
N Medio S.L.

National Network

Avenida de Burgos, 14. 5 I.
Madrid 28036

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Middle N is a media company. N Environment has worked with NGOs, governments and private companies on projects of sensitization and social development. He has worked with the government of Madrid, Barclays Foundation, Fundacion Marcelino Botin. He has edited videos and magazines about volunteering, development cooperation and human rights developments in countries like Venezuela. It is formed by a group of journalists. Its personnel policy favors the incorporation of women. Congress in Madrid organized the Civic, I edit the magazine Volunteers and was the publisher of the publication of the Government Youth. He has extensive experience in the realization of television documentaries.
Mission and Objectives

Develop social commitment
Disclose the situation of minorities
Promote dialogue in a pluralistic society
Spreading the life of the peoples of the Mediterranean
Promote multicultural dialogue

Main Projects / Activities

Volunteer Magazine Madrid
Magazines Youth of the Community of Madrid
Civic Congress Madrid
Botin Foundation Papers
All Earth Documentary (Palestine)
Barclays Citizenship Report
Documentary Journey to Chavismo (Venezuela)
8 million poor Documentary (Spain)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide diffusion capacity
We can provide contacts in the Mediterranean
Broadcast capacity in Latin-America
Sensitization capacity

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Volunteer Magazine Madrid
Magazines Youth of the Community of Madrid
Civic Congress Madrid
Botin Foundation Papers
All Earth Documentary (Palestine)
Barclays Citizenship Report
Documentary Journey to Chavismo (Venezuela)
8 million poor Documentary (Spain)

Contact (1) Full Name
Fernando de Haro
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Natalia Ribas-Mateos

Researcher at Universitat autonoma de Barcelona. Ribas-Mateos has previously been affiliated with Universidad de A Coruña. Furhtermore, she has been a Marie Curie Fellow at the Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie Aix-en Provence in France and at the Centre for Migration...

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Natalia Ribas-Mateos

Chercheuse à l'Université Autonome de Barcelona, Natalia Ribas-Mateos était auparavant affiliée à l'Université de la Corogne. Par ailleurs, elle a été boursière Marie Curie au Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie d’Aix-en Provence en France et au Center for Migration Studies à...

New Guide for the Evaluation of Local Cultural Policies

Interarts new guide for the evaluation of local cultural policies

More than a decade after the publication of the first Guide for the evaluation of local cultural policies (2009), the New updated guide has been released this year as an outcome of the collaboration between the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the Ministry of Culture and Sport.

As explained during the three presentation seminars recently held in Madrid, Jerez and Barcelona, the New Guide includes an updated reference framework inspired by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the New European Agenda for Culture set by the European Commission, in order to simplify the evaluation of local cultural policies, “fully exploit the potential of culture [and] help build a more inclusive and fairer Union, supporting innovation, creativity and sustainable growth and jobs” (p.13).

As Eduard Miralles, former president of the Board of Interarts, said, the Guide is the result of a cooperative process and is a "toolkit" for cultural managers. Based on the idea that culture and creativity develop in a multidimensional context with complex production and consumption processes, the New Guide identifies 173 basic indicators to support the evaluation of local cultural policies, articulated on the basis of concepts and subjects such as cultural rights, the economy and the environment.

Interarts has collaborated in the presentation of this new reference document for local, national, and international public administrations in the belief that it is a fundamental tool for the evaluation of cultural policies at the service of the sector and society. 

Nexes interculturals de Joves per Europa

National Network

C/ Josep Anselm Clavé, 6 - 1º 1ª 08002 Barcelona Catalunya, Spain

+34 93 44 27 167
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Nexes is a non-profit organisation founded in 1999 and based in Barcelona. Its multicultural team is composed by approx. 8 youth workers, trainers and experts on European programs that came together because of their common ideals and interest in the dialogue between cultures. Nexes has a budget of ca. 250.000 Euros and is funded by programmes as Youth in Action, Lifelong Learning, the Municipality of Barcelona and the local Government of Catalunya, the Generalitat. We cooperate with a wide range of public institutions, NGOs and enterprises and we are active in several networks both at local and international level.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are to raise awareness/educate young people in the:
o meeting among cultures, focusing on intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue;
o inclusion and equality of opportunities;
o education to human rights (the three generations);
o political awareness (in the sense of πόλις)
o participative citizenship;
o glo-cal action for social transformation;
o personal and group growth, through the development of professional and social competences.

Main Projects / Activities

Working in non-formal education and experiential learning environments we organise training courses, workshops, youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service (sending, hosting and coordinating), Leonardo da Vinci vocational projects, and other youth activities for and by young people.
In the frame of the Youth and Leonardo da Vinci programme realised various activities in Europe, Mediterranean countries and South America developing important knowledge and experiences in non formal education, vocational training, project management and Youth mobility. All the work at international level is linked to the empowerment and active participation of young people at local level, such as in projects like “Crossroad” (feasibility visit towards a large scale Action 5) or “Globa-l-inks” network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Davide Tonon
Contact (2) Full Name
Biel Mártinez

NOVA - Centre per a la Innovació Social

National Network

C/ Joncar, 19 4º 1ª. 08005

(+34) 615 577731
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure of the organization: NOVA is divided in 3 main units: citizens participation unit, economical democracy unit and peacebuilding and nonviolence unit. The 3 units has a direction department and administrative unit giving support. Human resources and material resources: 12 people working the team, one headquarters in Barcelona with a delegation office in Ramallah (Occupied Palestinian Territories) with one local staff. around 15 personal computers and equipment to support this structure (furniture, phones, copy machine, etc) Last year budget was around: 400,000 EUR from public donor mainly: Barcelona Council, Catalan Agency of Cooperation for Development, Spanish Agency for International cooperation, Ministry of Culture of Spain, the Office for the promotion of human rights form Catalan Government and the Office for the promotion of human rights of Spanish Government. Modalities: we have 3 main lines of action. (i) international peace projects to support nonviolent movements in Middle East; (ii) awareness campaigns in Spain and Europe to promote a culture of peace and support to nonviolent voices in Middle East; (iii) advocacy actions to Spanish and European public institutions to streghten their public policies regarding peacebuilding and Middle East.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: NOVA is non-profit organization that support peacebuilding and sustainable societies through social innovation, nonviolent initiatives, citizens participation and transparency. We are able to implement this through international cooperation projects, research, publications and public debates.general objective: to promote a culture peace in Europe and Middle East through internacional peace operations and advocacy actions
Specific objective 1: To implement international peace operation to protect human security and support nonviolence movements
Specific objetive 2: To Advocate to our governments for sustainable peacebuilding programmes in Middle East

Main Projects / Activities

- Support to the Nonviolence Network in the Arab Countries: trainers of trainers, publications on nonviolence, strategic coordination;
- Support to popular nonviolent movements in Israel and oPt: cooperation with popular committees of Bil'in, Nil'in,etc and to nonviolent organizations in Israel like Betselem, Alternative Information Center. Media trainings, campaining;
- Reinforcing the Iraqi civil society throug the Group LaOnf: 150 nonviolence organization from the whole country. Nonviolence actions, protection of Human rights, media and advocacy actions.
- Advocate for the Civil Peace Service at european and national level: prepartion of civil professional to interve and deal with conflict situations and exchange of people from different cultures;
- Awarenees, communication and advocacy for all the projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Felipe Daza (+34) 615 577731
Head of the organisation
Marti Olivella i Solè


National Network

Dirección: Calle Sagarminaga 7 Bajo, 48004, Bilbao
48004 BILBAO Vizcaya

+34 631 245 242
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

NOVISI ELKARETA is an organization that works to promote social inclusion and integration of immigrants residing on the Basque Country, Spain. Over the years we have established alliances with other organizations. We have staff members and also a board of directors. Our budget depends on the grants and projects financed by the Bilbao Local Council, the Vizcaya Council, the Basque Government and other institutions such as the European Youth Foundation and the Erasmus+.
Our projects consists of training courses aimed at empowering immigrant organizations. We participate also in youth exchanges in the frame of the Erasmus plus program. As projects, we can mention: learning diversity ( aimed at promoting gender equality), Empowerment for immigrant organizations, the Afrikarte or festival of interculturality and diversity. Our main partners are the Dypall network, the local organizations in Bilbao and Spain. 5

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide opportunitiees for immigrant youth enabling them to play their role as citizens in their residence communities.
Our objectives are:
- Promoting inclusion
-Empowerment and education of immigrant youth organizations
-Promoting gender equality
-Building spaces for intercultural encounters

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are:
-Spanish languages courses
-Empowerment for organizations
-Promoting the interculrural festival called "Afrikarte"
- The gender equality through education project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will participate actively in the activities of the NETWORK. We commit ourselves to serve as ambassadors of the NETWEOK making known its programs and activities. We will also share our little but valuable knowledge with other members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To Learn and get empowered. We also want to participate

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

O2 por la vida

National Network

C. León y Castillo 34
35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Las Palmas

Mobile Phone
+33 6 76 03 18 47
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Media
General Information

"O2 por la vida" is a dynamic non-governmental organization (NGO) deeply committed to promoting environmental awareness, sustainability, and youth empowerment. With a passionate team consisting of ecologists, mediators, and social workers, O2 por la Vida has been actively engaged in youth-focused initiatives for over a decade. Their core mission revolves around crafting innovative, creative, and sustainable projects tailored to the unique needs and interests of young individuals.

Through their extensive experience and expertise, O2 por la Vida specializes in generating compelling project proposals that align with the goals and objectives of the Erasmus+ program. Their projects not only aim to foster learning mobility but also emphasize cooperation, quality, inclusion, equity, excellence, creativity, and innovation within the realms of education, training, and youth engagement. Furthermore, O2 por la vida places a significant emphasis on promoting non-formal and informal learning mobility, encouraging active participation among young people, and driving creativity and innovation in the field of youth.

In addition to their youth-centric endeavors, O2 por la vida extends their impact to the domain of sports, focusing on initiatives that promote learning mobility in sports organizations. Their approach encompasses cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity, and innovation in both the policies and practices of sports.

One of the distinctive aspects of O2 por la vida's work is their dedication to inclusive education and training systems. They actively advocate for educational environments that cater to the diverse needs of learners, with a special emphasis on leveraging digital transformation to enhance learning experiences. This involves nurturing digital skills development among both students and educators, aligning with the evolving landscape of education.

Moreover, O2 por la Vida contributes significantly to the advancement of vocational education and training (VET) by championing work-based learning opportunities. They forge strong partnerships between VET providers and employers, ensuring that VET qualifications gain widespread recognition across Europe. This strategic approach enhances the quality and relevance of vocational education, ultimately benefiting both learners and the broader community.

In summary, O2 por la Vida stands as a formidable force in the realm of youth-focused projects, embodying creativity, sustainability, and a profound commitment to Erasmus goals and objectives. Their innovative initiatives have not only transformed the lives of young individuals but have also left a lasting impact on education, training, and sports at local, national, and international levels.

Mission and Objectives

Mission / Vision

At O2 por la vida, we stand united in our mission to spearhead positive transformation in the field of environmental conservation. With a team of dedicated members, each equipped with years of experience in ecology, mediation, and youth engagement, we bring forth a wealth of knowledge and a shared passion that fuels our projects.

Central to our ethos is the belief that the environment is not a solitary entity, but a complex web interconnecting communities and ecosystems. Through our innovative projects crafted specifically for youth, we forge environments conducive to learning, personal growth, and impactful action

Revitalising Pluralistic Democracy: We understand that environmental issues are inseparably tied to broader societal concerns. Thus, we actively involve young people in democratic processes that shape environmental policies. In doing so, we instill a profound sense of ownership and responsibility, empowering them to be influential voices in their communities.
Empowering Young Advocates: Our programs transcend theoretical knowledge. We are committed to empowering young individuals to become active agents of change. Through personalized mentorship and hands-on experiences, we nurture a generation of advocates who are not only knowledgeable but deeply passionate about the sustainability of our planet.
Promoting Inclusive and Peaceful Societies: In our relentless pursuit of a greener world, inclusivity stands at the forefront. We create spaces where diverse voices converge, fostering an environment of understanding, unity, and collaboration among communities of varied backgrounds. Through this inclusive approach, we believe we can collectively address environmental challenges.
Elevating Youth Work: With team members who have dedicated years to engaging with youth, we recognize the transformative potential of young leaders. Our projects provide platforms for them to take the lead, innovate, and effect tangible environmental impact. We believe that the energy and creativity of young minds are catalysts for positive change.
Fostering Intergovernmental Cooperation: Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. We actively seek partnerships with governmental bodies, NGOs, and stakeholders in the environmental sector. Together, we endeavor to transcend borders, working towards policies that ensure a harmonized and effective approach to environmental conservation.
At O2 por la vida, we envision a future where environmental conservation is not a task for a few, but a collective endeavor that spans generations and communities. Through our work, we aim to leave a legacy of empowered, informed, and passionate individuals who will continue to champion the cause of sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2023, "O2 por la Vida" embarked on a journey of impactful projects and initiatives aimed at promoting environmental conservation, sustainable living, and cultural exchange. Here is a summary of our key activities and projects throughout the year:

KA152 Erasmus+ "Breaking Trails Breaking Barriers" in Telšiai, Lithuania (Oct 9, 2023):

"O2 por la Vida" played a pivotal role in this transformative project, fostering cross-cultural exchange and collaboration. The project shattered barriers, forging lasting connections and new perspectives.
Discovering Authenticity in Serbia (Aug 12, 2023):

An immersive exploration of sustainable travel, connecting deeply with Serbian culture and forging meaningful bonds that transcended borders.
Workshop on Sustainable Living in Spain (Apr 18, 2023):

An enlightening workshop by Zoran Mitrović focused on sustainable living, inspiring action and emphasizing zero waste practices.
"ARREJUNTATE 2.0, S/C de Tenerife" in Spain (Mar 17 - 19, 2023):

A gathering of associations dedicated to youth empowerment, fostering collaboration and a strengthened network.
Cleaning Action with "Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Siete Palmas" in Spain (Apr 1, 2023):

A purposeful environmental cleanup combined with language practice in the scenic "Barranco del Guiniguada."
YE KA152 "Better Mental Wellness for Migrant Youth" in Germany (Jun 17, 2022):

A project addressing the mental health of migrant youth through workshops and shared experiences.
Reforestation Project in Las Palmas, Spain (Dec 11, 2021):

An ambitious reforestation initiative that transformed a landfill into a thriving ecosystem.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NGO "O2 por la Vida" and looking to contribute to the network in Spain and the Canary Islands, here are some tailored suggestions:

Youth-Centric Environmental Projects: Implement projects that engage local youth in environmental conservation efforts. This could include tree planting initiatives, beach cleanups, or educational workshops on sustainable living.

Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Partner with schools and universities to integrate environmental education into their curriculum. Offer workshops, seminars, or extracurricular activities centered around sustainability.

Inclusive Environmental Initiatives: Focus on projects that promote inclusivity, ensuring that diverse groups of youth have equal access and opportunities to participate in environmental activities.

Advocacy for Environmental Policy: Advocate for policies that support environmental conservation and youth engagement. This could involve lobbying for initiatives related to climate action, conservation efforts, and sustainable development.

Capacity Building for Youth: Offer training programs or workshops that equip young individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to actively participate in environmental projects.

Community Awareness Campaigns: Develop and execute campaigns to raise awareness about local environmental issues. Engage the community through events, social media, and educational materials.

Networking and Partnerships: Actively seek collaborations with other NGOs, governmental bodies, and community organizations. Joint projects can amplify the impact of your initiatives.

Promote Digital Skills in Environmental Advocacy: Given the increasing importance of digital tools, offer training on using technology for environmental advocacy and awareness-raising.

Youth Forums and Discussions: Host forums or discussions where young people can share ideas, concerns, and potential solutions regarding environmental challenges in the region.

Participation in Erasmus+ Programs: Leverage your experience to actively engage with Erasmus+ initiatives. Propose and implement projects that align with the program's goals, focusing on youth empowerment and environmental sustainability.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Enhanced Collaboration: Joining the ALF Network can provide opportunities to collaborate with a diverse group of organizations with similar goals, leading to more impactful projects and initiatives.

Access to Resources: Being part of the network may grant access to a wide range of resources, including funding opportunities, research, and best practices related to intercultural dialogue and environmental conservation.

Amplified Impact: By participating in a network, "O2 por la vida" can potentially amplify its impact through collective efforts, reaching a larger audience and effecting more meaningful change.

Learning and Development: Engaging with other organizations can offer learning opportunities, allowing "O2 por la vida" to gain insights, share knowledge, and grow as an NGO.

Visibility and Credibility: Membership in a reputable network like ALF can enhance the visibility and credibility of "O2 por la vida," potentially attracting more partners, supporters, and opportunities.

Advocacy and Influence: Joining a network allows "O2 por la vida" to add its voice to collective advocacy efforts, contributing to broader initiatives and potentially influencing policy decisions

Contact (1) Full Name
Zoran Mitrović
Job Title
Project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Thomas Sarrazin
Contact (2) Full Name
Aranzazu Rodriguez
Job Title (2)
Coordinador of the international department

Observatori Blanquerna de Comunicació, Religió i Cultura (Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture)

National Network

Carrer Valldonzella 23
Barcelona, 08001

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Sources of funding: our Observatory is part of the Blanquerna Foundation. We have a Director, a Deputy Director and different members (professors of the Faculty on International Relations and Communication). We have been granted for a 230.000 2 years project from the EU (50% for our institutions and partners) Main partners: University of Scotland, Sigtuna Foundation, Museum of Christianity in Slovenija Other grants: DGAR (Religious Affairs General Direction), Catalan Gouvernement, 5.000 euros to establish our Observatory
Mission and Objectives

-To foster interreligious dialogue through media, religion and culture studies
-To be a reference point in Spain for this issues embracing different and plural visions
-To disseminate information, agenda, resources... on media and religion in contemporary European society
-To educate through a Masters Programme in Digital Media and Religion
-To establish a network of institutions and individuals interested in Religion from an accademical but also general point of view

Main Projects / Activities

-Project Leaders in the RISECI Project (Religion in the Shaping of the European Cultural Identity). Main partners together with Sweeden, Scotland and Slovenija (2013-2015, cofinanced by the EU, Culture Programme)
-Master on Digital Media, Religion and Organizational Communication (2n edition)
-Conference on Religion and News Media with Prof. Setewart M. Hoover, director, Center for Media, Religion and Culture (Boulder, Colorado), february 2012
-Conference on Understanding Religion in a Networked Society, Prof. Heidi Cambell, A & M University, Texas

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Observatory could bring academicians into the field, and the outputs of our common research with our existing partners in Europe.
Since we can interact also in different european languages as greek, italian, french or english, we think that would be also an asset in our context.
Our institution is focused on new media so it is something we could also bring and share in our territory.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Observatory wants to be part of a larger network to share and learn new ways to engage in the intercultural and inter religious dialogue. We have followed the ALF activities during the past and would be very happy to interact and grow with you in the intersection that is our main strength: media, religion and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miriam Diez Bosch
Head of the organisation
Miriam Diez Bosch (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Jordi Sànches Torrents

Observatori Científic Ciutat Mediterrània - ICUB - Instituto Cultura Ajuntament de Barcelona

National Network

Poble Espanyol. Avgda Marqués de Comillas s/n(Bústia nº 4) 08038 Barcelona

93 423 69 54
Telephone (other)
93 426 19 99
93 423 69 54
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
619 76 45 14
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
This Program is integrated at the Culture Institute of the Barcelona Municipality Government. -General Coordination and responsible of digital products on the Net: Oriol Granados -Responsible of Communication and Education: Tina Roig i Plans - Responsible of Secretary and Administration: Mª José Saura -Experts collaboration -Scientific Council -And the participation and collaboration of external professionals and organizations, that can be reached through the web. -Budget of the Program:120.000 € -Sources of funding: Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo (CAM) Generalitat de Catalunya (DURSI) -Online Web. Digital magazine Latalaia.. -Mediateca and consulting Service in Science Centres and Natural Science Museums -Net Publications -Educational Sessions with students and teachers -Meetings with elders.
Mission and Objectives

The aim is to provide a public service, a didactic link to current affairs in science and museography that can serve as a trigger for reflection and communication between scientific and science lovers, secondary school and university students and general public.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Roig i Plans
Head of the organisation
Oriol Granados
Contact (2) Full Name
MªJosé Saura