
Hellenic Foundation for Youth & Voluntary Work

National Network

28084 FISKARDo

+30 26740 41081
+ 30 26740 41182
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
It is the scientific department of THE FISKARDO's NAUTICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB (fnec) which is a non-profit making institute, established on the island of Kephalonia in the Ionian Sea, Greece.. two full time staff and 4 partial time staff. The club has 6 all year round volunteers and the number is increased to 20-30 during the summer months. The club receives in the summer months international volunteers from all over the world. No paid stuff available. Budget: Approximately 70.000 euro per year Sources of founding : Memberships – Donations – commercial activities – EC funding European Voluntary Service , Youth Music Festival – Researches on endangered especies
Mission and Objectives

ISRC & FNEC is a recognised member / accredited member of the following superstructures: GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR CIVIL PROTECTION - ACCREDITED VOLUNTARY TEAMS OFFERING SOCIAL SERVICES - GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR ATHLETICS- GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCHES - INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SAFETY AND SURVIVAL AT SEA - SEA RESCUE VOLUNTARY TEAM – MEMBER OF THE KEFALONIAN COORDINATING COMMITTEE The main activities of fnec are: Provide an informal environmental information centre - Promote environmental awareness -Promote conservation and environmental activities -Provide ambulance services and search and rescue services both on land and at sea - Encourage Youth exchanges between young people within the EU for the benefit of community development -Conduct marine research -Record marine mammal sightings -Promote marine conservation -FNEC is operated exclusively by volunteers including the members of the club and the board of committee. FNEC doesn’t have paid members or employs.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Natalia – Irini Petala
Head of the organisation
Andreas Petalas
Contact (2) Full Name
Ethnikis Antistaseos

Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy

National Network

Foinikis 64, Lofos Skouze
10443 Athens

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy, (H.I.C.D.) is a scientific non-governmental organisation, founded in Athens in March 2017, and is the only proponent of Cultural Diplomacy in Greece. Working closely with private and public governmental bodies, academic and scientific organisations both at home and around the world, the Institute has branches in different Greek cities and abroad. Each branch is responsible for the development and delivery of a range of cultural activities, under the guidance of the Athens headquarters. By engaging in research and developing the different fields of Cultural Diplomacy, the HICD aims to shape foreign perceptions of Greece to highlight the unique cultural characteristics of our country. This contributes to strengthens Greece’s bilateral, regional and multilateral diplomatic bonds, improves relations between nations and communicates universal values and principles that only culture can convey.   Sincerely, The President
Mission and Objectives

The Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy was founded in 25th March 2017  in Athens, Greece and is the first and only proposer of that idea in Greece. It aims to develop activities related to certain fields of Cultural Diplomacy such as:
• the creation and promotion of Hellenic culture in Greece and abroad.
• the enhancement of the image and public perception of the Cultural Diplomacy’s role
• the education and training of executives serving Cultural Diplomacy in every way.
• the research, documentation and public disclosure of cultural growth matters.
• the support and global promotion of the Hellenic cultural heritage.
• the organisation of conferences, seminars, discussions, exhibitions and other events, as well as the publication of theses and research projects.
• the collection and protection of historic documents, artefacts or other traces of Hellenic culture.
• the establishment and financial support of the promotion of creators and their works as well as other academic publications, in harmony with the Institute’s objectives.
• the establishment of prize and scholarships awards to persons and groups distinguished by their work in the fields of the Institute.
Some of the activities of the Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy developing include inter alia:
• The creation of the Cultural Diplomacy Archives.
• The publication of academic papers, essays, researches and journals concerning the field of Cultural Diplomacy.
• The cultural documentation.
• The cultural education.
• The research on the structure and the propagation of the Hellenic cultural heritage, focusing on Diplomacy.
• The formation of research committees, working independently or in co-operation with other individuals or legal persons.
• The organisation of conferences, seminars, discussions, exhibitions and other events, and development of new ways of contact with the intellectual society and its representatives.
The President

Main Projects / Activities

Symposiums on Cultural Diplomacy
Thessaloniki Forum for Intercultural and interfaith dialogue
Seminars on Cultural Diplomacy
Discussion panels on national identity and cultural Diplomacy
Conference on ''Rebetiko'' in Denmark
Museum Diplomacy in Thessaloniki
Cultural Geopolitics in the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have 11.000 members and we would be pleased to promote the network to our academic society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that the ALF Network is a very important cultural network and constitutes and incentive for us to participate.

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter Dennis Kapsaskis
Job Title
President and Founder
Head of the organisation
Petros Kapsaskis President and Founder

Hellenic Migration Policy Institute (IMEPO)

National Network


+30 210 72 55 385-8
+30 210 72 59 579
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Research
General Information
IMEPO is an organization funded by the Greek Ministry of the Interior. It consists of the Administrative Board, the Research Department and the Administrative Department and it has about 25 employees. It cooperates with many international organizations such as IOM, OECD, UNHCR etc as well as with a lot of governmental bodies of other countries.
Mission and Objectives

IMEPO's mission is to research and understand the phenomenon of migration and conduct studies, which contribute to the design and implementation of a viable and realistic immigration policy within the European Union's framework.
In addition, it acts as the advisor of the Greek Government on migration policy issues.
To achieve its mission, IMEPO aims to:
Conduct scientific research
Prepare and assign specialised studies
Participate in research programs (Greece -abroad)
Design, supervise and implement operational programs in the context of migration policy
Organise public discussions, conferences and seminars
Build and maintain a library
Support and maintain a database on immigration issues
Publish relevant books,magazines, scientific studies
Design and implement a communication policy focused on sensitising the society on immigration issues
Maintain contacts and cooperate with International Organisations and governmental bodies active in the field of immigration
Cooperate with NGOs and Immigrants Organisations

Main Projects / Activities

• Community Initiative EQUAL
Title: " ?SP?DD? - Development Partnership to Promote Equal Rights for Traficked Persons - Combating Exploitation, Creating Perspective"
• Program for Financial and Technical Assistance to Third Countries in the field of Migration and Asylum (AENEAS)
Action Title: "Building on Mechanisms to effectively and sustainably Implement Readmission Agreements between Albania, the EC and concerned third countries"
• International Cooperation Department Programmes (YDAS) Hellenic Aid
Title: "ITHACA - Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings in Moldova" (2005)

Contact (1) Full Name

Hellenic National Centre of Theatre & Dance

National Network

Kolleti 31, PC: 10677

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
The Hellenic National Centre of Theatre & Dance is a public institution, affiliated with the Ministry of Culture, established in 2007. Its principal aim is to define and subsequently apply a concrete national policy regarding cultural activities, related to theatre and dance. The Centre employs approximately 35 staff, including collaborating partners, while its annual budget for 2009 is 1.400.000 euros. Financially it is being funded by the Ministry of Culture but also by private grants. The activities are quite wide including among others cultural productions, educational & research projects, cultural editions, organization of conferences & symposiums, financial support of artistic companies, developing networks, promoting Hellenic culture worldwide and supporting youth projects. Our main partners are the Ministry of Culture, national & municipal theatres and dance companies and freelance researchers. Currently, we are organizing a project entitled ARTLOCUS, which supports site-specific theatrical artworks and endorses the collaboration between theatrical companies and municipalities. We are also funding 3 Festivals held in Athens: Athens Fringe, Bios-OPA & Going Youth. Finally, we provide rehearsal space to artistic companies.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to define the national cultural policy, to encourage cultural development and to promote artistic production nationally and internationally
Concisely our objectives are:
-To ensure that this national, cultural policy is being applied
-To promote theatrical and dancing activities, may they be educational, theoretical or practical
-To establish the educational character of art and to highlight its social significance
-To enhance our cultural identity through theatrical & choreographical activities, to coordinate such activities regionally as well as to promote them internationally
-To create a cultural, collaborative network between Greece and other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

1.ARTLOCUS: site specific theatrical productions
2.Funding 7 supporting cultural Festivals such as: Athens Fringe, Bios- OPA, Going Youth
3.Providing theatre & dance companies with rehearsal spaces
4.Organizing conferences, symposiums, presentations and exhibitions
5.Responsible for cultural publications (books, magazines, researches etc)
6.Funding companies and experimental projects
7.Mapping contemporary reality relative to theatre & dance, updating the existing archives and establishing the newborn cultural companies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kyriaki Fetfatzi, Betina Panagiotara
Head of the organisation
G.Dragonas (President), Hr. Logothetis (Head of Department)
Contact (2) Full Name
Eleni Douvou

Hellenic National Youth Council

National Network

Kougioumtzoglou 11, Elefsis

+30 210 5548340
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
National Youth Platform consisted of 50 organizations. It is administrated by an 11 person Executive Committee, which is supported currently by a Secretariat of 2 people. It is part of the European Youth Forum and has a leading role in the South Youth Councils Coordination. The budget is coming from the funding of international and national projects (Institutions and Ministries). Exchanges have been organized the last years with Turkish youth and many seminars and conferences with European youngsters. Lately we developed a Network of Young Scientists hoping that it will represent all the young scientists and will help them in networking and empowering themselves.
Mission and Objectives

Our main mission is to represent Greek Youth inside the Greek state and abroad. The coordination of our members to work collectively and the increase of awareness about diversity, are some of our priorities.
Increase the involvement of young people in public life and create institutions that young people can participate.
Protection of democracy, human rights and social solidarity are our objectives plus to fight any kind of discrimination, no matter where it is coming from.

Main Projects / Activities

- Network of Young Scientists (November 2005)
- Conferences about Interregional and Global Youth Cooperation (November 2006 & October 2004)
- Congress about Young participation (2005)
- Actions for the protection of environment (2005)
- European Week for Youth (2005)
- Concerts against discrimination and concerts for Greek Youth in USA (July & November 2006)
- Annual meeting of the European Pool of Trainers in Kalamos (June 2005)

Contact (1) Full Name
Armodios Drikos


National Network

Agioy Andreoy 124, Patra

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Every member is assigned to separate groups (sectors) for the organisation structure of of HRDC. Every group offers its expertise and abilities in subjects of technological training relative to its sector. The organisational structure of HRDC is as follows: • The supreme body is its general assembly that assembles once a year decides on the strategy of HRDC and elects the Board of Directors. • The executive body of HRDC is its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consists of the HRDC President, the Vice-President, the Financial Director and one member, which have the overall responsibility of HRDC’s management. The president of the association is Dr. Panagiotis Gatomatis
Mission and Objectives

In order to meet the challenges of European tomorrow, HRDC has identified the following main areas of activity:
* Preparation & development of programmes for initial and continuous technological and vocational training.
* Contribution to the regional development of Greek territories through technology transfer and innovation.
* Creation of stable co-operation bonds between the world of industry and the university sector, including technology transfer between Greece and the other European Union’s members.

Main Projects / Activities

HRDC and its collaborators have successfully participated in several E.U. programmes of common interest aiming at extending its activities:

Contact (1) Full Name
Kostopoupos Giorgos
Head of the organisation
Gatomatis Panagiotis
Contact (2) Full Name
Koutsogiannis Spyros

Hellenic Research Institute of Alexandrian Civilisation (HRIAC)

National Network

55, Vas.Sofias Avenue. 11521

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
* The reinforcement, by every means, of the Archaeological and Historical Research and Study of the Ancient Alexandria. * The broad Archaeological Research and Study of the Hellenic Civilization, everywhere in the world and outside the Hellenic Country and especially the Research and the Study of the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period. * Ethnological and Anthropological Studies. * The creation of a library containing all the relevant Alexandrian Bibliography. * Organizing seminars and congresses concerning subjects of the Hellenistic Period. * Immediate cooperation with the Hellenic and Egyptian universities for a complete and in detail study. * The reinforcement of relationships of Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology scientists. * The granting of scholarships to Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology students, for specialized studies based on the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.
Mission and Objectives

* The reinforcement, by every means, of the Archaeological and Historical Research and Study of the Ancient Alexandria.
* The broad Archaeological Research and Study of the Hellenic Civilization, everywhere in the world and outside the Hellenic Country and especially the Research and the Study of the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.
* Ethnological and Anthropological Studies.
* The creation of a library containing all the relevant Alexandrian Bibliography.
* Organizing seminars and congresses concerning subjects of the Hellenistic Period.
* Immediate cooperation with the Hellenic and Egyptian universities for a complete and in detail study.
* The reinforcement of relationships of Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology scientists.
* The granting of scholarships to Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology students, for specialized studies based on the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.

Main Projects / Activities

* The reinforcement, by every means, of the Archaeological and Historical Research and Study of the Ancient Alexandria.
* The broad Archaeological Research and Study of the Hellenic Civilization, everywhere in the world and outside the Hellenic Country and especially the Research and the Study of the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.
* Ethnological and Anthropological Studies.
* The creation of a library containing all the relevant Alexandrian Bibliography.
* Organizing seminars and congresses concerning subjects of the Hellenistic Period.
* Immediate cooperation with the Hellenic and Egyptian universities for a complete and in detail study.
* The reinforcement of relationships of Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology scientists.
* The granting of scholarships to Hellenic and Egyptian archaeology students, for specialized studies based on the Hellenistic Alexandrian Period.

Contact (1) Full Name
Calliope Limneos - Papakosta
Head of the organisation
Calliope Limneos - Papakosta


National Network

Boukouvala 26, 114 75, Gyzi

0030 210 6411286
0030 210 6411286
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6946401945
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is a migrants' NGO with 6 permanent staff members, a number of external collaborators and an extensive number of volunteers. Resources come from members' contributions and fundaraising campaigns for specific actions. Lately the organisation has received EU funding and is placing efforts of funding of the projects through other organisations as well. Partners in our projects are other civil society organisations, public authorities, private companies and activists in human rights from Greece and abroad. We carry out several educational activities and do humanitarian work.
Mission and Objectives

The organization has started out as a humanitarian association aiming at the support of the orphan children from Palestine and other mainly but exclusively Arabic countries that suffer from hostilities or terrorism. The objective is to help them retain a descent living standard by offering money, clothing, educational materials etc. Through the years the activities have expanded to the protection and promotion of migrant children’s and women’s rights, mainly of Arabic origin, that reside in Athens, especially through educational activities. We also develop cooperation with movements and international organisations that deal with child care and work for poverty reduction and the promotion of peace and solidarity.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities develop around educational support for orphan children in Palestine, educational and social support for migrant children in Athens, educational and social support for migrant women in Athens, Arabic language courses for Greeks, inter-cultural activities, promotion of volunteerism especially as far as Humanitarian relief is concerned. We are currently implementing an EU project (Lifelong Learning)through which migrant women will learn how to sell their traditional products via internet (e-commerce)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Penny Papaspyropoulou
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ibrahim Alabadla

Hellenic Youth Participation

National Network

Dimitriou Soutsou 10
11521 Athens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Hellenic Youth Participation is a social cooperative based in Athens, Greece. There are 5 workers, 3 full time and 2 part time. The budgetary resources come from different educational local projects, seminars, teams, funding from european projects like Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps programmes.
The active local groups are 10 and the total young people who participate in them are 200:
1) Teenagers (13-17 years old) who form part of the “Teen Team of Empowerment” (Supporting teenagers through the transition to adulthood).
2) Young Adults (18-30 years old) who form part of the “Young Adults Team of Empowerment” (Empowering young people to live as active members of the local and national community).
3) Leaders Academy (18+ years old) (Training youth leaders on the non-formal education framework).
4) Educators (Teachers, Educators, Trainers, Coaches) who form part of the Non-formal Education Academy (Training teachers to use non-formal methodology to formal teaching).
5) Mnemosine Art Group: adults (20-35 years old) who focus on self-awareness and personal development through art.
6) HYP International Relations: adults (22-35 years old) who use non-formal education methodology to approach the global political events.
7) People, Places, Partnerships: young adults (18-30 years old) who attempt to support social change social change based on the community needs of Athens.
8) Young Entrepreneurship in Greece: young adults (18-25 years old) who conduct research on young entrepreneurs and create a report of youth employability in Greece.
9) Mind your Mind: adults (25-40 years old) meet in open spaces in Athens and attempt to connect to nature through mindfulness.
10) Mentors: adults (22-35 years old) who support our local volunteers and EVS with their local projects and activities.
Erasmus+ funded projects: Sexual Health for Youth, Youth Votes for Europe
European Solidarity Corps funded Projects: Connecting the Community, Non Formal Action

Mission and Objectives

Hellenic Youth Participation (based in Athens, Greece) stands for intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, mutual understanding and solidarity.
The main aim of the group is to promote life-long learning through non-formal education and experiential learning. We train different age groups (teenagers, young adults, parents, youthworkers, facilitators, teachers) in order to inspire and stimulate self-directed and peer learning. We also wish to motivate them to become involved and to raise awareness about current values like equal opportunities, social inclusion and cultural diversity. Through our projects we aim at the promotion of non-formal differentiated learning and the importance of personal development. HYP is active on a local, national and European level.

Main Projects / Activities

HYP has focused in the creation of networks of young people who want to contribute to the social change of citizens of Athens. Through the promotion of non-formal differentiated learning, we create teams that work for 8 months (October to May). Each team meets twice per month for 8 hours and focus on their common goal. In May they all collaborate in one common event that is created by the young people for young people.
HYP is creating a non-formal education library to give the opportunity to people (leaders, youthworkers, volunteers and educators) to have access in quality activities of different topics in English, Spanish and Greek.
The active local groups are 10 and the total young people who participate in them are 200:
1) Teenagers (13-17 years old) who form part of the “Teen Team of Empowerment” (Supporting teenagers through the transition to adulthood).
2) Young Adults (18-30 years old) who form part of the “Young Adults Team of Empowerment” (Empowering young people to live as active members of the local and national community).
3) Leaders Academy (18+ years old) (Training youth leaders on the non-formal education framework).
4) Educators (Teachers, Educators, Trainers, Coaches) who form part of the Non-formal Education Academy (Training teachers to use non-formal methodology to formal teaching).
5) Mnemosine Art Group: adults (20-35 years old) who focus on self-awareness and personal development through art.
6) HYP International Relations: adults (22-35 years old) who use non-formal education methodology to approach the global political events.
7) People, Places, Partnerships: young adults (18-30 years old) who attempt to support social change social change based on the community needs of Athens.
8) Young Entrepreneurship in Greece: young adults (18-25 years old) who conduct research on young entrepreneurs and create a report of youth employability in Greece.
9) Mind your Mind: adults (25-40 years old) meet in open spaces in Athens and attempt to connect to nature through mindfulness.
10) Mentors: adults (22-35 years old) who support our local volunteers and EVS with their local projects and activities.
We also implement a great variety of seminars and workshops about self-awareness, emotional intelligence, personal development, finding your passion, conflict management, mindfulness and teaching techniques.
2019: “Escape Room of Human Rights”: our youth team organized 2 escape rooms of human rights in order to raise awareness on the history of human rights and the refugee crisis. More than 150 young people participated in the event and spread the importance of human rights today.
2018: “The universe and I”: our youth team in collaboration with the Athens Observatory organized an afternoon with interactive activities where young people could come closer to the science, understand the universe and connect to their peers. More than 200 young people participated in the event and spread the importance of life long learning.
2017: “Playing under the Athenian sun”: our youth team organized a small fair to celebrate the European Youth Week and spread the European mobility in the centre of Athens. More than 200 young people participated in the event and learned in an experiential way more about the European opportunities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a big network of young people in local level so we believe that we can create new opportunities for them. Also, we would like to create common new initiatives based on the needs and problems of our reality.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of this network in order to cooperate with different organization that share same principles and values. Also the 3 pillars of the organization, empowering young voices, influencing policy makers and building a movement for dialogue are some of the main ideas that our local and european activities based on them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariadni Matraka
Job Title
Senior Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Eleni Kardamitsi


National Network

15, Viktoros Ougko Street
10437 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

HIGGS |Higher Incubator Giving Growth & Sustainability| is an initiative which aims to reinforce Nonprofit Organizations | NPOs | operating in Greece, through educational and supportive programs and activities that are carried out at its premises. We have a 9-person strong team and various external collaborators. Our yearly budget is around 400.000 euros mostly covered from Charitable Foundations and EU programs. We are running an Incubator and an Accelerator program directed to NPOs as well as various training workshops, seminars and events related to Civil Society.

Mission and Objectives

Our philosophy and the way we plan and implement all our initiatives and programs are driven by the principles of philanthropy, solidarity, cooperation and trust.
Our vision is that HIGGS evolves into a hub of creativity and open dialogue aimed at promoting collaboration and innovation in the NPO sector as well as a meeting place of all interested parties, both literally and symbolically.

Main Projects / Activities

Incubator for Greek NPOs
Accelerator for Greek NPOs
Trainings seminars to open to civili society organizations
Civil Society Updates (quarterly e-magazine)
Events on issues related to Civil Society
Yearly Conference on Civil Society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Support, connect with and disseminate activities to Greek NPO ecosystem. Link initiatives with developments in the organized civil society across Greece. Create value addition activities in support of Greek NPOs internationalization and work over common issues. Problematize on finding socially innovative solutions to common problems.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Inspired by values and mission. Well connected with our mission and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sotiris Petropoulos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sotiris Petropoulos