
Palestinian child center Sh'ufat refugee camp

National Network

Sh'ufat Camp
Territoires palestiniens

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
  Due to the daily challenges faced by Shuafat camp refugees and its impact on the children, a group of social activists and academics from the camp founded the Palestinian Child Center (PCC) in 2004 It filled in the urgent need for an institutional space for children with child-appropriate activities. It is open to and works with children until the age of 18 with no regards to their gender or background. It is a local non-governmental organisation (NGO) registered with the Palestinian National Authority. The Center is not affiliated with any political party. As a NGO it is funded by national and international donors as well as by private donations.
Mission and Objectives

We strive to contribute to an open and transparent society where people have access to safe places where the next generation cooperates and trusts each other in respect of human rights and needs.
We are the Palestinian Child Centre in Shuafat Refugee Camp. We aim to improve, develop and reduce the psychological pressure and social conditions for a better future free of violence and partition. We provide a safe, comfortable and healthy space and psychological support to the camp residents so that they can express themselves freely and creatively.
Overarching Goals (Impact)
Gap between generations and dividers in the camp reduced
Violence is transformed into positive behavior
Psychosocial pressure within the camp community is decreased
PCC is more financially sustainable and flexible

Main Projects / Activities

What we do
Besides its projects and activities, the centre provides several facilities and commodities on its premises: the only outdoor playground for children with access friendly parts in the camp; two bigger indoor toys and games rooms for toddlers and small children; a high-end music studio for producing music and media outlets; a karaoke room for singing and practicing musical instruments; a dance studio; and classrooms with computer lab for extra tuition. The centre is also working in close cooperation with the schools and other centres

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Alsheikh Ali
Job Title
Head of the organisation
East Jerusalem

Palestinian child center shu'fat refugee camp

National Network

shu'fat refugee camp Jerusalem
shu'fat refugee camp Jerusalem
Territoires palestiniens

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Vision We strive to contribute to an open and transparent society where people have access to safe places where the next generation cooperates and trusts each other in respect of human rights and needs. Mission We are the Palestinian Child Centre in Shuafat Refugee Camp. We aim to improve, develop and reduce the psychological pressure and social conditions for a better future free of violence and partition. We provide a safe, comfortable and healthy space and psychological support to the camp residents so that they can express themselves freely and creatively. Overarching Goals (Impact) 1. Gap between generations and dividers in the camp reduced 2. Violence is transformed into positive behavior 3. Psychosocial pressure within the camp community is decreased 4. PCC is more financially sustainable and flexible
Mission and Objectives

We strive to contribute to an open and transparent society where people have access to safe places where the next generation cooperates and trusts each other in respect of human rights and needs.
We are the Palestinian Child Centre in Shuafat Refugee Camp. We aim to improve, develop and reduce the psychological pressure and social conditions for a better future free of violence and partition. We provide a safe, comfortable and healthy space and psychological support to the camp residents so that they can express themselves freely and creatively.
Overarching Goals (Impact)
1. Gap between generations and dividers in the camp reduced
2. Violence is transformed into positive behavior
3. Psychosocial pressure within the camp community is decreased
4. PCC is more financially sustainable and flexible

Main Projects / Activities

Project title
Me and the Environment
Purpose of project
Exploration trips to healthy environments with 360 children in order to learn new aspects about the relationship between them and their environment. Children develop new attitudes and new tools for change that they will apply in accompanying workshops in the refugee camp.
Duration of the project
year 2015
Project title
Sync & Harmony
Purpose of project
Weekly, creative workshops revolving around singing, dancing and percussion with children of all ages and background. At first, children start building resilience through enjoying a more child-appropriate space with creativity and, secondly, trying and learning a variety of art tools for expanding their space of action (violent behaviour), representing themselves in a culturally new way and creating a new (camp) reality
Duration of the project
year 2015
Project title
The Film Method
Purpose of project
Short movie scripts will be written based on children’s experiences where the children will introduce the problems and solutions. In turn, the children enact the roles in order to learn and practice constructive approaches to solve conflicts. In the last stage, these movies will be screened and taken as the bases for reflection with school classes and families; as well as being available online for wider audiences. 
Duration of the project
year 2015
1) Sync & Harmony Phase 3: January–December 2016 (11 months)
2) Sports for Life Phase 1: January–December 2016 (11 months)
3) Brothers in Peace: Ramadan (4 weeks June 2016)
4) Camp Reporters: January–December 2016 (11months)
5) Ex Prisoners: January–December 2016 (11months)
6) Film Methods Phase 3: March–December 2016 (11months)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Strengthen confidence between communities and individuals to exchange cultural experiences and strengthen the bonds of cooperation 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Attract funding for sustainable development projects that are working on the center and gain experience and new ideas and benefit from the experiences of the member and to improve and transform the thought and look at the international community for the Palestinian camps and residents of the camps through the transfer of a bright picture of Hayat individuals inside the camp, through our work with the residents of the camp

Contact (1) Full Name
omar sarhan
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
omar sarhan
Contact (2) Full Name
mervat omar alqam
Job Title (2)
manager assistant

Palestinian child center shu'fat refugee camp

National Network

shu'fat refugee camp Jerusalem
shu'fat refugee camp Jerusalem
Territoires palestiniens

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
من نحن: معلومات عنا: نسبة للتحديات اليومية التي تواجه لاجئين مخيم شعفاط وتأثيرها على الاطفال. مجموعة من النشاطات الاجتماعية والأكاديمية وجدت مركز الطفل الفلسطيني في 2000 ملئ بالاحتياجات الرئيسية للمساحة الضرورية المؤسسية للأطفال مع النشاطات المناسبة للأطفال. فُتح المركز للأطفال والعمل معهم من عمر 6- 17 سنة دون النظر لجنسهم وخلفيتهم.المركز هو مؤسسة غير حكومية محلية (NGO) سُجل في السلطة الفلسطينية. بتمويل من الجهات المانحة الوطنية والدولية اضافة الى التبرعات الخاصة. المركز غير تابع لأي حزب سياسي. الرؤية: بناء جيل واعي ولحقوقه واجباته واحتياجاته. لتجعله قادر على بدء طريق نحو مستقبل افضل. المهمة: مركز الطفل الفلسطيني يدعم التنمية الصحية للأطفال عن طريق: • اشراكهم في النشاطات الرياضية. • تمكينهم ثقافيا. • تحسين تفاعلهم الاجتماعي بين بعضهم البعض ومشاركتهم الاجتماعية في المجتمع بشكل عام. • تزويدهم بالتسلية. ماذا نفعل: المركز يوفر المرافق والأغراض في مقره الملعب الخارجي للأطفال مع وجود اقسام;  غرفتين العاب كبيرتين داخليتين للأطفال الصغار. أستوديو موسيقى راقي لإنتاج الموسيقى والوسائط الاعلامية. غرفة كاريوكي للغناء والتدريب على آلات الموسيقى. أستوديو رقص,ديكه شعبيه غرف صفيه مختبر حاسوب للتعليم الاضافي. المركز ايضا يعمل في تعاون وثيق مع المدارس والمراكز الاخرى واكثر من خمس روضات  والمجتمع بشكل عام. لهذا الهدف الموظفين على سبيل المثال نشيطين ومشاركين بالتوسط بين المعلمين والأهالي والطلاب في حالة حدوث مشاكل متصاعدة في المدرسة. حاجتنا الى غرفة وسائط متعددة والى ساحة العاب رياضية ثابتة داخل المركز
Mission and Objectives

We strive to contribute to an open and transparent society where people have access to safe places where the next generation cooperates and trusts each other in respect of human rights and needs.
We are the Palestinian Child Centre in Shuafat Refugee Camp. We aim to improve, develop and reduce the psychological pressure and social conditions for a better future free of violence and partition. We provide a safe, comfortable and healthy space and psychological support to the camp residents so that they can express themselves freely and creatively.
Overarching Goals (Impact)
1. Gap between generations and dividers in the camp reduced
2. Violence is transformed into positive behavior
3. Psychosocial pressure within the camp community is decreased
4. PCC is more financially sustainable and flexible

Main Projects / Activities

Me and the Environment
Purpose of project
Exploration trips to healthy environments with 360 children in order to learn new aspects about the relationship between them and their environment. Children develop new attitudes and new tools for change that they will apply in accompanying workshops in the refugee camp.
Duration of the project
year 2015
Project title
Sync & Harmony
Purpose of project
Weekly, creative workshops revolving around singing, dancing and percussion with children of all ages and background. At first, children start building resilience through enjoying a more child-appropriate space with creativity and, secondly, trying and learning a variety of art tools for expanding their space of action (violent behaviour), representing themselves in a culturally new way and creating a new (camp) reality
Duration of the project
year 2015
Project title
The Film Method
Purpose of project
Short movie scripts will be written based on children’s experiences where the children will introduce the problems and solutions. In turn, the children enact the roles in order to learn and practice constructive approaches to solve conflicts. In the last stage, these movies will be screened and taken as the bases for reflection with school classes and families; as well as being available online for wider audiences. 
Duration of the project
year 2015

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
omar sarhan
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
omar sarhan
Contact (2) Full Name
mervat omar alqam
Job Title (2)
manager assistant

Palestinian Childs Home club

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Ethics and values: - The Club (PCHC) believes in social justice among individuals, and the right of the individual in participation and in using the democratic methods as a mean of achieving it. - The Club believes in the importance of youth role in the community changing process. - The Club (PCHC) is committed in strengthening gender balance, woman enabling and facing the harmful practices. - The Club (PCHC) believes in the right of children and to enjoy the rights according to the international children rights convention. - The Club (PCHC) assures on the participation of women and youth in running the organization (PCHC) and implementing it's programs and activities.

Mission and Objectives

The Vision or the Mission: The Palestinian Child’s Home club is working to provide children and youth a unique opportunity for to enhance their skills and to enable them to earn a living , and aims to develop civic engagement and develop their leadership skills in addition to playing roles in sports and cultural activities so that they can make a positive contribution to the building Palestinian civil society. Main goals of PCHC: - Enhancing the local community role in developing the community policies. - Enhancing the democratic values and participation in the local community. - Enhancing and supporting the youth participation in community development. - Encouraging the dialogue and respect the difference with others. - Enabling and enhancing women role in decision making. - Spreading the culture of forgiveness, and nonviolence . - Training the children on their rights and enjoying the happiness of childhood

Main Projects / Activities

The Palestinian Child’s Home Club is a non- governmental institution established in Hebron (H1) in 1996. In this centre people work to build a culture of peace and respect for Human Rights. The Club offers activities for children aged between 6 and 16 years, and some of its importance lies on the implication of these children to participate in the activities as adults, as leaders organizing new activities. It is a space for children, where they can come after school, and its objective is to develop their artistic, musical and sports abilities, working to peace building. The center is a place in where children learn to respect basic rights, such as respect to the others, respect for the environment, etc… The children who come to the centre are from the city of Hebron, from Halhul and from Beit Ommar (north of Hebron), Fawwar refugee camp (south of Hebron) and from other areas around the city. The work with these children is based on teaching them principles like respect to the others and to themselves, offering them activities in which they can express their feelings and develop their abilities. These children suffer daily the punishment of the occupation and violence is always present in their lives. For these reasons the work with them is necessary, to offer them a space where they can express their feelings and they can learn to know and to respect basic Human Rights. One of the basic principles of Palestinian Child’s Home Club is to offer activities in which boys and girls work together, promoting this way gender equality. This attitude is not common in the organizations working with children and youth in Hebron, due to its conservative society. PCHC has expanded its activities to be a place for youth. Through one of it’s important projects ( YDRC ) Youth Development Resources Center , PCHC is providing youth a remarkable opportunity in different unique fields which are : High-tech , Media , Capacity Building , Business , and academic orientation and Psycho-Social support . Youth in the age range of 18-30 are welcomed to be part of PCHC – YDRC , where youth could be in a house of education , culture , entertainment, and self development . YDRC provides a variety of unique programs in fields that are implemented for the first time in Hebron such as ( High-tech programs ; which is using computers in creative implementations . Media ; Learning and practicing media tools , Business incubators ; Having pre-university orientation and post-graduate orientation and assistant in building their business ) .

Contact (1) Full Name
Tareq Abu Hasha
Head of the organisation
Hilmi Al Qawasmi
Contact (2) Full Name
Bashar Farash


National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
PCR is an independent, community-oriented, non-governmental organization that was established in Gaza Strip in 2002. licensed number (7259). Number of staff 11,source of funding UNDP,NED,TAMKEEN, and USIAD
Mission and Objectives

Our mission:
We shall contribute to services and developing Palestine marginalized and poor groups, based on advanced concepts and best practices and utilizes highly qualities.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Offering societal and humanitarian services to Palestine refugees through our outreach centers.
2.Contributing to highlighting key relevant issues and Palestine concerns of refugees within the media.
3.Contributing to enhancing the living welfare of the poor and mitigating their poverty.
4.Societal empowerment of women.
5.Empowering & offering capacity building to the teens' niche.
6.Contributing to improved child welfare, better health, and entertainment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar KH Hodhod
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kalead shabaan
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Kalead shabaan

Palestinian Consultative Staff for Developing NGOs (PCS)

National Network

AlBareeq Building-5th floor, Haifa street, Jenin, West Bank, Palestine
Territoires palestiniens

Telephone (other)
TelFax: 00972 4 2501989
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

• Date of Creation: 2005.
PCS serves as a representative platform of 60 Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that are working across the West Bank and Gaza. This has helped PCS remain grassroots oriented, as well as reach out to remote and marginalized communities serving a wide range of societal segments, including those most marginalized. Moreover, this wide grassroots network has paved the way for PCS to be a leading organization working on bottom-up advocacy that informs responsive policies at the heart of citizen needs and priorities.
• Main Geographic interventions: PCS has intervention in the West Bank (from 2005), Gaza(from 2010), Jerusalem and 48 areas (from 2014) it works with the Palestinians everywhere in Palestine. Mainly PCS looks for the most marginalize people and targeted them, such as area C, Jordan valley and people with disabilities (PWD). Through three offices at Jenin (head quarter), Ramallah and Gaza, and a network of more than 60 CBOs PCS reached their beneficiaries effectively.
PCS has two incubators that shape the dynamic part of its work, IDEA for small businesses company (non-for Profit Company) and NGO incubator for Civil Society Organizations (Local NGOs and CBOs from different field of work background, like women, youth, PWD, education, culture, etc).

Mission and Objectives

• Mission: PCS is an umbrella for the NGOs and CBOs in West Bank and Gaza seeking to improve their capacities, increase their coordination, and call for their joint interests.
• Vision: Towards effective and entrepreneurial Palestinian NGOs and CBOs that lead their communities, uphold their values, develop their capacities, and mobilize their resources towards sustainable development.
• Main objective/ s:
- Contribute to strengthening the position and roles of local institutions in achieving sustainable development.
- Contribute to the promotion of the human rights system and Sustainable Development Goals SDGs 2030.
- Contribute to promoting entrepreneurship and economic empowerment.
- Enhance PCS's governance and institutional structure in order to achieve its goals.
The program of PCS are:
1. Social Inclusion.
2. Community accountability.
3. Human Rights and Democracy.
4. Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship.
5. Capacity Building Program and Incubator for Civil Society Institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

PCS Membership in National and International Networks:
International: PCS had consultative status in the social and economic council in the UN, a member of the Youth Business international network,GNDR Global Network for Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction,ANNA LINDA Foundation" network for cultural dialogue at the national and international level,ANSA Network,- International Network for Social Accountability, Affinity Group of National Associations (AGNA), UBI GlobalMember of Arab State league – Cairo,- Member of Network of Democrats in the Arab World (NDAW)– the UK,- CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation, which is considered among the most important international networks working on advancing social accountability in SDGs,Member in the board of directors of the Arab Campaign for Education for All which is working on activating social accountability on SDG4 and a member of the Palestinian Education Coalition Secretariat, TAP NETWORK "Transparency, Accountability, and Participation for 2030.
Local-level:- Education Cluster under Emergency/ OCHA, The Secretariat of Palestinian Education Coalition, The Secretariat of Arab Campaign for Education. Protection Cluster,Member of the consulting commission for a national inquiry on the rights of persons with disability to livelihood,Member of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee,Member of Palestinian National Institutes for NGOs (PNIN).
- Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions.
- Member of the Coordination Council for Palestinian NGOs (CCP-NGOs).
- Member of the National Committee for Social Accountability.
- Member of the “Partners to Review” international network sponsored by GIZ which is working on social accountability on SDGs.
- Member at “The Network of Organizations Providing Services to Green Entrepreneurs in Palestine.”

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Hijawi
Job Title
Executive manager
Head of the organisation
Ahmad Hijawi
Contact (2) Full Name
Amneh O. I. Qtuit
Job Title (2)
Financial and procurement officer

Palestinian Consultative staff for developing NGOs in Jenin governorate " PCS"

National Network
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Organizational structure: The organizational structure of PCS includes the following bodies - General Assembly: that includes group of consultants and experts in development field , they are selecting the administrative board and looking at administrative and financial reports , nominate the accounts audit , it is the side which supervise the work of administrative board . - Administrative Board: it is elected board by the general assembly , that includes 9 members , their task resume in follow up and supervising on all affairs that related with the work of PCS the election of administrative board occurs after each two years - Executive Office: that includes all employers in PCS they are the responsible on daily management
Mission and Objectives

Developing the performance of NGO section in Jenin governorate and support the marginalized categories on it, through the following:
1. Improving the financial and administrative performances of NGOs via capacity building and establishing co-partnership with them by depending on the base of the coordination in implementing the projects, the programs and the activities which represent these institutions with other different sides.
2. Participating in realizing the sustainable development by coordination with another institutions, local and international institutions.
3. Providing the necessary fund for projects, programs and development activities.
4. Diffusion the values of democracy , human rights and respect the law in the local community .

Main Projects / Activities

1. Representing the NGOs in Jenin governorate and finding the funding for their projects, programs and activities.
2. Preparing proposal projects and technical studies that covered all needs of NGOs in the governorate.
3. Providing administrative and financial consultative services and evaluation the projects.
4. presenting functional support and consultations for NGOs
5. implementing the projects and activities that serve the objectives of PCS and achieving its message and vision

Contact (1) Full Name
Motasem Zayd
Head of the organisation
Motasem Zayd
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmad Hijawi
Event Illustration

Palestinian Employability Future between Preventive and Corrective Challenges.

Palestinian Employability Future between Preventive and Corrective Challenges. Supporting university graduates to transition to the world of work by strengthening their human capital through the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies, in order to generate competent professionals able to face...

Palestinian Farmers Association

National Network

Gaza City , AL Shouda St. ,Palestine Tower ,1st Floor .Apartment No. (4)
Territoires palestiniens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Farmers in Gaza Strip

Mission and Objectives

-Improve the standard of living and food security for farmers and rural women.   -Diagnosis of problems and constraints facing the difficulties the Palestinian farmers in the different areas and work to find appropriate solutions. -Raise the professionalism of Palestinian farmers to absorb the new scientific and applied the holding of specialized training courses, conferences and workshops. - And the work of agricultural development projects to serve and support the Palestinian farmers. -Work for the establishment of a marketing or more to secure the principle of fair trade for agricultural products.   -Work vigorously and tirelessly to establish a fund for agricultural insurance to meet the emergency.   -Help the Palestinian farmers to reduce production costs. - Enhance the developmental role of Palestinian women.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through workshops, activities and projects to be implemented with the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To promote and develop the capacity of the organization and networking with other institutions

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Chairman of board directors
Head of the organisation