
General Union of Youth Entities

National Network
+972 8 2846 162
+972 8 2846 162
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 599 993 308
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 599 450 094
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The General Union of Youth Entities (GUYE) is a consortium of 24 youth organizations and initiatives was founded in Gaza in 2010 as an initiative of youth organizations in Gaza that aims to develop the youth capabilities and to protect their rights and to advocate on behalf of youth communities in Gaza; The GUYE works towards youth empowerment in social, political, and cultural aspects to be able to contribute to the country future development based on social justice. The GUYE budget this year is 450,000 $, where it's expected to be increased numerously. The GUYE so far has conducted a youth initiative of agricultural land reclamation through creating job opportunities for youth in the Gaza South Region.
Mission and Objectives

The GUYE mission is to develop and strengthen youth's capabilities in Palestine.
The GUYE objectives are:
1) Strengthening youth's capabilities;
2) Activating youth groups towards involvement in general contexts.
3) Supporting youth initiatives towards addressing their needs and concerns.
4) Enhancing youth exchanges at the international level.

Main Projects / Activities

The GUYE has the following activities:
1) Advocacy and campaigning about youth interests and concerns;
2) Job creation projects;
3) Youth leadership training and guidance;
4) Supporting youth initiatives in the socio-economic aspect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nael alMaqadmeh
Head of the organisation
Nael alMaqadmeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Abu alQompoz

German Development Service - Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst DED - Palestinian Territory

National Network
+972-(0)2-240 3462
Telephone (other)
+972-(0)2-240 3463
+972-(0)2-240 3464
Mobile Phone
+972-(0)54 76 18 467
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The German Development Service (DED) is one of the leading European development services for personnel cooperation. Since its foundation in 1963, more than 15,000 DED experts have committed themselves to improving the living conditions of people in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Almost 1,000 DED experts and 400 local staff are currently working in 45 countries.
Mission and Objectives

The main duties of the DED are:
DED places development workers at the request of governmental and nongovernmental organisations in its partner countries and on the basis of framework agreements with the respective governments. These development workers are professionally experienced and socially committed specialists who engage mainly in training, advisory capacity and planning tasks.
DED supports local civil organizations and municipal structures by providing specialist advice, if required supplemented by finacial support. By increasing promotion of local skilled staff DED fosters capacity building for a self-determined development.
DED promotes understanding for the situation of people in developing countries among the German public and draws attention to questions concerning the common interests and problems of the One World.

Main Projects / Activities

Various Development Interventions in the Westbank focusing on:
-Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste
-Sustainable Economic Development
-Promotion of the Civil Society and Municipal Development
-Civil Peace Service

Contact (1) Full Name
Jesco Weickert, Civil Society Advisor
Head of the organisation
Rudolf Rogg, Country Director

Ghorbet lagee organization for society development

National Network

Dehiesha refugee camp
Alquds-hebron street
Bethlehem city
Territoires palestiniens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Ghorbet Lagee Organization was established to revive the Palestinian's culture, to maintain it, and to rise with it. 30 memebers are in the board, 7 of them are empoyed to work voluntary, 2000 dollars our budget in the last 2 years, our fund sources are Intelligence Minister and the groups performances. We have dance projects.
Mission and Objectives

To build an artistic Palestinian body, where its members gather to share efforts and ideas to represent our cultural and national concepts and to show the public most of our performances as possible as we can.
Raising awareness among women in the camp to obtain healthy life style for the families and to develop capabilities of the children and youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Dance projects
Teaching folklore dance for children
English classes
Painting classes
Zaffa project
Musical band

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ghorbet Lagee Organization for Society Development for women, youth and children, established as a non-profit organization in Deheisha Refugee Camp, Bethlehem City. Ghorbet Lagee is initiative by Palestinian refugees who are struggling to end the injustice of their continued forced displacement. Ghorbet Lagee is using every opportunity to improve the educational services for children and women in Deheisha Refugee Camp as well as promote self-help, responsible leadership and creativity among our participants and volunteers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ghorbet Lagee wants to expand raising awareness to larger geographic areas in all the plaeces we can reached specially villages and other camps.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud yacoub Mahmoud Swaitti
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Ghada Yacoub


National Network

: Headquarter / Ramallah 3nd floor/El-Ayyam Buld./ El-Ayyam Street, Betoniya- Palestine
Gaza Branch: Ground floor/ Hajji Building- Haboosh St./ Alrimal- Gaza
Territoires palestiniens

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
597-080-068 00970
Mobile Phone (other)
599-426-555 00970
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Give Palestine is a non-profit, non-governmental, and un-partisan institution, that was established in 2013 by merging Gaza Efforts – 2003 (which was called Give Gaza) and Give Palestine – 2010 to become the only charitable and national institution that operates in the rural areas of Gaza strip, West Bank and Jerusalem district on the path of the Israeli settlements and the separation wall. Give Palestine consist of 11 staff members, Our budget for last year 2015 was $ 406,221 , the sources of funding for give Palestine are local , Arabic and international donors such as ( Bank of Palestine, Paltel group,UNDP,Caritas, Islamic cooperation fund, Opec fund,etc.).The main interventions of the association are development projects in many sectors such as ( Cultural , relief , scholarships ,etc.)

Mission and Objectives

Mission Creating and developing new strategy taking into account the needs and experiences of the targeted groups including women and children, to contribute to helping them building a bright future, through adopting purposeful and constructive programs. Thus, building the ability of the Palestinian society to improve its own living conditions. In addition to create networking policy to reach all sectors and groups of society. Goals To rehabilitate Palestinian children psychologically, socially and culturally. Helping and empowering poor Palestinian families. Empowering and building capacities of the Palestinian youth including volunteers. Achieving a fruitful and constructive networking with the Palestinian NGOs to activate institutional integration between civil society institutions. ‏Main Projects / Activities ‏* Cultural program: Establishing and maintaining ideal libraries for children Improving and following up existing children libraries Encouraging Reading Campaigns Theater bands, Gazelle Family and Mama Kareemeh Family Relief  program: Providing poor families and orphans with food baskets in the case of wars and disasters, especially during the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the Palestinian camps and villages. Providing blankets and mattresses. Providing First-aid equipment. Providing meals for poor and affected families, and orphans who were displaced by force. Providing stoves for cooking. Providing lighting units. Providing baby milk. Organizing free medical days for poor people and orphans, affected by disasters and Israeli aggression. Main Projects: 1- Solar energy projects for needy families in bordren areas in Gaza strip , funded by Chinese representative in Palestine. 2- Establishing model libraries in Gaza strip , funded by Opec fund. 3- Establishing model libraries in Jerusalem , funded by Australian representative in Palestine

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural program: Establishing and maintaining ideal libraries for children Improving and following up existing children libraries Encouraging Reading Campaigns Theater bands, Gazelle Family and Mama Kareemeh Family Relief  program: Providing poor families and orphans with food baskets in the case of wars and disasters, especially during the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the Palestinian camps and villages. Providing blankets and mattresses. Providing First-aid equipment. Providing meals for poor and affected families, and orphans who were displaced by force. Providing stoves for cooking. Providing lighting units. Providing baby milk. Organizing free medical days for poor people and orphans, affected by disasters and Israeli aggression. Main Projects: 1- Solar energy projects for needy families in bordren areas in Gaza strip , funded by Chinese representative in Palestine. 2- Establishing model libraries in Gaza strip , funded by Opec fund. 3- Establishing model libraries in Jerusalem , funded by Australian representative in Palestine

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Give Palestine association will try to be an active member in your network through working closely with ALF partners and participating in its activities in Palestine , in addition to raise awareness about hot cultural topics in Palestine

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Based on its vision that concentrate on creating a cultural and social environment that leads to build the coming generations’ capacities on clear national bases , Give Palestine look for expanding its programs and activities in collaboration with foreign partners to benefit from their experiences and try to participate in cultural exchange programs and study tours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raja Abu ghazaleh Shaath
Job Title
Head of the organisation
: Raja Abu ghazaleh Shaath
Contact (2) Full Name
Najwa Khouri‎
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Give Palestine Association

National Network

Betounia – El. Ayyam St. / El. Ayyam Building / 3rd floor.
Palestine – Gaza – Al Remal area, Ahmed Abdul Aziz St., Shurrab building, 3nd floor
Headquarter/ Palestine -Ramallah:
Territoires palestiniens

+970 2 2988328
+970 2 2988327
Mobile Phone
+972 522588972
Mobile Phone (other)
+970 597080068
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

- Sustainable Development Program  Empowerment  Vocational training  Solar Power -Cultural program  Establishing and maintaining model libraries for children  Encouraging Reading Campaigns  Theater bands, Gazelle Family and Mama Kareemeh Family  Read and listen App.

Mission and Objectives

Developing the capacities of young volunteers and promoting giving values Effective networking with Palestinian institutions and achieving sustainable partnerships.  Promoting reading as a comprehensive community value. Building capacities of marginalized groups and integrating them into the labor market.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Raja Abu Ghazalah
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Raja Abu Ghazalah

Give Palestine Association "GPA"

National Network

Headquarter / Ramallah 3rd floor/El-Ayyam Buld./ El-Ayyam Street, Betoniya- Palestine
Gaza Branch: Ground floor/ Hijji Building- Haboosh St./ Al.Rimal- Gaza
Territoires palestiniens

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Palestinian national NGO, established in 2010. It is a continuation  of Give Gaza, which was founded in 2003. The Association covers  all the Palestinian areas in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and  Jerusalem. And it works in a partnership with the private sector  and has implemented many innovative projects since its  establishment focusing on  relief, cultural empowerment,  vocational training and sustainable development, to enhance and  promote social, economic, environmental and cultural justice in  Palestine. 
Mission and Objectives

A Palestinian community based on sustainable development, in a 
possible and fair social, economic and cultural environment. 
A comprehensive developing system for all members of the 
community that enables the Palestinian citizen to obtain social, 
economic, environmental and cultural rights fairly.

Main Projects / Activities

* Sustainable 
development "economic, social 
* Children and youth cultural empowerment. 
Respect of human, social, economic and cultural rights 
* Comprehensive care for orphans and the poor. 
Community solidarity. 
Sub-objectives of the Association: 
• Developing the capacities of young volunteers and 
promoting giving values 
Effective networking with Palestinian institutions and 
achieving sustainable partnerships. 
Promoting reading as a comprehensive community value. 
Building capacities of marginalized groups and integrating 
them into the labor market.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Give Palestine association will try to be an active member in your network through working closely with ALF partners and participating in its activities in Palestine , in addition to raising awareness about important cultural topics in Palestine

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Based on its vision that concentrate on creating a cultural and social environment that leads to build the coming generations’ capacities on clear national bases , Give Palestine looks for expanding its programs and activities in collaboration with foreign partners to benefit from their experiences and try to participate in cultural exchange programs and study tours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raja Abu ghazaleh Shaath
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Ramallah & Gaza

Global Help Initiative for Palestine ''HI''

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We are a group of educated youths live inside the suffer of Palestinian people within the refugee camps strive to empower our quality of life. We seek to help the Palestinian to hold the grip of the life. We try our best in order to remove some of the hardship cases that Palestinian live. Now a days we are at our beginning, trying to regroup our abilities and power for better Palestine. Among the other working association here in Palestine, HI tries to find a place to itself by the good reputation and credibility it seeks. Thus, trust is highly important concept to us. HI members are seen as respected and valued persons in their areas. The members have the spirit of helping and giving others. As a start, we are still an initiative, but we have the great ambition to be widely well-known help association. We have around 45 volunteers at the moment in Gaza strip. We have fundraisers from USA, Canada, Japan, France, Spain, Norway, UK and Libya WHO is behind HI? Individual, Local and International associations which support to bring a bright life for Palestinians. HI has a combination of people committed to serve their societies. HI works far from factional and political problems. It's an independent organization that aims at serving equally all Palestinians. Partners: ISM-France Palestinian Youth Network PYN Human Relief Foundation Save Human
Mission and Objectives

Our vision
We aspire to enhance the Palestinian social and cultural living situation for better Palestine
Our mission
Our initiative is global by a group of Palestinian youths seeks to develop the current Palestinian situation via the financial and moral support . This support comes out through individuals, societies, and those who sympathize with Palestinian issue .
1-Integrate youths in all levels locally and globally to bridge the cultural gaps
2-Helping the Palestinian people in their different healthy sides
3-Create job programs to youths in order to match the stability of the region
4-Participate in reinforcement of small business projects in order to enhance the country economical and intellectual levels
5-Help the needy families

Main Projects / Activities

We honored within a party the members of the European Parliament who came to the Gaza strip on Dignity Ship to break the siege. We grant dignity medal to the solidarities who were about 24 person.
1- October 19, 2008, ISM-France launched a global call "Help us to break the siege of Gaza!" to break the siege on Gaza by asking for a financial helps to HI in order to help needy families.
2- We started to produce a permanent program '' Help to make a difference in the lives of in need families that suffer
3- Disposing a campaign by the help of ''Smile of Hope'' to help sick children smile and not complain about other thinks, which was conducted by the caricaturist '' Abonoon '' , who is a member in HI by bringing financial support to buy gifts and presents to sick children and visit them at December 18, 2008 with Ewa Jasiewicz (Ewa Jasiewicz is a writer, journalist, human rights activist and union organiser. She is currently in Gaza as a volunteer organiser with the Free Gaza Movement.) .to decrease their suffering.
4- Opening a flying campaign '' Gaza Relief '' to save Gaza after the last war and we still give money and food packages to 30 family in many regions in the strip, special those in the middle of Gaza.
5- Receiving the British lifeline convoy to Gaza ( Viva Palestina)
6-30/3-6/4/2009 we are preparing a caricature exhibition in Spain, under vision Abonoon ( an artist in HI ) in cooperation with Palestinian Youth Network (PYN).
7-Attempting to get more support in order to establish a unique broadcasting station for children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Hamza Eltawil - Chairman, Amr Hassouna,

Global Shapers Community- Gaza hub

National Network

غزة- شارع القنال، عمارة دلول
Territoires palestiniens

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Global Shapers Community is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. An Initiative of the World Economic Forum
Mission and Objectives

The Global Shapers Community is:
—united by a common desire to channel the members’ tremendous energy and enthusiasm into building a more peaceful and inclusive world.
—diverse in demographics, geographical areas, social backgrounds and sectors
The Global Shapers Community
—provides youth with a global platform to shape the future, integrating the personal, community and global dimension.
—catalyses and enhances, individually and collectively, fresh ideas and entrepreneurial solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
—Provides the shapers with the opportunity to get involved in crossmentoring with the communities of the World Economic Forum

Main Projects / Activities

—Local Hubs are established in major cities around the world
—Joining the Global Shapers Community begins by joining a local hub. Local hubs are committed to local impact and are designed to be local in focus, activity and governance.
—Local Hubs interact and collaborate across borders on global or regional projects, to gain insight and impact the global dimension
—Hubs will provide Shapers with the opportunity to actively develop and contribute to initiatives which focus on future-oriented challenges that this community is uniquely positioned to address
—The local hub must remain impartial and independent and therefore cannot be formed on any political, cultural, racial or religious basis

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 Because we seek to help 
between 20 and 30 years of age at the time of nomination
—from all walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds
—highly committed to developing their leadership potential towards serving society
—adhering to the highest standards of moral and intellectual integrity
—possessing unique qualities that set them distinctly apart from the mainstream
—entrepreneurial track record, having already initiated and delivered a major project or founded a company or organization, exceptionally contributing to serving society at large
—ready to deeply engage in the community, reinforcing its mission and objectives and supporting fellow shapers in their individual and professional development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope we can make a cooperation between our hub and your Network since we seek to help the Palestinian society to lead it for evolution and development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousri A Y Alghoul
Job Title
Founding Curator
Head of the organisation
Yousri Alghoul
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Abu Alqumboz
Job Title (2)
Deputy curator

Global Shapers Community- Gaza hub - مكرر

National Network

غزة- شارع القنال، عمارة دلول
Territoires palestiniens

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Global Shapers Community is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. An Initiative of the World Economic Forum
Mission and Objectives

The Global Shapers Community is:
—united by a common desire to channel the members’ tremendous energy and enthusiasm into building a more peaceful and inclusive world.
—diverse in demographics, geographical areas, social backgrounds and sectors
The Global Shapers Community
—provides youth with a global platform to shape the future, integrating the personal, community and global dimension.
—catalyses and enhances, individually and collectively, fresh ideas and entrepreneurial solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
—Provides the shapers with the opportunity to get involved in crossmentoring with the communities of the World Economic Forum

Main Projects / Activities

—Local Hubs are established in major cities around the world
—Joining the Global Shapers Community begins by joining a local hub. Local hubs are committed to local impact and are designed to be local in focus, activity and governance.
—Local Hubs interact and collaborate across borders on global or regional projects, to gain insight and impact the global dimension
—Hubs will provide Shapers with the opportunity to actively develop and contribute to initiatives which focus on future-oriented challenges that this community is uniquely positioned to address
—The local hub must remain impartial and independent and therefore cannot be formed on any political, cultural, racial or religious basis

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 Because we seek to help 
between 20 and 30 years of age at the time of nomination
—from all walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds
—highly committed to developing their leadership potential towards serving society
—adhering to the highest standards of moral and intellectual integrity
—possessing unique qualities that set them distinctly apart from the mainstream
—entrepreneurial track record, having already initiated and delivered a major project or founded a company or organization, exceptionally contributing to serving society at large
—ready to deeply engage in the community, reinforcing its mission and objectives and supporting fellow shapers in their individual and professional development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope we can make a cooperation between our hub and your Network since we seek to help the Palestinian society to lead it for evolution and development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousri A Y Alghoul
Job Title
Founding Curator
Head of the organisation
Yousri Alghoul
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Abu Alqumboz
Job Title (2)
Deputy curator

Globalized Citizenship

Intro Are you an independent thinker who is capable of leading a meaningful life, making sound choices and decisions, capable of working in teams, and who can respond creatively to a variety of challenges in your environment? Are you a...