
Institute for development Studies

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: Board of directors, Executive manager, secretary, treasurer, PR department, Programs manager, Units Units: Democracy & civil Education unit , Science research & studies unit, Information development & building unit , Women & children development unit, Training & academic work unit, Media Unit number of employed staff: 7 number of volunteers: 25 Annual budget 2009: $70,000 Sources of funding: NPA, UNDP, ADA, Islamic relief Modalities of action: projects, video conferences, seminars, researches Partners:University of Strathclyde, Aalborg University, American University of Beirut, Welfare Association, Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST), PNAY Society
Mission and Objectives

Mission statement:To become a leading developmental resource, research & academic institution in Palestine
1-Reinforcing the culture of democracy and civil community
2-Development and modernization of management systems and electronic partnership between various civil society institutions.
3-Reinforcing the culture & strategy of the scientific research & studies related to national development process
4-To develop the Palestinian women and children
5-Developing the reality of academic work in the Palestinian society

Main Projects / Activities

- Networks for reinforcing the concepts of dialogue and tolerance among the students parties in the Palestinian University
- video conference sessions with local, regional and in international universities
- Researchers
- digital library
- capacity building
- partner in the Mediterranean virtual university MVU

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ashraf Mansour
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohammed Meqdad
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Ahmed Alqarout

International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights ICSPR

National Network

Gaza- Tal Al-Hawa- near the old roots restaurant
Territoires palestiniens

+970 08 2623435
+970 08 2623435
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
:ICSPR Vision The International Commission to  Support  Palestinian's Rights (ICSPR) is an independent, non-profit organization that aims to protect human rights in Palestine, institutionalizing and strengthening the international solidarity movement in support of Palestinians' rights and supporting their just struggle for freedom and independence and ending the Israeli occupation International Commission to Support Palestinian Right ICSPR depend on various sources of funding such as Grants, voluntary contributions and through our popular goodwill ambassadors : Organizational Structure -Constituent Assembly, which consists of (21) member will seek to build a Board of Trustees of (19) and 100 Ambassador across the world, consist of legal personalities and agreed upon them from Palestine, Arab and international countries. : Executive Staff Commission staff consists of an Executive Director and units comprising lawyers, researchers, trainers, media specialist, communication and international relations Coordinator, Executive Secretaries and other administrative personnel assistance, as a large number of youth volunteers There are 5 employees in the commission and 15 volunteers Main Headquarter: Gaza Strip, the Commission will open Office if needed in West Bank, Brussels, and Geneva. Budgetary resources available in this year were from donations Our partners are legal and youth organizations and Palestinian institutions, the private sector institutions, the Palestinian and Arab civil society organizations, the relevant ministries, the international and Arab friendly institutions that support the Palestinian people's rights, and members of parliaments and personalities, as well as the Arab and international financial institutions and the various UN institutions      
Mission and Objectives

The International Organization for the Support of the Rights of the Palestinian People is an independent, non-profit organization that aims to be one of the enabling strategies for the protection and support of human rights in Palestine and to expose violations of the Israeli occupation and its accountability for its crimes through the building of Palestinian, Arab and international alliances. Bank of Opportunity and Training Academy for Palestinian youth cadres working on developing their professional abilities and showing their initiatives
: Strategic Goals
Contribute to the establishment and activation of international alliances and expand the base of participation and solidarity activities with Palestinian rights in the countries of the world in cooperation with human rights organizations and civil society organizations and international institutions concerned with human rights

To contribute to the launching and organization of international lobbying and advocacy campaigns in all its forms aimed at isolating, boycotting and exposing the violations of the Israeli occupation and its accountability and prosecution for its crimes

Contribute to the building of an Arab and international coalition working to support the rights of the Palestinian people and adopt its issues and provide support for developmental, social, economic and cultural initiatives aimed at enhancing the steadfastness of the people in Palestine

Contribute to the protection and dissemination of human rights culture and activate the use of all national and international mechanisms aimed at protecting human rights in Palestine

To establish a vocational training academy to build the capacities of youth cadres in the professional, technical, administrative, leadership and human rights fields

Main Projects / Activities

:I.C.S.P.R. Will realize its goals through the following programs
 Legal and Human Rights Programs- 
It includes two units, the first unit specializing in Israeli violations, the second unit specializing in internal human rights conditions. The units will work side by side on Israeli violations and responses at national, Arab and international levels, and the second University will work on legal proceedings of internal violations
Researches and Strategic Thinking program
The programs seek to play an influential role in stimulating thinking and serious research to develop objective and democratic alternatives and options contribute to uphold the rights of the Palestinian people, through the production and dissemination of research and policy analysis papers in quality legal and political field, and activate the role of political and Research Forum, And providing competent authorities with specialized analysis and advice, with optimum use of media and electronic media
Advocacy, Media and Information Technology programs:
The units seek to focus on confrontation the occupation by organizing national, folk and international events fit in with the program of national struggle against occupation, which the youth have to be creative in presenting programs to activate the resistance against the occupation and its practices on Palestinians, Arab and international levels
Professional Training Academy for Youth staff:
The Academy will develop and build the capacity of youth in professional, technical, administrative and leadership in human rights areas , As the Academy aimed to stimulate creative faculties and creativity and rediscover their abilities for innovation in work , Add to enable them to move according to a strategy based on examine, analyze and identify  the realism needs and met them efficiently,  the academy will provide an opportunity to learn from the experience of corresponding institutions at Arab and international level. Moreover, it adopts training methods based on practice and workings and activities through dialogue, discussion, teamwork and participation of all in the learning and training process, the academy will provide training programs and activities
:Bank of Opportunities and Initiatives
The Bank aimed to support marginalized and most needed and enable them from acquiring skills to build and manage a small developmental projects, besides fostering and funding initiatives achieve human rights and developmental impact, respond to people’s needs and respect their rights, By building a bridge and networks at national, Arab and international levels to ensure serve the target groups, and make initiatives ensure investing potential energies of our people and especially the youth segment (contests, festivals, creative events, etc…)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

International Commission to Support Palestinians Rights ICSPR aim to promote and raise the awareness of the Palestinian people of their basic rights and ways and means to achieve them and build their state on the basis of democracy to ensure justice and equality for all without exception. therefore; it has established a vocational training unit to achieve this objective, so ICSPR can contribute through
 making long-term training courses which aim to respect and promote human rights*
 organizing workshops- seminars-conference-meetings- talk show to strengthen human rights culture*
publishing articles- position papers- researchers-notes, reports, appeals, letters about the violation of human rights
launch campaigns about different issues which concern about human rights and civil society*

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Commission adopts the work among the Palestinian public in all its Arab and international locations, and devises new means, methods and mechanisms in the international human rights and humanitarian fields in order to achieve justice for the Palestinians inside and outside the country on the to expel the Israeli occupation and building the Palestinian civil democratic state that adopts justice and equality and implements international human rights standards to achieve Sustainable development
 The International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights ICSPR aim to achieve this goal through making  alliances and partnerships with other institution that have the same objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanaa Kamal Al Ghussein
Job Title
International Relations Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Salah Abdel Atti
Contact (2) Full Name
Salah Abdel Atti
Job Title (2)
chairman of board of directors

International Palestinian Youth League

National Network
+972 2 222 9131
Telephone (other)
+972 2 221 5586
+972 2 229 0652
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 522 400 648
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 599 265 490
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
1. Structure: IPYL is run by 7 board members elected every 2 years. IPYL’s general assembly consist from more than 300 members. 2. Budgets; IPYL relies on projects resources, membership fees and some donations. IPYL receives no subsidy from any political side. 3. Source of funding: UNESCO, USAID, EC (different budget ,lines-Euro Med Youth, EIDHR) Irish Rep Office. 4. training courses, public campaigning (elections, voting, gender, Human Rights, Democracy, anti occupation activities, etc) international voluntary work camps, schools and towns twinning, youth and cultural exchanges, psychological, social and careers consultancy for youth, internships, scholarships, long term voluntary missions, networking with local, national and international youth and voluntary NGOs, media workshops, youth info center, internet café (free) 5. IPYL Memberships IPYL is a member organization of the following international youth networks: •Youth Action for Peace - YAP •Coordinating Committee for Inte
Mission and Objectives

The principal goals of IPYL are:
? To imbue young people with a spirit of independence, creativity and entrepreneurship in social, civic, cultural and environmental spheres and to encourage them to take an active role in their communities.
? To aid and assist the underprivileged sectors of Palestinian society, through the provision of training services, to better access educational opportunities and to find suitable employment.
? To promote awareness of the dangers of discrimination including xenophobia, sexism and all forms of racism and to reinforce the importance of equal opportunities in all sectors of society.
? To instill in young people the importance of democracy in the organization of society, and to enhance their awareness of the principles of human rights as elucidated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related international covenants and agreements.

Main Projects / Activities

training courses, public campaigning (elections, voting, gender, Human Rights, Democracy, anti occupation activities, etc) international voluntary work camps, schools and towns twinning, youth and cultural exchanges, psychological, social and careers consultancy for youth, internships, scholarships, long term voluntary missions, networking with local, national and international youth and voluntary NGOs, media workshops, youth info center, internet café (free)

Contact (1) Full Name
Adli Daana
Head of the organisation
Adli Daana
Contact (2) Full Name
Majid Hijazi

International Peace and Cooperation Center

National Network

21 Sheikh Jarrah-Issawiya Road, Ard Assamar
Territoires palestiniens

+972(0)2 6668588
+972(0)2 5400522
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

IPCC is a Palestinian NGO, policy research think tank, and an expert in urban planning and development that has been established in East Jerusalem. IPCC’s aim is to enhance the capabilities of Palestinians so that they are able to meet the challenges of building a democratic and participatory civil society, and support the development of a highly informed, competent, and active Palestinian civil society capable of defending its social, economic and political rights. Towards achieving this goal, IPCC has developed and employed an integrated approach comprising of research, urbanism, as well as community engagement and training.
In executing projects, IPCC typically partners with other stakeholders in Palestine’s future. They include:
NGOs, civil society and community based organizations in Palestine. Additionally, IPCC link with international organizations that are interested in peace in the Middle East, as well as in other areas of conflict resolution.

Mission and Objectives


IPCC support the development of a highly informed, competent and active Palestinian civil society which energizes an urban participatory democracy and which is capable of defending its social, economic and political rights through an integrated approach of research, urbanism, community engagement and training

The Center’s Objectives
1-Developing self-capabilities of the youth, children, women and labor movements.
2-Implementing programs aimed at fostering democracy, civic society and the culture of peace.
3-Establishing relations with peace forces respecting the Palestinian people as a counterpart in peace building, and an important element without which peace and stability cannot be achieved. The mechanisms of these relations are to be set in accordance with the Palestinian national interests, provided they achieve equality and balance, and contribute positively to the building of a democratic civic society.
4-Establishing twin ships and undertaking joint projects with centers and organizations similar to IPCC.
5-Enhancing regional cooperation in issues of common interest.
Building relations with fellow Palestinian nongovernmental institutions fulfilling IPCC’s priority objectives.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1998 IPCC has been monitoring the urban, political, economic, geographic, and social developments in Jerusalem and its hinterland. The knowledge data base consists of books, policy and position papers, maps, images and guidelines for sector development. IPCC today has 23 publications 18 of which belong to a series on Jerusalem Strategic Planning. These publications are distributed to a broad array of local, national and international decision-makers within governmental and NGO organizations

Urban Planning
The International Peace and Cooperation Center has created the first multidisciplinary Palestinian planning team to deal with strategic and urban planning in Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank
East Jerusalem
Since 2007, IPCC has been working to sustain and empower the Palestinian livelihood in East Jerusalem through urban planning of Palestinian neighborhoods. Specifically the planning serves to improve living conditions, develop affordable housing solutions, curb Palestinian emigration, empower Palestinian middle class families, develop infrastructure and services, and strengthen the Palestinian economy, save "unlicensed" buildings from demolition, increase building rights and provide expansion areas for new neighborhoods.

Through three projects funded by EU and UK Consulate General and Belgium government, IPCC is engaged in planning intervention in 18 neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. The projects provide planning programs and physical plans at outline and detailed levels. In total, IPCC has frozen the risk of demolition for 5,000 residential units as well as create a potential of development for around 4,500 new residential units in East Jerusalem. IPCC succeeded also in getting approvals from municipality to open files for neighborhoods, where six files are opened till now.

Area C
IPCC provides professional planning assistance to Palestinian communities in Area C of the West Bank. With less than 1% of Area C having authorized plans and a planning system aimed at restricting Palestinian development and offering no Palestinian representation, IPCC has established grassroots planning initiatives, enabling local communities to plan their own development and legally object to the Israeli authority's planning proposals. The work, which began in 2009, has provided 63 localities covering 45,780 residents, with physical plans and planning regulations, which provide suitable development opportunities based on 2030 population projections.

Capacity Building
Design Studio
Last year IPCC established a design studio to provide expert urban design services for planning projects in East Jerusalem focusing on housing and public space.

In addition the studio offers training programs for young Palestinian professionals and students in the fields of architecture, planning and urban design.

Supporting Civil society development
IPCC has a strong civil society department that focuses on two main tracks:
Urban Leadership
IPCC is the first organization to consider and integrate proper and real public participation and Palestinian involvement in neighborhood planning and has thus become a known and respected actor in the Palestinian community. For the past six years, IPCC has been supporting and training civil society, community activists, informal leaders and business people at the local and community level. To date, IPCC has trained over 350 community representatives from over 140 municipal, local and joint services councils.

Women and Youth
IPCC focuses on involving and promoting the participation of women, youth and other indigenous groups through specifically developed and designed projects that fulfill this purpose; youth leadership through which IPCC believes that true transformation is attained through the vision and efforts of vibrant young leaders that look beyond conformities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IPCC is willing to have meetings with network and work on projects together

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF network will allow IPCC to apply for proposals and by this way to have a chance to work in support with well known organization

Contact (1) Full Name
Rawan Naser Eddin
Job Title
Outreach Specialist
Head of the organisation
Dr.Rami Nasrallah
Contact (2) Full Name
Rami Nasrallah
Job Title (2)
IPCC Chairman

International Peace and Cooperation Center

National Network
+972 (0)2 5811992
Telephone (other)
+972 (0)2 5810197
+972 (0)2 5400522
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 (0)599675109
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 (0)599 344144
Contact (1) Full Name
Amer Hidmi
Head of the organisation
Rami Nasrallah

iPal for Youth

National Network
00972 8 2828106
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
iPal is an independent Palestinian educational empowerment group of Palestinian students graduates and undergraduates, representing the students sector in Gaza Strip and West Bank, separated by borders, and isolated by siege. iPal was founded in february 2012 by a group of youth activists, aiming to improve the youth and education sector in Gaza, West-Bank and Jerusalem in connection and partnership with international youth groups and organizations. iPal is thus an international Palestinian youth organization aiming to stimulate social cohesion with Palestinian Youth. An international youth organization with broad popular support is not only a mechanism for promoting the freedom to live in dignity, it is the most powerful way of underpinning new strategies to challenge the siege. the ipal for youth consists of the board of directors, 5 members, two employees are the coordinator of ipal in Gaza and the field assistant. ipal has partners Doha Center for Media Freedom, Islamic Relief in Gaza, SJP and Standford Center in US, and Blue Buterfly in Belgium. Our Funding resource from the fundraising event in Belguim and other donates. we have many activities and events regarding to the projects such as training courses in media for the youth in Gaza, culture exchange meetings and sessions between the youth in Gaza and US. workshops in the unvirestities in Gaza.
Mission and Objectives

iPal encourages students and youth to become agents of change by supporting them in their educational pursuits during their most formative years. iPal also aims to embrace the youth/students in community based programs that has a high sustainable quality of life by giving the Palestinian Civil Society in Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Jerusalem, a successful Young Leaders that would be able to participate in the internal Palestinian issues and policies. iPal works for the empowerment of youth, students and vulnerable groups in the community through education, culture exchange, human rights awareness, capacity building training and advocacy.
iPal Goals:
• Identify youth needs (educational and economical) and advocate youth rights (through community development).
• Develop and promote community centre services, cultural value and socio-economic activities.
• Enhance youth empowerment through education (both formal and informal) and capacity building activities.
• Facilitate training sessions for youth in Palestine and culture exchange and youth dialogue sessions between youth in Gaza and the outer world.
• Organize income generating activities through fundraising events.
• Build networks and coalitions with other similar interest groups and partners locally and internationally with the aim of implementing joint events with U.S and European Students.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Collaboration with ISLAMIC RELIEF
•Follow up on Ramadan project / fundraising event
•Assign a date for a regular monthly meeting in IR office, will start from the month of August.
•Organize Movie evening with open discussion / mutual fund raising event in Belgium
Explore possibilities for further collaboration
Indicator: see realizations in `Islamic Relief and iPal collaboration` document.
2.Collaboration with AL DOHA MEDIA CENTER
•Implementation and follow up on youth project in collaboration with youth in Palestine (Gaza) and Al Doha Media Center.
•Collaboration and usage of footage for Movie evening
•Explore possibilities for further collaboration
Indicator: timeframe, report, evaluation and follow up on the media training.
3.Collaboration with SJP
•iPal participation in the NSJP in California (October 2013) > Mustafa
iPal- US participation can be through conducting a media workshop (tackle the situation of Gaza under siege, ex), speaking in one of the workshop about the situation of Gazan youth of Gaza and the challenges of Education and learning in Gaza, Leading a workshop (selecting any topic, iPal would like to suggest), and introducing iPal Group to SJP members).
•Pali International Students Conferences (Skype/video conference meetings): holding regular meetings gathering the students from Gaza and US to discuss different topics sugessted by the students in both sides. (ex. Diversity, the Art Culture, the Democracy principles, the Palistinian Israeli Conflict, the siege, occupation, the role of youth in the democratic process and decision making, and etc)
•Art/ Culture Exchange Activities: among the palestinian and American Students: cultural dialogue between the students and improve their mutual understanding both side and exchange their cultures, traditions, experiences, and Arts.
•BDS Movement: building workshops about the BDS as an introduction for the youth in Gaza to let them know more about this campaign and the importance of it and how it plays an effective role in the Palestinian struggle for Justice and also to get them a part in some BDS activities in Gaza.
•Internships: iPal will help to conncet you as SJP students with some local organizations working in the field of Reseach and have internship programs within their organizatons.
•Media Exchange: iPal will enrich your blogs and provide you with some Media Materials such as (Success Stories, Articles, News, etc) made by iPal Media Students and Journlists from Gaza.
•Facilitate and organize movie evening / fundraising events in Florida and explore possibilities to disseminate to other universities
4.Collaboration with Alwan Radio
•Training course in Radio Preparation and broadcasting, holding online episodes, creating online radio station, create youtube channel)
5.Collaboration with Universities in Gaza
•Design and arrange youth rights awareness campaing for the students in the universities, held by human rights specialists and activitists.(September and October)
summer courses in Mathmatics and English Language for the studnets in schools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A better education for the youth can mean better things for society by helping students develop into more responsible citizens who help to build a strong society, contribute to build a strong country and healthy society and bring about a brighter future for everyone.
Good education help students "to develop the understandings and habits of mind they need to become compassionate human beings able to think for themselves and to face life head on. It should equip them also to participate thoughtfully with fellow citizens in building and protecting a society that is open, decent, and vital".
By producing more responsible citizens
Students who have learned to think critically and have a healthy dose of skepticism can better make their own, informed decisions, which can make them more enlightened, informed voters and stronger consumers. Also, the sense of responsibility and caution that education provides - along with the understanding of how things work (be they chemical reactions, human development, or nutritional needs) – can help future parents to provide safe, healthy environments for their own children, and be more responsible pet owners and neighbors.
By helping to build a strong economy
The communication, research, reporting, and collaboration skills that education provides can produce a generation of individuals who are better prepared for any career and can make greater contributions to society. Also, students who have a solid knowledge base will later be more open to emerging technologies and ideas that can boost businesses and stimulate the economy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

iPal is looking forward to join ALF Network for many reasons, to communicate and create strong relations with the different organizations nationally and internationally that are working in the same field of ipal. and also to share our decalartion, goals, and activities with the other organizations, and finally to exchange experiences, knowledge and information and expand our work scope in other place over the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abeer Abu Shawish
Contact (2) Full Name
Raafat Al Helou

IPCRI – Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information

National Network

P.O. Box 9321
Territoires palestiniens

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
IPCRI is registered as an NGO and a not-for-profit public institute in the State of Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the United States. IPCRI is government by a Board of Directors of 16 members (8 Israelis and 8 Palestinians) with 2 co-chairmen.  IPCRI is managed by 2 Co-CEOs – 1 Israeli, 1 Palestinian.  IPCRI’s budget in 2006 is $450,000, (2005 - $650,000; 2004: $1.4 million).  Most funding comes from foreign governments and some foundations. IPCRI has 3 main departments: Strategic Affairs Unit, Water & Environment Department, Peace Education Department. IPCRI runs and Israeli-Palestinian meetings for professional groups, undertakes research, organized conferences, and publishes books and policy papers
Mission and Objectives

IPCRI is a joint institution of Israelis and Palestinian dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of the “two-states for two peoples” solution.
IPCRI seeks to serve as an intellectual platform based on Israelis and Palestinians (and others) for the purpose of creating and developing new concepts, ideas and conceptions that enrich the political and public discourse in order to influence decision makers.
IPCRI works to create mutual understandings of the cultures and the religions in the region. We must focus our attention to creating common spaces for shared values and for learning to appreciate the differences that enrich our societies.
IPCRI is an institution with influence – Israeli, Palestinian and international political leaders want to hear what IPCRI has to say.  IPCRI has access to the highest level decision makers in the region and policy papers end up on their desks for discussion and follow-up.

Main Projects / Activities

Strategic Affairs Unit
• Strategic Thinking and Analysis Team (STAT)
• Economic working group
• Jerusalem working group
• Public dialogue forum
• Human rights campaigns
Environment & Water
• Water working group
• Environment working group
• Wadi Gaza conflict assessment
Peace Education
• Regional peace education community meetings•

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Gershon Baskin
Head of the organisation
Dr. Gershon Baskin and Mr. Hanna Siniora – Co-CEOs
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Hanna Siniora

Islamic University of Gaza (IUG)

National Network
Telephone (other)
+97082860700 (ext. 1017)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+970599465656 (Nazmi)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
IUG is supervised and run by several bodies: Board of Trustees, Academic Council, Faculty Councils, and Department Councils. These bodies are responsible for planning and administering the entire activities in the university. The current staff is about 1009 full-timers and more than 197 as part-timers. The major source of funding is form students fees. Minor Assistance from Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Finance is also provided. All faculties have centers to run projects to be implemented at the local and international levels. The university held a lot of seminars in which well known intentional figures give talks in person or through DVC.
Mission and Objectives

IUG is an independent Palestinian institution located in Gaza. It is the first higher education institution to be established in Gaza. IUG began with three faculties in 1978 and currently has eight faculties introducing BA. B.Sc., MA, M.Sc. in a variety of disciplines
* To provide high quality education to Palestinian students.
* To encourage academic and scientific research which participate in dealing with challenges facing the Palestinians.
* To offer degree and non-degree programs that meet the arising needs of the local community in Gaza Strip.
*To promote knowledge and professional skills among the Palestinians and in the region.

Main Projects / Activities

* Cultural activities
* E-learning
* Quality assurance
* Human and scientific researches
* Environmental activities
* Renewable energy
* Heritages protections
* Women health
* Infrastructure researches

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nazmi AL-Masri
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs Amani Al Makadma (international projects coordinator)


National Network

Territoires palestiniens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Itijah (Arabic for “direction”) is a grassroots, non-governmental organization working towards the empowerment of Palestinian youth in an entirely unique manner. Rather than focusing on individual projects, Itijah creates the space and the means through which young people can participate in various areas of activism, volunteerism and civil society. Our goal is to support young people as they contribute to Palestinian society in accordance with their own desires, talents and skills.  
Mission and Objectives

In Palestine, there is no shortage of motivated and driven young people who hold themselves accountable for the development and prosperity of Palestine. Itijah’s mission is to support and empower these young people; to connect them with one another and to various organizations in Palestinian civil society. Itijah offers mentorship, networks, connections and a physical space for young people to make their desired contributions a reality.

Main Projects / Activities

Itijah’s vision is to create a space that connects young people who are passionate about volunteerism, activism, scholarship and social entrepreneurship. We envision this space to feel like an extended family where young people are empowered to contribute according to their own interests and skills, and are bound by a common purpose. Most importantly, we wish to inspire the notion that powerful change is possible when altruism is the highest standard and purpose the greatest reward.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since our work involves coordinating activities between a number of cilvil society organisations in Palestine, we are uniquely fitted to contribute to the Network's mission. Itijah's goal is to build ongoing relationships with other organizations with which we share values.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to extend our network to include other countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region and to be able to participate in trainings, capacity building and workshops across the Mediterranean. In addition, we wish to invite other organizations to come to Palestine to share ideas and cooperate in common projects. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Saad yaser
Head of the organisation
Saad Yaser
Contact (2) Full Name
Noura Amr