
EXCEL: The Pursuit of Excellence


The EXCEL project examines enhancement technologies as bio-investment practices geared towards enhancing personal competitiveness based on a framework of excellence. It interprets bodily and cognitive alterations as processes of self-development. By concentrating on the Greater Lisbon area and considering the national and transnational influences on this context, we intend to augment existing statistical and bioethical analyses with qualitative, ethnographic data to unravel the complexity of these practices. This involves examining the interplay between subjectivity, body management, and citizenship.

The technological capacity to transform biology, driven by advances in genetic engineering, pharmacology, bioengineering, cybernetics, and nanotechnology, has given rise to a variety of devices designed to manipulate bodily forms and human functions, commonly referred to as "enhancement technologies." This category encompasses cosmetic biotechnologies as diverse as aesthetic plastic surgery, skin bleaching treatments, smart and lifestyle drugs, hormonal therapies, and biohacking implants. These technologies aim to improve human characteristics, including physical appearance and cognitive performance, irrespective of the presence of a formal pathology diagnosis.

Motivated by economic analyses highlighting an increase in the consumption of cosmetic biotechnologies in Portugal during the global financial crisis and inspired by empirical and bioethical studies that explore the risks, limits, and future prospects of body manipulation, this research project seeks to critically analyze enhancement technologies within the evolving economic and socio-historical contexts.

Utilizing critical anthropological approaches, we will explore citizenship as a sociocultural process of subjectification, encompassing self-improvement and the influences shaping one's identity. The objective is to bridge the micro-dynamics of specific forms of bio-investment by exploring practices and aspirations related to biomedical self-improvement with the emergence of new markets and transnational circuits associated with cosmetic medical tourism.

The EBANO Collective is an artistic and curatorial group that specializes in conducting site-specific projects and urban interventions through art, supported by ethnographic research. It is also a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation's Portuguese Network. Through collaborations between artists and social scientists, EBANO develops participatory public art projects that address local community issues and broader social and urban questions.

Click here for more information

Exhibition "TEAR - Artistic Territories"


After being exhibited at the Ave Basin Textile Industry Museum, the 2nd Edition of TEAR - Territórios Artísticos was divided into 8 parts. From February to June 2024, it is touring schools and school groups in Vila Nova de Famalicão, enabling them to better understand the project. This exhibition holds significance for Vila Nova de Famalicão due to its historical characteristics, uniqueness, and scope, not only as a physical territory but also as a cultural and industrial area.

As a UNESCO Club, A Casa ao Lado, in conjunction with the Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão through the Educational and Cultural Program "From Famalicão to the World" and the UNESCO National Commission, presents the 2nd edition of the Community Public Art Festival in Vila Nova de Famalicão - TEAR - Territórios Artísticos. The TEAR Festival intertwines the artistic aspect of the Textile/Sustainability Project with UNESCO's strategic issues, such as promoting a culture of peace and intercultural dialogue, as its main theme.

In a society that is constantly changing, where the development and application of new technologies drive evolution, creativity becomes a fundamental "tool" for the contemporary individual. The aim of the 2nd edition of TEAR is to promote cultural experiences and strengthen social, territorial, and international cohesion, with a focus on the Textile Industry based on Man/Machine.

This event was organized by A Casa ao Lado, an organization that is a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation's Portuguese Network. Founded in 2005 in Vila Nova de Famalicão, this Artistic Center has a mission to promote social and cultural dynamism with and for the community through artistic education, social inclusion through art, and urban interventions.

All their projects are based on the graphics, stories, legends, and/or personalities of the places to be intervened, aiming to create a mark of identity and social and territorial cohesion. The interventions, designed and carried out together with the community, foster a sense of belonging among the participants, who are involved in the entire work process.

Since 2018, as a UNESCO Club for Artistic Intervention and Creation, Casa ao Lado has felt a greater obligation to pass on knowledge of the historical evolution of graphics over time to the community. Therefore, in 2019, the Centro Interpretativo do Grafismo - LABIRINTO DAS ARTES was created to provide a deeper understanding of the contemporary work carried out on the murals.

Click here for more info

Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas

National Network

Avenida da Liberdade, 64-F, 7400-218 Ponte de Sor
7400-218 Ponte de Sor

+351 213420614
Telephone (other)
+351 213420670
+351 213420670
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Sete Sóis Sete Luas Festival experience born from the curiosity and the initiative of a group of students of the high school of Pontedera supported by the help of a Portuguese writer. In the last year of the High school, 1987 these young dreamers, with the passion of the theatre, founded the GRUPPO TEATRALE IMMAGINI. At the end of the 80's they obtained several awards for the play "Edipo Re". Eager to go beyond the Italian boundaries, they decided to "fly" toward the lands of Alentejo(Portugal). Here, after two artistic projects in the countryside of Montemor-o-Novo, they realized some shows and they met José Saramago. With the modesty and the fancy of dreaming typical of adolescents, they invited in Pontedera the Portuguese writer, who accepted the invitation and who gave to the group the rights for Italy of the book "L'anno 1993". From that moment on, there were put the bases to give life to this interesting exchange between Italy and Portugal: in 1993 born the Sete Sóis Sete Luas Festival under the aegis of José Saramago and directed from its first version by Marco Abbondanza. Step by step the project grew up and expanded: not only renowned artist took part to the project (Evora, Dario Fo, Carlos Paredes, Bernardo Bertolucci etc…), but also new countries started joining it: Spain in 1997, Capo Verde in 1998, France in 2005 Croatia in 2008 and Brazil in 2009, always preferring the peripheral areas instead of the big centers.
Mission and Objectives

• It's a cultural Network characterized by 10 countries – Brazil, Cape Verde, Croatia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal and Spain - that highlight lively and direct relations with small centers and artists.
• It's a travel in the Mediterranean and lusophone world: a travel made by meetings and exchanges. The ones who travel are the artists, the cultural operators and the same spectators.
• It's a Festival that seeks people and not squares or monuments.
• It offers contemporary folk music and figurative art from the Mediterranean and lusophone world.
• "Shuttlecock" of the cultural tourism; the public can follow it in its various stops, travelling around the Mediterranean and lusophone world.
• Direct experiences of music, art and tastes through the production of excellent food and wine products from the countries which take part to the project.

Main Projects / Activities

• It's a cultural Network characterized by 10 countries – Brazil, Cape Verde, Croatia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal and Spain - that highlight lively and direct relations with small centers and artists.
• It's a travel in the Mediterranean and lusophone world: a travel made by meetings and exchanges. The ones who travel are the artists, the cultural operators and the same spectators.
• It's a Festival that seeks people and not squares or monuments.
• It offers contemporary folk music and figurative art from the Mediterranean and lusophone world.
• "Shuttlecock" of the cultural tourism; the public can follow it in its various stops, travelling around the Mediterranean and lusophone world.
• Direct experiences of music, art and tastes through the production of excellent food and wine products from the countries which take part to the project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Abbondanza
Contact (2) Full Name
Paulo Gomes

Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas


The Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas and the Municipality of Pombal offer a rich program involving international musicians and artists who will present concerts, acrobatic circus and a street art piece in Pombal, between the 13th of July 13 and the 2nd of September.

This annual event, known for celebrating the diversity and richness of Mediterranean culture, promises a program full of music, art and entertainment that takes place with the support of the Municipality of Pombal. Inspired by the cultures of the Mediterranean and the Lusophone world, the Festival has been fostering exchanges between artists from the different cities it passes through since 1993 and promotes the meeting of musicians of different nationalities who make original creations.

The Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas started in 1993 and it is now a project promoted by a Cultural Network composed by 30 towns from 12 different countries: Brazil, Cape Verde, Croatia, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. The Festival 7S7L develops its projects mainly in the area of popular, ethnic, traditional music and the plastic arts, always involving important personalities of the European and Mediterranean cultures.

This festival is growing and becoming an exemplar and innovative project as to the Culture Commission of the European Parliament granted it audience on 20th January 2009 and 23 January 2013 in Bruxelles. A new important goal achieved for the Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas which, after the auditions of 2009 and 2013 in the European Parliament, will be the subject of a new audition, this time in the historic seat of the French Parliament (the National Assembly) in the Culture Committee.

From 1993 to 2010 the Honorary Presidents of the Festival were the Portuguese writer José Saramago (Literature’s Nobel Prize in 1998) and the Italian actor Dario Fo (Literature’s Nobel Prize in 1997) and since 2012 the President of Republic of Cape Verde Islands is the new Honorary President. The Festival has already been two-times awarded the “Kaleidoscope Prize” by the European Union for the high European dimension and cultural quality of the project, and 5 times the “Culture Program” of the European Union. The Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas was also awarded the International Cooperation Prize Caja de Granada on 16th April 2009.

Click here for more information.

Fundação Eça de Queiroz

National Network

Caminho de Jacinto, 3110
Quinta de Tormes
4640-424 Santa Cruz do Douro

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We are a  house museum dedicated to the portuguese writer Eça de Queiroz that is considered the greatest in realistic style. We are structured in three boardings: - administration (7 persons); - cultural (25 members); - fiscal (3 members). None of these persons are employers they gave their work pro bono. We have a group of 7 employers that realise the projects supervised by an executive director. We have a budget each year that rounds about 235,000€ and our sources of incomes are: tickets, merchandising, municipality of Baião, private companies, Camões Institute, Education Office of the Portuguese Governement. Each year we develop: - a summer course in the area of portugueses literature and we have participants from all over the world; - a summer concert of classic music with the North Orchestra; - conferences in Portugal and abroad about Eça de Queiroz; - courses for young people and unemployed.  
Mission and Objectives

Eça de Queiroz Foundation is a non-profit private foundation tha has is starting pier in the writer Eça de Queiroz, to promote his work a national and international level. Our main goals are cultural, artistic , educational and social development. 
To do so we promote the study of Eça de Queiroz in Portugal and abroad. We keep a specific library, an archive and a museum that has reunited all the things that belonged to the novelist and are installed in our headquarters.
We also promote conferences, a literary prize, study cycles, educational formation for young and unemployed people and other activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects for 2015 are:
- Literary prize;
- Summer course;
- Summer concert;
- Celebrations of 25 years of the institution;
- Translation colloquium;
- Residences for writers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can do or promote cultural activities and others with partnerships of the network .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to contribute with our knowledge in the actions promoted by the ALF Network and at the same time gain other experiences. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anabela Cardoso
Job Title
Directora Executiva
Head of the organisation
Maria da Graça Salema de Castro
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandra Melo
Job Title (2)
Técnica Adjunta

Gabinete Cultural da Câmara Municipal do Fundão (Cultural Cabinet of the Municipality of Fundão)

National Network

Praça do Município, 6230-338 Fundão

+ 351 275 779 060
Telephone (other)
+ 351 275 779 940
+ 351 275 779 947
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+ 351 96 4939072
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 351 96 8340422
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
La Municipalité du Fundão dispose dans sa structure organique d’un Cabinet Culturel dont le Directeur Général Adjoint, Mr. FERNANDES Paulo est responsable. Les ressources budgétaires disponibles pour l’année 2007 sont de 8 000 000 €, intégrés dans un budget global de 80 000 000 €. Les sources de financement proviennent de nos propres revenus comme les taxes, les licences et les impôts municipaux, bien comme les versements de l’administration centrale. Les principaux projets de ce cabinet se réfèrent à la gestion de la programmation culturelle insérée dans tout le territoire, à l’engagement entre Tradition et Contemporanéité, afin de contribuer à renforcer l’identité locale avec les diverses pratiques artistiques et culturelles. Les principaux partenaires sont tous les agents culturels au niveau locale et régional avec lesquels nous développons de manière très proches tous nos projets.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Vasco Miguel
Head of the organisation
Mr. Fernandes Paulo
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Rainha Miguel

Geoclube - Associação Juvenil de Ciência, Natureza e Aventura

National Network

Centro Cultural de Rio Tinto - Rua da Boavista, s/n
4435-354 Rio Tinto

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Geoclube is a Youth Association founded in 2000 by a group of teachers and students from the high school of Gondomar.  Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: We have 2 persons employed and also european volunteers from Turkey (4) working with us at the moment. Budgetary resources available in a year: Per year we manage around 50 000 euros related with projets we have at local and international level. Sources of funding: We have funding from Municipality, Parish and Erasmus+ projects we apply, our own resources are not so many but we are working on it also. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: - Agrupamento de Escolas nº1 de Gondomar - High School of Gondomar; - CINDOR - Vocational and Professional Training School of Jewelry and Gold handcraft; - Câmara Municipal de Gondomar - Municipality of Gondomar; - União de Freguesias de Gondomar, Valbom e Jovim - Local Parish of Gondomar, Valbom e Jovim. We are also part of two international networks: -TDM2000 International from Sardenia, Italy -IDA International Development Alliance, from Bulgaria. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): Geoclube has participated and is still participating in several national and international Projects with Youth in Action Programme and Erasmus+ programme concerning youth participation, active citizenship, democracy, entrepreneurship, social inclusion and others. Now we are able to promote inter-generational activities, involving young people and adults, promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences as well as best practices.  

Mission and Objectives

The main aim of the association is to foster the participation and the involvement of young people in the decision making process of their education and their future involving the educational community (parents, teachers, counsellors, social workers) in this process. Our objective is to create opportunities for young people to be active, to participate, and to have special interest in issues that concern directly their future, such as Education, Politics, Economics and Social activities.

Main Projects / Activities

These local activities are mainly:
- Outdoor activities (camping’s, hiking’s, orientation and visits); these are extracurricular activities, promoted outside the school during their holidays.

- Workshops and Conferences; although these workshops have different themes, they all work towards the active participation of young people, and to boost competences of entrepreneurship. For these workshops we usually invite an expert in the specific area (politics, economics, entrepreneurship) that we consider important to share his experience and knowledge. We also invite the local community to be involved in this activity, because we consider this information important for everyone and not only for young people.

As international / european activities we have:
- Several projects under the Youth in Action Programme and Erasmus+ programme concerning youth participation, active citizenship, democracy, entrepreneurship, social inclusion and others. These activities are Training Courses, Seminars and Youth -Exchanges and aim to foster the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities at an European level.
Our activities can be followed in this two websites:  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution comes from our humam resources: Carlos Ferreira: one of the founders of Geoclube and actual president of the board. Geography teacher since 2003 and a facilitator for the Portuguese National Agency for Erasmus+. Carlos has more than 8 years of experience in European Projects as a coordinator and as responsible for its implementation and evaluation. Highly experienced in the youth field in formal and non-formal education. He was responsible for the implementation of non-formal education in the School of Gondomar, as a tool to involve the family in the school activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We started to have relations with some partners in EuroMed region specially in Middle East (Israel and Jordan). Recently we also received some turkish volunteers from EVS (European Voluntary Service) and we want to develop our partnership with youth from middle east and north Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carlos Jorge da Silva Ferreira
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Carlos Ferreira
Contact (2) Full Name
Project Manager
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network

TV. DO FERRAZ, 13 – 4050-251 PORTO

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1. A Board of Directors with nine members, a Financial Council with three members and a General Assembly Council also with three members. We have two permanent people in our staff. 2. Variable 3. Our resources come from a very small support given by the University of Porto. During the year we have art auctions and we sell also art printings to raise money. 4. We have had for 10 years an artistical exchange with Brasil, Cape Vert and Mozambique. We also promote some shows, exhibits and we have published some books 5. Visual Art School in Maputo – Mozambique; AtelierMar in Cape Vert and the Fine Arts School of Porto Promoting and developing the cultural activity is our mission. As objectifs we have: cultural production and divulgation and also formation
Mission and Objectives

Promoting and developing the cultural activity is our mission.
As objectifs we have: cultural production and divulgation and also formation

Main Projects / Activities

“Identidades” (Identities) – artistic exchange with Brazil, Cape Vert and Mozambique.
Drawing classes
Music and Theatre
Publishing of art and literature books

Contact (1) Full Name
José Paiva
Head of the organisation
Francisco Silva
Contact (2) Full Name
Filomena Gigante