SAMAR Media (ZSCJ Media Limited)

National Network

Ithaki Building (Off 401). 12, Michalacopoulou Str.
1642 Nicosia

+357 22 767160
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 73 26 80 09
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
SAMAR Media (corporate name: ZSCJ Media Limited) is a Limited Liability Company registered in Cyprus. It mainly operates from Lebanon and covers the whole MENA region. SAMAR Media is headed by Ziyad Clot and Jana Jabbour. Its staff includes 4 employees working from Beyrouth, Cairo and Paris and a network of free-lancers throughout the MENA region. Its yearly budget is within the range of 100,000/150,000 EUR and is generated by sponsorship revenues, grants and donations.  SAMAR’s most recent web programs “Me & My country, 5 years into the Arab uprisings”, “Rap Generation: the Beat of the Street” and “Arabic Dialects” have generated more than 1,5 million views since the start of the year 2016. SAMAR Media often partners with other media outlets, which relay its web programs to wide audiences worldwide. It has worked with international news websites such as The Guardian, France 24, El Pais, The Christian Science Monitor, Jaddaliya etc. SAMAR also coordinates on a project-basis with local actors (NGOs, universities, local institutions) to organize on the ground events such as workshops, conferences or debates on both sides of the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

SAMAR is a web media organization dedicated to the Arab world. It produces and broadcasts videos on the internet in Arabic, English and French and aims to make knowledge, arts and culture available to the widest audience. SAMAR’s main editorial goal is to address the realities and underlying dynamics which are reshaping the Arab region, rather than to cover its most sensational stories. SAMAR also promotes a more positive image of the Arab region and its people through inspiring individuals and innovative projects. SAMAR shares this aspiration with the widest number in the MENA region: SAMAR also finally offers to its followers the opportunity to share their video production and picks with its growing online community.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2012, SAMAR Media has produced and broadcast more than 200 videos as part of the following web programs:
Tahrir, my revolution, The Cartoonists of the Arab world, The Arab Summer, This is Palestine, Turkey and the Arab World, The New Arab media, The Lebanese of West Africa, Me and my Country: 5 Years into the Arab Uprisings, Rap Generation: The Beat of the street, Arabic Dialects.
These web video series have generated more than 3 million views on the Internet.
SAMAR also regularly organizes public screenings of these series. In June 2016, SAMAR Media also held a conference and a concert at the Villa Méditerranée in Marseilles on the theme « Exile & Migrations in the Mediterranean ». This public event featured musicians and Spoken Words artists from the Arab region and experts of migration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SAMAR’s media coverage follows a ‘Slow Media’ approach and its video production emphasises the positive energies and creativity of the Arab world and its diaspora. With an ambition to strengthen intercultural dialogue throughout the Mediterranean, SAMAR hopes to develop a synergy with Anna Lindh’s network members in order to shed light on the potential of Mediterranean societies and contribute positively to the many challenges faced in this region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Pan-Arab editorial approach of SAMAR Media led us to work on many projects in and outside the MENA region. We are aware that many challenges Arab countries face today (migrations, security, environment etc.) are shared throughout the Mediterranean zone. However, the perception of these challenges and the way they are addressed often tend to vary from one side of the Mediterranean to the other. Developing partnerships around the Mediterranean with ALF network members will allow SAMAR to cover these challenges through the lens of a regional perspective. Thus, we hope to multiply in the future events that embody a multicultural vision of leading issues related to the Mediterranean region. Joining the ALF Network is an important step towards this ambition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziyad Clot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ziyad Clot
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Jabbour
Job Title (2)
Beirut Bureau Chief

SAMAR Media (ZSCJ Media Limited)

National Network

Ithaki Building (Off 401). 12, Michalacopoulou Str.
1642 Nicosia

+357 22 767160
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 73 26 80 09
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
SAMAR Media (corporate name: ZSCJ Media Limited) is a Limited Liability Company registered in Cyprus. It mainly operates from Lebanon and covers the whole MENA region. SAMAR Media is headed by Ziyad Clot and Jana Jabbour. Its staff includes 4 employees working from Beyrouth, Cairo and Paris and a network of free-lancers throughout the MENA region. Its yearly budget is within the range of 100,000/150,000 EUR and is generated by sponsorship revenues, grants and donations.   SAMAR’s most recent web programs “Me & My country, 5 years into the Arab uprisings”, “Rap Generation: the Beat of the Street” and “Arabic Dialects” have generated more than 1,5 million views since the start of the year 2016. SAMAR Media often partners with other media outlets, which relay its web programs to wide audiences worldwide. It has worked with international news websites such as The Guardian, France 24, El Pais, The Christian Science Monitor, Jaddaliya etc. SAMAR also coordinates on a project-basis with local actors (NGOs, universities, local institutions) to organize on the ground events such as workshops, conferences or debates on both sides of the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

SAMAR is a web media organization dedicated to the Arab world. It produces and broadcasts videos on the internet in Arabic, English and French and aims to make knowledge, arts and culture available to the widest audience. SAMAR’s main editorial goal is to address the realities and underlying dynamics which are reshaping the Arab region, rather than to cover its most sensational stories. SAMAR also promotes a more positive image of the Arab region and its people through inspiring individuals and innovative projects. SAMAR shares this aspiration with the widest number in the MENA region: SAMAR also finally offers to its followers the opportunity to share their video production and picks with its growing online community.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2012, SAMAR Media has produced and broadcast more than 200 videos as part of the following web programs:
The Cartoonists of the Arab world, Tahrir my revolution, The Arab Summer, This is Palestine, Turkey and the Arab World, The New Arab media, The Lebanese of West Africa, Me and my Country: 5 Years into the Arab Uprisings, Rap Generation: The Beat of the street, Arabic Dialects.
These web video series have generated more than 3 million views on the Internet.
SAMAR also regularly organizes public screenings of these series. In June 2016, SAMAR Media also held a conference and a concert at the Villa Méditerranée in Marseilles on the theme « Exile & Migrations in the Mediterranean ». This public event featured musicians and Spoken Words artists from the Arab region and experts of migration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SAMAR’s media coverage follows a ‘Slow Media’ approach and its video production emphasises the positive energies and creativity of the Arab world and its diaspora. With an ambition to strengthen intercultural dialogue throughout the Mediterranean, SAMAR hopes to develop a synergy with Anna Lindh’s network members in order to shed light on the potential of Mediterranean societies and contribute positively to the many challenges faced in this region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Pan-Arab editorial approach of SAMAR Media led us to work on many projects in and outside the MENA region. We are aware that many challenges Arab countries face today (migrations, security, environment etc.) are shared throughout the Mediterranean zone. However, the perception of these challenges and the way they are addressed often tend to vary from one side of the Mediterranean to the other. Developing partnerships around the Mediterranean with ALF network members will allow SAMAR to cover these challenges through the lens of a regional perspective. Thus, we hope to multiply in the future events that embody a multicultural vision of leading issues related to the Mediterranean region. Joining the ALF Network is an important step towards this ambition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziyad Clot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ziyad Clot
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Jabbour
Job Title (2)
Beirut Bureau Chief

NAYA for Training and Community Development

National Network

Zarqa 13115

+962 788621640
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Naya has 5 employees and many partners our fund come from our partner the main strategic partner ActionAid-ARI we work in different programs like the fellowship program, interactive theater, reproductive health, protection, dialog,youth and women program...ECT)

Mission and Objectives

NAYA is a non-profit organization educational entity based at Jordan-Zarqa governorate. The main idea behind initiating this center was to ensure the social change in local communities to a whole new way of thinking about democracy through creating awareness, positive attitudes and ethics that lead to independent thinking, leadership, social cohesion, and social protection; through interactive tools. NAYA aims at increasing the knowledge and abilities of the local community (especially youth, women and young women). and surrounding society to meet current and future development challenges through the promotion of attitudes and ethics conducive to independent thinking, open debate, participation in decision-making, gender awareness, non-violent conflict management, leadership and community service.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities The center constantly conducts research to establish baseline data on many social and political issues, such as management of change, youth employment, family protection, elections, gender awareness, etc., This helps defining the various developmental challenges facing Jordanian and refugees through interactive tools (theater, art,.. etc) Training workshops (on- and off-NAYA center), invited speakers, field studies and visits, and recruiting volunteers are NAYA's major activities. Training materials are culturally relevant to be suitable to participants. NAYA progresses through active participation and effective relationships with national and international organizations have the same approach. 1. To equip the community constituencies with the various interpersonal and inter communicative skills and tools required to meet current and future developmental challenges by: • Assessing training needs ; • Developing appropriate and culturally relevant training materials; • Conducting training by means of facilitated workshops, invited speakers, field studies, and work placements; and • Promoting higher levels of gender awareness, social tolerance, and non-violent conflict management through art. 2. To define the various developmental challenges facing Jordanian civil society in light of the ongoing democratization process, with an initial emphasis, by: • Researching issues of political representation, voting patterns, gender analysis, youth employment, management of change, religious diversity, and family protection; and • Conducting research to establish baseline data. 3. To contribute to the social empowerment and development of local communities by: • Analyzing and understanding the context of social empowerment as being beneficial to all members of the university community and the local communities; • Encouraging active engagement with the local community with the aim of promoting the character and development of both Center participants and their communities; and • Developing targeted exercises for various communities in order to build skills and raise awareness. 4. To establish and strengthen ties with local, national, and international organizations and bodies that share the Center's mission by: • Identifying possible future partners at the local level (e.g., women's and youth groups, NGO's, and local authorities); national level (government bodies, ministries, Parliament, independent foundations, and Jordanian universities); and international level (NGO's, bilateral development agencies, multilateral and UN organizations, independent institutes and foundations, and foreign universities); and • Creating and maintaining work partnerships, participant exchanges, and knowledge sharing through research, training, and dissemination activities. 5. To advocate and disseminate continuously the Center's mission, the local community, and the country at large by: • Designing, implementing, and maintaining an appropriate communication strategy; • Investing in the participants as positive agents of change within their own communities (e.g., by the training of trainers). • Working in partnership with the media.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our center as Naya's center is a safe space for youth and we using the art as tools to spared our massages to the community Empowering the youth especially the young women through training and culture activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we have the same approach so we can work together to ensuring the social change in our community

Contact (1) Full Name
Rafat Badran
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rafat Bdran
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayat Alshawesh
Job Title (2)
Programs coordinator

Music Works

National Network

Jacob van Lennepkade 291-3
1054zv Amsterdam

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Stichting Music WorksProjects with refugees and music professionals Organisation structure: Board (3) Director  Coordinator Jordan Workshopleaders Jordan (5) Creative leader Trainer team (5) Volunteers (25) Yearbudget: 90.000€ Funding sources: - Cultural funds - Benefit concerts - Private donations Main Partners: WarChild UK Conservatorium Amsterdam UNRWA Music Works is the privitization of the project formerly known as Syrious Mission, nl.
Mission and Objectives

Music Works is the result of a request done by UNICEF for Jordans refugeecamp in 2013: "Please come and do something musical with all these kids." As professional musicians and entrepeneurs we decided to create a sustainable structure to add to the existing NGO activities.
We train young local musicians and conservatory students to do music workshops with children in refugeecamps in Jordan and the Netherlands.
We partner with NGO's that do psycho-social support programs, but lack funds for music activities. (f.e. WarChild uk).
This way we:
1. enable young local musicians to work in the NGO environment, broadening their career prospects.
2. enforce the psycho-social support programs of strong NGO's with music activities
3. support hundreds of refugee children weekly in the development of a strong and versatile personality
We strongly believe in the collaboration with existing NGO's, combining resources to reach as many children possible, while keeping all costs low. 
Exchange knowledge in the the proces, essential in the fast changing environment of a refugeecamp.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Music Workshops, Jordan, Zaatari Camp
Weekly workshops for the children in district 7 and 10 of Zaatari Camp Jordan.
The children in our programs learn to create/compose songs and play several instruments.
The results are presented during family day Concerts in the camp every 3 months.
2. Music Works Project Week
Every summer we organize the Music Works Project Week with Amsterdams Conservatory:
Our Jordanian workshopleaders meet our dutch team, take masterclasses in didactics and exchange experiences. Connecting and rooting our values.
The workshopleaders and tutors stay in touch during the year by monthly Skype sessions.

3. Jebel music
Our expert selection of musicians/trainers from the Netherlands organise workshop weeks for refugees, followed by grand concerts. Started as the Jebel Music Spring Concert in 2009 in partnership with UNRWA. Now focuses mainly on the refugees in the Netherlands. 
Projectplan upon request!

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share/ exchange experiences from the camp, grass-root level point of view combined with the diplomatic and policy challenges we face. Think-tanks, collaborations and most importantly a very up to date image of the cultural development within the NGO world of the middle-east and its possibilities in europe/netherlands.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization strifes to grow by learning from and exchanging with other professionals, from different and similar backgrounds. The ALF has a reputation of bringing people/leaders together in a very kind way. I have experienced this myself at the start of our organization. And participated in brainstormsessions. A very inspiring event.
Also ALF invited us when we were still in our start-up phase: Syrious Mission.
Now as a professional independant organisation it would be great to give back some knowledge. And possibly support young professionals and startups too.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sjaiesta Badloe
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sjaiesta Badloe

Freelance Maroc

National Network

boulvard 2
20170 agadir

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Freelance Maroc Voulez-vous créer un superbe site web pour votre entreprise à fin d’améliorer votre objectif et faire connaitre vos produits et les vendre en ligne? Chaque entreprise possède maintenant son propre site web pour stimuler sa croissance et la rendre plus visible sur le marché. Freelance au Maroc capable de mener vos projets, nous créons des sites qui sont techniquement excellents en vous offrant un service complet qui comprend la consultation, la conception, la construction, l’intégration de systèmes,l’hébergement et le support. Création site web au Maroc : Réferencement web au Maroc Freelance Maroc s’occupe de la création de votre site web et du déploiement de votre site Open Source. Nous sommes également des experts en référencement web, en développant des applications mobiles et les versions mobiles de votre site web . Nous vous accompagnerons dans la mise en place d’une stratégie sur les réseaux sociaux, dans l’hébergement et la maintenance de votre site web . Référencement web Le référencement web représente généralement les 3/4 du trafic d’un site. Freelance au Maroc a pensé pour permettre un référencement optimal sur les moteurs de recherche pour vos clients. Cela signifie plus des visiteurs sur votre sites plus des clients. Vous cherchez de référencer vos sites web, vous êtes dans le bon endroit. Nous nous engageons à vous obtenir les résultats que vous souhaitez. Notre solution pour sortir de pénalité Google La plupart des entreprises ont appris à compter sur Google pour une grande partie du trafic qu’ils reçoivent à leurs sites Web. Il est une pensée effrayante alors que se faire frapper avec une pénalité de Google peut essentiellement vous essuyez sur le moteur de recherche et d’anéantir une grande partie de votre entreprise instantanément.  Freelance Maroc maîtrise parfaitement les dernières techniques pour sortir vos sites web de pénalité Google,Nous vous accompagnons pour diagnostiquer l’origine de ces pertes de trafic.Surtout,nous savons comment corrigé l’ensemble des facteurs ayant conduit à votre pénalité Google.
Mission and Objectives

On ne fait pas que des sites
Site web E-commerce (vente en ligne, en temps réel , gestion des stocks …)
Des sites web dynamiques : Site web avec une interface ludique,  une édition facile qui ne nécessite pas de formation dans la conception graphique / Web, à la gestion des outils et une différenciation améliorée entre forme et contenu
Site web dynamique: technologie dans laquelle les pages HTML sont construites à en fonction de chaques visites des utilisateurs d’Internet, en recherchant des bases de données filtrées par le formatage de logiciel.

Main Projects / Activities

L’optimisation d’un site Web
L’optimisation d’un site Web  signifie la construction du site d’une manière qui le fera apparaître le plus haut possible dans le résultat des recherches dans les moteurs de recherche.
Un bon site doit être composé de plusieurs éléments clés (pourcentage de mots-clés,des balises avec des informations appropriées …) l’optimisation d’un site web est très importante si vous voulez que les utilisateurs d’Internet trouvent votre site Web dans la jungle de l’Internet.

Contact (1) Full Name
lamraouna ilias
Job Title
Freelance au Maroc
Head of the organisation
lamraouna ilias

Donia for Sustainable Development

National Network

Azmi street - hawchar building - n. 11

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
General Information
Donia for Sustainable Development aims to promote sustainable and inclusive growth, with focus on international conventions and treaties. Donia for Sustainable Development defines ambitious goals as a package designed to promote the comprehensive development and sustainability and to overcome obstacles and barriers in order to achieve good environment and culture in all dimensions. Their work is based on fundamental pillars of development and components of the society and the economy.  
Mission and Objectives

The leading objectives of Donia are:
- Promoting citizenship, social justice, gender equality and human rights.
- Building a culture of tolerance, antiviolence and peace.
- Reducing poverty, support and empower vulnerable, marginalized groups and people with special needs and disabilities.
- Adopting general issues and arguing the concerned authorities to implement and activate development projects.
- Promoting sustainable patterns of production and consumption.
- Protection and management of natural resources and economic development.
- Preservation of monument and heritage.
Donia for Sustainable Development mainly works on culture, sports and leisure, civil rights and political life as well as economy and employment at national level. Their target groups are women entrepreneurs and immigrant and refugee women. Donia has between two and five years of work experience in gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

- Leadership
- Advocacy campaign
- Political participation
- Dropping out of schoo

Contact (1) Full Name
Nariman El chamaa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nariman El-Chamaa

United Nations Students Association Andalucía (UNSA Andalucía)

National Network

C/ Imaginero Fernández, nº 19, 1º-D
41008 Seville

0034 633020929
Telephone (other)
0034 660440694
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0034 633020929
Mobile Phone (other)
0034 660440694
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
UNSA Andalucia is a regional federation with various locations spread throughout the Andalusian community in Spain, its main location being Seville. As a federation, it counts on three local delegations in the cities of Seville, Malaga and Granada. The Federation leadership relies on a Regional Executive Board of Directors, staffed as follows:   President Vice-President Regional Training Director Institutional Relations Director Financial and Legal Director Organization and Quality Director Secretary Each UNSA local delegation has a unique legal personality (as well as the federation itself), and it’s staffed as follows:   President Vice-President (Optional) Regional Training Responsible Institutional Relations Responsible Secretary The number of regional charges may vary depending on the needs of the delegations, and their dependence on the federation of UNSA Andalusia. The Delegations of UNSA Andalucía are tied to the federation legally. UNSA Andalucía acts as a catalyser for major events and activities considered to be better developed at a regional level, coordinating resources of every UNSA delegation. It develops its annual planning in conjunction with every UNSA delegation in the three major cities mentioned above, being one of its priorities to help every delegation achieve their own goals in terms of activities putting resources at their disposition. Each UNSA delegation contributes with a number of affiliates, which numbers are ever-growing, given that the federation encounters itself in a period of expansion. The numbers are distributed as follows: Seville: 7 Granada: 11 Málaga: 15   Budgetary resources available in a year The fiscal year of 2015 counted on a budgetary estimate of 15.000 euros.   Sources of funding At a regional and state  level, public grants from the Andalusian Youth Institute (AYI) of the Andalusian Department for Equality and Social Well Being, INJUVE. At an European level, grants from the European Commission on youth, active citizenship and democracy promotion events are on the works for the coming fiscal year (k1, k3..) UNSA Andalucia also sustains itself financially through the charging of fees to its members, and the delivering of academic programs and courses throughout the year. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Concrete projects - mainly directed to promote activities in consonance with the ODG UN development goals -. Ex: Peace Day Concerts partnering with the Three Cultures Foundation, solidarity breakfasts in conjunction with a number of NGO’s.. Seminars and conferences on topics related to common global issues (inmigration, economy, health, democracy promotion, youth issues..) Continued education (on debate, communication and international relations matters for the youth). Structured Dialogues (South European International Model of United Nations) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities UNSA Andalucia enjoys framework agreements on inter-agency collaborations with: The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Andalusian Government (regionally, locally), The Three Cultures Foundation of the Mediterranean, the Real Instituto Elcano, the EuroArab Foundation, UNICEF, etc..
Mission and Objectives

UNSA Andalucia’s mission is to increase the interest of the Andalusian youth in politics, international relations, communication and oratory and in the work of international and supranational organizations in general, the United Nations Organization concretely.
As concrete goals, our organization aims:
- To foster the impact of a knowledgeable youth in the development of democracy, representation and civic engagement.

- To help create responsible and ethical leaders of tomorrow. By democratizing access to quality education in the fields of international relations and effective communication.

- To foster the creation of a network of pioneer institutions to develop strategies to improve human development, democracy and the UN ODG goals through networks.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities can be differentiated into three categories:

Structured dialogues for the youth
Our main activity is the South European International Model of United Nations (SEIMUN)
SEIMUN is a United Nations simulation, an international encounter of students from countries the world over, who decide to spend a few days representing a given State at a council of importance in International Relations, assuming the roles of diplomats, ambassadors, and heads of states.
This conference is a fantastic opportunity to see the politicised nature of international politics and bureaucratic operating of the various organisations that try to solve these global problems, including comittees simulating the United Nations Security Council, UNESCO, the World Bank and, for the first time ever, the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM).
The topics adressed throughout the simulation will vary, and tackle multiple issues from developmental aid to Afghanistan after the withdrawal of the ISAF forces to Addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacements in 2015’s edition.
In this year’s edition, we counted +250 delegates, ranging between 18-30 years, coming mainly from the South of Europe and Central Asia.
The first SEIMUN was organised reaching agreements of support with the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM), Tres Culturas Foundation (Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo), ANUE (The Spanish Association for the United Nations, based in Barcelona), Real Instituto Elcano, as well as multiple regional governmental institutions and universities.
The next edition, being the city of Granada the venue, is intended to outgrow Seville’s edition in terms of budgetary resources, participants and support from entities. You can see attached a memory of the event with this application.

Continued Courses

We hold a record of continued courses on communication, oratory, and Model of United Nations framework knowledge, which we intend to continue in the next fiscal year. These courses were held in Seville, being the Three Cultures Foundation the main location, and were distributed from October 2015 to April 2016.

This next year every UNSA delegation will have a tailored planning to implement the courses throughout the three cities.
Main Course
We are in the process of implementing and delivering a whole course on International Relations and the United Nations, developing a tailored course syllabus in conjunction with pioneer experts on the subject, to comply with our aim to democratise the expertise on international matters amongst the youth. This course already counts with full institutional support (regional) and will be supported on public grants and the charge of a symbolic fee by its participants. It is intended to launch on February 2016.

- Peace Day Concert partnering with the Three Cultures Foundation and Institutional stakeholders.
- Conference on Immigration and Asylum, partnering with pioneer academic institutions and experts on the subject, to comply with the aim of generating interest amongst the Andalusian youth on international issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

UNSA Andalucía has a broad though short experience winning public grants awarded on competitive basis (k1, k3 from the European Comission..)

The Assocation also holds experience in dealing with key national and European-level stakeholders to develop multidisciplinary projects, and is keen to partner with Associations and NGO’s from the nationa network to develop projects and activities.

UNSA’s team is used to work under high pressure scenarios and is willing to share its best practices to foster action and the creation of a solid spanish ALF network.

The entity had managed the creation of a number of succesful structured dialogues at a European and International level developing multidisciplinary partnerships to achieve its aims. We will provide full support to any association within the networks which doesn’t have already the knowledge to create wealthy networks to develop its projects.

UNSA Andalucía is an entity managed in its entirety by young people from 19 to 26 years old. We know how to engage the youth in events related to our topics (and those of the network) and can help other entities in doing so.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

UNSA Andalucía believes there is a strong compliance between its goals and those of the Foundation. Together, we want to further our steps (and those of the associated entities) in achieving bigger and better projects and activities.
We are planning on having an active and participative rol within the national and the international network, and help to engage the youth (since we ourselves are young) in the consolidation of the network and in the participation in the projects, and to sum up with our ideas and ways of thinking and working.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jesús Cordero González
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jesús Cordero González - President
Contact (2) Full Name
María Luque Fernández
Job Title (2)
Institutional Relations Director


National Network

11741 ATHENS

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information

The organisation consists of the founder and director, the gallery manager and 2-3 interns and placement students that assist to day-to-day operations. We are all working part-time and voluntatrily, aka without pay.  We operate with a budget of 10.000 euros per year for operational costs and 10.000 to 20.000 euros per uear for each project (production costs). We are mainly receiving grants from institutional bodies of cultural foundations, or state funding bodies of other countries, depending on our projects.  Apart from bringing ground-breaking artists to the greek audience we provide free student consultation for art students and graduates on a weekly basis.  Main partners so far: Mondriaan Fonds, Prohelvetia, Institut Francais Athenes, British Council, Outset Britain, Outset Greece, Henry Moore Foundation, Israeli Embassy Athens, Artis Foundation, MoBY Museum of Bat Yam Tel Aviv, Are institute Prague etc.

Mission and Objectives

State of Concept is the first non-profit gallery in Greece. It was founded in 2013 by art critic and curator Iliana Fokianaki and is based in Athens. State of Concept is an independent platform operating as a gallery with a yearly programme, that aims to be a bridge between Athens and the international contemporary art scene. With its main aim being to introduce international artists that are not widely known and easily accessible to Greek audiences as well as to showcase one Greek artist through a solo exhibition, it hosts four exhibitions per year: one solo exhibition of a Greek artist, two solo exhibitions of international artists and one group exhibition curated by an international invited curator. Parallel to its exhibition programme, State of Concept organises a variety of events and projects including talks, screenings and workshops for children. Apart from its exhibitions and events, State of Concept is operating as a space for free artist consultation, where young students and graduates of Greek art schools can receive feedback, guidance and help in order to further their work, enhance their portfolio and CV, and decide their next artistic steps.

Main Projects / Activities

State of Concept since its inauguration in 2013 has organised exhibitions for free for the general public presenting artists with a highly acclaimed international career. Basim Magdy (2014) Deutche Bank artist of the year for 2016, with exhibitions in MOMA NY amongst others. Keren Cytter, with solo shows in the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, Guggenheim New York, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Venice Biennial a.o. Laure Prouvost, winner of TATE's Turner Prize 2013,and Max Mara prize for women 2012, with solo shows in New Museum New York, Whitechapel Gallery London, amongst others.  Apart from our exhibitions that bring groundbreaking international artists to the greek audiences, we organise free educational seminars and tutorials for artists and art students, assisting so far more than 200 people since 2014. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our ground knowledge of contemporary art, together with our interest in interdisciplinary projects that involve education, collectivity, and social issues, will be a wonderful addition to the institutions that comprise the Greek component of the Anna Lindh foundation.   

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe it will be extremely beneficial for us to join the foundation since we will be able to broaden our dialogue with institutions throughout Europe, as well as strengthen links on our local scene. Furthermore, ALF will enable us to open up our horizons, give ideas on how to widen our activities and create opportunities for new projects and collaborations.

Contact (1) Full Name
iliana fokianaki
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation


National Network

B 212, Avenue de la Californie
06200 Nice

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
CPREM work with young and at risk people to pull them out of joining extremist groups and radical ideologies by training and reinforcing their capacities, supporting them and their families and reintegrating them to be active and productive citizens in their societies.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: The center is created to support the de-radicalization efforts of at risk
youth, the promotion of a peace culture and mutual dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean
region, as well as to develop new methods and prevention strategies to counter
radicalization and violence in short, medium and long term.
1. Provide capacity building activities and trainings to target sectors in order toimprove their techniques and expertise on management and prevention of radicalization and violent extremism.
2. Research on radicalization, violent extremism, and geo-sociopolitical challenges
related to conflicts and crises as well as violent acts, peace and crises
3. Establish and maintain a reflection platform for experts to share their ideas and
best practices on regional and local challenges and crises (e.g. refugee
movement and its link to terrorism, prisons and radicalization)
4. Support networks and institutions working to prevent radicalization and violent

Main Projects / Activities

Our expertise:
•  Capacity building/Families support: We are going to train and reinforce the capacities of the governmental institutions, CSOs and Social workers in a large space in France and other countries in the region. We will be also helping and supporting the families who knows that their children left to Syria.
•  Reflexion and sharing platform: We will be organizing several meetings and conferences to share best practices from Europe and North Africa to better address the gaps and unify our efforts to face this phenomenon, we will be creating a mentors network.
•  Research and evaluation: We are developing a work unit to capitalize all the existed work on P/CVE and support other organization to develop their evaluation and monitoring methods, as well as conducting researches and studies.
•  Producing media pieces with ex-extremists  back from Syria to sensitize other potential fighter of the risks and clarify the reality that they will be facing in the war field.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Center is aiming to interact with other member of the network to build partnership and work colaborately with them, share lessons learbed and experience.

Contact (1) Full Name
Soufiane El Hamdi
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Alain Ruffion
Contact (2) Full Name
Alain Ruffion
Job Title (2)


National Network

C/Don Aceras nº 23
29012 Malaga

(+34) 952300500
(+34) 952 104 661
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Arrabal-AID is a No Profit social-oriented Spanish NGO, located in the city of Málaga. Since 2013, Arrabal-AID act as a Employment Center, with more of 50 employees. Budgetary resources in a year are approximately 1.000.000 of euro. Our main sources of funding are public (local, regional, national and european level), and private (foundations, banks, etc.) The projects are divided in different lines of action: employment services projects for people at risk of social exclusion (workshops, seminars, job demand and offer); international and voluntareer projects for young people (youth exchanges, trainings, EVS program, internships, etc.)  Key partners involved in the activities and projects are: Municipality of Malaga,  Ministry of Health,  Regional Council of Andalusia, Andalusia Embark Foundation, Chamber of Commerce, Bank foundation "la Caixa", TPFE..
Mission and Objectives

Arrabal-AID organization was founded in 1992. Since then, its main purposes have been: labour insertion, job guidance, specific job trainings, European mobility, the promotion of European Voluntary Service, the entrepreneurial culture and the fostering of citizens’ participation.
In cooperation with the Government and with private and social organizations, our organisation sets projects and programmes that foster the social integration of categories at risk of social exclusion and the insertion of unemployed people in the labour market.
Arrabal-AID also develops measures to support the social integration of third grade prisoners and probationers, ‘Accompanying Insertion’. Moreover, to facilitate personal autonomy and the access to the labour market, we also provide Arrabal-AID’s users with workshops aiming at the development of social-skills abilities, technological competences and Spanish communicative skills for foreigners.
In addition, Arrabal-AID promotes many other initiatives and programmes for socially vulnerable groups, including homeless people, victims of gender violence, prostitutes, immigrants with special difficulties, people with disabilities and youth with fewer opportunities. All of these actions are carry out in order to give them new social possibilities and new job opportunities in national and European labour market.

Main Projects / Activities

In the last three years, Arrabal-AID has implemented several actions with a strong impact especially in the local community:
Events and projects 2013:
- Forum Trees;
-“Desayunos con future”;
- ReINcorpora;
-“Enmarcar la Igualidad”;
- Festival “Alhaurin en Corto”;
- Emprender el Vuelo;
- Innovando en Femenino;
- Acupa-T;
- Hogar;
- Activate por la Emancipacion;
- Plaza Europa;
- Empleabilidad y Movilidad Europea;
- Buscando Formación y Empleo;
- Voluntariado en Europa;
- Incorpora Joven Andalucia;
- Igualdad para enmarcar (communication project);
- Taxi para la igualdad (communication project);
- Apruebra (communication project).
For further details:
- Social Campaign “Quieres ser mi Rey Mago” and “Elige Igualdad”;
- +alladelTeatro;
- Generando Genero;
- Banco del Tiempo;
- El tiempo se muove;
- Dieta y Habitos Saludables;
- Festival “Alhaurin en Corto”;
- Feria Expoforma: Empresa y Formacion;
- Empresar de Insercion;
- RETOS2020;
- Talento Solidario.
For further details:
- Hablamos de discriminacion y delitos de odio;
- Tiempos de Economia Social”;
- Social Campaign “17deOctubreRadiografia” and “Apueba!”
- 17 de octubre. El documental;
- CONVIVE Malaga;
- Aprende a Emprender;
- La Mente de le Emprendedor;
- Trasformando Ideas En Negocio;
- Nuevas formula de financiacion para proyectos de innovacion social;
- MovingEmpleo;
For further details:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Arrabal-AID will be able to strengthen the Spanish network and collaborate with other partners in future actions, in order to achieve ALF common goals.
Moreover, we can share our past experiences and contacts in the Andalusia Region, in purpose to give the opportunity to implement projects jointly and increase local and regional impact of the actions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are strongly motivated to join the ALF network. In fact, we believe our action corresponds and goes in the same direction of ALF and AIMed mission.
That means take an important opportunity to improve our work for a better condition of vulnerable people. Furthermore, to promote values of interculturality, equality, respect, tolerance and volunteerism among young people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Davide Forte
Job Title
Assistant Project Manager
Head of the organisation
José Antonio Naveros
Contact (2) Full Name
Juan De Lucas
Job Title (2)
EVS Coordinator