
Praga Associação Cultural

National Network

Rua das Gaivotas, 2
1200-202 Lisboa


00351 210 962 355
Mobile Phone
00351 919 271 631
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Teatro Praga has 6 regular employed works plus a large number of regular colaborators. Teatro Praga is funded by Culture State Secreatary/DGArtes and coproduced by several arts organizations (CCB/TNDMII/Teatro Viriato/MC93 Bobigny)
Mission and Objectives

Teatro Praga is a group of artists working without a director and wishing to emphasize the singularity of the theatrical practice. They are always different, are in constant metamorphosis and subject to unpredictable variations of themselves.
The group finds its identity and difference not in questions such as “What do we do?” or “What was done before us?”, but in a desire and need to confront the answers top these questions.
The shows are events, not to put aside their physical theatre (drama), go in search of "ultimate responsibility of the spectator," ie, to find a community in chaos fictional

Main Projects / Activities

Teatro Praga regularly collaborates with some of the most prestigious cultural structures in Portugal and has performed at festivals and theatres in several European countries (Italy, UK, Germany, France, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia and Denmark), from we emphasize the participation on the European Prospero Network as an artist, the various collaborations with MC93 Maison de culture de la Seine-Saint-Denis, the participation at Chantiers d’Europe 2013 at Théâtre de la Ville (Paris) and the participation in the european project TABUROPA.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisabete Fragoso
Head of the organisation
Pedro Penim

Pressley Ridge - Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social

National Network

Av. Fernando Lopes Graça 7B
2650-439 Amadora

21 493 4268
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

• Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners We have 28 employees: 13 full-time, 4 part-time, 6 volunteers and 5 internships. • Budgetary resources available in a year 327.000€ • Sources of funding 265.000€ • Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Pressley Ridge’s axes of intervention and activities included: a) Programs with children and young people in vulnerable communities in the development of prosocial skills, using experiential education (non-formal education), arts and sports as tool for changes. We have a surf therapy program, for vulnerable young people and for people with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism; b) Family Based Program; c) Training for professionals who work in the child protection system or with vulnerable communities. • Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Our main partners are governmental institutions as Social Security Institute (ISS), Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth (IPDJ), Municipalities of Amadora, Cascais e Almada; and private organizations as group of Banks BPI la Caixa; and companies as PwC.

Mission and Objectives

Create connections that drive change and promote happiness in the lives of each child, young person and family that we work with. Everything you need to create success with children, young people and families is our goal. Our mission statement states shows total and unequivocal commitment to do everything in our power to improve the lives of all children and families, especially those whose lives we touch in some way. There is no challenge too big or barrier too strong that stop us from doing everything for theirs benefits. We are only successful when our children and families succeed. Only and only at that moment. Our values are: - Idealism is imperative - Interpersonal relationships are fundamental - It's essential to have fun - Reeducation is our foundation - We strive for quality – nothing less than the best - We are all teachers and we are all learners Ours objectives are the acquisition of social and individual skills by ours children, young people and families to make them grow happy and successfully.

Main Projects / Activities

Pressley Ridge Academy - Professional trainning, workshops, small groups Be.Live - individual session with a psychologist to promote resilience among children and young people in vulnerable family situations CAFAP - Family Support and Parental Counseling Center CoolBRAVE - project that focuses on promoting individual growth and self-knowledge of children and young people aged 6 to 25, through life skills training using sport and art as the main tools, always based on experiential education. We intend to promote equal opportunities for growth, enabling them to make personal and social changes, promoting their active participation in the community. SurfArt - program that actively involves children and young people aged 8 to 14 through surfing and contact with nature using an ecological approach and adventure therapy, so that children learn to accept responsibility for their behavior and personal decisions, dealing with individual and family challenges, and investing in their own future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute throught our Academy: sharing our knowledge on working with children and young people; participanting on Anna Lindh Foundation events; creating partnerships with others members to develope new projects; bringing some of our children and youg people to Anna Lindh Foundation events; receiving people from others members of all Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To join ALF Network is to be open to learn and share knowledge, to have opportunity to grow together and to make the world a better place where people can understand each other, be more empathic and tolerance to the differences that make the world so interesting.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Susana Bernardo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Susana Bernardo

Procur. Arte Associação Cultural e Social - Procur. Art Cultural and Social Association

National Network

Rua do Norte 14, 3º 1150-222

00351 213 468 011
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00351 960148112
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Direction : Nuno Ricou Salgado, Jorge Cruz, Pedro Bacelar Assembly: Francisco Salgado, Catarina Braga Simão, Suzana Arnaut Pombeiro Stattory audit comittee: Cláudia Bordalo, Marta Martins, Rita Figueiredo Executive Producer: Francesco Russo Webmaster: Pedro Salgado 2. 100.000,00 € 3. public and private financing 4. Producing and organizing theatre and multidisciplinary spectacles, expositions, public art events, scenographic projects, cinema festivals, consulting, programmations and annual report editions. 5. Instituto Camões, Ministerio da Cultura
Mission and Objectives

Procur.arte is a Cultural and Social Association founded in 2005 by professionals aiming to develop, produce and disclose activities and projects in the field of Performing and Visual Arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Procur.arte edits and distributes Pisa-Papéis – Performing Arts Guideline. In 2006, produced “Uma noite de Verão” included in the International Shakespeare Festival, in Santa Susanna (Catalonia), performed before in Faro (National Capital of Culture 2005). In 2006, it produced and organized, in Barcelona, the Portuguese Cinema Festival, which took place in Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), within the International Documental Festival of Barcelona – Docúpolis (www.docupolis.org). In December 2006 it is going to shoot a new theatre production “O Cerejal”, in Teatro da Comuna, directed by Francisco Salgado, based on the text of Anton Tchecov.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nuno Ricou Salgado
Head of the organisation
Nuno Ricou Salgado / Jorge Cruz
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesco Russo

Project FUTHURE Conference in Bucharest, Romania

Group of people who attended the FUTHURE project conference

The Portuguese network's member organization, Associação Check-In - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, was present in the Conference of the project FUTHURE which was held in Bucharest, from the 14th to the 16th of December 2022.

The partners of the project reunited to discuss social justice and present the results of the local debates organized by each of the partner associations of the project. The meeting aimed to discuss “Social Justice” in the EU and non-EU Countries and to present the results of the three Local Debates organized by each partner organization. This event featured representatives from Xagħra Local Council (Malta), Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale (Italy), Fondazione Parco (Italy), Go Free (Romania), YEU Cyprus (Cyprus) and @SERDA (Bosnia and Herzgovina).

"FUTHURE: Fostering Unity, Tolerance and HUman Rights in Europe" is a 24 months initiative, designed to create a Network for actively involving citizens in raising awareness on common values and in the debating on the future of Europe and its fundamental rights. The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the proclamation of the EU Charter for Fundamental Rights in 2020 represents a great opportunity to analize the state of the art and make proposal for the Future.

Thanks to a complex workplan, the project affects a total of 600 direct and about 35.000 indirect participants in finding answers to many questions, such as:

  • What is the role and potential of the Charter in protecting and promoting democracy?
  • Did, and does, the citizens feel more protected in their EU VALUES, as fundamental rights?
  • What is it there still to do assure protection of fundamental rights?

All the feedback and the ideas collected during the 24 local debates will merge into the “Guidelines for FUTHURE”, detailed recommendations about the Future of Fundamental Rights in Europe, as a result of a long-lasting participatory bottom-up approach. These recommendations will then be addressed to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, in order to be taken into consideration for the drafting of the next "FRA Programming Document 2022-2024".

Click here for more info

Propositário Azul, Associação Artística

National Network

Rua do Grilo, 104-4º esq.
1950-146 Lisboa


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- Association culturelle et artistique, composée de 9 éléments (3 acteurs/metteurs-en-scène, 3 acteurs/performers, 1 chanteuse, 1 designer, 1 vidéaste et 1 scénographe) ; - L’association est financée par des subventions et bourses, dans le contexte des concours locaux et nationaux, en fonction des projets présentés à chaque moment ; - Financement : Ministère de la Culture / Direcção Geral das Artes, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (Mairie de Lisbonne), Câmara Municipal do Porto (Mairie de Porto), Câmara Municipal de Montemor-o-Novo (Mairie de Montemor-o-Novo), Vente de spectacles; - Spectacles de théâtre et danse dans des espaces traditionnels et d’autres non-conventionnels, ateliers de formation, création vidéo, rapports avec des écoles; - Palco Oriental, Teatro da Trindade, Museu do Teatro, Teatro Experimental de Cascais (Lisbonne); Espaço do Tempo de Rui Horta (Montemor-o-Novo); "Voyages du Geste", projet artistique international qui intègre des partenaires de France, Italie, Belgique, Liban, Palestine et le Portugal.
Mission and Objectives

Propositário Azul, Association Artistique a été crée en 2003 ayant l’objectif de développer des groupes indépendants qui valorisent la réflexion sur la pratique théâtrale et les processus de création au détriment de la production d’objets spectaculaires et d’autres contenus dont leur fragilité soit le reflet de manque de temps ou de conception superficielle. Sont aussi des objectifs le contact avec la dramaturgie universelle, privilégiant pourtant des œuvres d’écrivains portugais et lusophones, en essayant différentes pratiques de travail et de recherche dramaturgique, réécriture de textes et adaptations.
C’est en tant qu’axe, autour duquel se réunissent des groupes de travail impliqués dans l’objectif de stimuler des points communs d’intérêt – rendant proches des gens et leurs desseins, programmant des réunions de travail, des lectures, fonctionnant aussi comme structure logistique et légal – que Propositário Azul cherche à se procurer une personnalité artistique, une façon particulière de penser et créer en tant que groupe.

Main Projects / Activities

Depuis début de 2004, ont été produits par Propositário Azul et crées par leur associés dix spectacles, présentés dans plus de vingt espaces différents (parmi des théâtres et autres espaces non-conventionnels, musées, couvents et jardins) dans une dizaine de villes au Portugal : Quem Me Dera Ser Onda, Audição…, O Fim, Três Máscaras, S/ Título Provisório, Salão de Baile, Memórias d'Algodão Doce, Sonho de Uma Tarde de Verão, Música Para Si, Encontros e Desencontros no Campo Com Tio Vânia. Parmi ces spectacles-ci, trois ont été conçus à partir des adaptations de textes, quatre autres à partir des textes d’auteurs dramatiques dont trois sont portugais, et trois autres sont des créations.
Quelques membres de l’association ont participé au projet de Subito Presto /Voyages du Geste en 2002, en France, ce qui a aussi stimulé l'envie de rentrer au réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria João Serrão
Head of the organisation
Andreia Rodrigues
Contact (2) Full Name
Nuno Nunes

Rato - Associação para a Divulgação Cultural e Científica

National Network

Rua da Cordoaria, 53, 1 DTO, Cruz de Pau
2845 - 054 Amora


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Rato - ADCC has a board of directors (3 members), a General Assembly Board (3 members) and a Audit Comittee Board (3 members). For the implementation of the activities plan, Rato - ADCC has a team of 5 people that are in charge for the following areas: Volunteering, Training, Administration, Informatics and International Projects. The annual budget of Rato - ADCC is 55000€ and the intervention of Rato - ADCC is developed through training courses, youth volunteering, internships, development of online and multimedia projects and international projects (international volunteering, training courses, seminars). Rato - ADCC has different partners at international, national and local level and is funded by Portuguese Youth Institute, Town Hall of Seixal and Youth in Action Programme (through different projects).
Mission and Objectives

Rato - Association for Cultural and Scientific Promotion is a Portuguese organisation without profit intentions whose mission is centred on the stating of the society of information and emerging information and communication technologies.
This way, the primordial paths of activity are based on training, promotion and implementation of projects which are recurrent of the utilisation of the Computer and New Information Technologies' techniques and methodologies, being the creation of partnerships, with several agents and institutions of different regional levels, as the preferred vector of action.
The fundamental factor for the achievement of this vision is Youth, as an engine of development of activities in this domain, but it must promote multilateral mechanisms of generational interactivity.Rato - ADCC is an open project, dynamic to new wills and ideas, in a democratic enrichment perspective of the organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

Nowadays, the association develops mainly:
* workshops in Informatics and Information Technologies
* multimedia and online projects for non profit organizations and initiatives
In 2004, Rato - ADCC signs with Town Hall of Seixal a formal agreement and creates in the Youth Center of Miratejo R@to - ADCC's Center, a space dedicated to the development of training and volunteering activities in the field of Information and Communication Techonlogies.
In the same year, Rato - ADCC becomes an hosting organization for European Voluntary Service and, since then, has developed a work of promotion of different projects related to Youth Volunteering, hosting youngsters in volunteering activities, practical learning periods or freetime occupation activities combined with the methodologies and resources provided by Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rato - ADCC has its core based on the use Information and Communication Technologies and it has several years of experience on the use of ICT tools for the development of Non Formal Learning projects, for different target groups.
Besides that, the organization has also a big intervention in topics such as active participation, european awareness and promotion of information society in different contexts and situations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The motivation of Rato - ADCC to join ALF Network is to create projects and networks with focus on the promotion of Information Society as a path for active citizenship.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nuno Alexandre Silva Carvalho
Head of the organisation
Tiago Alexandre Guedes Esteves
Contact (2) Full Name
Justyna Kukla

Rato ADCC participates in Innovative Social Inclusion Project Using ICT

Os Outros

Rato - Associação para a Divulgação Cultural e Científica (ADCC), member of the Portuguese Network, is proud to announce the their participation in the Job Shadowing activity, a groundbreaking social inclusion initiative utilizing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) called “Os Outros”. This project, which began in early 2024, aims to bridge the digital divide and empower marginalized communities through technology.

The initiative focuses on providing comprehensive ICT training and resources to underrepresented groups, fostering digital literacy and inclusion. By offering workshops, mentoring, and access to technology, Rato ADCC seeks to enhance participants' skills, confidence, and opportunities in the digital age.

This project is part of Rato ADCC's ongoing commitment to using technology as a tool for cultural and scientific dissemination. It reflects the organization's dedication to creating a more inclusive and connected society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in the digital world.

For more details on how to participate or support this initiative, visit Rato ADCC’s website (https://www.rato-adcc.pt/pt/).


Reading Collective

Coletivo de Leitura

The Coletivo de Leitura (Reading Collective in English) is an initiative led by Ana Lúcia da Silva Reis, and it will take place on the third Thursday of every month at the Goethe-Institut library in Lisbon. The primary aim is to create a space for sharing, dialogue, critical thinking, and reflection. Through the selected readings, which can be either prose or poetry, the hope is that those who participate will have the opportunity to engage with current topics of interest, debate them, and explore them further together. This initiative is intended to help counteract the polarization and radicalization that is occurring in society, especially on social networks.

This reading and debate platform emerges from the desire to establish a collective, diverse, and democratic space for intellectual and emotional growth. Each session will revolve around a different theme, and the attendees will have a say in choosing the books to be read.

All sessions are open to the public, and no registration is required for those who simply want to listen and participate in the discussions. However, for those who wish to read, prior registration is mandatory. Participants must provide information about the book they plan to bring, as there will be a limit of up to 10 readings per session. Each registered person will have two reading sessions, each lasting approximately 5 minutes. The session lasts roughly 2 hours, divided into two distinct segments. During the first hour, people read aloud from the selected books, and in the second hour, there is an open discussion on the chosen theme and the readings.

Coletivo de Leitura is generously supported by the Goethe-Institut of Portugal, a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation's Portuguese Network. Established in 1962, the Goethe-Institut has a 60-year history of promoting intercultural communication between Portugal and Germany. It maintains two institutes in Portugal, one in Lisbon and the other in Porto. The Goethe-Institut in Portugal engages with approximately 180,500 people each year through its numerous events, diverse training courses, comprehensive information services about Germany, and guidance and training for German teachers and students of the German language and culture.

The Cultural Department serves as a catalyst for dialogue, exchange, and interaction between German and Portuguese artists and researchers. It addresses current German trends and promotes intercultural collaborations in various fields, including film, dance, music, theater, art, literature, and translation. In partnership with Portuguese organizations, the Goethe-Institut organizes readings, exhibitions, conferences, film screenings, concerts, and also supports the participation of German artists in festivals.

Click here for more information

Rede Inducar

National Network

Rua da Fábrica Social SN
4000-201 Porto

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Inducar is a cooperative organization with 17 members.  Inducar have an anual budget of 20000,00€. Our principal sources of funding are financied projets (nacional and european funds) and services. Inducar is a training and consultancy organization specialised in the field of non-formal education. In the past years we have worked with a variety of clients and partners at national and international level – from public administration to the private and non-for-profit sector.  Our work is to design, implement and evaluate training strategies and learning processes.
Mission and Objectives

Inducar - organisation for the promotion of non formal learning and social integration is an international agent operating in the context of partnerships and networks for an integrated society, based on the empowerment of the individual person, in a culture of collective responsibility and mutual learning. We take on the mission to contribute, in articulation with others, through a diversity of innovative and quality responses, for the facilitation of processes oriented to the transformation of attitudes. 

Main Projects / Activities

The core of our action is the development of organisations, their human capital and the public's in general. Inducar conceptualizes, develops, implements and assesses projects directed to governmental, third sector, and private organisations (http://www.inducar.pt/portfolio). We offer know-how and expertise in areas such as Non Formal Learning / Education, Human Rights Education, Cultural Diversity, Gender Balance, Citizenship and Participatory Democracy. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We take on the mission to contribute, in articulation with others, through a diversity of innovative and quality responses, for the facilitation of processes oriented to the transformation of attitudes. We hope contribute to this network with our expertise and contacts. We also have a strong knowledge of the social and cultural portuguese reality that can be useful.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are align with the ALF Network principles. Mostly are very envolved with the subjects that ALF Networks wants to work out. We will be very please to join this network and help to disseminate is work. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Susana Constante Pereira
Job Title
President of the board
Head of the organisation
Susana Constante Pereira

SOS Racismo

National Network

Rua Arnaldo Assis Pacheco Lote 11 Loja A Quinta da Torrinha 1750 Lisboa

(351) 21 7552700
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
SOS Racismo has a colective board, organized by regional local work groups. There are 4 employees for the all the organization struture. The major part of SOS Racism work is developed by 100 active volunteers. The budget available for this year is 53.000 € providing by High Comission for Interculture Dialogue by Portuguese Government. Actions: social and pedagogical project open for children, youngsters and families from gipsy community in Lisbon with 2 local partners and Lisbon Municipality; training programs in intercultural education and anti-discrimination in schools for students and teachers, seminars, cultural activities, information and sensilization sessions, campaigns and group mobilization, edition of studies and pedagogical tools. In national level is part of Anti Racist Network in Portugal, Comissioner for Equality and against racial discrimination, Lisbon Municipal Council of Immigration and Minorities. In European level, SOS Racismo is part of European Network Anti-Racism (ENAR), United for Intercultural Action, and others.
Mission and Objectives

Sos Racismo was created by a group of people worried with racism and xenophobia in portuguese society, Our mission is to promote equal rights for all, contributing to a fair society though inclusive and intercultural education, mobilization, critical thinking, lobbing, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

- Interligar Project: community education work with minorities groups such as gypsies and immigrants;
- Training programs for students, teachers, social educators, etc.;
- Edition of studies and pedagogical tools - at this moment we are preparing 3 editions Media Report, Cases of Discrimination in Portugal and Intercultural Tools;
- Lobbying for creating better social and cultural policies for immigrants and minorities;
- Campaigns to promote information and sensitization about discrimination and social inequalities;
- Mobilization of differents groups to fight for their rights thourgh training programms and participation;
- Organization of debates, meetings, cultural events, and the anual Diversity party in Lisbon “Festa da Diversidade”;
- Legal support and counseling for immigrants and minorities groups;
- Legal support and counseling in cases of discrimination;
- Non formal education in schools and communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Cruz
Head of the organisation
José Falcão
Contact (2) Full Name
Eduardo António