material and informal language education for the target languages Modern Greek, whilst always focusing on the intercultural dialogue taking place between Greeks and visitors to the Greece. Itt has always been leading in applying new technology tools to certain language requirements, like for remote Greek islands, being the first to install info points with touch screens in Greece or providing a Greek Language course via mobile phones for the visitors of the Olympic Games in 2004. Mewcat’s aims are - language education, intercultural communication and informal language and vocational training - education through new technologies - improvement of services in tourism sector Within these aims Mewcat has been carrying out various EU funded projects since its foundation, many of them targeting Language Education or being focused on informal learning of Modern Greek. (YASSOU intercultural communication course 1991-1995/AD-HOC Mobile Language Learning Tool 2004/InLET Language via mobile phones 2006, ELM Estonian Language and Mind) It carries out Language Learning Seminars for learners of Modern Greek, tandem courses for the intercultural communication and Vocational Training Programs for target groups involved in the Tourism Sector. In the Project S&L Mewcat will be responsible for the development and adaptation for all material in and to the Greek language, for ensuring authenticity of language and for the evaluation of the product in all stages of it’s development. Mewcat will help to ensure the suitability of the Product for it’s application and use by young people in Greece, who due to various reasons want to acquire some language skills. It will also test the product with selected groups of foreign students at Greek Universities. Mewcat’s staff exists of language teachers and professionals in the Tourism Industry and free lancer staff is involved in various training activities. The director Yvonne von Beck Language Teacher for German, English and Greek specializes in language course development and Media production (various TV Courses, video courses, new technology applications). Ms von Beck is involved in National and European initiatives for the support, maintenance and facilitation of the learning of less spoken languages like Modern Greek. In general Mewcat’s role in the S&L project will be to test, evaluate, validate the newly developed product and to adapt strategies and technologies for the Greek language policies in close cooperation with decision makers in Greece and new technology providers for mobile communication.
Mission and Objectives

Intercultural Dialogue and understanding, sustainable development, youth educaton and support of disadvantaged regions

Main Projects / Activities

Environment protection and sustainable development
various EU funded projects since its foundation, many of them targeting Language Education or being focussed on informal learning of Modern Greek. (YASSOU intercultural communication course 1991-1995/AD-HOC Mobile Language Learning Tool 2004/InLET Language via mobile phones 2006, ELM Estonian Language and Mind) It carries out Language Learning Seminars for learners of Modern Greek, tandem courses for the intercultural communication and Vocational Training Programs for target groups involved in the Tourism Sector.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

enlarge network, promote network, apply strategies in remote Greek

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To support Intercultural Dialogue, Mutual Understanding in the Mediterranean Region, to get in contact with other mediterranean Organisation with similar aims

Contact (1) Full Name
Yvonne von Beck
Head of the organisation
Yvonne von Beck
Contact (2) Full Name
Katerina Kanakari

MOm/The Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal

National Network

18 Solomou Str.
106 82


0030 210 5222888
0030 210 5222450
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
•Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: MOm is administered by the Board of Directors, which according to Law and the Memorandum of the Association manages the affairs and the financial resources of the Society and implements the decisions of the General Assembly that meets regularly once a year. The Board of Directors administers the Director of MOm who is responsible for the implementation and evaluation of the organisation’s strategy appointed by the Board. MOm’s main departments are responsible for the following activities: a)Research The collection of primary scientific data for the biology and behaviour of the species, the implementation of innovative technological methods and of MOm’s rescue and rehabilitation program. a)Conservation and Policy The creation and management of protected areas. b)Finance and Project management The efficient management of institutional projects as well as the auditing of MOm’s financial obligations. c)Development and Communication The implementation of educational and awareness campaigns and the fundraising from individual donors and corporations. The number of MOm’s full staff is 16. In addition MOm employs 6 part time seasonal staff and utilizes approximately 100 volunteers per year. •Budgetary resources available in 2009: The estimated amount of available resources is 1,000,000€. •Sources of funding: a)Membership fees and donations, b) sponsorships, c) institutional programs. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): a) Research and monitoring actions, b) awareness raising campaigns, c) rescue and rehabilitation actions, d) management of protected areas, e) educational activities, f) participation in international scientific conferences. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: • University of Athens • WWF • Hellenic Ornithological Society • Fisheries Research Institute • International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) • Madera Natural Park (PNM) • Underwater Research Society-Mediterranean Seal Research Group (SAD-AFAG) • Fundacion para la Conservacion de la Biodiversidad y su Habitat (CBD)-Spain • University of Aberdeen • Erasmus University of Rotterdam • Veterinary School of Thessaloniki
Mission and Objectives

MOm’s mission is the conservation of the marine and coastal environment, through the protection of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal. Tools to accomplish the latter include design and activation of an institutional framework as well as information and public awareness campaigns. MOm’s objectives are:
•The conservation of the marine and coastal environment through research projects to help gaining further knowledge for the appropriate measures for its protection.
•The protection of the monk seal which is an indicator of a healthy marine environment.
•The raise of public awareness concerning ways of protecting and maintaining the marine and coastal environment as well as ways of being friendlier toward wild animals in need such as the monk seal.
•The effective operations of educational programmes in the effort το inform and teach young children regarding the protection of the environment and the importance of rare species.

Main Projects / Activities

MOm operates different kind of projects in the fields of its activities. Indicative current projects are mentioned below:
•The operation of the Rescue & Information Network (RINT).
•Necropsies of dead seals so as to collect data and information for the behavior of the species.
•In-situ research in species habitats.
•In-situ research with fishermen for the mitigation of the conflict between fisheries’ activities and the protection of the monk seal.
•The rehabilitation of Artemis, an orphaned pup founded injured, in the Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre of Alonissos.
Conservation and Policy
•Participation in the Management Bodies of Marine Protected Areas of Alonissos and Karpathos.
Development & Communication
•Educational programs through presentations and special interactive activities.
•Awareness raising campaigns.
•Design of informative and educational materials such as CD-Rom, books, brochures, websites.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Xrisafi, Financial and Funding Manager
Head of the organisation
Evagelos Paravas, President of the Board of Directors
Contact (2) Full Name
Valia Savvidou, Project Management