
The Arab awareness Center for rights and law

National Network

43 g Ramsis street
eighth floor
flat no 102


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Arab awareness Center for rights and law ,is an Egyptian NGO ,based in Cairo, was established on January 2012.The Center believes in the right of everyone in getting the knowledge .In the beginning it was the Word. The center works on raising awareness from the base of freedom of thought , expression and belief in order to build a democratic society and enhance rules of citizenship, freedom, equality, combating corruption and achieving
Mission and Objectives

Raising the legal and human rights awareness and motivate citizens to actively participate in the achievement of democracy, social justice, and stimulate positive initiative.

Main Projects / Activities

-Holding seminars, conferences, round table discussions, workshops and trainings in the center's field of activity.
2-Preparing studies, theories and field research
3-reporting and periodic bulletins
4-Scientific cooperation with counterpart centers to achieve the philosophy and objectives of the center
5-Produce art works (films , theater and radio works) that will serve the objectives and issues of the center.
6-providing Legal and judicial assistance.
7-Monitoring human rights violations and react to them.
8- a monthly report to monitor the protests in Egypt

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By working in the local network in joint projects to achieve the goals set by the network as a priority for action in the next phase and to identify what we need in our country to take advantage of the possibility of collective action in the network and to achieve in the fields of work of our Organization

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we want to join the ALF to work together in as a member of a working group in order to achieve the objectives of raising awareness of legal and human rights and legal defense and raise the capacity of some groups, including women, children and young people to achieve full citizenship for all members of the society and of non-discrimination and dissemination of social peace

Contact (1) Full Name
Omima Elsherief
Head of the organisation
Omima Elsherief
Contact (2) Full Name
Elham Ahmed

The Arab Awareness Center for Rights and Law (WAIE)

National Network

43 G, Ramses st, Eight floor ,apartment no.102, Cairo, Egypt

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Arab awareness Center for rights and law has three units.Advocacy and lobbying unit,Programs unit and the International relations unit.The center has 7 full time employees and 10 volunteers.The center did not get funding but submitted many prposals to funding organizations.The center is the founder of the coalition of "SAFE COUNTRY".Safe Country Coalition ,is a coalition of civil institutions and various modern institutions from different governorates geographic regions in Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

Raising the legal and human rights awareness and motivate citizens to actively participate in the achievement of democracy, social justice, and stimulate positive initiative.
1 - support and respect for human rights and democracy principles, and analyzing the difficulties and constraints of applying the international human rights relating to our region, and spread the culture of human rights in the Arab world. As well, promote intercultural dialogue within the framework of international treaties and conventions of human rights.
2 – Shedding light on the major problems and pressing human rights issues in the Arab countries and coordinate with the various parties concerned and non-governmental organizations in the region. As well, works together in order to raise public awareness of these issues and try to find solutions and alternatives to comply with human rights international law.
3 – preparing studies on the legislations, and work on proposing and advocating for policies , legislation and constitutional amendments that strengthen the international standards of human rights. Also, running research and advocacy activities by using various national and regional mechanisms, and international human rights education with a particular focus on young people, and capacity building for professional human rights defenders.
4 – Promoting and protecting the values of human rights among the public at all levels of society.
5 - Strengthening women's rights as an integral and complementary part to human rights and raising awareness about the difficulties that women face to get their rights.

Main Projects / Activities

1-Holding seminars, conferences, round table discussions, workshops and trainings in the center's field of activity.
2-Preparing studies, theories and field research
3-reporting and periodic bulletins
4-Scientific cooperation with counterpart centers to achieve the philosophy and objectives of the center
5-Produce human art works (films , theater and radio works) that will serve the objectives and issues of the center.
6-providing Legal and judicial assistance.
7-Monitoring human rights violations and react to them.
8- A monthly report to monitor the protests in Egypt
9- Trainings entitled "your guide to choose your president"
10-the Centre participated with the Arab Program for Human Rights Activists (APHRA) and the Association of Article 57 in the establishment of a legal unit to monitor police abuses.
11-the Center is a founding member and one of the members of the Executive members of the campaign of "madanya emtyaz"(Excellent civilian).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through implementing the network strategies and plans and help creating new initiatives .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network will help us improve our skills and knowledge as there are many member organizations in the network where experience can be shared.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omima Al-Sherif
Head of the organisation
Omima Al-Sherif

The Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR)

National Network

62 El Nozha St, Heliopolis, Cairo - Egypt

+20 2 6904285
Telephone (other)
+20 2 4185346
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohamed Fayek (President)

The Arab Program for Human Rights Activists

National Network

25 Ibraheim Ibn El Mahdi St, 7Th District, Nasr , Cairo - Egypt

+20 222 4041185
Telephone (other)
+20 222 4039954
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Haggag Ahmed Nail (President)

The Arabic organization for international cooperation

National Network

Address : 127 Sudan street mohandeesen - gameat eldoal Arabia- mohandessen – Egypt.

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
founders for AICO- are elite calipers group from foreign and Arab remarkable youth its board and advisory board consists of a lot of remarkable people with high reputation in international cooperation fields believe in understanding and cooperation as the best ways for a better world. System performance: AICO works with the methodology of CIVIL SOCIETY performance as an Arabic organization. It has rights to enter any foreigners and Arabic members in its board according its policy, it has its own budget and resources, partnerships: a lot of partners benefit from AICO services like : embassies universities, Arab league organizations , UN organizations, research centers, human development organizations. ARAB-WEST POLICY DIALOGUE ON COMMON SECURITY AND CONFIDENCE-BUILDING - Human Rights chapter-committee member "Enhancing the participation of Women and Youth in Public life" – YOUTH AND DEMOCRACY IN ARAB WORLD PROJECT .
Mission and Objectives

AICO- provides its services to national, regional and international levels as a media consultant house through offering experiences, consultations, visibility studies in human development field providing databases for the projects in different sectors. ? AICO- concerns with activation the levels of Arab human development levels also calls for networking relations and exchange information and experiences at : national, regional international levels. ? AICO calls for providing the suitable environment, which enables the civil society to play its role as a partner in development process by creating new jobs and training. ? In addition, the organization encourages the maintains of human rights and democracy principals, improves relations among, Egyptians, Arabic and international NGOs. ? AICO - seeks to correct the stereotypes for woman achieving gender legality to enhancing woman role. ? It seeks to make the progress in human achievements to encourage international cooperation and e

Main Projects / Activities

? The organization seeks to activate and improve the Arab movement performance: politically, economic, socially, ? culturally, media …. To be a universe movement by build dialogue and cooperation bridges with all friends and partnerships all over the world. ? Mechanism of operation . Activities: Offer All Consultations in Different Aspects of Education, Media and Management, Political Analysis ? Training Programmers and Development of Leadership Skills and the Human Resources. ? Services of Conferences & Workshops, Seminars. ? Academic Services, As Researches, Studies & Survey... For Egyptian and Arabs researchers. ? Making All Marketing, Economic & Media Feasibility Studies. ? Held Training Courses For Seeking Jobs Require Skills As Diplomatic –Media – Military. ? Offer Services for the Civil Society And Governmental Bodies. ? Planning For Elections Campaign. ? Preparing Of All Communication Campaigns & Advertising For Private And Public Sectors

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Hanan Yousef
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Dr Hanan Yousef

The Association For Developming the Rustic woman in farshout

National Network

frashout - elgomhoria st

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية تنمية المرأة الريفية بفرشوط المشهرة برقم 463 فى 27/ 5/ 1995 ♦ عدد اعضاء مجلس الادارة :- (9) اعضاء                  ذكور ( 7)                 إناث (2) ♦ الفئات المستهدفة للجمعية :- 1- الاسر الفقيرة 2-  المرأة المعيلة 3- الشباب والشابات العاطلين عن العمل 4- ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة 5- المتسربين والمتسربات من التعليم 6- الاميين ♦ رؤية الجمعية :- حياة افضل للمرأة فى صعيد مصر  
Mission and Objectives

♦ رسالة الجمعية :- دعم وتنمية المرأة  فى صعيد مصر
♦ اهداف الجمعية :-
1- تنمية المجتمعات المحلية
2- رعاية الأسرة والطفولة والأمومة 
3- الخدمات الاجتماعية والثقافية والدينية والعلمية
4- حماية البيئة والحفاظ عليها
5- الأنشطة التعليمية والصحية والخدمات الاقتصادية
6- رعاية الشيخوخة والفئات الخاصة والمعوقين
7- رعاية المسنين
8- التنمية الاقتصادية للأسرة لزيادة الدخل

Main Projects / Activities

اغراض الجمعية :-
1- رفع مستوى اهالى مدينة ومركز فرشوط اقتصاديا واجتماعيا وثقافيا .
2- إصحاح البيئة والقيام بالمشروعات التى تخدم ذلك .
3-تيسير الحج والعمرة .
4- تقديم  القروض الصغيرة للأسرة وبصفة خاصة المرأة  .
5- عمل برامج التوعية الصحية والثقافيه والتعليمية والبيئية .
6- إنشاء حضانة طفل ورضع ورياض اطفال .
7- إنشاء مشاغل الحياكة والتريكو
8- رعاية الأسر التى تعولها سيدات  .
9- رعاية الشيخوخة والفئات الخاصة والمعوقين .
10- إقامة نادى اجتماعى ونادى مسنين ونادى للمرأة
مشرعات الجمعية :
مشروع قروض الحد من الفقر
مشروع قروض الاسر المنتجة
مشروع قروض مجتمع منتج
مركز تدريب فتيات على الخياطة والتريكو والكليم والسجاد والاشغال اليدوية
مكتب التوجيه والاستشارات الاسريه
مشروع بيئى ( كسح وجمع قمامة )

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmed abdelfattah abdelsattar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
mohammed mohammed kamal khaleel

The Association for Education Support and Development

National Network

13, Cairo University Academic Board Buildings

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
AESD is an Egyptian association founded by 15 from the civil society activists in children rights and involved in the education system because of their experience. There is 6 employed and 10 volunteers AESD is member in : Member of Egyptian collation for children rights together network for developing families merging education network
Mission and Objectives

increase the awareness and knowledge about the Egyptian educational system
being a civil society partner in planning and making the strategy of developing the educational system
mounting and stopping the violations against children rights

Main Projects / Activities

Workshop about building local group to develop the primary schools
October – December 2008
Workshop about merging disabled children’s in formal schools .
December 2008
Workshop about the draft of the children law presented by (ECCR)
January 2009
Round table about cooperation between civil society and government and building the strategy of merging the disabled children
February 2009

Contact (1) Full Name
Bassem Samir
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Abdl Aty

The Association for Supporting Development in Sohag

National Network

Iskan Alshabab -Alkawther district - Sohag

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
the number of staff is 4 - our association is a member of some networks : the Egyptian coalition for child rights , the Egyptian coalition for rural development Until now, most funding is from the members' donations Association for supporting Development monitored the latest parliamentary elections Our Associations organized some aware - raising trainings
Mission and Objectives

to develop all communities and promote human rights
objectives :
- to achieve sustainable development
to support all vulnerable
to empower women
to develop youth abilities

Main Projects / Activities

- monitoring parliamentary elections in 2011
- organizing trainings to raise the political awareness
organizing trainings to combat violence against women
coordinating with some networks in order to stren civil society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

through providing new ideas
hosting some events
attending the network meetings

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

in order to exchange experience
to acquire more experience
to encourage intellectual dialogues

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Khalaf Allah
Head of the organisation
Khaled Mohamed

The Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women (ADEW)

National Network

8\10 Mathaf El Manyal Street, 2nd & 5th Floor, Appt. 12, Maniel

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
ADEW, NGO founded in 1987, employs about 220 members of staff. ADEW is headed by a female chairperson, followed by Executive director, then managers fro each department such as: HR, finance, Media, Donor unit. ADEW's staff is 177 full time employee. ADEW sources of funding are various from inside Egypt and outside Egypt, namely the European Union, Ford Foundation, British Council/Egypt, Embassy of Finland/Egypt, Women Win, Citi Foundation, UNHCR, USAID, Sawiris Foundation/Egypr, Mansour Foundation/Egypt, Mothers at Risk/Belgium, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, UN Women, Drosos foundation, WHO, AGFUND,Vodafone/Egypt, GTZ. The modalities of action include: running programs that are composed of education- economic-health and social programs; concrete projects, seminars, workshops, advocacy and direct services to the beneficiaries.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: To give women, especially female heads of households the chance to contribute to the own wellbeing their families and societies in the legal, economic, social, political and cultural arenas in order to become full citizens and decision-makers within the family. Mission: ADEW’s mission is to strengthen and empower underprivileged female heads of household economically, legally and socially, providing them with the resources necessary to attain a higher status in their families, communities and society. ADEW works on two levels to achieve its mission. On a grassroots level, ADEW provides women with micro-credit, legal aid, literacy classes, health seminars, empowerment workshops and a special program, Girls’ Dreams, for the daughters of its primary beneficiaries. On a macro level, ADEW works to raise awareness and promote change through its strategic use of media, producing flyers, periodicals, posters, and documentaries, and its effective use of advocacy, sponsoring conferences, training seminars and workshops. ADEW strives to raise the status of women throughout Egyptian society by working with women, providing them with the means to help themselves, and by creating dialogue between these women, political leaders, and their society, to promote change.ADEW believes that women’s needs extend beyond direct service provision. To truly improve the life situations of the poorest most marginalized women, ADEW believes it is necessary to influence and change the wider macro context in which policies and practices are embedded. Thus, to complement and draw upon its grassroots program, ADEW has developed a wide-ranging advocacy program designed to raise awareness about the problems faced by marginalized women within the public, policy and operational arena. ADEW’s advocacy strategy includes national and local conferences, media campaigns and printed documentation. ADEW lobbies key policy makers and encourages the media to acknowledge the problems faced by poor female heads of household. ADEW itself produces numerous publications documenting women’s issues. This includes a newsletter, Women’s Stories, that portray life in Cairo’s squatter communities, as well as flyers, posters, and cards that broadcast ADEW’s activities and agitate for more gender-sensitive approaches to development and issues of public policy. ADEW’s long existing programs endeavor to elevate living conditions of FHHs who are one of the most impoverished and marginalized segments of society. However, the outcome of its programs outreaches FHHs and extends to benefit all members of their families along with the communities where they live.

Main Projects / Activities

ADEW believes that, to improve the life situations of the poorest most marginalized Egyptian women and their family members, it is important to work at two levels. At the grassroots level, ADEW provides direct services to female heads of household based on twin pillars of micro-credit and legal support. The association has also developed an integrated set of supportive programs to better meet the diverse needs of women and youth (male and female). These include literacy classes, a health awareness program, environmental awareness seminars, a program to build women’s self-confidence, leadership, and negotiation skills known as Arab Women Speak Out (AWSO) and a program to build adolescent girls' confidence, self representation abilities and enhance their skills known as Girls' Dream (GD), and recently we have added an intensive political participation program for youth and women. ADEW has also established the Community Mobilization Program (CMP) in order to provide a continuous local driven search for solutions to the problems faced by the community, which we have seen first hand through our constant presence in the field and our knowledge of the true quality of these problems. At the Advocacy level, we lobby for change and/or amendments of laws by sensitizing the government, the civil sector and the media on the problems of female heads of household. Thus, to complement and draw upon its grassroots program, ADEW has developed a wide-ranging advocacy program designed to raise awareness about the problems faced by marginalized women within the public, policy and operational arena. ADEW was the first NGO to raise the issue of legal existence of women and the lack of official documentation in 1987. ADEW lobbies key policy makers and encourages the media to acknowledge the problems faced by poor female heads of household.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Iman Biebars
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Iman Beibars
Contact (2) Full Name
Rasha Raslan

the committees meeting for the members of the Egyptian network

the committees meeting for the members of the Egyptian network

The Egyptian Network of the Ana Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue held a meeting of committees for members of the Egyptian Network on October 9, 2020 in Cairo governorate, the events began with an opening session of all specialized committees, after which each committee was meeting to develop a strategy for the next 3 months and the way the committee works, in the end was presented the results of the work of each committee before the rest of the committees to exchange experiences and to take suggestions and comments.