
PLIS - Para la inteligencia social

National Network

Calle Almachar 4 Primero C
29640 Fuengirola Málaga

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Youth and education
General Information

PLIS was founded in 2022 in Fuengirola, Andalucia, Spain. Para La Inteligencia Social - PLIS is a very active association, learning, and project centre devoted to fostering professional, personal, and social skills.
With a shared objective, we strive to conceive, implement, administer, and support projects that revolutionize society. This entails creating spaces that enhance the quality of our relationships with ourselves, others, and nature.
We aim to empower and uplift young individuals, adults and professionals, to unlock their utmost capabilities by fostering a culture of ongoing personal and career growth.

We provide the tools to inspire and educate individuals, encouraging their active participation in society; it means becoming active leaders and creating positive transformations to create more sustainable, efficient and ethical futures.
The goals of PLIS are:
• To advocate for promoting non-formal education and volunteering as a critical concept fueling personal and professional development.
• To encourage leadership and civic participation in young people.
• To disseminate the concepts of community building and entrepreneurship as a continuous life-learning process
• To establish inclusive environments where individuals feel a sense of belonging
• To propagate European values and build a sense of belonging
• To foster cross-sector collaborations for social innovation (schools, municipalities, other associations and organisations).
At PLIS, we aim to cultivate social and professional skills through an integrated methodology. We are committed to nurturing entrepreneurial and leadership mindsets, social-emotional proficiency, and promoting the engagement of marginalized groups within society. Our approach encompasses self-awareness practices, leadership tools, assertive communication, mindfulness, embodiment, and principles of emotional intelligence. We tailor our methodologies to suit the specific requirements of each project.
PLIS actively engages in training, experiential learning, long-term projects, and research endeavours, cultivating professional and personal competencies among social entrepreneurs, educators, and youth workers, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Principles of sustainability and consciousness consistently guide our efforts.
We strive to align our objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals and the targets outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, as well as other pressing issues such as professional skills, emotional intelligence, stress management, mental health, inclusion, diversity, belonging, and happiness.

Mission and Objectives

We provide the tools to inspire and educate individuals, encouraging their active participation in society; it means becoming active leaders and creating positive transformations to create more sustainable, efficient and ethical futures.
The goals of PLIS are:
• To advocate for promoting non-formal education and volunteering as a critical concept fueling personal and professional development.
• To encourage leadership and civic participation in young people.
• To disseminate the concepts of community building and entrepreneurship as a continuous life-learning process
• To establish inclusive environments where individuals feel a sense of belonging
• To propagate European values and build a sense of belonging
• To foster cross-sector collaborations for social innovation (schools, municipalities, other associations and organisations).
At PLIS, we aim to cultivate social and professional skills through an integrated methodology. We are committed to nurturing entrepreneurial and leadership mindsets, social-emotional proficiency, and promoting the engagement of marginalized groups within society. Our approach encompasses self-awareness practices, leadership tools, assertive communication, mindfulness, embodiment, and principles of emotional intelligence. We tailor our methodologies to suit the specific requirements of each project.
PLIS actively engages in training, experiential learning, long-term projects, and research endeavours, cultivating professional and personal competencies among social entrepreneurs, educators, and youth workers, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Principles of sustainability and consciousness consistently guide our efforts.
We strive to align our objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals and the targets outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, as well as other pressing issues such as professional skills, emotional intelligence, stress management, mental health, inclusion, diversity, belonging, and happiness.

Main Projects / Activities

We are a very active association at local and international levels.
Some of the activities are:
1. MindGen. One of the most critical initiatives because it has an enormous impact besides being a long-term project. MindGen is an idea and initiative of adolescents that proposes Ted-like talks delivered by a group of diverse teens (speakers are typically between 13 and 17 y.o.) to the rest of the world. The aim is to enable young people to raise their voices on issues of utmost importance today in the space of more inclusion. In our group, we have people with disabilities, transgender, and a large variety of cultural, ethnic, religious and races. It translates into "Youth empowering youth. Youth supporting youth". The initiative has the backing of the Fuengirola council. The program addresses topics of the future, science, diversity, psychology, neuroscience, and ecology, among others.
So far, we have had two beautiful editions and are working on the third. We had 35 teenage speakers, 11 teenage organizers, two councillors from Fuengirola Council, and eight professional speakers who travelled from different cities in Spain to cooperate with us and me. We have an ongoing community of about 80 people. We create a diverse community that includes people with disabilities and various races, religions, nationalities, gender, generations and occupations.
From the group, some youth facilitators arise, and they support us (the association) in facilitating the process. It is a very successful local initiative with an ongoing community. PLIS is responsible for building the space, streamlining the process, empowering youth, holding the space and organising the whole process and event. We use mindfulness, embodiment, arts, awareness practices, emotional intelligence, community building process, reflective thinking, environmental support, and many other innovative learnings.
We had the nomination for social innovation prizes from the Malaga province.
Here are some articles about the experience:……
Here are some videos of the youth reflecting on the work:
2. PLIS has an official initiative for Erasmus + information in the City called “InfoEuropa”.
It is an initiative promoted by the Youth Council of Fuengirola Town Hall and offered by the PLIS Association and consists of a varied list of activities such as:
• Informative talks in educational centres
• Personalised advice in the Youth Department
• Dissemination of European mobility project opportunities
• Information on critical competencies and how the YouthPass works
• Pre and post-project mobility activities

3. “Empowerment and self-awareness” We run training for people with disabilities in soft skills for their professional development at ABAD association.
4. PLIS, using the same methodologies, have been collaborating with an N.G.O. that has programs for disadvantaged people, other entrepreneur’s communities, organizations and local initiatives.
5. We deliver programs in different universities where we work with university students and teachers on themes of interculturality, resilience, gender, and conflict transformation. (In Latin America, Germany, Sweden, Turkey, Lithuania, Rumania and Spain)
6. Community building activities. We create different events intending to gather the community around an intention. The last one was "1000 cranes for peace”, which we did with other partner associations simultaneously. We did for the year of the war. You can have more information here—and other meaningful local events.
7. Also, we receive mobilities, study visits, international training program experiences, job shadowing programs and learners in our adult centre. We are a sending organisations to different youth exchanges and training courses.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we are active in raising youth voices, we can contribute to our extensive community and the passion that we strive to empower youngsters. For more than 4 years, we have been weaving the youngster community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part of the more significant movement where I can learn from others and have the chance to expand our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Débora Sabrina Barrientos Ortega
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Débora Sabrina Barrientos Ortega
Contact (2) Full Name
Juan Ignacio Berutti
Job Title (2)
Project Manager
Cover of the Guide

Practical Guide

The Practical Guide - Diary for Agents of Change, is a compilation of topics, activities, reflections, and resources regarding gender inequality and gender violence. This has been created within the framework of the European project " No Da Igual", a...


National Network


090216 461 75 16
Telephone (other)
090505458 77 70
0900216 461 75 18
Mobile Phone
090505458 77 70
Mobile Phone (other)
090505458 77 70
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Our organization is education foundation. It established in 1998. It has a kindergarden, primary and secondary school with 500 students and 55 teachers.It does not get any help from the government. Our organization is willling to make all activities such as seminars,exchanges etc.
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to establish new bridges between the different cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

To join into the dialogue meetings and organize them if necessary.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Programa de Postgrado y Doctorado en Gestión de la Cultura y el Patrimonio de la UB

National Network

Pg. Vall d’Hebrón, 171 Edifici Llevant. Desp. 008
Barcelona 08035

(+34) 93.403.44.27
Telephone (other)
(+34) 93.403.47.67
(+34) 93.403.47.46
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+34) 609.32.85.82
Mobile Phone (other)
(+34) 676.73.49.26
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Programm of Cultural Management of the University of Barcelona is composed by a multidisciplinary team specialized in management of the cultural heritage, artistic production, cultural and creative industries and bearable tourism. It is structured into 3 areas: Research, Education and Project-developpment 2. The financial management of the programm is carried out by the University of Barcelona and the Bosch i Gimpara Foundation. 3. There are various financing sources. On the one hand from the public administrations of national, autonomic, regional and local environment, thus like private foundations. Also the funds come from international institutions: European Union, World Bank, Interamerican Bank of Developpment, Organization of the spanish/american states, UNESCO. 4. Modalites of action: - Applied Research - Education: concrete programms, exchanges, ... - Projects 5. Partners: Main partners are universities, state organizations (especially Ministry of Culture), local administrations and cultural foundations.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective is the deveoppment of a programm of applied research, education and capacity and the development of projects concerning the environment of the management of cultural heritage, artistic production, creative and cultural industries and sustainable tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

- Applied Research in management of cultural heritage, artistic production, cultural and creative industries and sustainable tourism.
-Education: post graduate courses and master in Culture Management, international cultural cooperation, cultural tourism and management of event production; Culture Management lections in Morocco, Algeria and Mauretania
- Project developpment: Portal of Culture Management in the Maghreb, Ruta de las Caravanas Programm of UNESCO, Archeological Tourism in the Mediterranean (

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jordi Tresserras Juan
Head of the organisation
Recteur - Màrius Rubiralta i Alcañiz, Vice-Recteur de Politique Internacional – Josep Samitier
Contact (2) Full Name
Natalia Paricio Borrás

Puerta de África Think-and-Do Tank

National Network

Bon Viatge 15
2 1
08970 Sant Joan Despí Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Youth Association with four departments: General Secretary, Think-Tank, Do-Tank, International Projection and Connection with Africa. 60 volunteers and we partner with Casa África, a body of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Budgetary resources: around 6000€
Funding: grants and summer school
Action: projects, exchanges and seminars
Main partners: universities, foreign policy bodies, antiracist organizations

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to train, bridge and activate African, Afrodescent and European youth, so they relate as equals and collaborate for social change.

Main Projects / Activities

Summers school on new narratives about Africa; Social Innovation Lab Fellowship; Newspaper & virtual exchanges Africa-Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote the participation of Afrodescent and Spanish people, facilitate with opportunities to the youth of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we share your values. A member of our organisation (Bianca Carrera) is also part of your foundation and we would like to join forces to streghten intercultural dialogue and collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Viviane Ogou
Job Title
President and Founder
Head of the organisation
Viviane Ogou

RAI Recursos d'Animació Intercultural

National Network

c/ Carders 12 Pral.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
RAI is a non profite association adressed to promote young people intercultural activities. The structure of RAI is formed by a President, and an eployee staff of 6 people Bugdet for 2008 is 250000 euros. Our source of funding are subventions and own incomes from local activities. Our main modalities actions are concret project of arts and culture involving young people from a multiethic neighborehood in Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain.
Mission and Objectives

The aim objective it to foment the participation of indvidual persons and grups, internacional producers and directors of shorts in the organization of an event which assemble all kinds of expressions representing, with informative or didactive character, gacts, scenes, experiences taken of the daily life to facilitate culturan understanding among persons

Main Projects / Activities

RAI Inernaciona
RAI Tallers
Joves de RAI

Contact (1) Full Name
Enrique Pérez-Cancio Q
Head of the organisation
Carles Arqué Casal. President
Contact (2) Full Name
Laia Gómez