
Observatorio de los Contenidos Audiovisuales (OCA)

National Network

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Campus Miguel de Unamuno. Edificio F.E.S. Paseo de Francisco Tomás y Valiente, s/n. 37007. Salamanca. España
37007 Salamanca

923 294500
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Observatory of Audiovisual Content (OCA), of the University of Salamanca, was born in 2005, following the obtaining of the First Research Prize in the call of the VI Prize "Holy Father Rubio, SJ", for advances in the knowledge of Immigration, granted by the University Institute of Migration Studies of the Pontifical University of Comillas. Just 10 years later, in 2015, the same Prize was awarded once again, highlighting its scientific rigor and its methodological approach, in addition to the opportunity of the subject. In 2006, the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the University of Salamanca recognized the OCA as a Recognized Research Group. In 2012, the General Directorate of Universities and Research of the Ministry of Education recognized the OCA as a Research Group of Excellence in Castilla y León (GR319). From the OCA, applied research projects and projects financed by public bodies such as the European Union, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities or the Junta de Castilla y León are developed. WebPage: Facebook: Twitter: @OCA_USAL You Tube:
Mission and Objectives

The Observatory OF Audiovisual Content (OCA) focuses its activity on the empirical study and analysis of the contents, uses, processes and effects of media communication: press, television, radio, cinema, information technologies and new interactive media (social networks, video games, etc.).
Regarding their main lines of research, they focus on:
Media processes and effects: cross-cultural research on content, processes, uses and media effects. Evaluation studies of media interventions.
Communication and education: design and implementation of applied studies of content analysis, image analysis in the Media and Strategic Frame Analysis.
Analysis of media messages: pre-test studies of products and media messages.
Consumption and use of media: design and conduct of research on consumption, uses, reception processes and effects of media communication.

Main Projects / Activities

2020-2022. Preventing Hate Against Refugees and Migrants. Financing Entity: European Commision. Call REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2019. Ref: JUST/REC-875219. 362,131.85 euros. PI: Dr. Carlos Arcila
2019-2020. Development and Evaluation of a hate speech detector online in Spanish. Financing Entity: Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca. Plan TCUE 2018-2020. Referencia: PC-TCUE18- 20_016. Cuantía del proyecto: 7.000 euros. PI: Dr. Carlos Arcila Calderón.
2019-2023. Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective. Financing Entity: Comisión Europea. Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Call H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2019. Referencia: H2020-SC6-870661. 2,992,035.00 euros. PI: Prof. Dr. Ides Nicaise (KU Leuven)
2016-2020. Narrative tools to reduce prejudice. Effects of similarity, imagined contact, empathy and narrative voice. Financing Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. 49,126 euros. PI: Dr. Juan José Igartua Perosanz.
2018-2020. Narrative tools for smoking prevention in adults. Effects of similarity with the audience and narrative voice. Financing Entity: Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain. 12,000 euros. PI: Dr. Juan José Igartua Perosanz.
2019-2020. Data Science in Spain: knowledge and public perception of big data and artificial intelligence. Financing Entity: Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in the Call for grants for the promotion of scientific, technological and innovation culture 2019-2020. 25,000 euros. PI: Dr. D. Carlos Arcila Calderón.
AutoCop: Software to run supervised sentiment analysis at large scale and with streaming analytics. Intellectual property registered in 2017 by the University of Salamanca [# 00/2017/3204] under the next authorship: Carlos Arcila Calderón, Félix Ortega, Francisco Amores, Sofía Trullenque, Mateo Álvarez and Javier Ramírez.
Online courses of a methodological nature:
2017. Mediation, moderation and analysis of moderate mediation with bootstrapping techniques. Introduction to the handling of the PROCESS macro for SPSS. IP. 9 videos 3,551 views. YouTube:
Publicaciones recientes (selección):
Igartua, J. J., Wojcieszak, M., & Kim, N. (2019). How the interplay of imagined contact and first-person narratives improves attitudes toward stigmatized immigrants. A conditional process model. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(2), 385-397.
Igartua, J. J., & Fiuza, D. (2018). Persuading with narratives against gender violence. Effect of similarity with the protagonist on identification and risk-perception. Palabra Clave, 21(2), 499-523.
Rodríguez-de-Dios, I., van Oosten, J. M. F., e Igartua, J. J. (2018). A study of the relationship between parental mediation and adolescents’ digital skills, online risks and online opportunities. Computers in Human Behavior, 82, 186-198.
Arcila, C., Barranquero, A. & García, E. (2018). From Media to Buen Vivir: Latin American Approaches to Indigenous Communication. Communication Theory, 28(2), 180–201.
Caffarel-Serra, C, Ortega-Mohedano, F., & Gaitán-Moya, J.A. (2018) La investigación en comunicación en España: Debilidades, amenazas, fortaliezas y oportunidades. Comunicar, 26, 61-70.
Arcila, C., Ortega, F., Jiménez, J., & Trulleque, S. (2017). Supervised sentiment analysis of political messages in Spanish: real-time classification of tweets based on machine learning. El Profesional de la Información, 26(5), 973-982.
Igartua, J. J., & Frutos, F. J. (2017). Enhancing attitudes toward stigmatized groups with movies: mediating and moderating processes of narrative persuasion. International Journal of Communication, 11, 158–177.
Igartua, J. J., Wojcieszak, M., Cachón-Ramón, D., & Guerrero-Martín, I. (2017). “If it hooks you, share it on social networks”. Joint effects of character similarity and imagined contact on the intention to share a short narrative in favor of immigration. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 72, 1085-1106.
Igartua, J. J., & Vega, J. (2016). Identification with characters, elaboration, and counterarguing in entertainment-education interventions through audiovisual fiction. Journal of Health Communication, 21(3), 293-300.
Igartua, J. J., & Rodríguez-de-Dios, I. (2016). Motivational correlates of use and satisfaction with Facebook. Cuadernos Info, 38, 107-119.
Soto-Sanfiel, M. T., & Igartua, J. J. (2016). Cultural proximity and interactivity in the processes of narrative reception. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 9(2), 87-107.
Igartua, J. J., & Barrios, I. M. (2013). Hedonic and eudaimonic motives for watching feature films. Validation of the Spanish version of Oliver & Raney’s scale. Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 38(4), 411-431.
The Observatory of Audiovisual Content (OCA) has its own physical space and technological equipment for the development of the research of its members and doctoral students.
As for the techniques and methodologies used in the work of the group and the usual management of the researchers, support of the following is provided:
• Experimental research in studies on processes and effects of media messages (Media Lab). Online experiments with QUALTRICS.
• Quantitative research, through questionnaire, on uses, processes and media effects.
• Content analysis of media messages.
• Computerized Content Analysis (CATA). LIWIC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) program.
• Qualitative analysis of media messages (narrative and discourse analysis).
• Qualitative methodology (focus groups and open interviews in depth) for the analysis of media uses, processes and effects.
• Techniques for statistical analysis of univariate, bivariate and multivariate data. Programs SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), R, JASP, MPlus and AMOS.
• Big Data Analysis, development and processing of computerized algorithms.
• Cross-sectional studies of traditional and booming media (Internet, Videogames, Social Networks, Apps ...).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Migration to Europe has grown in the last years in scale and complexity. The so called ‘refugee crisis’ and the migratory pressure is particularly acute in southern EU countries as the main entrance to the EU.
Currently, the Observatory for Audiovisual Contents is immersed in various projects based on the analysis and study of hate speech towards vulnerable audiences and the planning of future intervention phases. Some of the main challenges and objectives of these large-scale projects will add value to the network both in the country and abroad:
 “Preventing Hate Against Refugees and Migrants” (PHARM):
The main goal of PHARM is to monitor and model hate speech against refugees and migrants in Greece, Italy and Spain in order to predict and combat hate crime and also counter its effects using cutting-edge techniques, such as data journalism and narrative persuasion.
The activities include: Implementation of a conceptual and methodological common framework for large-scale analysis and detection of hate speech; Implementation and evaluation of machine learning approaches to model and predict hate crimes against refugees and migrants based on hate speech features; Survey journalists to understand how they inform and raise awareness about hate speech and how they can help building and disseminating counter-narratives based in data-driven news pieces; Creation, evaluation and dissemination of counter-narrative fictional stories adapted to different characteristics of citizens using large-scale narrative persuasion.
PHARM will benefit ~500.000 individuals in refugee-like situation, ~1.300 journalists, 750 citizens, 7 journalist associations, generic migrants, future asylum seekers and the broad general public who will indirectly benefit from countering strategies. The main result will be the identification and reduction of online hate speech, and the prediction of potential hate crimes.
 “Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective” (HUMMINGBIRD):
HumMingBird will investigate the changing nature of the social reality and reappraise assumptions about migration and identify key uncertainties.
This Project will explore the reasons why migration predictions may not hold. Given the dominance of the economic theories explaining mainly voluntary migrations, estimating the previous migration flows for the past years to check the robustness of the models will allow us to detect the shortcomings of the (quantitative) scenarios (in particular gaps in explaining forced migration) that are based on the migration theories and existing migration data.
The HumMingBird project’s concept of migration territory of Europe is not limited to the area within European borders, we also draw attention to the migration hubs of Europe that have been the main gates to Europe within or out of the EU borders. Working in the hubs will allow us listening and reflecting the perspective of the migrants en route and also gaining deeper knowledge on migration propensity, transnational networks, the impact of corruption.
HumMingBird will listen to the migrants on the way to understand the root causes of migration and aims to bring in the human aspect by allowing the voices of individuals to shine through for a better understanding of their reasons to migrate, experiences and migratory projections. We will focus on the contexts and considerations that shape migrants’ decisions to undertake cross-border travel. Moreover, the project findings will broaden and deepen the EU’s viewpoint on the nexus between the policies and migration flows through the analyses of the impact of migration, welfare policies and public social security systems and most especially by dint of the analysis of the impact of the policies on migration.
“Narrative tools to reduce prejudice. Effects of similarity, imagined contact, empathy and narrative voice” (HENAR):
This Project focuses on two of the main research lines of the Observatory for Audiovisual Contents, namely “Media, immigration and prejudice”, and “Narrative persuasion”. The project Chief Researcher (IP), Juan José Igartua, is Professor of Media Psychology, and heads the OCA since its creation in 2005. Researcher Magdalena Wojcieszak, Professor of at the University of California Davis (USA) has joined the Project, since we have been working with her on these topics over the past year. OCA has secured stable funding over the last decade and, with this Project, the aim is to enhance and consolidate the international presence of the Group through research networks that have been developed through the years. As a whole, the team is composed of senior and junior researchers with a common career in research (both together and on the same fields). The project focuses on a very much current issue in our country and in the rest of the European Union: prejudice and the techniques employed to reduce it through the use of narrative formats. Thus, it links two of the main challenges in European Society, as stated by the report Spanish position on Horizon 2020, issued by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government: (a) Health, demographic change and wellbeing; and (b) Secure societies (integrating, inclusive and secure societies). Our project aims to press on the research on narrative persuasion processes; i.e. the knowledge on mechanisms that explain how narratives impact on attitudes and beliefs. Particularly, our goal is to provide causal evidence on the variables that influence the identification with characters and, indirectly, they impact on attitudes and beliefs related to a narrative topic (in our case, narratives designed to reduce prejudice toward immigrants). Furthermore, the project connects two research lines that, up to date, have been independent: research on narrative persuasion and psycho-social research on imagined contact, and the techniques employed to reduce prejudice against socially stigmatized groups. All this will affect and improve the design of campaigns against racism and xenophobia in the European Union. In other words, the knowledge of basic processes of narrative persuasion will allow the design of more efficient strategies based on empiric evidence. Three experimental researches has been carried out in two contexts where immigration is a relevant topic in public agendas: Spain and the Netherlands.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is a great opportunity to be part of a national network that in turn forms a large collaborative network with lines of work in common for dialogue and intercultural protection. Each of the national networks brings a lot of value to all partners in terms of collaborations, support, shared knowledge, cultural relations and sustainable development.
The support of a network of these characteristics is of great value to research groups like us, which develop large-scale projects and can also contribute knowledge and work for future progress.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Juan José Igartua Perosanz
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Ojala Projects

National Network

Sant Lluis
08024 Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Ojalá Projects is born from a group of university teachers with the anxiety to innovate in the education field generating experiences to the students that promote the empowerment of groups in a high risk of social exclusion.  Our area of intervention is global. Through the workshops we propose a national, European or international immersion (depending on the case we work) in which students are offered to a vital experience in a field that presents a crisis or conflicts.  In this context, multidisciplinary groups are formed that carry out tasks that include training, working in the field, international cooperation and development of creative projects that have a direct return with the group we work for.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to introduce some social and cultural values by generating pieces of creation made by university students from in all disciplines of creativity and art to make the diffusion of realities that are no far from us and raise their awareness to guarantee their personal and professional growth. 

Main Projects / Activities

Ojalá Projects started when a graphic designer called Anaïs, decided to paint a mural on the outside walls of the 5th school squat (abandoned centres that have been occupied by refugees and migrants) in Exarchia neighbourhood, in the middle of Athens. The mural shows a labyrinth that starts with the word “Hope” and very complicated loops cross over each other until they reach the word “make”. They then begin to simplify towards the final word “future”. This metaphor reminds them that the road is only easier if you try to make it yourself.
There are 3 roads represented by different colours that cross the main white road lead by the refugee kid; the Brown one is the road from Turkey to Greece; the blue one is the journey across the greek sea and the grey one reflects the road they take from Athens to the Balkans. A red background at the beginning is their past and the war they have come from, the middle yellow background is their present in Greece, and lastly, the blue towards the end represents their freedom. 
This year, Ojalá Projects has carried out a workshop called "Re-creating the Refuge", which aimed at the creative immersion of students of psychology, dramatic art and communication with the refugees who reside in the centre of Athens. 
The students had to face the constant instability of the refugees and motivate them to feel part and participants of the projects. All projects have been directed, conducted and edited by the students. In one week the students, co-working with the young non-accompanied migrants had created the We are all refugees letter, a song where they talk about their histories. Some cinema and art dramatic students recorded the video clip. A music student made the base of the song. 
At the same time, other cinema students had recorded the 5th School Squat video, where they were showing how the refugees are organized in the squats in a moment where the government was treating them to evict the centre to return to the refugee camps.
Finally, we made some investigation of pregnant women that live in a self-organized building. Recording and talking to them, we decide to make a documentary about it, cause we realized that when we talk about refugees, we are only thinking in a general way. During the week the same week as the other projects, two journalism students have recorded the teaser of the documentary that we finally recorded this July 2019 and it is still in process.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

All the pieces me try to make with the students serve us as an instrument to give an answer to a social making it visible in the social field through conferences, workshops and conferences in schools and higher centres. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we believe in Ojalá as an organic project that can contribute alongside other associations or entities to promote the global and social change that surrounds us. We find that there is no point in fighting for your account when what matters is at stake and it affects us all. For that reason, we think that the Anna Lindh Foundation can help us to be known and empower our projects as well as listening to what people aware of social issues do. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anais Esmerado
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anaïs Esmerado Martí
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria d'Oultremont
Job Title (2)

OMEC - Observatori Mediterrani de la Comunicació

National Network

Edifici I
Despatx I/0026
Campus de la UAB

Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

+34 935813160
Telephone (other)
+ 34 93581
+34 935812005
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 676 52 66 68
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 34 647 14 71 90
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Mediterranean Observatory for Communication is a non-profit organization that was created in 2004 by a group of the Information and Communication field professionals, belonging both to the academic and international cooperation sectors. The Observatory was registered with the 31.537/Resolución number in the Barcelona Associations Register on the 30th of January 2006.
Mission and Objectives

To build a multidisciplinary, multisector and multinational net that can contribute to the creation of a Mediterranean communication environment that fosters common visions, dialogue among people and fair, human development.

Main Projects / Activities

“Projecte de sensibilització sobre comunicació pel desenvolupament i responsabilitats social dels mitjans en el desenvolupament humà, els drets humans, la democràcia i la pau a la regió mediterrània”), finaced by Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament, Genrealitat de Catalunya.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera
Head of the organisation
Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera
Contact (2) Full Name

Open call for A SEA OF WORDS 2023 - "Artificial Intelligence and Youth: Ethical Commitment and Critical Thinking"


Open call for A SEA OF WORDS 2023: "Artificial Intelligence and Youths: Ethical Commitment and Critical Thinking"

To reflect on the impact of artificial intelligence on society, looking into the ethical dilemmas it can raise, the fight against manipulation and the exploration of emerging creativity and new talents. That is the challenge about which the European Institute of the Mediterranean and the Anna Lindh Foundation invite you to write at the 16th edition of the literary contest "A Sea of Words” aimed at young people from 43 Euro-Mediterranean countries.

In this new edition of a Sea of Words, we invite young European and Mediterranean authors to write a story about the impact of artificial intelligence on their societies, placing special emphasis on the dilemmas in terms of values and ethical criteria that their use and how to promote talent and creativity in the face of instrumentalization and manipulation.

The authors of the 10 best stories – selected by an international jury – will be invited to Barcelona on 9 November 2023 to participate for three days in the awards ceremony, creative workshop activities, and cultural exchanges. This year, the winners will participate in a workshop designed to identify and formulate proposals for the next edition

Visit the WEBSITE OF A SEA OF WORDS to find all the information.

Find the requirements of the call in the website and the documents below

Follow the social media pages of the contest here:



Participate by sending your story to UNTIL JUNE 25th

Open call for applications for Nur 2023

Nur 2023

Casa Árabe and the PHotoEspaña Festival are jointly presenting the third edition of this call for entries to select an idea for a photography exhibition. Projects can be submitted until 28 February 2023.

The selected project will be shown shown at the Casa Árabe headquarters in Madrid as part of the 26th edition of PHotoESPAÑA International Photography Festival to be held in 2023.

The goal of NUR نور (Light) is to continue giving visibility to – and increasing awareness on – a project that offers a look at one or several aspects of Arab societies that relate to the conservation of the environment, a sustainable future and the relationship between humans and nature. The purpose of this call is to reward efforts that are innovative yet also to convey current topics related to real-life situations in the contemporary Arab world. The call for entries is aimed at curators and institutions, and the project will be chosen by a panel of judges.

Submit your project until 28 February 2023.

More information and Nur call terms and conditions HERE



Art Futures, in collaboration with Dat Bolwerck and the support of public and private art institutions in Athens and Zutphen and a wide range of institutions from the Critical Friends network, opens a call for the four-month Art Futures Fellowship Programme.

The programme, aimed at artists of all artistic disciplines, will offer selected candidates a two-month residency in Athens (May and June 2024) and a two-month residency in Zutphen (September and November 2024), in addition to a total grant of €8000 to cover travel, visa (if necessary) and living expenses during the residency period.

Applicants must submit their application via this form by 15 August 2023. The grant will give priority to proposals that have a clear vision on how this grant fits into their artistic discourse and practice, including engaging and high-quality work with the cities of Athens and Zutphen, their institutions and communities.

Art Futures, Serendipity in Action is an international non-profit organisation that supports and implements activities with the aim of widening participation and engagement in the arts towards more just and sustainable societies in Europe and beyond. Dat Bolwerck is a multidisciplinary arts space, focused on contemporary art, music and philosophy that offers a carefully curated programme of exhibitions, concerts, lectures, and workshops.

This piece of news has been facilitated by ReFAL member Interarts

Organización Carta Mediterránea

National Network

28012 MADRID

+34 91 369 45 98
Telephone (other)
+34 91 369 45 98
+34 91 429 37 81
Mobile Phone
+34 606 39 20 08
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
The General Assembly is made up of over 350 members, coming from 38 different countries. The Board of Directors is made up of 18 members. There are 7 persons holding technical posts, 2 persons on the permanent Secretariat staff and volunteer workers. Activities are funded by public and private grants and membership fees. Most of the actions carried out are seminars, courses, research projects and publications. Organization’s main partners are both public and private entities, such as FHIMADES, Fundación Tres Culturas, Instituto Ciencia y Sociedad, Asociación Cultura Pro Naciones Unidas, the Spanish Diplomatic School, the European Commission Offices in Spain, the Arab League.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of CARTMED, defined in the final text of the Mediterranean Charter, is the promotion of dialogue and cooperation among the peoples of the Mediterranean region, with the aim of achieving peace, stability and security enhancing inter-regional relations, sustainable development of the developing countries and democracy and human rights.
The objectives of CARTMED are, as a civil society initiative, to develop useful knowledge resources for the achieving of the aim, to promote intercultural contacts and relations, and diffusion and sensitizing of the civil society of the region and those relevant agents for the development of the Mediterranean region.

Main Projects / Activities

For 2006:
Publication on research on town planning and the insertion of immigrants in Madrid, El urbanismo ante el encuentro de las culturas. La inserción socioespacial del inmigrante en la comunidad de Madrid. ISBN: 84-451-2812-4.
2nd publication on town planning and immigration.
A CD on Europe – Mediterranean cooperation and regional development, technical documents also included in a book by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In collaboration, Transmisión de valores de convivencia entre civilizaciones, course on coexistence values transmission among civilizations.
Course on Methodology, Projects and Opportunities in the Euromediterranean Cooperation, was hold in Melilla (Spain) and Nador (Morocco) and publication.
Seminar on Co-development: New Actors, New Markets.
Seminar on Alliance of Civilizations, Civilizaciones y culturas: del choque a la alianza

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Oxígeno Laboratorio Cultural

National Network

Calle Carlos Ramírez de Arellano 28, 2D
52003 Melilla

+34 692433390
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Oxígeno Laboratorio Cultural (Cultural Lab) is a cultural association that promote cultural activities in the suburbs of the city of Melilla (Spain). We develop social action projects that mix art and education as tools for social transformation and integration of the suburb to the rest of the city. We work specially with youth and people on risk of social exclusion.  Our team is formed by an anthropologist, an audiovisual technician, and social educators. We count with a budget of aprox. 40.000 Euro a year, funded principally by the Local Council of Culture. We develop various projects based on: workshops and courses, artistic interventions and performance, exhibitions, lectures and debates. We collaborate with other NGO's such as Accem  and with local institutions. We work in particular with youth from berber-imazighen origin, with migrants and detainees from the local jail.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote cultural activities in the suburbs of Melilla, a border town between Spain and Morocco. The aim of our actions is to seek a possible integration between different parts of the city: the center and the suburb. Our mission is to search for an encounter between cultures and groups living in this place. We work to promote mutual respect between cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is called “Kahina”. Since 2013, the project is working using Art and audiovisual to ameliorate the suburbs of the city. On the other hand, the project aims to create visibility and break down stereotypes regarding the suburbs of Melilla. We work in particular with youth from berber-imazighen origin. We organize artistic workshops, we produce local radio programs in an institute, we organize performance, parties in the suburbs, exhibitions etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work in a peculiar space, a border city where people from diverse ethnic groups coexist. Our work promote intercultural coexistence between people living in the Mediterranean area and we would like to share our experience with the Network. On the other side, being part of the Network means to us the chance to learn from other experiences and build bridges of collaboration. Through our social networks we can promote this exchange and promote the work of the ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share our experience with other associations and to find partners and similar experiences so to build together collaborations. The ALF is a wonderful institution that bring people together from across the Mediterranean and improve mutual respect between cultures. We work locally on the same mission, and so this is why we would love to be part of their Networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Bruno Bondanini
Job Title
President of the Association, Anthropologist
Head of the organisation
Francesco Bruno Bondanini

Palestinos Sin Fronteras

National Network

C/ Travesia del cañon Nº 11, planta 2, puerta C
Alcobendas, Madrid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Structure of our organization mainly depends on the volunteers who are guided by a broad of directors. We rely on project-based funded and we run periodical seminars and workshops.
Mission and Objectives

Palestinians Without frontiers believes in good media- a persuasive and conversational style- to communicate its program and projects to all Palestinians. Palestinians without frontiers is not only an observing human rights body, it is also an executive device focused on developing the organization of Palestinian society, its rules and its infrastructure.

Main Projects / Activities

Internal Relationships.. • Palestinians without frontiers is seeking to create a strong and coordinated base which depends on rational and healthy rules with different foundations and all the homemade strips. All of that come from our understanding to the objective unit on the level of increasing the Palestinian homeland. • Palestinians without frontiers encourages Palestinian societal openness on cultures and scientific and civilized achievements alongside urbanism and legality. It encourages the meeting of minds and an open emotional yet civilized dialogue between the East and West, and the arrangement of the human brotherhood principle. External Relationships.. • According to our view on the necessity of creating an Arab profundity and international dimension, we try our best to encourage Palestinian society to be open towards the cultures and the scientific, civil, legal, environmental, economical and constructional achievements for people. • We have to encourage the meetings which offer civilized dialogue between East and West concentrating on the principle of human fraternity. Social Development.. • Working towards ways that best contribute to forming civil society by arranging seminars and workshops which convey this concept in a simple and easy way. • Contributing to developing the abilities of the Palestinian people's sons and daughters through arranging specialized programs that aim to develop the available facilities with new creativity. • Designing studies, research, projects and campaigns to improve the service stream, civility, health and transport, education, arts, culture, environment and children in custody. • Putting forward civil society culture and concepts in dealing with foundations, groups and individuals. Depending on the principle of respecting opinions of others and encouraging calm civil dialogue, respecting individual freedoms limits and Palestinian society’s traditions and culture. Human Rights.. • Palestinians without frontiers maintains as a base the nationality and its rights, to build the foundations of the modern democratic Palestinian state. • Observing and respecting thoughtful, cultural, political and civil freedoms of the Palestinian as basic principles to the state’s fundamental duties and to respect people’s rights in Palestine and to respect their general and particular freedoms as a basic part of the civil, organic and juridical construction of Palestinian society. • Encouraging the establishment and observation of foundations which concern human rights, the civil freedoms, environment, childhood, motherhood, freedom of thought and the press as well. These foundations should be strong minded, standing up for their members beyond alignments that depend on political, ideological, and religious loyalty.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Jammali
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Jammali
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Nasser

Pandora - Asociación para la Integración y Progreso de las Culturas

National Network

Princesa, 82 - 5º dcha.

34 91 550 26 28
34 91 550 26 27
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
34 607 25 60 95
Mobile Phone (other)
34 627 42 95 68
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
AIPC-PANDORA is a non-profit organisation, founded in 2002 by persons who are experienced in international exchanges, non formal education and social intervention. The organization is member of the internatinal network, Experiment in Internatinal Living (EIL), and the European Youth Forum. Currently the organization has 6 full time staff members, 6 part time staff members, 5 regular collaborators and 12 regular volunteers. AIPC-Pandora has private sources of funding, essentially through its collaboration within its network in mobility programmes, and public sources of funding from the European Commission, Youth in Action Programme. In 2006, the gross income was: 289,296 €, in 2007, it was: 557,076 €.
Mission and Objectives

AIPC-Pandora is a non-profit organization which has a global objective to study and understand the different cultures of the world in order to discover their individual values and traditions and of spreading them; promoting their integration in the world, and fostering the learning, communication and dialogue between all of them.
To achieve this we develop activities related to non-formal education, always in an intercultural context, and activities that foment the mobility of the people of the world. This includes voluntary work in another country as well as orientation, and programmes to encourage labour insertion into the local and national level.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are developped in four departments:
- Volunteer programmes granted by the EU and within our EIL network.
- Secondary School Studies Support: The program gives support to those students having difficulties to follow the school program for secondary education.
- Program on Prevention of Violent Attitudes in Secondary School: The program works with all the actors involved in education: Courses for Students, Teachers Supports and Case Study and Parents School.
- Preparation Course for International Volunteering and Development: we prepare future international volunteers that participate in our international programs on different multicultural matters.
- Family School, orientation to families for children and youth education
- We offer training in almost all languages to firms and organisations, the benefits are reinverted in mobility programmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chantal Mayer
Head of the organisation
Chantal Mayer
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Eseverri