
sidi ifni debates club

National Network

85200 sidi ifni

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
we are seven people, we walk club, whith us involved most of them are studying at the secondary education. 1000dh per year of the municipality how to work: seminars, training courses, scholarlarships  
Mission and Objectives

continuity in giving information and taking it, devloping our work. delivering this art and knowledge of its technique more

Main Projects / Activities

the art of debate

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

share informations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i want to benefit , and to devlop from myself , and to provide information to people around me.

Contact (1) Full Name
maryem bouhir
Job Title
sidi ifni
Head of the organisation
maryem bouhir


National Network

Faculté des sciences, annexe des orangers, salle 32 Rabat

06 64 92 74 21
Telephone (other)
06 68 81 78 57
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
L’équipe SIFE Faculté des Sciences de Rabat (SIFE FSR) a été créée le 19 Octobre 2009 avec l’initiative de 7 membres fondateurs et l’accord de M. Le doyen de la faculté des Sciences de Rabat. Après des actions réussies, les leaders de l’équipe ont décidé de fonder l’association SIFE FSR. LE 22 janvier 2011 s’est tenue l’assemblée générale constitutive et le dossier de constitution est déposé chez les autorités locales depuis le 22 Mars 2011. A SIFE FSR, ils sont plus de 150 membres à travailler volontairement sur 9 projets socioéconomiques.
Mission and Objectives

Nous voulons être la référence des jeunes citoyens leviers du développement durable. Notre but ultime est de contribuer à l'amélioration de la qualité de vie d'individus en situation précaire par le renforcement des capacités, l'accompagnement et la sensibilisation. les bénéficiaires de nos projets actuels sont variés: Des coopératives, des lycéens, des mères d'enfants handicapés...

Main Projects / Activities

Nous intervenons sur différents volets: la création des AGR, l'accompagnement et l'encadrement pour les coopératives afin de mieux gérer et de gagner plus, des programmes de formation pour prévenir les comportements à risque chez les élèves des lycées et collèges, L'amélioration de l'infrastructure d'un orphelinat à salé ( au Maroc), désenclavement numérique d'une région du moyen atlas au maroc

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La FAL offre des outils d’aide et de ressource très intéressantes aux ONG et à la société civile. Cela nous permettra d'entrer en contact avec les partenaires et les organisations de la société civile du réseau. on voudrait aussi poser une candidature pour l’un des programmes de subvention du réseau.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

ADE ENCGT.ancienne route de l'aeroport. BP 1255

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Club composé de 30 personnes. Ressources budgétaires 6000 DH.; Sources de financement:cotisations des membres,activités génératrices de fonds, sponsoring. Nous réalisons des projets générateurs de revenus pour les populations défavorisées.
Mission and Objectives

Accompagnement des populations défavorisées à lancer et développer des activités génératrices de revenus durables,visant à améliorer leur situation socio-économique.

Main Projects / Activities

Projet "Women Power" qui vise à accompagner des femmes artisanes à développer leur activité de tissage traditionnel par la commercialisation de leurs produits via e-commerce. et Projet "Tingiservices" qui consiste en la création d'une coopérative des hommes de métiers d'entretiens et réparation qui offrent des services destinés aux particuliers et aux entreprises.

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name

Social Center For Development and Cooperation

National Network

N19 Bloc G5 Extension Dakhla Agadir Maroc
80002 Agadir

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Social Center For Development and Cooperation. Organizational structure: 5 officers (including 3 women and 2 men) in the Social Centre there are 65 people worked in the center. Budgetary in 5 years: 144 897,27 EURO Projects in the process of completion : - Literacy program (2015-2016): 18 351,10 EURO - Post-Literacy -program (2015-2016): 9 212,41 EURO - Literacy -program Tamazight (2015-2016): 1 840,40 EURO - Support -The effectiveness of the youth program (2015-2016): 1 840,40 EURO - nonformal -Education for the Children of immigrants and refugees (2015-2016): 2 761,10 EURO - Program to encourage women to participate in the election program (2015-2016): 9 844,25 EURO Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: -  Minister of Youth and Sports. -  Ministry of the Interior. -  The Ministry of Education delegation Agadir. -  National Mutual. -  Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture.  - Minister in charge of Moroccans living abroad and the Migration Affairs. -  Ministry Of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment.      

Mission and Objectives

- Contribute to the improvement of the social and legal status of women and to supporting economic and development initiatives. - Publication of human rights, democracy and good governance and the expansion of its field between different categories of values of the Moroccan society. - respect the values of citizenship, and spread the culture of peace. - Creation of income-generating projects for migrants. - The fight against illiteracy and literal rehabilitation. - Promotion of culture and foreign languages. - Facilitate immigrant access to social services. - integration of migrants in social-economic and cultural - Reception, advice and guidance for migrants. - Valuation of environmental resources and conservation.

Main Projects / Activities

- Literacy program. - Post-Literacy -program. - Literacy -program Tamazight. - Post-literacy rehabilitation program. - Support -The effectiveness of the youth program. - nonformal -Education for the Children of immigrants and refugees. - Program to encourage women to participate in the election program.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

first of all i would like to thanks Anna Lindh Foundation for the efforts that she makes in all over the world in many activities and projects, i want to join the ALF Network for more benefits and exchanges like; ideas, projects and formations because they will be as a reference for us in our country.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Lassri
Job Title
Responsible of communication
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Ezzaoihir

Social Center for Development and Cooperation

National Network

Number 19 Bloc G5 Extension Dakhla
80060 Agadir

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The social center for development and cooperation is an association of Moroccan law created in 2008, the majority of its programs have been agreed by the publics ministries and its current funds are managing costs to the programs contracted by conventions, Only the grants of Entraide Nationale and the territorial communitie that are available to us annualy , the team of work consists of about ten people which 4 volunteers are active. Our concrete projects range from the struggle against literacy to the empowerment of women and the importance of immigration at the last international forum for youth and immigration.
Mission and Objectives

Social development :
Help the most marginalized groups in society;
Defend human rights in education fieled;
Ensure a modest socio-economic situation for marginalized groups by permitting to them profetionnal training to facilitate the integration in society.

Main Projects / Activities

Program of skills reinforcement for young people
Program of skills reinforcement for women in the rural world
Program to fight illiteracy in the countryside
International Forum for Immigration and Youth
Program to promote the political participation of women

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The center is a network made up of 14 associations and also confedereations, on integrating your honorable entity in the name of all participants in CSDC network we would make an extension of our activity by promoting it at your ALF Network in the national level and why not in the international level and also benefit from the calls for projects and the training that we propose and those proposing by your esteemed entity, you will always be aware of our activities by accepting our admission to your network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Ezzaoihir

SONAA EL AMAL pour le développement humain

National Network

Dar Chabab Massira 2- Temarra - Morocco

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Sonaa el Amal pour le développement humain est une association créée en 2007 par un groupe des jeunes motivés et plein d'enthousiasme et de vivacité, dont l'objectif est de participer à l'amélioration des conditions de vie des citoyens notamment les jeunes. l'association est pilotée par un bureau composé de 5 personnes, alors que le nombre d'adhérents est de 40 personnes. L'association a signé des partenariats avec des délégations de ministères: ministère de l'éducation nationale, ministère de la santé et des associations régionales et nationales....le budget de l'association pour l'exercice 2012 était de 240 000,00 dh, jusqu’à présent la principale source de financement demeure les apports des adhérents et bienfaiteurs. Dans son action, l'association travaille avec des projets, organise des formations et des rencontres.
Mission and Objectives

* engagement dans les grands chantiers lancés par l'Etat notamment l'initiative du développement humain.
* encadrement des jeunes.
* participation à la sensibilisation des élèves et étudiants des dangers qui les encourent
* participation à l'amélioration des conditions de vie des jeunes humiliés

Main Projects / Activities

- campagne au sein des écoles et collèges de sensibilisation des dangers du tabagisme et de la drogue
- campagne de sensibilisation sous le thème de la citoyenneté et les droits et obligations d'un bon citoyen
- formations des membres et adhérents
- journée au profit des enfants malades et orphelins
- journée

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- organiser de grands projets à l’échelle nationale
- organiser des formations encadrées par des professionnels

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- appartenir à un réseau de renommée internationale, un réseau de professionnels et de spécialistes.
- bénéficier des formations et séminaires organisés par le réseau
- Echange d'expérience

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation


National Network

25 Place Amrah La Kasbah
90000 Tanger

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Association marocaine / pas de salarié / un collectif de 10 personnes bénévoles. Ressources budgétaires pour l'événement (tous les 2 ans) : mécénat Entreprises privées / Fondations / Structures instittutionnelles / Partenariats artistiques... Ambassade de France, Institut Français de Tanger, Fondation Majorelle, Fondation Tanger Med, Conseil Régional, Agence du Développement et de la Promotion... Un événement : parcours artistique ETRE ICI / 5ème édition / 10 ans / principe : ouvrir des lieux partrimoniaux en les faisant revivre au travers d'une scène artistique plurisdiciplianaire contemporaine / 3 000 personnes pour chaque édition / 20 lieux ouverts et près de 200 artistes sur 4 éditions

Mission and Objectives

Sortir la culture de son cadre formelle pour une plus grande accesibilité et atteindre un large public. Echange / Proximité Action fédératrice avec lesdifférents acteurs culturels

Main Projects / Activities

Un événement devenu pérenne aujourd'hui attendu car inscrit dans le paysage culturel au Maroc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Réseau avec acteurs culturels au Maroc / Partenariat France / Espagne... Puissance de communication avec dispositif Print / Presse / Pub

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Montée en puissance avec partenaires

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Chaplain
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anne Chaplain

Successful Management Consulting

National Network

City Tower, 21 Rue Bapaume
23110 Casablanca

+212 (0) 661 569 783
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Successful Management Consulting LLC is a private management consultancy that provides support to government agencies, private sector and civil society organizations within the MEA (Middle-East Africa) region.
The solutions we provide our partners with take into account all the subtle differences of their countries, for they are engineered in the region for the region to better serve its needs.
Thanks to both our staff of partner consultants, we have performed one-on-one interventions including basic/primary education in remote areas, territorial development projects, seminars and training sessions for the management staff of both civil and professional associations (leadership, internal and external communications, lobbying, as well as employability boosting actions for young university alumni.

Mission and Objectives

- To improve performance standards of public and private service delivery in the Middle East and African countries.
- To enhance Entrepreneurship development within the youngester community
- To encourage young girls' schooling

Main Projects / Activities

- Entrepreneurship + Soft Skills Training of Young Business Startuppers
- Helped in the launching of a small basic/primary education school aiming at schooling the young girls in remote areas of Morocco
- Capacity building workshops
- Etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Through soft skills and capacity building for young people
- Employability boosting through conversion capacity building (providing computer and coding skills for young universities alumni
- Community development
- Entrepreneurship spirit encouragement

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF is playing a crucial role in todays world thanks to its wisest top management team and also thanks to its large network. For me, to be able to get connected to the ALF network is more than interesting since will allow me to positively interact with members, exchange knowledge, share wide expertise and of course profit from the various opportunities that are available to members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed NACIRI
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Mohamed NACIRI