
Hayat Center for Civil Society Development

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

- The Board of Directors,The General Body Members,The Executive Team:(3 employed ),The Youth Body members -Hayat Center has a strategic and close cooperative relationship with Hayat Center in Jordan, and with other organizations and parties abroad . -Twinned HAYAT Center in Jordan,Freinds of Nablus & Surrounding Areas/ UK, Arab Council for Legal & Judicial Studies,American Bar Association, International Transparency- Palestine "AMAN",Moroccan Youth Association for Development and modernity -Budgetary resources available in a year: 500318 USD

Mission and Objectives

Mission : We believe in the civil society values of equality, quantity, and justice. Therefore we aim to establish and organize sustainable projects, to meet current and future development challenges. This is to be achieved through empowering youth to give them the opportunity to create positive changes, and promote the true image of Palestine as a moderate country Objectivies : 1-Promotion of cultural values, social development, culture of dialogue and coexistence, and free-thinking, especially among young people and children 2-Promotion and strengthening the culture and values of democracy and gender equality, principles of good governance and promote respect of law in the society 3-Participation in the development of cultural relations, support initiatives, and networking with communities and institutions at the local, regional, and international levels in the field of cultural and youth work o stimulate and facilitate the empowerment and development of local and regional communities, to support their participation in the centralized decision-making 4- To establish and sustain a developmental network of local, national, and international, governmental, non-governmental, and civil society, organizations and bodies that share the Center’s mission.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Youth against corruption 2- The first international camp 2010 "Youth and sustainable development" The second Arab Palestinian Youth Exchange 2012 "Youth and Change Management" The third Arab Palestinian Youth Exhchange April 2013 in partcipation with 15 arab countries 3- Judicial independence in the Palestinian Judiciary System"Enhance the effectiveness and fairness of appointment, transfer, and promotion procedures of Judges, to promote Judicial Independence in Palestine" 4-Ten Thousands Trees for Nablus

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Show the Palestinian experience of civil society organizations in the democratic transformation of the theoretical framework to practical experience through the difficult political situations in Palestine and how civil society contributed to the consolidation of democratic principles and human rights and the implementation of many programs for raising awareness on the culture of tolerance and voluntary work, relief, political pluralism , the right of the differences and accept each other - Show the experience of the first and second and third Arab Palestinian Youth Exchange"Youth and Change Management " which held in Palestine with Particiaption from (Tunis, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain) and how it reflect on all the particpants , to give a chance for young Palestinians to integrate with the Palestinian Arab and international surroundings , where all the particpants show the causes of protestations and suggest a constructive way and methods to find appropriate solutions and the what they expect to happen in future .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Understanding and building relationships ALF Network, which caused a change and democratic transition , and the possibility of developing a vision unified strategy to start the work in a institutionalized and structured way . - Represent Palestine and my organization in ALF Network . - Benefit the experience from the other ALF Network organizations. .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Jarosha
Head of the organisation
Nasser Jumaa
Contact (2) Full Name
Riyad khanfar


National Network

Territoires palestiniens

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
innovation and excellence
Mission and Objectives

palestinian soceity filled with innovation and excellence

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

severla issue , we can dilever it to all sectors

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we are resbonsible about international relation nd diaspora and cooperation

Contact (1) Full Name
lama yousef qussas
Job Title
Head of the arab and international departement
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
lama qussas

Hebron Association for Socio-cultural Development

National Network

University Street
Territoires palestiniens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
All segments of society From children to adults – men and women
Mission and Objectives

The association aims to:
Promoting the concept of community development with cultural tools
Cooperation and networking with local and international institutions in the field of culture and community development.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Lubna Abu Turki
Head of the organisation
Lubna Abu Turki

Hebron University

National Network
Telephone (other)
970 2 2220840
970 2 2229303
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Hebron University is a non-profit, non-political tertiary education insitution which offers academic programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees to qualified students from all socio-economic backgrounds. The University has a staff of around 250. Sources of funding include tuition, private donations, and donations through the Palestinian Authority. The total budget for this year is approximately $6.5 million. HU is governed by a Board of Trustees, which appoints Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Department Deans. Administrative Departments include Public Relations, Student Affairs, Financial, and Human Resources. Academic Departments include the Faculties of Arts, Nursing, Science and Technology, Al-Shari`a, Finance and Management, Agriculture, Education, and Graduate Studies.
Mission and Objectives

Hebron University's main objectives are as follows:
-To provide students with high quality education.
-To advance knowledge and to solve local community problems through scientific research.
-To contribute to the development and improvement of the cultural, social and economic status of the Palestinian society.
-To provide higher education opportunities for underprivileged students

Main Projects / Activities

Hebron University offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in an array of programs, including the arts and sciences, religious law, education, agriculture, nursing, and finance. In addition, we maintain agricultural and scientific research facilities, run a model school, operate a Media Center and radio station, and provide opportunities for continuing education and vocational training to the community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nimer Abuzahra
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nabil Al-Jabari, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Hekmat Bessiso

National Network

Ramallah, Old City
Territoires palestiniens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

‎‏Expert Freelance Trainer in: NLP Program, Public Speaking, Healing, Active Learning Activests in Mental Health Awareness

Mission and Objectives

Expert Trainer in: NLP Program, Public Speaking, Healing, Active Learning Activests in Mental Health Awareness

Main Projects / Activities

Expert Trainer in: NLP Program, Public Speaking, Healing, Active Learning Activests in Mental Health Awareness

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Provide training in the subjects: NLP Program, Public Speaking, Healing, Active Learning

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There is many ressones: Expanding my knowledge Increases business connections Develop long-lasting relationships Builds trust and support Know about opportunities Stay Inspired and Stay Motivated

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Hekmat Kamal Bessiso
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hekmat Bessiso

Hemaya Center For Human Rights

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Hemaya Center for Human Rights ''HCHR'' is a Non-Governmental Organization based in Gaza City. The Centre was established in 2002 at license number (5631350780/2002) by a group of Palestinian lawyers and Palestinian human rights activists. There are 6 persons work in the Center.There are six Units in the Center ( legal unit- woman and child unit- Training and Development Unit-Field research unit-Legal Consulting Unit- Unit of Public and International Relations) A budget sources donations from some lawyers and those interested in human rights: About the modalities of action ,We make training Projects for the graduates with some training institutions.Through these programs We take graduates to train in our center acertain period.We do workshops - Courses in democracy and human rights- seminars-We monitor and document human rights violations
Mission and Objectives

HCHR seeks to protect and defend the Palestinian rights through raising awareness, education, training and mobilizing public opinion. It works to develop local laws performance and pressurize official bodies to get such principles adopted. HCHR legally supervises the performance of local authorities.

Main Projects / Activities

HCHR holds a responsibility to be more efficient and effective in promoting the role of law in the Palestinian society. It exerts every effort to get the trust of the public opinion and trust of relevant institutions involved in the field of protection of the Palestinian rights. It also defends local laws and rights of Palestinian people against Israeli occupation and hostility targeting Palestinians in OPT.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can do many activities and actors which target a large segment of society, especially lawyers, social activists , considering that our center featuring a different group of young lawyers, women and men, as we have trained a lot of students and social activists.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that our core objective is highly relevant to your work focus
area and we are interested in extending our work network to work with your respectful Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Barakat
Head of the organisation
Dr.Mohammed Alnahal

Hewar Childhood Center

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونيةبعد الاطل
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Hewar center under I.D ( NA 793- CU ) by The Ministry Of Interior we make election every 2 years the number of center member is 35 the number of administrative board is 7 (men and woman ) through our project we have 18 institution in 6 city in west bank

Mission and Objectives

1- Exchanging the points of views between children . 2- To support democracy in cooperation with parents , school and children and self -confidence for children . 3- To support women in taking part in the social work specially with children . 4- Sharing children who have special needs . 5- Developing children skills . 6- To study poor children states and helping them as possible we can .

Main Projects / Activities

1-development cultural and political program in Nablus city with sci fund by Catalonian agency 2-parliamentary project with sci fund by Catalnian agency and Barcelona youth council . 3- media program with sci fund by youth Secretarial – Barcelona . 4-development cultural and political program in west bank 2008 -2011 .( 18 partner , 3 year , beneficiaries 92 center around west bank m workshop open day cinema form summer camp voluntary activities , communication group , community day ) jafra foloklore band scout band Supporting education Psychological Supporting Program footballer school Handcrafts courses. taekwondo courses library activities computer courses summer camp open day cinema form Speech therapy program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

to implement activities and courses with other institution , to exchange the experience with other

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to have a new relationship with other institution and to implement anew project with cooperation of the institution

Contact (1) Full Name
Nayef Abu Kishik
Head of the organisation
Nayef Abu Kishik
Contact (2) Full Name
Fadi Zamer

HEWAR for Peace & Development

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1- Non-profit, non-governmental organization 2-The Center has its own independent financial budget.and it recieved the fund from international funds 3-The board of directors officially represents the Center under a clear, visible hierarchy. 4- Beneficiaries of the Center: women, university students, institution alumnus, Palestinian youth, the rural community in particular and overall Palestinian society in general.
Mission and Objectives

1-To entrench the principle of dialogue as an approach to societal growth and a base for development
2-To achieve rural development in culture, social and economic fields.
3-To launch programs that establishes the principle of dialogue in local Palestinian communities and encourages dialogue with other societies specialy Israeli community in a way that serves development, stability and peace in the region.
4-To activating very well the woman role .

Main Projects / Activities

The workshops and activities are mainly in the topics of democracy, empowerment, leadership, facilitation, conflict resolution and dialogue skills, future activities
• extended activities between 1993 to 2004 under the name of the Palestinian peace movement, and included :
- qualifying and training university students
- rehabilitation counselors and psychologists instructors from the schools of the West Bank and Gaza Strip
- the activities and workshops with many Israeli institutions and included many areas
- activities and workshops in the area of cultural development for groups of women, youth and children
• In 2004, after obtaining the status of a dialogue for development and peace legal authorization by the Ministry of the Interior Palestinian Center's work in several fields :
-development of women
-child development
-retraining professionals and academics
-open dialogue with segments of Israeli society is peace-loving
-qualifying and training university students
• Examples of projects implemented by the Center :
draft Comparative Literature-2004 \ 2005 (Israeli-Palestinian)
- Draft create young leaders of Palestinian university students in 2005
-Draft agents of change in partnership with the School of peace in an oasis of peace for a year (2006) in the segments of teachers, journalists, social service and mental health professionals, and doctors from both sides.
- Preparation Facilitators for the crew encounters
- draft peace has been implemented in Germany with Palestinian children And
children of different nationalities
Draft advocates for change in partnership with the School for peace in an oasis of peace for a year (2007-2008-2009) in the segments of lawyers , engineers , planners cities and mental health groups
-many of the other projects and various workshops.
Note: sorry the website will be ready soon.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Joudeh
Head of the organisation
Abdel-karim Shamasneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Shbaita

High level policy insight Foe/ALF

High level policy insight Foe/ALF

Kindly find the invitation to an online debate organised by the Friends of Europe in cooperation with the Anna Lindh Foundation.

We would appreciate if you can disseminate the below invitation and the attached programme to the members of your Network.

Members should have the relevant profile to be able to engage and benefit from this debate. They can be students, teachers and educators and they all should be able to talk about how the covid 19 has impacted the intercultural education

It is important to highlight that they have to be able to communicate well-verbally-in English to be able to follow and engage with the debate.

The invitation is extended to you to participate in the debate if your calendar allows it. As mentioned above, the debate will take place fully in English.


Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence HCIE

National Network

Territoires palestiniens

+972 2 282 0016
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information
THE HIGHER COUNCIL FOR INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE (HCIE) the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has established HCIE since 2013 the forty five member board of directors represents almost all innovation stakeholders and institutions present in West Bank, Gaza and the Diaspora.  
Mission and Objectives

The HCIE has strategic goals of disseminating and entrenching a culture of innovation and excellence among the Palestinian people, strengthening the governance of national innovation system, effectively representing Palestine in regional and international organizations and institutions that work in innovation, building up effective communication channels with the Palestinian competencies in the Diaspora, and working with the relevant national institutions to identify the national priorities in the field of innovation and excellence.

Main Projects / Activities

Through the council’s strategic partnerships with the Palestinian universities and research institutions, numerous joint initiatives have been started to boost research in areas of national priority, such as energy, nanotechnology, medicine, agriculture and entrepreneurship. Moreover, the council endeavors to build linkages between the academic, research sector and the industrial and business sectors.
The establishment of the Palestinian Incubator for Energy (PIE), in partnership with Jerusalem District Electrical Company.  Its objectives include supporting entrepreneurs through the early stages of business development, stimulating innovation and new initiatives in energy technology, encouraging investment in the energy technology sector and the creation of new jobs.
The council in the year 2015 conducted the first innovators forum, where selected Palestinians and Palestinian friends entrepreneurs from Palestine, the Diaspora and all over the world, will be invited to present and show their success stories. Its objectives were to motivate Palestinians especially youths by exposing them to these success stories and to encourage the participant entrepreneurs to invest in Palestine. Hundreds of projects introduced to the forum, tens of them received succeed had a seed fund and incubation just started in cooperation with private sector.
As an official body responsible for building, organizing and supporting the innovation ecosystem, a coordination workshop with the national institutions involved in innovation, such as, incubators, accelerators and centers of excellence for the purpose of organizing this sector, providing them with the needed support and creating the essential coordination among the different parties on one hand and among these parties and the council on the other hand.
Memberships, memorandums of understanding or coordination meetings with the following regional and international organizations: Arab Council for the Gifted & Talented (ACGT), International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology (MILSET), Arab Robotics Association (ARA), World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC), Arab Innovation Network (AIN) , the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), World Bank, the Korean agency for international cooperation, Global Communities (formerly CHF International), the Indian and Chinese representatives in Palestine. And recently with THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKEY (TUBITAK).
Funding and providing incubation for innovative projects: about hundred of projects have been received directly through the council. After appropriate evaluation by the evaluation committee, about twenty successful projects were selected. Some of them were financed, others were accepted for incubation (energy-related projects) and the rest were provided with the necessary networking and linkage with the relevant institutions.
The council has started coordinating with the concerned parties including governmental institutions, academia, and private sector and innovation institutions for the purpose of formulating a national innovation strategy. Moreover, the council has addressed the minister’s council requesting the inclusion of innovation in the sectorial strategies of the individual ministries

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mainly, we have a database for more than 2000 innovative projects and innovators almost are youth. Also we established the Palestinian innovator network with a selective board, the chief of the board participated in the HCIE board meetings

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Invest in initiatives you have to support innovators and the innovation ecosystem in Palestine and other partners vice versa

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Qalalwa
Job Title
Director General for International Cooperation
Head of the organisation
Eng. Adnan Samara