
Young Men's Christian Association

National Network

74 El Gomhoria St.Ramsis, Cairo

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The YMCA work began in Egypt in 1986 as a Student Association at the College of Assuit. In 1911 the first city YMCA was established in Assuit followed in 1923 by as association in Cairo and in Alexandria in 1927. Although staff was provided in the early years by the International Committee of the YMCAs of USA and Canada, Egyptian staff members gradually took over. Thanks to a continuous process of training for professionals and program volunteers. Egypt YMCA pioneered in introducing leisure time education, group work, camping, basketball, volleyball and the informal education program.
Mission and Objectives

• To build a World of Brotherhood.
• To develop young people, Spiritually, Mentally and Physically.
• To work with local communities, to achieve their goals, for better standard of living.
• To serve the whole community with disregard to color, gender, religion or nationality

Main Projects / Activities

Children and Youth sections
From 1 – 5 KG.
Then sections from 5 – 8, from 8 – 12, and from 12 – 16 years old
These sections have a unique system of self-government to train young people in Democracy.
Young adults department
• From 16 years old, until graduation form University, emphasis for young adults are put on rendering services to local communities and needy groups.
• This is beside the rich traditional YMCA programs.
Adult department
• From about 25 years old and up. This department also provides the YMCA and the local community with the volunteer leadership.
Other activities in different YMCAs:
- Information Technology Club and Language Lab:
Aims to develop skills and raise youth efficiency in ICT, to enable them to participate in work field/ to be able to enter and join work field and find job opportunities.
- Health Projects:
Co-operation between Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) and the Egyptian Swiss Development Fund (ESDF).

Contact (1) Full Name
Madeleine Michel
Head of the organisation
Samy Armia Nashed

Youth and Development Consultancy Institute Etijah

National Network

56 El Nozha st, Heliopolis,

+202 24 17 7 375
+202 24177409
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Vision Etijah seeks to promote and facilitate the establishment of an equitable society in which all members (individuals, families and communities) have an opportunity to participate in building the social, political and economic infrastructure of Egypt. All of Etijah’s projects are geared towards creating a thriving environment in which all members of the community are granted an opportunity to progress and to improve the quality of their lives, and accordingly, that of their families’ and subsequent society.   Etijah’s projects’  first and foremost aim is to empower youth, who are between the ages of 15 and 30 years old, by targeting three main groups: 1- Youth 2- Youth workers 3- Youth-serving organization.   Secondly, Etijah works to provide youth workers with education and training giving them the essential tools needed to work effectively with youth. Most youth workers make their way into the job market through the practice of their jobs, without formal education and training. Realizing this fact, Etijah aims to serve as a consultancy institute that develops and enhances professional cadre in Egypt and the Arab world.     Finally, Etijah works to build the capacity of governmental and non-governmental youth serving organizations through enhancing and dispersing development methodologies, which further empowers these organizations and enables them to maximize their abilities to better serve youth in a proficient manner in addition to ensuring the sustainability of their programs.
Mission and Objectives

Etijah aims to build capacities of governmental and non-governmental youth serving organizations so that it could provide a professional and a safe context for youth development in Egypt. This stems from Etijah’s belief that providing other NGOs with different sorts of assistance will lead to strengthening the bond between those organizations and youth. It will also lead to the transformation of youth from being beneficiaries to being active citizens. This will directly reflect on the efficiency of the partner NGOs.
Philosophy and Methodology
Etijah adopts “Asset Based  Community Development’ (ABCD) and Community Youth Development Approach (CYD). These two approaches enable the institute to create and improve development methodologies to serve Egyptian and Arab youth.
While Etijah recognizes the significance of the “Needs Based” approach, it reached the conclusion that a more pragmatic approach is needed to address the root cause of problems. This is why looking at both the needs and the given assets is necessary to structure more constructive solutions which pave the way for sustainable development.
Community Youth Development creates synergy between two important pillars of development: youth and community development. This is where Etijah derives its main concern from; which is to engage youth in the process of reform by strengthening youth activism and volunteerism as an asset based approach.
Etijah follows a “Participatory Approach” when designing and implementing projects; meaning it encourages youth to be a part of every stage of each project.  It also applies its methodologies and approaches in direct collaboration with governmental and non-governmental youth serving organizations. This does not only serve youth in a direct way, but it also empowers Etijah’s partner organizations and enables them to reach the peak of their abilities while ensuring the sustainability of their projects.
Sources of funding: Grants and partnerships. 

Main Projects / Activities

Etijah Previous Experience
Etijah has four main significant programs with the objective of fighting social and economic inequality including the Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (TOMOOH/Ambition) program, U.S. Egypt Higher Education Initiative Public University Scholarships program (HEI), vocational trainings in Safe Spaces and “Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (SEED) project. The four projects aim to empower the disadvantaged youth and women who are likely to end up in a cycle of poverty, with entrepreneurial capacity and skills. The overall goal is to contribute to expanding social entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities.
Etijah, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the UNFPA, implemented Safe Spaces project at youth centers located in Al Sharqiya governorate. It focuses on female’s essential role by supporting and empowering Egyptian and Syrian women and girls.
The Safe Spaces project enables women participants to overcome multiple challenges including gender-based violence. It encompasses several activities such as self-defense techniques, group therapy, theater workshops, storytelling workshops, vocational training, and recreational activities.
As part of scaling up the Safe Spaces and building on our previous successes and lessons learned, the participants of Safe Spaces project can be trained on craft handed techniques and other skills for generating their incomes for a better livelihood. They can leave and work from home (home-based) or at factory once they get proficient and well trained. Home-based work is one form of the informal work in which women engages predominantly. The term “home-based worker” is used to refer to the general category of workers who carry out remunerative work within their homes or in the surrounding ground.[1]
One of the Safe Spaces activities is a theater show called “We are here” where the Syrians and Egyptians are the main actors, the theater visits different governorates to raise awareness about gender-based violence.
HEI targets developing the capacity of more than 600 students who are disadvantaged economically and socially, including 76 disabled students, through comprehensive academic and practical training that results in educated, motivated, college graduates, in highly technical fields. Once the youth are assessed and placed in faculties, they join a community service program to develop their leadership and communication skills, while engaging in initiatives to expand their technical skills and thereby their career choices. The community service program introduces youth to disseminate their learning in their local communities. During 2018, HEI students gave about 15,268 voluntary hours serving marginalized people across different governorates.
SEED project which is inspired by the grave economic conditions that cripple youth and women ability to seize, find and create economic opportunities. In this context, the project aims at raising awareness on entrepreneurship and strengthening the capacities of 1260 youth people aged between 18 and 28 with a main focus on women in 2 governorates (Sohag and Kafr El-Sheikh) to become community leaders. This is implemented through: the establishment of 2 local hubs, a desk review on entrepreneurship ecosystem, TOT program including training on entrepreneurship skills, business management, mentor-ship and entrepreneurship event and launching event linking participants with various youth entrepreneur organizations, investors and mentors to provide financial assistance and guidance to the participants to help them develop their ideas into feasible businesses that will have a positive social impact in Egypt. These interventions all will create the basis of a sustainable network of youth entrepreneurs which will help to coordinate the efforts of existing youth entrepreneurship organizations. In this context, the sectors supported by this project are categorized under the following categories: community development, economic empowerment and gender equality.
TOMOOH project, it aims at improving the youth employment situation in Egypt through equipping them with the needed skills that shall increase their access to join the labor market. Tomooh enhances the self-employment by focusing on advanced design thinking to early stage start-ups for young university graduates from Cairo and the surrounding governorates. The program offers trainings to start-up entrepreneurs to access wider-range of business tools and market awareness, a hub serving as a co-working space for the participants to network and to work in an inspiring collaborative environment, and a mentorship program providing guidance to the participants and developing their entrepreneurial capabilities to better shape their startups and ensure correct business validation. A one-on-one business consulting service system is deployed to guide the participants through planning, establishing, launching, stabilizing, and growing their own businesses. The entrepreneurship program takes place in a Hub at Etijah’s main office.
Etijah’s impact on vulnerable women:
Etijah created a strategic partnership with UNFPA and the Ministry of Youth and Sports to work collectively on working against structural challenges that hinder women's economic empowerment. These structural challenges are mainly related to Sexual and Reproductive health “SRH” issues including family planning, ending FGM, fighting early marriage and raising awareness on violence against women. The challenges facing women in the public sphere made it necessary to create Safe Spaces in targeted areas, where women can are encouraged freedom of expression away from responsibilities and presence of men. A safe space goes beyond the physical place. It is about the behaviors and interactions that create an open and accepting environment, a space where everyone feels respected and valued. Women can contribute actively without fear of being judged on any basis. 
These safe spaces are meant to provide psychosocial support for women and offer empowerment and educational activities. The spaces provide psychological support services to mitigate the risk of SGBV, provide the necessary support to survivors, assist in early detecting cases and raise the awareness of SGBV, reproductive health and basic health topics among refugees. The safe spaces delivered GBV programming and services to 21063 beneficiaries. The project built a full cycle of referral mechanism and case management to address gender-based violence against women to reach a total number of 3899 cases managed though the case management team. Women in the safe spaces to learn how to support their livelihoods, and achieve economic independence. Etijah has adopted two main approaches for raising awareness on SRH issues including; Sports for Development (S4D) and theatrical performances that present questions and challenges facing women, to engage youth in societal and population challenges. 
Vocational trainings are a core part of activities in the Safe Spaces. These trainings seek to address demographic, economic and social demands. Providing vocational training to refugees can build their profiles of employability skills; enable them to work and earn their living and provide economic tools and networks to women. There are mainly eight vocational training programs that are conducted in the safe spaces including Sewing, embroidery, crochet, Coiffeur, Henna making, pottery, photography and finally making leather products. Along with vocational trainings, there are several cultural activities that are carried out including drawing, therapeutic Yoga, Sports activities, art exhibitions and creating an area for the vocational training products. These activities create solid cohesion between women refugees and Egyptians.
[1] Empowering Women through Home-based Work and Institutionalized Threats in Ethiopia, Tarik Hadgu Tedla, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, December 2012. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Etijah can contribute to the network with:
1) Sharing impact on intercultural programs and activities espcially working with refugees and with marginalized communities in Egypt. 
2) Evidence based methodologies on strong actions. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Etijah would like to benefit from being part of ALF as one of the strongest networks of organizations. We would like to exchange experiences, impelment regional projects and create partnerships with active organizations who implement intercultural actions for young people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelrahman Mossad Shehata Abdelhamid
Job Title
Business Development Manager
Head of the organisation
Hisham El Rouby
Contact (2) Full Name
Karim Shawer
Job Title (2)
Programs Director

Youth Association for Population and Development

National Network

14 Selim Ghattas st, off Selim El Awal st, El Zatoun, Cairo - Egypt

+20 2 2596388
Mobile Phone
+20 101516322
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hisham El Roubi (Chairman)

Youth Business Association - Fayoum

National Network

المسلة برج الكنارى الفيوم

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Goals: 1-Cultural, Scientific and religious services 2- Local Communities Development. 3-Friendships Between Countries & Egyptian youth and world youth business friendship
Mission and Objectives

- The Sort of activities and Work Fields: (1) To support the friendship between the youth of Arab countries, Mediterranean countries and the world youth. (2) Take action part in protecting the environmental. (3) To support the small youth establishments and activities with financial and technology. 1-Training young businessman and fresh graduates to be qualified with marketing, linguistic, managerial, informative and technological skills . 2-Enterprise projects Development by loans and establishing exhibitions for marketing products . 3-Holding cooperative sessions, seminars, conferences, camps, internet and women development in cultural, scientific, economic, exportation services … etc to serve young businessmen, fresh graduates and women 4- Participation in youth qualification to develop youth employment and eliminate unemployment and poverty. 5-Assisting in investment development and publicity for attracting local, Arabic and foreign investment. 6-Providing advice and service for business . . Organizations and Egyptian and foreign investors 7- Participation in environmental protection projects 8-Exchange experiences among youth and fresh graduates inside and outside with world youth for old natural phenomenon for males and females to develop skills and information as well as exploration.

Main Projects / Activities

عقد ندوة زيادة الاستثمار بالفيوم بالتعاون بين جمعية شباب أعمال الفيوم والمركز الأمريكي المشروعات الدولية الخاصة CIPE بالفيوم فى 27/12/2003 باوبرج الفيوم . بدء نشاط الجمعية بإنشاء مركز تدريب للجمعية وذلك لتدريب شباب الأعمال والخرجين في الكمبيوتروالبرمجة -إدارة أعمال وتسويق - تنمية بشرية وتصدير - عمالة الشباب واللغات. 1- خبرة الجمعية في تنفيذ وإدارة المشروعات التاريخ أسم المشروع قيمة التمويل (بالجنيه المصري) مصدر التمويل من إلى 1/1/2002 الان مركز تدريب لغات وبرمجة وتنمية بشرية 8000 تمويل ذاتى وهيئة كريتاس الأهداف العامة لمركز التدريب : 1-إكساب مهارات في اللغات والإدارة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات لشباب الأعمال والخرجين. 2-تنفيذ برامج تعاونية بين الجامعة والوزارات المختلفة كالصحة والتعليم والزراعة والري والقوى العاملة والهيئات كالمجلس القومي للمرآة ومجلس الأمومة والطفولة والمنظمات الغير حكومية والمشروعات الأجنبية . 3-ترويج عمالة الشباب لتوفير فرص عمل للشباب . 4-تحقيق توازن بين العرض والطلب في سوق العمل . 5-تنمية قدرات شباب الأعمال ورجال الأعمال وأصحاب الصناعات الصغيرة

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Mohamed Waly
Job Title
Dir. board
Head of the organisation
Eng. Mohamed Waly
Contact (2) Full Name
Micael Hennen
Job Title (2)
Vice Dir. Board

Youth for Youth Association

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Youth for youth it is an non-profit youth foundation began with ideas for youth-loving development in all areas where youth adopt voluntary work in their programs have been developed vision of the future, and is now coordinating with public and private bodies in order to activate and support officially, morally and financially as much as possible to them.
Mission and Objectives

We believe in the values of civil society , equality, justice and liberty so we aim to establish and organize sustainable projects to meet the challenges of present and future and that is to be achieved through the empowerment of the Jordanian and Arab youth to give them the opportunity to create positive changes, and to promote the real image of Jordan and the Jordanians themselves as a forgiving open minded people through all the countries in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

we did not do any project yet but we are going to do in the next months.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Rababah
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Kamel Rababah
Contact (2) Full Name
Yousef Melhem

youth forum for enlightenment

National Network

53 khairat' st lazogly field

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Empowerment of youth's social , legal and constitutional rights for a dignified life , and an effective participation in society development through cultural awareness of the Egyptian laws and the international conventions , and to spread the effective citizenship culture with political tolerance principles and accepting of the other .

Main Projects / Activities

1- Spreading the culture of active citizenship as a tool to achieve equal citizenship .
2- Spreading and developing the culture of political tolerance to address violence & counter violence, and building bridges of trust and understanding and to accept the other locally and internationally.
3- Empowerment of the Egyptian youth ( both males & females ) of their rights to participate and community development.
4- Spreading and developing the human rights & international conventions rights .
5- Co-operation with the civil society to defend the rights of individuals .

Contact (1) Full Name
amira mostafa

Youth love Egypt foundation

National Network

17 amin samy street

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information

We are nonprofit organisation working in the field of protecting the Environment and we are conducting cleanup campaigns to protect biodiversity, we have 4 employees , our sources of funding are projects our main partners are international organisations

Mission and Objectives

Protecting the Environment
Achieve SDGs
Gender equality
Youth employment

Main Projects / Activities

Clean shores project
Know your protected areas

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed fathy
Job Title
Head and founder
Head of the organisation
Ahmed fathy


National Network

83 Faisal city street, Alexandria

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0020176682202 (Mo'men Saeed)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
youth minds is an initiative we working in many field of development and developing the youth talents and make youth having good experiences in many fields   
Mission and Objectives

our mission to make the develop by using youth and make those youth believe in the change will start by us

Main Projects / Activities

unlimited creativity project

Contact (1) Full Name
Mo'men Saeed
Head of the organisation
Nabil Bahaa El-Din Mohamed
Contact (2) Full Name
Nabil Bahaa Eldin

Youth Without Borders

National Network

Piece 6075 Academy St., Off St.9, Mokattam

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Youth without Borders is a newly founded Egyptian CSO dedicated to promoting the active participation of youth in public-life. Despite its recent establishment, the association has been active in its effort to develop the capacity of Egyptian youth and to foster a new generation of young leaderships. Chairing its Board of Directors is Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Abd el-Hafiz who previously operated as Project Manager for the General Association for Youth Development’s “Support for Youth Participation in Public Life”, a 24-month long project funded by USAID/Egypt. His past experiences in managing and contributing to donor-funded projects span over 8 years and including prominent Egyptian and international NGOs such as CEOSS, Save the Children, and the Aghakhan Cultural Foundation. Partner organization Key of Life is registered Egyptian NGO committed to building better communities through legal awareness education and highlighting successful models and values in collaboration with other civil society actors. The organization’s goals can be summarized as follows: (i) developing the capacities of youth to express themselves creatively and innovatively; (ii) improving the educational process for the benefit of all segments of community; (iii) empowering women and aiming for gender equality by giving them a greater voice in their future. Over 2,000 individuals benefit annually from the organization’s services in the Governorate of Qena.
Mission and Objectives

Youth without Borders is a newly founded Egyptian CSO dedicated to promoting the active participation of youth in public-life. Despite its recent establishment, the association has been active in its effort to develop the capacity of Egyptian youth and to foster a new generation of young leaderships.

Main Projects / Activities

Supporting Youth Participation in Public Life - USAID Combating Poverty in Egypt - CEOSS Democracy through Arts - MEPI

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Abdel Hafiz
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Abdel Hafiz

Zagazig University

National Network

UPMU (University Project Managment Unit), Zagazig University
Zagazig 44519

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Zagazig University is a big university serving more than 100.000 undergraduate students and more than 10.000 postgraduate students. It is ranked 7th among the Eyptian universities. It provide a wide spectrum of scientific and humanitarian programs. It has 18 faculties and more than 160 scientific departments. It encompasses versatile acadmic specialities, e.g. medicine, science, agriculture, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, engineering, technology, computers and informatics, commerce, law, arts, education, specific education, nursing and sports. Zagazig university is very active at the level of natural and humanitarian research. Zagazig University is providing the surrounding environment and community with educational, training and developmental services. 
Mission and Objectives

To provide the society with competent graduate capable of leading and developing the labour market.

To participate in producing a high quality research products.

To participate in solving the economical and environmental problems associated with the egyptian society and country.

To provide the society with cultural and educational services capable of improving the the dominant culture of the people.

To create a proper citzen concoius of his rights and willing to improve and defend the interests of his country.

Main Projects / Activities

Young Arabic Voices.

DAAD training modules for enhancing the competencies of the young scientists.

Sustainable development of the educational communities and its final outputs "students".

Many research projects participating in enhancing the innovation and technology share in the Egyptian production.

Upgrading the general skills of the pre-university teachers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through engaging a large number of students in information sharing and circulation and through formulating different groups of active young people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To open new cultural windows for young people.

To participate in promoting the social cultures.

To help rooten positive and constructive values.

To help generate conscious and confident citizens.

To allow student to understand their country culture and the other international cultures.

To approach diferent cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Zaki Sitohy
Job Title
Executive Director of the University Project Management Unit
Head of the organisation
Prof. Ashraf El-Shihy