Salam e. V.

National Network

Gorkistraße 120
04347 Leipzig

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Salam e. V. is a transcultural migrant-led non-profit organisation in the east of Leipzig that was founded in October 2020. The over 50 members of the organisation are people with and without migration experience who predominately speak German and/or Arabic. Salam is funded by the city of Leipzig, the European Union, and private foundations. It now has an extensive network in Leipzig, cooperates with Malteser International, the International Rescue Committee, and migration_miteinander, is a member of the umbrella organisation of Saxon migrant organisations, and is in active contact with local stakeholders. In this way, the aim is to create a transcultural meeting place to overcome boundaries, create community, and promote diversity.

Mission and Objectives

Salam's vision is to bring people with and without migration experience together by establishing a meeting place. The founding of the association can be traced back to the fact that the largest Arabic-speaking communities in Leipzig are located in the east of the city but the needs of these communities are not recognised or met. Although there are civil society organisations, these are usually led by German, white people. Salam e. V. responds to this with a team of people with and without migration experience and events that are offered barrier-free in Arabic and German (and currently Ukrainian as well). The innovation of our organisation thus lies in its diversity. No other organisation manages to have both Arabic and German speakers in all areas (administration, organisation structure, events). There is no question that this requires increased effort and excellent team communication. However, the organisation believes that this is the only way that all people can experience participation, regardless of their biographies.

Main Projects / Activities

Salam's structure is based on four "pillars": the organisation offers bureaucratic advice and safer spaces (e.g. for FLINTA*, men*, and parents), runs language workshops for Arabic and German, and organises leisure activities such as sports tournaments, quiz evenings, and Küfas ("kitchen for all"). While some of the programmes are limited in time, sustainable structures have developed in all areas: counselling on official and bureaucratic matters and reading meetings take place weekly, while hikes and cookery courses are held monthly. In addition, our monthly members' meeting is the focal point for dialogue and encounters.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara Alnaser
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sara Alnaser

Ma'an TV Network

National Network

Karkafa street
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

“Ma’an” is a non-profit media organization founded in 2004 with the aim of strengthening independent media in Palestine, establishing relationships between local, regional and international media as well as promoting freedom of speech and pluralism in media coverage as pivotal elements for promoting the concept of democracy and human rights.
It has 50 total staff in all around Palestinian Territories, with approximately local 15 partners. Ma’an has two concrete projects; the satellite channel and the news agency that can regenerate self-income. Other than several small project through partners and implemented through those tools.
The main resources of funding are EU, UNDP, and local business partners. And it worth mentioning “Save the children” is the main partner involved in the organization's projects/activities since 2010, and “Search for Common Ground” used to be a main partner since 2005, and stopped working in 2022.

Mission and Objectives

Contributing to strengthening the independent, neutral Palestinian media, establishing links between local, regional, and international media, and promoting freedom of expression and media pluralism as basic requirements for strengthening democracy and human rights in Palestine, far from submitting to any political or commercial pressures, or any foreign or foreign or personal interests, by providing distinguished programs and projects in the Palestinian media field, supported by programs of good governance, community accountability, and volunteerism, and by relying on building effective partnerships locally, regionally, and internationally, enhancing sustainable resources, and applying the highest standards of governance in institutional work, to meet the needs and priorities of all Palestinians.
- Sharing news and updates at all levels in a professional, impartial and transparent manner.
- Coordination, networking and partnership with all media and human rights bodies at all local, national, regional and international levels.
- Promoting civil and community participation and social accountability in all life affairs and for all societal groups, especially youth, women and children.
- Production and publishing of documentaries and media films.

Main Projects / Activities

• TV shows:
- Analytical tv program “behind the news” discusses the most prominent issues in the past 24 hours on the Palestinian scene.
- News program covers all news and field updates.
- “Citizen talk”: daily show discusses one issue each day.
- “Tea cup”: Accountability show with decision makers.
- “Science theatre”: topics related to science and technology.
- “Let’s talk childhood”: discusses issues related to children.
- “With people”: religious tv show
- “Half on half”: A sarcastic show
- “A decent life”: A program that reflects the reality of women in general in all sectors to present their reality, needs and requirements to pass the reality and raise community awareness of the image of women in Palestinian society.
- “Dream’s corner”: Takes success stories about Palestinian women.
- " Judiciary Studio:" discusses judicial issues in Palestine.
- “My life”: weekly program from Gaza.

• News and reports.
• News Agency that has 20 different windows.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Having assumed a major position in the field of independent journalism in Palestine, “Ma’an” Agency sets its sights on continuing to serve the Palestinian and international community and expanding its vision of influencing policies to create a better future for the Palestinians.

Contact (1) Full Name
Uhoud Mraqtan
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Raed Othman

The Organization for Poverty Alleviation and Development (OPAD)

National Network

vardshusvagen 38 lgh 1605
14550 Norsborg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

The Organization for Poverty Alleviation & Development (OPAD) is a prominent International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) with a far-reaching global presence and a profound local impact. Through our extensive network of regional, national, and sub-national offices, branches, chapters, and affiliates, we engage closely with communities worldwide to implement sustainable development initiatives and empower individuals to overcome poverty. Our multifaceted approach is dedicated to effecting enduring change and enhancing the lives of those in need.

Mission and Objectives

our mission is to address the intricate challenges of poverty and advance sustainable development on a global scale. Our organization's overarching goals and objectives can be succinctly summarized as follows:

1. Alleviating Poverty: OPAD is steadfast in its commitment to implementing programs and initiatives aimed at alleviating poverty in all its forms. We endeavor to improve the livelihoods of individuals and communities affected by poverty, with a specific focus on establishing sustainable pathways out of impoverishment.

2. Promoting Sustainable Development: We are dedicated to championing sustainable development practices that harmonize economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection. Our initiatives are meticulously crafted to nurture enduring, sustainable enhancements in community well-being while safeguarding natural resources for future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Transforming Lives: OPAD's Main Projects and Activities

At OPAD, our commitment to poverty alleviation and sustainable development is reflected in our diverse portfolio of projects and activities. Through our innovative initiatives, we aim to empower individuals and communities to overcome poverty and build a better future. Our main projects and activities encompass a range of interventions designed to address the multifaceted challenges of poverty and promote inclusive development.

Microfinance and Financial Inclusion:
One of OPAD's flagship projects is our microfinance program, which provides access to financial services for underserved communities. Through microloans, savings accounts, and financial literacy training, we empower individuals to start or expand small businesses, invest in education, and build financial resilience. By promoting financial inclusion, we aim to create pathways for economic empowerment and reduce vulnerability to economic shocks.

Vocational Training and Skills Development:
OPAD is committed to equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to access sustainable livelihood opportunities. Our vocational training programs focus on sectors with high demand for skilled labor, such as agriculture, healthcare, and information technology. By providing practical training and mentorship, we enable individuals to enhance their employability and pursue meaningful careers that contribute to local economic growth.

Community-Based Health and Nutrition Initiatives:
Recognizing the integral link between health and poverty, OPAD implements community-based health and nutrition initiatives. These projects focus on improving access to essential healthcare services, promoting maternal and child health, and addressing malnutrition. Through partnerships with local health providers and community leaders, we work to strengthen health systems and raise awareness about preventive healthcare practices.

Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Conservation:
OPAD is dedicated to promoting sustainable agricultural practices that enhance food security and protect natural resources. Our projects support smallholder farmers in adopting climate-resilient farming techniques, diversifying their crops, and accessing markets for their produce. Additionally, we engage in environmental conservation efforts, including reforestation, watershed management, and promoting sustainable land use practices.

Education and Youth Empowerment:
Education is a cornerstone of our approach to poverty alleviation. OPAD's education initiatives encompass school infrastructure improvements, scholarship programs, and educational support for marginalized youth. We also prioritize youth empowerment through leadership development, entrepreneurship training, and mentorship programs, aiming to equip young people with the skills and confidence to become agents of positive change in their communities.

Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality:
OPAD is committed to advancing gender equality and empowering women and girls. Our projects focus on promoting women's economic empowerment, addressing gender-based violence, and enhancing women's participation in decision-making processes. By creating safe spaces for women to access resources and support, we aim to foster inclusive and equitable communities.

OPAD's main projects and activities reflect our holistic approach to poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Through these initiatives, we strive to address the interconnected challenges of poverty, empower individuals and communities, and create lasting change. We are dedicated to continually innovating and adapting our programs to meet the evolving needs of the communities we serve, with the ultimate goal of transforming lives and building a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Leveraging Expertise and Collaboration: OPAD's Contribution to the ALF Network

As an organization committed to poverty alleviation and sustainable development, OPAD is dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the communities we serve. We recognize the value of collaboration and knowledge sharing, and we are eager to contribute our expertise to the ALF Network's collective efforts to address poverty and promote inclusive development.

Programmatic Expertise:
OPAD brings a wealth of programmatic expertise to the ALF Network. Our organization has a proven track record of implementing successful poverty alleviation initiatives, including microfinance programs, vocational training, and community development projects. By sharing our best practices and lessons learned, we can contribute valuable insights to the network and help inform the design and implementation of effective programs in diverse contexts.

Innovative Approaches:
OPAD is committed to innovation and the exploration of new approaches to poverty alleviation. We have developed and implemented innovative solutions, such as mobile-based financial services, sustainable agriculture practices, and entrepreneurship incubation programs. By sharing our experiences and collaborating with other members of the ALF Network, we can contribute to the exploration of cutting-edge strategies that have the potential to create transformative change in the fight against poverty.

Local Knowledge and Contextual Understanding:
With operations in multiple countries, OPAD has developed a deep understanding of the local contexts in which we work. We recognize the importance of tailoring interventions to the specific needs and challenges of each community. By sharing our local knowledge and insights with the ALF Network, we can contribute to the development of contextually relevant strategies that are sensitive to the unique social, economic, and cultural dynamics of different regions.

Capacity Building and Training:
OPAD has a strong commitment to capacity building and the empowerment of local stakeholders. We have extensive experience in providing training and technical assistance to community-based organizations, government agencies, and other development partners. By offering our expertise in capacity building to the ALF Network, we can contribute to strengthening the skills and capabilities of individuals and organizations working to address poverty and promote sustainable development.

Partnerships and Collaboration:
OPAD recognizes the power of partnerships in driving meaningful change. We have a strong network of local and international partners, including NGOs, government agencies, and private sector entities. By leveraging our partnerships and facilitating collaboration within the ALF Network, we can help foster synergies and collective action that amplify the impact of our collective efforts.

In conclusion, OPAD is eager to contribute to the ALF Network by sharing our expertise, innovative approaches, local knowledge, capacity-building initiatives, and collaborative spirit. We believe that by working together with other members of the network, we can create a more inclusive, sustainable, and impactful approach to poverty alleviation and development. We are committed to actively engaging with the network and contributing to its shared mission of creating positive change in the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network: A Step Towards Greater Impact

As an organization dedicated to poverty alleviation and sustainable development, OPAD has always been committed to creating positive change in the communities we serve. We believe that joining the ALF Network will significantly enhance our ability to make a meaningful impact and further our mission of empowering individuals and communities to overcome poverty.

Alignment with ALF Network's Values:
OPAD's core values of integrity, collaboration, and sustainability closely align with the principles upheld by the ALF Network. We share the belief that by working together and leveraging our collective expertise, we can address the root causes of poverty and create lasting change. Joining the ALF Network will provide us with the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations, share best practices, and learn from others who are also dedicated to advancing social and economic development.

Access to Resources and Expertise:
By becoming a part of the ALF Network, OPAD will gain access to a wealth of resources and expertise that will enable us to enhance our programs and initiatives. Whether it's through capacity-building workshops, access to funding opportunities, or technical assistance, we recognize the value of being connected to a network that can provide us with the support and knowledge needed to strengthen our impact on the ground.

Amplifying Our Reach and Influence:
Joining the ALF Network will also allow OPAD to amplify our reach and influence within the global development community. By participating in network-wide initiatives, events, and advocacy efforts, we can raise awareness about the issues surrounding poverty and mobilize support for sustainable solutions. This increased visibility will not only benefit the communities we serve but also contribute to shaping policies and practices that can drive systemic change.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement:
At OPAD, we are committed to continuous improvement and learning. We recognize that joining the ALF Network will provide us with opportunities for professional development, knowledge exchange, and exposure to innovative approaches in poverty alleviation and sustainable development. By engaging with the diverse perspectives within the network, we can adapt and refine our strategies to be more effective and responsive to the evolving needs of the communities we serve.

In conclusion, joining the ALF Network represents a significant opportunity for OPAD to strengthen our impact, expand our network of partners, and contribute to a collective effort towards poverty alleviation and sustainable development. We are excited about the potential for collaboration and growth that this partnership offers and are eager to contribute our expertise and passion to the network's shared mission.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Frank Kanu Kanu
Job Title
President /CEO
Head of the organisation
Frank Kanu Kanu
Contact (2) Full Name
Malicia SIms

Diyarbakir Institute for Political and Social Research

National Network

Ali Emiri 1. Sk. Nuyap Plaza No:21 K: 5/27 - Yenisehir
21100 Diyarbakir/Diyarbakır

+90 412 228 14 42
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Established in 2010, the Diyarbakir Institute for Political and Social Research (DISA) conducts in-depth research on various societal issues, particularly the Kurdish Question in Turkey. As a non-profit, non-partisan, and pluralistic research center, DISA aims to disseminate its findings impartially to the public. Rooted in principles of democracy, human rights, and anti-discrimination, DISA fosters dialogue among individuals of diverse viewpoints. It spearheads research programs across four key areas: The Mother Tongue and Pedagogy Research Program, Justice and Peace Building Research Program, The Sustainable Life and Space Research Program, and Gender Equality Research Program. By adhering to these fundamental values and engaging in rigorous research, DISA seeks to contribute to the formulation of informed policies and solutions to social challenges.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The mission of the Diyarbakir Institute for Political and Social Research (DISA) is to serve as a nexus for independent researchers, guiding future policy formation through objective, first-hand field research and activities. DISA is committed to fostering social change rooted in principles of equality, plurality, and peace. Objectives: 1. To conduct objective and firsthand field research addressing societal issues, particularly focusing on the Kurdish Question in Turkey. 2. To disseminate research findings to the public and policymakers, contributing to informed decision-making and policy formulation. 3. To support the development of a peaceful and harmonious society grounded in principles of equality, democracy, and the rule of law. 4. To encourage activities and research that promote democracy, the rule of law, equality, and plurality. 5. To advocate for a peaceful and equitable resolution of the Kurdish Question based on principles of non-discrimination, democracy, and the rule of law.

Main Projects / Activities

Justice and Peacebuilding Research Program: - Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Global Perspectives - NGO Conferences in Diyarbakır Mother Tongue and Pedagogy Research Program: - From Where the Wound of Language Opens: The Kurdish Question and Mother Tongue Education - Language Planning and Policies Worldwide: Multilingualism in Education Sustainable Life and Space Research Program: - Urban Planning and Participatory Policies - New Approaches in Local Development Policies Gender Equality Research Program: - Critical Masculinity Readings

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Diyarbakir Institute for Political and Social Research (DISA) can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation's Network by sharing its expertise on social and political issues, particularly on the long-standing Kurdish conflict, fostering dialogue among diverse communities, collaborating on joint projects, and advocating for peace and social cohesion. DISA's commitment to promoting dialogue, equality, democracy, and plurality aligns with the foundation's goal of fostering intercultural understanding and cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Through active engagement and partnership, DISA can contribute to advancing the shared objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation's Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

DISA seeks to join the Anna Lindh Foundation's Network to amplify its impact on fostering intercultural dialogue, promoting peace, and advancing social cohesion in the Euro-Mediterranean region. With the recent violent conflict in Palestine, the Middle East, and the greater Euro-Mediterranean region boiling up, DISA recognizes the urgency of addressing such conflicts. Drawing from its long experience with the Kurdish Conflict, DISA is eager to contribute its insights and expertise toward the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the region. By connecting with like-minded organizations and individuals within the network, DISA aims to broaden its reach, exchange knowledge and best practices, and collaborate on initiatives that address common challenges. Joining the network aligns with DISA's commitment to promoting equality, democracy, and plurality, and provides an opportunity to contribute to meaningful change on a broader scale. DISA recognizes the value of collective action and believes that by working together through the network, it can more effectively promote understanding, cooperation, and positive social change across borders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Derya Çok


National Network

Safra Keserwan St Georges Street, Khalife Bldg

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Gudtolli Lebanese fresh pasta, healthy products naturally infused by real vegetables, herbs and spices. Our products : Tagliatelle, linguini, gnocchi, conchiglie, fussily macaroni Ravioli and tortellini.
We have 20 employees between full time and half time.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to encourage women support farmers , selling healthy products with an affordable price, by implementing a zero waste management system.

Main Projects / Activities

We are producing healthy pasta that naturally infused by real vegetables and herbs, like beetroot carrots pumpkin, spinach, basil, pumpkin and more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Gudtolli is a WEP's signatory, since September 2022. Contribute to SDG'S number 2, 3 5 and 8.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

New networking space

Contact (1) Full Name
Leila khalife
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sarl , Lebanese fresh pasta
Contact (2) Full Name
Grace Tamer
Job Title (2)

جمعية التواصل للتنمية والبيئة

National Network

تجزئة القصبة الشطر أ رقم 224 مديونة البيضاء
الدار البيضاء

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

جمعية التواصل للتنمية والبيئة بمديونة هي جمعية مغربية شبابية يوجد مقرها مؤقتا بالعنوان الكائن ب "تجزئة القصبة الشطر أ رقم 224 الطابق الثاني مديونة البيضاء" تهدف لتطوير الشباب والإهتمام بقضياهم

Mission and Objectives

*ترسيخ قيم المواطنة ومبادئ السلوك المدني تخليقا للحياة العامة وتفعيلا للمقتضيات الدستورية *التواصل مع الشباب والإهتمام بقضياهم *تنظيم الأنشطة الثقافية والفنية والرياضية والبيئية والصحية *الإنخراط والمساهمة في تفعيل مختلف المبادرات الحكومية منها أو الغير حكومية الموجهة للشباب وكذا الفئات الهشة *إبرام شراكات مع الهيئات الحكومية والسلطات المإليمية والمحلية والمنظمات الغير حكومية *خلق مشاريع مدرة للدخل

Main Projects / Activities

من بين مشاريع شهر مارس 2024 لجمعية التواصل للتنمية والبيئة - حملات تنظيف المساجد -مسابقات تجويد القرآن - حملات نظافة لتزين الأزقة تحت عنوان أزقة مثالية - مسابقات رياضية - أمسيات ثقافية - ليالي الصائم الصغير

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد الكنتاوي
Head of the organisation
عبد الهادي الكنتاوي

جمعية أجيال المستقبل للتنمية بأطسا المحطة

National Network

أطسا المحطة

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

- جمعية أجيال المستقبل للتنمية بأطسا المحطة هي منظمة غير حكومية تعمل في صعيد مصر، وتستهدف الفئات الأكثر فقرًا من خلال التعليم والتنمية بشكل خاص على الأطفال والنساء ومنع التمييز العنصري بين الافراد.

- يتكون هيكل جمعية أجيال المستقبل للتنمية بأطسا المحطة من مجلس الإدارة و الاعضاء المتطوعيين

- تعتمد موارد جمعية أجيال المستقبل للتنمية بأطسا المحطة على التبرعات الداخلية

- تدير جمعية أجيال المستقبل للتنمية حضانة اطفال - مركز تخاطب وتنمية مهارات - مدرسة تحفيظ القران الكريم - مدرسة الكارتيه

Mission and Objectives

مهمة جمعية أجيال المستقبل للتنمية:
تمكين المجتمعات المحلية من خلال برامج التعليم والتنمية الجيدة مع
التركيز بشكل خاص على الأطفال والنساء والشباب. نحن نعمل من أجل مجتمع أكثر مسؤولية اجتماعيًا بتغيير الافكار المتوارثة فى التمييز بين الجنسين والتمييز العنصري
في صعيد مصر من خلال بناء الشراكات وتعزيز روح الفريق والعمل التطوعي والعدالة.
يسعى جمعية أجيال المستقبل للتنمية في جميع جهوده التنموية إلى الحفاظ على الهوية الوطنية المصرية من خلال:
• توفير فرص التعليم للجميع خاصا الفئات الاكثر احتياجا مع تعزيز
حرية الأفراد وإبداعهم وكرامتهم الإنسانية
• تعزيز حق الإنسان الأساسي في الصحة، وخاصة للنساء والأطفال في الحصول على الرعاية الصحية. تكون قادرة على
متابعة حياة أفضل.
• معالجة الفقر بجميع أشكاله: الثقافي والمالي والمتعلق بالقدرات والمهارات.
• خلق فرص عمل تمكن من تنمية المجتمع وخاصة ذوي الدخل المحدود.
• إحياء التراث الثقافي والفني لصعيد مصر.
رؤية جمعية أجيال المستقبل للتنمية
مجتمع مستدام يؤيد القيم الإنسانية والكرامة والحقوق، حيث
يتم تمكين الناس، وخاصة الفقراء في صعيد مصر، من استغلال كافة إمكاناتهم بطرق تساعدهم على
تطوير أنفسهم حتى يتمكنوا من لعب دور فعال في تنمية مجتمعاتهم.

Main Projects / Activities

-حضانة اطفال
- مركز تخاطب وتنمية مهارات
- مدرسة تحفيظ القران الكريم
- مدرسة الكارتيه

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

توفير فرص تعليم فعالة وقوية للأطفال الفقراء بناء جيل فعال فى المجتمع يستطيع ان يكون ايجابيا

تبادل الخبرات مع الأعضاء الآخرين حول كيفية تعزيز المساواة باستخدام الأنشطة الثقافية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نحن نؤمن بالتشبيك والشراكات حيث يمكن دائما تبادل الخبرات فى المجال الخدمي لتقديم افضل برامج تعليمية وتنموية مناسبة

Contact (1) Full Name
حسين سيد عبد العال
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الادارة
Head of the organisation
حسين سيد عبد العال
Contact (2) Full Name
هبة عبد المحسن
Job Title (2)
امين صندوق


National Network

maison des arts lab , second floor square station,
4000 sousse

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Structure de l’organisation : DIDON est une association à but non lucratif, composée de deux salariés dévoués.

Ressources budgétaires disponibles sur un an : Le budget annuel de DIDON est principalement financé par des subventions de partenaires tels que FHI 360, USAID, et l'Ambassade d'Allemagne.

Sources de financement : DIDON bénéficie de subventions provenant d'organisations internationales et de partenaires gouvernementaux, notamment FHI 360, USAID et l'Ambassade d'Allemagne.

Modes d’action : L'organisation agit à travers des projets concrets visant à éliminer la pauvreté et promouvoir la diversité culturelle. Ces actions comprennent des programmes éducatifs, des projets économiques, des initiatives culturelles, des séminaires éducatifs et l'octroi de bourses.

Principaux partenaires impliqués : Les principaux partenaires de DIDON incluent FHI 360, USAID et l'Ambassade d'Allemagne. Ces partenaires jouent un rôle crucial dans le financement et la mise en œuvre des projets et activités de l'organisation.

Mission and Objectives

La mission de l'association DIDON est de lutter contre la pauvreté et de promouvoir la diversité culturelle en Tunisie. Son objectif principal est de créer une communauté où la pauvreté ne limite pas le potentiel personnel et professionnel de ses membres. DIDON s'engage à offrir des opportunités éducatives et économiques aux personnes défavorisées afin de les aider à se libérer de la pauvreté et à réaliser leur potentiel. En parallèle, l'organisation cherche à promouvoir l'appréciation et la compréhension des différentes cultures et traditions à travers des programmes culturels. DIDON vise également à renforcer les compétences et les connaissances des individus pour favoriser leur développement personnel et professionnel. Enfin, elle s'efforce de renforcer la cohésion sociale et de favoriser un sentiment d'appartenance et de solidarité au sein de la communauté.

Main Projects / Activities

Programme d'aide aux victimes de violence (2018) :

Objectif : Acquérir des outils de communication pour prévenir et résoudre les violences verbales et physiques.
Résultats : Renforcement de la résilience communautaire, atténuation des vulnérabilités de communication, et formation sur les lois tunisiennes.
Événement Info Session et Networking (Projet 2) :

Objectif : Discuter des stratégies de financement pour les projets culturels et créatifs.
Résultats : Fourniture de conseils et astuces sur les meilleures pratiques pour le financement de projets culturels, et opportunités de réseautage avec des partenaires potentiels.
Projet Ma3an - Identification des opportunités de développement collaboratif (Projet 3) :

Objectif : Renforcer la capacité des communautés à supporter et surmonter les défis socio-économiques, et identifier les opportunités de développement collaboratif.
Résultats : Renforcement de la résilience communautaire, atténuation des vulnérabilités communautaires, et pérennisation du modèle par les partenaires tunisiens.
Projet CULTURE PRO - Renforcement des capacités dans le secteur ICC :

Objectif : Sensibiliser sur l'entreprenariat dans les ICC, organiser des événements de networking, et former des porteurs de projet dans les secteurs de l'ICC.
Résultats : Sensibilisation de 200 étudiants, organisation de 8 événements de networking, formation de 20 porteurs de projet, et création de 5 entreprises.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous sommes en mesure de contribuer au réseau dans notre pays de manière significative à travers plusieurs initiatives. Tout d'abord, nous partageons volontiers notre expertise et notre expérience dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et la promotion du développement communautaire, offrant ainsi des meilleures pratiques et des leçons apprises aux autres organisations membres. De plus, nous recherchons activement des opportunités de collaboration et de partenariats avec d'autres membres du réseau ainsi qu'avec des partenaires gouvernementaux et non gouvernementaux, afin de maximiser l'impact de nos initiatives et de développer des projets plus efficaces. En outre, nous nous engageons à contribuer au renforcement des capacités des autres membres du réseau en partageant nos connaissances, en offrant des formations et des mentorats, et en facilitant des échanges d'expériences. Enfin, nous jouons un rôle actif dans le plaidoyer et la sensibilisation en faveur des politiques et des programmes qui favorisent le développement social et économique inclusif dans notre pays, collaborant avec d'autres membres du réseau pour influencer positivement les décideurs politiques et les parties prenantes clés. En résumé, notre participation active au sein du réseau renforce notre impact collectif et individuel dans la réalisation de nos objectifs communs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre le Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh car nous croyons fermement en la valeur du dialogue interculturel et de la coopération régionale pour promouvoir la paix, la compréhension et le progrès dans la région euro-méditerranéenne. En tant que membre de cette fondation, nous pourrions contribuer à ces objectifs en partageant notre expérience et en collaborant avec d'autres acteurs de la société civile, des institutions éducatives et des médias pour organiser des programmes et des initiatives visant à renforcer les liens entre les différentes communautés de la région. De plus, en faisant partie du réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh, nous aurions l'opportunité de bénéficier des ressources, des formations et des partenariats offerts par l'organisation, ce qui nous permettrait d'élargir nos connaissances et nos compétences dans le domaine du dialogue interculturel et de la coopération internationale. En somme, rejoindre le Réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh représente pour nous une occasion précieuse de contribuer à la construction d'un avenir plus harmonieux et inclusif pour les peuples de la région euro-méditerranéenne.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
farouk zahi
Job Title
directeur des projets
Head of the organisation
farouk zahi

مؤسسة تمكين للترافع والدراسات

National Network

حي الوفاق العمارة ت 1 الشقة 1 أزمور
24100 أزمور / إقليم الجديدة

Telephone (other)
‪+212 693‑597590‬
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

تتكون المنظمة من رئيس تنفيذي وأمين المال و مقرر ومستشارين مكلفين بمهام، ويعمل لديها خمسة أفراد في تخصصات مختلفة - الشركاء هم منظمات دولية ومؤسسات تعمل في نفس اهداف المؤسسة - موارد الميزانية المتاحة في السنة تأتي من انخراطات المؤسسين وشراكات المشاريع مع صناديق ومؤسسات دولية - مصادر التمويل من طرف جهات غير حكومية - طرق العمل من خلال مشاريع ملموسة في مجالات اهداف المؤسسة واعداد الدراسات والابحاث - ومن بين انشطة الجمعية الشراكة التي تجمعها مع صندوق الاتحاد الاروبي للديمقراطية في مشروع يستهدف محاربة القوانين التميزية بالمغرب

Mission and Objectives

من اهداف الجمعية : القيام بشراكات مع مؤسسات دولية من اجل تنزيل مشاريع الترافع حول قضايا حقوق الانسان - الترافع والتمكين القانوني للفاعلين في مجال حقوق الانسان - اعداد الدراسات و الابحاث والتقارير حول وضعية حقوق الانسان بالمغرب …

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع تمكين من اجل محاربة القوانين التميزية واعداد مقترحات قوانين تدافع عن الحقوق الفردية والمساواة بدعم من صندوق الاتحاد الأروبي للديمقراطية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

التأطير، العلاقات، وحدة الترافع . التشارك …

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

الاستفادة من شبكة العلاقات. تقاسم التجارب ، الشراكة ..

Contact (1) Full Name
المهدي يسيف
Job Title
الرئيس التنفيذي
Head of the organisation
المهدي يسيف
Contact (2) Full Name
اسماعيل بلقياحة
Job Title (2)
أمين المال

Media Diversity Institute Global (MDIG)

National Network

26 Rue d'Edimbourg, Ixelles 1050
1050 Belgium

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Media Diversity Institute Global (MDIG) is a sister organization of the Media Diversity Institute (MDI) based in the UK and Media Diversity Institute - Western Balkans (MDI WB) based in Serbia. The MDIG employs three staff members and has a budget of 500K EUR, with the main funding coming from the European Commission. MDI Global uses various modalities of action, including projects, knowledge exchanges, workshops, training, and seminars, to promote diversity and inclusivity in media. The organization collaborates closely with media outlets, civil society organizations, youth organizations, and academic and educational institutions.

Mission and Objectives

Media Diversity Institute Global (MDIG) works to encourage accurate and nuanced reporting on race, religion, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexual identity issues in media landscapes worldwide. While our work is grounded in the principles of freedom of expression and values of diversity and inclusion, our day-to-day work focuses on cultivating practical skills to combat negative stereotypes and disinformation and improve media and information literacy.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The YOU(th) CARE project aims to empower and mobilize the next generation of Global Caretakers for a shared, sustainable Euro-Mediterranean future. Recognizing youth's resilience and innovative approaches, the project addresses the complexity of current global crises by integrating social, ecological, and democratic perspectives. The project’s key objectives include reinforcing active citizenship and encouraging young people to participate in building a better society. The project seeks to support young people in becoming proactive young leaders by helping them develop Global CARE Agendas. The project focuses on collaboratively designing and implementing Global Care Agendas and Actions, employing a multidimensional approach to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Incorporating a gender perspective, the project will enhance gender equity by fostering gender-responsive leadership and expanding monitoring networks within youth organizations, groups, and local communities. The YOU(th) CARE is a 40-month-long project, and it focuses on engaging young people from eight EU countries (Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Greece) and four non-EU countries (Albania, Serbia, Tunisia, and Morocco). 2. The YoCoJoin project aims to intensify efforts towards more inclusive and engaging journalism by introducing youth community reporters within local news media outlets. By doing so, this project hopes to boost both the supply of quality journalism and the demand for such services among younger generations, ultimately creating a more economically sustainable business model for local news media outlets. Over the 24 months, the seven project partners – experienced local media organizations from The Netherlands, Malta, Serbia, Hungary, Ireland, Slovenia, and Belgium will collaboratively experiment with introducing an innovative youth community journalism initiative by adapting the experiences of the coordinator, Omroep Tilburg, and teaching 20-30 local young people in each country to the journalism profession through training and mentorship. The project will also directly contribute to the professional skills development of the participating partner organizations through its planned workshops and knowledge-sharing. Finally, YoCoJoin will seek to strengthen the overall sustainability of the wider European local news media sector by providing hands-on experiences to at least 20 non-partner local media services and distributing this inclusive and engaging journalism format through an online tutorial and active networking. As a result, the sector’s potential across countries and regions with different and diverse media capabilities will be increased. 3. In an effort to respond to the marginalisation and silencing of migrant voices in the mainstream European media and information environment, Migrant Voices Matter in the European Media (MigraVoice) aims to bring migrant voices into the mainstream European media space. MigraVoice brings together 6 European organizations covering seven languages to amplify the voices, perspectives, and insights of migrants in Europe within the European media information space by promoting their active participation in producing reliable mainstream traditional and social media narratives. 4. MEDIADELCOM will develop a diagnostic tool (multiple scenario building model) for policy makers, educators, media critical bodies and institutions, as well as for media experts and journalists, which will enable the provision of holistic assessment of risks and opportunities concerning deliberative communication and consequently social cohesion in Europe. The tool will enable drawing on multiple risks and opportunity scenarios of the European media landscape at large, as well as the development of media landscapes in individual countries. Conceptual and operational variables for multiple scenarios will be created by thoroughly examining the diachronic and synchronic changes in news media ecosystems in 14 European countries with special attention to Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). MEDIADELCOM hosts a podcast which focuses on deliberative communication which is the core concept of the entire research project. You can listen and subscribe to the podcast by clicking on the link below.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Media Diversity Institute Global (MDIG) can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network through various activities. MDI Global can provide training and capacity-building workshops to enhance media diversity and promote intercultural dialogue among journalists, media professionals, and civil society organizations. We can also lead the initiatives to fight online hate speech and discrimination, enabling a more inclusive and responsible online media environment in Belgium. Additionally, collaborative projects between MDI Global and local organizations within the Anna Lindh Foundation Network can be established to develop multimedia content and awareness campaigns that promote diversity in the media and provide a platform for marginalized and minority communities in Belgium to share their stories.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in joining the Anna Lindh Foundation Network because it is a unique opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations and individuals committed to promoting intercultural dialogue, understanding, and cooperation across the Euro-Mediterranean region. Through this network, we want to create new partnerships and opportunities for collaboration, exchange experiences, and co-create innovative solutions to common challenges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luc Steinberg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Luc Steinberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Hana Kojakovic
Job Title (2)
Project Manager